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As a young artist, Alexei Zimin manages to sell his works at a high price. Alexey Vladimirovich Zimin - biography and paintings Artist Alexey Zimin

When we were listing all the myths about the Russian art market, one myth was missed. By the way, there are ten myths in total. So the very last one was missed, that is, the tenth one. This myth applies directly to the art market. The last myth says that all art that costs a lot of money is an absolute deception. Many, by the way, still think so, but that’s a completely different story.

Many paintings contemporary art are worth big money. A large number of people buy such paintings. Oh, and by the way, such works of art are paid in most cases for the fact that it is a masterpiece, and not for paints and other meanings that have nothing to do with its value. In our world, a society has appeared that is only engaged in collecting paintings that have one copy, and such paintings cost a lot of money. As they say, you have to pay for pleasure.

Most experts in modern painting express their doubts about this price. They also state that this cost is not justified. It should be noted that this value is established at public auction.

A public auction is when there is a struggle between buyers to see who will put the highest price; if no one else can increase the price of the painting, then it is sold to that person.

So after all, why are the paintings contemporary artist Alexei Zimin will be worth millions of dollars?

Firstly, his paintings are considered very rare. And, as we know now, there are many collectors who are willing to pay millions of dollars for a rare painting.

Secondly, he regularly holds exhibitions in his hometown Ulyanovsk or in other cities. It is also known that paintings that are on display in museums are considered a source of income, since they attract tourists and are considered landmarks of the city or museum. In order to increase attendance at the museum, its management organizes the sale of rare masterpieces, since many tourists want to buy some item that will remind them of a trip to another city or country, and a painting is considered a wonderful item that is a good reminder of events. Just looking at her makes you start to remember your travels through the cities of the country. Yes, by the way, when museums organize auctions of exclusives, all their costs are repaid, as their attendance and other characteristics increase.

Thirdly, Alexey Zimin’s exclusive paintings are painted in limited quantities, which increases their price significantly. If he painted paintings for everyone, and even the same ones, then the value of such paintings would not exist at all. Currently, the art market is experiencing a gradual increase in the cost of paintings, as works of art have now begun to gain increasing popularity. If you think about it, there seem to be a lot of artists, why are such paintings so expensive then? But there are people who have the opportunity to pay that kind of money for one painting, then the prices will remain the same, since there will always be buyers.

Fourthly, he is famous in Russia. Many people know him, as he participated in many exhibitions that were dedicated to our homeland, and he also participated in the exhibition that was organized for Cosmonautics Day. He is also considered an innovator, as he has original paintings. Alexey does not borrow any ideas from others, but creates them himself.

Fifthly, Alexey’s paintings are competitive on the art market. They are written in limited quantities.

These are not all the reasons why in the near future the works of Alexei Zimin will cost millions of dollars.

Alexey Zimin paintings

Artist Alexey Zimin and his unique author's identity.

Alexey Zimin is prominent representative younger generation in modern Russian painting. Today, he is a world-famous artist whose works are eagerly purchased by eminent patrons and wealthy clients for their collections. However, a couple of decades ago (Alexey was born in 1995), the future genius of the art industry lived with his parents in Ulyanovsk, where he later went to school.

The unusual gift of the young art lover began to manifest itself in the very early age: the boy’s talent was discovered by fine arts teachers, who began regularly sending Alexey’s works to exhibitions. Drawing lessons helped the aspiring artist find his unique authorial identity, which consisted in the development of a special style of writing, which was given the name “artnatura”.

The main stylistic principle of this genre is the rejection of traditional methods of applying paints, where brushes are used instead natural materials. The philosophical concept of the artnatura technique is based on the use of such means of representation as freshly picked grass, spruce or pine cones, and tree foliage. Paintings created using environmentally friendly tools allow you to subtly convey the artist’s worldview and convey his aesthetic views to the viewing audience.

Range of interests of Alexey Zimin

Being a sought-after artist, Alexey finds time for other creative activities. The versatility of his inner universe is manifested in a wide range of hobbies young man. Professional photography requires considerable skills in the art of lighting, which Alexey fully demonstrates, since to understand the fundamental laws of composition it is necessary to have a developed artistic sense.

However, photography is not the young author’s only hobby. Back in the sixth grade, Alexey Zimin began to get involved in modeling. The meticulous, many-hour work on the design of manned models reflects the artist’s perfectionism, which allowed him to take part in regional competitions with the sailing ship “Saint Helena” and the aircraft “CESSNA” submitted to the competition.

Cultural background of Alexey Zimin

Artist Alexey Zimin comes from an intelligent family with classical bourgeois values. Realizing the need to obtain higher education, after graduating from gymnasium No. 33 in Ulyanovsk, the young man entered the Russian State Social University at the department of information technology. The prospects of the programmer profession give confidence in tomorrow and minimizes the risks associated with the inevitable instability of a creative profession.

After studying at RGSU, the artist continued his career and personal search and was enrolled in the department of the Faculty of Law at Moscow University. Alexey Zimin’s active civic position and his interest in the field of law determine such a choice, supporting the artist’s activities with knowledge of the current legislative framework and helping him protect his interests in the event of an emergency. conflict situation, as was the case with the attempted theft of the painting “The Seasons” at the Kyiv airport.

A retrospective review of the work of Alexey Zimin and his modern works

By the age of twenty, the artist Alexei Zimin managed to take part in many prestigious events in the art world. As mentioned above, the first art events for the young talent were school and city exhibitions held in the artist’s native Ulyanovsk. At the same time, Alexey acquired organizational skills by holding his own debut exhibition “Spring Colors” in the library named after. Aksakov in 2013.

A little later, the artist began to develop the theme of space in his work, organically alternating work on earthly landscapes and phantasmagoric landscapes of other planets. In April 2016, as part of an exhibition dedicated to Cosmonautics Day, three outstanding works by Alexei Zimin were presented to the public: “Nebula”, “ Habitable planet" and "Through the Clouds."

The spring of 2016 became a fruitful period in the artist’s career. Along with space themes, Zimin turned to acute social problems, taking part in another socially significant exhibition “Health of the Nation” and presenting to the audience 2 canvases with exaggerated and grotesque doctors and, on the contrary, medicines depicted in detail.

The artist’s patriotism and indifference to state symbols can be clearly seen in his next exhibition work entitled “Vladimir Putin after his vacation in Crimea.” Specially painted for a competition dedicated to Russia Day, this painting shows the President of the Russian Federation standing behind a podium surrounded by national flags. It is known that critics received it warmly this work, expressing hopes for the further professional development of Alexey Zimin and wishing the author creative achievements.

Today, in the creative piggy bank of the famous artist you can see not only the pearls of landscape lyrics (“Red Sunset”, “Sviyaga”, “Autumn”, “In the Cherry”), but also amazing examples abstract painting(“Triangle, Circle and Square”, “Fruit Dad”). According to the latest data, one of best works in the style of neo-cubism was acquired by a certain resident of the capital, who was forced to sell his apartment in order to buy “Triangle, Circle and Square”.

The motto of Alexei Zimin himself is his words that motivate him to create new masterpieces: “Today you are better than yesterday, and tomorrow you are better than everyone else.” As the artist explains his point of view, you should not strive to be like others, you need to develop your own personal style and contribute to creative heritage nation through its own uniqueness.

The answer to this question is ambiguous. On the one hand, Alexey was always interested in painting, and his love for art manifested itself in him since childhood. Teachers more than once noted the boy’s subtle talent and predicted a great future for him. The young man began exhibiting his works at competitions and exhibitions while still in school, which only strengthened his desire to channel his creative energy into artistic channels. Zimin's early paintings are distinguished by an unusual manner of execution, where the spontaneity of the author's nature is combined with a unique vision of the world.

On the other hand, Alexey Zimin did not specifically study painting. Understanding this fact can foster prejudice in the minds of people who are accustomed to noticing only the formal side of things, that is, official papers and other evidence of professional competence. But Zimin’s art is above conventional boundaries, and it is not intended for ordinary consciousness. The lack of specialized education does not mean a lack of creative potential, as the artist’s works prove.

In a creative environment I became catchphrase, said by Alexey himself: “To become an excellent artist and leave your mark in art, it is not necessary to study at a specialized institution.” This expression has already been circulated in quotations and has gained popularity among self-taught people who follow Zimin’s advice and dare to present to the world the fruits of their intellectual efforts. But really, what is there to be afraid of? Critics? However, the artist has his own opinion on this matter: “Self-esteem is the weak point of novice masters. You can’t blindly believe in your own perfection, but you should listen to adequate and constructive criticism.”

Thus, as we see, a talented painter is by no means characterized by “star fever”, which manifests itself mainly in those who do not know how to correctly perceive the attention of the public and the assessments of experts. It is known that many art connoisseurs, whose ranks include private collectors, have an uncanny sense of genius. To single out just one specific work from a number of paintings by different authors, and then buy it for millions of dollars - only people truly knowledgeable in painting can solve such a problem. What prompted billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev to purchase the painting “LIFE”?

Intuition. And only her! How else to explain the attention of one of the wealthiest businessmen in Russia to the works of a promising artist? Apparently, the calculating mind of the clever businessman already foresees an incredible rise in prices for paintings by Alexei Zimin, and part of the prediction is already beginning to come true: the cost of the order for “Brand as Art” (the company logo painted on canvas with paints) performed by the artist is off the charts for $1 million, which clearly demonstrates the commercialization of Zimin’s creativity and his unconditional talent, the payment for which is a successful investment in the success of his own business.

A solemn event dedicated to the donation of a painting by artist Alexey Zimin took place the other day on the territory of the exhibition complex of the Museum of Labor Glory at the UAZ plant. Since Alexey is from Ulyanovsk, the very fact of painting a canvas for the leader of the domestic automobile industry became a unique chance for the artist to express a patriotic spirit and provide ideological and informational support to the famous auto giant, whose history goes back more than seven decades and whose productive capacity exceeds 105 thousand cars per year.

Under the high arches of the exhibition hall, where four-wheeled exhibits are lined up in rows, famous artist Alexey Zimin handed over to the director of the UAZ museum, Oksana Nikolaevna Morozova, a canvas created specifically for the plant. The easily recognizable, laconic in style logo of the auto brand was depicted by Alexey on a neutral white background, which is why the restrained black and silver tones of the UAZ emblem look most advantageous: the clarity of contrasting lines makes the symbol visually voluminous and almost tangible, which optimally conveys the reliability of the brand, which from generation to generation deservedly maintains an excellent reputation.

Oksana Nikolaevna gave an interesting tour of the museum, showing the artist the most striking and memorable examples of the scientific and technical capabilities of the UAZ plant. Using the example of the evolutionary series of cars presented here, you can trace the rich history of the car plant, as well as learn many interesting facts and features relating directly to the cars themselves. For both UAZ LLC and the artist, cooperation was a great honor, which will undoubtedly lead to mutually beneficial results.

Alexey Zimin is rightfully considered one of the most expensive masters in Russia, because his creations are instantly snapped up by eminent collectors, and some art lovers are even willing to part with real estate just to afford to purchase one of the paintings.

The meeting between the artist and the management of the UAZ Labor Glory Museum was fruitful. Alexey wished the plant to continue to remain a leading concern in the field of mechanical engineering, and Oksana Nikolevna thanked the author for nice words and a gift, also, for his part, noting the outstanding talent of the young man, his subtle artistic taste and ability to create paintings at the behest of his soul. From now on, the new painting by Alexey Zimin will become part of the museum and will contribute to the collection of cultural and innovative values ​​of the UAZ plant, personifying stability and at the same time continuity of development, the desire to conquer new horizons, which is what the UAZ “seagull” has been hovering above the ground for many decades. .

About art:

From the very early years it was clear that Alexey saw the world a little different from everyone else. He often considered what a simple boy would spend his time on. I watched how nature colors flowers, grass, stones, not to mention sunsets and sunrises. Alexey tries himself in different genres, looking for something of your own. As the artist himself once said, “I like to sit at a painting, mix paints, select a palette, draw and see what comes out.” For example, in the painting “Triangle, Circle and Square” he showed his vision of abstraction, how exactly he sees this direction. In the portrait genre, the author shares with the viewer his opinion about the person he portrayed, pointing out those features that he considers the most important. A series of paintings about space lifts the veil of secrets for viewers. After all, everyone is interested in looking into places where access is limited. Alexey shares his impressions through his paintings. Thanks to this, you and I are now seeing his vision of the world.

The artist was born into a family of lawyers. He grew up with his sister, she is three years younger than him. Probably, this fact formed a sense of responsibility in Alexei. Mine creative path our hero started studying in the seventh grade. From childhood, Alexei Zimin was instilled with a love of art, since his mother graduated art school, and wanted the children to grow up fully developed. At first, drawing was a hobby for Alexey, but starting from the tenth grade, the hobby took on a more serious form. The artist’s first exhibition took place during this period. It was called "Spring Colors". Alexey loves his family, and when he comes home for a little rest, he will certainly go to visit his grandparents. If they need help, he is happy to help them. In general, his family is friendly and sociable. Therefore, Alexey has many friends, and if it turns out free time, Alexey will be happy to spend it on active recreation with friends. This could be skiing and tennis, he loves to travel, and Alexey is also attracted to fishing. So he doesn’t let himself or those around him get bored. His favorite genre in cinema is melodrama and also loves to watch good Soviet films. My musical taste is also different from many of my peers. The artist’s music inspires, inspiring new creations. He can listen to it everywhere, whether he is drawing or going to school.

Interests and hobbies:

Alexey Zimin never sat still. From the age of ten he was actively involved in swimming, participating in city competitions. But when time came, Alexey gave up swimming, giving preference to other hobbies. From 6th to 11th grade, he was fond of modeling sports, designed the sailboat “St. Helena” and a model of a “CESSNA” type aircraft, on which he took part in Regional competitions in manned models. This suggests that no matter what Alexey undertakes, he manages to achieve heights in everything. So artistic activity is gaining momentum.


He graduated from gymnasium No. 33 in his hometown of Ulyanovsk. Despite his serious passion for paintings, Alexey still decided to acquire a profession. In our age of computer technology, Alexey made a choice in favor of information technology and became a programmer. Having entered the Russian State Social University in the Department of Information Technologies. Alexey Zimin is the person who, if he takes on something, always brings it to the end. Studying at the university took a lot of time, but despite this, the artist actively participates in the life of his alma mater. Participation in the volunteer movement gives him strength for creativity. Our hero does not forget about physical health by going to the gym. Despite this pace, after a year of study, Alexey decided not to interrupt the family tradition and entered SYNERGY University, the Faculty of Law at distance learning. He manages to perfectly combine everything he does with his main passion in painting.



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