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How to make an elevator in Minecraft. How to make an elevator in Minecraft using third-party programs and without them

Even with the help of modifications, the elevator is one of the most complex buildings in the game. But if we consider the option with and without a mod, the first one looks very simple. On a server with a mod, everything is extremely simple - you put signs with floor numbers throughout the building, and using special commands (the name of the command is different on each server, to clarify the correct command you need to contact the server administration) you move through the floors simply by right-clicking . It looks quite simple, but the difficulty lies in the construction of the entire structure, and you also need to be able to correctly enter commands into the signs.

Installing an elevator without a special mod is a very difficult task, and if you don’t have the patience, the necessary experience and skills, as well as a huge amount of time, you shouldn’t even try.

Why do you need an elevator?

Well, this is an indispensable thing for moving around a large building, especially if the server does not have the ability to teleport, besides, it is a wonderful decoration for the house, which will speak about the high gaming skills of the owner. It’s worth noting right away that to create an elevator you will need a large number of materials, so it’s better to stock up on them right away so as not to search for them during construction.

Construction stages:

1. Using crystal cubes, create a high vertical column;
2. After the column is ready, a staircase needs to be placed on it every five to six blocks; the smaller the gap, the greater the speed of the elevator;
3. After installing the wooden staircase, a glass floor is made one cube higher, which will surround the column on all sides;
4. After that, a trolley is installed on each fragment of the staircase.

If everything was done correctly, when you approach the lowest cart, you will quickly go to the top floor, at the top you can go down at the same speed. If you want to go down even faster and more effectively, you can build a pool near the elevator, fill it with water and simply jump into it; the fall will be much faster than the elevator.

Is not the only way creating an elevator without using mods, there is also a way using red stones and mechanical pistons. Such an elevator looks more impressive, but creating it takes twice as long and is more expensive, and besides, such an elevator is not available on the most popular patches.

The most convenient and fastest means of moving around tall buildings in Minecraft is the elevator. It will take you not only to the top floor, but also to the basement or a secret underwater room. But building lifts is considered one of the most difficult processes in the game, and not every beginner can build, for example, a piston device. In this material we will talk about how to build an elevator in Minecraft in simple ways, and there are not so few of them in the game.

The easiest way is to make an elevator from bulletin boards, and even a beginner in the game can do this task. To do this, you need to install the FalseBook or CraftBook mod and only then start construction. Create two bulletin boards from regular wooden boards (6 pieces) and one stick. Finding these items in the game will be quite easy, because they are not rare or expensive. Now fill the top and middle rows of the construction panel with boards. Place a stick in the center of the bottom cell.

Next, place the finished board on the first floor, preferably closer to the entrance, and write the following command on it: . Place the second one on the next floor and write the following line on it: . If you want to continue the elevator further, then again make two boards and install them on adjacent floors. After this, to move to the desired height, you need to right-click on the sign.

When constructing a lift in this way, the following points must be taken into account:

  • You need to install the board on a block placed above head level.
  • All indexes must be written with a small letter and always in square brackets.
  • The lift can only be built if the plugin is available.

Using this device you can make a trap for “uninvited guests”. To do this, change the inscription on the elevator board to and then the “visitor” will go only in one direction and will not be able to return back.

For all its simplicity and convenience, such a lift has one significant drawback - teleportation is not much like “traveling” in an elevator. In order to give the lift a natural look, you can build a kind of cabin below from ordinary stone blocks.

The trolley is another simple elevator that even a beginner can handle building. Moreover, such a lift will work without additional plugins and will always take you to the desired height. To create an elevator you will need:

  • building materials;
  • trolleys;
  • rails.

To begin, build a structure with a U-shape and dimensions of 3x2x2. At the top of the building it is necessary to create the same structure, but with a step back one block. Place the rails on the empty spaces and place the trolley on top. You can build blocks in this way almost endlessly and as a result you will get huge stone steps. Now, to start moving up or down, click on the trolley with the mouse.

Crystal elevator

To make an incredibly beautiful lift you will need a lot of resources, but the result will exceed all expectations. For construction you will need the following items:

  • crystals;
  • wooden stairs;
  • glass;
  • trolleys.

To create such a lift, first of all you need to build a crystal tower with the required height. But when constructing a building, it is necessary to place stairs on every fifth block. And above them, build glass platforms with dimensions of 3 * 3 and a gap of one block, which should be located directly above the stairs. If this is not done or if at least one “floor” is missed, then the lift will not work. Now place a trolley on each staircase, and in order to launch the elevator, right-click on it.

This lifting device can only go up. If you want to get down, build a pool next to the building. And when you need to go down, jump into it like an “Olympic champion.”

Water lift

Such an elevator can be built at any height and almost anywhere, well, except for Hell, of course. After all, there is no possibility of spilling water in this area. For construction you will need the following materials:

  • signs;
  • buckets of water;
  • any blocks.

First of all, build a U-shaped structure with a width of three blocks and a height of two. Build the next floors in the form of a hollow pipe with dimensions 3 * 3. Now place the signs and water in a checkerboard pattern. If it is not clear how to do this, then pay attention to the following photo:

In this case, the signs act as a barrier to water and prevent it from spreading. Using this principle, build an elevator to the top floor. Then enter the lift and swim to the desired height. The gaps from the tablets also have one more property - they do not allow the player to suffocate when climbing even to a serious height.

Video instruction

An elevator in Minecraft is a very useful thing that can be made without the use of additional mods. Only in this game he can send you to a dungeon or mines.

There are several types of elevator:

  • For movement on one floor;
  • For teleportation;
  • Elevator made of rails;
  • Mechanical elevator;
  • An elevator that consists of trolleys.

If you are the owner of a building consisting of two floors, the simplest design will suit you, which we dare not call an elevator. However, it fully copes with the functions inherent in an elevator. You can create such a mobile mechanism using water and a piston. We set the second one to maximum, and in the remaining repeaters we set it to two. In this case we're talking about about the action of a waterfall, when water falls down, causing the elevator to rise up.

Additionally, you can design a structure that will help you move between floors. To do this, you need a “Lift Up” sign, which must be attached to the block at head level. Now all that remains is to move yourself to other floors and place the same signs with the inscription at the same coordinates.

Now, in order to move, you just need to click on the sign. Note that such an elevator can only operate on two floors.

If you are an experienced player, you can create a premium elevator. It looks much better than usual and has a high movement speed. For example, if you have built a skyscraper, it is better to collect the required amount of resources and create such a device.

To create, you need to make two signs according to the principle shown below:

A mobile mechanism can be made from almost any item. For example, even trolleys will be an excellent material for creating this design.

One of the most primitive ways to create an elevator is to use rails that are attached to the wall. To go up, just click on the trolley.

Such a device is quite expensive. Before you create it, decide for yourself whether you are willing to spend a lot of resources on creating an elevator that will move exclusively in one direction.

To develop this design, you can use almost any blocks. You just need to alternate blocks and pistons. Please note that the pistons must be facing outwards. We install accelerators at the rear of the structure. Now all that remains is to glaze the front part, and the device is ready for use.

Thus, we have examined the main types of mobile structures in Minecraft and the principles of their creation. You just need to decide what kind of design you need and how much resources you can spend on creating it.

Minecraft game, in Lately, began to gain increasing popularity. She represents computer game, which is told in the first person. The style of the game is quite interesting - the game world consists of blocks (this applies not only to the landscape and objects, but also to the player).

The most frequently asked question regarding this game is how to make an elevator in Minecraft. Using the elevator, you can climb to any height in the game much faster than using the stairs (it only takes 12 seconds). So let's see how this can be done. What is needed for this? Everything is very simple here - to create an elevator in Minecraft you only need a piston.

How to make an elevator in Minecraft

The construction of an elevator in the game is carried out in several stages. First you need to dig up a block of earth and install one piston in the resulting hole - this is the piston for the platform. In order for the piston to work, it must be connected to a lever. Afterwards, you need to install the second piston diagonally from the first so that their corners touch. The third, sticky, piston is installed behind the piston for the platform. This is followed by two blocks of any type next to the installed pistons. Continue alternating blocks until the desired elevator height. After this, we install two blocks with a redstone repeater so that it turns out as follows: there will be a repeater near piston 2, and next to it there will be two blocks.

The next step will be to install one repeater (at maximum delay) near the sticky piston and another one behind the block (which was installed in the previous step). The final stage in building the elevator is connecting repeaters from the redstone to the lever (in the front part).

All! Your elevator is now ready. Now long and very tiring climbs up the stairs are left behind - using the elevator you can conquer any heights in the Minecraft game. Even despite some complexity and time-consuming construction of the elevator, in the end you will get an attractive design that will help you progress through the game.

Making an elevator in Minecraft is not as easy as other items, but it is still possible. If you play on a server on which the plugin is installed, then consider yourself lucky; making an elevator with such a plugin is as easy as shelling pears; I will write about this method of creating an elevator in the first part of the article, but if there is no such plugin on the server or you are playing in single-player mode, then go to the second part of the article, it will describe more complex ways to create elevators using improvised means in the game without modifications.

How to make an elevator with the CraftBook plugin?

We need two signs that can be crafted this way:

One sign is placed on the lower floor, the second on the upper floor, the signs must be under each other, otherwise they will not work. The inscriptions that fit in the second line of the tables are important, the first line is not important - you can enter any text there, for example, the floor number or the name of the room, on the sign, which should have the inscription “Lift Up” at the bottom, and the inscription “Lift Down” on the top sign. .

First floor:

Second floor:

To use such an elevator, you need to right-click on the sign, you will immediately find yourself on the target floor. If nothing happened when you right-clicked, then most likely one of the following errors occurred:

1. The CraftBook plugin is not installed on the server or you do not have the rights to use the plugin’s capabilities. Try to fill it in completely small print, if the first letters of words automatically become capitalized, then the plugin is installed. You can also ask the administration about it.
2. You may have entered the codes incorrectly, I remind you that the first line must remain empty or there must be any text in it, but the second line or - square brackets are required.
3. The signs are not in the same vertical line - the top sign should be exactly above the bottom.

To make elevators to other floors you will have to put other signs, you can make them to the left or to the right of the first. If you make a second sign with the inscription , then you can move to it, but not away from it.

How to make an elevator using pistons?

In the case where pistons are used, it would be best to explain with the help of a video, I post several videos from Youtube, the methods should be working.

1. Elevator with pistons

Works in version 1.3, in later versions correct work elevator is unknown.



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