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How to subjugate a man using magic. Powerful runic compulsion. Conspiracy for husband's dirty things

As is commonly believed, a person is an integral personality who has his own views on life, aspirations and desires. Unless, of course, you take into account henpecked husbands who live by the aspirations and wishes of their other halves.

However, as it turned out, the will can be taken away not only from such a spineless spouse, but also completely adequate person. There are several for this effective methods, which have been showing 100% results for several years now.

Before talking about them, it’s worth understanding why such forced suppression of personality is necessary? There can be many motives, but the most common among them are self-interest, love, rivalry and one’s own tyranny. In the latter case, a person wants to be admired, depended on, worshiped, and so he commits his dirty deeds.

Method one. Hypnosis suppresses personality, that is, a person simply needs to be hypnotized by giving him a certain attitude on a subconscious level. This may be any wish with selfish motives, which will be imprinted in the consciousness for a long time or forever, and in real life will occur at an arbitrary level.

However, in order to use this method of personality suppression, you yourself must have tremendous hypnosis skills, since a qualified specialist in this field is unlikely to agree to such insidious tricks.

Method two. There is a simple way to subjugate a person’s will, but this requires taking advantage of his weaknesses. But how? As is known, a person perceives the world through the means of smell, touch, hearing, taste and sight. This knowledge is worth taking advantage of, because it speaks eloquently about all human weaknesses.

For example, perfumes with pheromones are capable of turning one’s head and subordinating it to someone else’s will, beautiful words and flattering compliments can cause addiction, and gestures and facial expressions can make you fall in love for the rest of your life. As a rule, such techniques are used by scammers and gypsies, which is basically the same thing. They influence all centers of perception and quietly carry out pre-planned adventures.

Method three. There is a special conspiracy to subjugate the will of another person. Before conducting such a mystical ritual, it is important to understand the seriousness and responsibility of your act, since such actions are a great sin. The consequences of the conspiracy are the most irreversible, and can negatively affect both the sorcerer and his unaware victim.

If a final decision has been made, and the question of how to subjugate a person is still relevant, then the ritual described below must be performed early in the morning at dawn at all alone. It is necessary to light three simultaneously wax candles, and then read the following words of the conspiracy: “The star conspired, the moon conspired, the sun conspired.

All the words I utter will be established, consolidated and yet fulfilled. All my orders for the servant of God (name) are precise decrees. Obedient child, I am obedient to God, and God’s servant (Name) will always be obedient to me. Thrice Amen." Such a mystical ritual acts almost instantly, and the bewitched person will not even feel dramatic changes in his self-awareness. But all the people around him can feel something is wrong.

In any case, before subjugating a person’s will to yourself, it is important to be aware of all your actions, and also understand what the consequences may be.

So there are plenty of ways to subjugate someone else’s will, but perhaps the strongest of them is sincere love. As you know, you can follow your loved one to the ends of the earth without looking back.

Omorochka is a rather rare way of influencing a person, aimed at suppressing his will and instilling the necessary thoughts and intentions. With the help of such witchcraft, you can completely subjugate a person to your will, be it an enemy, a lover or a superior.

In the article:

Omorochka - what is it?

What's happened trouble? This is a distortion of perception; accordingly, foolishness is a magical way of distorting a person’s perception. Such witchcraft is always aimed at getting a person to do something important to you against his will, or to refuse to make a decision that could harm the sorcerer.

In addition, a joke can be aimed at confusing the thoughts of a person who, being in a sober mind, can be dangerous to you. The victim of such a conspiracy will perform actions, thinking that this is happening according to his will, but in fact, she will be completely subordinate to the initiator of the ritual.

Sending the necessary goals and thoughts to the victim can occur in several ways. For example, some conspiracies involve suggestion by witchcraft. Some rituals only involve weakening a person's will. This means that you will have to negotiate with him personally, but it will be easy to force him to take the desired action.

In general, this type of magic is aimed at suppressing a person’s will and changing his thoughts and intentions. Such work will always be difficult; in order for the work to be crowned with success, extreme concentration and serious magical preparation are needed, as well as a considerable level of personal energy.

It is believed that before carrying out such complex rituals, it is advisable to fast for some time, rest in a place remote from civilization, and meditate. But this is not always possible; situations often occur when immediate magical help is required. Black magic will always help a person who has devoted a lot of time to researching the occult sciences, but remember that the retribution may be as serious as your goal.

The effect of such witchcraft is usually short-lived. Typically, these rituals are used to achieve a goal, after which they reduce the impact on the victim to nothing. If long-term effects are needed, they will have to be repeated very often. The stereotype about nightmarish fools is not always the case; parents can also turn to such magic in order to protect their child from bad company.

Omorochka to inspire the necessary thoughts

In order for a person to obey you in everything, think in a way that is beneficial to you, and act as you need, perform a simple ritual with his photo. Hold the image in your hands and whisper as many times as your intuition tells you:

Back to front, everything is the other way around, you will walk, you will think, you will do everything in my favor, everything as I say.

You can cast such a trick on an enemy in order to achieve reconciliation or force him to make the wrong decision, on a boss who treats you unfairly and in many other situations. The person will listen to all your instructions and agree with you in everything. You will convince him to do what you want without much effort.

If you do not have a photograph of the object, the following option can be read while in the same room with the right person. In this case, you will have to read mentally or in a whisper. If there is a photo, the text can be read on the photo with the window open. Read nine times:

No, I’m not going, I’m going to Vedmedytsi, I’m trashing the bastard,
And before Tebe (name), I command you to shout trash
(state the essence of the wish - what the person should do according to your plan)
I'm going to Cherez More, I'll throw poppy at More,
What am I going to say - let it all be so,
I will reach you with a bead pointer,
Until then, be kind and kind.

Omorochki for all occasions

You can use a joke not only to inspire the necessary thoughts. With the help of the following ritual, you can confuse not only thoughts, but also paths, and generally influence any aspect of a person’s life. To confuse your thoughts, take blue thread from any material. If you need to confuse the paths, that is, to make sure that a person gets lost on the road and does not arrive at some place, it is advisable to take the lace from his shoe. But if such a component is too difficult to get, take a black or brown ribbon, or you can take a new shoe lace.

The length of the lace is approximately the length of a person’s foot, the thread for fooling thoughts and heads is approximately the circumference of the head. You cannot try such threads and ribbons on yourself; you will have to do it “by eye”. It’s good if there is hair from the victim, so the witchcraft will work better. If you can get the person's hair, it needs to be woven into knots.

Simultaneously with any suitable omorochka spell or another that fits perfectly in meaning, seven knots are tied on a thread or cord. The knots should be tangled, their entire structure should look complex. But at the same time, in order to remove the witchcraft, you will need to untie them in the reverse order.

With the help of witchcraft, you can force an inveterate brawler to avoid you. Folk wisdom says that knowing the right words, you can close any mouth. It’s worth learning a few words in advance that are spoken in a whisper or to yourself. In general, the meaning of these words is the same - to silence a person, but there are a lot of situations in which such witchcraft can be used. For example, these words are most suitable for getting rid of a scandalous person:

Toby salt and water, chicken slipota,
toad on the shoulders, talk about me, ne mala ti talk.

Such words will always save you from the wrath of your boss, who will change his mind about scolding you:

I sit on the reptile, I chase the reptile.
I lock the mouths of all my enemies with a golden key.

Mischief on the enemy

There are puzzles for all occasions, including rituals that can be. If you can't deal with an enemy without witchcraft, try taking away his mind so that he can't compete with you.

In order to perform the ritual, you will need any black berries. At noon, cook jelly from them. When it boils, say in jelly:

I will remember your work with jelly,
Quick, fast and brave.
How Yegoriy fought and won,
So I will crush the enemy, slave (name),
I will destroy his case.
Kissel, jelly,
Simmer all day.
Get up, get up,
Secure my case firmly.
I'm first, the enemy is behind me.
My Lord is everywhere, everywhere with me.
Key, lock, tongue. Let it be so!

When the drink is ready, drink a third. Another third should be drunk at sunset, and what remains should be drunk at three in the morning. From this moment, count nine days and repeat the ritual. Do the same forty days after the ninth day. They count down the days at night, after the last portion of jelly is drunk.

You can put a spell on the enemy to confuse all his thoughts. This plot is similar to the previous one in its action, but no attributes are needed to read it:

Find it, trouble, from any side, from windy and leeward, from sunrise and from the west. Confuse your head, look away 33 times. Moronic leprosy, eat up the purity of thoughts, give me a swooning emptiness. Like a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens and does not understand, so that my enemy, the servant of God (name), sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens to speeches and does not understand a damn thing. Amen.

Omorochki, taking away strength from the enemy instantly

There are special tricks that take away the enemy’s strength instantly. No need to be scared we're talking about not about negative impact, but about protective witchcraft. The following conspiracy is used only in cases where you are sure that intrigues are already being woven against you. If your enemies are up to something, you can take away the forces that they should have spent to harm you.

You need to read it nine times, on a photo of the enemy or with a visualization of his image. There should be a candle burning in the room, preferably a black one. But if you don’t have such a candle, you can take an unpainted wax candle. The plot is read as needed, regardless of the phase of the moon and time of day:

Spun, grabbed, carried away
Through windbreaks, gullies,
Ditches, snags
With a roar, a whistle,
Leshim laughter, eagle screeching.
Heavy moans, screams.
It hit me in the ribs, it frothed in my heart,
A roar on the throat, on the chest with claws,
It swirled and splashed a yellow-muddy wave into my eyes.
Burning sparks.
Yellow all around, dark all around,
The fog is all around, it's burning all around,
It’s light all around, there’s no light around...
Saliva burns drunker than wine,
It burns and suffocates, drowning out thoughts.
Moan and cry - don't hide your tears.
A grin of laughter like a yellow snake,
It curls in rings, dazzles in the eyes,
He tied his forehead with a tight tourniquet,
The heart sucks, the soul gnaws,
My back feels cold and my ears buzz.
Fall asleep, fall - there is no way!

This fool takes away all the resources of the enemies that should be directed against you - energy, the desire to harm and even money, if they don’t like you so much that they are ready to spend money for the sake of revenge.

Love spell on a man

A love affair with a man or woman is a complex concept. It cannot be said that it evokes feelings like , or passion like black. Submission to one's will cannot cause any loving feelings. But it is quite possible to persuade someone to give gifts or force them to close their eyes to several shortcomings of any severity.

Many men do not listen to the words of their wives. To correct this situation, braid your hair and do not undo it for three days. The ritual, unfortunately, is only suitable for those who have long hair, which can actually be braided. On the fourth day you need to wake up at three o’clock in the morning, undo your braid and comb your hair with the following words:

Hair on the head
I have my scythe in my hand, my mind is in my teeth.
No matter what I say
thereby showing her intelligence.
How people listen to church bells,
So let my husband listen to my words for the rest of his life.
Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Women who know this trick for their husband are able to influence their spouse and persuade him to any opinion. Moreover, even if you talk complete nonsense, your loved one will listen to you with pleasure.

As mentioned above, trouble- is changing people's perceptions in your favor. Of course, such magic can be used to appear more beautiful than you really are. The plot is read to oneself, on the way to a place where there are men:

All women are fools
Their manners are bad
All the dresses are short,
I came in, peacock,
Red maiden.
She led her gaze -
I gathered all the men.
Wherever I go, they follow me.

If there is a person in this room whose attention you especially seek, add one more line to the plot:

And my beloved (name) is above all!

Such conspiracies work great at holidays and corporate events, in public institutions, but do not work on the street.

Omorochki - how to force the victim to do something

Using a trick to force the victim to do something is quite possible. Even if the object of witchcraft did not agree to a certain proposal, he will try to listen again to your arguments. It will seem to him that he agrees with your ideas of his own free will, but this is not the case.

Attack you with sleep and darkness,
not just one, but all 40!
I take your eyes away
I'm confusing your consciousness,
I'm wrapped in a black web!
Like flies and mosquitoes to a spider's web
stick tightly
so my words-deeds-views
your will is being euthanized!
Sleep your mind, sleep your mind.
How does the earth absorb water?
So you do my will!
The trouble has fallen on you
on each side and on any side!
Perish, your clear mind, for one earthly hour!
I confuse, I twist, I twist,
do as I want!
There is blindness in your eyes,
there is numbness in your arms and legs,
to your will - my every command!
As soon as I blow on your face,
So I’ll break your spell right away!
Brother devils, throw my fetters on (name), throw them, put them on,
subordinate his (her) will to my will!

Your eyes are in the fog, and your mind is in a dope!
Your eyes are in the fog, and your mind is in a dope!

How to remove a blemish

The question of how to remove the confusion is very often asked by women who have experienced adultery and the subsequent departure of their husband to his rival. Before you start removing the confusion, make sure that this is the problem. In addition to completely material reasons, there is also a love spell, for example. However, the next method is directed by the rival to her husband. To do this, you need to invite him to visit and ensure that he comes alone. You need to prepare food and set the table, even a modest one. For food, before your spouse arrives, you need to read:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am the only legal wife of God's servant (name). May our quarrels be forgotten, may the slander of others evaporate, and may my husband’s eyes be opened. We should live together, and the homewrecker should not do witchcraft. Amen.

Charmed food is only for you and your husband. No one else should eat it. This is done three times. If your spouse still lives with you, it will be much easier to remove the confusion this way. By the way, this simple ritual also removes all concerns about beauty. If your husband's mistress used such witchcraft, it will be neutralized.

If you are wondering how to remove a headache from your head, that is, one that is aimed at instilling other people’s thoughts or weakening the mind, there is such a ritual. It is done only on the waning moon. It’s good if you can figure it out so that at this time there will be religious holiday- Intercession, Easter, Christmas or another, but large. For the ritual you only need fish, absolutely any fish. You need to remove the scales from it with a knife and read at this time:

God help me! Heavenly Father, help!
How does this scale fly off a fish?
And so the confusion disappears from the servant of God (name).
Just as you can’t give away mother earth to anyone,
No one can fool her,
So would the servant of God (name)
Don't ruin anyone
Not by deed or word to deceive.
No one would dress him up like a fool,
The heart and mind will not be clouded.
And who wants to spoil it,
To deceive with deeds, with words,
My word will find him,
Peace and happiness will come to him.
For now, for eternity, for infinity.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

After cleaning the fish, you can cook and eat it. If you don't like fish, you can give it to someone. You need to do this from three to nine times; just once, severe headaches will not go away. But the results will be noticeable after the first time. The ritual also acts as a talisman against such witchcraft.

In general, the puzzle can be useful to absolutely anyone. There are tricks both for misleading someone, and for subordinating one’s will and even protecting oneself from enemies. Almost everyone can use such witchcraft, so you should also know how to remove such hexes.

The most Full description in all details - a love spell for complete submission with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Black magic opens up a considerable number of possibilities for a person. Not everyone likes, much less has the strength, to perform rituals of such power. Strong character is the main condition for correct magical influence for one who boldly performs rituals. To subordinate the will of another person to yourself is incredible power over someone else’s life, requiring a certain payment. When making a binding, you yourself must have strong energy and be a real leader, otherwise the conspiracy will turn against you.

Submitting the will of another person to yourself is incredible power over someone else’s life.

Black Magic will give power over a person

How to subjugate a person for a long time and without consequences? To begin with, you should decide for what purpose you are using such powerful magic and what results will really suit you. Women often have to subjugate the man they love, especially if family life is not working out, and constant quarrels throw everyone out of balance. But other reasons related to career and work push a person to perform a powerful magical ritual. Whatever the original purpose different people, make sure that all the nuances of the future ritual are observed, and that your own energy is reliably protected from unwanted consequences. Changes in the program of a person, especially a loved one, require careful preparation and diligence in following all recommendations.

The essence of the ritual to subjugate the will

If you are determined to subjugate a man firmly and for a long time, to deprive him of his will, then you should clarify what the nature of such a ritual is and exactly how it will affect the enchanted living object. During the ritual, you will gain power not only over the will of a man or woman, but you will also be able to guide them and resolve important issues for them. Unlike a love spell, such magic is comprehensive. A bewitched man experiences strong melancholy, but a person who is under your control voluntarily succumbs to you, your choice and whims. Submission rites rarely take place in one stage, to strengthen the effect, additional rituals are needed to strengthen the bindings. Thus, an integrated approach to completing the task will give a stable, long-lasting result. The decision you have to make has two sides, like any coin or multi-faceted phenomenon in nature. Controlling a person as if he were a doll will not work. A living object with needs and emotions will resist magical influence. You need to be prepared for such an outcome in advance. Worry about protecting and fueling the main plot.

If you are wondering how to subjugate a man yourself, then the experience of traditional healers and healers will come to your aid. Choose the ritual that is most suitable for you and prepare thoroughly for it. Take your time, be patient and remember, a strong desire will contribute to all bold endeavors. Becoming strong spirit, you will do something truly unreal.

Ritual of powerful submission "black cock"

To perform a strong ritual, it is important to match the time of year and the position of the heavenly bodies. The phases of the moon play an important role for various types of magical influences. The growing month gives strength for new beginnings, while the full moon helps to destroy other people's damage and strong evil eyes. For a ceremony in which a rooster is used, special conditions will be required. On the street where the main action of the plot will take place there must be white, recently fallen snow.

The phases of the moon play an important role for various kinds of magical effects.

Main actor for rituals designed to create a powerful attachment, an animal is used, most often a chicken or a rooster. For a strong impact, you will need:

How to perform a ritual

For a black plot, a dark-colored rooster, young and absolutely healthy, is suitable. Once you have the courage, you should:

  1. Kill an animal at the intersection of two paths or roads.
  2. With hot, flowing blood on the white snow, write the name of the one you want to subjugate.
  3. Say the words of the conspiracy to yourself:

“The devil took you, took your strength through your blood. You have no share other than bondage. You should be a dumb firebrand under me! Just as the demon drinks blood, so he will torment you with love’s melancholy. You will crow like a rooster, but remain silent in front of me like a firebrand. You have no word against my reservation. I'm bloody. And to me - your subordinate, yes love! Drop by drop will be shed, slave (Name), becoming soul and body, will turn to me. To be you. (Name), a slave, under my heel."

  • Write down your wishes on a piece of paper, put them under the dead carcass, quickly leave the intersection, never look back.
  • The next morning, read “Our Father” and calmly wait for the response of the subordinate person.
  • Choose a day when the perfect ritual will not be noticed. Neither strangers, nor your loved ones, otherwise the conspiracy will not have the desired effect. If there is a desire to subjugate magic, then best method, than a ritual with a black rooster cannot be found.

    Powerful Runic Compulsion

    A consistent ritual that requires several repetitions works unconditionally. You will be surprised how much a person can depend on your desires and momentary whims. Runes are ancient symbols that bring success, love, and power to their owner. The power hidden in pagan symbolism is not subject to everyone. Only a select few are able to perform a powerful runic ritual and receive real, obvious benefits from it.

    What is needed for the ritual

    Experienced magicians have more than once encountered the difficult but feasible task of binding one person to another, depriving one of them of a strong will and the right to choose (freedom of action). For a ritual with the help of which you will quickly, and most importantly, subjugate a man or partner for a long time, you must:

    Runes, no matter how powerful they may be, are applied to simple materials with waterproof paints or a marker. The factor that makes the ritual work is the correct application of symbols on paper.

    How to perform a ritual

    For the runic ritual, the simplest “ingredients” are used, lying idle in your kitchen. After preparatory activities finished, gather your courage and do the following:

    1. Write down the spell on a piece of paper, with reverse side draw the rune of submission.
    2. Spell words:

    “I was in a field, I saw grass. Where the wind blows the grass, its leaves look there. So you, servant of God (name), would do what I need, becoming what I want. According to my words, according to my speeches. My words are the key, my deeds are the lock. Secure, God, my words, my deeds. Now, forever, forever and ever.”

  • Read the written spells loudly over a glass of water.
  • Burn the leaf, thereby activating the rune.
  • Allegedly accidentally spill the enchanted water on the victim of the ritual to obtain all-consuming submission.
  • Runes are ancient symbols that bring success, love, power to their owner

    You can repeat your unique ritual several times, but you should not abuse the magic of runes. Magic powers need respect, and therefore, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, do not anger ancient magic.

    Complex Subordination

    Most rituals work at half strength or do not produce any noticeable changes at all. There are many reasons for failure - non-compliance with instructions and recommendations, weak energy: yours or the man you want to subjugate. Often undesirable results are produced by rituals that are not suitable for your state of mind or body. That is, in your mind you decided to take desperate measures, but your soul resists. Another nuance that should not be forgotten is the sequence of joint rituals. Before a strong impact, energy is always cleansed. Consolidating the result will also save you from many future troubles. If you are determined to seriously submit, then perform several complex rituals at once.

    What is needed for the ritual

    A complex ritual includes the gradual weakening of a person’s will, his subsequent submission and recording of the result. For all stages, prepare attributes in advance, so you will need:

    • photo of the object of future subordination;
    • tea dish;
    • candles from the temple;
    • matches;
    • a piece of natural fabric;
    • a piece of chalk;
    • needles;
    • Holy water.

    The whole complex will take several days, but the rituals, one after another, guarantee not just binding or a love spell, but long-term, unquestioning submission.

    How to perform a ritual

    To perform the ceremony, choose the day when it appears in the sky full moon. Next, follow the clear instructions:

    1. Proceed to the first stage of binding. To do this, take a photo of the object to be subordinated, place a saucer on top, and place lit church candles around it.
    2. Take care in advance about small but important nuances - write down on wax the date of birth of the person for whom you are performing the ceremony.
    3. Say the first spell over each candle:

    “I light something holy, but not for a holy cause.”

  • Another spell is read over the photograph to weaken his will:

    “I will light three candles and take away the power and choice from (Name). The first candle will burn out - (name)’s will will melt, (name) will lose its strength. The second candle will burn out - (name) will lose joy from melancholy (name) will die. The third candle burns out - (name)’s life will melt, (name) will lose strength. The candles burned out, (name)’s body was eaten away by pain, and the will of the wax melted. Let it be so".

  • Wrap the saucer with the photograph in a piece of thick fabric.
  • Go to the cemetery with the bundle, don’t talk to anyone or look at anyone along the way.
  • Dig a small hole near the fence of the graves and place a saucer wrapped in cloth in it.
  • Say the following:

    “Just as a dead person lies weak-willed in the grave, so you (name) should be weak-willed. Just as a dead person in the grave is silent without will, so you (name) are silent without will. Let it be so".

  • Leave a gift in the form of sweets at the nearest grave (thanks for your help).
  • Begin the second stage - subordination of the entire will of a person:

    1. Burn a few church candles, take out soft wax and mold a figurine in the form of a person from it.
    2. Draw a circle on a piece of dark fabric with chalk. Place the remaining candles around. Light them. Using a needle, pierce the figurine in the area of ​​the heart and repeat in a whisper:

    “There is not a sharp needle in my hand, but my steel will. Heated by bright fire, in the head (name) for my work. With the fire of hell, the sword of demons - by my will into your body and mind (name). Having become the dark power that rules destinies, the given power that allows you to rule destinies, the powerful word that commands destinies, I say: from now on and forever, my will is your will (name). My word is your word (name), my deed is your deed (name). Submit to my word, obey my deed, obey my will.”

  • Bury the figurine under a blooming, lush tree.
  • After completing this set of rituals, add those that you like best. Strengthen your connection. It would be useful to do love spell, if we are talking about a beloved man.

    A complex photo ritual includes a gradual weakening of a person’s will

    Powerful Submission through Dreaming

    Simple witchcraft attracts not only the soul, but also the mind of the one you wish to subjugate. Magic rituals through dreams are effective, but only if all instructions are followed. While the body is dozing, all the hidden powers of a person are activated. If you can use them, you will get everything you want from life. The sleep power method is used as experienced magicians, and amateurs.

    What is needed for the ritual

    You can begin performing the ritual as soon as the necessary attributes are ready. Stock up on the following items:

    • holy water;
    • church candles;
    • a snapshot of an object to subjugate the will;
    • relaxing music;
    • incense.

    There is nothing complicated in the ritual of binding a person through dreams, just go to the temple, confess, buy candles and water (to ease the soul and recharge with peace).

    How to perform a ritual

    To magical ritual for submission worked with the result you need, carry out periodic cleanings of your home and your own thoughts. Effective ritual carried out in the following sequence:

    1. Light candles, turn on calm music and think about something pleasant.
    2. Wash your face with holy water, saying:

    “By cleansing the body, I cleanse the soul.”

  • Look at the photo of the person you need, mentally draw a picture in your head that he is surrounded by clouds.
  • Hold the desired image with your gaze until you fall asleep.
  • Remember everything you dreamed about.
  • The next morning, having become full of strength, read “Our Father” three times.
  • Soon, the person you are secretly thinking about will begin to feel a strong attachment to you and your will. Let the ritual of submission to dreams not be the most radical of those currently existing, but it is proven and persistent. To conquer a person to your will without unnecessary obstacles is the main thing to know unique magical techniques.

    In the modern world, a person who does not know what he wants is the most a dangerous person. There is nothing shameful or forbidden in the desire to prevail, win, control. Do you desire power, the submission of men or employees? So do everything to achieve your goal and learn to subjugate a person not by force but by magic. With the help of magic, people will begin to obey unconditionally. Rituals, rituals, conspiracies to suppress the will will require a lot of effort, time and energy, but by deciding on them, you will be able to achieve more, find peace of mind and provide life at your own discretion. The only thing you need to know about submission magic is that it will ask for a price, be prepared to pay it. Don’t stop there, strive for new heights, and with the help of simple magical manipulations you will certainly succeed.



    The most powerful love spell on a lover involves working with black magic, where many methods are based on the intervention of demonic energies. To carry out such work, one must have a degree of dedication. By acquiring knowledge during your studies, you acquire the right to dangerous work with perfume. A strong love spell for a man’s love can be performed by a master who has the authority to command the summoned demons. Don’t look for the most powerful love spell online on the Internet, because whoever seeks will find, and this can be a fatal event for you. Step into the abyss. If you come across a description, do not be tempted by the apparent simplicity. Know that it is impossible to carry out such a ritual correctly without having knowledge.

    A very strong love spell for sex works to enslave and completely subjugate a person

    The object of the most powerful love spell on a beloved man falls under complete subordination and disposal to the person who ordered the love spell. The victim feels a constant painful, irresistible, heavy pull towards the person who ordered the love spell, and thinks only about him. Such an abnormally unhealthy, unnatural addiction negatively affects the victim’s health and quality of life in general. The same can be said about the customer of such influence.

    Manifestations of a strong love spell on a man periodically provoke outbreaks in the victim uncontrollable rage, aggression, both towards the person who ordered the love spell to enslave the guy, and towards others, as well as alcohol or drug addiction.

    The strongest love spell on a guy bends the energy field of the victim, whose energy is directed towards the customer. The victim of a strong black love spell is simply unable to do any business, which gradually leads to the complete collapse of his career and social life.

    Usually a very strong love spell for a man’s love manifests itself after seven or ten days, the timing depends on how strong the energy of the object is. If the will to resist is strong, then it can manifest itself even after a month. This is the way to bewitch married guy long enough. As long as the infernal entity, summoned from oblivion by the magician, remains on the victim of a hard love spell to subjugate a man, the action of the ritual and your power will be unshakable. This demon over time causes outbursts of uncontrollable rage and even madness in the victim, as he needs more and more energy, which he takes from the victim. In some cases, the magician gives the demon's energy to the customer, and then the customer has health and mental problems.

    Now do you understand how dangerous the most powerful love spell for a guy is?

    Therefore, I will give the following advice: if the black love spell for the love of a man at a distance from the photo worked properly, and your beloved is at your disposal, then after a while, remove it from your beloved, and try to maintain the relationship in more natural ways. It is more convenient for the magician who cast it to remove it, since it will be easier for him to deal with this demon.

    The strongest love spell on a man does not guarantee you a happy life in the future.

    You already know the consequences of a strong love spell on a loved one, so you must understand what kind of person you will live with. If you are firmly confident in your decision and want to bewitch your beloved man, do not do it yourself, find a professional magician who will perform such a dangerous ritual with minimal risk. Never try to conduct it yourself in a cemetery, this is prohibited.

    Omorochka - how to introduce and remove suggestion

    Omorochka is a rather rare way of influencing a person, aimed at suppressing his will and instilling the necessary thoughts and intentions. With the help of such witchcraft, you can completely subjugate a person to your will, be it an enemy, a lover or a superior.

    Omorochka - what is it?

    What's happened trouble? This is a distortion of perception; accordingly, foolishness is a magical way of distorting a person’s perception. Such witchcraft is always aimed at getting a person to do something important to you against his will, or to refuse to make a decision that could harm the sorcerer.

    In addition, a joke can be aimed at confusing the thoughts of a person who, being in a sober mind, can be dangerous to you. The victim of such a conspiracy will perform actions, thinking that this is happening according to his will, but in fact, she will be completely subordinate to the initiator of the ritual.

    Sending the necessary goals and thoughts to the victim can occur in several ways. For example, some conspiracies involve suggestion by witchcraft. Some rituals only involve weakening a person's will. This means that you will have to negotiate with him personally, but it will be easy to force him to take the desired action.

    In general, this type of magic is aimed at suppressing a person’s will and changing his thoughts and intentions. Such work will always be difficult; in order for the work to be crowned with success, extreme concentration and serious magical preparation are needed, as well as a considerable level of personal energy.

    It is believed that before carrying out such complex rituals, it is advisable to fast for some time, rest in a place remote from civilization, and meditate. But this is not always possible; situations often occur when immediate magical help is required. Black magic will always help a person who has devoted a lot of time to researching the occult sciences, but remember that the retribution may be as serious as your goal.

    The effect of such witchcraft is usually short-lived. Typically, these rituals are used to achieve a goal, after which they reduce the impact on the victim to nothing. If long-term effects are needed, they will have to be repeated very often. The stereotype about nightmarish fools is not always the case; parents can also turn to such magic in order to protect their child from bad company.

    Omorochka to inspire the necessary thoughts

    In order for a person to obey you in everything, think in a way that is beneficial to you, and act as you need, perform a simple ritual with his photo. Hold the image in your hands and whisper as many times as your intuition tells you:

    Back to front, everything is the other way around, you will walk, you will think, you will do everything in my favor, everything as I say.

    You can cast such a trick on an enemy in order to achieve reconciliation or force him to make the wrong decision, on a boss who treats you unfairly and in many other situations. The person will listen to all your instructions and agree with you in everything. You will convince him to do what you want without much effort.

    If you don’t have a photograph of the object, the next option can be read while in the same room with the right person. In this case, you will have to read mentally or in a whisper. If there is a photo, the text can be read on the photo with the window open. Read nine times:

    No, I’m not going, I’m going to Vedmedytsi, I’m trashing the bastard,

    And before Tebe (name), I command you to shout trash

    (state the essence of the wish - what the person should do according to your plan)

    I'm going to Cherez More, I'll throw poppy at More,

    What am I going to say - let it all be so,

    I will reach you with a bead pointer,

    Until then, be kind and kind.

    Omorochki for all occasions

    You can use a joke not only to inspire the necessary thoughts. With the help of the following ritual, you can confuse not only thoughts, but also paths, and generally influence any aspect of a person’s life. To confuse your thoughts, take a blue thread from any material. If you need to confuse the paths, that is, to make sure that a person gets lost on the road and does not arrive at some place, it is advisable to take the lace from his shoe. But if such a component is too difficult to get, take a black or brown ribbon, or you can take a new shoe lace.

    The length of the lace is approximately the length of a person’s foot, the thread for fooling thoughts and heads is approximately the circumference of the head. You cannot try such threads and ribbons on yourself; you will have to do it “by eye”. It’s good if there is hair from the victim, so the witchcraft will work better. If you can get the person's hair, it needs to be woven into knots.

    Simultaneously with any suitable omorochka spell or another that fits perfectly in meaning, seven knots are tied on a thread or cord. The knots should be tangled, their entire structure should look complex. But at the same time, in order to remove the witchcraft, you will need to untie them in the reverse order.

    With the help of witchcraft, you can force an inveterate brawler to avoid you. Popular wisdom says that knowing the right words, you can close any mouth. It’s worth learning a few words in advance that are spoken in a whisper or to yourself. In general, the meaning of these words is the same - to silence a person, but there are a lot of situations in which such witchcraft can be used. For example, these words are most suitable for getting rid of a scandalous person:

    Toby salt and water, chicken slipota,

    toad on the shoulders, talk about me, ne mala ti talk.

    Such words will always save you from the wrath of your boss, who will change his mind about scolding you:

    I sit on the reptile, I chase the reptile.

    I lock the mouths of all my enemies with a golden key.

    Mischief on the enemy

    There are tricks for all occasions, including rituals that can be aimed at ill-wishers. If you can't deal with an enemy without witchcraft, try taking away his mind so that he can't compete with you.

    In order to perform the ritual, you will need any black berries. At noon, cook jelly from them. When it boils, say in jelly:

    I will remember your work with jelly,

    Quick, fast and brave.

    How Yegoriy fought and won,

    So I will crush the enemy, slave (name),

    I will destroy his case.

    Simmer all day.

    Secure my case firmly.

    I'm first, the enemy is behind me.

    My Lord is everywhere, everywhere with me.

    Key, lock, tongue. Let it be so!

    When the drink is ready, drink a third. Another third should be drunk at sunset, and what remains should be drunk at three in the morning. From this moment, count nine days and repeat the ritual. Do the same forty days after the ninth day. They count down the days at night, after the last portion of jelly is drunk.

    You can put a spell on the enemy to confuse all his thoughts. This plot is similar to the previous one in its action, but no attributes are needed to read it:

    Find it, trouble, from any side, from windy and leeward, from sunrise and from the west. Confuse your head, look away 33 times. Moronic leprosy, eat up the purity of thoughts, give me a swooning emptiness. Like a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens and does not understand, so that my enemy, the servant of God (name), sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens to speeches and does not understand a damn thing. Amen.

    Omorochki, taking away strength from the enemy instantly

    There are special tricks that take away the enemy’s strength instantly. There is no need to be scared, we are not talking about a negative impact, but about protective witchcraft. The following conspiracy is used only in cases where you are sure that intrigues are already being woven against you. If your enemies are up to something, you can take away the forces that they should have spent to harm you.

    You need to read it nine times, on a photo of the enemy or with a visualization of his image. There should be a candle burning in the room, preferably a black one. But if you don’t have such a candle, you can take an unpainted wax candle. The plot is read as needed, regardless of the phase of the moon and time of day:

    Spun, grabbed, carried away

    Through windbreaks, gullies,

    With a roar, a whistle,

    Leshim laughter, eagle screeching.

    Heavy moans, screams.

    It hit me in the ribs, it frothed in my heart,

    A roar on the throat, on the chest with claws,

    It swirled and splashed a yellow-muddy wave into my eyes.

    Yellow all around, dark all around,

    The fog is all around, it's burning all around,

    It’s light all around, there’s no light around...

    Saliva burns drunker than wine,

    It burns and suffocates, drowning out thoughts.

    Moan and cry - don't hide your tears.

    A grin of laughter like a yellow snake,

    It curls in rings, dazzles in the eyes,

    He tied his forehead with a tight tourniquet,

    The heart sucks, the soul gnaws,

    My back feels cold and my ears buzz.

    Fall asleep, fall - there is no way!

    This fool takes away all the resources of the enemies that should be directed against you - energy, the desire to harm and even money, if they don’t like you so much that they are ready to spend money for the sake of revenge.

    Love spell on a man

    A love affair with a man or woman is a complex concept. It cannot be said that she evokes feelings like white love spell, or passion, like black. Submission to one's will cannot cause any loving feelings. But it is quite possible to persuade someone to give gifts or force them to close their eyes to several shortcomings of any severity.

    Many men do not listen to the words of their wives. To correct this situation, braid your hair and do not undo it for three days. The ceremony, unfortunately, is only suitable for those with long hair that can actually be braided. On the fourth day you need to wake up at three o’clock in the morning, undo your braid and comb your hair with the following words:

    Hair on the head

    I have my scythe in my hand, my mind is in my teeth.

    No matter what I say

    thereby showing her intelligence.

    How people listen to church bells,

    So let my husband listen to my words for the rest of his life.

    Key, lock, tongue.

    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Women who know this trick for their husband are able to influence their spouse and persuade him to any opinion. Moreover, even if you talk complete nonsense, your loved one will listen to you with pleasure.

    As mentioned above, trouble- is changing people's perceptions in your favor. Of course, such magic can be used to appear more beautiful than you really are. The plot is read to oneself, on the way to a place where there are men:

    Their manners are bad

    All the dresses are short,

    I came in, peacock,

    I gathered all the men.

    Wherever I go, they follow me.

    If there is a person in this room whose attention you especially seek, add one more line to the plot:

    And my beloved (name) is above all!

    Such conspiracies work great at holidays and corporate events, in public institutions, but do not work on the street.

    Omorochki - how to force the victim to do something

    Using a trick to force the victim to do something is quite possible. Even if the object of witchcraft did not agree to a certain proposal, he will try to listen again to your arguments. It will seem to him that he agrees with your ideas of his own free will, but this is not the case.

    Attack you with sleep and darkness,

    not just one, but all 40!

    I take your eyes away

    I'm confusing your consciousness,

    I'm wrapped in a black web!

    Like flies and mosquitoes to a spider's web

    so my words-deeds-views

    your will is being euthanized!

    Sleep your mind, sleep your mind.

    How does the earth absorb water?

    So you do my will!

    The trouble has fallen on you

    on each side and on any side!

    Perish, your clear mind, for one earthly hour!

    I confuse, I twist, I twist,

    do as I want!

    There is blindness in your eyes,

    there is numbness in your arms and legs,

    to your will - my every command!

    As soon as I blow on your face,

    So I’ll break your spell right away!

    Brother devils, throw my fetters on (name), throw them, put them on,

    subordinate his (her) will to my will!

    Your eyes are in the fog, and your mind is in a dope!

    Your eyes are in the fog, and your mind is in a dope!

    How to remove a blemish

    The question of how to remove the confusion is very often asked by women who have experienced adultery and the subsequent departure of their husband to his rival. Before you start removing the confusion, make sure that this is the problem. In addition to completely material reasons, there is also a love spell, for example. However, the following method removes all the spell cast by the rival on her husband. To do this, you need to invite him to visit and ensure that he comes alone. You need to prepare food and set the table, even a modest one. For food, before your spouse arrives, you need to read:

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am the only legal wife of God's servant (name). May our quarrels be forgotten, may the slander of others evaporate, and may my husband’s eyes be opened. We should live together, and the homewrecker should not do witchcraft. Amen.

    If you are wondering how to remove a headache from your head, that is, one that is aimed at instilling other people’s thoughts or weakening the mind, there is such a ritual. It is done only on the waning moon. It’s good if you can figure it out so that there is a church holiday at that time - Intercession, Easter, Christmas or another, but major one. For the ritual you only need fish, absolutely any fish. You need to remove the scales from it with a knife and read at this time:

    God help me! Heavenly Father, help!

    How does this scale fly off a fish?

    And so the confusion disappears from the servant of God (name).

    Just as you can’t give away mother earth to anyone,

    No one can fool her,

    So would the servant of God (name)

    Don't ruin anyone

    Not by deed or word to deceive.

    No one would dress him up like a fool,

    The heart and mind will not be clouded.

    And who wants to spoil it,

    To deceive with deeds, with words,

    My word will find him,

    Peace and happiness will come to him.

    For now, for eternity, for infinity.

    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    After cleaning the fish, you can cook and eat it. If you don't like fish, you can give it to someone. You need to do this from three to nine times; just once, severe headaches will not go away. But the results will be noticeable after the first time. The ritual also acts as a talisman against such witchcraft.

    In general, the puzzle can be useful to absolutely anyone. There are tricks both for misleading someone, and for subordinating one’s will and even protecting oneself from enemies. Almost everyone can use such witchcraft, so you should also know how to remove such hexes.

    Who among us does not dream of subjugating, ruling, and precisely in such a way that people obey unquestioningly and do what we want. With the help of magical rituals, you can manipulate people, depriving them of their will, making them slaves. However... Such actions are unlikely to be useful for the one on whom they are performed, and on the one performing the rituals, all these manipulations can return as a boomerang fourfold. Therefore, before you start such actions, you should think very carefully - punishment for them is inevitable.

    Before you start such actions, you should think very carefully - punishment for them is inevitable

    Contents [Show]

    The magic of submission

    Rituals to suppress the will and subjugate a person refer to black magic and are based on interference in the energy field of another person without his consent, due to which this person can get sick if he is weakened energetically. Yes, the effectiveness of such manipulations depends on the aura of the person being plotted against. If a person is energetically intact, self-confident, then his aura is absolutely healthy, has no damage through which magical blows can be applied, and your actions will not be able to reach him, and will not cause such a person any harm, but it may “come back to haunt you.”

    Rituals to suppress the will and subjugate a person belong to black magic

    We all want to be loved, however, this feeling, unfortunately, very often is not reciprocated. And if there is no reciprocity, then is it worth continuing such a relationship, even with the help of magic? Forcing yourself to love yourself by resorting to magical rituals is violence against the individual, so think carefully - do you really need this person? Would you like to commit yourself to him for life, or is this just a momentary whim? If a person treats you coldly, no magic will help. No, after the ritual he will be with you, but his attitude towards you will not change, and both of you will suffer. If you still decide to resort to magical actions, then at least do them on a person who does not treat you with open hostility, otherwise, future life it will be complete hell for you. And one more thing - you need to carry out such rituals based on the purity of your soul and thoughts. If some selfish goal such as revenge is being pursued, then, you understand, you can’t expect any good from what you did.

    Below will be given conspiracies in order to subjugate a man (woman), husband (wife), boyfriend (girlfriend), or arouse the interest of men in you, which are more or less harmless and, if performed correctly, will help you achieve the desired result with the least amount of money. losses.

    If there are frequent scandals in the family, a ritual with the spouse’s shirt will help

    How to subjugate your loved one

    To make the guy only yours, you can make a love attachment

    • so that the guy you like is only yours, you can make such a love attachment. To do this, you need to take a rope and wrap it around your waist. This is the length of the piece you will need for the ceremony. You will need to tie 12 knots on this rope, repeating the words of the plot for submission: “My beloved will leave me when my hands untie these knots. Let it be so!" The rope must be taken to the forest and placed in any hollow. After this, the magic will begin to work. This ritual is good because it can be performed on a person who is far from you;
    • to make a guy fall in love with you, they perform the following ritual - they take an item that they give to their loved one after the ritual, and say the following words to it: “As birds fly boldly in the sky, so things in love would always go well for us (names). Just as the sun always illuminates the earth, so would my beloved love me alone. Just as a new day comes and illuminates people with light, so with us (names), sorrows would be rare, and happiness would be accurate. Just as water flows endlessly in a river, so life in happiness for us (names) would never end. Let it be so!" Once the item is in the hands of your boyfriend, the conspiracy will begin to take effect.

    Rites of submission of a man to blood

    Rituals performed on blood are considered one of the most powerful and effective in black magic. They work for sure, therefore, in order to carry out such manipulations, please think carefully about everything again - there will be no turning back. And the consequences will inevitably overtake you.

    Rituals involving blood are usually held at night during the waxing moon. Blood taken from a finger is mixed with alcohol - red wine.

    You need to pierce your ring finger with a treated needle and place an odd number of drops into a glass of red wine, saying the spell: “As you drink this wine to your heart’s content, your passion for me will awaken in you. All your thoughts will be about me - both night and day. Amen!" After your loved one takes a sip of this wine, the love spell will begin to work.

    The next plot is made for sugar. You need to light a red candle, take a piece of refined sugar and drop a drop of blood on it, saying: “As this drop is dear to me, let me be so dear to you (name)! Amen!"

    This ritual is performed on the waxing moon. Three drops of your blood are dripped into red wine, reciting the spell: “(Name) drink to the bottom, finish it! Take my blood into yourself. My blood is strong, but your will is weak. (Name), you are my slave now, I am your mistress. Your life is for me, you have no strength. You have no others, now you are mine - forever. Amen!"

    If close communication with a man is impossible, perform a ritual of submission at a distance

    If close communication with a man is impossible, they perform a ritual of submission at a distance. To do this, you will need a photo of your loved one, where he is full height, And indoor flower, which continually grows in your home over time. Before the full moon, a few days before, light a red candle, tear off a branch or leaf from a flower, burn it in the flame of the candle, saying the spell: “I give you up as a sacrifice, for slaughter, for this love spell, reward. Let it be so!" Place the ashes from the plant in a bowl. It is believed that this flower will take on all the consequences of a love spell. Then, they take a photo of their loved one, concentrate completely on it, thinking about their love, prick their finger, draw a blood line along the photo from bottom to top, which extends from the genitals to the head, then repeat the words of the spell again and burn the photo. The remains from the photo are also placed in a bowl with the ashes from the flower. The ashes are mixed, half is buried in a pot with a flower, and the other half should be sprinkled on the threshold of the person being bewitched.

    Every girl dreams of being desired by men. To attract the attention of the opposite sex, read the following spell: “As everyone waits for spring, they wait, as they smile in the red sun, so boys and men would rejoice at me. Mature men, young men, and very young men would look and admire me, beautiful, and fawn over me. They would respect me with honor, they would receive me with honor, they would kneel in front of me, they would come to show mercy to me, and they would dream of kissing me. Words are the keys, deeds are the locks. Amen!" This is a simple conspiracy that attracts the attention of men to your person, it is very effective, however, its effect is very short-lived, therefore, in order to be constantly in the attention of men and boys, you need to repeat it more often.

    Now let's talk about a more powerful ritual. To complete it you will need:

    • personalized icon of the person being bewitched;
    • personalized icon of the bewitcher;
    • two black candles;
    • cross from the church;
    • one ripe apple.

    Every girl dreams of being desired by men

    Manipulations are carried out at night, in the light of lit candles, between which icons are placed, on the left - female, on the right - male. A cross is placed between the icons. An apple is placed in the center of the cross. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “It is not a church sacrament, it is a nighttime petition. Nowadays I do not sentence with a prayer, but with a black bird, and a little love spell, and a little black bird. Everything is coordinated, everything is done, and through the cross, fate (name) is attached to fate (name). They are loved by the apple, and paved with bodily delight, just as the Evil One himself measured himself through the apple, but man became filled with sin, so through the apple, and laid crosswise, two destinies are intertwined, and two hearts are made one by love. If they were tempted, and were called Adam and Eve, then now loved, and made by one fate, then (name) and (name) were named, lived by one life, and walked one path. Amen!"

    In the morning the apple is buried in the church yard. They leave the yard - without turning around, without talking to anyone at random meetings until the house. The result is awaited in complete calm, without taking any other magical actions that could inhibit the action of this ritual. There is also no need to respond to every phone call and door knock, which can also only cause harm.

    Good luck in love!

    How I got rid of herpes using lipstick

    Hi all! Previously, I suffered from herpes for 6 years. I had rashes every month. From experience in dealing with the disease, I can say the following. Acyclovir-containing drugs initially help quite well, but then the effect of treatment disappears. She was observed at a herpetic treatment center, but the treatment turned out to be ineffective. A lot of money was spent and all to no avail.

    Having learned about lipstick for herpes, I was skeptical, but still ordered it. Used it for a week. I felt the first result after 4 days. Now there is no hint of herpes!

    Managing people has always provided a huge number of opportunities. That is why subjugating a person is a goal for many.

    There can be many reasons for such a desire: love, envy, revenge, wealth, rivalry, and much more.

    The main rule when manipulating other people is to be stronger than them. Someone's will can only be subordinated more strong character. The Middle Ages, where far from humane methods were sometimes used to subjugate a person, are long gone, in modern XXI century there are more merciful ways.

    The easiest way to start practicing is on people who are noticeably weaker than you. For example, a colleague is tense in your presence, tries to be seen as little as possible, and often loses the thread of the conversation in a conversation. Such an instance is ideal for training manipulation skills and a person will appear next to you who will always support your side.

    It is very beneficial to have such people at work, so you will not only be aware of all the things that are happening behind your back, but also, on occasion, put in a word for yourself through other lips.

    Based on the psychology of thinking, let's look at how to subjugate the will of another person without him realizing it.

    Having chosen a suitable candidate, carry out a series of actions that will not only endear the person to you, but also allow you to control him later.

    1. Pretend to treat him like an old friend. For example, tell him about your cherished dream. Let him think that you trust him completely. This will create an uneasy friendly atmosphere and will induce a reciprocal feeling of complete security. Why stress if you are relaxed?
    2. Be a little mysterious. Don't be the first to start a conversation, but if you are approached, try to develop the topic the way your opponent wants. Let them think that you are a friend with whom they can talk on any topic.
    3. Study people's habits, pay attention to the most insignificant details. For example, pay attention to what drink your colleague prefers to drink during his lunch break? Can you find out what hobby your boss has, maybe he is a lover of dogs or skiing? All this can work to your advantage in due course.
    4. When talking one-on-one, tell the other person what they want to hear., preferably using his own words. Gradually, you can convince him that the idea you expressed is actually his own.

    In addition to psychological methods, you can effectively use the technique of influencing three senses:

    • sense of smell may affect brain function. You can find out what smells a person likes and smell exactly like that when you meet. A win-win option is the use of aphrodisiacs, for example, perfumes with pheromones;
    • vision also plays an important role. Try to avoid shades in clothing that the person does not like. During a conversation, use skillful gestures, play with colors;
    • effect on taste buds may cause feelings of euphoria. Find out what your opponent likes;
    • influencing people through touch quite realistic. During a conversation, as if by chance, touch him, but this should be a short moment. This will give additional confidence in the sincerity of your attitude and friendly attitude.

    This is nothing more than the subordination of a person’s will on a magical level. There are several types that can be used in practice if desired.

    Omorochka is the magic of the gypsies. Notice how masterfully they master ways of distorting the perception of reality so that a person voluntarily fulfills all their demands. The influence itself is a special conspiracy, when a person performs the actions that the sorcerer imposed on him, very often money is used for this. Of course, the gypsy level is not accessible to many, because all the subtleties are kept secret and passed down from generation to generation, the roots of which are lost in the distant past. But there are a number of rituals that can be performed at home.

    Using this method, you can influence your enemies who could not be dealt with in other ways.

    Buy some black berries of any kind and cook jelly from them at exactly 12 noon. As soon as it starts to boil, say the following words:

    “I’ll order a feast of jelly for your business,

    Brisk, quick and snappy,

    like wars they run to battle,

    So I will crush my enemy (name),

    I will not allow the matter to be completed.

    Kissel, jelly, don't freeze all day,

    With a fluffy cap, secure my work.

    My cause is right

    The Lord is on my side.

    Key, lock, tongue. Let it be so!"

    When the jelly is cooked, divide it into three approximately equal parts. Drink one immediately, the second when the sun begins to set, and the third at 3 am.

    The ritual must be repeated on days 9 and 40.

    The ritual, which is indicated in an ancient magic book, says that this method can give absolutely different result. Perhaps it depends on what emotional background and energy you give to the spell. Either you will get passion, as when exposed to black magic, or only warm feelings.

    To ensure that your loved one listens to your words and does not plague your home with scandals, you can perform the following ritual:

    Braid your hair and don’t undo it for three days. On the fourth day, let your hair down at three in the morning with the words:

    “There is hair on my head, a tight braid in my hand,

    My braid is not only beauty,

    My braid is my mind for you.

    Whatever I say,

    It was as if she was repeating your will in everything.

    How people listen to the priest in church,

    So for the rest of my life, let my words be like law for my husband.

    Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

    It is considered a good omen if, after the ritual, your spouse unexpectedly calls and inquires about your affairs.

    If you need to make a person completely obey you, you can use a very powerful ritual using runes. Before this, the runes themselves should already get used to you, know your energy. There is a superstition that there can be a rollback from such a ritual, just like when casting a curse. In fact, this is only possible if one pursues too insidious goals that can deprive a person of not only his will, but also his life.

    You will need:

    • transparent glass;
    • spring or melt water;
    • white sheet of paper;
    • matches.

    Read the words above the glass of water:

    “Just as grass grows in a field, the wind bends it where it wants. So you, servant of God (name), would do only what I need. Let it be as I say. My word is locked, the key is beyond the seven seas. May God hear my words. Now, forever and forever. Amen".

    They read it over a glass of water and burn the sheet holding it over the runes. Casually throw the water in the glass onto the one who must obey.

    If a person knows what he wants, he can achieve a lot. Methods of submission are only the main assistants in achieving the desired goal.

    Attention, TODAY only!

    Black Magic will give power over a person

    What is needed for the ritual

    • healthy animal;
    • axe;
    • Holy water;
    • paper.

    1. Write down your wishes on a piece of paper, put them under the dead carcass, quickly leave the intersection, never look back.
    2. The next morning, read “Our Father” and calmly wait for the response of the subordinate person.
    • cup;
    • clean, melt water;
    • paper;
    • matches.
    1. Spell words:

      “I was in a field, I saw grass. Where the wind blows the grass, its leaves look there. So you, servant of God (name), would do what I need, becoming what I want. According to my words, according to my speeches. My words are the key, my deeds are the lock. Secure, God, my words, my deeds. Now, forever, forever and ever.”

    2. Read the written spells loudly over a glass of water.
    3. Burn the leaf, thereby activating the rune.
    4. Allegedly accidentally spill the enchanted water on the victim of the ritual to obtain all-consuming submission.
    • tea dish;
    • candles from the temple;
    • matches;
    • a piece of natural fabric;
    • a piece of chalk;
    • needles;
    • Holy water.

    1. “I will light three candles and take away the power and choice from (Name). The first candle will burn out - (name)’s will will melt, (name) will lose its strength. The second candle will burn out - (name) will lose joy from melancholy (name) will die. The third candle will burn - (name)’s life will melt, (name) will lose strength. The candles burned out, (name)’s body was eaten away by pain, and the will of the wax melted. Let it be so".

    2. Wrap the saucer with the photograph in a piece of thick fabric.
    3. Go to the cemetery with the bundle, don’t talk to anyone or look at anyone along the way.
    4. Dig a small hole near the fence of the graves and place a saucer wrapped in cloth in it.
    5. Say the following:

      “Just as a dead person lies weak-willed in the grave, so you (name) should be weak-willed. Just as a dead person in the grave is silent without will, so you (name) are silent without will. Let it be so".

    Powerful Submission through Dreaming

    • holy water;
    • church candles;
    • relaxing music;
    • incense.

    1. “By cleansing the body, I cleanse the soul.”

    2. Look at the photo of the person you need, mentally draw a picture in your head that he is surrounded by clouds.
    3. Hold the desired image with your gaze until you fall asleep.
    4. Remember everything you dreamed about.
    5. The next morning, having become full of strength, read “Our Father” three times.

    The most complete description in all details is a love spell for complete submission with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

    How to find your destiny? Marilyn Kerro said: on a full moon you need to wear...

    Black magic opens up a considerable number of possibilities for a person. Not everyone likes, much less has the strength, to perform rituals of such power. Strong character is the main condition for correct magical influence for one who boldly performs rituals. To subordinate the will of another person to yourself is incredible power over someone else’s life, requiring a certain payment. When making a binding, you yourself must have strong energy and be a real leader, otherwise the conspiracy will turn against you.

    Submitting the will of another person to yourself is incredible power over someone else’s life.

    How to subjugate a person for a long time and without consequences? To begin with, you should decide for what purpose you are using such powerful magic and what results will really suit you. Women often have to subjugate the man they love, especially if family life is not working out, and constant quarrels throw everyone out of balance. But other reasons related to career and work push a person to perform a powerful magical ritual. Whatever the initial goal for different people, make sure that all the nuances of the future ritual are observed, and that your own energy is reliably protected from unwanted consequences. Changes in the program of a person, especially a loved one, require careful preparation and diligence in following all recommendations.

    If you are determined to subjugate a man firmly and for a long time, to deprive him of his will, then you should clarify what the nature of such a ritual is and exactly how it will affect the enchanted living object. During the ritual, you will gain power not only over the will of a man or woman, but you will also be able to guide them and resolve important issues for them. Unlike a love spell, such magic is comprehensive. A bewitched man experiences strong melancholy, but a person who is under your control voluntarily succumbs to you, your choice and whims. Submission rites rarely take place in one stage, to strengthen the effect, additional rituals are needed to strengthen the bindings. Thus, an integrated approach to completing the task will give a stable, long-lasting result. The decision you have to make has two sides, like any coin or multi-faceted phenomenon in nature. Controlling a person as if he were a doll will not work. A living object with needs and emotions will resist magical influence. You need to be prepared for such an outcome in advance. Worry about protecting and fueling the main plot.

    If you are wondering how to subjugate a man yourself, then the experience of traditional healers and healers will come to your aid. Choose the ritual that is most suitable for you and prepare thoroughly for it. Take your time, be patient and remember, a strong desire will contribute to all bold endeavors. Once you become strong in spirit, you will accomplish the truly unreal.

    To perform a strong ritual, it is important to match the time of year and the position of the heavenly bodies. The phases of the moon play an important role for various types of magical effects. The growing month gives strength for new beginnings, while the full moon helps to destroy other people's damage and strong evil eyes. For a ceremony in which a rooster is used, special conditions will be required. On the street where the main action of the plot will take place there must be white, recently fallen snow.

    The phases of the moon play an important role for various kinds of magical effects.

    The main character for rituals designed to create a powerful attachment is an animal, most often a chicken or rooster. For a strong impact, you will need:

    For a black plot, a dark-colored rooster, young and absolutely healthy, is suitable. Once you have the courage, you should:

    1. Kill an animal at the intersection of two paths or roads.
    2. With hot, flowing blood on the white snow, write the name of the one you want to subjugate.
    3. Say the words of the conspiracy to yourself:

    “The devil took you, took your strength through your blood. You have no share other than bondage. You should be a dumb firebrand under me! Just as the demon drinks blood, so he will torment you with love’s melancholy. You will crow like a rooster, but remain silent in front of me like a firebrand. You have no word against my reservation. I'm bloody. And to me - your subordinate, yes love! Drop by drop will be shed, slave (Name), becoming soul and body, will turn to me. To be you. (Name), a slave, under my heel."

    Write down your wishes on a piece of paper, put them under the dead carcass, quickly leave the intersection, never look back. The next morning, read “Our Father” and calmly wait for the response of the subordinate person.

    Choose a day when the perfect ritual will not be noticed. Neither strangers, nor your loved ones, otherwise the conspiracy will not have the desired effect. If there is a desire to subjugate magic, then there is no better method than the ritual with a black rooster.

    A consistent ritual that requires several repetitions works unconditionally. You will be surprised how much a person can depend on your desires and momentary whims. Runes are ancient symbols that bring success, love, and power to their owner. The power hidden in pagan symbolism is not subject to everyone. Only a select few are able to perform a powerful runic ritual and receive real, obvious benefits from it.

    Experienced magicians have more than once encountered the difficult but feasible task of binding one person to another, depriving one of them of a strong will and the right to choose (freedom of action). For a ritual with the help of which you will quickly, and most importantly, subjugate a man or partner for a long time, you must:

    Runes, no matter how powerful they may be, are applied to simple materials with waterproof paints or a marker. The factor that makes the ritual work is the correct application of symbols on paper.

    For the runic ritual, the simplest “ingredients” are used, lying idle in your kitchen. After the preparatory activities are completed, gather your courage and do the following:

    1. Write down the plot on a piece of paper and draw a rune of submission on the reverse side.
    2. Spell words:

    “I was in a field, I saw grass. Where the wind blows the grass, its leaves look there. So you, servant of God (name), would do what I need, becoming what I want. According to my words, according to my speeches. My words are the key, my deeds are the lock. Secure, God, my words, my deeds. Now, forever, forever and ever.”

    Read the written spells loudly over a glass of water. Burn the leaf, thereby activating the rune. Allegedly accidentally spill the enchanted water on the victim of the ritual to obtain all-consuming submission.

    Runes are ancient symbols that bring success, love, power to their owner

    You can repeat your unique ritual several times, but you should not abuse the magic of runes. Magical powers need respect, and therefore, in order to avoid unwanted consequences, do not anger ancient magic.

    Most rituals work at half strength or do not produce any noticeable changes at all. There are many reasons for failure - non-compliance with instructions and recommendations, weak energy: yours or the man you want to subjugate. Often undesirable results are produced by rituals that are not suitable for your state of mind or body. That is, in your mind you decided to take desperate measures, but your soul resists. Another nuance that should not be forgotten is the sequence of joint rituals. Before a strong impact, energy is always cleansed. Consolidating the result will also save you from many future troubles. If you are determined to seriously submit, then perform several complex rituals at once.

    A complex ritual includes the gradual weakening of a person’s will, his subsequent submission and recording of the result. For all stages, prepare attributes in advance, so you will need:

    • photo of the object of future subordination;
    • tea dish;
    • candles from the temple;
    • matches;
    • a piece of natural fabric;
    • a piece of chalk;
    • needles;
    • Holy water.

    The whole complex will take several days, but the rituals, one after another, guarantee not just binding or a love spell, but long-term, unquestioning submission.

    To perform the ceremony, choose the day when the full moon appears in the sky. Next, follow the clear instructions:

    1. Proceed to the first stage of binding. To do this, take a photo of the object to be subordinated, place a saucer on top, and place lit church candles around it.
    2. Take care in advance about small but important nuances - write down on wax the date of birth of the person for whom you are performing the ceremony.
    3. Say the first spell over each candle:

    “I light something holy, but not for a holy cause.”

    Another spell is read over the photograph to weaken his will:

    “I will light three candles and take away the power and choice from (Name). The first candle will burn out - (name)’s will will melt, (name) will lose its strength. The second candle will burn out - (name) will lose joy from melancholy (name) will die. The third candle will burn - (name)’s life will melt, (name) will lose strength. The candles burned out, (name)’s body was eaten away by pain, and the will of the wax melted. Let it be so".

    Wrap the saucer with the photograph in a piece of thick fabric. Go to the cemetery with the bundle, don’t talk to anyone or look at anyone along the way. Dig a small hole near the fence of the graves and place a saucer wrapped in cloth in it. Say the following:

    “Just as a dead person lies weak-willed in the grave, so you (name) should be weak-willed. Just as a dead person in the grave is silent without will, so you (name) are silent without will. Let it be so".

    Leave a gift in the form of sweets at the nearest grave (thanks for your help).

    Begin the second stage - subordination of the entire will of a person:

    1. Burn a few church candles, take out soft wax and make a human figurine out of it.
    2. Draw a circle on a piece of dark fabric with chalk. Place the remaining candles around. Light them. Using a needle, pierce the figurine in the area of ​​the heart and repeat in a whisper:

    “There is not a sharp needle in my hand, but my steel will. Heated by bright fire, in the head (name) for my work. With the fire of hell, the sword of demons - by my will into your body and mind (name). Having become the dark power that rules destinies, the given power that allows you to rule destinies, the powerful word that commands destinies, I say: from now on and forever, my will is your will (name). My word is your word (name), my deed is your deed (name). Submit to my word, obey my deed, obey my will.”

    Bury the figurine under a blooming, lush tree.

    After completing this set of rituals, add those that you like best. Strengthen your connection. It would be useful to make a love spell if we are talking about a beloved man.

    A complex photo ritual includes a gradual weakening of a person’s will

    Simple witchcraft attracts not only the soul, but also the mind of the one you wish to subjugate. Magic rituals through dreams are effective, but only if all instructions are followed. While the body is dozing, all the hidden powers of a person are activated. If you can use them, you will get everything you want from life. The method based on the power of sleep is used by both experienced magicians and amateurs.

    You can begin performing the ritual as soon as the necessary attributes are ready. Stock up on the following items:

    • holy water;
    • church candles;
    • a snapshot of an object to subjugate the will;
    • relaxing music;
    • incense.

    There is nothing complicated in the ritual of binding a person through dreams, just go to the temple, confess, buy candles and water (to ease the soul and recharge with peace).

    In order for the magical rite of submission to work with the result you want, carry out periodic cleansing of your home and your own thoughts. An effective ritual is carried out in the following sequence:

    1. Light candles, turn on calm music and think about something pleasant.
    2. Wash your face with holy water, saying:

    “By cleansing the body, I cleanse the soul.”

    Look at the photo of the person you need, mentally draw a picture in your head that he is surrounded by clouds. Hold the desired image with your gaze until you fall asleep. Remember everything you dreamed about. The next morning, having become full of strength, read “Our Father” three times.

    Soon, the person you are secretly thinking about will begin to feel a strong attachment to you and your will. Let the ritual of submission to dreams not be the most radical of those currently existing, but it is proven and persistent. To conquer a person to your will without unnecessary obstacles is the main thing to know unique magical techniques.

    In the modern world, a person who does not know what he wants is the most dangerous person. There is nothing shameful or forbidden in the desire to prevail, win, control. Do you desire power, the submission of men or employees? So do everything to achieve your goal and learn to subjugate a person not by force but by magic. With the help of magic, people will begin to obey unconditionally. Rituals, rituals, conspiracies to suppress the will will require a lot of effort, time and energy, but by deciding on them, you will be able to achieve more, find peace of mind and ensure life at your own discretion. The only thing you need to know about submission magic is that it will ask for a price, be prepared to pay it. Don’t stop there, strive for new heights, and with the help of simple magical manipulations you will certainly succeed.


    The most powerful love spell on a lover involves working with black magic, where many methods are based on the intervention of demonic energies. To carry out such work, one must have a degree of dedication. By acquiring knowledge during training, you acquire the right to dangerous work with spirits. A strong love spell for a man’s love can be performed by a master who has the authority to command the summoned demons. Don’t look for the most powerful love spell online on the Internet, because whoever seeks will find, and this can be a fatal event for you. Step into the abyss. If you come across a description, do not be tempted by the apparent simplicity. Know that it is impossible to carry out such a ritual correctly without having knowledge.

    The object of the most powerful love spell on a beloved man falls under complete subordination and disposal to the person who ordered the love spell. The victim feels a constant painful, irresistible, heavy pull towards the person who ordered the love spell, and thinks only about him. Such an abnormally unhealthy, unnatural addiction negatively affects the victim’s health and quality of life in general. The same can be said about the customer of such influence.

    Manifestations of a strong love spell on a man periodically provoke outbursts of uncontrollable rage and aggression in the victim, both towards the person who ordered the love spell to enslave the guy, and towards others, as well as alcohol or drug addiction.

    The strongest love spell on a guy bends the energy field of the victim, whose energy is directed towards the customer. The victim of a strong black love spell is simply unable to do any business, which gradually leads to the complete collapse of his career and social life.

    Usually a very strong love spell for a man’s love manifests itself after seven or ten days, the timing depends on how strong the energy of the object is. If the will to resist is strong, then it can manifest itself even after a month. This method of bewitching a married guy works for quite a long time. As long as the infernal entity, summoned from oblivion by the magician, remains on the victim of a hard love spell to subjugate a man, the action of the ritual and your power will be unshakable. This demon over time causes outbursts of uncontrollable rage and even madness in the victim, as he needs more and more energy, which he takes from the victim. In some cases, the magician gives the demon's energy to the customer, and then the customer has health and mental problems.

    Therefore, I will give the following advice: if the black love spell for the love of a man at a distance from the photo worked properly, and your beloved is at your disposal, then after a while, remove it from your beloved, and try to maintain the relationship in more natural ways. It is more convenient for the magician who cast it to remove it, since it will be easier for him to deal with this demon.

    You already know the consequences of a strong love spell on a loved one, so you must understand what kind of person you will live with. If you are firmly confident in your decision and want to bewitch your beloved man, do not do it yourself, find a professional magician who will perform such a dangerous ritual with minimal risk. Never try to conduct it yourself in a cemetery, this is prohibited.

    Omorochka is a rather rare way of influencing a person, aimed at suppressing his will and instilling the necessary thoughts and intentions. With the help of such witchcraft, you can completely subjugate a person to your will, be it an enemy, a lover or a superior.

    What is a mess? This is a distortion of perception; accordingly, foolishness is a magical way of distorting a person’s perception. Such witchcraft is always aimed at getting a person to do something important to you against his will, or to refuse to make a decision that could harm the sorcerer.

    In addition, a joke can be aimed at confusing the thoughts of a person who, being in a sober mind, can be dangerous to you. The victim of such a conspiracy will perform actions, thinking that this is happening according to his will, but in fact, she will be completely subordinate to the initiator of the ritual.

    Sending the necessary goals and thoughts to the victim can occur in several ways. For example, some conspiracies involve suggestion by witchcraft. Some rituals only involve weakening a person's will. This means that you will have to negotiate with him personally, but it will be easy to force him to take the desired action.

    In general, this type of magic is aimed at suppressing a person’s will and changing his thoughts and intentions. Such work will always be difficult; in order for the work to be crowned with success, extreme concentration and serious magical preparation are needed, as well as a considerable level of personal energy.

    It is believed that before carrying out such complex rituals, it is advisable to fast for some time, rest in a place remote from civilization, and meditate. But this is not always possible; situations often occur when immediate magical help is required. Black magic will always help a person who has devoted a lot of time to researching the occult sciences, but remember that the retribution may be as serious as your goal.

    The effect of such witchcraft is usually short-lived. Typically, these rituals are used to achieve a goal, after which they reduce the impact on the victim to nothing. If long-term effects are needed, they will have to be repeated very often. The stereotype about nightmarish fools is not always the case; parents can also turn to such magic in order to protect their child from bad company.

    In order for a person to obey you in everything, think in a way that is beneficial to you, and act as you need, perform a simple ritual with his photo. Hold the image in your hands and whisper as many times as your intuition tells you:

    Back to front, everything is the other way around, you will walk, you will think, you will do everything in my favor, everything as I say.

    You can cast such a trick on an enemy in order to achieve reconciliation or force him to make the wrong decision, on a boss who treats you unfairly and in many other situations. The person will listen to all your instructions and agree with you in everything. You will convince him to do what you want without much effort.

    If you don’t have a photograph of the object, the next option can be read while in the same room with the right person. In this case, you will have to read mentally or in a whisper. If there is a photo, the text can be read on the photo with the window open. Read nine times:

    No, I’m not going, I’m going to Vedmedytsi, I’m trashing the bastard,

    And before Tebe (name), I command you to shout trash

    (state the essence of the wish - what the person should do according to your plan)

    I'm going to Cherez More, I'll throw poppy at More,

    What am I going to say - let it all be so,

    I will reach you with a bead pointer,

    Until then, be kind and kind.

    You can use a joke not only to inspire the necessary thoughts. With the help of the following ritual, you can confuse not only thoughts, but also paths, and generally influence any aspect of a person’s life. To confuse your thoughts, take a blue thread from any material. If you need to confuse the paths, that is, to make sure that a person gets lost on the road and does not arrive at some place, it is advisable to take the lace from his shoe. But if such a component is too difficult to get, take a black or brown ribbon, or you can take a new shoe lace.

    The length of the lace is approximately the length of a person’s foot, the thread for fooling thoughts and heads is approximately the circumference of the head. You cannot try such threads and ribbons on yourself; you will have to do it “by eye”. It’s good if there is hair from the victim, so the witchcraft will work better. If you can get the person's hair, it needs to be woven into knots.

    Simultaneously with any suitable omorochka spell or another that fits perfectly in meaning, seven knots are tied on a thread or cord. The knots should be tangled, their entire structure should look complex. But at the same time, in order to remove the witchcraft, you will need to untie them in the reverse order.

    With the help of witchcraft, you can force an inveterate brawler to avoid you. Popular wisdom says that knowing the right words, you can close any mouth. It’s worth learning a few words in advance that are spoken in a whisper or to yourself. In general, the meaning of these words is the same - to silence a person, but there are a lot of situations in which such witchcraft can be used. For example, these words are most suitable for getting rid of a scandalous person:

    Toby salt and water, chicken slipota,

    toad on the shoulders, talk about me, ne mala ti talk.

    Such words will always save you from the wrath of your boss, who will change his mind about scolding you:

    I sit on the reptile, I chase the reptile.

    I lock the mouths of all my enemies with a golden key.

    There are tricks for all occasions, including rituals that can be aimed at ill-wishers. If you can't deal with an enemy without witchcraft, try taking away his mind so that he can't compete with you.

    In order to perform the ritual, you will need any black berries. At noon, cook jelly from them. When it boils, say in jelly:

    I will remember your work with jelly,

    Quick, fast and brave.

    How Yegoriy fought and won,

    So I will crush the enemy, slave (name),

    I will destroy his case.

    Simmer all day.

    Secure my case firmly.

    I'm first, the enemy is behind me.

    My Lord is everywhere, everywhere with me.

    Key, lock, tongue. Let it be so!

    When the drink is ready, drink a third. Another third should be drunk at sunset, and what remains should be drunk at three in the morning. From this moment, count nine days and repeat the ritual. Do the same forty days after the ninth day. They count down the days at night, after the last portion of jelly is drunk.

    You can put a spell on the enemy to confuse all his thoughts. This plot is similar to the previous one in its action, but no attributes are needed to read it:

    Find it, trouble, from any side, from windy and leeward, from sunrise and from the west. Confuse your head, look away 33 times. Moronic leprosy, eat up the purity of thoughts, give me a swooning emptiness. Like a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens and does not understand, so that my enemy, the servant of God (name), sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens to speeches and does not understand a damn thing. Amen.

    There are special tricks that take away the enemy’s strength instantly. There is no need to be scared, we are not talking about a negative impact, but about protective witchcraft. The following conspiracy is used only in cases where you are sure that intrigues are already being woven against you. If your enemies are up to something, you can take away the forces that they should have spent to harm you.

    You need to read it nine times, on a photo of the enemy or with a visualization of his image. There should be a candle burning in the room, preferably a black one. But if you don’t have such a candle, you can take an unpainted wax candle. The plot is read as needed, regardless of the phase of the moon and time of day:

    Spun, grabbed, carried away

    Through windbreaks, gullies,

    With a roar, a whistle,

    Leshim laughter, eagle screeching.

    Heavy moans, screams.

    It hit me in the ribs, it frothed in my heart,

    A roar on the throat, on the chest with claws,

    It swirled and splashed a yellow-muddy wave into my eyes.

    Yellow all around, dark all around,

    The fog is all around, it's burning all around,

    It’s light all around, there’s no light around...

    Saliva burns drunker than wine,

    It burns and suffocates, drowning out thoughts.

    Moan and cry - don't hide your tears.

    A grin of laughter like a yellow snake,

    It curls in rings, dazzles in the eyes,

    He tied his forehead with a tight tourniquet,

    The heart sucks, the soul gnaws,

    My back feels cold and my ears buzz.

    Fall asleep, fall - there is no way!

    This fool takes away all the resources of the enemies that should be directed against you - energy, the desire to harm and even money, if they don’t like you so much that they are ready to spend money for the sake of revenge.

    A love affair with a man or woman is a complex concept. It cannot be said that it evokes feelings like a white love spell, or passion like a black one. Submission to one's will cannot cause any loving feelings. But it is quite possible to persuade someone to give gifts or force them to close their eyes to several shortcomings of any severity.

    Many men do not listen to the words of their wives. To correct this situation, braid your hair and do not undo it for three days. The ceremony, unfortunately, is only suitable for those with long hair that can actually be braided. On the fourth day you need to wake up at three o’clock in the morning, undo your braid and comb your hair with the following words:

    Hair on the head

    I have my scythe in my hand, my mind is in my teeth.

    No matter what I say

    thereby showing her intelligence.

    How people listen to church bells,

    So let my husband listen to my words for the rest of his life.

    Key, lock, tongue.

    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Women who know this trick for their husband are able to influence their spouse and persuade him to any opinion. Moreover, even if you talk complete nonsense, your loved one will listen to you with pleasure.

    As mentioned above, trouble is changing people's perceptions in one's favor. Of course, such magic can be used to appear more beautiful than you really are. The plot is read to oneself, on the way to a place where there are men:

    Their manners are bad

    All the dresses are short,

    I came in, peacock,

    I gathered all the men.

    Wherever I go, they follow me.

    If there is a person in this room whose attention you especially seek, add one more line to the plot:

    And my beloved (name) is above all!

    Such conspiracies work great at holidays and corporate events, in public institutions, but do not work on the street.

    Using a trick to force the victim to do something is quite possible. Even if the object of witchcraft did not agree to a certain proposal, he will try to listen again to your arguments. It will seem to him that he agrees with your ideas of his own free will, but this is not the case.

    Attack you with sleep and darkness,

    not just one, but all 40!

    I take your eyes away

    I'm confusing your consciousness,

    I'm wrapped in a black web!

    Like flies and mosquitoes to a spider's web

    so my words-deeds-views

    your will is being euthanized!

    Sleep your mind, sleep your mind.

    How does the earth absorb water?

    So you do my will!

    The trouble has fallen on you

    on each side and on any side!

    Perish, your clear mind, for one earthly hour!

    I confuse, I twist, I twist,

    do as I want!

    There is blindness in your eyes,

    there is numbness in your arms and legs,

    to your will - my every command!

    As soon as I blow on your face,

    So I’ll break your spell right away!

    Brother devils, throw my fetters on (name), throw them, put them on,

    subordinate his (her) will to my will!

    Your eyes are in the fog, and your mind is in a dope!

    Your eyes are in the fog, and your mind is in a dope!

    The question of how to remove the confusion is very often asked by women who have experienced adultery and the subsequent departure of their husband to his rival. Before you start removing the confusion, make sure that this is the problem. In addition to completely material reasons, there is also a love spell, for example. However, the following method removes all the spell cast by the rival on her husband. To do this, you need to invite him to visit and ensure that he comes alone. You need to prepare food and set the table, even a modest one. For food, before your spouse arrives, you need to read:

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am the only legal wife of God's servant (name). May our quarrels be forgotten, may the slander of others evaporate, and may my husband’s eyes be opened. We should live together, and the homewrecker should not do witchcraft. Amen.

    If you are wondering how to remove a headache from your head, that is, one that is aimed at instilling other people’s thoughts or weakening the mind, there is such a ritual. It is done only on the waning moon. It’s good if you can figure it out so that there is a church holiday at that time - Intercession, Easter, Christmas or another, but major one. For the ritual you only need fish, absolutely any fish. You need to remove the scales from it with a knife and read at this time:

    God help me! Heavenly Father, help!

    How does this scale fly off a fish?

    And so the confusion disappears from the servant of God (name).

    Just as you can’t give away mother earth to anyone,

    No one can fool her,

    So would the servant of God (name)

    Don't ruin anyone

    Not by deed or word to deceive.

    No one would dress him up like a fool,

    The heart and mind will not be clouded.

    And who wants to spoil it,

    To deceive with deeds, with words,

    My word will find him,

    Peace and happiness will come to him.

    For now, for eternity, for infinity.

    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    After cleaning the fish, you can cook and eat it. If you don't like fish, you can give it to someone. You need to do this from three to nine times; just once, severe headaches will not go away. But the results will be noticeable after the first time. The ritual also acts as a talisman against such witchcraft.

    In general, the puzzle can be useful to absolutely anyone. There are tricks both for misleading someone, and for subordinating one’s will and even protecting oneself from enemies. Almost everyone can use such witchcraft, so you should also know how to remove such hexes.

    Complete collection and description: prayer for the submission of a husband for the spiritual life of a believer.

    This strong conspiracy a wife must read on her own about a husband’s love for his wife so that her husband loves her more life I listened to her advice and respected my wife more than my mother. The plot is made on a glass drinking water, and you need to give your husband drunk with the charmed water. After the wife reads a plot to make a husband love, respect and obey his wife, the beloved man who drinks the charmed water will “take hold of his head”, will stop drinking and going out with friends, but will always rush to his wife, will stop listening to the opinions of friends and relatives (mother-in-law and father-in-law) and will begin to seek advice from his wife and respect her opinion more than others . The consequences of this love spell for love and obedience by a husband to his wife expressed in the following, the husband will be very much drawn home to his family and every day his love for his wife will become stronger and stronger. You will notice a change in your husband’s behavior instantly as soon as he drinks the charmed water. Want to using magic to make the husband obey his wife, read the plot to subjugate the husband to the will of his wife. For the ritual, pour drinking water into a glass and say over it words of conspiracy for the love and respect of a husband :

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    Spells, love spells and prayers for all occasions

    The effectiveness of a conspiracy to obedience a husband

    Any woman craves for all her whims and desires to be fulfilled. But not everyone is lucky with husbands who are ready to do anything for their beloved wife. If a family has already been created, then it is simply necessary to look for compromises so that things do not come to a divorce. If the husband is not always ready to compromise and constantly worries the woman, then it is simply necessary to look for methods to solve such a problem. Agree that the usual psychological methods are ineffective in such cases. But, if you want to quickly and effectively achieve your goal, then a strong conspiracy to obey your husband will come to the rescue. You can make a man obedient in ordinary home conditions.

    Conspiracy to obedience your husband

    The principle of operation of such rituals

    There are several very important nuances to the conspiracy to obedience your husband. Its essence lies in the fact that it is aimed at changing the information field between spouses. With its help, such an option is achieved that mutual respect, passion and love will reign in the family. As a result, both husband and wife will listen to each other more and fulfill their partner’s wishes.

    Experts recommend carrying out a strong conspiracy to obedience the husband only in those moments when the wife herself is ready to make concessions, because the ritual works not for one person, but for the entire married couple. At such moments, a magical ritual will be the last stone in building a wall of well-being. If you perform a magical ritual because anger is seething in your soul at your husband for not fulfilling your whim, then nothing good will come of it. Thus, it is impossible to achieve harmony in the family.

    If you read a special strong conspiracy to subjugate your husband, you can simply deprive the man of his own opinion. And literally in a few months, the wife herself will not be happy with such obedience from her man, because he will become spineless.

    In what situations is this ritual used?

    Such rituals are usually used in certain situations.

    1. A wife can carry out obedience conspiracies at those moments when she simply no longer wants to constantly quarrel with her husband. Especially if the quarrel does not arise for an important reason, but just like that.
    2. Obedience to a man will help create harmony in the house and receive small gifts from him. Such rituals will help teach a spouse to give gifts to his woman and help her with household chores. It was for such situations that our ancestors created a universal method of raising a man.
    3. Sometimes conspiracies to make the husband obey can be carried out by mothers-in-law. If they really want their daughter to be successfully married and never quarrel with her husband, then it is simply necessary to carry out such magical methods.
    4. Sometimes magical prayers for raising a husband are necessary in situations when the situation in the family becomes tense. That is, we urgently need to talk about something very important and the opinion of every person present is required. To ensure that the outcome of the situation is what the woman needs, she reads special words.

    Ritual with water

    The easiest way to make your husband obey is to read a curse on water. It can be found from the Siberian healer Stepanova. First of all, the wife must wake up. She should drink a small amount of water, and then use special words and prayers to pray for her husband to drink.

    Making your husband obedient is real

    The words of the prayer are as follows:

    “I, the servant of God (name), want to raise my husband and make him obedient. Firstly, it will be calmer. And secondly, my life will improve a lot. I'm tired of constantly quarreling and trying to sort things out. As soon as the words of my prayer reach heaven, God will do everything so that our married couple became much better. My husband is very good man, but a strong conspiracy to his submission will never be superfluous. I read these words as a wife. He must become obedient and obey only me. Amen".

    The charmed water must be given to the spouse so that he drinks it completely. If the water is not drained to the bottom, then no result will be achieved. Remember to behave normally. You should not provoke a man into quarrels and misunderstandings. You just have to be a little patient and everything will work out soon. Be sure that after some time, your spouse will become a completely different person and will take care of you.

    How to speak men's underpants correctly

    Sexual energy always has a much greater influence on a person than any other energy. If we consider the fact that the male sex is quite polygamous, then their sexual energy manifests itself much more than that of women. Some experts are confident that it is an excess of sexual energy that can influence the development of scandals in the family.

    In some cases, it is appropriate to perform a ritual on the husband’s underpants. A woman should remember that it is best to read a strong conspiracy on a man’s day. Perfect option- It is Monday. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the process of growth of the moon must occur. Due to the fact that you call new emotions into your life, the moon will contribute to this much better. Take your loved one's underwear and go outside with them. Position yourself so that Moonlight illuminated them.

    “Let my husband stop provoking me, the servant of God (name), into constant quarrels. As soon as we see each other, he will begin to glow with the most sincere feelings of love for me. There will never be any anger or hatred in our family again. Let him listen to me with his mouth slightly open. He must accept my words as something sacred. But he must remove scandals from our lives. I was so tired of constantly participating in conflicts that I had to use the services of magic. I wish that he always obeys his wife. May my husband forever forget all the sorrows and troubles and begin to honor my every word. Everyone wants us to be happy. Amen".

    A woman should make sure that the next morning the man wears these particular ritual panties. Only in this case will magic be able to work and bring harmony and mutual understanding to the family. If you notice that your spouse has begun to look at other women, then this conspiracy will help you get rid of such situations. It is considered universal and can work as a love spell. After it, your husband will never look at the women around him again.

    How to perform a ritual using moonlight

    If you really want to tame your spouse, you can immediately ask the night luminary for help. The moon has very high energy and will be able to guide your spouse in the right direction.

    As soon as you see the waxing moon in the sky, you immediately need to read the following words of prayer:

    “The sky did not live a single day without the presence of the moon. So let my husband not imagine his life without his legal wife. Only with me can he be happy and understanding. Let him listen to me and always listen to my words. I want him to do everything I ask him to do. This is the only way we can live our whole lives together and grow old. If we constantly have conflicts, we will soon get divorced. And no one wants to get a divorce. May the Mother of God help us. Amen".

    A conspiracy to subjugate a husband so that he cannot say a word against his wife

    For the kindness and obedience of the husband, the wife needs to read a plot for obedience that will make the husband an obedient person who will not be able to say a word against his wife. After this conspiracy on scandalous husband, the husband will stop beating and yelling at his wife, raising his voice in conversation. Conspiracy to submit you need to read on 3 church candles of any color. For the ritual, you can buy the cheapest candles that are only available in the church and when you come home when your husband is not at home, light all the candles at the same time and holding them in your right hand while the candles are burning, walk around your home and read the words of the conspiracy that will make your husband submissive to you :

    The moon conspired, the star conspired, the sun conspired.

    Everyone will agree among themselves, and all my words will be established, fulfilled and consolidated.

    All my decrees be orders for the servant of God (name).

    Obedient child, I am obedient to God, be obedient to me, servant of God (name).

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    This conspiracy can also be read if you need to make the husband apologize to his wife and be the first to want to make peace.

    If you want to come to your loved one in a dream and dream about him that night, this is very easy to do with the help of magic. If you sit in bed before going to bed, read magic words spell spell, then that same night the person you love, who is at a distance from you, will see you in a dream and he will dream about you throughout the night. This is exactly what magical ritual used by girls who wanted to quickly see their lover, who, for a number of reasons, had not seen you for a long time. After reading next conspiracy, your beloved man, having seen you in a dream, will want to see you in reality as soon as possible. Controlling other people's dreams is a magical act of esotericism built mostly on visualization with

    An old conspiracy will help you drive your rival away and make your mistress stop loving your husband and quarrel with him. You can do this simple ritual to break up a quarrel between a husband and mistress yourself using love magic and reading a strong conspiracy to cool the love feelings of a rival and husband. When your husband is not at home, go around your house (apartment) from front door clockwise, completing a full circle and reading this once

    Anyone can make a good plot to quickly meet your love and successfully marry a rich groom. unmarried girl or a woman who is a widow or after a divorce. In order to meet your soulmate, you need to go to the church gate without going inside on the day off, when the wedding is taking place in the church, and wait for the moment when the wedding couple leaves the church. At this very moment, cross yourself three times and bow, say a love spell, a prayer for a quick meeting in the future

    If a husband is bewitched by a rival or simply has a mistress, the wife can independently make the lapel of her beloved husband forever from another woman who has appeared with him. You can make a strong turning away of your husband from his rival, which will once and for all drive him away from his mistress and tie him to his wife, and now the conspiracies will not tell you how to do this. Go to the cemetery during the day and break any dry branch on the cemetery ground, bring the branch home and place it under the threshold or rug (outside). When the husband returns from his mistress, he will step over this branch. Now you need to leave the house and take this branch and take it back to the cemetery, reading a strong lapel on it

    You can bewitch your husband to yourself forever on your own. After this love spell, the husband will not go out with friends and women, but will always rush home to his wife. Wherever he is and whatever he does, in his head there will be longing for his wife and constant desire see you soon. This love spell on your beloved man with whom you are related or in love will help you to bewitch your husband to yourself. On any Wednesday, in each corner of the room where you sleep with your husband, cross each corner three times and in each corner read the text of the love spell for eternal love out loud once.

    How to independently induce love longing and love attraction on a person with the help of drying. A strong attachment will bind your loved one to you for a long time, causing her to have a strong feeling of love for you. This is a fairly simple and very effective way of lovingly attaching a girl or woman to yourself, which has been successfully used for centuries. Girls love the lovestruck for its quick action and ease of execution by any unprepared person. It is customary to read the text of the prisushka at a distance from your beloved, early at dawn. To evoke loving feelings of longing for yourself in a girl or woman, you need to wake up early. At sunrise, looking at the dawn, read these words three times

    The plot will make sure that the husband always hurries home, sits at home, does not drink or go out with friends, and hurries home after work. The wife must make a conspiracy to bind her husband to the house. If the wife independently performs this simple ritual with the reading of a special spell, the husband will forever stop drinking and going out with friends and will always be drawn home and will rush to his wife and children. For the ritual, pour water into a bucket, and then dip your chest in this water: first the left, and then the right, saying the words

    So that the newlyweds, the bride and groom, are not jinxed at the wedding and they do not spoil the divorce, before wedding ceremony you need to read a special charm charm for the young bride and groom. Before the ransom, before the young man - the groom goes to the bride's house to take her to the registry office or for the wedding, the groom's mother must pin a safety pin to the inside of the jacket at home, cross her son and say a wedding charm. No less important is a wedding amulet for the bride, which will protect her from the evil eye and damage at the wedding. The mother of the bride must perform this amulet ritual. wedding dress three safety pins in a glass of water reads a charm charm,

    The plot must be read to return a husband to his wife or a wife to her husband even after a divorce if the wife or husband stopped loving each other. This most loyal and effective magical method can be used not only by a husband to return his wife or a wife to return her husband, but also by people close to them (mother, father, sister, brother, children) who have quarreled. The plot to reunite a husband and wife after a quarrel, disagreement or divorce must be read 2 times: once at the front door of the house where the husband lives, the second time at the door of the wife’s apartment. The text of the plot to return a loved one to the family

    You can cast dryness on a person with a conspiracy while being at a distance from him. To induce dryness, a photo of a person and knowledge of the words of the spell are enough - a spell that will quickly bring severe dryness to a person. Take in your left hand a photo of the person you want to bring dryness to and, covering it on top with your right hand, read the words of this conspiracy:

    If your husband has left for his mistress or is just about to leave you, this powerful conspiracy against your husband’s mistress will help, which will quickly make your husband hate his mistress and forget her. The conspiracy will help to quarrel between them and completely cool their feelings for each other and make the homewrecker disgusted with your loved one. You need to read the words of the conspiracy - the spells early in the morning at dawn. At dawn, go outside, raise it above your head right hand and say a conspiracy against your husband from

    It will help to stop loving a person after a breakup white magic and a simple spell over water. It happens that people break up and it doesn’t matter who the reason for the separation was, a man - a husband or a woman - a wife, a conspiracy will help relieve the severity of the separation and stop loving a loved one and relieve the suffering of love. The text of the conspiracy is suitable for everyone without exception, you just need to change the words in it from slave to slave. To stop loving a person forever you need a flow cold water. This could be tap water, a river or stream. Near running water, say the words of the spell seven times to cool the feeling of love and help you stop loving

    Love drying made using this method is very strong and has a long-lasting effect. The following dryness for love is equated to the effect of a light love spell, but it is very convenient that the magic words of the spell - dryness are spoken when meeting a person and do not require special preparation other than memorization short text love suffocation. If you decide to dry up your loved one so that he will “dry for you”, yearn for you and fall head over heels in love, use this particular love dryer after which your loved one will begin to dry out and miss you on the same day, experiencing a craving for communication and meeting. To do the drying yourself when meeting a person, tell him after

    The most powerful cemetery love spell is done during the day in a photo right on the cemetery and gravesite. This ritual belongs to black magic and is done once and for life. Remember, a love spell cannot be removed either on your own or with the help of sorcerers. To conduct an independent ritual for love, take a photo of the person you want to bewitch to you and, having found a grave with a similar name in the cemetery, enter the gate and leaning the photo against your heart (bare skin) say the words of a black cemetery love spell on eternal earthly

    You can make this powerful love spell using a photograph of your beloved girl and church candles yourself at home. To cast a love spell, you need to purchase three candles from the church and bring them home to read the love spell. In the evening, when the moon appears in the sky, get ready for the ritual. Before performing a love spell, place a photo of your beloved girl on the table and place a candle in front of her so that it does not fall. Twist the remaining 2 candles together; to do this, warm them up a little. Light the twisted candles and say a love spell

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    Sometimes a woman needs a conspiracy to obey her husband

    Conspiracy to make your husband listen to you

    There is a conspiracy of obedience that helps women a lot. Such CONSPIRACY the wife tells her husband to listen to his wife and follow her advice. Men

    They are exposed to a lot of stress at work and in life. They often make impulsive, rash decisions. They are passionate. For family life Some of these manifestations can be dangerous and wasteful. But the husband brushes off his wife and doesn’t want to listen to advice. In this case, the conspiracy will help. Your man is now always attentive to your words, does what you advise him, and does not argue. This can help woman establish peace in the family, and children will receive good example mutual understanding.

    Why do you need a conspiracy to obey?

    You should not use it just like that, for entertainment or to manipulate men. It is not necessary for a husband to always obey his wife. magic, you just need mutual understanding, good relations And Love. And the wife should not be a hysterical, narrow-minded woman. Then each of her advice will be taken as needed and discussed. If you see that your husband is in a difficult situation and sees no way out, then help him.

    Sometimes you really need to obey your wife, there’s nothing wrong with that. For example:

    • the family is in a difficult situation, and the husband is too proud to ask for help;
    • a man makes many wrong decisions, succumbs to the influence of others;
    • husband's parents they influence him, they slander his wife.

    These are all unpleasant situations when you have to take extreme measures. The conspiracy will help in this case. It won’t harm your husband, and your children will thank you later for saving the family.

    In these cases, you simply need to take full responsibility on yourself and help your husband. Unforeseen difficulties and troubles happen in the life of every family, but there is no need to panic. One head is good, but two are very good.

    Family magic to guard your happiness

    Family magic, this is a special section of magic that helps those who decide to start a family. She protects the wife, husband and children from all adversities. Women who know the rules for handling rituals family magic, always happy. They know how to win the husband over to their side and come to an agreement with the mother-in-law. The house is orderly, clean and calm. This is the kind of house you want to come to more often.

    Simple conspiracies so that the husband does not contradict, but obeys

    They are all simple. Any woman will be able to cope with this ritual. The main thing is to believe. That everything will work out, and the husband will obey. Otherwise nothing will work out. No need to pay money and go to sorcerers, it’s within your power to do this yourself CONSPIRACY strong and effective.

    Sweet pie spell

    So that your husband only listens to you, and does not listen to the advice of others, you need to do sweet pie spell. Bake it yourself with your man’s favorite filling. As soon as you take it out of the oven, still hot, say:

    “Pie-pie, help us in the family to gain agreement. Make sure that we both taste you and live happily. So that my husband listens to me, loves me, honors me and respects me. So that my word would be law for him. Let peace and harmony settle in our family. Amen!"

    Let your husband eat as much as he wants. A sweet pie will bring quick peace to the family, because your husband is now attentive to your every word, against your will won't work.

    Water spell

    The water is spoken with which the drink will then be prepared. Tea or coffee, compote. On Friday evening you need to speak about water 12 times:

    “The bottom stone is silent, says nothing.

    He is submissive to my will,

    From now on he will live in captivity.

    So my husband would submit to me, a slave,

    He didn’t break out from under my will.

    I am food for him, me and water.

    May my will be done in everything forever.

    And who will interrupt my plot?

    So there are thorns in the eyelashes,

    The pip will go on your tongue.

    Key, lock, tongue.

    The drink is prepared on Saturday morning. My husband needs to drink three cups of this water. Then after 3-4 days you will see that your husband cannot say “no” to you. Always agrees, defends you and your opinion. Very useful and simple ritual, but you need to complete it completely.

    Submit your husband's will

    With this plot, the husband will obey you. It is useful when he himself loses the ability to think sensibly. As a result of alcoholism. drug addiction, addiction. Here you need to act seriously and submit your will - The best way. Works flawlessly.

    For everything to work out, it is done on Wednesday on photo of husband. The husband should be alone, without glasses.

    Say three times:

    Wrap this photo in three handkerchiefs and tie it with black thread. It should be placed under the mattress of your bed so that it stays for three nights. After that, take the photo to the cemetery, put it on the grave with the same name as at your spouse's. Leave without looking back.

    Conspiracy of submission

    In order for a husband to be submissive and his wife to obey in everything, you need to speak in English every Thursday. Moon:

    “Be strong in my words, be strong in my deeds.

    The horse stands subdued by the collar,

    Doesn't kick, doesn't bite, doesn't run,

    The reins guide him,

    They tell you where to go.

    So am I, God’s servant (name),

    I throw my collar on him,

    Who is dear to my heart.

    From now on, be my will in everything,

    In my royal power your share.

    Put up with the collar, come to terms with it,

    As a slave, submit to the master's will.

    For all days, for all centuries,

    For all God's times.

    Key, lock, tongue.

    Tell me and go to bed. In the morning, not a trace of his reproaches and disagreement will remain. You will be surprised how quickly and effectively simple village conspiracies. This is how our grandmothers not only made their husbands obedient, but also tied them to themselves. Be sure to repeat every week, otherwise the effect will disappear. So many people live in harmony and peace for years.

    Bind to your word

    It is made with three black threads. The threads need to be lubricated menstrual blood on the third day of menstruation. Tie the still wet threads into three knots and say each time:

    “My thread, don’t break,

    And you, servant of God (name), submit to me.

    My lips are copper

    My teeth are a way of life.

    What can I say, everything will be like this.

    Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

    Amen. Amen. Amen".

    This thread needs to be sewn into the collar of your husband’s dark shirt, then he will be attached to your words and will obey. A very useful and powerful ritual, because it contains your blood. This is the strongest biological material.

    Conspiracy for husband's dirty things

    The conspiracy is about dirty things. To prevent your husband from suspecting anything, collect his underwear, nose, and T-shirt in a separate bag. Everything that is close to the body. Over things say:

    “I wash away your dirt, I command you.

    I am in front of you, you are behind me.

    And who will speak against me,

    Besides, your legs won't walk.

    My word is strong, my deed is sculpted.

    Wash them and dry them. Let's to my husband Put on one thing at a time so that he has charmed clothes all the time. Repeat every week.

    Family magic does not harm, but helps

    If you are ashamed to use such a conspiracy, you are afraid of harming your husband, then discard all prejudices. CONSPIRACY who brings obedience cannot harm anyone. The husband will not know about this and will not feel any coercion. To take control of the situation, you may need special help and support. The conspiracy gives it. Your words take on great weight in the family.

    It is advisable that the husband does not know anything about the conspiracy, otherwise he may blame his wife for everything. The main thing is that it is used for its intended purpose, only in the most serious moments, when a clear head and a different perspective on problems are needed. If a wife wants to manipulate a man, to turn him against friends, relatives and colleagues, then Conduct will severely punish her, maybe even take her spouse away from the family.

    Family magic conspiracies called upon to protect peace by any means. Children, parents, family will be grateful to you, because you are the keeper of the home.



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