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How to make a goldfish from plasticine. Plasticine fish - a fun activity for children

Time spent wisely on children is compensated by adults with love, good mood and health. Bringing this motto to life, you can safely take advantage of a master class on making a nice painting. The fish is mastering. Not gold, but plasticine. But that doesn’t make it seem less valuable to you. On the contrary, not only the result of needlework, but also the process itself will unexpectedly please even an adult. The work perfectly develops children's motor skills, attention, accuracy and creative skills. You should not limit your child’s imagination regarding the choice of color and shape of parts. Then his creation can easily surpass what is offered below.

Materials needed for the craft:
- plasticine;
- a sheet of thick cardboard;
- hard working surface or a special board.

How to make a fish from plasticine.

1. Roll out a long thin roller using your hands on a board. It will be used for the outline.

2. The outer contour of the work is laid out from the finished roller on cardboard. Lightly pressed with fingers. If the child does this on his own, you can first draw the fish with a pencil. Then all that remains is to glue the plasticine roller along the intended line.

3. Using your hands, knead a small piece of plasticine in a color contrasting with the outline. The head of the fish is outlined: the plasticine is rubbed directly onto the cardboard with your fingers. The head is edged using a previously prepared roller.

4. The scales are being prepared. To do this, you need several dozen balls of the same size in different colors.

5. Starting from the tail of the fish, scales are glued. This should be done in alternating rows. When placing the ball on the cardboard, you need to press it. Thus, almost real flat scales are obtained.

6. Now you need to make the eye. You will need three balls of different sizes: a larger white one, a smaller blue one, and the smallest black one. Glue the balls together in a pile and lightly press them together with your fingers.

7. The tail and fins are formed. Again, long thin rollers are needed. It is better if they come in a variety of colors.

8. To form the tail, you need to glue the prepared rollers, placing them one after the other along the contour.

9. Fins are attached in appropriate places. You can add water bubbles.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

Such a craft is the widest field for imagination. You can add algae, stones and shells, treasures from sunken ships and sea monsters - whatever comes to mind. The picture will only benefit from this.

IN kindergarten children learn to recognize and distinguish between the inhabitants of the sea and rivers. This different kinds fish, octopuses, shellfish, crabs and mammals. The teacher introduces children to the body structure of fish, where fins, scales, and tail are located. And, naturally, knowledge about the inhabitants of the deep sea is reinforced in classes in drawing, modeling and appliqué.

In this article we will look at how to properly sculpt a fish from plasticine, how you can create story paintings on this topic using children's favorite craft materials. Modeling classes help to quickly master the material, and also develop motor skills of the hands and fingers, spatial orientation, and the ability to distinguish the shape of an object and its parts. And by creating pictures on a marine theme, children better understand what is happening in the underwater kingdom.


Now let's look at how to make a fish from plasticine. Let's take as an example a shark like the one in the photo below. You will need blue or gray plasticine for the body and white for the eyes. First, a large piece is kneaded in your hand and rolled into an oval shape. This will be the body of the shark. Then from three small pieces you need to form triangles - fins for a fish from plasticine.

Then apply two triangles to the body on the sides and one on the back. When they are well secured, pressing with a finger makes an indentation on the side fins from behind, and on the dorsal fin from above. At the end, a tail is made from a thin stick, attached to the narrowed part of the body, and by pressing the fingers it is given the correct flat and forked shape. The shark's head can be made either elongated or rounded. The opening of the mouth is cut by a stack. You can make white teeth or put small prey. All that remains is to create the eyes from white plasticine.

Story picture

A plasticine fish can be made flat and placed on cardboard. This is how story pictures are made. You can mold several fish, decorate the seabed by planting corals, algae and other bottom inhabitants - crabs, starfish. Older children can depict not one or two identical fish, but different ones, for example, a small fish and a predatory one that chases it.

To depict a fish, you first need to make a ball and attach it to the cardboard using finger pressure. This is the torso. The tail can be made the same color or contrasting. The upper fin is a plasticine stick on which dashes are made in a stack. The side fin has the shape of a drop. The mouth can either be cut with a stack, or lips can be made from a bent thin stick, as in the photo in the article. All that remains is to roll small balls from white plasticine and create eyes.

Decorative fish

In addition to subject and subject modeling, there is another type visual arts. This decorative decoration objects. One of the topics of the lesson could be “Decorative fish made of plasticine.” First the basic shape is made. To do this you will need a modeling board, cling film, and a plastic rolling pin. Roll out the plasticine onto a sheet 5 mm thick. The shape of the fish is then cut out using a cutting stick.

Next, the craft is carefully removed from the film and transferred to a sheet of cardboard prepared for work. Then it begins creative work on decoration. To visually separate the head from the body, stick a stick in a semicircle. It’s better to do the eyes right away. The scales on the body are represented by small circles. You can use any means of expression: alternate colors, elements with each other, add multi-layered details.

The article briefly gives parents tips on how to make a fish from plasticine at home.

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Don't have time to go fishing with your child? No problem. If the baby is still small, then this interesting activity It's quite possible to replace it. For example, parents can buy their child bright plastic fish, which are very interesting to swim with in the bath. But naturally, the child will be delighted if he is offered to make fish with his own hands. What other material can you come up with to implement this idea, besides plasticine? Their colorful, pliable pieces will make a great fish to play with. Choose any shades of plasticine, but the hardness should be such that it is not tiring for the baby to work with the mass. Other lessons on the topic undersea world:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

The fish can be made of plasticine of any color. One option is enough. You will also need rhinestones or beads to make shiny eyes. The main tool is the stack.

Cut the required amount of plasticine from the block and roll it into a ball.

Draw the ball out into a bullet, then lightly press the rounded piece onto a hard surface to make it flatter. Turn one side into a head, marking it with the same stack.

To create the fins, place small cakes on top and bottom in a row.

Use a stack to create membranes on the fins.

Attach the fish tail to the back, also finishing it with a stack.

Think about how you would like the scales on the fish's body to look. You can stick plasticine on top, placing small dots overlapping. And we suggest simply piercing the soft plasticine with the tip of the stack many times over the entire surface of the craft.

The final touch is the design of the fish’s face. Stick on shiny rhinestone eyes and attach a mouth.

A plasticine fish is ready to surf the waters. Take some water into a children's bucket and put the fish in it. Plasticine does not become limp from water, so such activities can be practiced.

Natalia Ivanova

Prepared: Ivanova Natalya Anatolyevna

Target: 1) Develop fine motor skills.

2) Continue to educate children non-traditional techniques work with


3) Cultivate perseverance, patience, and attentiveness.

4) Reinforce previously learned techniques sculpting: flattening,

plucking off a whole piece plasticine.

5) Consolidate children’s knowledge about fish and parts of its body.

Material: pictures of fish; plasticine(orange, yellow, white, red and black); silhouettes of aquariums, with algae and stones made from plasticine for each child(made of cardboard, silhouettes of painted fish.

Preliminary work: Looking at fish, talking about fish, looking at a toy fish, reading fiction O fish, outdoor game "Fisherman and fish» .

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, guess riddle:

I'm swimming under the bridge

And I wag my tail.

I don't walk on the ground

I have a mouth, but I don’t speak.

I have eyes - I don’t blink.

I have wings, but I don’t fly.

Children: Fish.

Educator: That's right, guys, it's a fish. There are many varieties of fish (perch, pike, crucian carp).

Where do fish live? (Children's answers) That's right, fish live in the sea, in the ocean, in the lake, in the river. Fish live in water; they cannot exist without it, just as you and I cannot exist without air. Eat fish who live in aquarium: gold fish, parrot fish, angelfish, etc. An aquarium is a whole underwater world. At the bottom there are colorful stones, underwater plants - algae, shells. Some fish They feed on algae, and underwater plants saturate the water with oxygen.

Guys, let's stand spread out on the mat and play a little.

There are clouds in the blue sky (hands up,

A river runs under the mountain (sat down, arms extended forward).

Early in the morning, fishermen are pulling nets from the river (imitate movements - as if sorting through a network).

We caught a lot of fish (arms spread to the sides,

We cooked delicious fish soup (Circular movements with your hands, as if stirring your ear).

Children, now let's sit down at the tables. (Look at images of fish). Look at the picture fish. What does she have? (Children’s answers, I summarize their answers) U fish have a body, fins, tail, eyes. Tail serves the fish"steering wheel", and fins are needed in order to swim. body fish covered with plates, which are called scales. It protects the fish's body from damage: from sharp stones, other predators, etc.

Guys, today we will have an unusual modeling. We will draw plasticine goldfish . Take orange plasticine, we will use it to fill the tail, head fish, smearing thin layer of plasticine. First, pinch off a small piece plasticine, make a ball out of it, put it on the base (head, tail) and smear it. We do it carefully, without going beyond the contour. Then yellow plasticine smear the fins. In order to make fish scales, we pinch off the orange small piece of plasticine, roll out the ball in a circular motion with your palms, flatten it and place it on your body fish. We place each scale next to each other. Then we do the same for the second row, etc. Guys, what else are we doing? they didn’t make our fish? (Children's answers). Correct eyes and mouth. To make the eye, take white plasticine, pinch off a little from it and roll out a small ball, flatten it and attach the eye to the head fish. Next we take black plasticine(a small piece, roll out the ball, flatten it and make a pupil fish, overlaying on top of white plasticine. Mouth fish- roll out a small thin sausage, bend it in half and attach it. Here's ours goldfish is ready! Look what you have the fish turned out beautiful! You must be very tired? Let's relax and play.

Fizminutka "The water splashes quietly"

The water splashes quietly,

We are floating along a warm river. (Swimming movements with hands.)

There are clouds in the sky like sheep,

They fled in all directions. (Stretching - arms up and to the sides.)

We're climbing out of the river,

Let's take a walk to dry off. (Walk in place.)

Now take a deep breath.

And we sit down on the sand. (Children sit down.).

Well done! And now let's go back to group!

Children from the very early age They begin to sculpt different figures from plasticine. This exciting activity allows them to develop finger motor skills, learn new properties of objects: color, stickiness, shape, and so on. Children love to create various animals, birds, and creatures that they come up with themselves from this viscous material.

Types of plasticine

You can buy it in stores different types plasticine:

  • Classical. Can be soft or hard. When working on paper, greasy marks may remain.
  • Ball. It can be drying, that is, after some time it hardens in air, and non-drying (reusable).
  • Safe. Made from plant materials. If Small child puts plasticine in his mouth, it will be harmless to him. The only thing is that it doesn't taste good. Therefore, the child is unlikely to want to put it in his mouth again.
  • Wax. Very soft, not sticky. The enemy of such plasticine is elevated temperature. In this case, it melts and becomes unusable.
  • Floating. Very light, so it floats easily on the surface of the water. The child will enjoy playing with it while swimming.
  • Fluorescent. Glowing paint of this type will not leave any child indifferent.
  • Pearl. The chic mother-of-pearl shine is suitable for sculpting fabulous products.

How to make a fish from plasticine

From all of the listed types of plasticine you can make original things and animals. Let's look at an example of how to make a molded fish from plasticine.

Depending on the further function of the future fish, suitable plasticine is selected. Choosing a color is not a very important procedure, since the fish can be any. It is advisable to wear an apron to avoid getting dirty. Be sure to check availability necessary tools: lids of different sizes, steak for cutting plasticine, special knife. You can use a comb to make the fins and tail of the fish.

Take plasticine. A circle is rolled out of it, approximately the size of a fish’s head. The resulting ball is slightly flattened. Next, another plasticine is taken, rolled out, flattened and cut into three parts with a knife, from which fins and a tail are made. Using a comb, they are decorated with tooth marks. Next, the resulting parts are attached to the head of the fish. Small balls are then rolled out and attached like lips. The lids make small imprints of the gills. The final touch is to draw scales on the body of the resulting product using the body of the pen. Beads are attached instead of eyes. The plasticine fish is ready.

Then it can be glued to the frame and decorated with various seaweeds also made from plasticine. The resulting picture can be hung on the wall or given to friends. In any case, she will give unusual look room.

DIY goldfish

A handmade goldfish made from plasticine turns out extraordinarily beautiful. It is made according to the same scheme that was presented above, or you can come up with your own.

To make it “golden”, you can use plasticine yellow color, make a crown on your head. Then no one will doubt that this is really the goldfish from the fairy tale of the same name by A.S. Pushkin. Or you can paint the resulting figure with appropriate paint. Then you will definitely get a plasticine goldfish.

Making a goldfish from plasticine

Goldfish, making a craft from plasticine. Video for children

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Gold fish. We make a craft from plasticine. Video for children



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