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How to remove damage with Epiphany water. Video: Removing damage using sound extraction. How to remove the evil eye using “holy” water

In this article we will talk to you about a topic that worries many - How to remove the evil eye per person. But first, let’s tell you who can do it and how.

Ups and downs often go hand in hand. But some falls are caused artificially, by other people. Why?

IN modern society People, as at all times, tend to envy the successful and beautiful who have achieved greater heights than them. And in this case, many resort to magic - they cast damage and the evil eye in order to spoil other people's successes or prevent the implementation of plans. Although often even magic is not needed to put the evil eye on another. It’s just that this desire must be said out loud, emotionally and “with the soul,” as they say.

Induced negative energy can be directed at one person by another unconsciously. However, it works and is reflected in the biofield.

Therefore, we advise you not to share your plans with anyone, even with friends, until you achieve your goals. And when they ask “How are you?”, answer “It varies.” To avoid giving rise to envy, even with the answer “Fine.” Envy can often appear unconsciously, even among those closest to you.

It has long been believed that with the help of the eyes one can find out whether there is something similar to the devil in a person or not.

Strong personalities had this ability. They could put the evil eye on any person, sending misfortunes and curses upon them with just one glance.

To jinx it at the peak of your career, during a competition, while studying, etc. everyone can. Here even small children are powerless. Their receptivity, immediate sincerity and not yet fully formed subtle energy shell are strongly influenced by negative influence of people. What can we say about adults?

Establishing protection in the form of a talisman will help protect your family from the evil eye and the bad intentions of people. They are the following types:

These simple, but at the same time effective ways to remove the evil eye from a person help many families find peace and proper balance, maintain happiness and protect your loved ones from encroachments on the private territory of the biofield.

How to remove the evil eye with water

Not everyone knows that to remove the evil eye, only spring water or from a holy source is needed. Simple ordinary water that flows from the tap is inappropriate here.

In order to save yourself from an unfortunate set of circumstances, you will have to go on a trip, and not sit at home and wait for the black clouds to leave your clear sky.

To do this, the following types of rituals are distinguished on how to remove the evil eye with water:

Ritual with spring or holy water.

By selecting appropriate place, get up early in the morning at half past three in the morning. At this time, everyone should still be sleeping, and no one else should collect spring water before you, except you. Take a large container: a saucepan, bucket, bowl, etc. Fill it with as much water as will fit in this container. Then read over the water next plot:

“Lord, deliver me, please help me. Take me away from the evil eye. Let him leave me forever. It will pass quickly like water. And my family will not be affected. I keep begging you for this. Let the water help me escape. The eye will disappear with the water and I will begin to sing only to You. Good God, I love you. Amen".

After casting this spell, you should pour a vat or other container of enchanted water over yourself so that you are completely wet. The cooler the water, the better it will be for you and your body to endure the evil eye of people’s evil intentions.

Ritual against the evil eye with water and matches

Take a glass of spring water. Sit next to the victim of the evil eye. Start throwing a lit match into the water when it is already burning down, saying:

“Save your servant from the inevitable evil eye. Deliver his (her) flesh and blood from misfortune and evil intent. Give happiness and joy to someone who has had these feelings taken away and make him happy family life. Amen".

All nine burnt matches must be extinguished in a glass of water. The more matches drown in the water, the stronger the evil eye is cast on the person. If all the matches are at the bottom of the glass, it means that severe damage which should be eliminated immediately.

Removing the evil eye with salt

White gold - salt is capable of absorbing human negativity like a sponge. Therefore, removing the evil eye with salt will not be difficult for you.

Throw a packet of salt into the frying pan. Heat it to the limit. If the salt in the frying pan begins to crackle with terrible force and turn black, the evil eye actually exists on you. At this time, it is necessary to repeat the following spell several times:

“Salt, dear, help. Mother earth. Take the evil eye away from me. Take me away urgently. Let the bad things go. It will disappear and pass away. It will evaporate at night and will be carried away by the wind. Amen".

Then put your photo in a plate with salt or a photo of the person from whom you want to remove the evil eye. Then place a plate of salt at the head of your bed if the evil eye only applied to you.

During the week, you should repeat all the steps of the ritual listed above - how to remove the evil eye with salt, and on the eighth day, bury the salt in the ground, throw the frying pan away from the house, and rinse the sink with copious amounts of water.

For this you will need raw egg and a little preparation in the form of self-analysis of actions. Before you begin the ritual to remove the evil eye from yourself, you should tune in to a positive mood, be concentrated and collected.

The egg will remove negativity from each chakra - human energy centers, and cleanse them of negative influences dark forces. To do this, you should resort to the following actions to remove the evil eye:

  • First, bring a chicken egg to your pubic bone and read the Lord’s Prayer;
  • Then bring the egg down your stomach, to the navel area;
  • Place it near your chest, close to your heart;
  • Direct the egg to the thyroid gland area;
  • Roll the egg near your forehead and back of your head.

In all cases, speak out church prayer"Our Father". With its help, removing the evil eye with an egg will become much more effective. Then the enchanted egg, which collected all the negativity from each of your chakras, should be thrown away from the house or burned at the stake with the words:

“Where the evil eye came from, that’s where it went.”

We wish you clear skies, fulfillment of your goals and no evil eye!))

Removing damage with water is very common, since one of the most popular attributes for removing damage is water.

This is understandable if you know. It is, according to scientists, an ideal repository of information. Its structure is multidimensional. The properties have not been fully studied.

Although, in principle, we don’t need to know this. To use water, you only need to understand that it instantly perceives emotions, energy and is structured accordingly.

This property has long been used in religious rites, magic, rituals, and so on, turning to water for help.

Removing damage with water is also based on its energy-informational “abilities”. They take “clean” water and put a negative program into it.

Let's talk in more detail about what kind of water is needed.

Spoilage is not removed with just any water. The fact is that the liquid must be energetically “pure”, that is, structured in a special way.

If you want to know what it looks like, look for material about the experiments of Japanese scientists. There are even photographs there (after freezing).

Water crystals look like beautiful snowflakes if they have been pre-treated with prayer or positive energy. It is precisely this water obtained in this way that spoilage is removed.

It is described in Russian folk tales. There they call her “alive.” This water is taken from the Temple. There it is processed through prayer and acquires the desired structure.

You can also use Epiphany water. This can be collected from any source on one night of the year. The date is January 19. This is the day of a great Orthodox holiday -. Liquid space structures.

Once a year, a stream of life-giving energy flows to the Earth, which is absorbed by all the water under open air. It is recommended to stock it for use in difficult moments of life.

You can prepare water from a natural source yourself. To do this, good words are spoken onto a glass of liquid. For example, “love” or “kindness”.

Dew is also often used. This liquid, collected away from the city spirit, has the right energy.

Spring water

This ritual is performed on Ivan Kupala using spring water. It is very ancient, Slavic. Suitable for any person, but, due to its origin, works better for natives of this culture.

You need to get up at dawn. Provide a vessel made from natural material. A wooden bucket or clay jug will do.

The morning should pass in silence.

  1. Having risen, go to the source and get some water. It is advisable to go with prayer (mental) in order not to generate negative thoughts.
  2. When you return home, divide the water into three parts.
  3. Immediately go out into the yard and pour the first part of the liquid on yourself.

Read the plot:

“Water flows, embraces, and washes away all the dirt from the Servant of God (name)! Beauty appears, bodies are renewed. The soul is healed. Life will be good! Amen".

You need to repeat this two more times: at noon and at sunset. Stand with your face facing east.

Try not to talk on this day, especially with strangers. Eliminate telephone conversations too. And the best thing is to be bored alone with yourself. It will be more accurate that way.

Epiphany water

It must be said that the fact of swimming in an ice hole on a winter day is an independent ritual to remove damage. Only the strongest “infection” can get caught in the field and not leave.

Well, if you missed this day or are afraid, then you can turn to water for help.

  1. Pour some liquid into a glass.
  2. in front of the icon of the Savior.
  3. Now dip your fingers in the water and draw a cross one by one: on your forehead, chest, stomach, legs, arms.

At the same time repeat:

“Life-giving force! Save, help, protect the Servant of God (name) from evil! Take away the evil-attack! Only God, I recognize power! Amen!"

Don't disdain the rest of the water, drink it. Pray and sleep!

If everything is clear with water, then what kind of egg is needed for the ritual? Buy from the “grandmothers” from the village. The egg must be alive, not refrigerated.

The ritual can be repeated if you do not feel better immediately.

  1. We take the egg in left hand.
  2. Read the Lord's Prayer three times.
  3. Now roll the egg over your body saying:

“Come out dashingly! Here's a little house for you, you'll be glad! Go away, trouble, and close the gate! Egg, take the nasty stuff for yourself, leave me the joy!”

If you feel that it has become heavier, then put it aside and continue the ritual with others. Continue this way until you have worked out your entire body.

Now throw it into the water (without breaking it). They need to be placed at the head of the place where you will sleep. When you go to bed say:

“Girlfriends, protect us, drive out the damage!”

In the morning everything needs to be thrown away. Yes, try to do this so that the other person does not touch the spoiled eggs.

They are infected with the corruption that came out of you. They can pass it on to someone else! And this is undesirable.

Most perfect option- Take the entire contents of the jar to the cemetery and leave it there, breaking the eggs.

Removing damage with holy water

Church water can be used as protection, which people resort to for help. To do this, wash your face with this water every day.

You need to pour a little into left palm, circle your face counterclockwise and say:

“Water is a guardian, a warrior of the living! Protect, save! Put your enemies to flight!”

If you do this every day, you won’t have to remove the damage. She just won't take you!

To remove the existing one, perform the following ritual.

  1. On Thursday morning, take the Trinity Icon and place a glass of water in front of it.
  2. Read “Our Father” once. Trinity three times. Then a name prayer.
  3. Every time before new prayer take three small sips. Pronounce:

“I believe! He's leaving! Happiness is coming! I believe!”

And don’t forget about holy water, use it daily, turn to it for help.

In the summer, when you are in nature, do not be lazy to get up early and wash yourself with dew. There is no need to say anything. Just imagine yourself swimming in a sea of ​​pure energy.

And it’s also good to swim in the dew if the opportunity arises. You don't have to roll around naked on the grass. Wear a thin shirt or dress.

When the clothes are dry, do not wash them. It can be used at the first sign of discomfort. Removing spoilage with water helps!

An unkind look or an unkind wish can cause Negative consequences for a person - how to remove the evil eye yourself? The power of a gaze with unkind thoughts, like a laser beam, penetrates a person’s protective bio-shell and causes harm. However, not only the evil eye of a stranger is dangerous, the evil eye itself is considered no less harmful. Let's consider effective rituals from this trouble.

The evil eye is considered a negative of moderate severity, however, over time it can cause great harm to a person and turn into damage. This is due to the fact that negative energies freely penetrate through the damaged shell of the biofield.

The evil eye can be mild - then the person will simply feel unwell. A moderate evil eye can seriously damage a person’s health, as well as cause destruction in any area of ​​life. A severe form of the evil eye is rare; usually, black sorcerers or people with strong energy have this look.

How to determine and? For this, there are ancient proven rituals that our great-grandmothers used. To rid the baby of the evil eye, it is enough to lick his face with your tongue (the mother does it) or wipe the baby’s face with the hem of his skirt. To remove the evil eye in adults, rituals with church candles, wax, or herbs are used. Holy water removes the fresh evil eye well.

Self-Evil Eye

Many women suffer from the self-evil eye. As soon as you rejoice at success or boast about your achievements, “unknown forces” immediately distort the results of your achievements or turn your luck around. This is how the self-evil eye works. possible with the help of a small ritual performed on the full moon.

As soon as the full moon appears in the sky, you need to go outside or open a window in the room - you should look at the moon without looking away. The ceremony cannot be performed through window glass. Look at the night star and at least 3 times out loud:

Pour the evil eye onto the wax

This ritual will help relieve loved one from harmful energy caused by an unkind or sidelong glance. To carry out the ceremony, you need to prepare a glass bowl, holy water and approximately 150 grams of pure wax. If there is no wax, you can melt three medium-sized church candles. Remove the wicks from the dishes with a knife.

While the wax is melting in a water bath, you need to constantly read the “Our Father” prayer. During the ceremony, a church candle should burn, and the patient should lie on the bed facing east. Pour holy water (about a glass) into a glass bowl in advance and place it on a table covered with a clean tablecloth.

When the wax is melted, place the bowl on the person's forehead and slowly pour the wax into the water. At this time, read the plot by heart:

After this, move the bowl of water to the person’s chest and repeat the spell. Now you need to move the bowl to your feet while reading the plot. Thus, the words of the text are read three times. The wax needs to be distributed evenly so that there is enough for three castings. When you finish the ritual, pour the wax and water into the river. If there is no river, the water is poured under a dry tree and the wax is buried in the ground.

Ritual with an egg

This simple ritual can be done by anyone who trusts magical rites. The egg must be “live”, that is, not in the refrigerator. It is best to buy eggs for removing damage and the evil eye from grandmothers.

Fill glass tumbler half with water and break an egg into it. Then you need to move the glass with the egg over your head and say three times:

Then look what happened to the egg. If it did not change, the evil eye was not very powerful. If you notice any changes in the egg, then by the degree of these changes you can judge the strength negative impact. Experienced egg healers can tell who cast the evil eye on a person and why.

Remove the evil eye with salt

Salt is considered the number one neutralizer of negativity - it absorbs it and accumulates energetic dirt. For the ritual you need to buy a new pack of salt without change. Fill the bath with warm water and pour 9 handfuls of salt into the water in a cross pattern. After that say:

“Mother water, cleanse me from everything bad, superficial, alien.”

While bathing, read the Lord’s Prayer, or better yet, Psalm No. 90 by heart. When you drain the bathtub, say:

“Go away, evil, where it came from.”

Finally, wash yourself in the shower and rinse the bath thoroughly to remove any remaining salt. Now you can go to bed.

Free a child from the evil eye

An ancient way to remove the evil eye from young children - pouring water from spoons. Pour into a cut glass clean water and take three or five teaspoons in your right hand. Now scoop up water with spoons and pour it back into the glass, while saying:

Let the water stand in the room, and wash your baby with it before going to bed. Afterwards, the mother must wipe the child’s face with the hem of her robe. This ritual can be performed for yourself - do the same actions with spoons and wipe your face with the hem of your clothes.

The devil is afraid of incense

This ritual helps to remove the fresh evil eye from a person. Remove animals from the room, play a recording of the bell ringing, or church service and sit comfortably on the bed. You need to completely relax your body and stop thinking about pressing matters. Immerse your mind in the sounds of music and inhale the aroma of incense.

After about 40 minutes you will feel better, because incense has the ability to “patch” holes and breakdowns in the aura. Herbs have the same property - St. John's wort, juniper, pine needles, elecampane root. The herbs need to be set on fire and extinguished - let them smolder on the coals.

More folk way To remove the evil eye, watch the video:

Simple methods of protection against the evil eye

It is easier to get rid of harmful energy on the day it is introduced into the biofield. As soon as you feel unwell, immediately perform any of the rituals below.

  • Read Psalm No. 90 three times every day until you feel better.
  • Wash yourself with holy water and drink a few sips, thanking God for your help.
  • Attend a prayer service in a church - the vibrations of church chants remove the top layer of negativity from the aura.
  • A cat can cure the evil eye - let it lie on your body, it will find the right place itself.
  • Shots well negative energy bell ringing - you need to stand at the walls of the church when the belfry rings.

Cleanses the aura well open fire meditation(candle, fire) or flowing water. If possible, spend it in nature - build a fire or sit by a river/stream. Imagine that the warmth of the fire penetrates every cell of the body and cleanses it. You can wash your face with water from a stream/river.

Such meditation can help improve your state of mind and even out your energy. You will return home with renewed strength and peace of mind. If it is not possible to meditate in nature, you can light a candle at home and meditate on the flame. If you listen to an audio recording of birds singing and a stream at this time, the sounds will help you relax.

Remember that you can protect yourself from the evil eye. To do this, they wear pins, amulets made of stone, and read special spells. When washing your face in the evening, ask the water to take away any negativity with you while bathing in the shower - in your own words, ask the water to rid you of everything bad. Constant energy hygiene helps maintain health.

It is one of the most powerful means that can heal not only the mortal body, but also the suffering soul of the believer. With the help of simple rituals and Epiphany water, you can independently remove damage from a person or home.

Some rituals to correct damage are carried out precisely on the feast of Epiphany; for some, it is enough to choose a suitable time for the ceremony on any day of the year and have in your arsenal of magical means: Epiphany water, ordinary church candles and candles purchased in the church in .

Remember! Prayers can be read from a prayer book, and spell words must be learned by heart or written on a clean, white sheet of paper with your own hand.

How to remove the evil eye or damage from yourself personally.

Choose a day on the waning moon. It is important that no matter what day this falls on Orthodox holidays(except for those in which rituals to remove damage can be performed).

Pour water into the bath, add a glass of Epiphany water and read the “Our Father” three times. Cast on yourself sign of the cross(cross yourself) and say the plot:

“Merciful Lord, forgive the one who did me harm, I forgive him, and you forgive him. Give me strength to get rid of spells and witchcraft. Help me and send holy angels to protect me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Read the incantation three times, then get into the bath and lie in it for 20-30 minutes. When enough time has passed and you feel the urge to leave the bath, open the drain, watch the water flow into the drain hole, and say the same three times:

“Damage in the water. Water in the ground. Rest in peace to me, God's servant (name). Amen".

How to remove damage from a person.

1 way.

If a person is damaged, then before starting his treatment, it is necessary that he defend the service and confess.

After the service, he is sprinkled Epiphany water and, taking an egg in their hand, they begin to move it over the head of the damaged person with the prayer “Our Father”, while reading the prayer seven times.

Method 2.

This ritual is simpler, but it can only be performed once a year on the day of the celebration of the Epiphany.

You need to rub the body of a spoiled person with Epiphany water with the words:

“Holy water is like God's tear. Help, help, wash away the accursed disease from the body of God’s servant(s), deliver him from pain, aches, from everything evil and harmful. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If you are sure that your home has been damaged, then you can correct it on your own with the help of simple rituals and Epiphany water.

How to remove damage from a house (apartment).

1 way.

This ritual is carried out precisely on the feast of the Epiphany.

For this ritual, prepare:

A bowl of Epiphany water,

An unopened pack of salt,

Ordinary church candles according to the number of corners in the house,

One candle bought in the church on the day of the Epiphany.

Over a bowl of Epiphany water, say the Lord’s Prayer three times.

Then dissolve three pinches of salt in it from a new, unopened pack. Sprinkle your house (and outside too) or apartment with this water, while whispering:

"God. Rid my house of black witchcraft. God forbid, torment from evil. What is hidden in the home? Drive out, Father, all the devilry from the frame and floor, walls and ceiling, from things bought and donated, from doors and windows. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Now count the number of corners in your house (apartment) and prepare accordingly the same number of church candles (small ones possible).

Then take the candles in one hand, and in the other a lit candle bought in the church on Epiphany (we will call it “main” in the future).

Now start walking around your home with the main candle lit, clockwise from front door. When you reach a corner, secure a candle in it, light it from the main one, and move on. It’s good if you take care in advance about how to secure the candles in the corners of the house, for example, place containers with salt or sand.

You need to finish the walk where you started, after which you should have one lit candle in each corner of the house.

If the main candle has not yet burned out, secure it in the central part of the home and leave it until it burns out completely.

After all the candles have burned out, collect the remains, wrap them in paper and throw them in the trash.

Method 2.

With this ritual you will not only remove damage from your home, but also create the strongest protective amulets.

It can be carried out on any day of the year during the waning moon.


Two small aspen branches,

A medium-sized church candle, it should be enough to go around your entire home,

Epiphany water,

A clean jar.

In addition, prepare a convenient place for ritual actions in advance. This could be a stool covered with a clean napkin made of natural fabric (let’s call it an altar). It is most convenient to place the altar at the front door of the home.

Place aspen twigs, a church candle on the altar, place a jar and pour baptism water into it. Prepare a box of matches and a candlestick for church candle(you can secure the candle without the help of a candlestick, for example, in a small cup with salt or sand).

Light a candle, take it in your left hand and start walking around the house (apartment) clockwise from the front door with the prayer “Our Father”, right hand don't forget to be baptized.

Having finished walking around where you started, put out the candle in a jar of Epiphany water and place it on the altar.

Now take the jar of water in one hand and the aspen twigs in the other.

Repeat the walk along the same route, reading the “Our Father,” dip the twigs in water, and sprinkle Epiphany water on the baseboards.

After finishing the walk, place the twigs in a jar of Epiphany water and place them on the altar.

Light the candle again, secure it in a way convenient for you, place it next to a jar of water and twigs, read the plot three times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Holy candle Epiphany water the enemy's traces were washed away forever. I frightened my enemy with prayer and blocked his path. Don't harm him anymore, avoid my house. Amen".

Wait for the candle to burn out and roll the remains into a ball.

Remove the branches from the water and make a cross out of them. You can fasten the branches using ordinary threads black, white or red.

Water the indoor flower with water.

Hide the wax ball at the threshold or somewhere in the hallway.

Attach an aspen cross above the entrance to the house.

As you can see, removing damage from Epiphany water from a house, a person, or yourself personally is not at all difficult. By following simple rules and sequence of actions, you can achieve success, find peace, health and well-being.

Wish you good health and good luck to your home!

The ritual can be performed both for oneself and for another. According to the time of day, sunset and dawn are optimal. The phase of the moon does not matter. You just need to learn the text of the conspiracy:

“Wash away, water-Nesmeyan, seven bloody sweats from me, deliver from bad words, from any evil eye, from black slander, from insults and human anger. Wash away, water-Nesmeyana, from me everything that is foreign, evil caused by a young woman or a red maiden, an old woman or a dashing deceased, a handsome young man or a married husband, a sorcerer or a simple man, through an animal or through a bird, through the earth or through your sister water, day or night, evening or morning, at dawn or in the moon, in the sun or in the dark. Wash away, water-Nesmeyana, everything is not mine, what poisons my life, what doesn’t leave me alone, what hurts my soul, what beckons trouble, what grief calls.”

If the spell is cast for oneself, it is read while standing in the shower (you cannot wash, use shampoos, etc. - you need to completely devote the process to magical cleansing). When a ritual is performed for another, the operator of the ritual, repeating the incantation, must pour water from a ladle onto the crown of the person.

Removing the evil eye with salted water

The ritual is intended to thoroughly cleanse the evil eye and its consequences. Work is performed only on the waning moon.

You will need:

  • non-iodized coarse salt;
  • wax candle;
  • large basin with cold water.

You need to calm down and light a candle. You need to move it clockwise over the water, reciting the spell:

“A mermaid should hide in the water, live in the water, beat her tail in the water, hold my evil eye in the water - strangle me, not let go, kiss me with cold lips, hug me with blue hands, so that the evil eye leaves me, so that with misfortune it goes into the water forever.”

The words must be repeated at least thirteen times. Then salt is poured into the water and the candle is blown out. Stir the liquid with a cinder, saying:

“Earth to earth, water to water, dust to dust, devil to hell, and the evil eye to pure salt, that the devil does not know what feeds the earth, what will not become dust, what will melt in water. Get away from me, evil eye, into the water of witchcraft, what awaits you, what will take you away, what will not let you go back, so that you do not gnaw my flesh, so that you do not twist my bones, so that you do not pull my veins.”

How to remove the evil eye by returning negativity to the offender

The peculiarity of the ritual lies in the opportunity to restore justice: evil will return to the one who caused it. Cast a spell during the full moon phase.

You will need:

  • fresh nettle;
  • spring water;
  • wooden stick (breed does not matter).

You need to throw the nettles into the water and put it to boil. The liquid should be stirred with a stick counterclockwise, while reciting the spell repeatedly:

“The black witch made a brew, threw potions, sent dead souls into a vat, flavored it with animal blood, mixed it with mortal veins, screamed loudly and spat with relish, so that the brew would turn out, so that it would help against the evil eye, so that the evil would be washed away from me, so that the bad would return to its owner. Get the evil eye off me - from my head and from my shoulders, from my back and from my spine, from my arms and legs, from my nails and from my feet, from my stomach and from my face, from my heart and from my intestines - and get caught in a witch's bag, and go to to the enemy in the bosom, so that my enemy can take away his evil, so that he can experience misfortune on his own skin.”

The boiled broth is allowed to cool. Then they wash their face with this water three times, after which they spit in it and pour it out at a deserted intersection. The evil eye from a person will be washed away immediately. And within a month, the author of the destructive program will contact you and ask for some small thing: a coin, a piece of bread, a nail, etc. You cannot answer a request with consent, so as not to take away the negative again. It is better not to give anything from home for the next thirty to forty days after the ritual.

Removing the evil eye with water through cemetery soil

The ritual is quite difficult energetically, but it is excellent for getting rid of strong magical influences.

To work you will need:

  • . a piece of gauze;
  • . clay pot;
  • . candies.

During full moon it is necessary to find the grave of the namesake in the cemetery. You need to read the conspiracy over her:

“The dead man sleeps not for a year, not a hundred, but for eternity, until the terrible judgment, until the coming of the new one that is coming - may it not catch us, may it not save us. And all the bad things will go away from the dead man - so let the evil eye take me away, until the terrible judgment and until the coming of a new one, so that my evil eye sleeps in the earth, so that it no longer eats me, and does not steal my face.”

It is necessary to collect a little earth from the burial into gauze. Sweets are left for the deceased to buy. The grave soil should be brought home. You need to cover the neck of the clay pot with gauze and fill the container with water so that the liquid flows through the ground. It's okay if a small amount of cemetery soil particles gets into the vessel. You need to go somewhere far away from human habitations. It is important that there is no asphalt covering there. You need to take off your shoes and splash water from the pot on your bare feet three times, after each time saying:

“Dead water, take away the evil eye from me, tenacious or light, fast or long, terrible or false, witchcraft or alarming. With the dead water, everything goes into the ground, flows away to the dead, knows no more life, will not return to me, will lie in a grave - not mine, but this one!

It is recommended to break the pot and bury it in the place where the water was spilled. It is better to work with gloves to avoid contact of “contaminated” materials with the skin. Improvement occurs within two weeks. All this time, a person may feel weakened, upset, overwhelmed: when the ritual program is fully activated, the situation returns to normal.

Rustic removal of the evil eye with water

The ritual is old and was used by rural witches to remove evil eyes of varying degrees of severity. Usually the lunar phase is not taken into account, although some practitioners prefer to work during the waning moon. You should do magic in nature. It is necessary to pour water on a person while reading the plot:

“Wash away, water, the black evil eye from Maryana and from Ivan, from Olga and from Stepan, from (name) and from the wooden cross that stands in the field, that scares the raven, that is dried by the sun. Wash away, water, the black evil eye and take it to the eternal land, where Maryana and Ivan lie, where Olga and Stepan guard the graves, where the wooden cross rots, where the crows peck at the flesh that is dried up by the sun and left in the field. If you eat her under the evil eye, you won’t be able to eat, and if you leave with (name), you won’t come back!”

The words are repeated according to the number of years the object has lived. The wet clothes are removed and buried under the dead tree. The evil eye goes away almost immediately: improvement is noticeable after just a few hours. It is preferable to perform a ritual early morning at the first rays of the sun.

Any magical cleansing is comparable to treatment. This means that you shouldn’t just wash it off: there must be a reason for “therapy”. If you use water constantly without any reason, there is a risk of washing away a lot of good things - good luck, luck in love, all kinds of good spells, etc. For prevention, you can use only the first ritual as the softest.



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