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History of Russia - XIV-XV centuries. Russian princes of the late 13th – early 14th centuries Report of the main events of the 14th century

After Ivan Kalita's label for the great reign more often everything ended up in the hands Moscow prince, but not necessarily. Khans from time to time passed it on to Tver, Nizhny Novgorod and others princes - to prevent one prince from becoming too strong. Until the end of the 14th century not obvious it was which of the cities and principalities would become the “oldest” - lead the process of unification.

Final the emergence of Moscow as a center for the unification of the northeastern lands is associated with name great-grandson of Ivan Kalita Dmitry Donskoy and with such an event as the Battle of Kulikovo.

Still Moscow princes were considered the most devoted Orde, and at the same time specifically Moscow the prince headed resistance. Why?

Firstly, in the Horde at this time the process began disintegration, which sooner or later attacked any medieval state, and it split by two parts. One could try to use the weakening of the Horde in order to throw off the yoke.

Secondly, it was known example ON. This is a state that united around Lithuania, but 9/10 its territories comprised the lands of the former Kievan Rus. The combined forces of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania under the command of Prince Olgerd in 1363 year in the battle on Blue Waters(a tributary of the Southern Bug) defeated the forces of the Horde, and the lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania stopped paying tribute to the Horde and freed themselves from the yoke.

Thirdly, Prince Dmitry was particularly distinguished independence. Dmitry formally became a Moscow prince after the death of his father at 9 years (1359), a boyar council headed by the metropolitan ruled for him. But already years since 15 the prince made independent political decisions. It should be noted that it rivals for superiority in Rus' - the Tver, Suzdal, Nizhny Novgorod princes were also mainly very young. This is due to plague epidemics of the 14th century. In 1353, a terrible disaster broke out in Europe: an epidemic of pneumonic plague - the Black Death. In some countries, half died up to 2/3 population. There is no exact data regarding Rus', but it is known, for example, that the city Pskov is depopulated- There are no residents left there at all. The plague spared no one, and Dmitry’s father Ivan Krasny, and grandfather - Semyon Gordy- became its victims. So from an early age, Dmitry Ivanovich had to get used to independence.

And so first in 1375 Prince of Moscow didn't recognize the Horde's decision to give the label for the Great Reign to the Tver prince. Dmitry went hike to Tver and forced the prince of Tver to recognize himself as the “eldest” by agreement. It was clear that a campaign from the Horde to Rus' was inevitable. In 1378, the Moscow army of Dmitry and the Horde, led by Murza (prince) Begich, met within the Ryazan principality on river Vozhe. Begich's detachment was defeated. This one was first victory over the forces of the Golden Horde. And it was clear that this was only rehearsal general battle.

Two years sides gathered strength. Dmitry was able to organize coalition, militias from all lands of the northeast will take part in the Battle of Kulikovo, except Novgorod, Tver and Ryazan.

The Horde forces were headed Mamai. He was not a khan, but was a regent under the young khans, and, organizing a campaign against Rus', pursued two goals

Make you obey the rules of the Horde again

Consequences of the Battle of Kulikovo

1) This 1st defeat of the main forces of the Horde . Battle of Kulikovo showed that the forces of the Golden Horde can be defeated .

However, before the real fall of the yoke remained another 100 years(Kulikovskaya - 1380, fall - 1480)

2) Kulikovskaya the battle led to the destruction of the most combat-ready part of the Russian squads . Two years later - in 1382 - the new Khan of the Horde Tokhtamysh approached Moscow. Dmitry Donskoy left to collect squad, but could not do this - there were simply no people left capable of joining the squad. Townspeople tried to defend Moscow without a prince, even for the first time in the history of Rus', guns were used - "mattresses". But it didn't help. Moscow was plundered and burned.

Battle of Kulikovo - textbook event. However, a number of circumstances remain unclear. Here one of the mysteries Battle of Kulikovo. In the Middle Ages, the commander was on the hill behind the combatants and from there directed the course of the battle. However, according to “The Tale of the Massacre of Mamayev,” Dmitry Ivanovich decided to act differently on the Kulikovo Field. He decided personally lead advanced regiment and take part in the battle. He changed into the armor of a warrior, and the young boyar put on the prince’s armor Mikhail Brenk, who was under the banner at Headquarters, imitating Prince Dmitry. Also took place exchange of horses. Military history experts expressed doubts about the possibility of such an exchange - the fact is that the armor fit perfectly to fit the figure, while possessing rigidity that did not allow the armor to change. In addition, a war horse tamed to the owner, and did not allow another warrior to approach him. If, nevertheless, this happened, it remains unclear who led the battle? (Mikhail Brenk died) (Just as doubts remain about the localization of the Kulikovo field)

Socio-economic development of Russia in XV - XVI centuries

According to generally accepted chronology XV - last century middle ages, XVI - first century of modern times.

By the end of the Middle Ages, the country, society was essentially were different from what could be observed during the times of Kievan Rus.

Changed Name countries. From the turn of the 15th-16th centuries, in official documents the country began to be called Russia. Although in oral speech the name Rus remained until the end of the 18th century.

Changed language. Since the 15th century, researchers have been talking not about the ancient language, but simply about the Russian language. This means that we could perceive the meaning of the conversation.

Society is changing.

The orders will last for more than 200 years, everything was known 80 , at the same time there were orders 50 . The most important were - ambassadorial, discharge- was in charge of collecting the noble militia by rank - the more land a nobleman had, the longer he served, local- was in charge of providing the nobles with land. From the prince’s point of view, he played an important role pharmaceutical order. He was in charge not only of making medicines for the princely family, but also checking the food, which was intended for the sovereign. Before she got to his table, she ministers tried pharmacy order.

There were also orders that controlled individual territories, they were formed if some new territory was included in the Moscow state. This will be the case in the 16th century. Astrakhan and Siberian orders.

Local The controls looked like this. The country's territory was divided on lands and volosts. They were appointed to the lands (and to large cities) boyar-governors, and in the volost Volosteli. Both of them controlled at the beginning of feedings. The governor collected tribute from the population (fed). This was payment for his management. No salaries from the center he didn't receive. Therefore, he was more interested in collecting feeding taxes than in managing the territory he was entrusted with well. Feeding, therefore, it was princely reward to the boyar for service. The nobleman received a plot of land, and the boyar received a large region to feed.

All seats in the state apparatus - both civilian and military - were filled on the principles of localism. Boyar or nobleman got a place, corresponding according to hierarchy place his ancestors. The higher the ancestors stood in the system of positions, the higher the descendants had to stand. Because job system periodically changed, it was not clear what corresponded to what, confusion, disputes and quarrels arose. There is a known case when, in the 16th century, almost Russian troops took Kazan, two governors argued over which of them should enter the city first - whose ancestors stood higher. While they were arguing, the city was recaptured, and a second assault on Kazan was required.

4) By the time of the reign of Ivan III, “Russkaya Pravda” formally continued to operate, but it absolutely did not correspond to the character of society. New legislation was required. IN 1497 year a new set of laws was published - "Code of Law". The most famous article of this document is the article about Yuryev day. The Code of Law said that peasants could change hands to another owner during the week before and the week after St. George’s Day (in November) if they had paid off their debts (and paid for the “elderly”).

Once upon a time this measure was considered the first enslaving law. However, historians have now abandoned this view. Apparently, this measure was aimed at eliminate social tension, give hope landowner peasants to the possibility of changing their position - thereby prevent possible excitement and escapes.

5) Another area in which significant changes have occurred is ideology of grand ducal power. Ivan III needed justify your rights to the role of leader of all lands Rus'. For this justification it was presented convenient occasion.

From the point of view of a medieval person, history is a change of empires. The Emperor is superior to all other rulers. There was the Roman Empire, it was replaced by the Byzantine Empire. In 1453, under the attacks of the Seljuk Turks, Byzantium ceased to exist. Last Byzantine emperor died, and his relatives found shelter in Italy at court Roman dads. And I was among them niece emperor - Sofia Paleolog. Since the emperor had no children, contemporaries understood the situation this way. That monarch Europe, who gets married on Sofya Paleolog will become successor to glory and the significance of the Byzantine Empire. That's why several at once monarchs got married to Sophia.

However, Roman dad, who actually became Sophia's guardian, hoped to give away marry her for Moscow prince IvanaIII, and even sent his envoy to distant Muscovy with a corresponding proposal. Dad's interest was to Ivan III, having received the much-desired bride at the pope’s suggestion, would have joined as a return gift to Union- an agreement on the unification of the Catholic and Orthodox churches under the leadership of the pope - such an agreement was drawn up a long time ago, but the predecessors of Ivan III did not support it.

A few years before the proposal of the Pope to Ivan III wife died - Tver princess, and he hastened to agree with the proposal. Moreover, a written document was delivered to his court on a cypress board portrait of Sophia. The whole thing ended with a wedding. Sophia arrived in Moscow not alone - but accompanied by a huge retinues, which included Greek and Italian doctors, engineers, architects, artists, and officials.

From now on ideology the grand ducal power was aims to show: Russia is the successor of Rome and Byzantium - 3rd Empire. This was expressed in the following

1 - Ivan III accepts the Byzantine symbols supreme power: coat of arms - double-headed eagle, scepter, orb, barmy(mantles)

2 - In documents they begin to call the country in the Byzantine (Greek) manner Russia- this name was first found in Greek sources back in the 10th century

3 - The center of Moscow is being rebuilt in a way that resembles Constantinople. For example, Faceted the chamber had to copy Golden Hall Byzantine emperors, in which ambassadors were received - and he shocked everyone both with his elegance and amazing mechanisms- there was a gilded roaring lion, a soaring eagle and so on. Extensive construction the work was headed by architects invited from Italy. In Italy at this time - the heyday of the era Renaissance, so the Italian masters introduced renaissance spirit into the architecture of the Moscow center. Uspensky cathedral - the main cathedral of the Kremlin - built Aristotle Fiorovanti, and the third one, this time, is brick, Kremlin- brothers Pietro and Antonio Solari.

In the second half of the 14th century, a new rise in Russian culture began. Weakened after many years of the Mongol-Tatar yoke and feudal fragmentation, the princes finally begin to unite, which leads to the strengthening of the state and becomes the impetus for a new development of culture.

Consequences of the Mongol-Tatar yoke for culture

  • Wooden architecture was almost completely lost, the development of stone architecture was suspended;
  • Many crafts have disappeared;
  • Many technologies were lost in various spheres of culture and life;
  • Chronicle writing, painting, applied art and literature fell into decline.

However, despite the invasion, Russian culture did not adopt the traditions of the Mongol-Tatars and retained its originality.

Cultural centers

Fragmentation and invasions of the Mongols led to the withering of small cultural centers, but an increasing number of artisans and other craftsmen found refuge in large principalities. Thus, the Novgorod and Pskov lands became centers of cultural revival, which managed to preserve the old heritage of Kievan Rus.

The large principalities had great strength, which made it possible to provide increasing resistance to the Mongol invaders. As a result, as the struggle intensified, cultural monuments began to appear, which became a reflection of this struggle. In addition, the consolidation of lands is planned, which also contributes to the development of crafts and arts.

The idea of ​​the unity of Rus' and the fight against invaders becomes fundamental in the culture of this period.

From the 2nd half of the 14th century, an active struggle against the invaders began; Moscow became an important center in this struggle. The unification of princes around Moscow also leads to the fact that the city becomes a cultural center.


Stone architecture, which ceased its development during the invasion, begins to revive. Active construction of temples begins. The first city that decided to restore after the Mongol-Tatar yoke was Tver, where the Church of the Transfiguration was built. Following Tver, other cities began to revive.


The desire for unity and victory over the invaders led to the active development of literature and writing. In many principalities, various documents, records and testimonies began to be compiled, telling about the stages of the fight against the Mongol-Tatars. Numerous books about campaigns, travels, battles, as well as chronicles of events began to appear.

The genre of “walking” - a description of travel - has received particular development. The most striking examples of this genre can be called the book of the merchant Afanasy Nikitin - “Walking across Three Seas” about a trip to India.


Following the start of the construction of temples, painting began to actively develop. Its own school of icon painting appears, and frescoes are actively used. Among the famous masters of that time were Theophanes the Greek and Andrei Rublev. Their brushes are responsible for numerous frescoes, icons and paintings of the most famous cathedrals of Rus'.

By the end of the 15th century, the culture of Rus' was in an unprecedented rise, all spheres of art were actively developing, and great cultural monuments were being created. The culture of Rus' finally recovered from the Mongol-Tatar invasion and embarked on the path of development and self-determination.


Serious changes took place in the socio-economic development of Rus' in the 13th and 14th centuries. After the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars in North-Eastern Rus', the economy was restored and handicraft production was revived again. There is a growth and increase in the economic importance of cities that did not play a serious role in the pre-Mongol period (Moscow, Tver, Nizhny Novgorod, Kostroma).

Fortress construction is actively developing, and the construction of stone churches is being resumed. Agriculture and crafts are rapidly developing in North-Eastern Rus'.

Old technologies are being improved and new ones are emerging.

Got widespread in Rus' water wheels and water mills. Parchment began to be actively replaced by paper. Salt production is developing. Centers for the production of books appear in large book centers and monasteries. Casting (bell production) is developing massively. Agriculture is developing somewhat more slowly than crafts.

Slash-and-burn agriculture continues to be replaced by field arable land. Two-field is widespread.

New villages are being actively built. The number of domestic animals is increasing, which means the application of organic fertilizers to the fields is increasing.


The growth of patrimonial estates occurs through the distribution of lands by princes to their boyars for feeding, that is, for management with the right to collect taxes in their favor.

From the second half of the 14th century, monastic land ownership began to grow rapidly.


In Ancient Rus', the entire population was called peasants, regardless of their occupation. As one of the main classes of the Russian population, whose main occupation is agriculture, the peasantry took shape in Russia by the 14th - 15th centuries. A peasant sitting on land with a three-field rotation had on average 5 acres in one field, therefore 15 acres in three fields.

Rich peasants they took additional plots from patrimonial owners in black volosts. Poor peasants often had neither land nor yard. They lived in other people's yards and were called street cleaners. These peasants bore corvée duties to their owners - they plowed and sowed their land, harvested crops, and cut hay. Meat and lard, vegetables and fruits and much more were contributed to the dues. All peasants were already feudal dependents.

  • community- worked on state lands,
  • proprietary- these could leave, but within a clearly limited time frame (Philip’s Day on November 14, St. George’s Day on November 26, Peter’s Day on June 29, Christmas Day on December 25)
  • personally dependent peasants.


By the beginning of the 14th century, Moscow and Tver became the strongest principalities of North-Eastern Rus'. The first Moscow prince was the son of Alexander Nevsky, Daniil Alexandrovich (1263-1303). In the early 90s, Daniil Alexandrovich annexed Mozhaisk to the Moscow principality, and in 1300 he conquered Kolomna from Ryazan.

From 1304, Daniil's son Yuri Danilovich fought for the great reign of Vladimir with Mikhail Yaroslavovich Tverskoy, who received the label for the great reign in the Golden Horde in 1305.

The Moscow prince was supported in this fight by Metropolitan of All Rus' Macarius

In 1317, Yuri achieved a label for the great reign, and a year later, Yuri’s main enemy, Mikhail Tverskoy, was killed in the Golden Horde. But in 1322, Prince Yuri Daniilovich was deprived of his great reign as punishment. The label was given to the son of Mikhail Yaroslavovich Dmitry Groznye Ochi.

In 1325, Dmitry killed the culprit in the death of his father in the Golden Horde, for which he was executed by the khan in 1326.

The great reign was transferred to Dmitry Tverskoy’s brother, Alexander. A Horde detachment was sent with him to Tver. The outrages of the Horde caused an uprising of the townspeople, which was supported by the prince, and as a result the Horde were defeated.


These events were skillfully used by the new Moscow prince Ivan Kalita. He participated in the punitive Horde expedition to Tver. The Tver land was devastated. The Great Principality of Vladimir was divided between Ivan Kalita and Alexander of Suzdal. After the death of the latter, the label for the great reign was almost constantly in the hands of the Moscow princes. Ivan Kalita continued the line of Alexander Nevsky in that he maintained a lasting peace with the Tatars.

He also made an alliance with the church. Moscow becomes the center of faith, since the Metropolitan moved to Moscow forever and left Vladimir.

The Grand Duke received the right from the Horde to collect tribute himself, which had favorable consequences for the treasury of Moscow.

Ivan Kalita also increased his holdings. New lands were bought and begged from the Khan of the Golden Horde. Galich, Uglich and Beloozero were annexed. Also, some princes voluntarily became part of the Moscow Principality.


The policy of Ivan Kalita was continued by his sons - Semyon the Proud (1340-1359) and Ivan 2 the Red (1353-1359). After the death of Ivan 2, his 9-year-old son Dmitry (1359-1387) became the prince of Moscow. At this time, Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich of Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod had the title to reign. A sharp struggle developed between him and the group of the Moscow boyars. Metropolitan Alexey took the side of Moscow, who actually headed the Moscow government until Moscow finally won the victory in 1363.

Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich continued the policy of strengthening the Moscow principality. In 1371, Moscow inflicted a major defeat on the Ryazan principality. The struggle with Tver continued. When in 1371 Mikhail Alekseevich Tverskoy received the label for the great reign of Vladimir and tried to occupy Vladimir, Dmitry Ivanovich refused to obey the khan’s will. In 1375, Mikhail Tverskoy again received a label to the Vladimir table. Then almost all the princes of northeastern Rus' opposed him, supporting the Moscow prince in his campaign against Tver. After a month-long siege, the city capitulated. According to the concluded agreement, Mikhail recognized Dmitry as his overlord.

As a result of the internal political struggle in the North-Eastern Russian lands, the Moscow Principality achieved a leading position in the collection of Russian lands and became a real force capable of resisting the Horde and Lithuania.

Since 1374, Dmitry Ivanovich stopped paying tribute to the Golden Horde. The Russian Church played a major role in strengthening anti-Tatar sentiments.

In the 60s and 70s of the 14th century, civil strife within the Golden Horde intensified. Over two decades, up to two dozen khans appear and disappear. Temporary workers appeared and disappeared. One of these, the strongest and cruelest, was Khan Mamai. He tried to collect tribute from Russian lands, despite the fact that Takhtamysh was the legitimate khan. The threat of a new invasion united the main forces of North-Eastern Rus' under the leadership of the Moscow prince Dmitry Ivanovich.

The sons of Olgerd, Andrei and Dmitry, who went into the service of the Moscow prince, took part in the campaign. Mamai's ally, Grand Duke Jagiello, was late to arrive to join the Horde army. The Ryazan prince Oleg Ivanovich did not join Mamai, who only formally entered into an alliance with the Golden Horde.

On September 6, the united Russian army approached the banks of the Don. So for the first time since 1223, since the battle on the Kalka River, the Russians went out into the steppe to meet the Horde. On the night of September 8, Russian troops, on the orders of Dmitry Ivanovich, crossed the Don.

The battle took place on September 8, 1380 on the bank of the right tributary of the Don river. Untruths, in an area called Kulikovo Field. At first, the Horde pushed back the Russian regiment. Then they were attacked by an ambush regiment under the command of the Serpukhov prince. The Horde army could not withstand the onslaught of fresh Russian forces and fled. The battle turned into a pursuit of the enemy retreating in disorder.


The historical significance of the Battle of Kulikovo was enormous. The main forces of the Golden Horde were defeated.

The idea became stronger in the minds of the Russian people that with united forces the Horde could be defeated.

Prince Dmitry Ivanovich received the honorary nickname Donskoy from his descendants and found himself in the political role of an all-Russian prince. His authority increased unusually. Militant anti-Tatar sentiments intensified in all Russian lands.


Having lived only less than four decades, he did a lot for Rus' from a young age until the end of his days, Dmitry Donskoy was constantly in worries, campaigns and troubles. He had to fight with the Horde and with Lithuania and with Russian rivals for power and political primacy.

The prince also settled church affairs. Dmitry received the blessing of Abbot Sergius of Radonezh, whose constant support he always enjoyed.


Church pastors played a significant role not only in church but also in political affairs. Trinity Abbot Sergius of Radonezh was unusually respected among the people. In the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, which was founded by Sergius of Radonezh, strict rules were cultivated in accordance with the communal charter.

These orders became a model for other monasteries. Sergius of Radonezh called people to internal improvement, to live according to the Gospel. He tamed the strife, modeled princes who agreed to submit to the Grand Duke of Moscow.


The beginning of the state unification of Russian lands began with the rise of Moscow. 1st stage of unification One can rightfully consider the activities of Ivan Kalita, who bought lands from the khans and begged for them. His policy was continued by his sons Semyon Proud and Ivan 2 the Red.

They included Kastroma, Dmitrov, Starodub lands and part of Kaluga into Moscow. 2nd stage of the activity of Dmitry Donskoy. In 1367 he erected white walls and fortifications around Moscow. In 1372, he achieved recognition of dependence from Ryazan and defeated the Tver Principality. By 1380, he had not paid tribute to the Golden Horde for 13 years.

Who ruled the lands of Rus' in the Middle Ages? March 10th, 2018

If before the invasion of the Tatars Rus' consisted of large principalities (Rostov-Suzdal, Novgorod, Kyiv, Ryazan, Smolensk, Chernigov and others), then with the beginning of vassalage the appanage princes were able to formalize their cities as independent hereditary feudal possessions.

And they immediately took advantage of it.

Collapse of the Old Russian State and Lithuania

This is how full-fledged independent states emerged, the number of which soon began to be measured in dozens. And although formally the Vladimir prince was considered the eldest among the princes, everyone understood that the real supreme power lay in the Horde. And independent princes can do whatever they want in their domains, regardless of traditions and seniority.

Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas - founder of the dynasty

In the 14th century, the rapid rise of Lithuania began. Despite its name, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was created on ancient Russian lands and had the same relationship to the indigenous ethnic Lithuania - Samogitia and Aukshaiti - as the Russian principalities to the Finno-Ugric peoples who once inhabited the expanses of North-Eastern Rus'.

If in the ancient Russian principalities the Rurikovichs remained in power, then in Lithuania their own dynasty of Gediminovichs appeared.

The ruling family, apparently, came from the tribal princes of the Yatvingians, who at that time had the reputation of real savages and robbers.

In general, in the Middle Ages, when everyone was enthusiastically slaughtering each other, only peoples with a special character could gain the reputation of robbers. The Yatvingians could boast of this.

The belligerence of the Lithuanian Gediminovichs became an important factor in their policy.

Three parts of Russian lands after the Tatar invasion

A hundred years after the Tatar invasion, the Russian lands looked completely different. In the northeast there was a conglomeration of many appanage principalities under the formal authority of Moscow. However, its rulers were called the Grand Dukes of Vladimir: the Moscow lands were still not prestigious enough to give the right to rule over other Russian principalities.

All the destinies of this region were ruled by the Rurikovichs - the old Russian dynasty. Formally, Muscovite Rus' remained a vassal of the Horde. In fact, vassal obligations were already ignored from the middle of the 14th century, and dependence was limited to the payment of tribute.

To the west lay the possessions of the Gediminovichs. Their first big acquisitions were the principalities of Polotsk and Turov, which had previously been ruled by the princes of the house of Rurik. Together with Vilna, these territories constituted the indigenous lands of Lithuania.

In the 14th century, the power of the Lithuanian princes began to gradually spread to the neighboring Russian principalities: Kiev, Smolensk, Pereyaslavl, Novgorod-Seversky. However, having captured these areas, Lithuania fell into vassal dependence on the Horde. Accordingly, from 1362 the Gediminovichs received khan's labels for the right to own part of Rus' and paid the due tribute.

Daniil Galitsky from the Rurik family, a descendant of the Kyiv prince Vladimir Monomakh, in 1252 accepted the title of “King of Rus'” from the Pope.

With the help of the prestigious royal crown, he hoped to strengthen his power.

However, his heirs forgot about the title, and only Daniel’s grandson, Yuri, became the next “King of Rus'”.

Why him? Under Yuri, the Galician and Volyn principalities united. However, at the same time, stronger Poland and Lithuania were nearby, and Galician Rus' - as the most remote, peripheral part of the Russian lands - was doomed to be torn to pieces by its neighbors.

Galicia, of course, was also a vassal of the Golden Horde, paid tribute to the khans and even sent troops to participate in joint campaigns with the Tatars against Poland.

Confrontation between Moscow and Lithuania

In the second half of the 14th century, the political situation in the Russian lands changed dramatically. In the east, the rise of Moscow led to the first attempt to free ourselves from the Tatar yoke: the Russian army of Prince Dmitry of Moscow was victorious in the Battle of Kulikovo Field.

In the west, Lithuania's expansion led to conflict with Moscow. Their confrontation became the main content of Russian domestic policy in the next hundred years.

The conflict was related to the resolution of the issue of the unification of Rus'. Both the old Rurikovichs and the new Gediminovichs laid claim to the role of head of the new unified state.

Initially, the position of the Lithuanian princes was stronger due to the number of troops and the wealth of their possessions, however, from the point of view of legitimacy, the Moscow princes found themselves in a more advantageous position. It was they who could lay claim to the restoration of power by the right of dynastic succession.

Later, a religious conflict between Orthodoxy and Catholicism was added to the confrontation. But in the XIV-XV centuries, the descendants of the appanage princes - who were all Rurikovichs without exception - had a simple choice: to serve the Grand Duke from “their” dynasty or from someone else’s. Many consciously chose “their own”.

Adventures of the title "King of Rus'"

But Galician Rus' ceased to exist at the end of the 14th century. Since 1349, there was a fierce struggle for the lands of Galicia between Poland and Lithuania.

The war ends in 1392 with the division of the failed kingdom. Galicia began to belong to Poland, and Volyn went to Lithuania. At the same time, the Lithuanian princes began to be called the Grand Dukes of Lithuania and Russia. The Polish kings Louis and Casimir III also used the title "King of Rus'" for some time.

The next Polish rulers, already from the Gediminovich dynasty, forgot about the Galician title. But the Hungarian kings immediately remembered him.

Using the title, they symbolically designated claims to the lands of Galicia, originating from its first conqueror, King Louis. The monarch was also the ruler of not only Poland, but also Hungary.

"Reitan - the decline of Poland." Artist Jan Matejko

The title of the kings of Galicia and Lodomeria (Lodomeria is the name of the Vladimir-Volyn lands distorted by the Hungarians and Germans) has already become a real title of the crown Austrian possession.

And how did it all end?

In the 15th century, great changes took place in Russian lands. Moscow was able to subjugate most of the Russian principalities that were once part of the Old Russian state. This gave its rulers the opportunity to legally accept the title of Sovereign of All Rus', declaring the succession of their power from the Kyiv Rurikovichs, and at the same time the rights to all lands that were previously part of the Kyiv state.

Lithuania, which became dependent on Catholic Poland, gradually lost its possessions. The appanage princes of Lithuania, taking advantage of the feudal right of emigration, went to serve the Moscow Rurikovichs along with their principalities.

Already at the end of the century, the Moscow principality was completely freed from the power of the Horde, while Lithuania continued to pay tribute and receive labels from the Crimean Khanate.

Thus ended the history of the Middle Ages in the lands of Rus'.

The most comprehensive reference table main dates and events in the history of Russia from the 13th to the 14th centuries. This table is convenient for schoolchildren and applicants to use for self-study, in preparation for tests, exams and the Unified State Exam in history.

Main events of the 13th -14th century

Trade agreements of Novgorod with German Hanseatic cities

Formation of the Galicia-Volyn principality

Capture by the Order of the Swordsmen (founded in 1202) of the lands of the Livs, Estonians, Semigallians and others in the Baltic states

The campaign of the Galician-Volyn prince Roman Mstislavich against the Polovtsians

1205 – 1264 intermittently

Reign in Galich and Volyn of Daniil Romanovich

The first chronicle evidence of Tver

Division of the Vladimir-Suzdal land between the sons of Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest

The Great Reign of Yuri Vsevolodovich in the Vladimir-Suzdal Land.

Battle on the river Lipice. Victory of Prince Konstantin Vsevolodovich over the brothers Princes Yuri and Yaroslav in the struggle for the Great Reign of Vladimir

Founding of Nizhny Novgorod by the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich in the land of the Mordovians - an outpost for the fight against Volga Bulgaria

The defeat of the Russian-Polovtsian squads on the river by the Tatars. Kalka

Capture of Yuriev, a Russian fortress in the Baltic states, by the Order of the Swordsmen

Posadnichestvo in Novgorod by Stepan Tverdislavich - a supporter of orientation towards Vladimir

Reign of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky in Novgorod

Invasion of Mongol-Tatar troops led by Khan Batu into Rus'

Destruction of Ryazan by the Mongol-Tatars

The capture and destruction by the Mongol-Tatars of Kolomna, Moscow, Vladimir, Rostov, Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Uglich, Galich, Dmitrov, Tver, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Yuryev, Torzhok and other cities of North-Eastern Rus'

The defeat of the united army of the princes of North-Eastern Rus' in the battle with the Mongol-Tatars on the river. Sit. Death of Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich

The Great Reign of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich in Vladimir

Invasion of Batu's troops into the South Russian lands. The destruction of Pereyaslavl and Chernigov

Capture by the knights of the Livonian Order (founded in 1237 as a result of the merger of the Teutonic Order and the Order of the Sword) of the Russian fortresses of Izborsk, Pskov, Koporye

1240, Sep. – Dec.

Siege and capture of Kyiv by Batu's troops

Battle of the Neva. The defeat of the Swedish army by the army of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky

The defeat of the knights of the Livonian Order on Lake Peipsi (“Battle of the Ice”) by the army of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky

Formation of the state of the Golden Horde (Ulus Jochi)

The Great Reign of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky in Vladimir

Population census ("number") organized by the Mongol-Tatars with the aim of introducing a centralized tax system

Uprising in Novgorod against the population census

Establishment of an Orthodox diocese in the capital of the Golden Horde - Sarai

Uprisings in Rostov, Suzdal, Vladimir, Yaroslavl against Mongol-Tatar tribute collectors and tax farmers; the collection of tribute was transferred to the Russian princes

Agreement between the Grand Duke of Vladimir Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Mindaugas on the joint struggle against the Livonian Order

The Great Reign of Yaroslav Yaroslavich Tver in Vladimir

Participation of Russian princes in the campaigns of the Golden Horde in the Caucasus, Byzantium, Lithuania

Campaign to Livonia and the victory of the troops of Pskov, Novgorod, Vladimir-Suzdal over the German and Danish knights at Rakovor

The Livonians' campaign against Pskov. Peace with the Livonian Order. Stabilization of the western borders of Novgorod and Pskov

Between 1276 and 1282 – 1303

The reign of Daniil Alexandrovich in Moscow. Founding of the first Danilov Monastery in the vicinity of Moscow (about 1282)

1281 – 1282, 1293 – 1304 with breaks

The Great Reign of Andrei Alexandrovich Gorodetsky in Vladimir

The reign of Mikhail Yaroslavich in Tver; Grand Duke of Vladimir (1305 – 1317)

Relocation of Metropolitan Maxim from Kyiv to Vladimir-on-Klyazma

Annexation of Kolomna and Mozhaisk to Moscow

The reign of Yuri Danilovich in Moscow. The beginning of the struggle between Moscow and Tver for the great reign

The campaign of Prince Mikhail of Tver and the Horde army against Novgorod. Defeat of the Novgorodians at Torzhok

The Great Reign of Yuri Danilovich of Moscow in Vladimir

Murder of Prince Mikhail Tverskoy in the Horde

Reign in Tver of Dmitry Mikhailovich Terrible Eyes

The foundation of the Oreshek fortress at the source of the river by Prince Yuri of Moscow and the Novgorodians. Neva



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