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How to find a job with rich people. Rich millionaires (billionaires) give away money

One of the pioneer philanthropists, Andrew Carnegie, once said: “No one can become truly rich without giving his wealth to those in need.” According to him, a man who dies rich dies dishonored. Many millionaires, billionaires and generous people around the world followed his example, donating millions to various charitable campaigns.

Here is a list of the most generous people on the planet, based on how much money each of them gave. In total, $106 billion was donated to charity from the bank accounts of these noble people.

Dietmar Hopp

One of the largest German entrepreneurs, Dietmar Hopp founded the IT company SAP, a manufacturer of software for large companies and corporations. Twenty years ago, this German billionaire founded a charitable foundation to support education, sports and healthcare.

total amount donations: $1 billion

Net worth today: $6.3 billion

Pierre Morad Omidyar

This billionaire has not yet reached 50 years of age and is already one of the richest entrepreneurs. The founder and chairman of the board of directors of eBay, Pierre and his wife Pamela founded a charitable foundation dedicated to the fight against the slave trade. He is also the founder of the philanthropic investment fund Omidyar Network. Of his $6 billion fortune, Omidyar donated a billion to charity.

Michael Dell

The chairman and chief executive of the Dell computer company has led the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation for 17 years. The foundation is engaged in education, humanitarian and social assistance, as well as the development of culture and art. In 2015, the foundation announced plans to build a new $25 million hospital in Austin, Texas. Total donations: $1.1 billion from a personal wealth of $19 billion.

James Simons

The founder and president of the world's most successful investment fund, Renaissance Technologies, is worth more than $12 billion, of which $1.2 billion has been given to his charitable foundation. The foundation's money was mainly used for educational purposes. A separate line is considered to be Simons' donations to the study of autism and to support those suffering from this disorder.

As of 2015, the fortune of the founder of the CNN television channel was two billion dollars. Throughout his career, Turner gave half of this amount to charity. He heads the Turner Global Foundation, an international foundation dedicated to issues and conservation environment. He is also a regular trustee of the United Nations Foundation. The entrepreneur is concerned about the problems of overpopulation, safety and infant mortality.

Jon Huntsman Sr.

Founder of Huntsman Corporation, engaged in chemical industry, is the owner of a fortune of $940 million. At the same time, the entrepreneur donated more than a billion dollars to fight cancer.

One of the richest and most influential people in Asia, investor Li Ka-shing has amassed a fortune of $26.6 billion. For more than 35 years he has headed a charitable foundation in support of education, cultural development and healthcare. In total, Li Ka-shing gave one and a half billion dollars to various projects of the foundation.

Mark Zuckerberg

The Facebook founder is one of the youngest billionaire entrepreneurs. His fortune amounts to 41 billion US dollars. In 2015, Zuckerberg pledged to give more than half of his fortune to charity during his lifetime. To date, the education sector has received more than $1.5 billion from Mark and Priscilla.

Co-founder Microsoft and the head of the private investment fund Vulcan is the owner of 17 billion US dollars. The Allen Family Foundation is involved in various charitable projects, including healthcare, environmental protection and Alzheimer's disease research. In total, the fund received two billion dollars from Paul Allen.

Owner news agency and the founder of the media company Bloomberg is one of the world's most celebrated philanthropists. From my general condition in 40 billion he gave three to solve problems of education, environment, health and social development.

Chairman of the board of directors of the BOK financial corporation, Kaiser is the owner of more than nine billion dollars, of which $3.3 billion has been given to his family philanthropic foundation, which deals with issues of education, community development, religious tolerance and health care.

Through his charitable foundation, this billionaire with a net worth of seven billion continues to invest money in the fields of health, education and the arts. To date, his contribution to global charity has amounted to three and a half billion dollars.

One of the richest people on the planet, this Mexican billionaire is the head of the GrupoCarso holding. His fortune today is 27 billion, of which the entrepreneur gave four to charity. He is engaged in improving life in Mexico and protecting the nature of this country.

In 1968, Moore founded Intel and has been active in philanthropic activities ever since. Over his long career, his own foundation has donated $5 billion to the environment and science. Moore's financial assets today amount to six and a half billion dollars.

Sulaiman bin Abdul Al Rajhi

In 1957, this Arab entrepreneur and his brothers founded AlRajhi Bank, which grew into one of the largest banks in the Arab world. His net worth is 590 million, while Al Rajhi has donated nearly six billion dollars to charity since 2013.

The founder of the Duty Free chain of stores, Charles Feeney, is called a philanthropic genius. This trading magnate decided to give all his fortune to the needs of society. Today, his modest wealth consists of one and a half million dollars, while his foundation, AtlanticPhilanthropies, has given away more than six billion of its wealth to charity.

Azim Premji

The founder of IT company Wipro, Azim Hashim Premji, is one of the two richest people in India. His capital is sixteen billion US dollars, of which Premji gave half to improve educational system India.

One of the world's most famous philanthropists, the founder of a network of charitable foundations, Soros gave $8 billion to charity, which is 33% of his total capital. The Soros Foundation works around the world, helping to solve problems of social development, education and health care.

The world's largest investor and richest man, Buffett is also the most generous of all philanthropists. In 2006, he promised to give 85% of his money, which amounts to more than 60 billion, to the Bill and Melinda Gates Charitable Foundation by the end of his life. To date, Buffett has donated more than 21 billion.

Known as the creator of Microsoft and richest man on the planet, Bill Gates is now involved in charity work. His foundation invests in various social projects around the world. Of the $85 billion, the Gates couple gave more than 30% to improve the world.

Is there free financial assistance from rich people?

To this question, some “enterprising” individuals lung loving money will answer in the affirmative. “Don’t teach me how to live, it’s better to help me financially,” he said famous hero, who knew many ways to take money from the population and at the same time respected the Criminal Code.

More scrupulous citizens who do not know how to ask or deceive do not know the answer to such questions. But they also sometimes need financial help and support, especially in difficult times. life situations when money is needed like air, but there is nowhere to get it. Still others are looking for initial capital that will allow them to realize a promising idea.

In all of the above cases, an invaluable service will be provided government projects and charities of influential and wealthy people.

Financial assistance to people in difficult life situations

Anyone can find themselves in a difficult financial situation: adults, children, families, and single people. This refers to truly serious situations that arose due to circumstances beyond a person’s control: illness, orphanhood, natural disasters, etc. Providing such social assistance and support is mainly the prerogative of the state:

  • eighteen-year-old orphans leaving orphanages are legally entitled to a certain amount of money and housing;
  • victims of terrorist attacks, floods, and fires receive ready-made housing from the authorities to replace the destroyed one or material assistance that partially or fully compensates for the damage;
  • sick people have the right to free medical care. Except government programs There are charitable foundations that help seriously ill people: “Give Life”, the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation and others.

In order for those who are truly in need to receive the necessary help, they need to contact social support authorities.

What about others? After all, a rich millionaire who gives out money to everyone he meets rarely gets in his way.

The solution is to go online and look for the websites of foundations offering grants or other material support based on competitive selection.

Foundations of famous entrepreneurs providing free financial assistance

There are quite a lot of such structures. Row famous names from the Forbes list has its own fund. Let's name a few that, in addition to social or cultural programs, also implement projects for promising and talented people.

1. Charitable Foundation RUSAL "Center for Social Programs" provides financial and other support in the cities where the company operates under the following programs:

“Formula of the Future” - helps schoolchildren, students, and young professionals to identify new leaders and ensure their professional development, and implement creative youth initiatives.

"Innovation Center in social sphere» - supports entrepreneurship in social sectors. School is open social entrepreneurship, mentoring institute, investment sessions, during which you can receive financial and consulting support for the implementation of a business project.

2. Charitable Foundation of AFK Sistema, project “Elevator to the Future”. The goal is to find talent to work in knowledge-intensive industries. The program is aimed at schoolchildren and students studying natural sciences and exact disciplines.

3. Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation. He started working among the first in Russia. Among the fund's projects:

  • issuance of free scholarships to excellent students of leading state universities;
  • promoting the introduction of fundraising technologies in Russia, training in the creation of endowment funds, which include free financial assistance from rich people.
  • Budget competitions for the issuance of free grants

The state also does not lag behind the rich in finding talented personnel and implementing promising ideas.

Skolkovo is implementing a program called “Global Education” in five specialties needed in our country: engineering personnel (including IT), science, pedagogy, medicine and entrepreneurship in the social sphere. The winner of the competition receives federal funds(grant) for studying abroad.

Regional authorities of Russia, striving to develop science and new technologies, support talents in all areas of activity, establish their own awards and grants and implement their own competitions and programs. To get acquainted with them, just go to the Internet.

The main thing is not to be lazy

The main thing that public and private grant programs have in common is the need for potential participants to take some action to receive funds (simply asking the rich for money will not work). This is their difference from massively distributed projects that offer honest and fraudulent charity sites.

Success without work is impossible, and money is practically not given for nothing. At a minimum, a detailed project needs to be developed, an application has been prepared, and multi-stage competitive tests have been passed.

And you won’t have to relax after receiving the money either. Depending on the purpose of the competition, you will either need to implement a project and present its results with a report on the funds spent, or undergo training and defend the project at graduation (receive a diploma).

Thus, financial gratuitous assistance from rich people exists. But to get it you need to prove your success and leadership.

It is believed that man is a greedy creature, especially when it comes to money. But practice recent years showed the fallacy of this statement. Rich people who can help with money for free are no longer a myth - they exist. Wherein we're talking about not only about foreign, but also about domestic millionaires. Based on practice, local elites are greedier.

The rich who help with money for free - who are they?

  • Jon Bon Jovi- one of the thirty most influential celebrities. The musician opened a unique restaurant, “Soul Kitchen,” in which there are no menu prices for the rich - they pay as much as they value the chef’s talent. At the same time, the beggars receive feasible work for food.
  • Warren Buffett ranks second among the richest people in the United States. This person spends almost everything he earns on charity. In 2012, he donated $1.5 billion.
  • David Rubinstein- a businessman with a net worth of $2.9 billion. He claims that after the donation he feels much better. At the same time, David seriously believes that such activity can lead a person to heaven after death.
  • Marc Benioff- a man with two billion behind him. He is one of the TOP 100 richest people and never skimps on donations. Together with his wife, he gave about $100 million to charity.
  • Oprah Winfrey is a widely known television presenter in the United States and abroad, whose fortune is estimated at about 3 billion dollars. Oprah used her own money to open a school in South Africa.
  • Steve Case- businessman with a fortune of 1.5 billion dollars. With his wife, he started a foundation that aims to combine philanthropy and social media.
  • Bill Gates- the richest person in the United States with a fortune of almost 60 billion dollars. Together with his wife, he donated about $30 billion.

I will help you with money for free - statements on the forum of the rich

On the Internet, the phrase “I will help you with money for free” is a common thing on the forum of rich people. But here it is important to be careful not to run into scammers. Most often, such requests are related to the need to return funds at interest or to perform some service in return for the transferred funds.

To protect yourself, it is better to ask for money in trusted places. As an option, there is an advertisement for help on the “Low Money” website. Go to the “” section and tell us about the situation that has developed in your life. Indicate the amount you need and wait for help. Rich people will definitely respond.

A rich millionaire who gives away money - who is he and where to find him?

Is there a rich millionaire who gives away money?

Let's see if this character can exist in reality. Firstly, we call him a “millionaire”, without specifying whether he is in rubles or dollars, for example. I think there are quite a few people with one or two million rubles in their accounts these days. Surely they are saving for something, so they are unlikely to give out money. One or two million rubles is not always enough even to buy an apartment.

People with larger amounts in their account most likely have their own business and want to develop it. In this case, it is also better not to give out money.

And even if a rich millionaire suddenly decides to give away his money to everyone, he will very soon cease to be one!

Therefore, I think you should not hope that such a character will appear in your life. It is especially naive to believe that he is sitting on the Internet and waiting for your payment details in order to transfer money there. more money. Moreover, I suppose that in this way you can even run into scammers who do not hesitate to take your “last penny”, and then the problems in life will only increase.

And further. A rich millionaire who gives away money is unlikely to be found in Russia, but there is information that such a person exists in San Francisco. True, the amounts are not large, 20-100 dollars. And he doesn’t distribute them, but hides them in various places in the city, and writes on his Twitter where he hid them. They say that fights even happen at the place where the treasure is hidden. Do you need it? I think that the game is not worth the candle.

I also remembered that Gregory Goldsheid (grandson of billionaire Grisha Mamurin), creator of the YouTube program “Money Solves Everything,” is engaged in similar activities. He approaches people on the street and invites them to do various disgusting things (lick his sole, drink urine, etc.) for a certain fee, he offers from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. approximately. At the end of the video he hides a treasure (I don’t know if it’s in every video or not, and whether his channel is developing at all or not). He also fed the homeless with red caviar. The action takes place, as far as I understand, in Moscow.

As you can see, nothing comes that easy... Do you still want to find a rich millionaire who gives away money? Many people want this. But if your situation is really serious, it is better to contact.

And another option if you are experiencing financial difficulties is to take out a loan.

But the loan, as you know, will have to be repaid, and even with interest. Of course, going into debt is not the best option. And not everyone gets approved for loan applications.

What to do if a rich millionaire is in no hurry to come to the rescue? You can consider this option as making money on the Internet. There are now a lot of ways to make money on the Internet, but those who have not done this will find it difficult to navigate.

What is suitable for beginners? Start writing custom texts. Internet, keyboard, knowledge of the Russian language you have. Of course, this is not the easiest task. In order to earn a lot, you will have to write a lot of texts. But that's what you do? You write texts on the Internet in order to get money, and without any guarantee.

It is clear that it is much easier to write requests for help, wasting your precious time in such an ineffective way and hoping for a miracle. But you may never receive money from the “rich millionaire”, but payments from the text exchange will come to you 100%. And this will be real money that you will earn through the Internet yourself and will be able to withdraw to your electronic wallet, and then to your bank account.

To make money by writing texts, I recommend you an exchange Turbotext.ru(the prices there are good, but to be admitted to the tasks you will have to prove your literacy by completing test task) And Text.ru.

We don’t have many millionaires here yet; there are probably no people willing to help at all (but if someone received financial help, don’t forget to thank them). Therefore, do not wait for a rich millionaire, but spin, spin, think and work, and become one yourself!

And a personal one will help you get out of the dark streak in life amulet of wealth, health and happiness.

Here is my story: I was born in 1991, and we naturally lived in poverty at that time. Thank God, of course, I have parents who are still alive. We lived in a small house, barely two beds fit in the living room for me and my parents. My dad is a civil servant, you understand, he received pennies, but he served the state for all 25 years. my mother looked after me until the 5th grade, unfortunately she has no education, her parents abandoned her and gave her to her old grandmother in the village, my mother did not give up, she looked after my grandmother, there were still relatives, but they rarely came to my grandmother (who cares). There was hope that my mother would get a lorry and a half from my grandmother. But after my grandmother’s daughter died, they only gave me a sideboard as a thank you. the food was monotonous for three days, struggling with potatoes in any form for three days. In general, we ate what we grew in the garden. They bought me clothes only when the new school year began. and there was a little hope that it was for a birthday. Mom was lucky, I was 11, she was taken to work at the store. pennies, of course, but still. In general, what is this for? big story I want you to understand how it all began, and not like “here we are mired in loans, help.” Let's continue - my dad decided to buy a small store from us as a stall, well, they are still trying to get out of poverty, so he decided to raise his family. bought (on credit, of course). there was a Muscovite 41 and they carried goods on it. at 16 I went to college, they invested a lot of money in it, but I didn’t have enough strength for it, I had to go to the city a lot, walk a lot, carry weights. In general, I couldn’t stand it and dropped out of college (I agree, I’m a fool). My parents were offended by me and forced me to work in our store. That’s how I’ve been working since I was 16 years old. we have a shop small crowd not enough, the profit is not that big. And then the car broke down. Dad decided to take out a new one, again on credit. The second loan was already hung on his neck. then another loan and then the store began to be empty, in general, it was going to the point that expenses exceeded income. Sellers changed like they stole gloves and left. and my parents are kind. Well, it’s not like they forgive debts, it’s just that the sellers are all arrogant and say that they are right. I had to sell my car for almost nothing to invest in groceries. Dad drove an old Muscovite again, and not his own, but his brother’s (unfortunately he passed away). And so we invested in food, and then our salesperson blatantly stole the profit and left. Again we were left without money. This is the situation today. Mom and dad work in the store. They only sell bread and small items. Dad is retired. His health is poor. The bank blocked the card and took away my pension. Of course we are selling the store, but no one wants to take it. The whole business has failed and there are a lot of debts. If you don’t believe the story, I can show evidence in any form of photo video. or something else. Of course it's their own fault. the kind ones forgave everything, that’s how kindness can go sideways. IF ANYONE CAN HELP WITH ANYTHING, PLEASE HELP!!! qiwi wallet+77057522379



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