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How to store coconut oil at home. How to store coconut oil How to store coconut oil

This product is widely used in cosmetology, cooking and medicine, so the question of how to store coconut oil is always relevant. The valuable ingredient is imported mainly from India or Thailand, and it is sold in jars, plastic bottles or capsules (depending on the purpose and type).

Read on to learn how to preserve oil at home so that it does not lose its beneficial properties.

Cold-pressed coconut oil is most often the choice of consumers, because it is unpretentious and the most healthy. There are some rules you should know to figure out how to store coconut oil at home.

First of all, care should be taken to maintain the correct temperature and humidity levels, because the shelf life of the product directly depends on them.

Oil is stored in both solid and liquid states: if you leave it at a temperature of +25…27 ℃, it begins to melt, respectively, at lower values ​​the product will thicken and turn white.

Temperature and humidity

The optimal temperature for storing the product is no more than +20 ℃, while the humidity should be about 60%. It is best to place the product in the refrigerator or any other cool place in the house. You can even store it in a kitchen cabinet if the above conditions are met. In order for the cooled product to become liquid and transparent again, it must be heated in a water bath before use.

Coconut oil should not be frozen, because this will not only not increase the shelf life, but will also negatively affect the quality of the product.


It is recommended to store the oil in a dark place. Direct sunlight is destructive to beneficial substances, so the product should be kept in a room protected from light. It is advisable that the storage container be made of an opaque material. The product in ampoules is stored in a box, which additionally protects the contents from external influences.


It is important to limit the access of oxygen to the product, otherwise it will soon begin to taste bitter. Be sure to close the container with a tight stopper and not with a screw cap, which often allows air to leak. If this is an ordinary glass jar, then choose a glass or new tin lid, but not a plastic lid.

When the oil becomes unfit for consumption, it acquires a rich yellow color and an unpleasant odor, and oxidation is indicated by a bitter taste. Even if such a problem occurs, do not rush to throw away the product. In everyday life, it can be used as a furniture polish.

A light golden tint to the oil is quite acceptable and does not mean that it is spoiled.

How to Store Different Types of Coconut Oil

Cold pressed

It is recommended to store cold-pressed coconut oil no more than 1 year. The preservatives it contains allow you to preserve the product in its “original” container. If the packaging is plastic, then the product can be placed in a dark glass bottle with a stopper, for example, in a wine container. Before pouring oil, thoroughly rinse and dry the container.

Even if we take into account the fact that unrefined oil has a fairly long shelf life, do not rush to immediately stock up on it in large quantities. To get the most out of your product, buy it in small quantities (even if it costs more in that package). Fresh oil contains much more vitamins than oil whose shelf life is already coming to an end.

Hot spin

For human consumption, hot-pressed (refined) oil is used, which is stored in a cold place. about 6 months. Many people prepare the product themselves, because doing it at home is not at all difficult.

To prepare the oil, just pour cold water over the coconut flakes in a 1:1 ratio and bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, remembering to stir continuously. When the mixture boils, keep it on the fire for another 5 minutes, then cool to room temperature and strain through a fine sieve.


Oil prepared at home does not contain foreign impurities, but the shelf life of such a product is not long. It is stored under the same conditions as cold-pressed oil, but no more than 14 days.

Often sold in pharmacies coconut oil in ampoules made of transparent glass or plastic, as well as portioned capsules. This product can be used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Like other species, it must be stored in a cool, dark place.

Housewives are often interested in the question of how store coconut oil after opening. If you have a little product left in an open container, just pour it into an airtight container and ensure the storage conditions described above.

Capsules and ampoules with oil can be placed in the refrigerator shortly before the end date of use. This will extend its shelf life by at least several months.

If you doubt the freshness of the product, open one capsule, squeeze out a few drops of liquid from it and evaluate its condition by external signs. Only after making sure of the quality can you put the product in a cold place and count on the benefits from further use.

Coconut oil can be used to easily remove makeup from your skin or add a unique taste to baked goods, so a rational solution would be to always have a jar of the aromatic product on hand. We hope that our tips will help you with this.


From the following video you will learn how and where you can save coconut oil at home:

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Coconut oil - popular cosmetic and medical product, which is widespread in these areas.

Coconut oil is also used to a limited extent in cooking as a vegetable oil or for preparing exotic dishes. oriental cuisine. We’ll talk about the shelf life of coconut oil in the article.

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Does it exist and what does it depend on?

Any natural product has, after which it becomes unusable.

Coconut oil is no exception, which, despite its use, is just one type of vegetable oil.

Great importance for expiration dates they have:

  1. View oils Refined coconut oil has a longer shelf life than unrefined coconut oil. Oil made at home has the shortest shelf life.
  2. Tara. It is not recommended to keep oil in plastic bottles; it is preferable to use tinted glass.
  3. Conditions storage: temperature, humidity, exposure to sunlight, etc.

What do GOSTs say?

In GOST 10766-64 “Coconut oil”, which is still in force as an interstate standard of the Customs Union, about the shelf life of coconut oil not mentioned.

The only requirement regarding the shelf life of coconut oil is the need to indicate the bottling date on the transport label.

Therefore, determining the shelf life of oil made from coconut copra is the prerogative of the manufacturer, the expiration date must be indicated on the packaging.

As a rule, it is:

  • 1 year for refined oil, 6 months for food grade refined oil;
  • 6 months- for unrefined.

Which one lasts longer?

Like other types of vegetable fats, coconut oil there are two types:

  • cold pressed (so-called “unrefined”);
  • hot pressed (refined).

The features of the standard also apply to coconut.

Unrefined oil contains more useful substances, but has a significantly shorter shelf life than hot-pressed oil.

On the Russian market, factory-made coconut oil is usually represented by products from two countries: India and Thailand. The shelf life of factory oil is the same for these countries.

Tourists visiting Thailand often bring coconut oil from this country, produced by small family businesses and sold on tap. Such products should not be stored for more than a few months, since there is no guarantee of compliance with technical conditions during its production.

Learn how to choose and use coconut oil in this video:

How long can you keep it after opening?

One of the negative factors affecting the storage of coconut oil is air access.

If the required storage conditions are observed, the shelf life of the oil after opening the original packaging does not decrease.

An exception is cosmetic oil in ampoules, which are recommended to be used after opening. within 12 hours.

Storage rules

How and where should it be stored? The rules that must be followed when storing coconut oil are quite mild:

What happens over time?

During long-term storage, coconut oil, like other types of vegetable fats, loses its beneficial properties. The main chemical process that occurs in long-stored oil is oxidation, as a result of which the composition of the product changes.

If the oxidation processes have gone far enough, the oil becomes unsuitable for human use and must be thrown away.

How can you tell if a product is spoiled?

Oil spoiled due to incorrect storage conditions or expiration dates, has characteristic features:

  • the color of the product changes from white or golden to bright yellow with poisonous shades;
  • the smell becomes rancid;
  • mold appeared in it;
  • an unpleasant odor has appeared that is not characteristic of the product;
  • the taste has changed, in which bitterness appears.

If there are no signs of spoilage and the oil is stored according to established rules, then the oil can be used for several months even after the expiration date.

Can I use it after the expiration date?

If there are no signs of spoilage and the oil is stored according to established rules, then it can be used for several months even after the expiration date as a cosmetic product.

However, long-expired oil can still be useful; it can be used as a technical fluid, for example, as a furniture polish.

Coconut oil - valuable product, used in cosmetology and as a culinary additive.

The ideal environment for storing the product is a refrigerator shelf or door, or a closed cabinet, glass or factory container with a tight stopper.

5 ways to use coconut oil as a cosmetic in this video:

The shelf life of coconut oil is quite long, but for proper storage it is necessary to take into account some of its features. First of all, it is important to know that it is mined in different ways.

Surely everyone has heard about cold pressing and knows that this production technology allows you to preserve all the beneficial substances and vitamins in the oil. This product is usually sold with the label “Extra Virgin” on the packaging, and its price is quite high.

Everyone is accustomed to calling hot-pressed oil “refined”; its cost is much more affordable, since the starting material for production is required in smaller quantities than for an expensive analogue. But there is less benefit in such oil, because when exposed to heat, irreversible processes of destruction of valuable substances occur.

What is coconut oil?

Some are convinced that coconut milk, from which valuable vegetable fat is extracted, is a clear, sweetish liquid located inside the nut, but this is a mistaken opinion. This pleasant-tasting water is only good for making cocktails. In fact, coconut milk is contained in the white pulp of the coconut, which is what is pressed.

In the case of cold production technology, pieces of aromatic raw materials are pre-dried and then squeezed out. The result is a wonderful product that is widely used in cosmetology, both in its pure form and in the composition of various body and face care products. Unfortunately, this method allows you to extract only a small amount of oil, which is why its price is so high.

With the hot method, the coconut flesh is also dried and crushed, but to extract the oil, they do not use a press, but a centrifuge heated to a very high temperature, due to which the product, simply put, is melted and flows into the container itself. It is used mostly in cooking.

In the first case, the oil has a rich smell of fresh coconut, and in the second it has a very delicate and subtle aroma.

What does fresh coconut oil look like?

When melted, it has a liquid consistency and a golden hue, while being transparent. At temperatures below +25˚C the butter hardens, becoming almost whitish and losing its transparency; this is his natural property.

At low temperatures, the oil thickens, and at high temperatures it becomes liquid.

Signs of damage

Like any product, coconut oil can spoil if it is not stored properly. Unfortunately, you will have to part with him if the following is observed:

  • the color of the oil became poisonous yellow;
  • the smell has changed;
  • the product tastes bitter;
  • mold has appeared.

All these unpleasant things are bound to happen if coconut oil is not stored properly.

Surprisingly, this exotic product is not capricious at all, and therefore does not require the creation of any special conditions. It is enough to take into account only a few important factors.


The main thing is that it is constant and does not exceed +25˚C, that is, there is no point in constantly transferring oil from the refrigerator to the cabinet shelf and back. Each time it will change its consistency, since at room temperature the product melts, but in the refrigerator, on the contrary, it hardens.

If it is more convenient to use it in liquid form, then you can put it in the kitchen cabinet, and if the difference is not fundamental, then, of course, it is better to put it in the refrigerator. Before use, you can remove the required amount of product from the container, it will melt in the heat and be ready for use.

Effect of light

Light is detrimental to any oil, which is why it is customary to keep the most expensive varieties in bottles or jars made of dark, thick glass. When deciding where to store coconut oil, it is important to choose a dark place out of reach of sunlight and household lighting fixtures.

The less light that reaches a valuable product, the longer it will remain usable. If this condition is not met, the oil will go rancid, an unpleasant smell will appear, and the taste will become simply disgusting.


Dark glass is the best option, but if additional packaging was also provided, for example, cardboard, then this can also be saved and used for its intended purpose. The lid plays an important role. It must be as dense as possible. Under the influence of oxygen, fats oxidize, and this is extremely undesirable.

In addition, any oil absorbs foreign odors very intensively. This may not affect the quality, but it is much more pleasant to apply a fragrant product to the skin of the face than a substance that exudes a distinct smell of smoked sausage or (oh, horror!) herring.

Storing coconut oil in plastic containers is not correct. This material negatively affects the smell and composition of the product. Thus, it becomes clear that the packaging largely determines how long the oil will remain fresh.

Shelf life and beneficial properties

So, if all conditions are met, cold-pressed oil without preservatives in the composition can be stored for six months, and hot-pressed oil - twice as long. Practical experience suggests that the indicated periods are minimal, and the oil can be used even after they have expired if the signs of deterioration described above are not observed.

The first helps to significantly improve the condition of the skin and hair, and the second can become a vitamin supplement to food, allowing you to enrich the diet with polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E and C, phosphorus and calcium.

How much coconut oil is worth purchasing is up to everyone to decide based on their personal intentions. Those who use this product daily are not afraid to buy it in large portions, but those who want to try it for the first time opt for small packages.

Coconut oil in ampoules is intended for use exclusively for cosmetic purposes, and is stored in the same way as in bottles or jars. An open ampoule must be used within 12 hours.

You can extract oil from coconut pulp yourself in a fairly simple way.

Homemade recipe

If you want to make your own coconut oil at home, here’s how to do it:

  • grind the coconut pulp on a fine grater and squeeze out the milk;
  • The cake can be used to prepare aromatic pastries, and the milk should be brought to a boil;
  • the mass will be divided into two components: lumps of curdled milk and a transparent yellowish liquid, which, in fact, is coconut oil.
  • All that remains is to strain everything through a fine strainer, and the output will be approximately 30 ml of home-made oil.

By the way, this is how owners of small family businesses in Asian countries extract this product. Oil prepared at home is best used within ten days; it should not be stored longer.

Ways to use coconut oil. Video

In the modern world, coconut oil began to be extracted relatively recently. And after appearing on the market, it began to be actively used in the cosmetic field: it is used as a natural mixture for hair or a remedy for treating unhealthy skin. But after purchasing a jar of coconut oil, many begin to make storage mistakes. It is worth considering how to store coconut oil so that it retains all the micronutrients for a long time.

Beneficial features

First, it’s worth considering the positive qualities of coconut oil, namely:

  • This oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids, organic compounds, monobasic saturated carboxylic acids - these are very important elements that the human body needs;
  • Coconut oil contains strong antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E, as well as phosphorus and calcium;
  • this product controls that the level of cholesterol in the blood does not exceed acceptable levels;
  • it contains substances that prevent the appearance of fungi, viruses or other inflammatory diseases;
  • with the help of this oil you can cure acute inflammatory processes, including dermatitis that occurs after allergies;
  • after applying a mask of coconut mixture to your head, your hair becomes soft and silky;
  • the same mask can be applied to dry skin, giving it tenderness and ductility;
  • coconut mixture can be eaten during a diet, because it additionally promotes natural weight loss;
  • this product has virtually no contraindications; If coconut is still not suitable for your body, then it is better to refuse it.

In China and India, it is extracted from the insides of coconuts and added to food, since other oils are not very common in Eastern countries. In Russia, coconut oil is not often added to food, and it is less common as a dietary supplement. In our country, housewives are accustomed to using it as a nourishing mixture for hair.

How to choose?

You should be very careful when choosing this product. Buy it only from reputable outlets: large pharmacies, large supermarkets, or in stores specifically designed to sell coconut oil.

If you go on a tourist trip to countries where coconut palms grow, do not buy oil from pass-by sellers. Usually these are bright jars that attract the buyer’s eye, but the quality of such oil rarely meets the standard. And there is no guarantee that these merchants store their products correctly.

Before you buy, look carefully at the color of the oil. Don't be alarmed if it's a different color in different places. It is extracted in different ways: by hot pressing or cold pressing, it can be refined or unrefined. The color of the product depends on these factors: yellowish mass, milky or transparent.

Unrefined oil costs much more than refined oil. The fact is that it is extracted by pressing, so very little of the final product is released, but it retains all the useful elements: microminerals and vitamins that are in coconut pulp, and also retains the pleasant smell of coconut. All these points leave their mark on the price of the product.

Storage time

Refined oil is cheaper as it is extracted using hot pressing. Therefore, it is possible to squeeze out more oil from the same amount of fruit. It does not smell like coconuts and loses many beneficial properties during cleansing. Hence the price. Pay close attention to the consistency. If you bought the oil at a pharmacy or in a room where it was quite cool, then the mass should be a little thick. It melts at a temperature of +25 degrees, so warm oil is liquid and light in color.

Storage nuances

It is worth considering how to store coconut oil after purchase: leave it in daylight or place it in the refrigerator. Coconut oil is very picky about lighting, temperature and the container in which you will store it in the future.


Many foods deteriorate when exposed to direct sunlight. And coconut oil is no exception. But on top of that, it also deteriorates from the light of an electric lamp, so this mass should be stored in a closed cabinet, into which light does not penetrate, or in the refrigerator.


As mentioned above, this product can be stored either frozen or at room temperature. However, there are some peculiarities here too. To prevent the oil from disappearing and losing its healing properties, the temperature in the room should not exceed +18 degrees. It can be stored in a closet if the air conditioner is constantly running in the house. But severe freezing is also contraindicated for coconut oil.

If the temperature in the refrigerator is +5 degrees, then the container with the mixture can be placed in the door or in the far corner.

Do not store coconut oil in the freezer. This product requires individual storage conditions.


In factories that produce this product, it is packaged in small glass bottles the size of a medical ampoule. Therefore, you do not have to pour it into another container after opening it. There are situations when the oil is packaged not in a bottle, but in a jar, the lid of which opens without much effort. In this case, the mass must be poured into a container whose lid closes tightly. It is important that air does not penetrate into the dishes, since contact with it will quickly turn sour.

Storage time

The period during which coconut oil can be stored at home without losing its properties is always indicated on the jar in which it is sold. They must be strictly followed. The packaging often states that the product can be stored open for 1 year, but this is far from an accurate figure.

If you do not store the butter in the refrigerator, this time is significantly reduced. And if it stays closed in the refrigerator, then the shelf life, on the contrary, increases.

And also do not forget about the scope of use of this product. If you purchased it for consumption and not for external application, then in the last few months it is no longer recommended to use it.

After placing the oil in the refrigerator, check periodically to see if its color has changed. If it turns dark yellow or a pungent odor appears, then such oil cannot be used for medicinal, cosmetic, or even culinary purposes. But for household needs, coconut oil is ideal even after the shelf life has expired. Experts say that it is one of the best furniture polishes.

Important! Do not buy the product in too large quantities as it may spoil. It is better to purchase fresh oil in small portions each time, so as not to regret the money spent later.

You can learn more about storing coconut oil in the following video.

Coconut oil is a completely natural product that does not contain any additives or preservatives. It's not surprising that many people ask themselves how to store coconut oil at home. Coconut oil differs from other fats in having a rather long shelf life. It does not oxidize or go rancid for a long time. But in order to remain fresh, certain conditions must be observed. Which? Let's talk about this in the article.

Can coconut oil be stored in the refrigerator?

Many people assume that the refrigerator is the best place to store coconut oil. Actually this is not true. Each time you open the jar of coconut oil, a little air enters. In the refrigerator it cools, resulting in the formation of condensation, which creates an excellent environment for the development of germs and bacteria. Large amounts of condensation can cause the oil to deteriorate quickly.

Also, if you store coconut oil in the refrigerator, it becomes too hard and difficult to portion.

If the oil is stored in the kitchen cabinet at room temperature, it has a very delicate creamy texture and is immediately usable.

Where to store coconut oil Where is the best place to store natural things? Coconut oil stays fresh longest when stored in a covered, cool place. It's dark, cool and dry - these are the best conditions for storing coconut oil. The oil container must always be closed. If you use oil not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes, transfer some of the oil to another jar and store it in the bathroom cabinet.

To extend the shelf life of unrefined coconut oil, it should not be stored in direct sunlight. This will avoid oxidation and hydrolysis of fats, in other words, rancidity. Under the influence of light, oxygen and moisture, the oil may acquire an unpleasant taste and odor. At room temperature, condensation does not form.

When the air temperature rises above 24°C, coconut oil melts. This is absolutely normal and is not a sign of poor quality. Coconut oil can be stored in either solid or liquid form. If you are not satisfied with the liquid consistency, and a cooler room, such as a cellar, is not available, transfer a little oil to a separate bowl. You can put this container of oil in the refrigerator and use it as quickly as possible.

Storage conditions for coconut oil. What to look for

  • The container in which coconut oil is stored must be clean. Anything that gets into a jar from the outside can become an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic organisms and bacteria.
  • Coconut oil should be stored in tightly sealed jars and containers. In a sealed container, even high humidity will not harm the oil.
  • Coconut oil should not be scooped with a wet spoon to prevent moisture from entering the jar.
  • The spoon or knife for portioning coconut oil must be clean. Under no circumstances take the oil with your hands!
  • If an unpleasant odor or sudden change in color occurs, the oil should be thrown away immediately.

How long does coconut oil last?

When stored properly, coconut oil stays fresh for a long time. Coconut oil has a shelf life of more than a year once opened, but can be stored for several years in a sealed jar.

But to ensure that all the beneficial properties of the product are preserved, try not to open several cans at the same time. If you use coconut oil for multiple purposes, such as cosmetics, cooking, or grooming, place some of the oil in different containers instead of keeping a whole jar in each room. This way, the coconut oil will remain fresh for a long time and its quality will not suffer. Try not to make bulk purchases unless absolutely necessary, but replenish stocks as you use them.

How to store coconut oil at home. Conclusion

  • should be stored at room temperature in a dark place in a closed container.
  • Coconut oil does not need to be refrigerated.
  • You can only take a portion of oil from the jar with a clean spoon.
  • After use, the jar of coconut oil should be closed immediately.


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