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How to set yourself up for weight loss and dieting: psychological settings for the body. How to mentally prepare yourself for weight loss

Do you know that feeling when you look in the mirror and are not at all happy with its reflection? You don't recognize yourself. Previously, a slender, attractive girl looked at you. What has changed? Maybe the years are taking their toll or there is a lack of motivation and... No, I just don’t know where to start and how to get ready to lose weight. You don't know why this is happening. You really made an effort last time, but it didn't work. And the worst part of it all: you feel downright miserable, you can't lose weight, even if you tried your best. You are not alone - this is a familiar story for millions of people around the world.

Psychological components of losing weight

Think about the well-established expression - “the path to harmony.” What do you think is the key word? Second? No. First! To pull yourself together and get ready to lose weight, compare this process to a long journey. This is how we develop the first rule of the weight loss system. And we continue down the list.

5 steps to a slim figure

1. The right attitude

Losing excess weight is a long road with many stops along the way. Approach the formation of a new diet with this attitude. But first, we recommend that you forget about pompous expressions like: losing weight is forever.

Yes, for good – thinking strategically. A new habit is formed in 3 weeks, getting used to proper nutrition. Taste buds change and you no longer want to go back to junk food. But you will understand this later. And at the start, such thoughts cause despondency and depression - do not make time periods limitless. Designate a specific period: playing the long game is more effective than short-term exhausting sprints.

Let's say you are overweight - 20 kilograms. We are creating a road map - we will overcome our path with small but sure steps. It is safe for your health to lose up to 5 kilograms per month. This means that it will take 4 months for the immediate process and 1 month to consolidate the results. Not for long, do you agree? Seeing the finish line is a strong motivation.

Don’t doubt its effectiveness; any beneficial action for your figure turns into a guaranteed result.

People lose weight the most various reasons, the main thing is that the goal is important to you. A vitally important, not a passing thought. The new, lower weight makes people feel better and more confident. He helps them in different situations, including the most unpredictable ones.

Let's look at the statistics. According to a 1997 study, obese people experienced improvements in the following areas after losing weight:

  • overall quality of life – 95%
  • energy – 92%
  • mobility – 92%
  • mood – 91%
  • self-confidence – 91%
  • physical health – 86%
  • relationships with strangers – 69%
  • relationships with the opposite sex – 65%
  • relationship with spouse – 56%
  • labor productivity – 54%
  • hobby – 49%.

2. Food ritual

So, we have formed a journey of 11 months. What about the stops? On the road this is a respite, and in the process of losing weight - small relaxations in nutrition. It is difficult for a person to give up sugar forever or not eat bread. It is not normal. Life is filled with food rituals, we can’t just cross them out. For example, give up champagne for New Year's corporate party, from the cake on your own anniversary... Just say: I’m having a break now. The main thing is to make it short-term and not repeat it often.

We cannot live on a conditional 1 thousand calories per day for 330 days in a row. Allow yourself 2 thousand today, and tomorrow with a clear conscience we return to the usual 1 thousand. Nothing bad happened, we have a long road, remember? It looks like advice from a psychologist, but it helps a lot in getting ready to lose weight.

3. Are restrictions necessary - what is their meaning?

An effective motivation to lose weight is to form specific answers to the question: “What am I striving for?” This is psychology - things are more productive if you understand the meaning. Here’s how not to lose your temper – answer the question: “What is my benefit?” As specific as possible.

Let’s say you don’t envy model figures, and weighing 40 kg is not your life’s dream. You just want to get up to the fifth floor without shortness of breath, without feeling like a wreck.

This is what it might look like motivation sheet:

  1. It's hard to find stylish XL size clothes on sale. The best discounts and large selection are in size M. Therefore, I want to lose minus 20 kilograms.
  2. Lose weight to shape your waist . The completed task is a volume of 70 cm. Then I will be able to go to the beach without any inhibitions.
  3. I often fly on an airplane . Economy class seats are limited in width. I don’t want to overpay for business class - I choose to be slim.
  4. Wear heels more often . Extra pounds cause pressure on the legs and feet - I’m not going to develop varicose veins prematurely.

These are the right motives; you are your own therapist if you see meaning in your actions and intentions.

4. Psychological attitude

Walk on fresh air and burning calories while moving is good and correct. But psychological tuning consists of observing people: a standard body model and an undesirable figure. Strangers can simultaneously motivate both positively and negatively - it works both ways.

I'll explain in by example, how to tune in to lose weight and go on a diet by observing random passers-by.

Let's say I don't always adhere to the principles of healthy eating and go out for a cake. It’s quite possible to do without sweets – no guests, no holiday. There is a high probability that on the way to the store I will meet a man or woman whose appearance and figure will make me feel disgusted. Ask yourself: “Is this what you want to get to?” - and that’s it, morale will be restored. Have you ever made such assumptions or compared yourself to a worse version? You may not be completely sincere.

Watching beautiful people helps you to tune in similarly. When you meet a model on the street that you strive for, you become motivated. Crossing paths with a handsome man in a supermarket, the hand itself throws the loaf back onto the shelf and reaches for the pita bread. With bran! It works for me.

If you look up to girls, it is important to choose as a standard someone your age with a naturally normal physique. The schoolgirl wears size XXS jeans because she is underage. If you strive towards such unattainable parameters in your 30s, you will die from anorexia. This is hardly a good goal.

5. Forget the word “diet”

And the final piece of advice, but not the least important, is what to call the new stage of life. In order to properly tune in to losing weight and not lose weight, forget about the word “diet” and about such a way of eating as “sit on apples / kefir / buckwheat for two weeks / emphasize what you need, but you will immediately lose 10 kilograms.”

It's wrong to do that. You might have a breakdown.

Remember? We took the long road in small steps. Call it “new eating habits” and go slowly.

Memo - 7 factors

1. Determine why you want to lose weight

Be clear about all the reasons and write them down. This will help you stay motivated to achieve your weight loss goals. Review them daily and use them as a reminder when you are tempted to deviate from your plans.

2. Focus on the purpose of the process

  • Next week I will walk briskly for 30 minutes 5 days a week.
  • Every day I eat 4 servings of vegetables.
  • I drink a lot of clean water.

3. Find a meal plan that suits your lifestyle

  • Reduce calorie intake.
  • Reduce portion sizes.
  • Reduce the frequency of snacking.
  • Cut down on fried foods and desserts.
  • Include fruits and vegetables in your diet.

4. Keep a diary

Self-control is critical to success. Write down everything you eat. This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and desserts. And you can also record your emotions in a food diary.

5. Celebrate successes

Thank yourself for achieving your goals, share them with your friends on social media. networks.

Methods to combat bad mood:

7. Don't strive for perfection and forgive yourself.

Don't blame yourself if you make a mistake; self-destructive thoughts will only hinder your motivation.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them in the comments.

Correct and healthy eating, regular exercise - all this, of course, is necessary for losing weight. Meanwhile, experts warn that if the brain is not given the appropriate settings to achieve harmony, other efforts may be nullified.

Spring is the most suitable time of year to start life anew - in this case, to lose weight, and you should definitely take advantage of this opportunity.

According to the author of the book "Think more, eat less" Janet Thompson, there is a constant connection between the body and the brain, since the brain controls human behavior. In her opinion, the cause of extra pounds is the confused, contradictory signals that the brain sends, thereby sabotaging weight loss.

It is known that thoughts tend to “get stuck” in the head. And someone’s opinion that it’s not worth going on a diet, since it’s a waste of time, or nothing will help anyway, since a person has such a constitution, can make any attempt to lose weight ineffective. Such a thought, once in the brain, can become a belief. To avoid such problems, some psychological techniques, which will have a positive effect on the course of the diet and the process of losing weight.

1. First of all, a person losing weight should think and imagine how he feels and appearance a month after the desired weight is lost and the goal is achieved. We must imagine the same thing after three months, and then after six months. You need to concentrate on such images before going to bed for exactly one minute. It is best to do this at a time when the person has not yet fallen asleep completely, but is already dozing and in a kind of trance. Positive images created in the brain, strengthen the belief that success will definitely be achieved.

2. Before losing weight, it is best to write down all the goals and reasons for losing weight on a card made of thick paper. These could be: the desire to put on your favorite jeans, become more resilient, be able to do the splits, start wearing clothes 2 sizes smaller - but you never know what goals a person can have! In addition to writing down your goals, you should also write down specific actions, for example: “I don’t eat much” or “I exercise 3 times a week.”

3. A person should understand what behavioral stereotypes and unconstructive thoughts prevented him from achieving his goal in the past. To do this, you need to make a list of habits that prevent you from losing weight. These may include, for example, ordering pizza home too often, eating large quantity alcohol or sweets, etc. At the same time, you need to write down alternative behavior options that will need to be followed in the future.

4. When losing weight, you should keep a daily food diary, that is, write down everything that is eaten during the day. As studies conducted on this topic show, even if someone losing weight does not consciously limit themselves in the consumption of certain foods, then one glance at the diary is enough to take a more conscious approach to choosing food.

5. You need to spend more time among people who have similar goals set for themselves, or who have already achieved some results. In this case, the subconscious of a person losing weight will not only process his personal experience, but also the experiences of other people.

6. Food should not be used as a reward or medicine. A person must learn for himself that food is fuel for maintaining the vital functions of the body, and, therefore, the body must be given only the best fuel of the highest quality.

7. You cannot forbid yourself to eat this or that product, since it is known that the forbidden fruit is sweet.

Photo: shutterstock.com/Getty Images

Many girls cannot lose weight for years just because they cannot create psychological attitude to lose weight, that is, make a final decision that this cannot continue and the time has come to seriously fight with weight. It’s very difficult to deny yourself little weaknesses like “I eat what I want” or “just one cake won’t do anything.” Let's look at how to mentally tune in to losing weight and get through this not an easy path until the end, and not quit in the middle.

Healing mood for weight loss

The first thing you need is to set yourself an exact goal. Without knowing where you are going, it is impossible to get there! That’s why, first, take a piece of paper and write on it:

  1. Date, your current height, weight, chest, waist and hips.
  2. The parameters you are aiming for. Be realistic. You won’t be able to lose weight without your breasts changing, just as you won’t be able to achieve 90-60-90 parameters with a “rectangle” body type, in which the waist is not defined. You can only specify exact figure in kilograms.
  3. Subtract your desired weight from your current weight - this is how many kilograms you want to lose. For example, you weigh 60 kg, but you want to weigh 50, which means you need to lose 10 kg. Normal weight loss occurs at a rate of 3-5 kg ​​per month, no more. That is, you need at least 2 months to lose weight, maximum – 3-4. Write down the date by which you want to lose weight.

Yes, this is not like a fashionable diet like “lose 10 kg in a week,” but you will maintain the results for a long time. After reaching the desired weight, you need to maintain it for at least another 2-3 months, making efforts so that this weight becomes habitual and the body rebuilds its metabolism to accommodate it. In the future it will be quite simple proper nutrition without the abuse of fatty foods.

So, now you know by what date and how much you want to lose weight. All that remains is to act!

How to mentally prepare yourself for losing weight?

To start losing weight, your brain needs compelling reasons why you can no longer stay at your current weight. Let's look at a tough motivation technique that usually works well.

  1. First, “terrorize” yourself by trying to fit into clothes that have become too small.
  2. Then look at the folds in the large mirror. Be horrified. This is not at all what is needed!
  3. Then find the worst photo in which you look fat and look at it for a long time. This is not you at all, you cannot be like that!
  4. If you have one, find a photo of yourself at your ideal weight. If you know how, you can make it in Photoshop. Decide that you must be such a slender beauty at all costs.
  5. Read the stories of famous people who lost weight. Especially those who have lost much more than you should lose. So you will understand that everything is real and everything is possible.
  6. Decide right away that you need to lose weight forever - so short-term diets and “miracle pills” will not suit you. Only proper nutrition allows you to lose weight once and for all, and not live in cycles of “lost weight” - “gained” - “lost weight” and not torment the body.
  7. Look at the slim and beautiful girls and imagine how wonderful it will be for you when you are the same, and not envious and overweight.

There is nothing complicated about how to set yourself up to lose weight. It is important to convince yourself that you can no longer waste precious days of youth staying in this unsuitable body - you must make it into what suits you!

How to configure your body to lose weight?

Of course, it’s very difficult to give up everything you like at once. Therefore, be sure to include your favorite foods in your diet so that losing weight is not hard labor. If it is something floury, sweet or fatty, such foods can only be eaten before 12.00. The rest of the diet is simple:

  1. Breakfast– any porridge or dish of 2 eggs, tea without sugar.
  2. Lunch– a little(!) of your favorite treat.
  3. Dinner– a plate of any soup + a piece of black bread.
  4. Afternoon snack- any fruit.
  5. Dinnervegetable side dish+ lean meat/poultry/fish.

Eat a varied diet, choose light recipes and drink plenty of water. Nothing more is required from you!

If you're serious about losing a few extra pounds (two, five, or more), we know how to do it effortlessly. We offer several weight loss programs that are easy to follow. So, the article is about how to psychologically set yourself up for weight loss.

To change your eating habits you need three things: a psychological attitude, healthy and tasty food, a favorable environment at home and at work. Based on years of experience, experts have identified the key secrets to effective weight loss diets that don't require you to meticulously count calories. Follow these tips and you'll soon be slimmer and more confident.

How to psychologically prepare yourself for the process of losing weight

After the May holidays, millions of women once again vowed to get rid of extra pounds and change their eating style. However, a quarter of them returned to their previous diet within a few days. Why? Simply because they were not yet ready to take on such serious obligations. The warm days that everyone missed so much, the long-awaited nature and barbecue left no time at all to think thoroughly about how exactly to make your desires come true. But you need to realize that getting rid of every kilogram will turn into serious efforts for you. Here's expert advice on how to keep your thoughts on track.

Ask yourself why you want to lose weight

By realizing the reasons behind your desire, you can increase your own motivation. Many people simply don’t want to change their wardrobe and buy things a size larger, and they don’t even think about changes in life. The desire to wear things a size smaller or fit into your favorite jeans can be a good incentive to watch your figure. Hang your favorite outfit or a photo of you wearing it in a prominent place. If the reason for your diet was concern for your own health, hang a photo of your family, child or close friends on the refrigerator. This will help you stay motivated.

Enjoy your food

You will never be able to stay faithful to your diet if every time your mother-in-law calls, when you are alone on a Saturday night, or when you successfully complete an important project at work, you reach for the bowl of cookies. If you tend to eat under the influence of positive or negative emotions, make a list of things that will distract you from eating: calling a friend, knitting, flipping through a magazine, polishing your nails. As soon as you have the urge to visit the refrigerator, immediately switch to one of these tasks. You can also develop a reward system that doesn't involve food. This could be buying a new pair of shoes, taking a hot bubble bath, or getting a facial at a salon. And then, when you want to treat yourself, your first thought will not be about a piece of cake with tea.

Be prepared for failure

At a certain stage of your diet, the scale needle may freeze in one place or even move to the right. It won't be so bad if you have a backup plan. After all, in business planning, for example, they try to take into account everything possible options developments of events. Apply the same approach to your diet! What can help if there are no results? Detailed food diary. You may have heard of it before, even tried it. But did you write down anything other than the amount of food you ate? This time, make sure that the diary records your degree of hunger before eating, how you feel after eating, and your emotions while eating (stress or high spirits). After some time, you will be able to determine whether you are eating enough healthy foods, too many unhealthy foods, or whether your emotions are influencing your appetite.

Slowly but surely

Try to eat slowly - this will allow you to fully appreciate the taste of the dishes... and understand in time that you are full. Don't eat in a hurry, in front of the TV, reading a magazine or talking on the phone.

Focus on food. Eat small bites (put your fork down while you chew) and enjoy the flavors of your food.

Select time "H"

Now that you have set your mind to losing weight, you need to choose the day from which your plan will take effect. Make sure that all necessary products have been purchased and all other measures described above have been taken. And be realistic! If you want to start losing weight on January 1, it is better to postpone the start of active actions to the 15th: you will need time for the holiday passions to subside. But you also don’t need to postpone the diet for too long, so as not to lose motivation.

Stay a foodie without gaining weight


You know how difficult it is to create a romantic mood. What can we say about an atmosphere that would help you lose weight! Save the candles for the bedroom and use our tips.

  • Turn on the light! Latest research they say that the brighter the lighting in the room, the less you will eat,
  • Eat from beautiful plates. There is no guarantee that you will eat less if the dish is served on fine china, but you will certainly enjoy it.
  • Remove background music. Research from the University of Georgia found that listening to pleasant music while eating actually makes you eat more.

Whenever you try to lose weight, you clear the kitchen of foods that are incompatible with your diet and go to the supermarket in search of healthy food (low-carb bread, low-fat sauces, low-fat ice cream). "Not best idea" - this is what experts say about this. Many foods that you consider dangerous for your figure - dark chocolate, nuts and even pizza and chips - are not so harmful if you do not abuse them. Filling your refrigerator with only diet foods can make you feel deprived and unhappy. Plus, the diet food may not be to your taste. And if you can't eat properly, after a while you'll still reach for a candy bar or a bag of chips. In fact, a study by British scientists found that women who enjoyed their breakfast ate less throughout the day than those who were less enthusiastic about their morning meal.

Follow our grocery shopping tips and you'll be able to enjoy your meals without worrying about gaining extra pounds.

Align your shopping list with your diet

Golden Rule: Half of the items in your cart should consist of vegetables, fruits and whole grains (50:50 ratio), the other half should be lean protein (chicken, fish), healthy fats (olive oil, nuts) and dairy products (low-fat or skim milk , yogurt and cheese) in equal proportions - 1/3 each. What to choose for snacks? Popcorn, sweet potatoes and even dark chocolate.

Make a rough shopping list

Most diets advise you to create a list of specific foods and strictly adhere to it. This can make you feel boxed in. Over time, when you can no longer eat the same thing, you can take liberties in the form of pizza or ice cream. Nutrition experts suggest making a general list of foods, adding categories like “vegetables” and “whole grains,” and then choosing from what’s available in the market or on supermarket shelves. If your list includes oranges, bananas and apples, you will buy them. If you simply have “fruit” written down, you can buy what you like: pomegranates, tangerines, etc.

Stay away from assorted packaging

By buying a set of products in one package, you expose yourself to the temptation to eat more, even if the products in the package differ only in color. During the experiment, women ate 43 more Sea Pebbles pellets when they were offered them in 10 colors instead of 6. By taking this information to heart, you can turn it to your advantage - for example, by buying a package of different varieties of grapes instead of just one.

Spend your money on quality products

Since you now buy less processed food, ham and sweets, you will have more money left over. They can be spent on purchasing ingredients High Quality, which will add sophistication to the dishes you prepare. Products you shouldn't skimp on include extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, expensive cheeses, fresh herbs, roasted nuts and preservative-free salad dressings.

Make the environment conducive to your weight loss process

Even if you eat only healthy foods, overeating can ruin even the most effective diet for weight loss. Many women buy only healthy food, but do not lose weight, experts say. Failure to comply with portion sizes is your enemy. Often the cause of overeating is what surrounds us. Everything from the diameter of your plate to the size of your ice cream cup affects how much food you eat in a day. Small changes can help you avoid overeating.

No big spoons!

The size of the dishes also determines how much we eat. You tend to eat most of the food on your plate, if not the entire dish. If you only fit a small amount of food on your plate, you won't eat too much.

Avoid too small portions

Small chocolate bars or small glasses of soda may seem like a great solution if you are on a diet. But it turns out that when portion sizes are too small, people tend to eat several small portions that add up to more than one standard portion.

Do not exceed serving size

Regularly eating large portions can cause you to lose track of what is normal. In a recent study, scientists asked fast food diners to estimate the number of calories they consumed. People who ate large portions underestimated their caloric intake by almost half, compared with those who ate small portions (they deviated from the actual number by about 20%). How to start looking at things realistically? Try to eat at home where you can control portion sizes. Serve all dishes in a deep plate with a volume of about 300 ml and a shallow plate with a diameter of about 20 cm. Weigh or re-measure the portion whose volume you are not sure of. At a restaurant, order a half portion, eat an appetizer before the main course, or go to restaurants that do not offer special portions. large sizes" Avoid large volumes of drinks, even if it's just water, otherwise you risk drinking the same amount of high-calorie drinks later by inertia.

Don't eat in front of the TV

In another experiment, the researchers divided the participants into three groups and sat them in front of the TV, handing each a large box of chips. In the two groups, every 7th and 13th chip was marked red.

In the group where the chips were not marked with color, women ate an average of 23 chips. Participants in the other two groups ate only 10. “When they got to the red chips, it made them wonder how many they had already eaten,” the scientists commented. So you shouldn't eat from a pack, especially while watching TV, because the only thing that can stop you is an empty pack. It’s better to put the allowable amount of food on a plate in advance and hide the pack away.

Keep nothing on the kitchen or dining table

If, say, a bag of chips catches your eye, then the temptation to eat it will be greater than if you need to open the cabinet to do so. Simply take as many chips as you need and put the bag away. The same goes for dinner. If you put all your prepared food on the table, you won't have to get up for more and you'll be more likely to eat more than you should. And if you put a lot of food on the table, then let it be salads or vegetables that do not contain many calories, are filling and healthy. After finishing your meal, immediately clear the table. As you know, what you don’t see, you don’t think about.

How to get ready to lose weight - video

Finally going on a diet, starting to eat right, or forcing yourself to limit yourself at least a little in something is always very, very difficult. We put it off for tomorrow, for Monday, for “after the holidays”... As a result, for months, or even years, we look in the mirror every day and reproach ourselves for small or large shortcomings.

In fact, deciding to limit yourself in something is not so difficult if you first get into the right moral frame of mind and then develop a “schedule” that you will carefully adhere to.

The first step is to understand: “why”, “why” and “for what” are you doing this?

The most important thing is to decide why you need all this? There can be a lot of options: for the general health of the body, to simply look better, to lose a lot of weight and become beautiful man, for work (get a role, for a photo shoot), to wear fashionable and modern clothes, for a loved one or just for yourself, to increase your popularity among men/women...

In general, the reasons can be listed endlessly! Some arguments are serious and can really change your life for the better, and some are just a disguise for real problems, and no diet will help you in this case. By answering the question “for what?”, you set yourself a goal, in some ways even one of the “life goals”, so achieving it will be meaningful and effective. For example, “I will stick to a diet - I will lose weight - I will be able to wear tight and fashionable things - I will be able to go to nightclubs and feel natural and comfortable there - which means that I will be able to diversify my leisure time and make interesting acquaintances.” Here specific goal– objectified and real.

Or “I will stick to a diet for two or three months - I will lose excess weight - then I will be able to play amateur football in a team along with all the other fit men - as a result, my old “dream” of football will come true and my vacation will become more interesting.”

But here is a goal, the achievement of which is unlikely to change anything: “I don’t have a completely ideal figure - I will stick to a diet - I will have ideal proportions - then all men will pay attention to me, and I will immediately improve my personal life.” Here, the last link in the chain most likely has little correlation with the first, therefore, apart from anger, constant nervousness and disappointment, these “deprivations” will not bring anything else.

The second step is to determine what you will lose and what you will gain in return? Is the game worth the candle?

It’s difficult to constantly keep yourself “in check”... Therefore, you need to answer the question: what will this give you? If dietary restrictions bring success at work (increase fees, give career growth, increase popularity), then half of your life will radically change for the better. If you suffer from loneliness, you can’t go anywhere, you’re embarrassed to make new friends, you can’t dress well and beautifully because excessive excess weight gets in the way, then take hold of yourself with both hands. Thanks to good proportions, you will have access to outfits, dancing, and swimsuits, and therefore the attention of the opposite sex.

But torturing yourself over 5 extra kilograms or centimeters, thinking that this will help solve problems with your husband, personal life or respect in the company of peers, is, to say the least, stupid and ineffective. Therefore, weigh all the pros and cons, and then act.

The third step - will you be able to do everything, or will the idea go nowhere in a couple of weeks?

Think carefully about whether you can fulfill all the requirements of the diet, and whether your lifestyle will interfere with this. For example, it will be difficult to follow a special menu if you constantly eat out or in different places; your work involves banquets, receptions or parties; your family is used to eating a plentiful and varied diet; are you planning soon summer rest or a trip to visit parents; you constantly meet with friends and love noisy feasts.

The fourth step is to draw up a sample menu and meal “schedule”.

It is not necessary to write down everything and draw tables - you can mentally plan what and how you will eat in the near future. If you have chosen a specific diet, then purchase the necessary products in advance and strictly follow the prescribed instructions. If you decide to count calories, feel free to study each package, use a calculator, or add your daily ration to your notebook. For lunch and dinner in in public places collect information in advance about the calorie content of prepared dishes and carefully look at the menu (grams and sometimes the number of calories are always indicated there). If you want to count “points” on a protein diet, calculate each meal in advance and always carry the table with you. And if you are simply going to limit yourself in food, then decide in advance: for breakfast I will eat a pack of cottage cheese, for lunch I will only have vegetable salad and soup, and instead of dinner I will have a snack of fruit. And so every day!

And the fifth step is to start everything immediately!

If you have made a decision, don’t put it off until tomorrow, start right now, with today’s breakfast, lunch or dinner.

If you are not psychologically ready for special diets, they seem too radical to you, and you are afraid that, in addition to stress and bad mood, you won’t get anything, then start with something simple - try basic “proper nutrition”. Maybe in a month or two you will like this lifestyle, you will see pleasant results in the mirror, and then you yourself and with great pleasure will switch to something more effective, because... Now it won’t be scary at all, but even interesting.

Key points of proper nutrition:

It is not recommended to narrow your diet. You need to try to eat different foods to get all the necessary substances and vitamins. Main question– this is the quantity. Even if you are ready to constantly give up bread, butter, sugar, salt, fatty foods, etc., be careful, because all this, one way or another, is necessary for our body. Therefore, at least once a week or ten days, eat a piece of bread, a sandwich with butter, drink a cup of sweet tea or a piece of dark pancake.

2. Monitor the quality of food: it is important that everything is fresh, ripe and preferably natural. Dishes that are eaten hot should not be eaten cold. It’s good if for the most part you consume natural products, close to everything natural and prepared in traditional ways. For example, boiled chicken and baked potatoes are much healthier for our body than chips and chicken wings deep-fried.

3. Be careful with sweets. It is best not to abuse it, but to eat it once a day separately from the main meal - for breakfast or as an afternoon snack. Dessert after a hearty lunch or dinner will greatly slow down the digestion process, which means that everything eaten will add extra pounds.

4. You need to drink before meals, not after or during. The liquid, taken approximately 10-15 minutes before meals, revitalizes internal secretion and quenches primary hunger, which promotes weight correction.

5. If you like milk, then consume it separately, because... It is less of a drink and more of a complete food. If you want to lose weight, do not consume milk with buns, cookies, or cook milk porridges.

6. Don't overeat. It's better to end your meal when you want to eat another piece of something. Another one wise phrase says: “You need to get up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger.”

7. Eat a few hours before bed. The longer this period of time, the more successfully you will lose weight. It is also not recommended to rest (lie down to sleep) after lunch or a hearty snack.

8. It is useful to take turns.

After you have quenched your thirst, it is best to eat a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, because... they are the fastest to digest. Then you can eat stewed or boiled vegetables, and at the end - protein foods. Although there are no purely protein and purely carbohydrate foods in nature, still in Lately It is considered rational and literate not to mix bread and meat, potatoes and fish or chicken, that is, predominantly starchy foods with animal protein, in one meal. Such mixtures objectively take longer and are more difficult to digest, since the digestion of individual components requires different digestive juices.

If you want to lose weight without extra effort, calculations and schedules, then try to adhere to simple restrictions for a month or two. Of course, you can’t get rid of a lot of things this way, but you will definitely lose five or three extra kilos.



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