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How to cook corn correctly and for how long are important tips. How to cook corn correctly: useful tips

Boiled corn is one of the most popular summer delicacies, known since childhood. Both adults and children love this product. It is a real storehouse of fiber and beneficial microelements. It is important to cook the cobs in such a way that they do not lose their nutritional properties. There are no difficulties in the process of cooking corn; the cooking technology seems simple, but there are a large number of details that can have a significant impact on the final result.

Cooking time

The two most commonly consumed types of corn are:

  • feed, which is used to feed livestock;
  • sweet food.

The first type of corn is simpler, it has less nutrients and a lot of starch. It takes much longer to cook (more than four hours). Sweet corn can be cooked in minutes.

Corn needs to be cooked on the cob. It is worth immediately noting that overripe cobs are not suitable for heat treatment, since they remain tough even after a very long cooking. You can only deal with fruits that are ripe, but not overripe. You can determine the ripeness of an ear by its color: if it is bright yellow, then the ear is overripe. Corn, which has average age or not very ripe, it will take much longer to cook.

Fresh corn is quickly prepared and ripens in early August. It takes 7 minutes to prepare such a product in a double boiler or pressure cooker.

In this case, the corn should be milky and have a whitish-yellow color, and its grains fit tightly to each other.

To make a small test, take raw corn, cut one kernel from the cob and crush it. It will not be difficult to see a milky white, viscous substance called corn milk. If there are depressions on the sides of the fruit, this indicates that the product is not of the first freshness. Old or frozen corn takes longer to simmer. Once boiled, the cobs remain in the pan for a couple of hours (sometimes longer) until they are edible. Small corn takes much less time to cook than large corn.

Corn grits are often used to prepare various dishes:

  • for porridge;
  • for casserole;
  • for various fillings.

Corn porridge should be cooked for at least 60 minutes, and the volume of the product should increase by 3.5 times. In soups, the cereal is cooked for approximately 45 minutes, and it is poured into boiling water. To make flatbreads from cereals, half an hour of heat treatment in the oven is usually enough.

The benefits of corn are great. This cereal removes harmful substances from the body. Corn contains a lot of fiber, so it can effectively act as an antioxidant. For people suffering from heart and vascular diseases and high blood pressure, eating corn in reasonable quantities alleviates the severity of the disease.

Corn is very useful for children, it does not cause allergies, it can be consumed in large quantities. It is important to cook the cob properly to preserve all of it. beneficial features. For example, corn “hair” has a lot of useful properties; you shouldn’t throw it away; it’s better to prepare a decoction from it and drink it.

The benefits of this are as follows:

  • tone is normalized;
  • the nervous system is strengthened;
  • metabolism improves.

Cooking methods

The cob grains are light yellow, and it is recommended to choose medium-sized ones for cooking. Young corn has a bright white stalk. Southern varieties of corn have always had a richer taste, so this fact is also worth taking into account.

It is better to cook cobs at home in large pans with thick walls or a bucket. They are often cut into several parts if there is no large container available. Corn is a product that needs to be salted after heat treatment (water should be salted). Most often, the cobs are boiled over low heat. The method of slow cooking is popularly called simmering. The advantage of this preparation is that thermal energy is used rationally; there is no fear that the liquid contents will quickly boil away or “run away.” You should add water on time, because sooner or later it will boil away.

In ancient times, the “queen of the fields” was boiled in milk, adding a little sugar. This made it possible to significantly reduce the time required for cooking. To cook using this method, you will need to add 120 grams of milk per liter of water, as well as 2 tablespoons of sugar. The tougher the cobs, the longer they will have to cook.

Step by step recipe preparing the product at home is straightforward. Before you start cooking, be sure to take cobs of the same size. It is recommended to leave them in cold water for 2 hours. If the fruits are too large, they are cut crosswise.

Often the bottom of the pan is lined with leaves (in one layer), and selected corn is placed on them. All contents are poured with boiling water, the container is placed on low heat. Young cobs are cooked for no more than 30 minutes. If the cobs are overripe (hard), then you will have to cook it for at least 180 minutes. It is best to eat the dish right away.

Corn is often boiled in a double boiler, and this takes about 10 minutes. After washing the corn along with the leaves, it is placed in a container. If the product is overripe, the heat treatment process will be delayed for up to 45 minutes. To ensure that steam is always present in the steamer, you should monitor the amount of liquid in the container.

The product is also prepared in the oven, but first of all it is cleaned and washed. The container is treated with butter or margarine, and the cobs are poured with boiling water. The oven is heated to +125 degrees, then the cobs are baked.

A similar technology is used if the product is cooked in a pressure cooker; This takes no more than 16 minutes. If the cobs are overripe, then three more times are needed - 45 minutes.

It is best to cook young cobs in the microwave. The product is placed in a food-grade PVC bag, which is processed in the unit for no more than 12 minutes at a power of 810 W. The cobs can be boiled with the leaves for five to seven minutes, using the same amount of power.

To cook corn in the microwave, do the following:

  • cut the cobs;
  • put them in a special container,
  • add boiling water;
  • cover the container with a lid;
  • turn on the unit for 30 minutes at maximum power (if necessary, for a longer time);
  • when the specified time is over, you need to add water and turn on the microwave again for 17-18 minutes.
  • After cooking, drain the water, leave the pan open and let the contents sit for 10 minutes.

If the cobs are freshly picked from the garden, then very little time is required for cooking. When cooking, it is important to monitor the water level in the container, as it can boil away quickly.

The product is prepared simply in a frying pan:

  • the frying pan is greased with butter;
  • the cobs are cut (if they are too long) and placed in a frying pan;
  • spices and salt are added;
  • the contents are covered with a lid.

The corn is cooked over low heat; the cobs should be turned over periodically.

In a slow cooker, the “queen of the fields” is prepared in almost the same way as in a saucepan:

  • water (200 grams) is added to the container;
  • the unit turns on in the “Heat” mode.

The time until ready is usually 7-8 minutes.

Dried corn has its own characteristics. It should be remembered that only 60 grams of this product is equal in quantity to one medium-sized cob. The container is filled with milk or water. Salt and sugar are added to taste. Quantity: one teaspoon of salt and one tablespoon of sugar per liter of liquid.

It's good to cook corn in sour cream:

  • the fruit is first boiled and cooled;
  • The grains are cut from the cobs and placed in a separate container;
  • sour cream is poured into the container, the contents are mixed;
  • the resulting substance is placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven;
  • spices and grated cheese are added.

The product is prepared for no more than a quarter of an hour, then taken out, sprinkled with herbs, spices and immediately served to the table.

Often the product is canned.

Canned corn retains its nutritional properties for a long time, the technology is as follows:

  • the fruit is immersed in boiling water (for 90 seconds);
  • take out, water with cold water;
  • The grains are removed from the base, placed in a container, and poured with boiling water (for 2 minutes).

The water should be salted and sugared (three teaspoons of salt and sugar per 1 liter of water). The jars are separately sterilized in boiling water, then cooled, the corn is poured into the jars, which are immediately sealed.

You can store such a product until spring, nothing will happen to it. It retains its taste and all nutritional properties.

How to check readiness?

The readiness of the fruit is determined using a fork or knife. During cooking of the product, you should monitor the softness of the grains. As the process nears completion, the grains become soft. It's easy to check - just pierce a few pieces. If no milk flows out of the grain, then the process is completed.

After cooking, the broth is drained, the cobs are allowed to cool for some time, without covering the container with a lid. Then spices are added, the cobs are rubbed with olive or butter and served.

They eat corn using salt, ketchup or mustard. On sale you can find special cutlery (holders) for eating corn. They are stuck on both sides of the cob and held in place while eating. The holders prevent you from getting your hands dirty and getting burned by hot corn.

Properly cooked corn is tasty, juicy and soft.

  • Be sure to use low heat when cooking, avoiding active boiling of the contents of the pan.
  • Corn should not be left in the broth for a long time; it quickly loses its taste and becomes “grassy.”
  • It is important to remove dry and spoiled leaves, if present, before starting cooking.
  • If the corn is soaked in milk, it takes at least four hours.
  • It is important not to overcook the corn, otherwise almost all useful microelements are lost and the product becomes bland.
  • The ideal vessel for cooking corn is a large cast iron or clay pot.
  • Before you start cooking the cobs, you shouldn’t add salt to the water, so the grains won’t be too hard. Corn is salted at the very last moment before the end of cooking, and sometimes before serving.
  • The more the corn cools, the more “stony” and tasteless it becomes; we should not forget about this feature of boiled corn.
  • In summer, it is recommended to consume one cob per day. Thus, the body will receive a sufficient amount of useful microelements and amino acids, which are extremely important for proper metabolism.
  • Diabetics are allowed to consume about 60 grams of corn per day, this is enough to regulate blood sugar without exceeding the permissible level.
  • Corn can be effective in overcoming relapses of dementia and the effects of stroke. The beneficial elements it contains strengthen joints and bone tissue, the walls of blood vessels, and stimulate the work of the heart muscle.
  • For the perfect boiled corn recipe, see below.

Important and very useful tips for all housewives on how to cook corn correctly.

Boiled corn is probably one of the most beloved inexpensive summer dishes by many. We remember aromatic, juicy, tasty and satisfying boiled corn from childhood. By the way, corn has many beneficial properties for the human body. It contains vitamins B, C, D, K, PP, as well as magnesium, potassium, copper, iron, phosphorus, glutamic acid and many other various useful material.

Preparing corn for cooking is that it must first be washed under clean running water and all dirty leaves removed. It is not necessary to completely clear the leaves from the cob. The main thing is to remove completely dirty and spoiled leaves before cooking.

Before cooking, it is advisable to soak the corn for an hour in cool water. You should cook the cobs of the same size, this is necessary so that all the corn is cooked evenly. If the cobs are too large, a good solution is to cut them in half.

How to boil old corn

How to cook overripe corn? Even overripe and old (that is, not young) corn after boiling will be soft and juicy if it is cooked correctly. To do this, you must first clean the cobs from fibers and leaves, then cut them in half and then pour a mixture of regular drinking cold water and milk in a 1:1 ratio, that is, 1 part cold drinking water 1 part milk is needed. The corn should sit in this milk mixture for a total of 4 hours, after which it can be boiled in the classic way.

How many minutes to cook corn

How long to cook corn directly depends on its degree of maturity. For example, young corn will be ready after 20-30 minutes of cooking, but mature corn should be cooked for 30-40 minutes. Cooking time for well-ripened cobs is 2-3 hours. In this delicate matter, the main thing is not to overcook the corn so that the grains do not begin to harden. By the way, young corn is tasty even without salt, tender and soft, and boiling only takes thirty minutes.

It is ideal to boil corn on the cob in a cast iron pan, which has fairly thick walls, with the lid of the pan closed. Corn also cooks well in a clay pan. You can also cook corn in a double boiler or even a microwave oven. Some people manage to bake it in the oven.

How to cook corn correctly

  • Corn should be placed in boiling water.
  • There is no need to salt the water before and during cooking, otherwise the grains will be hard.
  • Corn is usually salted 5 minutes before it is ready or before serving.
  • You can add a little sugar and butter to the cooking water, which will give the dish a delicate taste.
  • You cannot cook corn over high heat. Immediately after boiling, reduce the heat as much as possible.
  • When the corn cools, it hardens a little, so it is advisable to eat it almost immediately after cooking while it is still warm.

Corn is a healthy and nutritious product. It contains vitamins, microelements, saturated and fatty acids.

Corn is a good preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases, normalizes metabolism, helps remove toxins and waste from the body and has many other advantages.

And all you need to do is eat 40-50 grams of corn a day to supply your body with all the beneficial substances it contains. You just need to cook the corn correctly, otherwise all the valuable substances will easily disappear!

How to cook corn?

In summer you can often find corn sellers on the street. But you don’t know how the “queen of the fields” was prepared and whether it retained its nutritional value. And it will be much better if you prepare it yourself at home, because it’s not at all difficult to do! How to cook corn at home?

How to choose the right corn?

First you need to buy corn and there are some secrets here. There are quite a few varieties of corn: there is feed corn, intended for animal feed, and food corn, intended for human consumption. Therefore, when buying corn, ask, if possible, where it was grown: personal plot or in the fields and for what purposes.

Please note that the cob is not peeled from the wrapper and stigmas - this will prevent the corn from drying out, and it is much better to cook it in this form. It is also worth selecting cobs whose greens are not frayed or dried out. This suggests that the corn was stored for a short time and it retained its properties.

To ensure that the corn is soft when cooking, you need to take it only when it is milky fresh. Young corn is much tastier than ripe corn, because... The process of converting sugar into starch has not yet completed in the grains. Ripe corn is tasteless and not aromatic. Bite into one grain, breaking it off at the very base: if the grain is soft and there is water inside, it means the corn is young and can be safely purchased. The tougher and drier the seed inside, the riper the cob.

How long to cook corn?

It would seem such a simple question: how long does it take to cook corn? And there are several answers. Depending on the type of corn - different time her preparations. If the variety is early (early ripening), then it should be cooked from 30 minutes (for milky freshness - 10 minutes) to 1.5 hours. If you purchased late varieties of corn or fodder (this also happens), the cooking time will take from 2 to 6 hours. That is, young fresh corn cooks much faster than old one.

How long to cook corn?

The most convenient way to cook corn on the cob is a thick-walled and deep dish with a lid that fits tightly to the dish. It can be a cauldron or a cast iron pot - the main thing is that the dishes heat up evenly. The heat during cooking should be low - this way the nutrients in the corn will be better preserved.

Before cooking, rinse the cobs thoroughly, remove dirty leaves, but do not peel clean ones. Place the unpeeled corn cobs in a bowl, pour 3-5 cm of water on top of them and put on fire. To keep the corn soft, do not add salt to the water when cooking.

Since the degree of maturity of the cobs is predetermined, you already know how long the corn will cook (if young - from 10 minutes, mature - 2-3 hours). Color and smell are not an indicator of the readiness of corn. Readiness can be determined by taste. When the time is up, try one grain. If the grain is easy to chew and soft inside, then the corn is ready.

It is best to eat freshly cooked corn. Cooled corn doesn't taste as good. Just make sure that it stands for a while so as not to get burned. The finished cob can be greased with butter and sprinkled with salt to taste.

How to cook corn in a double boiler?

Many people don’t even think that corn can and even should be boiled in a double boiler. After all, steamed corn differs from the classic cooking of cobs in water by its juiciness and richer taste. The secret is simple - the nutrients and sweetness of the corn do not go into the water, but remain in the product.

Pre-clean each cob of leaves, stigmas and tendrils, rinse, and then place in a steam basket. Each steamer comes with instructions with a sign indicating how long each product needs to be cooked. As a rule, corn is cooked in a double boiler for 10-15 minutes. When serving, rub the corn with butter and salt.

How to cook corn in the microwave?

Take milky fresh corn. Before cooking, it must be washed and cleaned of hairs and leaves. Break or cut the cobs in half, but if your container can accommodate whole corn, this is not necessary.

How to cook corn in the microwave?

Place the cobs in a bowl, add water so that the corn is completely hidden under it, and cover with a lid. Set the timer for 45 minutes at a power of 800 watts. From time to time it is necessary to monitor the water level in the dishes; if there is not enough, press pause and add more.

The second method of boiling corn in the microwave is much easier, you just need microwaveable food bags. Also peel and rinse the corn, put it in bags, and tie it so that the air in the bag does not escape. Set the timer for 7 minutes at a power of 800 watts. When the time is up, the corn is ready!

How to cook corn in a pressure cooker?

If the cobs are young, then they cook almost instantly in a pressure cooker. Wash the corn and, without peeling it, place it in the pressure cooker. Add enough water so that the corn is completely immersed in it; you can refer to the instructions for your machine. Cook the cobs for 10-15 minutes (if the corn is old - 40 minutes). Serve the corn hot, rub with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in milk?

Wash and clean the cobs thoroughly before cooking. It is more convenient and faster to cook corn in a microwave or pressure cooker. Place the cobs in a bowl, pour in milk, there should be about 0.5 cm of milk on top of the corn. Add 50 grams of butter. Cover with a lid and microwave for 30-45 minutes.

There is another way to cook corn in milk. Take milky corn, wash it, peel it and separate the kernels from the cob. Boil the grains in milk until soft. Add butter. You can serve this corn yourself, just first drain the milk and salt the corn. Or, without draining the milk, add lightly toasted wheat flour (2 tablespoons), season with salt and boil, stirring.

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Boiled corn is perhaps one of our favorite summer delicacies, which is loved not only by children, but also by many adults. IN summer time this “queen of the fields” is as popular as ice cream, melons and watermelons. During the season at seaside resorts, boiled young corn is perhaps the most popular product. To please yourself with freshly prepared delicious corn at home, you will need a little time and knowledge of a few secrets, which we will share with you today. Below we tell you how to cook corn correctly and tasty.

How to choose the right corn on the cob for cooking

Not all corn on the cob is suitable for cooking and eating. When buying corn at the market, be sure to check what type of corn the seller is offering. Find out if this variety is a fodder variety. To do this, just try a couple of grains of corn - fodder corn will not be sweet and tender, rather, it will taste like raw potatoes. It is food (sweet) corn that is good because it has a pleasant and sweet taste. Well, and, of course, the corn must be of milky ripeness - this is evidenced by milky white or light yellow grains, as well as their juiciness and softness. You don’t have to cook this kind of corn for a long time - just 15-30 minutes and the amber delicacy will be ready. Early varieties of corn ripen at the end of June, beginning of July. Later varieties are harvested in August. Late varieties of corn are grown for storage, so they are removed from the fields at a more mature stage than early ones. The grains of such corn will be harder, and they will have to be cooked for quite a long time - from one hour or longer.

For cooking, it is better to choose freshly picked young ears of edible corn. It is better to buy unhusked corn, since the natural “packaging” allows the grains to last longer and prevents them from drying out quickly. Green leaves and wet corn silk will help you identify young cobs. If the leaves of the cob are yellow, it means that the corn was picked a long time ago and may have already lost its juiciness. But, as a rule, slight yellowness of the leaves is acceptable, because... such cobs are still quite young and juicy. When purchasing, peel back the leaves of the cob a little and look at the kernels to make sure the corn is not old. And so that there is no doubt about the freshness and quality of the purchased cobs, you can test for ripeness - at the base of the cob, press your fingernail on one of the corn grains and if it turns out to be soft and juice comes out, then this means that this is young or milk corn. Accordingly, the harder and drier the grains, the riper and, accordingly, older the cob. The degree of maturity of an ear of corn affects not only the cooking time, but also its taste. When corn dries out, the sugar inside the kernel turns into starch, which takes away its sweetness and tenderness. However, mature corn also has good taste, which is loved by many connoisseurs of this product. Some people prefer mature corn to young corn, because it is more filling and can even replace a full meal.

How to properly and tasty cook corn on the cob

There are many ways to cook corn on the cob. Different nations It is prepared in different ways, depending on the climate and cooking capabilities. But the traditional method of preparation, after all, is boiling corn.
So let's look at different ways to cook corn at home.

First of all, you need to prepare the cobs for cooking. Most people boil their corn de-leafed, but leaving some of the leaves and stigma on the cob will make the finished product juicier and more flavorful. There is another method of cooking, when raw corn is cleaned completely (the leaves are easier to remove when raw) and placed in a pan along with leaves and corn silks, which can be placed on the bottom of the container.

The corn kettle needs to be wide and deep enough to accommodate whole cobs without breaking them. Cleaned corn cobs should be placed at the bottom of the container directly on the leaves. Leaves can also be placed on the sides so that the corn does not come into contact with the walls of the dish. Fill the pan with water until the corn is completely covered. We also place leaves on top of the corn and add stigmas, which will make the corn sweeter and more aromatic. Cook the cobs over low heat so that they retain their nutritional value. Cooking time depends on the degree of maturity of the cobs - from 15 minutes to 40 minutes. If the corn is very old (mature), then it may need to be cooked much longer - about an hour or two hours.

During cooking, you need to periodically check the corn for readiness. Make sure that the corn is completely covered with water at all times; if the water has boiled away and the cobs have opened, you need to add water (but only boiling water). There is no need to salt corn while cooking., because salt slows down the cooking process and accelerates the release of water from the grains, which makes the finished product less juicy and tasty. But, if the corn is not sweet enough, you can add a little sugar during cooking. This will not spoil its taste in any way. The cooking process must be carefully monitored to prevent excessive boiling of water or overcooking of the product.

How long should you cook corn on the cob?

Cooking time for corn when boiling depends on the maturity of the cobs. Young corn is boiled for no more than 15-20 minutes. More mature cobs will need to be cooked longer long time. Old (ripe) corn is cooked for more than an hour. You can cook corn in a slow cooker much faster.
It's best to check the corn while cooking to see if it's done. To do this, pinch off a grain from time to time and taste it, checking its readiness. If the grains become soft and juicy, then the corn is ready. You should not remove the corn immediately from the boiling water; let it cool a little right in the water where it was boiled. If corn is taken directly from boiling water, it may shrink and lose its appearance. After the corn has cooled slightly in the pan, you can remove it and serve it while it is still hot. Remove the cobs from the pan, let the excess water drain and rub with salt. In addition to salt, corn can be coated with butter and various spices.
The remaining uneaten corn can be stored in the same water in which it was boiled, but no more than 3-4 hours, at a temperature of 60-70 °C. Boiled corn can be stored longer in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

How to cook corn in a saucepan, in the microwave, in a slow cooker, in milk

There are many more different ways to prepare sweet corn - it can be baked, fried, baked over coals, cooked in the microwave, double boiler, slow cooker, etc. In every country where maize (corn) is grown, people cook corn according to their own recipes and each of them deserves attention. In the old days, when people did not have utensils to cook food, people threw corn into the fire and received a finished product that was not inferior in taste to modern corn dishes. In order to improve the quality of the prepared dish, people came up with the idea of ​​adding various flavoring additives during cooking - herbs, spices, coconut milk, and then the usual taste traditional dish acquires new unusual and piquant notes. Although, at first glance, it seems that the queen of the fields is so good and perfect in taste in its original form that it does not require any additions or additives during cooking. However, we suggest you try others, including unusual recipes cooking corn at home, each of which is good in its own way.

  1. Corn on the cob cooked in a slow cooker or pressure cooker

To cook corn in a slow cooker, remove the leaves from the young cobs and place them in a special bowl. Next, you need to fill them with water and put leaves on top. You can cook corn in the “Vegetables” mode; if you choose the “Beans” or “Soup” mode, then set the time to 15 minutes for young cobs and 20 minutes for old (ripe) cobs, no more.

Cooking corn in a pressure cooker is no different from cooking it in a slow cooker. Cook the cobs over low heat for 15-20 minutes, depending on the stage of maturity of the cereal crop.

  1. A quick way to cook corn in the microwave

To quickly cook an ear of corn, you need to take a paper towel, soak it in water, then wrap it around the ear of corn and microwave it for 5-8 minutes. In this way, you can cook both peeled corn and the “dressed” cob.

  1. Boiled corn in a steamer

When steaming corn, its beneficial substances are retained in to the greatest extent. During normal cooking, some of the substances go into the water. Corn cooked using a steamer retains more vitamins that are destroyed during cooking in boiling water. In addition, steamed corn tastes sweeter and retains its juiciness to a greater extent. The cooking time for steaming young cobs is slightly longer than with regular cooking and ranges from 25 to 35 minutes.

  1. Corn baked in the oven

Another less popular, but very interesting way to cook corn in the oven. There are at least two ways to bake cobs in the oven -

  • roasting shelled corn
  • roasting a whole cob

Wrap the peeled corn in foil with a piece of butter, place on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200-220 °C and bake for about 10 to 20 minutes. The grains will not dry out, and the corn will taste amazing!

Unpeeled cobs are baked a little differently. Before baking, cut the corn cobs slightly on one side and place in cold water for about half an hour. Then place the corn on a baking sheet and bake at a temperature of 200-220 °C. After half an hour, the aromatic corn is ready. Enjoy!

This method requires a little more cooking time than the traditional method because the milk slows down the cooking process. So, to cook corn in milk, take:

  • 5-6 ears of corn.
  • two liters of milk;
  • 30 gr. Butter;

The peeled corn is placed in a saucepan, poured with milk and a piece of butter is added. You can also dilute the milk by half with water, but add more butter. Rub the finished corn with salt and serve.

  1. Caribbean boiled corn

You will need:

  • 5-8 ears of young sweet corn,
  • 3 stalks green onions (or 1 stalk leek)
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
  • 1 large clove of garlic
  • 2-3 sprigs of thyme (optional)
  • 1 habanero pepper (can substitute chili pepper)

Place the peeled corn cobs in a wide saucepan and add the remaining ingredients. Cover the top with leaves from the cob and fill with water with the addition of coconut milk. The cooking time is the same as with the usual cooking method - 15 minutes. This kind of corn does not need to be rubbed with salt, as it should have a sweet taste. But, this is not for everyone. If you wish, you can salt it.

Video “How to cook delicious corn - Caribbean recipe”

How to store boiled corn

The corn season is behind us, but you still want to enjoy the golden delicacy. The freezer will come to the rescue. To freeze, you need to place the peeled cobs in bags (preferably in a vacuum) and freeze. Preparing this corn couldn't be easier - just take it out of the freezer, throw it into boiling water and cook until tender. After boiling, the time for complete cooking of frozen corn is 20-25 minutes. We also grease the finished corn with vegetable oil, rub it with salt and serve.

What are the benefits of corn?

Corn is not only tasty, but also a very nutritious and healthy food product - a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements! It contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, amino acids lysine and tryptophan, polyunsaturated fatty acids, ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins E, B, PP. To provide the body with all the necessary substances, it is enough to eat 40-50 grams of boiled corn per day (about half a whole cob). Due to its high fiber content, corn will cleanse the body of toxins and improve intestinal function. Regular consumption of corn is an excellent disease prevention of cardio-vascular system And oncological diseases. The biologically active compounds contained in corn help normalize metabolic processes in the brain and improve memory. Corn nourishes and restores nerve cells, and also affects the formation of muscle fibers. .post-navigation

Contraindications for eating boiled corn

Despite all the beneficial properties of the queen of the fields, there are some contraindications or restrictions for the use of this product.

What you should not forget when eating corn:

  • The calorie content of a cooked corn cob is higher than the calorie content of a raw one. This should be taken into account by people on a diet.
  • Boiled corn contains a lot of sugar, so people with diabetes need to use this product with caution.
  • Boiled corn is contraindicated for certain digestive pathologies and the pancreas in particular.
  • It is not recommended to give boiled corn to children under three years of age, since corn kernels are often indigestible in young children.
  • You should not overuse boiled corn, as it can cause indigestion (clogging) of the stomach, especially in young children.

Despite the existing contraindications, boiled corn is still one of the safest products. Its nutritional value is great, so in the summer season do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of enjoying this excellent product.

The latter part of the hottest time of the year is simply paradise for corn fans. This cereal is prepared different ways: browned on the grill, dried in the oven, or simply boiled.

Cooking takes the least time and effort, so even a beginner can cope with this simple culinary solution. It would seem that cooking this cereal should not raise any questions, but in fact, how much time should be devoted to this stage in order to get the most delicious product?

It is important to achieve a “golden mean” so that the product does not turn out too raw or overcooked.

Read further in the article about how to properly cook corn.

How to choose corn?

To create a successful dish, it is important to purchase the right product. Buy sweet corn, so it will still have a pleasant taste, while varieties bred specifically for animal feeding do not have a pleasant taste.

So, how to distinguish one variety from the other? The fact is that the shape and size of the cobs of both varieties can be completely different, which is their common feature. The main difference in the choice of these two varieties may be the shade of the hairy part of the heads of cabbage.

Forage varieties have brownish hairs, while young sweet cobs have light, sometimes even transparent hairs. More mature sweet varieties have a light hairy part, but the tips of the hairs may have a brownish color.

After purchasing corn, it is important to talk a little about its proper storage. It is better not to store the product outside the refrigerator for a long time, otherwise it will lose its juiciness and richness of taste.

If you buy too much corn, boil most of it and place the rest in the freezer. This way the cereal will retain its structure, rich taste and juiciness under freezing conditions.

In order to defrost it, simply place it on a plate at room temperature. This way the cob will retain its structure without changes in taste and other characteristics.

By the way, you can often find this product frozen in stores. Next, let's talk about how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan so that the final product leaves a pleasant impression on everyone who tastes your dish.

The choice of this cereal is perhaps key point, determining its further taste. In a store or supermarket, look for cobs that have a light yellow tint. They have reached the ideal state of ripeness, while darkish varieties will have an unpleasant dryish taste.

Prepare the required cooking container. Pour water into it and fill it with the required amount of corn cobs. Add a little salt to the water and turn on the stove. Once the water reaches a boil, simmer the contents of the pan for about fifteen minutes. After this time, the young corn will be able to reach the correct level of cooking.

Some cooking techniques may add a pinch of sugar to the water to enrich the overall flavor of the cereal.

Mexicans add syrups and even milk to the water for cooking this product. You need to add sugar at the rate of 1 tablespoon per ten heads of cabbage.. We will tell you more about how long to cook young corn below.

Check the final product for readiness. To do this, prepare a fork and lightly pierce the cooked cobs. If the corn has reached a suitable level of readiness, the fork will go in easily; it will take a little force to work on the damp grain.

For proper cooking, you must ensure that the water level in the saucepan is high enough to completely cover the entire contents. If the water is two to three centimeters above the fruits, they are guaranteed to cook evenly and correctly.

After the product is cooked, you can bring it to an even more “tasty” state. To do this, rub it with salt, oil or a mixture of various spices.

If you add salt to the water while cooking the cabbage, it will become coarser. Therefore, they need to be salted five minutes before they are ready or already while serving the finished product.

Do not cook the product over constant high heat. Reduce the intensity of the flame after the water boils.
It is best to eat a freshly prepared warm product. The fact is that when the fruit cools, it begins to harden noticeably, which noticeably reduces its taste.

It is best to immerse the cobs not in cold water, but in water that has already been brought to a boil.
In addition to sugar, you can add a little butter to the water: this will make the product more tender and soft.

How long to cook young corn

Let's talk a little about cooking young cobs. It is worth considering that the younger the product, the less time it requires to prepare. The same rule applies in reverse: the older the corn, the longer it will take to reach a state of complete readiness.

So, by placing young products in a cauldron, they will reach a state of readiness in 20-25 minutes. After you remove the water from the pan, cover the container with a lid and wrap it in a warm towel.. This method will help the product to steam thoroughly, become soft and juicy.

How to cook corn correctly

After the water in the pan reaches a boil, you need to slightly reduce the gas and cook it for twenty minutes.

After this time, the water in the cauldron will become more cloudy and begin to foam: in this case, it is urgent to remove the product from the pan. Cloudiness of the water indicates that the cereal has begun to secrete sugar, and if this is not stopped, the fruit will lose its rich, slightly sweet taste.

There is an idea among people that this product needs to be cooked for at least forty minutes. This opinion passed from housewife to housewife from generation to generation until someone decided to reduce the cooking time.

This decision prompted culinary experts to think that this fruit reaches readiness much earlier than this time and its taste is even more rich.

How long to cook bonduelle corn

This variety of corn is a real find for vegetarians and the elderly. The fact is that in the first case, the product is able to provide the required amount of protein that can be easily digested, and in the second case it helps prevent atherosclerosis - a disease of cholesterol plaques.

If you decide to purchase this variety, you will probably be faced with the question of how long it will take to cook bonduelle corn.

To prepare this variety of cereal, you need to start processing it. Clean the corn from unnecessary darkened particles, wash thoroughly and place in a container. Hairs and leaves can be placed at the bottom to enrich the overall flavor.

Break cobs that are too large into several pieces so that they can be conveniently placed in a container. If desired, add a pinch of sugar to the cauldron and turn on the stove. After the water boils, cook the contents for ten to fifteen minutes.

After this time, leave the cobs in the water for about five minutes to soften them. Serve the product on a plate along with butter or salt.

To prepare cereal in a multicooker, you will have to go through all the cooking steps described above, but you need to specify the “legumes” cooking mode. If this item is not available, you can turn on the classic “cooking” or “soup” mode.

During cooking, you can periodically check the readiness of the product using a fork. Don't forget to fill the kitchen "machine" to the top and cover the top of the cobs with leaves.

Cooking corn in different ways: cooking time

There are many options for preparing this cereal in a way that brings out the multi-faceted flavor of corn. To successfully create a dish, the cook must be well aware of how long to cook corn on the cob, and what tricks there are to make it as tasty as possible.

To cook cobs in the oven, you need to prepare a deep baking sheet and grease its surface with butter. Next, sort, peel and wash the cobs thoroughly.

Place them in a baking tray and fill it halfway with water. Next, cover the container with foil and bake it for one or two hours. The exact baking time depends on the ripeness of the cobs, so in this case you need to pay attention to the degree of cooking. More details about this will be written below.

Double boiler

The steamer must be filled with water. Grease the grate with butter, place the cleaned cobs in it and close the lid tightly. In this case, the cooking time most often reaches forty minutes.


A microwave is a piece of kitchen equipment that is found in almost every home. In order to cook corn using a microwave oven, place the cobs in water for about an hour, then in a plastic bag, pour a little water into it and tie it tightly.

Don't forget to make several holes in the bag so that steam can escape from it periodically. Turn your microwave on the highest power setting and cook the corn for fifteen minutes.

Air fryer

To prepare the product using an air fryer, wrap them in cling film and lay them out. Next, adjust the temperature to approximately 205 degrees and cook the cobs for forty minutes.

How to check the doneness of corn

We've figured out how long to cook corn on the cob, but how do you know if it's ready? In order to understand this, there are several ways. Remove the head of cabbage from the pan with a fork, place it on a board or plate and cut off a few grains. Taste them and then determine the degree of readiness of the product. Stick a fork into the grains and determine their softness, and therefore readiness.

The final product can be stored in the refrigerator for a day. After this time, the heads of cabbage will lose their juiciness and become dry. This will make them practically unfit for consumption, which is why you need to calculate the amount of food you prepare.

“Extra” heads of cabbage can be placed in a bag and frozen. Defrosting can take place at room temperature or using a microwave oven.

Overripe corn: can it be fixed?

In order to get rid of the unpleasant qualities of overripe cereals, there is one way. To do this, peel the heads of cabbage, cut them in half and pour the mixture over them. cow's milk and water in equal proportions.

After four hours, the heads of cabbage will become soft, juicy and sweet again. Therefore, they are suitable for further use. By the way, old cobs can be cooked for two or even three hours to achieve readiness.

How long should you cook beans?

We figured out how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan, but how long does it take to cook? various types legumes? Very often, a novice cook finds himself at a loss when thinking about this question, since most packages of legumes do not indicate the exact cooking time. In order to avoid such an unpleasant situation, we recommend that you read the following recommendations.

Cooking whole peas will take a long time. Before cooking, you need to place the beans in a container of water and leave it for an hour or an hour and a half. Then drain this water and fill with new cold fluid.

Cooking whole peas will take about an hour and a half, while halved peas do not require pre-soaking and cook for about half an hour.

Large beans require pre-soaking before cooking, just as with peas. Soak it in cold water for about six to ten hours.

Drain the water and boil it for an hour. The green beans will be ready within seven minutes after the water starts boiling. Frozen beans will take about the same time to cook.

To cook lentils, place them in boiling water. The variety affects the cooking time: red lentils are ready 10 minutes after boiling, green lentils after 30, brown lentils after 40.



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