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How to find your favorite job? It's to your liking. How to find a job you want to work at

To understand how to find a job where you want to work, you need to understand what a dream job is? Get a lot of money and do nothing? For some, this is certainly what their dream job looks like. But, unfortunately, this happens very, very rarely. Everyone has their own idea of ​​interesting work, so it’s stupid to impose your opinion and vision. For some, self-realization is enough, for others, a friendly team is enough, and for others, just doing what they love and getting paid for it. Maybe what you love doesn’t bring you riches, like Scrooge McDuck, but it makes you happy and satisfied with life. You won't earn all the money. After all, you can always take on a part-time job.

In general, how to understand that your work is the best thing that happened to you:

1. You don't notice how quickly time passes while you work. Not because you’re stuck at work, but because you just like to immerse yourself in what you’re doing;
2. You quickly achieve your goals (not because the work is easy);
3. Enough strength for life after work.

So, you've decided what you want. All that remains is to dive into the pool of letters to find out these nuances in more detail.

1. To find a job you like, determine what you love

As they say, you need to live your life in such a way that your descendants don’t have to imagine your exploits. First, find something you enjoy doing, and then find someone who will pay you money for it. Do you like to draw? Try to find a job that involves drawing. If you like to mock people, the market is with you! In the social security agencies, a soft chair and a team mired in menopause await you.
Your job doesn't have to be completely in line with your hobbies. Well, you just have to like it.

2. What are you good at?

Now you need, hand on heart, to determine your strengths and weaknesses, simply to give yourself a description. Not the kind conducted by psychologists in large companies, but a normal one, without unnecessary noise and stupid questions. If you are restless and have poor communication with colleagues, then you will not be able to work in the office. It won't work out normally. Maybe your janitor?
So, if you want to find your dream job, consider these nuances. You don’t need to go there just because they pay well. Although if nothing is important to you except your salary, then continue.

3. Be realistic

Every job has its ups and downs, its good days and days when you want to set a couple of hungry fighting dogs on your colleagues and introduce your boss or customer to all the delights of dismemberment. Don't expect eternal euphoria in life and work. You need to love what you do and feel comfortable in the work environment. Then work will not be a burden, then it will most likely become an outlet, your friends will turn away from you, and your wife and dog will begin to love more often the mysterious plumber who comes to clean the pipes in your house every two days after his shift while you are at work. But that's another story.

So, if one rainy morning the foreman’s face seems more disgusting to you than the ass of an old prostitute sitting on hot coals, and the work simply isn’t going well, don’t rush to run away. Everything was fine before. This is a fall. So, take off soon.

4. Study the field of activity

It would be nice to talk to people who already work there, find out their daily routine, whether they have enough strength to personal life and money to pay for a subscription to all porn sites. Find out why the company is praised. If you are looking for a beautiful aquarium, then this is not yours. And if for chic bonuses and cool corporate events, then remember how important this is for you. Well, it’s a good idea to study the company’s position in the market. There is no point in going somewhere where they won’t pay you a salary.

5. If you want to find your dream job, consider some factors

Now let’s put aside the dreamy snot, especially if you are far from creativity. In any job (especially in an office or an enterprise), these modest factors are important: is there enough money for an adequate existence, what is your responsibility (so that, God forbid, you don’t get imprisoned), working conditions, relationships in the team, prospects for further growth, and how much time do you have left to waste your life?

All this is called “quality assessment” working life", and she will help you determine for yourself during the internship whether it is for you or not.

6. How to find a job that you will like and pay well?

Good question. No need to pretend, money is important in work. There is no point in doing what you love and dying in poverty, like Van Gogh. Stop, stop, stop, I know that you write poetry, but poetry cannot always feed you, and exhausting your subtle mental organization is fatal for you. There is a way out. Turn on your overflowing imagination and sensitive perception of the world. Yes, yes, even in the most boring work you can find a zest that will inspire you. It may be the realization that you are of benefit to all humanity. Even if you are developing a network pyramid. Well, just hope that at least after your pyramid, people will finally stop falling for this heresy, and your brainchild will be the last to put an end to this.

Or maybe you just started getting creative with your consulting work, explaining the quality of a product in poetry or the charms of that lame toaster as if you were doing stand-up comedy.
This is much easier than finding a job that meets your criteria.

7. Don’t get hung up if you can’t find your dream job yet.

Do not exchange empty for empty. If after 11 years as a realtor you have only sold 4 houses, then you suck at it! And we need to change not just the place of work, but the field of activity. And here you should remember what your interests are, what you expect from work, and what is more important for you: leaving early or earning more.

8. Don’t chase freelancing

Here I ask for a moment for clarification. Many people think that freelancing is the best thing that can happen in life: no boring offices, you do what you like. There are advantages, of course, but everything is not so rosy. Firstly, it’s not always possible to find work (for example, there are few orders), and if you don’t have a lot of clients, then don’t expect money. Secondly, the freelancer’s schedule is terribly inflated. Not everyone likes to work day and night. In fact, it's like doing homework all your life. This is exactly how many corrupt and not so corrupt bloggers feel.

So, if you decide to find a job that you will like, remember that the main thing in this matter is a balanced analysis and a minimum of dreams that your talent for playing spoons will be noticed and they will start paying big money.

Opinion polls sometimes amaze with their results. So, for example, to such a simple question: - Do you love your job? – more than 70% of people surveyed answered negatively.

Do you think they are happy? Are their family relationships going well? Do they wake up in the morning with joy and rush to the workplace to do their work?

Of course not.

If things at work are not going well, then the person begins to feel worthless, believes that others are doing a better job, that they are more worthy of a good salary, begins to develop complexes, and self-esteem decreases.

All this is transferred to the family, irritation from an unloved job spills out on loved ones, and life literally collapses before our eyes.

What to do if you find yourself in such a situation? If the work is exhausting all your strength, the boss has already gotten to the bottom of your liver, but there is no clearing in sight?

How to find a job you like so that when you wake up in the morning, you feel the joy of being able to do what you love again?

What should your favorite job be?

Why does work exhaust your strength and nerves, but do not bring you satisfaction? Most often, three reasons lead to loss of interest in work:

  • low wages;
  • poor relationships with colleagues or management;
  • the work performed is annoying due to the uniformity and monotony of the operations performed.

However, all three reasons do not necessarily have to occur simultaneously. Just one of them is enough to lose interest in work.

If your boss doesn’t care about you, the manager allows himself to be rude, then even a high salary will soon become no joy, and you will want to change jobs.

If, on the contrary, the work is very calm and no one gets on your nerves there, but the salary is so low that you can barely make ends meet, then, of course, you are also unlikely to work in such a job for long.

If you feel that at least one of the reasons described above makes you feel uncomfortable every day, then you should think about finding a job that you will enjoy without being irritated by low pay, bad attitude from management, or monotony.

How to find a job you like?

The most important thing to understand is that the old folk saying about a lying stone and water that does not flow under it is the absolute truth and, if you do not take any action right now to search for interesting work, then she is unlikely to knock on your door herself.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is decide what kind of work you like? What would you like to do?

To do this, you can take a pen, a piece of paper and write down all your strengths, which can bring success in the work performed.

After this, everything that you managed to write down needs to be carefully analyzed in order to understand what field of activity you see yourself in? Working with people or secluded in your office, doing work that requires mobility or being at your desk every day?

It’s interesting, but most people, when choosing a field of activity after school, hardly think about what they would like to do.

The choice of work is made either according to one’s own ideas about a particular profession, or according to fragmentary information from the media, or according to the average level of wages for a particular specialty, or they simply go to study with friends.

Do you think that after a person studies for 4-5 years and gets a profession, will he really enjoy working in it? In most cases, no. And we often see how a person with a law degree works as a cosmetologist, an economist earns money by organizing holidays, and a metalworking engineer masters the specialty of a sales manager.

And this is only because before going to study, none of them thought about whether they would like the chosen job. None of them talked to people in this profession, visited professional forums to understand how specialists in this or that field live, or tried to see in reality what a person of their chosen profession does during the day.

Analyzing your qualities and preferences will help you choose exactly the job that you like. Try to write down what professions can satisfy your particular work preferences?

If you like the traveling nature of the work and communicating with people, then you can mark one of the possible professions as a regional representative or sales manager in one of the campaigns.

If you like traveling work, but don’t like constant communication, you can consider the vacancies of a truck driver or a mail and baggage car conductor. And look at the world, there will be a minimum of communication.

Be sure to remember and write down on paper all the retraining and certification courses that you took; they should also be taken into account when choosing a job.

You should also immediately think about whether a higher specialized education will be necessary for the profession you are interested in or will it be enough to complete short-term courses? If education is necessary, can you afford it?

Be sure to talk to people in the professions you are interested in to find out in advance what “pitfalls” may lie in wait for you in the job you like. You may be required to go to work on weekends or stay late after work to complete routine errands that are common in any profession.

Careful analysis of your professional preferences and comparing them with their qualities, which can help them apply for a particular job, will help them choose from various professions a few that will suit you best.

Once you have decided on the job you want, you can begin to study the labor market in your city and create a resume that you will send to potential employers.

It’s good if you have the opportunity to contact some of your friends or relatives who can help you find employment. But, if this is not possible, you should not be discouraged.

Be confident in yourself, remember that it is not the gods who burn the pots. And soon you will receive an invitation to undergo an interview, where you will be able to demonstrate all the qualities that distinguish you from other applicants. And then your dream job will be literally a stone's throw away!

Today, 85% of people go to jobs they don’t like without realizing it. how to find a job you love, and receive from her not only money, but also happiness and joy. The main thing is not the work itself, but the joy while working, because those people who do what they love do not get tired and can work with joy and hardworking 24 hours a day.

Psychologists have studied this problem of most people, and today, in this article, the best and effective tips following which you will find your purpose, your mission and favorite job.

Make a list of your interests

There are no magic methods to find your favorite job the first time and right away. You need to approach this issue consciously and seriously. Take a break from everything and write a list of your interests on a piece of paper. Write everything that you think you like, no matter what it is, hobbies, hobbies, interests or games. Don't deceive yourself or try to hide anything. Add to the list in the future if, for example, you remember your hobbies from childhood.

Try to do something from your list of hobbies

Combine your list of hobbies with work, business or hobby. To find a job you love, you need to start looking and trying. The list you have compiled will help you and reduce your search time. Just overcome laziness, realize it and start acting. Take one item from their list and start trying. Imagine that you have a task to choose your favorite dish from those offered; in any case, you need to try all the dishes in order to accurately say which dish you like. The same applies to finding your favorite job. The main thing is not to be afraid and try, it is useful, especially when you find the job you were looking for, because it will bring more more money, joy and happiness.

How to understand that this is your favorite job

Most people are afraid and worried that they won't notice their favorite job. But to find a job you love, you need to look for it and not worry about missing out on it. Because, doing every task from the list, what is truly yours will remind you of itself, not letting you sleep until you do it again. You yourself will understand that this is your favorite job, as your soul and body will be filled with joy and happiness doing what you love.

Before you go to study, understand if this is your job

Most students enroll in those professions, which bring more money, or they think that they will like it. Young people spend 5 years, or even more, on such studies, but in the end, when they begin job search, such vacancies are either filled or this is not your profession. Before spending so much time on studying, it is better to try for at least 1-2 months and work for free in this profession. Find out whether there are many vacancies for a given profession, how many people there are for one position. This way you will not only save 5 years on your studies, but also find a job you love, even without receiving a diploma with grades.

Are you ready to work for free for at least 2 months?

To realize and understand how, you need to think about whether you are ready to work for 2 months for free. In most cases, people look for work only for money and want to receive a salary in the first month of work. It is impossible to consider such work as a favorite one. A truly favorite job is one that brings so much joy that, if you received money for it, you would be willing to work for free. Those who have found such a favorite job do not wait for Fridays and weekends, because the main thing for them is rest, this is their work that brings joy.

Just want to get this or that job

To find your favorite business or job, you first need to realize what you want. When you realize what you really want, you just want to get it. Imagine yourself doing your favorite job, and then it will come into force, which will attract circumstances into your life, all your thoughts and desires. When you really want something, you will definitely get it.

How to find a job you like? An ideal job is a job that you love and for you it brings great satisfaction and decent pay. Workplace, which to like is a luxury for a person. Life is moving by leaps and bounds and many new opportunities are emerging in new sectors, in new companies. Employers are most often looking for professionals. And job seekers get a job that would bring satisfaction and decent pay for their work. They dream of exploring a career topic with serious intentions, creativity and an original approach, with an unconventionally written resume.

  1. Be realistic. Conducting a job satisfaction analysis? Every job has its ups and downs, its good days and the days you hate. Don't expect eternal euphoria in life and work. But if you love your job and are in harmony with the work environment, you will know it and feel like an extension of your personality, rather than a grueling test of routine activities. Job satisfaction does exist and takes all kinds of shapes and forms in the presence of good mood. Many people love their jobs and their chosen careers.
  2. Explore your values. Identifying the things that really matter to you will help you save headaches, pain later, and savings. a large number of time. There are many tests and indicators to determine important criteria for yourself in life. You can ask yourself what is truly important to you and prioritize them. The list might be as varied as a house in the countryside, time with family, a great team, workplace insurance, company branding, or perhaps ongoing training and development or something else. The list may be very long or short, but it will be unique to each person. It's important to prioritize each item by figuring out what matters most to you.
  3. Define your interests. Ask yourself, what do you usually want and enjoy doing? Maybe you are a budding artist? Do you draw cartoons in the margins? Maybe you like working with numbers? Have you discovered a penchant for learning? foreign languages. And you look forward to the weekend to practice your French skills with guests on a city tour or write an article or teach children French? Maybe you like to compose and are a poet? Or do you like to travel? Most people excel at the things they love to do.
  4. Identify your strengths and skills. Of course, you have highly developed skills and skills that are poorly developed. These may not only be skills acquired with difficulty at school, in any educational institution, which provide positive influence in life, but also other skills and abilities that lead you forward, inspire, motivate and help you interact with people. But all of your skills, when combined into one unique resume, will help you land your dream job in today's career market.
  5. Be prepared to retrain. Having undergone retraining does not mean that you will be immediately hired for a job that you like. Over an extended period of time, you can conduct training programs while you perform the job. It is not necessary that you will be sent to training, it could be a self-study program or a self-improvement course. Knowledge contributes to maintaining and deepening skills.
  6. Analyze. Do your research. Conducting research and review of companies and industries, orientation in real positions future work and to build your career, you need to not stop there. Talk to people who work in your field of interest and get a feel for what a day in their work life is like. Compare how they go work time with your interests, skills and values. Fill out an information letter on the company website and after the interview, walk around the office and talk to the people who work there. Find out what people value in work, careers and companies. Make sure this is the goal you are working toward and that it aligns with your values, abilities, and interests. Ideally, the more you learn, the more likely you are to avoid making mistakes.
  7. Assess your quality of work life. Factors influencing the motivation to decide to get a job: earn a livelihood, responsibility, harmful or healthy working conditions, food at work, positive relationships in the team, the opportunity to use and develop human potential, prospects for further growth, living and working in space (work schedule). Increased volume of work, overtime work, lack of time to rest can have serious consequences for family life. This is a very serious criterion for the applicant! Assessing your quality of work life shows you that you are a complete decision maker.
  8. Consult a professional counselor or trainer. After you have found out that you are unable to determine your professional and personal needs, develop a plan for making a decision on employment. For some people, it’s just realizing their potential. They come to independently actively implement the thoughts that have arisen and happily decide to change their attitude towards work. Others find that they have to do something to try to restructure work from wellness, asking for an extra hour to go home and feed the kids, or a sabbatical or more training or more regular performance reviews or better communication channels with the boss, etc. . Remember, if you lack know-how or confidence, you can get training, help and support from those you trust, by reaching out to a friend, professional advisor or coach. The most important thing is to realize that you are in control of your career.
  9. Meditate for 10-15 minutes a day. Every day just be in silence. Let yourself realize that you have a job you love, a job that brings satisfaction and pays well. Do not allow any extraneous negative thoughts during meditation. Close your eyes and imagine where you want to be in a few years. How do you feel? What are you doing in the picture presented to you? Don't be afraid to dream and think outside the box as your interests and career aspirations can be matched. This may be the most wonderful, positive part of your day. A period of meditation allows you to focus on what you “want” and find inner harmony, attract positive energy, feel confident in yourself, in your strength, in achieving success!

Get a job you like

Dear readers! This article is dedicated to those who work for the good of society “through not wanting.” There are many of us, which means the topic “How to find your favorite job?” is relevant. Find something you love and you won't have to work a single day. There is some truth in this; it turns out that finding your place in the sun is not so easy.

Psychologists became interested in this problem of the majority of people living on the planet. They offer advice, the effectiveness of which cannot be doubted.

1. Make a list

This is not a matter of one day, so please be patient. A list of professions will help you make your choice. Write based on your own conscious choices or desires.

The main thing is that the list contains those professions that interest you. After the work done, make a list of personal qualities and skills. Consider life experience, courses you have completed, development features. The final analysis is easier to process if you are honest in your assessments and judgments.

Analyze the lists for matches. Finding matches will help you make your choice. Maximum objectivity can be achieved by making a list of three columns, where the goal is written in the first, skills and knowledge in the second, and skills that will be useful in achieving the desired result in the third.

If you don’t have enough knowledge, in order to find a suitable job, go to courses and educate yourself. IN modern world you can get it required material, without leaving home. If you come to the conclusion that an activity does not bring moral satisfaction, change your home and go in search of a more suitable activity.

Why do people suffer every day at a job they hate? And all because they are insecure own strength and do not set real goals for themselves.

See also "" There are no obstacles if there is a goal. This principle is used by successful and purposeful individuals who have achieved a lot in their lives and are not going to stop there.

2. Fear and uncertainty

These two destructive feelings do not allow many to “spread their wings” and find their dream job. People are afraid of uncertainty, so they are reluctant to leave their home, even if, to put it mildly, they did not like it.

Before you leave, look for options, go to interviews, and finally decide. Not every person can afford to quit and sit at home waiting for inspiration, so prepare an alternate airfield while at work. Thus, the transition will be less painful and financially difficult.

You can sit waiting for a miracle, but why? Life passes inexorably, so it is important to appreciate every minute you live, which is unrealistic in a job that does not satisfy you by all criteria.

3. The power of thought

Situations in life are different. For example, you decided to quit because your job did not bring moral satisfaction. After a while, you come to the conclusion that irritation and resentment towards the whole world were a projection of banal fatigue.

You miss your job, your desk, and even your colleagues. Don't confuse dissatisfaction with your situation with fatigue. You can cope with dissatisfaction by changing your favorite place, fatigue will disappear as if by hand after a week's vacation.

If you are just thinking about looking for a new, more suitable job, try to change your thoughts. Find positive aspects in your current situation. Learn to enjoy your daily responsibilities. If it doesn’t work out, then you really should get down to business that you’re passionate about.

4. Experiment

There is a stereotype that a person must decide before the age of 20 and find his own path. Life is unpredictable, so a person at 30–40 years old cannot always boast that he has found his place.

People are used to living based on circumstances. Many people do not believe in their own strength, so their aspirations and desires remain unfulfilled. It’s sad to not live the way you want and dream. Change your attitude towards life and people while you have time. Don't know who you want to be?

Write down on a piece of paper activities that bring you pleasure. Think about each point, what feelings do you experience when you imagine that your activity is your life’s work? Having answered this question honestly, it’s time to move on to practical exercises. Each point needs to be implemented. This is the only way to understand what brings pleasure and what quickly gets boring.

It may happen that the best option for you is considered not a profitable business. If you like the activity, it will certainly give good results, you just need to wait a little.

Raise your own bar, develop your business further. Many are marking time because they do not want to discover something new or learn. Psychologists say what to look for new job You can do it at any age, the main thing is to know how.

5. Finding a job is number one

Don't put off your search until later. Doing nothing is very addictive; a person feels the desire to change something in life, but laziness, lack of self-confidence and lack of initiative prevent him from realizing his plans.

  • Formulate it correctly own desires. Don't go to interviews for the company or because you have nothing better to do. Take your choice of future job seriously. If you don’t have a passion for this or that profession, you shouldn’t waste time on it.
  • Get to know the work, learn about the difficulties faced by representatives of this profession. No experience in a new field, no problem. Take courses, educate yourself, take steps towards your goal and they will definitely lead you where you need to go.

Favorite work reveals a person’s potential, makes him better, develops him. When you delve into all the intricacies of a new profession, it will become much more interesting. Sooner or later, almost every person faces the search for a place in life.

Search, try, experiment, take life more simply and do not label yourself as a loser. This can be called a person who harbors many ideas within himself, but is afraid to implement them.

Friends, do not dare to despair or put up with what you are not happy with, act - you will succeed if you just want to!

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