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How the hero behaved and why. Characteristics of the dreamer from the story "White Nights" by Dostoevsky. How do the characters themselves perceive their love?

Lesson objectives: evaluate the features of the image of the main character - the dreamer; training in analytical reading; characteristics of the hero.
During the classes

At home, students, relying on existing skills, will try to find a text that shows techniques for revealing the image of the main character. Given the complexity of the topic, you should review the text from beginning to end, helping students complete and correctly formulate their observations.

I. Conversation

Night one.

How does the hero feel in St. Petersburg?

What was the environment around him?

Under what circumstances did his meeting with Nastenka take place?

How did the hero behave and why?

How does his dialogue with Nastenka characterize the hero?

Night two.

Who is the dreamer in the mind of the main character?

How does the hero explain why he doesn't take care of business?

How does he evaluate such a life?

Night three.

Why did the hero become so easily attracted to Nastenka?

Night four.

Why does the hero decide to throw in his lot with Nastenka? How sincere is his impulse?


How does the hero perceive the breakup of his relationship with Nastenka? Why? Can such an ending be considered unhappy?

How does the image of Nastenka (read her letter expressively) help to understand the author’s intention, his idea?
II. Assignment throughout the text

Read the subtitle of the sentimental novel. In what meaning is the word “novel” used?

What is he dreaming about? main character, and with him the author?

Conclusion. The idea of ​​a person’s loneliness, his restlessness cannot leave the reader indifferent

Gradually delving into the content of the story, students begin to understand the characters more deeply, usually changing their primary reading perception.


Miniature essay “How interesting are Dostoevsky’s thoughts and feelings to the modern reader.”

Lesson 67. Petersburg by Dostoevsky

Lesson objectives: analysis of the first paragraph of the text; identify the features of Dostoevsky’s landscape.

Vocabulary work: landscape in literature.
During the classes

I. Expressive reading text (First Night, first paragraph)
II. Work in groups (with elements of linguistic analysis)

Group 1. Write down words and phrases that characterize the hero’s state of mind. What does first-person narration give to a text?

Group 2. Analyze the construction of sentences. Who is the narrator talking to? What does the author achieve in this way?

Group 3. What details help you understand the life of the city? Try to “decipher” the symbol - the color yellow.

Group 4. This part of the text represents the hero's monologue. Appreciate the richness of his speech. How does this monologue characterize him?

Group 5. Prove that Dostoevsky contrasts the life of nature with the life of the city. What is the main contrast of St. Petersburg life depicted in the story? Why is the hero of the story “White Nights” endlessly lonely?

Conclusions. The tradition of depicting St. Petersburg comes from Pushkin (“ Bronze Horseman"). Unlike Pushkin, Dostoevsky gravitates towards the essayistic and everyday life side of the image of St. Petersburg (details, topographical accuracy). In addition, Dostoevsky is not only a writer of everyday life, he depicts some spiritual and mystical essence of St. Petersburg, where a person is lonely and unhappy. At the same time, it is emphasized that St. Petersburg is a symbol of Russia, that in this city all Russian inconsistencies are presented in a concentrated form.

1. Get acquainted with the article in the textbook about L.N. Tolstoy and retell it.

2. Text - “Youth”.

3. Individually - a review of the content of the stories “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”.

Lesson 68. Personality of L.N. Tolstoy.

Autobiographical trilogy. Content overview.

Psychologism of Tolstoy's prose

Lesson objectives: training in working with a textbook; discussion of independently read works.

Vocabulary work: dialectic of the hero's soul.
During the classes

I. Working with an article from a textbook about L. N. Tolstoy

The students read it at home. It is important that they are able to answer the following questions:

What of Tolstoy's readings resonates with you? What haven't you read? Could you make a list like this?

What did the young man Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy want to develop in himself and what did he want to achieve (judging by the plan he drew up)?

What shortcomings did Tolstoy want to fight in himself? How important is this for a person?

What is the history of Tolstoy's military life? What works appeared as a result of Tolstoy's participation in hostilities?

Where does work on the story “Childhood” begin? What kind of response did she receive?

The part “Childhood” was published in Sovremennik in 1852 and was the first part of the planned tetralogy “Four Epochs of Development”. Two more parts were realized - the stories “Adolescence” and “Youth”, and the idea of ​​the fourth was only partially realized in the story “The Morning of the Landowner”. "Adolescence" was published in 1854, and "Youth" in 1857.

How was Tolstoy’s plan reflected in the story of the name change?

Why is not only the work, but also the life of L.N. Tolstoy very interesting?
II. Trilogy content overview

Three pre-prepared students are preparing a review of the content of the stories “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”, paying special attention to the changes occurring with the main character of the trilogy.

III. Working with a fragment of text - the chapter “My classes”.

Discussion of questions 1-6 in the textbook. This requires knowledge full text chapters.

IV. Observation of the features of L. N. Tolstoy’s narrative

Why does Tolstoy choose the form of autobiographical narrative for his work?

What feature of Tolstoy's psychologism is manifested in this work?

Final question: One of the meanings of the word “dialectics” is: the process of movement and development. Can the changes that occur in the hero’s soul be called the dialectics of his soul?

2. Create questions to analyze the chapter.

Lesson 69. True and imaginary values ​​of life

Lesson objectives: training in analytical reading; reading fragments and analysis of the chapter “Comme il faut”; consolidation of retelling-analysis skills.
During the classes

I. Implementation homework

Along with evaluating the work, the teacher holds a competition for the most interesting question.

II. Conversation (chapter content analysis)

What is the ideal of a “come il faut” person?

How does L.N. Tolstoy evaluate this concept? How does the author characterize the time spent acquiring the qualities of a “come il faut” person?

What was the main evil of this hobby?

Work in groups.

The textbook contains a number of questions after the chapter. Students, united in groups, prepare a joint answer to one of the questions, if possible, presenting different points of view.

Group 1: How do you assess this fate of the hero?

Group 2: Are there qualities that attract you in the list of characteristics that guided the narrator?

Group 3: Did this chapter remind you of anything from your life? Do your friends have similar hobbies? Is it worth convincing them?
III. Retelling and analysis of chapter XXI “Comme il faut”.

This chapter is a compositionally complete part that shows an issue that is important for the younger generation.

To prepare a retelling-analysis, it is important to formulate main idea, on the analysis of which students will concentrate their attention. In this case, this could be the following question: what does the author want to convince his reader of and how does he do it.

Having thus defined the problem, during the secondary reading and viewing, the main, key facts and details are selected for an oral concise retelling and analysis.

In this case, the second part of the question is very important, because here students must show the features of L.N. Tolstoy’s narrative style.

What students should pay attention to:

What form of storytelling is chosen for this work and why?

How are the feelings and experiences of the main character conveyed to the reader?

Why is there a strong journalistic element in the chapter and how is it expressed?
IV. Conversation

We should return again to the key question of the lessons: why can the changes that occur to the main character be considered “the dialectic of his soul”?


Lesson 70. Features of the narrative of A. N. Tolstoy.

Methods of psychological self-analysis of the hero.

Chapter "I'm Failing" Preparing for an essay

Lesson objectives: work on the concept of “dialectics of the soul”; techniques (internal monologues, the predominance of descriptions and reasoning over the development of action, dialogues, speech characteristic) psychological self-analysis of the hero; training in analytical reading; drawing up and analyzing an essay plan.
During the classes

I. Conversation

Answer the questions and support your thoughts with text.

Why was the hero “in some strange fog” on the eve of the exam?

What is the condition inner world Nikolenki?

What was Nikolenka thinking about after the exam? Why does the author convey it in such detail? internal monologue?

What upset Nikolenka most in this story?

What changed in his feelings after much thought?

What is the plot of the chapter based on? Why do descriptions and reasoning prevail over action? How can Tolstoy’s plan be viewed in this regard?

What does “I’m failing” mean in the chapter title?

II. Preparation for the miniature essay “Dialectics of the Soul” in L. N. Tolstoy’s story “Youth”

Again, students should be reminded how to work on a miniature essay.

1. Think about what problem is being posed, formulate it in your own words.

When publishing the story “Childhood,” N. A. Nekrasov replaced the title with another one - “The Story of My Childhood.” Let us remember how Tolstoy reacted to this: “The title “The Story of My Childhood” contradicts the idea of ​​the essay. Who cares about my childhood? Obviously not a life story specific person, but something else was at the heart of the author’s intention. Tolstoy impartially and frankly talks about what happened to the child’s soul, and then young man during the most important periods of his life. So it turns out that the development of the human soul forms the basis of this work. The task of the essay is to show how Tolstoy depicts this development, in other words, dialectics.

2. Select the material necessary to solve this problem.

Since Ch. has been studied more deeply than others. 4, placed in the textbook, factual material can be taken from them, making the necessary references to the text of the entire story. The material can be grouped as follows:

Autobiographical prose is one of the forms of revealing from within the process of personality formation;

The hero's spiritual conflict with his environment and his own shortcomings;

True and imaginary values ​​of the hero's life;

Tolstoy evaluates his hero by his ability or inability to grow spiritually;

“dialectics of the soul” and purity of moral feeling in Tolstoy’s trilogy;

Features of the narrative (internal monologues, the predominance of descriptions and reasoning over action, dialogues).

3. Draw a conclusion and generalization.

What conclusions does Nikolenka Irtenyev ultimately come to about the meaning of life, about good and bad?

What is the universal significance of the story “Youth”?

The plan is discussed in class and written down by students.


Write a miniature essay.

Lesson 71. How to write an essay?

Preparing for a home essay on the topic

"My Contemporary"

The purpose of the lesson: characteristics of essay types; learning how to write essays.
Information for teachers

The studied works of I. S. Turgenev and L. N. Tolstoy are dedicated to young people of 15-16 years of age. Naturally, if students compare them life experience with his. And this comparison can be embodied in an essay about yourself or about your contemporary.

During the classes

I. Lecture. How to write an essay?

An essay is a genre of journalism because it depicts and explains significant and interesting phenomena of reality.

Questions for students.

Why is it advisable to write an essay on this topic in the essay genre?

There are these types of essays:

travel essay (if the problem is related to pictures of everyday life, nature or road events);

portrait sketch (at the center is a person, his business; the essay decides socially significant problem, associated with the character or actions of the hero, on the other hand, expresses the author’s attitude towards the hero of the essay himself).


What type of essay is best to write on this topic?

What style of speech is appropriate for presenting such a topic?

Let us once again remind students how to construct a journalistic speech.

Journalistic allows:

Journalistic vocabulary (ideals of goodness; turning points; freedom and independence);

Repetitions (long ago, young and fresh);

Antitheses (strength - weakness, faith - unbelief);

Rhetorical questions (Who can be deceived by this aggressive appearance?);

Incentive and exclamatory sentences (Imagine... Remember...);

Comparative and contrastive constructions (Both young and adult people...).
II. Discussion of key questions regarding the essay topic

It is interesting to give the floor to students at the beginning - to set them up to think about their contemporary.

How is the life of a modern young man different?

What problems are typical for this generation? How are they resolved?

If among your peers there are individuals about whom you can say that they are constantly developing?

Are adults’ reproaches that “young people have gone the wrong way” fair?

Has the life of your peer become easier or more difficult compared to the last century?

Have the ideals that young people of the last century proclaimed been preserved in our time?

The topic is considered freely, because the student himself chooses who to write about and what form of narration to choose.

Essay essay (based on lesson materials). The result may be the publication of a class newspaper, where the best works will be published at the choice of the teacher and students.

Information for teachers 1

Autobiographical literature has existed for a very long time. This genre is close to memoirs, but an autobiography is usually devoted not to the person’s surroundings, but to the author’s own thoughts, feelings and experiences.

“Childhood” was published in the Sovremennik magazine under the title “The Story of My Childhood.” 1852 Signature under the work “L. N."

“Adolescence” was published in the Sovremennik magazine. 1854 Signature under the work “L.N.T.”

“Youth” was published in the Sovremennik magazine. 1857 Signature under the work “L. Tolstoy."

The change in signature seems to reflect the author’s strengthening confidence in his luck, in the right to declare to the whole world that it was he who created this work.

Let's take a look at what paved the way for their creation and how the writer's life developed in previous years. Let the students face the difficult process of “overcoming oneself”, without which there would not have been a brilliant rise of a new writer who, let us remember, unlike many other authors, did not experience a streak of creative failures at the beginning of his career.

Let's see what feasible goals L.N. Tolstoy sets for himself: “1) Get into the circle of players and, with money, play. 2) Get into high society and, under certain conditions, get married. 3) Find a place beneficial for the service.” And all this in order to “put things right” after numerous losses.

True to himself, he immediately creates “Rules for the Game”, “Rules for Society”, in which he plans to “invite the most important ladies to dance at the ball”, “try to always master the conversation.” For this purpose, he goes to the Moscow military governor-general, married to his aunt, to his cousin Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich Volkonsky, etc.

We will read in one of the draft editions of “Cossacks” his thoughts on this matter: “The mind has long explained to him that the Governor-General is an idiot, but he still wants with all his might to have his hand shaken by the hand of the Governor-General. The mind has proven that light is an ugliness, and with trepidation, excitement he enters the ball and waits, expects something magically happy from this terrible light.”

The state of mental dissatisfaction with oneself continues. And then, in one of the novels of that time, he read about the “Franklin diary”, which was once kept by Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), an American educator, scientist, statesman, one of the authors of the US Declaration of Independence, creator of the first public library in America . In the diary, the author reported to himself about his weaknesses and misdeeds every day.

In March 1851, Tolstoy gave himself the task: “Compile a journal for weaknesses (Franklin’s).” The diary itself has not reached us, but in the works and sketches of that time, for example, in the unfinished story “The History of Yesterday,” so many shortcomings are named that their list alone takes up more than a page. This includes vanity in its various manifestations, and cowardice, which obviously includes other qualities, such as shyness (“I couldn’t bow to Lvova - cowardice”), and lack of energy, and lack of patience, and lack of consistency, and weakness of character, “tenderness”... But all these reproaches have nothing to do with the ideal that he will form later. For now, Nikolenka is convinced that shortcomings only hinder the formation of a strong person.

At the same time, work is underway on the first edition of Childhood. In it he already finds his “most important artistic techniques.” This is inner speech (internal monologue) and image emotional movements through their external manifestations. He, for example, is already trying to show what is expressed by the look and “position of the mouth” of the mistress of the house. And this, as he immediately explains, was expressed in thoughtfulness, mockery, importance, and caprice...

He worked intensively on the story, he constantly creates new artistic techniques and at the same time demands harmony and unity from his work. “It is necessary to destroy without pity all places that are unclear, drawn out, inappropriate - in a word, unsatisfactory, even if they were good in themselves” (diary entry dated March 27, 1852). Working on the story became an urgent need for him.

Tolstoy worked on the story “Adolescence” with long breaks for about a year and a half. The first sketch was made on November 29, 1852 in the Caucasus. The third version was completed in Bucharest (he entered the Danube army from Sevastopol) in April 1854. The techniques that he found while working on “Childhood” continue to be improved. The depiction of emotional movements through facial expressions, smiles, voice intonation, gaze, and gestures immediately attracted the attention of readers. The skill in depicting the landscape was also replaced: the famous thunderstorm was immediately especially noted by Nekrasov.

“Youth” became the final one in the cycle autobiographical stories. While still in Sevastopol, he began this story and at the end of June 1856 he began the work that captivated him - its alteration. On September 12, the third edition of the story was completed. Having finished, he re-read the story and, on a separate sheet of paper, gave a critical assessment of each of the written chapters. Tolstoy gave the story to Sovremennik, where it was published.

Interest in what I am like lives in the minds of every person. When this secret process is told by a talented writer who appears to the reader as an honest, courageous and conscientious person, this doubles the impact of the work.

The spiritual life of Tolstoy's hero - Nikolenka Irtenyev - several times invades the reading world of students, and in the ninth grade one can somehow summarize the results of observations of the hero's childhood, adolescence and youth.

The author is constantly on the move, constantly looking for solutions to a variety of issues. The beginning of the journey, which seemed extremely unsuccessful to all close relatives, turned out to be a confluence of many successes. A nomination for a registered weapon for courage, the creative success of an aspiring writer, an awareness of the importance of one’s own thoughts about the future - everything suddenly came together in the definition of recognition.

Tolstoy's stories are not sentimental, although it was he who came up with the formula “ golden childhood", they are devoid of narcissism. There is not a grain of those qualities in the author that could cause a feeling of awkwardness. Usually there is a grateful response from the reader for help in forming a benevolent attitude towards himself: the reader goes through a kind of school of self-demandingness, which is accompanied by self-respect.

The measure and degree of appropriate frankness are depicted in the lines of all three autobiographical stories. Interesting descriptions of attempts literary creativity future writer. Thus, in the chapter “Poems” (the story “Childhood”) it is told how Nikolenka is trying to create a congratulation for her grandmother.

“Childhood” and “Adolescence” is a story about Nikolenka Irteniev, whose thoughts, feelings and mistakes are depicted with complete and sincere sympathy. The depiction of youth is another matter. The hero retained his former aspirations and noble spiritual qualities. But he was brought up in the false prejudices of an aristocratic society, from which he frees himself only at the end of the story, and then only after going through doubts and serious reflection and meeting other people - not aristocrats. "Youth" is a tale of mistakes and rebirth.

Nikolenka will eventually begin to attach special importance to the “voice of repentance and passionate desire for perfection.” “A good, joyful voice, how many times since then, in those sad times when the soul silently submitted to the power of life’s lies and depravity, suddenly boldly rebelled against all untruth, maliciously denounced the past, pointed out, forcing her to love, the clear point of the present and promised good and happiness in the future - a good, gratifying voice! Will you ever stop sounding?

Of course, one cannot assume that the story is an overly pathetic work. The author is often ironic towards the hero. Let us recall, for example, the proposition from Chap. XXVI: “...I tried my extraordinary intelligence and originality, to which I especially considered myself obliged by my uniform.”

The chapter “Youth” - and of the poetic chapters of the story, deserves special attention class. But even more curious and even instructive are the chapters that testify to his moral regeneration. When Tolstoy re-read the story almost 50 years later, he saw some insincerity in it. He indicated that “at that time I did not consider my democratic direction good and important,” directly pointing to the XXXI and last three chapters.

N. N. Gusev in his study states that “Chapter “Comme il faut” (XXXI) contains a classic, nowhere else found in our literature, characteristic of “this concept, which served as the main rule of behavior in secular society. Nikolenka already sees all the emptiness, simply the stupidity of this basis for evaluating people in an aristocratic society.” The researcher even argues that Tolstoy's self-accusation should be completely rejected. Obviously, the teacher will have to think about this issue quite thoroughly. It is probably more likely that Nikolenka saw all the disadvantages of his ideal, but was not able to immediately renounce its overwhelming influence and accept, without hesitation and reservations, democratic manners and style of behavior that were alien to him.

The main idea of ​​“Youth” is the growth of the consciousness of a young man. The theme of spiritual “resurrection” underlies many of the writer’s subsequent works.

Confessionalism and moralizing are present in the story, but they are not what attract generations of readers to it, and they are not the focus of the teacher’s attention during lessons on its study. Attention to one’s own spiritual life and severe demands on oneself, honesty in assessments and characteristics are lessons in the demanding introspection that youth cannot do without. An example of an artistically perfect embodiment of youthful states and thoughts appears before the class and teacher as a subject of respectful, perhaps even enthusiastic consideration.

The ninth grade program also contains an autobiographical cycle created by Maxim Gorky. The hero of this cycle is sharply polemical not with Nikolenka Irteniev, and not even with his creator, Leo Tolstoy, but perhaps with fate itself. Let's remember the story of two lives by comparing the titles of autobiographical works.

Leo Tolstoy - “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”.

Maxim Gorky - “Childhood”, “In People”, “My Universities”.

It is precisely the polemical nature and frank journalistic nature of the stories created by Gorky many years after the events themselves that make it possible not so much to compare artistic features works of two writers, how much to discuss the specifics of the genre and reflect on its perception by readers.

When referring to Tolstoy’s trilogy, works that were created by the writer in the same years are often drawn to. They also carry echoes of autobiography, reproducing events in which the author was a participant - these are “The Raid”, “Cutting Wood”, but above all “Sevastopol Stories”.

A similar situation arises when studying the final story of Gorky’s autobiographical works. However, there is a significant difference. Tolstoy wrote his autobiographical stories practically from the “battlefield”; these works record the formation of character a little later than the moment when this formation itself took place. Gorky in the 20s of the XX century. On the threshold of old age, I decided to take a look at my youth, my youth. The author was decades separated from the time of the events described in his stories.

The story “Mom Universities” was written in 1922. Adjacent to it is the cycle autobiographical stories: “The Time of Korolenko” (1923), “About First Love” (1923) and other works that are usually considered as fragments of the unrealized plan of the fourth part of the artistic autobiography.

In the story “Mom Universities” there is an equally abundant layer of “ leaden abominations”, as in “Childhood”, and the oppression of these abominations is stronger - they are already comprehended by the hero of the story as a rebellion against injustice. When addressing the plot of the story, teachers often do not even mention the tragic suicide attempt of Alyosha Peshkov. Waves of youth suicide, which periodically arise for a number of reasons, frighten teachers as a fact that is difficult and unknown how to resist. A conversation on such a sensitive topic requires both the trust of students and the skillful determination of the right tone. The teacher decides for himself the question of the possibility of discussing it, but there is no need to completely exclude this tragic topic.

Contemplating the picture of the “universities” that Alyosha Peshkov went through is suddenly becoming a very pressing topic today, which responds to quite modern problems. The problem of exploitation, the problem of the initial accumulation of capital, the problem of justice. Reflection on the pages of Gorky's story will help not so much in their categorical decision, which may be unrealistic, but in the formation of ideas about possible ways to overcome or mitigate all these difficulties, and the formation of a sense of moral responsibility.

Works fiction activate the worldview, help sharpen the reaction to everything that surrounds us, be it a gust of wind or a complex technical device, an interesting thought or an outrageous act. Autobiographical works make the reader’s reaction stricter and more demanding and at the same time evoke more trust and participation in him. Their study, and even more so their comparison, when it is convincingly motivated, is an excellent school of reading skills.

Moscow region

A story about “tender and generous love”

Lesson objectives. Teach a comprehensive analysis of a work of art, careful attention to detail; improve oral skills monologue speech, the ability to correctly formulate one’s thoughts, to identify the ideological meaning of a work; to cultivate interest in the work of A.I. Kuprin, respectful attitude towards a person’s feelings and experiences.

During the classes

  • Teacher reading the first paragraph of the work.
  • Conversation with students.

Why does the work have such a title?

What genre does this work belong to? Name characteristic features this genre.

"Olesya" is epic work, a story whose characteristic features are the following: volume - larger than a story, but less than a novel; a description of some long period of time in the hero’s life; Usually the narration is told on behalf of a participant or witness to the events.

Teacher. So, the focus is on Olesya, about whom the main character Ivan Timofeevich talks, he evaluates the heroine, expresses his attitude towards everything depicted in the story.

What are the features of the composition of the work?

The story alternates between the hero's story about the events of his life and his reflections.

How is the hero shown? What is known about him? Why did he end up in Polesie?

The hero is an intellectual who accidentally ended up in Polesie. He is bored in the wilderness, he tries to communicate with the peasants (he treats them), read, communicate with the local intelligentsia in the person of the priest. But these attempts do not satisfy his need for communication; his only interlocutor is Yarmola, whom Ivan Timofeevich teaches to read and write. The main occupation of the hero is hunting.

Find the plot.

The plot begins with the hero's conversation with Yarmola about witches.

Find a description of the Manuilikha hut(chapter 3).

“It wasn’t even a hut, but a fairy-tale hut on chicken legs. One side of it sank over time, and this gave the hut a lame and sad look.” The description of Manuilikha and Olesya’s home emphasizes their closeness to the world of nature and fairy tales - it is no coincidence that the hero has an association with Baba Yaga’s hut.

How does Manuilikha meet the hero? Why?

Ivan Timofeevich decides to find the “witch’s” hut, goes into the forest, and succeeds. Manuilikha greets him unfriendly, since communication with people from the civilized world does not bode well for her, as if she is trying to protect her granddaughter from meeting the man.

How do you meet Olesya? What struck the hero about this girl?

First the hero heard the song, and then Olesya appeared, who made a strong impression on him. “My stranger, a tall brunette of about twenty to twenty-five years old, carried herself easily and slenderly. A spacious white shirt wrapped freely and beautifully around her young, healthy breasts. Once seen, the original beauty of her face could not be forgotten, but it was difficult, even after getting used to it, to describe it. His charm lay in those large, shiny, dark eyes, to which his thin eyebrows, broken in the middle, gave an elusive shade of slyness, power and naivety; in the dark-pink tone of the skin, in the willful curve of the lips, of which the lower, somewhat fuller, protruded forward with a decisive capricious look.”

What is known about the heroines? What do they have in common with Ivan Timofeevich?

Manuilikha and Olesya are strangers in this region, they are strangers. The hero is also alien to the people of Polesie; he could not find contact with them.

The hero shows deep interest in Olesya and her life; They begin a permanent relationship. It is significant that with no one more Ivan Timofeevich never agreed.

What unusual abilities does Olesya have? Tell us how she tries to convince the hero that she is a witch.

Why did Ivan Timofeevich become attached to the girl?(chapter 6)

Reflecting on his perception of the young savage, the hero says: “It was not Olesya’s beauty alone that fascinated me in her, but also her integral, original, free nature, her mind... For her environment, for her upbringing, she had amazing abilities.”

The hero enjoys Olesya’s spontaneity, naturalness, openness, some childishness, and lack of coquetry. That is, he is attracted to exactly what he probably did not find in other people.

How do others feel about the hero’s communication with the girl?

Ivan Timofeevich’s relations with the villagers and even with Yarmola, who also does not approve of communicating with “witches,” are deteriorating.

When does the danger of parting with Olesya first arise? What is this connected with?

The new landowner in the village decides to drain the swamps, and the constable who came to Manuilikha demands that she and her granddaughter immediately leave this region.

How did the hero behave in this situation?

Ivan Timofeevich tries to protect his charges, treats the policeman, verbally convinces, gives an old gun, having obtained permission to leave the women alone for a while.

What was the turning point in the characters’ relationship?

The turning point in their relationship was Ivan’s illness, due to which he did not appear in the forest hut for a long time. It is in separation from Olesya that he realizes that new feelings have entered his life that he cannot cope with. Ivan Timofeevich admits: “I myself had no idea how thin, strong, invisible threads my heart was tied to this charming girl, incomprehensible to me. Wherever I was... all my thoughts were occupied with the image of Olesya, my whole being strove for her, every memory... squeezed my heart with a quiet and sweet pain.” The absence of the hero greatly worried Olesya, who also felt a strong attachment to him.

Let's read the beginning of Chapter X.

“...When I stepped on her threshold, my heart began to beat anxious fear in my chest. I didn’t see Olesya for almost two weeks and now I understood especially clearly how close and sweet she was to me... I felt that... Olesya was giving me... her whole being.”

What happens in the lives of the heroes after this meeting?

The heroes confess their love to each other; it is important that Olesya is the initiator. And Ivan Timofeevich is afraid of something new that has appeared in his life.

How do the characters themselves perceive their love?

For Olesya, love is a gift. She loves and enjoys it; Although the heroine has a presentiment of trouble, she consciously continues her relationship with her beloved.

“Now I don’t care, I don’t care! Because I love you...

Olesya, for God’s sake, don’t... leave me... Now I’m afraid too... I’m afraid of myself... Let me go, Olesya.”

Ivan understands that his feelings for Olesya are quite serious, he feels the magic emanating from the girl. He constantly thinks about his relationship with the savage and comes to the conclusion that he is even ready to marry her and take her with him to the city.

How does he perceive the relationship between Ivan Timofeevich and Olesya Manuilikha?

“Old Manuilikha became so unbearably grumpy after my recovery, greeted me with such open anger, and while I was sitting in the hut, she moved the pots in the stove with such noisy ferocity that Olesya and I preferred to meet every evening in the forest...”

Teacher's word. In his story, the author poses the problem of the collision between man of nature and man of civilization. After all, Manuilikha from the very beginning tried to resist the meeting of her granddaughter and a stranger, feeling that they belonged to different worlds, and trying to protect Olesya from pain.

Pay attention to the hero's thoughts. How does he represent Olesya in the world of civilization?

“Only one circumstance frightened and stopped me: I did not even dare to imagine what Olesya would be like, dressed in a fashionable dress... pulled out of this charming frame of the old forest...”

In what works have you encountered a similar situation?

In the poem by A.S. Pushkin “Gypsies”, in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” (the history of the relationship between Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin and Bela). Both Pushkin and Lermontov show the conflict between a man of civilization and a man of nature; writers emphasized that people from different worlds They cannot understand each other, they live according to different laws, so their relationship is doomed to break.

Teacher's word. In these works, the problem of the collision between “natural man” and the man of civilization was resolved dramatically; the authors showed that these people are so different that their union is possible only for a short time or in natural conditions.

How does Olesya perceive the conversation about Ivan’s departure and his proposal to marry?

She understands that this is impossible, tells the hero that such a decision is ridiculous to even imagine that in the future he himself will hate her for this marriage. The girl explains her refusal this way: “I only think about your happiness.”

“You yourself understand that it’s funny to even think about it. Well, what kind of wife am I really? This suggests that Olesya’s love is deep and sacrificial, the girl does not think about herself.

How does the heroine try to prove her love to Ivan?

For the sake of her beloved, Olesya is ready to go to church, although she is sure that she carries some mysterious and fatal beginning within herself. This act is associated with great risk, but the girl decides to take it. “Darling, you know, I really want to do something very, very nice for you.”

Tell us about the consequences of this trip.

When Olesya came to the village, she was insulted by women who mocked her, swore at her and did not allow the girl to pass. Someone suggested smearing her with tar, and when Olesya broke away from the circle of her offenders, stones flew after her. Angry Olesya, “having run fifty steps away... stopped, turned her pale, scratched, bloody face to the brutal crowd and shouted so loudly that her every word could be heard in the square:

Good!.. You’ll remember this from me! You will cry your fill yet!”

The consequences of her trip to the village church caused the heroines to leave - the local residents, in their anger, could cause them great harm. Olesya and her grandmother understand that after what happened they need to leave Polesie, since they will be blamed for the causes of any misfortune. “...After all, I was there... in Perebrodye... I made threats out of anger and shame... And now, as soon as something happens, now they will blame us: whether the cattle start to die or someone’s hut catches fire, we will all be to blame.” , says Olesya to Ivan. After his departure they leave Polesie. The heroine herself said: “No... I know, I see... There will be nothing for us except grief... nothing... nothing...”

Why was the continuation of love impossible?

  1. Those around me were disturbing.
  2. Olesya herself did not want this.
  3. The hero's passivity is to blame.

Try to formulate the idea of ​​the work.

Strong, pure love The characters are not understood and accepted by the cruel world around them; true love is doomed to a tragic ending.

Does the epigraph correspond to our conversation?

Pay attention to the last lines of the story. They contain the narrator's attitude to everything that happened.

“With a cramped heart overflowing with tears, I was about to leave the hut, when suddenly my attention was attracted by a bright object, apparently deliberately hung on the corner of the window frame. It was a string of cheap red beads, known in Polesie as “corals,” - the only thing that remained to me as a memory of Olesya and her tender, generous love.”

Teacher's word. Look at the words with which Ivan Timofeevich characterizes his state - “with a cramped, overflowing heart...” It is overflowing with feelings, and Olesya’s love remains a wonderful fairy tale for him, it will be kept in memory, because only memory connects him with a gentle and generous girl, who gave the hero her feeling and demanded nothing in return.

What unites the stories “Olesya” and “Garnet Bracelet”?

(This writing assignment can be given at home to allow students to reflect and prepare for upcoming writing in class.)

Both works are devoted to the theme of love, which the main characters (Olesya and Zheltkov) perceive as God’s gift, as happiness, despite the fact that their feelings have no future, life deprives the heroes of the opportunity to be with their beloved. Pure, sincere love is the basis of their personalities. The heroes are happy because they had the opportunity to experience this deep feeling.

Lesson objectives: training in monologue statements; analytical reading of the hero's characteristics.

Equipment: board, portrait of the writer, epigraphs for the lesson, illustrations, task cards, informant cards; Questions about the hero's characteristics are written on the board.

Epigraphs for the lesson:

“He himself is the artist of his life and creates it for himself every hour according to new arbitrariness.”

“You see, the more spirit and inner content we have, the more beautiful our corner and life. Of course, the dissonance is terrible, the disequilibrium that society presents to us is terrible. Outside must be balanced with internal. Otherwise, with the absence of external phenomena, the internal will take over too dangerously.”

F. M. Dostoevsky

Teacher's opening speech

We are meeting with F. M. Dostoevsky for the second time. The first was a meeting with “The Boy at Christ’s Christmas Tree.” Dostoevsky is the author of difficult works to read. In each of his novels we meet children. Dostoevsky wrote with pain in his heart about childhood suffering, about the misfortunes of the poor and humiliated. The author wanted to awaken the conscience of every person so that he would never forget that next to a well-fed, prosperous life there is always another. And in this other life - hunger, suffering, rudeness, dirt, humiliation and insults. His first story was called “Poor People.” It was a complete work in the genre of the novel, in which the issue of class inequality was highlighted, in showing truly “pariahs of society” - people doomed, oppressed by the burden of dependence and humiliation, not complex, full of inner spiritual delicacy, full of self-esteem.

A student’s message about F. M. Dostoevsky’s story “Poor People.”
By comparing Makar Devushkin with Samson Vyrin from “ Stationmaster” A. S. Pushkin and Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin from “The Overcoat” by N. V. Gogol.

Abstracts of a student's speech prepared in advance by the teacher
In Vyrin, Devushkin recognizes himself, the caretaker’s experiences are close and understandable to him, he even accepts the ending of Pushkin’s story without protesting against the injustice of fate.
The fate of Vyrin is somewhat repeated in the fates of other characters in the novel: Pokrovsky - the father, the official Gorshkov, Emelya. All of them, in Devushkin’s eyes, possess one virtue or another, just like Pushkin’s hero.
Bashmachkin evokes a feeling of indignation. In “The Overcoat,” the hero also faces the truth of his life, a truth that he does not want to admit, but which penetrates into his very heart and destroys his idea of ​​himself and his place in life. This state awakens in Devushkin a desire to speak out and sharpens his self-awareness.
Along with traditional ideas about the world and one’s place in it, inherent in both Vyrin and Bashmachkin, Devushkin develops an understanding of life values, awakened primarily by his love for Varenka Dobroselova.

Teacher's word

As you can see, the problem of the relationship between “environment” and “personality” was stated by Dostoevsky already in early works, and in them the theme of love as the highest manifestation of human essence sounded in a new way. Dostoevsky’s expression is known that “beauty will save the world”; he wanted to look into the realm of “premonitions and premonitions” of what does not exist, but what should be reality.
“Why aren’t we all like brothers and brothers?” - such a rhetorical question asks the heroine of “White Nights” to her unexpected acquaintance.

Working with the introductory article of the textbook.
Working with illustrations.
Teacher's word

Take a closer look at the illustration by G. Gornetsov “Neva Embankment. Night” we will not analyze it; We will try to get into the mood set by Dostoevsky at the very beginning of the story: “It was a wonderful night, the kind of night that can only happen when we are young, dear reader. The sky was so starry, like a bright sky, that, looking at it, you involuntarily had to ask yourself: can all sorts of angry and capricious people really live under such a sky?”
The portrait of a young man against the background of the city of St. Petersburg, reflected, as in a mirror, in the calm waters of the canal, is called “The Dreamer. F. Dostoevsky. "White Nights". The author of this portrait is Ilya Glazunov.
On the third we see a girl and a young man walking along the deserted streets of the city at night, in whom we undoubtedly recognize the heroes of the story Nastenka and the Dreamer.

Conversation (questions are written on the board in advance)

Try, based on the text of the story, to characterize its main character:

  • Who is he?
  • What does he do?
  • What is his type of activity and attitude towards it?
  • Favorite hobby V free time?
  • What can you say about his hobbies and outlook?
  • Can a dreamer be classified as a “little” person?

Group work
Cards - tasks

First group
Night one

    How does the hero feel in St. Petersburg?

    What was the environment around him?

    Prove that Dostoevsky contrasts the life of nature with the life of the city.

Second group
Night one

    Under what circumstances did the dreamer meet with Nastenka?

    How did the hero behave and why?

Third group
Night three

    Why did the hero become so easily attracted to Nastenka?

    What does the hero experience when meeting her?

Fourth group
Night four

    Why does the hero decide to throw in his lot with Nastenka?

    How sincere is his impulse?

Fifth group

    How does the hero perceive the breakup of his relationship with Nastenka? Why?

Group six
Night three.
Letter from Nastenka.

    How does Nastenka perceive the world?

    What does she dream about?

    How does the image of Nastenka help to understand the author’s intention, his idea?

Group seven

It happened to you - in a dark grove,
In the spring grass, young
Find a flower simple and modest?
(You were alone in a foreign country.)
He was waiting for you - in the dewy grass,
He flourished alone...
And for you my smell is clean,
I kept my first smell.
And you pluck the unsteady stem,
In the buttonhole with a gentle hand
You put it on with a slow smile
The flower you destroyed.
And so you walk along the dusty road,
All around the field was burned,
Abundant heat flows from the sky,
And your flower withered a long time ago.
He grew up in the calm shadow,
Fed on the morning rain
And was eaten up by sultry dust,
Sleeping in the midday ray.
So what? There's no point in regret!
Know it was created for
To be for a moment
In the neighborhood of your heart.

    Why did Dostoevsky take several lines from it for the epigraph?

    Why did I slightly correct the last three lines of the poem taken for the epigraph?

    How has their meaning changed?

    How does it relate to the overall tone and events of White Nights?

Result of group work.

Why is the fate of a person with a kind “weak heart” so sad? How do you understand the words selflessness? altruism? (Unselfishness is the absence of desire for personal gain, profit. Altruism is selfless concern for the good of others, the willingness to sacrifice one’s personal interests for others, the opposite of selfishness.)


Romanticism -

    A movement in literature and art in the first quarter of the 19th century, which opposed the canons of classicism and was characterized by a desire for national and individual originality; to image ideal heroes and feelings.

    A movement in literature and art, imbued with optimism and the desire to show bright images high purpose of a person.

    A state of mind imbued with the idealization of reality, dreamy contemplation.

Sentimental -

    Based on the principles of sentimentalism.

    Too sweet.

    Capable of easily touching and feeling.

Sentimentalism -

    Literary direction, marked by excessive sensuality and an idealized depiction of people, their experiences, living conditions and nature

Based on dictionary entries, determine genre originality works of F. M. Dostoevsky “White Nights” and write it down in a notebook.
Also write down your understanding of the meaning of the story's title.


Write a short essay: are you, a modern reader, interested in Dostoevsky’s thoughts and feelings?


  1. Belov S.V. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky: Book. for the teacher. – M.: Education, 1990. – 207 p.
  2. In the world of literature. 9th grade: textbook. – a textbook for general education. textbook manager / Author. – composed by A. G. Kutuzov, A. K. Kiselev, E. S. Romanicheva and others; Ed. A. G. Kutuzova. – M.: Bustard, 2002. – 560 p.
  3. Zolotareva I.V., Belomestnykh O.B., Korneeva M.S. Lesson developments in literature, grade 9. – M.: “VAKO”, 2002, 400 p.
  4. Kuleshov V.I. Life and work of F.M. Dostoevsky: Essay - M.: Det. lit., 1984. – 208 p.
  5. Methodological advice for the textbook - workshop for 9th grade. Literature. Russian classics (selected pages) / Under. Ed. G.I. Belenky. – M.: Mnemosyne, 1998. – 192 p.
  6. Kutuzov A.G., Kiselev A.K., Romanicheva E.S. How to enter the world of literature. 9th grade: Methodical manual / Ed. A. G. Kutuzova - M.: Bustard, 2001. – 144 p.

Slide 1

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky “White Nights” A type of St. Petersburg dreamer. The theme of human loneliness scary world nights. Literature teacher Svetlana Viktorovna Alieva, State Educational Institution Secondary School “School of Health” No. 883, Moscow

Slide 2

GOAL: to clarify the moral and philosophical issues of the story and its connection with today through the features of the image of the dreamer

Slide 3

Man is a mystery. It needs to be solved, and if you spend your whole life solving it, don’t say that you wasted your time; I am engaged in this mystery because I want to be a man. F.M. Dostoevsky

Slide 4

Blitz survey What is the name of the author whose lines were used by Dostoevsky as an epigraph? Turgenev How many words does the full title contain? of this work? seven What was your name main character the story “White Nights”? Nastenka How many nights were there in the work “White Nights”? four What is the name of the city in which the events described by the hero take place? Petersburg

Slide 5

First published in " Domestic notes"(1848. No. 12) with the signature: F. Dostoevsky and with dedication to Dostoevsky’s youth friend, poet A. N. Pleshcheev. “White Nights”

Slide 6

Night one. In what setting does the plot of the work unfold? What events are depicted on the pages of the story? How does the hero feel in St. Petersburg? What was the environment around him? Under what circumstances did his meeting with Nastenka take place? How did the hero behave and why?

Slide 7

“Sentimental Novel” Novel1 is a narrative work with a complex plot and many characters, a large form of epic prose. Roman2 – love relationship between man and woman. According to the dictionary of Ozhegov S.I. In what sense is the word “novel” used in this subtitle?

Slide 8

“Sentimental novel” SENTIMENTALISM: 1) Literary movement (in Russia at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries), characterized by excessive sensitivity and an idealized image of people, their experiences, living conditions and nature; 2) Sentimental (in the second meaning) attitude towards something (bookish) What does the addition “sentimental” mean?

Slide 9

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Slide 11

Dreaming - daydreaming - dreamer To dream about something, or about something, to play with the imagination, to indulge in the play of thoughts, to imagine, to think, to imagine something that is not in the present; It’s nice to think, to think about the impossible. A dream in general is any picture of the imagination and play of thought; empty, unrealizable fiction; ghost, vision, mara. A dreamer is a hunter to dream, think or play with imagination; who has a high opinion of himself. Dictionary V. Dahl Dictionary:

Slide 12

Problematic question: Does a person need to have a dream? Does a person need to dream? Is it good to be a dreamer? Which human qualities are stated in the story by F.M. Dostoevsky’s “White Nights” as “beautiful and holy”?

Slide 13

How does the hero explain why he doesn't take care of business? How does he evaluate such a life?

Slide 14

Is there such harmony in the life of a dreamer? What is the cause of disharmony? Appreciate the richness of the hero's speech. How does this monologue characterize him?

Slide 15

Night Three Why did the hero become so easily attracted to Nastenka? Is it easy to understand what the author thinks about the experiences of his hero?

Slide 16

Slide 17

Morning Why is time (as an element of the chronotope, its category) indicated by Dostoevsky precisely? What's the point of this? (The Dreamer says that he is even celebrating the anniversary of his special memories) Let us pay attention to the compositional features of the novel: the entire action of the novel takes place at night. It doesn’t even have the usual division into chapters, there are nights: “Night One”, “Night Two”... There are four nights in total. What do you think is the reason for this? (Because every night is an event associated with it. A contrast between day and night arises. Night “ better than the day".) Until the denouement comes, a kind of omnipotence of the night is diffused in the novel. The image of “night” is associated with a more or less stable range of meanings. Night is the time of dreams, the innermost life of the spirit, and the uplifting of feelings. Night is poetry. And the day is prose. And here it’s not just nights, but white ones. What does this epithet tell us? (It contains, first of all, the flavor of the place, that is, a characteristic feature northern capital. On the other hand, there is something unreal, fantastic in such nights.” The dreamer says: “Yesterday was our third date, our third white night.” What were these nights for him? Date - love - white night)

Slide 18

How does the hero perceive the breakup of his relationship with Nastenka? Why? Is the hero happy or unhappy? The Dreamer's love story for Nastenka has a sad ending. However, the work itself ends on a different note. Read the text from the words: “But so that I remember my offense, Nastenka!” and until the end. What motive begins to sound clearly in these lines? Morning Conclusion. What human qualities are affirmed in the story by F.M. Dostoevsky’s “White Nights” as “beautiful and holy”?

Slide 21

Homework Mini-essay. Why is the story “White Nights” interesting to you, modern schoolchildren? After reading the story by F.M. Dostoevsky's "White Nights", what would you like to tell your classmates about?

Slide 22

List of sources Petersburg by Dostoevsky http://www.pereplet.ru/portfel/glazunov/klassika_pic/dostoev/7.jpg “White Nights” http://img1.nnm.ru/d/9/0/b/a/d90ba6f2812632f4e2f0a2bca6f84805_full .jpg Dreamer http://www.artlib.ru/objects/gallery_642/artlib_gallery-321236-b.jpg http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/1/74/788/74788342_beluye_nochi.jpg St. Petersburg http://www.spb-guide.ru/img/7917/2732.jpg http://www.spb-guide.ru/img/7917/2732.jpg http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/ get/1/scripwriter.0/0_11fd_129b99c8_XL F.M. Dostoevsky “White Nights” http://az.lib.ru/d/dostoewskij_f_m/text_0230.shtml On the bridge http://www.3rm.info/uploads/posts /2012-12/1355855415_3.jpg Morning http://club.foto.ru/gallery/images/photo/2007/11/29/996239.jpg Dictionaries http://slovari.yandex.ru/~%D0%BA %D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B8/%D0%A2%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B9% 20%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%8C%20%D0%94%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8F/%D0 %9C%D0%95%D0%A7%D0%A2%D0%90%D0%A2%D0%AC/ Methodical manuals and developments Literature lesson on the topic “The image of a dreamer in F.M. Dostoevsky’s story “White Nights” http://festival.1september.ru/articles/533052/ I.V. Zolotareva, O.B. Belomestnykh “Lesson developments in literature 9th grade" - Moscow: VAKO, 2011 N.V. Belyaeva, O.A. Eremina. “Literature lessons in 9th grade” - Moscow: Education, 2011 28.03.2013 18852 2209

Lesson 56 the theme of human loneliness STRANGE world white nights. PETERSBURG by Dostoevsky

Goals: teach analytical reading; identify the features of the landscape in the works of Dostoevsky.

Progress of lessons

I. Checking homework (analytical reading).


– How does the hero feel in St. Petersburg?

– What kind of environment surrounds him?

– Under what circumstances did his meeting with Nastenka take place? (Look at the illustration by the artist M. Dobuzhinsky “White Nights”, p. 383.)

– How did the hero behave? Why?

– How does his dialogue with Nastenka characterize the hero?

Teacher. The idea of ​​a person’s loneliness, his restlessness cannot leave the reader indifferent: “I became afraid to be alone... I wandered around the city in deep melancholy,” “It seemed that all of Petersburg was threatening to turn into a desert...” “Scary, empty, lonely... And suddenly...” “Was it really a sin to feel... brotherly compassion?..” (p. 322, textbook). Compassion, the giving of one's self for the benefit of another through love. Striving for this ideal - moral law, the failure of which causes a person to suffer. The hero thinks about brotherly participation, he himself willingly comes to the aid of the unfortunate girl out of a feeling of “brotherly compassion”; his soul is open to sublime noble aspirations. The writer sympathizes with his hero, but shows his complete helplessness in the face of the prose of life, vulgar reality. Fate gave the dreamer “a whole minute of bliss” - this is how he evaluates his feelings for Nastenka and his short meetings with her. But this minute turned out to be not enough “for the rest of a human life.”

“White Nights” is a work covered in poetry, telling about noble dreamers, which is emphasized by the subtitle: “A sentimental novel. From the memories of a dreamer,” and the epigraph – a line from I. Turgenev’s poem “Flower”:

...Or was he created for this purpose?

To be for a moment

In the neighborhood of your heart?..

The story is structured in the form of memories of the hero, whose speech is romantically stylized and full of literary reminiscences. The boundless sadness of a lonely dreamer, remembering 15 years later the happiest moment of his life, already foreshadows the bitter disappointment of the heroes of the 60s.

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Statement of the range of issues under consideration.

– What role did the image of the city play in understanding the heroes of White Nights? What is it like, Dostoevsky's Petersburg?

– In the works of which writers was the image of St. Petersburg created? How is Dostoevsky’s narrative different?

In order to identify the features of Dostoevsky’s landscape, let’s carefully read the first paragraph of “The First Night” again.

2.Expressive reading of text(pages 380–381 of the textbook).

3.Group work(with elements of linguistic analysis).

1st group. Write down words and phrases that characterize the hero’s state of mind. What does first-person narration give to a text?

2nd group. Analyze the construction of sentences. Who is the narrator talking to? What does the author achieve in this way?

3rd group. What details help you understand the life of the city? Try to “decipher” the symbol – the color yellow.

4th group. This part of the text is the hero’s monologue. Appreciate the richness of his speech. How does this monologue characterize him?

5th group. Prove that Dostoevsky contrasts the life of nature with the life of the city. What is the main contrast of St. Petersburg life depicted in the story? Why is the hero of the story “White Nights” endlessly lonely?

Conclusion . The tradition of depicting St. Petersburg comes from Pushkin (“The Bronze Horseman”). But unlike Pushkin, Dostoevsky gravitates towards the essayistic and everyday life side of the image of St. Petersburg (details, topographical accuracy). In addition, Dostoevsky is not only a writer of everyday life, he also depicts a certain spiritual and mystical essence of St. Petersburg, where a person is lonely and unhappy. At the same time, it is emphasized that St. Petersburg is a symbol of Russia, that in this city all Russian incongruities are presented in a concentrated form.

III. Summary of lessons.


1) homework “How interesting are Dostoevsky’s thoughts and feelings to the modern reader”;

2) article about L.N. Tolstoy (pp. 3–6, Part II of the textbook);

4) individual assignments (see next lesson).

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