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How to make your wish come true in one day. How to make a wish come true: The surest way


Always watch your own thoughts and words. Whatever you constantly focus on, you will receive in full. If you are indignant about how unfair the world is or constantly think about your debts, this is what will be constantly present in your life. It is enough to change yourself, to radically reconsider your views on good side, believe that the best awaits you in the future. Gradually, positive changes will begin to occur in your life, because what you have now was “planned” in the past.

Imagine that what you want has already happened. If you want to meet love, then imagine that you already have it. If your goal is a high-paying job, then think that it is already in your hands. Visualization stimulates the psyche very well and you, imagining how everything could be if what you want comes true, will strive on a subconscious level to achieve it.

Take action. If you sit

If you can’t wait any longer, you will learn how to make your wish come true in 1 day. This magic will definitely work, but your faith in it must be strong and unshakable. This is especially important for children who cannot wait long for their wishes to come true. I will teach you, but keep my words secret.

Ritual to fulfill a wish in 1 day (on paper and candle)

Such a simple ritual is suitable even for children 8,9,10 years old, and it will definitely turn the desire of adults into reality.

You will need:

  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • candle.

Write your deepest desire on a piece of paper, clench the paper into a fist and whisper the following words:

“My wish is for no one to know; it will come true, otherwise things won’t happen.”

I hope you don’t need to tell me that you shouldn’t tell anyone about this ritual. Now the paper storing Your wish, you need to burn it in a candle flame.

Light a candle, repeat after me:

“Fiery flame, hidden power, make sure that everything I wish for comes true on the same day.”

Bring the paper to the fire until it lights up, while whispering the following:

“The paper burns in a mighty fire, it carries my desire into life. May the almighty fire never leave our land."

That's it, now bury the ashes in the ground. Wait, no more than a day will pass before the wish becomes reality.

Ritual to fulfill a wish in 1 day (calling a gnome)

Since ancient times, grandmothers have been talking about the gnome Wonderworker. He comes to the people who call him and fulfills their one, but most secret desire. For one wish, the gnome takes 13 candies and 13 coins.

You will need:

  • 13 delicious sweets;
  • 13 nickels (coins with a face value of 5 kopecks);
  • wool thread 4-5 meters long;
  • big oak

Go outside, find a big oak tree. Take it in your hands wool thread, fasten one end to the tree, walk around the oak and say the following:

“By the power of this age-old oak, I summon the gnome Wonderworker. It’s not the wind that shakes the leaves, but the Miracle Man that breathes on me.”

Remember that the Dwarf Wonderman cannot be seen, but his presence can be felt. When the gnome arrives, the leaves on the tree will begin to sway even without the wind. This is your sign that you can proceed to the next part of our ritual.

Time to get out the candy and dimes. All this needs to be poured out under the oak tree and while doing so, say the following words:

“Wonder, great is your glory, as great is this oak tree. I believe in your strength, I ask for help. Make my wish (say which one) come true in one day. I’ll give you gold and candy for this, take it, do me a favor.”

Now you know how to make your wish come true in 1 day, but don’t use these rituals too often.

Do you think that realizing your dreams is impossible? But no! Any wish can come true, the main thing is to make it correctly. With the help of a simple wish fulfillment technique, you can make any of your dreams come true. If you are ready to meet your dream, then start right now!

Wish fulfillment technique

First of all, you need to find out exactly how wishes come true and what needs to be done for this. The times of genies and firebirds are long gone. Now a person can independently achieve everything he wants. To do this, you just need to tell the Universe about your dream. How to do it? It's simple - with the help of the power of your thoughts. Here step-by-step algorithm wish fulfillment techniques that will allow you to make your dreams come true.

  1. Your desire should concern only yourself. There is no need to wish for something for your friends or relatives. They themselves can ask the Universe for help. There is one more condition in the technique of wish fulfillment - the realization of your dream should not harm the people around you, including your enemies. Goodness and joy should come from your dream. Only positive emotions and thoughts will help you fulfill your desire in the shortest possible time.
  2. Your desire should be formulated in the present tense. For example, if you want to buy a house, then write this: "I have a house". Incorrect formulations of this desire look like this: "I want a house" or "I will have a house". One more condition - no denials! If you want, for example, to get rich, then there should not be a negative particle “not” in your formulation. Wrong: “I don’t want to be poor.” Correct: “I am rich.”
  3. Write down your wish on a piece of paper and be sure to set a deadline for fulfilling your wish. When would you like to get what you want? Year? Month? A week? Write the exact date when your wish should come true.
  4. Describe your desire in detail. The more specific, the better. It is much easier for the Universe to fulfill dreams that reach it with clear requirements and formulations.
  5. After this, you need to secure your desire with a talisman phrase: “Let everything that is hidden come into my life and bring me joy and happiness. Let it be so!"
  6. You need to burn the piece of paper and try to forget about the performed ritual to fulfill your wish. You just need to let go of your dream and not think about it for a while.

Will the wish fulfillment technique help you?

Your wishes will come true only if you take the above ritual with complete seriousness. You must be truly confident that your dream will come true within the time frame you set.

In addition, in order to translate your plan into reality, you need to muster up courage and try to make at least some effort to implement your plan. The wish fulfillment technique will not help you if you are inactive. The Universe will never lend a helping hand to a lazy person who is indifferent to his life.

If you really want to change something in your life, then take action! You will succeed if you believe in yourself and start persistently achieving your goals. After performing the ritual to fulfill your desires, you will be surprised at how many new opportunities the Universe will provide you with to realize your dreams. We hope that this wish fulfillment technique will help you achieve your plans. Tell us in the comments what you do to make your wishes always come true. and don't forget to press the buttons and

There are people whose wishes come true easily and quickly. Perhaps they are wizards or have some secret? How to make everything you want come true? We offer several tips that will help you fulfill almost any desire, regardless of its complexity.

Learn to dream

Do you think that dreaming is useful? If not, then you rarely get what you want. Perhaps you still have certain dreams, but they are in no hurry to come true. You just need to take a few simple steps:

  • Dream sincerely so that the Universe understands that you really want to make it happen and need it.
  • Stop doubting. If you make a wish, but are not sure whether you need it, then know that it will not come true, therefore, in order for it to come true, you need to clearly know that your plan will come true.
  • Separate real dreams from obviously unrealistic ones. You want to become a pilot, but your health doesn’t allow it.

What's the point of dreaming about it if you know it will never happen. Replace it with another desire, for example, to climb hot-air balloon or learn how to sail a boat, or maybe become an aircraft modeller.

Wish fulfillment methods

  1. Keep a diary where you write down what you want to do. For a harmonious distribution of desires, use.
  2. Forget about the particle “not”. In order for a wish to come true, dreams must be written in a positive way: “I want to buy a car.”
  3. Indicate a specific execution date or approximate period. If you say: “I want a car,” but do not specify when, then the fulfillment of your desire will be postponed indefinitely. It would be more correct to say: “I will buy a car in March.”
  4. Instead of a diary, you can make a “vision board”. Take a large sheet of paper. We cut out pictures from any magazines that symbolize your dream, or we draw it ourselves. The board needs to be hung in a place where you will see it every day.
  5. In order for a dream to come true, it must be clearly formulated. Not “I need a job,” but “I want to work as a purchasing manager in such and such a company.”
  6. Enhance the action with visual images. Visualize how your wish came true. Feel how you feel, what kind of people surround you, how your dream came true.
  7. There is no need to constantly think about your desire. It is enough to mentally imagine what you want and release it, directing the energy into the Universe.
  8. Give thanks for any joys, any blessings that come into your life. The more often you give thanks, the more positive energy is attracted.

The principle of “like attracts like”

Have you noticed that what we think hard about often comes true? Some people believe that the reason for this is the strong developed intuition. In fact, a different principle is at work here. We send a thought into the world.

Thought is energy.

The world, the Universe “hears” us and gives us what we think about. For people who think positively, a lot of good things happen in life precisely because they drive away negativity.
Attracts bad things into life and discussion of negative events. How often do you watch news on TV? Is there a lot of good stuff there? What feelings arise after watching such TV shows? Passivity, aggression, sadness, fear - these are the main emotions.

Negative emotions are also conveyed to us by other people who have the habit of telling others about their problems. Stay away from such individuals so as not to become infected with depression and fear. If you want to become lucky, communicate only with lucky people and learn from their way of thinking and acting.

Boost Your Energy Levels

Luck comes only to active people. You can make your wish come true by increasing your overall energy level. For these purposes you need to do exercise and eat healthy foods that increase activity levels. Asthenics and people with low energy levels often have problems in the personal and professional spheres, and in order for their desire to come true, they have to spend a lot of effort on it.

Energy is also the ability to act to fulfill your dreams. Desire does not materialize out of nowhere; for this you need to do something, make some effort, force yourself to meet your dream. The level of well-being will not increase on its own; for this you need to work. Love won't find you at home, you'll have to look for it in outside world.
How to increase your energy level?

  • Play sports.
  • Eat right.
  • Take up energy practices, such as yoga.
  • Meditate.

Move towards your dream

Let's say you wish for a car. What needs to be done to make it appear? Of course, start taking action to make your dreams come true.

  • Decide how much money is required to make your wish come true.
  • Think about what needs to be done for this.
  • Determine the time frame for when the dream should come true.
  • Make a step-by-step action plan.
  • Decide how much you will save to complete your plan, determine the monthly contribution.
  • Choose a car brand - your dream must be specific.
  • Decide on approximate deadlines.

Sometimes it happens that the deadline for doing what we want is delayed. In this case, there is no need to be nervous, just be sure that your plan will come true anyway.

Set yourself realistic goals

We can dream of flying into space, descending to the depths of the ocean, but are such desires realizable? It is important to understand how realistic what you want to get is, whether you are physically and mentally ready for it. It also happens that our dream comes true, but in the end we only feel disappointment or discomfort because we chose the wrong direction.

Approach life, your needs and opportunities realistically. Remember that optimism and positivity help us get what we want. Rejoice at every success and give thanks for every little thing, every joy that life gives you.

We are used to making a wish on New Year and on your birthday. It is believed that these days your most cherished dream can come true. Each of us wishes ourselves all the best, drinking champagne during the chimes or blowing out the candles on the cake. But there are techniques that allow you to resort to the help of Higher Powers at any time. Experts in the field of esotericism assure that anyone can make their dreams come true.

Proven techniques for making wishes come true

It is naive to believe that having done one magical ritual, you can immediately get what you want. This process can take a long time and require a lot of effort from a person. But with the right approach, the result is always the same: the wish comes true exactly.

Where to begin?

  1. For all techniques and rituals there is one general rule: the desire must be formulated competently and unambiguously. There is no need to make the message too specific, but there should be no ambiguity.
  2. Learn to visualize the end result. In this case, you can be as detailed as possible about what you want. It would be useful to learn how to simulate situations in which a dream could come true.
  3. The desire must be positive. Formulations containing wishes of harm to another person or infringing on his interests are prohibited.

Wish Card or Wish Book

The first way of fulfilling desires is associated with the belief that all thoughts have the ability to materialize. The essence of the technique is to write down a desire in the present tense or select suitable pictures for a collage. By making each entry, a person gives his subconscious a powerful installation. As a result, he unconsciously begins to act in such a way that his intention is realized.

Strong technique "Glass of water"

This technique was described in detail by V. Zeland in one of his books on transurfing. The method is based on unique opportunity water molecules “remember” information. It is this property that is associated with the widespread use of liquid in magical rituals.

This method is very simple but effective. To begin, take a regular glass (transparent, without a pattern) and fill it with water. Formulate your desire and write it down on a small piece of paper. Then place the piece of paper on the table and place a glass on top. Now comes the most difficult part of the technique: form an energy ball between your palms that symbolizes your intention. Once you have done this, place your palms on the sides of the glass, a few centimeters apart. Transfer your energy to the water and drink it. Repeat the exercise morning and evening.

Ritual with a magic candle

Fire accumulates energy and directs it in the right direction. Candle rituals are considered very powerful and effective. To implement cherished dream Esotericists recommend performing the ritual on the new moon.

For the ceremony, take a candle that will burn out completely in 30-40 minutes. Around midnight, write your wish on a strip of paper. Wrap the piece around the candle, and then secure the structure with a light thread. At midnight, light a candle and wait until it burns out. All this time, visualize your desire in every detail. After the ritual, scatter the ashes from the burnt paper on the street with the words: “So be it!” Give thanks Higher power in your own words and go to bed.



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