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How to get everything done at work. How to manage everything: useful tips and life hacks

Time cannot be turned back, which is why its value is difficult to exaggerate. You can't get back lost time. Every adult and independent person has the right to manage his or her time. But why do some people manage to do everything, while others don’t have enough twenty-four hours in a day? How to manage everything without compromising your physical and mental health?

You cannot manage time in the truest sense of the word. Management means the ability to use time rationally so that you can do everything you want.

Accounting and operational planning of time is defined as (translated from English as “time management”).

Time management allows you to organize your work and personal time within the framework of one day to a week. To determine the ability to organize life in general, the concept of life management (translated from English as “life management”) was introduced.

There is an opinion that knowledge of time management only helps in work and is needed only by leaders and managers. This is wrong. Time management is useful to any person who wants to organize their time and learn how to use it effectively. An engineer, a housewife, and a schoolboy want to know how to increase productivity and save time, because they all work.

The basic rules of time management will tell a busy person how to manage everything both at work and at home, without harm to health.

The principle of effective time management: time is measured not in minutes, but in events. You need to measure time by life events and actions. This unusual perception of time will give a person a feeling of fullness in life.

The main idea of ​​time management: time should be spent on the main things in life.

How to manage everything if it is not clear what exactly needs to be done? To manage time, you need to learn:

  1. prioritize;
  2. define achievable, specific, clear goals;
  3. plan your day, week, life.


Time management starts with planning your day. It’s good when a person knows how to draw up a daily schedule, or better yet, write it down in a diary. Goals, objectives, plans and daily schedule written down on paper are more likely to be achieved than those that are not written down.

By creating a daily routine, a person better remembers what he has to do. And you won’t be able to forget anything, because everything is written down!

Another positive aspect of the daily routine is the division of tasks into important and less important. By writing down the exact time by which a task must be completed, a person sorts all tasks into urgent, priority, and those that can be rescheduled.

The daily routine organizes and obliges the individual to be responsible and punctual. You must try to strictly adhere to the schedule.

Tips to help you stick to your daily routine without getting out of line:

  • Order

In order not to waste time looking for things, they need to be kept in order. Each thing should have its own place so as not to remember where it was left.

If a person has everything on the shelves on his desk in the literal sense, then everything is also on the shelves in his head in the figurative sense. A good housewife has all kitchen and household utensils, linen and food in their place, labeled and sorted.

  • Distractions

How to manage everything when there are so many distractions around? TV, telephone, Internet, distracting smells, sounds - these are all time sinks, distracted by which, a person gets out of schedule. There should be time for communication, relaxation and entertainment, but it should also be included in the schedule.

If there are too many distractions, you need to take steps to eliminate them. Yes, a friend who calls just to chat may be offended if she is denied this. But do you need a friend who doesn’t understand that now there is no time to talk to her and continues to bother her?

  • Automatisms

Some everyday procedures can be brought to automaticity. While doing them, do something else at the same time. For example, a girl wants to learn foreign language independently, but cannot find time to study, as she is busy with housework. She identifies a habitual activity that she does automatically (washing dishes) and, by doing it, learns the language (listening to a tutorial in audio format).

  • Rest

Persistent and hardworking people, answering the question: “How to manage everything?”, decide to extend the working day by refusing to rest. They simply stop resting. As a result, labor efficiency decreases, a person becomes overtired, loses interest in work, and along with it, health.

You need to rest physically, mentally and morally. Outdoor recreation and cultural recreation are a great opportunity not only to relax, but also to recharge your batteries and be inspired for new achievements.

  • Start the day and end it on time

People who set their alarm clock for another five minutes after it has rung, doom themselves to be late, fuss, turmoil and worries throughout the next day.

It is better to always get up at the same time. Going to bed at the same time is also useful, the body gets used to it, and the process of falling asleep goes faster. This is the prevention of insomnia.

How to keep your brain in shape

The problem of lack of time does not always lie in the inability to manage it. Sometimes a person does not have the strength to complete all planned activities. How to improve brain performance? when the brain refuses to think?

Modern life is oversaturated with information, events and stressful situations. All this leads to a decrease in brain performance.

Some people intuitively come to the realization of how to increase mental performance; the body, as it were, tells them what to do.

For example, before an exam, students eat chocolate. Sweets not only improve your mood, but also improve brain function. Chocolate contains sugar, which is necessary for brain activity; it “charges” the brain.

Besides chocolate, there are other, more effective and useful ways improve brain performance:

  • Work breaks

The ability to take a break from work for a while and get some rest has a positive effect on your performance throughout the day. After work, you need to take a break from it, do household chores, hobbies, and communicate with loved ones.

Obsessive thoughts about work do not allow the brain to relax. Often, it is after a person is distracted from the problem, “let go” of it, that ideas come to him on how to solve it.

Consciousness rests during sleep, and the unconscious part of the psyche continues to work. For people who follow the principle “morning is wiser than evening,” the answer to the question of how to increase performance is simple – get a good night’s sleep.

The optimal workload for a healthy and able-bodied individual is from thirty-five to forty working hours per week. Two days off are intended to restore strength, gain energy and desire to work further. In order not to waste your vacation hours, it is also better to plan your weekends.

  • Nutrition

It is good for the brain to eat foods containing natural starch and sugar: nuts, potatoes, rice, beans, brown bread, and so on. So-called slow carbohydrates, unlike fast carbohydrates, can provide energy to the brain for a long time. The diet should include all the minerals and minerals necessary for the human body.

When using writing, you need to know when to stop. If, in a desire to increase brain performance, a person overeats, the effect will be the opposite. Satiety negatively affects brain performance; the body spends energy on assimilation and processing of food instead of sending it to the brain. After a too heavy lunch, a person does not know how to force himself to work, as there is a desire to lie down and rest.

  • Warm-ups, gymnastics and physical activity

It is useful to do physical exercise during the working day. Specialists who work at a computer should periodically take a break from it and do eye exercises. Physical activity improves blood circulation in the brain and also helps restore old or create new neural connections.

Self-massage of the head and neck. Massage of the head and collar area improves blood flow in the cerebral cortex. If you self-massage your head at least once for ten minutes every day, the question of how to force yourself to work in the late afternoon will lose relevance, and the ability to maintain clarity of thinking will remain until the end of the working day.

  • Color therapy

It has been proven that color affects the brain, changing a person’s state and mood. You can charge your brain by looking at the color yellow. This is the color of the sun, energy, optimism. It increases mental performance, tones and invigorates.

You can find or print a picture in which yellow color predominates, look at the piece of furniture yellow color or look outside on a sunny day.

  • Aromatherapy

All natural ingredients are used in aromatherapy essential oils. Citrus and woody scents are the best stimulants for the brain. You can light an aroma lamp (if a person works at home), drop some oil into the aroma pendant and hang it next to you or apply a little to the skin (initially test for an allergic reaction).

  • Reading

Spending at least thirty minutes a day reading is a universal answer to the question of how to increase brain performance. This method is suitable for children, adults, and the elderly.

Reading increases concentration, develops imagination, imaginative and analytical thinking, broadens horizons, develops personality and brain. Of course, not all literature is useful; preference should be given to classical works, scientific and educational publications, teaching aids.

  • Rejection of bad habits

The belief that alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, and all other addictive substances stimulate brain activity, wrong. These are false stimulants that only create the illusion of improving brain function.

In fact, they all worsen it, the volume of work performed is reduced and quality suffers. The answer to the question of how to get everything done in a day is obvious for a smoker - quit smoking. Smoking takes a lot of time and health.

Often a person does not know how to force himself to work because he does not know how to motivate himself. In this case, nothing will help him if he does not want to help himself.

How to manage everything when you really don’t want to have time, you’re too lazy to work, your thoughts are focused on anything but work? We need to create motivation!

The best motivation is personal goals. You need to realize and remind yourself why you need to try and work. When work is filled with meaning, it becomes easy and enjoyable. By working consciously, a person inspires himself and stimulates his brain to continue working to achieve his goals.

We all sometimes experience time pressure, when you find yourself in a tight jam, you feel like an automaton and seem to forget to breathe. Please note that the key word in the previous phrase, implying force majeure circumstances, is “sometimes.” If this situation repeats itself day after day, this is already a reason to figure out why this is happening? The next step is to bring regularity and order into your life, which begins with basic planning of the next hour, day, week, and maybe a longer period of time.

The feeling of a constant lack of time, a feeling of dissatisfaction or guilt for not coping with one’s responsibilities contributes to an increase in general stress, and this has a destructive effect on physical and mental health.

How to properly distribute your day?

As you understand, there is no universal answer to this question, because 24 hours in the life of an athlete, a student, a politician, a mother of a one-year-old toddler or a supermarket cashier are radically different, the only thing that is the same is that all these people sometimes eat and sleep. It follows that each of us has to plan time and create a daily routine individually, taking into account all objective and subjective factors. For blog readers who want to approach the matter in detail, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the books that inspired me to write this article:

  1. “Simple practices for managing time and getting things in order.” Author Cordula Nussbaum gives practical, easy-to-follow advice on how to to modern man become a organized person, despite the colossal information and physical activity.
    Book on ozon
  2. “Time Drive: How to Manage Your Life and Work” by Gleb Arkhangelsky is an interesting book about time management, written in a simple style, accessible to a wide audience of compatriots, in particular thanks to its subtle humor, successful and colorful examples.
    Online book Audio book On paper

If we summarize the information from the above-mentioned books, we can briefly identify some general points for those who want to accomplish more:

  1. The need for planning. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what you do, an electronic diary or a simple workbook is an excellent organizer that will help you correctly set priorities, as well as set a deadline for completing your planned tasks.
  2. Don't spray yourself! Having outlined specific goal or performing certain work, do not be distracted, focus on one thing, complete the job you started, ignoring obstacles that may delay or cause disruption to what was planned. Use
  3. Get rid of time wasters. The implementation of this recommendation is preceded by an obligatory stage - the identification of these very “devourers”. We all have them different: watching the twenty-fifth episode of our favorite TV series, talking on Skype, trying on the seventh blouse before going to the store, some subjective rituals, bad habits, etc.
  4. Don't put off until tomorrow tasks that arise today. We are talking about issues that “you don’t want, are unpleasant or difficult,” but need to be solved, otherwise they will become a real problem, the elimination of which will require several times more time and effort.
  5. Stop being a perfectionist where it has no value or meaning. Not everything needs to be done perfectly, most of the time the job just needs to be done and that's it. Agree, it is not necessary to set the table every day, carefully arranging all the festive serving items according to etiquette, if someone from the family just sat down at the table to drink tea and have a sandwich.
  6. Delegate responsibilities, in other words, learn to give instructions to less busy colleagues or, most importantly, family members. The benefits are obvious: firstly – real help, secondly - introduction to work, if we're talking about about children, thirdly - an example of a compromise solution with mutual benefit.

How to plan time and organize space wisely

Evgeniy Popov, the author of the system and coach of highly productive time management courses, is confident that clutter in any form not only brings chaos and imbalance to life or work, but also drains vital energy from people. To become a master of time, you need to put things in order in your home, your workplace, your papers, your phone, your computer, your business, and finally, your incessant information flow. It seems to me that this is a very interesting author’s view, and in E. Popov’s books and courses you can borrow a lot of tips, tools and practices for optimizing work and free time.

Successful delegation

Secrets of productive work at the computer

Master of time

All three courses at a discount - for 5970 rubles

As a result

Developing an optimal daily routine successful person It is worth considering that you will have to, unpunctuality, carelessness and give up bad habits. You will be surprised to see from your own experience how much you can accomplish in 3 days. You should start with something simple - learn to plan your day, not forgetting to leave time in your routine for:

  • playing sports;
  • healthy sleep (taking into account age, chronotype and biorhythms, work schedule);
  • meals (preferably as part of proper nutrition);
  • intellectual training;
  • in a complete, inspiring holiday.

Use modern systems planning - (if you don’t know how to do it in Russian, follow the link to my article) and clear your head, which will help you successfully complete all your tasks and put things in order in your thoughts, responsibilities, wants and ideas.

Hello friends!

There are many ways to kill time - and not one to resurrect it.

On this moment I am running 3 projects on the Internet and I have quite a lot of things to do, and a competent approach to this issue helps me to manage them. But it wasn't always like this. I learned how to manage my time wisely in Anna Vsekhsvyatskaya’s course “I have time for everything.” This course is designed specifically for women. It helped me a lot, so now I recommend it to all women who have problems managing their time. And if you enter the promo code mir, you will receive a 10% discount when ordering a course.

In this article, I will share basic rules that will help you get much more done.

Now ask yourself: Do you use your time wisely, achieve your goals and clearly know what you want, or do you constantly put things off until tomorrow, don’t set goals for yourself and just go with the flow of life!?

Didn't think about it! How so? This is your life and you have only one!

Either you manage your time, or others begin to manage your time.

And in order to become the master of your time, you need to know the basics of personal effectiveness and follow them. In the video I talk about how I manage my time and what helps me get everything done.

1. Define your goals.

To do this, take the time to understand yourself and understand what you want from life: who to become, what to do and what to have. After all, nothing is impossible in the world and it depends only on us how interesting and happy she will be. Therefore, understand yourself and make a list of goals so that you have a clear understanding of which direction to develop and what to spend your time on.

2. Organize your day.

Scientists have proven that if you go to bed at 22.00 and get up at 06.00, your body will be much more rested, and in the morning you will feel cheerful and energetic. I recommend taking this into account. I try to stick to this routine, but if you can't go to bed at 10 pm, then at least spend no more than 8 hours sleeping a day. This time is enough to get enough sleep.

3. Plan ahead.

Choose a time and schedule all your tasks for the week. For example, I do this on Sunday. Write no more than 5–6 things a day so as not to overload yourself. Choose the optimal load for yourself. Since the goal is achieved not by the one who does many things at once, but by the one who does things leading to the goal regularly.

4. Break a big task into small steps.

This way you will gradually and regularly move towards achieving your goal. After all, if you don’t break a major task into steps, then it may be put off day after day, and you won’t know how to approach it.

As you can see, this business consists of small steps. When you write down these steps, the task will no longer seem so scary and you will complete it much faster. Therefore, be sure to write down all the tasks that consist of many steps for yourself, this will allow you to complete them much faster.

5. Turn off distracting signals.

6. Spend no more than one hour a day on social media. networks and mail.

Set aside a specific time for this. It is best to do this in the evening, when most of the important things are done.

7. Learn to say no.

There are a lot of distractions in the world we live in. Early in the morning a friend may call you and ask you to help him with something or go somewhere. Such an intervention can take up a lot of your time, and if it happens regularly, then you may not get off the ground at all. Yes, you need to help, but you shouldn’t do it to your own detriment.

When I lived on Koh Samui, every day I received offers to go somewhere, see some new place or do something interesting. Yes, this is all, of course, great, but at the same time I understood that I had urgent matters, my own plan, and I said “no.” I decided for myself: I work two days, rest one day. This way I had time to see new places, go to the beach, and do all the necessary things.

Therefore, before you start changing your plans, think about what is more important to you and whether someone else’s request or proposal can be postponed to another day.

8. If the matter takes no more than 5 minutes, do it right away.

There is no need to write down such a thing in your diary as, for example, calling and making an appointment with the hairdresser. It’s better to call and make an appointment right away so as not to waste any more time on this.

9. Delegate.

You don't have to do everything yourself. You can entrust them to other people, machines or services that will do your work faster and better. Of course, in order to delegate some of your responsibilities, you need to pay. But it's not a lot of money. Many people are mistaken that delegation is only available to wealthy people. In fact, this is not the case. You can turn to a freelancer who will take on any task on your project and do it much faster and with better quality, since he is an expert in this matter. This could be writing sales text, programming, creating a banner or logo, and much more. You can find such freelancers on the website workzilla. com . Carrying out such small tasks as a freelancer is quite inexpensive.

necessary in cases where you want to transfer some business for a long period of time. For example, you can outsource bookkeeping or house cleaning services to such companies. You can also hire a personal assistant if you have a lot of small tasks that don’t require professional knowledge. You can hire such an assistant for a long time.

In addition to people, you can seek help from services that will simplify your work. For example, instead of manually writing posts on VKontakte, you can turn to a service that will automatically publish posts in your group.

You can also ask for help from various machines. Now they a large number of. They are especially helpful in managing household. These can be multicookers, dishwashers, washing machines, anything. Also, instead of wasting time on shopping, you can order the necessary goods online, which will also save your time.

10 Analyze.

At the end of the week, see if you have completed all the things you planned. If not, then try to understand where you went astray and what exactly prevented you.

If you feel that despite planning you are still not using your time effectively enough, take a time tracking exercise. To do this, every day for a week, write down all the things you do, and also indicate the time during which you do something. Thanks to this, you will understand what distracts you and takes up the necessary time. Sometimes you take on too much work and the next day you don't feel like doing work at all.

By analyzing your experience, you will develop an ideal system for managing your time and use it effectively, which means achieving your goals. Consequently, your life will change dramatically in the next couple of years.

See you again!

In contact with

First of all, you need to plan everything in such a way that you know exactly how much time is devoted to work and how much is left for the family. This is not so easy to do, because there are rush jobs when you have to stay late. A similar situation can arise at home: a child is sick, you need to meet or see off relatives, visit a friend in the hospital, etc.

The to-do list is always endless and sometimes you just give up because you can’t do everything at once. Of course, there is always a way out, so to reduce your stress levels it is better to take some time to develop the optimal strategy.

Step 1. To-do list

It is not necessary to buy a thick diary for these purposes. You can use any notepad and even stickers of different colors. In addition to its functional purpose, the list will also be encouraging, because crossing off another item is always nice. In addition, it is very useful to visually assess the scope of your plans. As you go, you can cross out less important tasks, freeing up time for the truly important ones.

Step 2. Reminders

Workplace organization benefits greatly from such simple actions. It seemed that it could be simpler than to write “don’t forget...” in a visible place. Such tips will help you adjust your current work, collect all the primary information on time for the upcoming report, and also not miss really important deadlines.

By the way, reminder stickers important dates, meetings and birthdays of loved ones “work” well in Everyday life. Modern version- a reminder on your phone may not work if at that moment, for example, you were in transport or too busy at work. A bright piece of paper in front of your eyes will fulfill this role much better.

Step 3. Order on the table

The accountant's workplace is a desk, which for most workers in this profession is literally littered with papers. Only the owner can find something in this chaos, and even then with varying degrees of success. This is a fundamentally wrong approach, because such disorder creates anxiety and uncertainty about the goals set. In addition, an urgent document or letter may be lost, which is simply unacceptable for a professional.

Taking a little time to organize and maintain order in your workspace can set yourself up for success. All kinds of storage systems, including homemade ones, are optimal for these purposes. You can create several folders, identifying documents in them according to the degree of importance and urgency of completion. It is definitely worth dedicating a separate “archive” shelf with documents so that old reports are not mixed with those that have not yet been completed. Clarity in everything is the key successful work accounting professions.

Step 4. Write down the work algorithm

A special word should be said about the order in which work actions are performed. In order not to waste time constantly remembering the procedure for preparing quarterly or semi-annual reports, you should definitely keep a notebook with detailed description what and how was done last time. With experience, some actions become automatic, but there are often situations when even a simple question can lead to a dead end. By writing down all the important nuances and procedures for completing such documents, you can avoid unnecessary stress. This is very convenient when changing any data, because you can always correct your entries.

Step 5. Don't forget about rest

A true specialist must always react quickly to possible force majeure situations, and rest is necessary to maintain clarity of thinking. To do this, it is enough to distract yourself and change the type of activity. After working at the computer for a long time - look out the window or just sit with eyes closed. After sitting on a chair for half a day, walk along the corridor. At this moment, you shouldn’t overload your brain with additional information, so the latest gossip from an annoying colleague and browsing social networks cannot be classified as proper rest.

Step 6. Use modern advances

Compared to previous years, the accounting system at enterprises has significantly improved. Nowadays, many options are available electronically, so there is no need to stand in line for hours, wasting precious time. You should definitely find out the possibility of submitting reports via electronic communication channels, as well as receiving requests and other information in this way.

Step 7. Mandatory self-improvement

Even in the busiest schedule, you need to find time to attend seminars, familiarize yourself with changes in legislation, and learn new programs. It’s easy to get bogged down in accounting work, and new knowledge will not only help you complete it faster, but also force your brain to constantly develop. In addition, this can be the start of a career, because a competent accountant always keeps up with the times and is in control of the situation.

Planning household chores

Upon returning from work, many begin to get lost in the abyss of endless household responsibilities. You are already tired and dreaming of a quiet dinner and doing nothing, but here you have endless washing, cleaning, and cooking. Families have lessons with children, singles have friends waiting, so there is simply no time to rest. In order not to spend the entire weekend on routine work, you need to properly organize your home time.

  1. Take 15 minutes after returning from work to rest. It would seem a simple rule that really works. Do nothing at this time, do not plan and just lie down. This mini-rest gives amazing results and puts you in a working mood.
  2. Divide all tasks according to priority. Don't rush to do everything at once; start with the most important and necessary tasks.
  3. Use helpers. The best way cope with household chores - involve loved ones and give everyone a task. Even small tasks like watering flowers, taking out the trash, and sorting purchased groceries into the refrigerator will help free up a lot of time.

IN modern world There are also many opportunities to purchase automated “assistants.” Washing machines and dishwashers, a new functional iron or multicooker - all these devices save personal time. You shouldn’t ignore household chores, but this doesn’t mean that after work you have to wait for the “second shift” in the kitchen.


It is very important to find a reasonable compromise between work and personal life. By planning ahead and using these tips, you can reduce stress at work and remain a good homemaker. There are many joys in life, so you shouldn’t give them up for the sake of your career.

Today I would like to look at this common situation: I'm in a rush at work, I work a lot, but I don't get anything done. According to my observations, such a picture occurs very often, and among the most different people, engaged in a wide variety of work: from office workers to housewives. Why this happens and how to fix it - you will learn about this by reading this article.

So, in Lately The still little-known term “faffing” is beginning to come into use, denoting the process of any activity that does not bring results (from English to faff - to do something unorganized, to fuss, to play the fool).

So, I constantly notice people who try to portray very hectic activity (I’m always busy, I work a lot), but in essence this is nothing more than that same faffing. In Russian it can be called this: business doing nothing. Because the real results of their work are never visible, or they are very insignificant, completely incomparable with the time spent working.

“I work a lot, but I don’t get anything done!” - such people think. Because there is a lot to do, a lot of work. “I work in emergency mode 10/12/15/your version hours a day, but I still don’t get anything done!” “But I’m great, I’m a hard worker!” “To achieve something, you have to work hard!” Etc.

I hasten to disappoint you...

To achieve something, you need to work not hard, but productively! That is, for the result! And if one person achieves the same result in an hour, and another in an emergency working day, then who did the better job? Who takes longer or who is more efficient? I think the answer is obvious...

But if the situation “there is a rush at work, I work a lot, but I don’t have time to do anything, there is no result” has already become your faithful companion, then there is nothing to be happy about. You need to look for the cause and eliminate it in order. What could be the reason? I see several main ones, which I will consider further.

Reason 1. You don't plan your day. If you work a lot, but don’t get anything done, most likely the reason lies in the lack of... You do everything chaotically, haphazardly, grab onto everything in a row, of course, this way you will never be able to show a good result. You will be constantly busy with something, you will work in emergency mode, you will be nervous, irritated, complaining to everyone and yourself about being too busy, but you will not achieve anything significant until you begin to competently plan your day and act according to the plan.

Reason 2. You don't know how to prioritize. The next common reason for emergency and fruitless work is incorrect work. Let's say you planned your day, but at the same time you incorrectly identified the main priorities, main goals and objectives. For example, we planned first of all everything that was simpler and easier to do, instead of starting with the most important, global tasks. Naturally, then there is not enough time for these important tasks, and performing small, secondary ones does not give any significant results.

Reason 3. You are distracted too much. Let’s say you’re doing well with planning and priorities, but you’re still always “working hard, I can’t get anything done!” In this case, you are most likely doing very poorly with self-organization; you are too distracted by all sorts of things. While you're working, you text every now and then. in social networks, chatting on the phone, discussing something with colleagues, drinking coffee, smoking, etc. Time passes, and it seems to you that you are working a lot, that you are overloaded with work, but in fact, you are just doing business - doing nothing.

Reason 4. Pareto's law. And finally the last one important point, which I strongly recommend paying attention to is the so-called. This principle says that only 20% of the labor and time spent bring 80% of the results, and vice versa, 80% of the labor and time spent bring only 20% of the results. Pareto's law works successfully in a variety of areas of human activity and even in nature, which has already been proven by numerous studies. Your task is to identify the most effective 20% of your work and concentrate on them. That's when you will see good results from your work. And if you focus on the ineffective 80%, the result will be appropriate.

This is roughly how I see the situation: “emergency at work, I work a lot, but I don’t have time to do anything.” If you have any other vision of this problem, I will be glad to hear it in the comments.

In the meantime, I say goodbye to you until the next publications on. Improve your financial literacy and be productive!



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