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How to breed worms at home. How to breed worms for fishing at home: suitable types and care for them

If you start breeding worms at home, you can have a sufficient amount of red dung worm throughout the year. The costs of breeding worms, feeding and care are minimal, but the effect is maximum. All fishermen know that fish love dung worms more than earthworms.

Any plastic or wooden box measuring 600x400x300cm is suitable for this. Several holes should be drilled in the bottom of the container for drainage. The box can be placed on a tray filled with sand so that excess moisture flowing from the vessel is absorbed by the sand.


The bottom of the box is covered with a layer of hay or straw, about 5 cm thick, and the layer can be compacted a little. A layer of vermicompost is poured on top of the bottom layer, which can be purchased at a flower shop.


The dung worm is not picky and can feed on any organic matter available at home, including various wastes in the form of vegetable and fruit peelings, except potato peelings. You can pass the cleaning through a meat grinder. From time to time, you can give eggshells ground into dust. The waste is poured in an even layer, 5-7 cm thick, and vermicompost is poured on top, in a layer of about 2 cm. You can add a portion of feed again as needed. To determine the moment when you can feed again, you should pay attention to the condition of the previous portion. If there are no food remains, then in its place there will be a layer of vermicompost, indicating that the worms have processed all the food.

The first batch of worms can be launched into the prepared box.


After the first batch of worms has been launched, the vessel is spilled with a certain amount of water. The presence of drainage holes will not allow the water to stagnate, but it will help maintain a certain humidity in the container. The presence of a sufficient amount of water in the substrate can be checked by squeezing the substrate tightly in your fist. If moisture passes through your fingers, then the humidity is sufficient.

Watering should be done regularly, as needed. In this case, you should use only warm water, pre-settled for at least 3 days.

Watering is also carried out immediately after feeding. The dish can be covered with a lid or a piece of corrugated cardboard, which the worms are unlikely to refuse.


Dung worms are bred at a temperature of +18-24°C, which is optimal for them.


At good conditions content, after about 2 months, the dung worm population can increase 2-6 times. This will indicate that the worms should be resettled. They are settled using exactly the same technology, and for this you will need to prepare several boxes.

Of course, several boxes for one fisherman is too much, but having a box on hand in which you can always catch a dung worm is what you need. After all, there are periods, both in summer and winter, when you will not find either a dung worm or an earthworm, this is especially true in the height of summer, when it is hot outside and the worms burrow into the ground and it is very difficult to get them out.

Every day everything large quantity different people age category and social status begin to think about opening their own business. Hoping to secure a small but stable income, future entrepreneurs analyze the needs of potential clients, evaluate their capabilities and, of course, often act by trial and error. The most attractive in this regard is home business. Young mothers, pensioners, office workers and, in principle, anyone has the opportunity to secure a stable part-time job or even a full-time income without interrupting their main type of activity or in isolation from it.

A great opportunity

One of the proven options to ensure a constant income and, in case of failure, not to lose financial support, is breeding worms. A lot of advantages and benefits distinguish this opportunity to earn money from home. You can do this either seasonally or throughout the year. Worm breeding as a business attracts people primarily due to its minimal investment and the absence of the need to purchase special equipment. In order to start doing this business, it is not necessary to have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Everything can be learned gradually. The main requirement for this activity is desire; to acquire everything else, neither material nor special time costs are needed.

Don't forget to register your activities

Breeding worms for your own needs, for example, for fishing enthusiasts, is a hobby, and if such a hobby begins to generate profit, then your activity must be registered in order to avoid misunderstandings and troubles with the law. In principle, this activity is practically a win-win. Unless a person just gets tired of doing this, so there is no particular risk. For a part-time job, it is quite possible to breed in summer time at the dacha, and if it is possible to do this in a heated room, then the income, naturally, will be much higher.


Breeding worms at home is to create for them the most suitable and almost completely natural conditions for living and reproduction. Worms are unpretentious, but love peace and quiet. Therefore, when choosing a place for their location in the house, you definitely need to pay attention to this.

What to choose?

For those who do not strive for large incomes, farming earthworms is suitable. For them, it is enough to create natural living conditions that are familiar to them. The top layer of soil, covered with organic waste from plant and animal organisms, as well as average humidity and warm air, is all they need for full life and reproduction. However, if we are talking about more serious turnover, it will be necessary to purchase special breeds that were bred by scientists for this type of business. They are more productive in terms of reproduction, so they allow you to make much greater profits.

Determining the location

Home breeding of worms is attractive because there is no need to have a special place for their location. If we are talking about a summer cottage, then any plot of outbuildings or a small piece of land right in the garden will be perfect for this purpose. If there is a need to engage in breeding all year round, then it is better to take care in advance about their location in a room heated during the cold period. After all, if in the summer they will be on fresh air, and at other times of the year are transferred indoors, the breeding of worms may end there. Having received stress from a sudden change in environmental conditions, they will simply die.

Provide reliable protection

Do not forget that the conditions for breeding worms must first of all be safe for them. Birds, moles and other small and larger representatives of the animal world will not mind feasting on them. To prevent the hard-bred offspring from serving as a treat for hungry members of the environment, you need to carefully consider the “security system.” Plastic or wooden boxes are perfect for this purpose (if breeding worms at home takes place indoors), and you can also think about creating a concreted area or using a protective net (if we are talking about breeding worms in an open area).

What to feed

The favorite treat of any type of worm is manure. Organic waste from goats, rabbits, pigs, cows is perfect for this, and to make raising earthworms at home easy, you can also use vegetable or fruit scraps. The diet also includes soaked shredded paper, and coffee or tea leaves are also suitable. And in order for the worms to feel good, you should not feed them waste that is old enough; it does not contain the necessary dose of nutrients. The manure of rabbits and goats can be used immediately, but the excrement of cows and pigs must lie for more than six months before use, otherwise the worms, having received unsuitable nutrition, will die.

What should the soil be like?

The entire life activity of the worms, their activity, and reproduction rate will depend on the quality of the soil. It is advisable to first perform a test occupancy. A day after this, you need to check whether the worms are alive and how they are behaving. This way you can find out whether the acidity of the soil is suitable for the individuals living in it. If it suddenly happens that several worms die, this is a signal for a radical change in acidity. In order to increase it, you can use sawdust or straw, plant tops, etc. For this purpose, it is not enough just to pour ordinary soil. The soil where they live should be divided into three equal zones or parts. The top layer is a feeding place for worms. To do this, you need soil enriched with organic residues and nutrients. The middle layer is the place where the majority of individuals live. The bottom layer is very valuable. This is where the result of soil processing and vital activity is collected: worm tea and vermicompost.


To effectively run this type of business, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature regime. +15...+25°C is considered the most optimal, however, you need to take into account the type of worm and its requirements for the environment. There are, for example, those who feel great at temperatures closer to +5...+7°C, and there are those for whom a difference of two or three degrees can simply become fatal. If everything is done according to the rules, then the number of offspring may even surprise a person unprepared for such surprises. It is worth foreseeing this option in advance and preparing the area for their habitat and settlement.

Getting ready for fishing

Breeding worms at home for fishing is one of the main goals set for themselves by people who prefer this type of activity. To do this, you first need to select a container that will contain the worms. Wooden or plastic boxes or a regular canvas bag will do. But these containers are not intended for long-term habitation of worms. If you decide long time To breed worms, then enamel dishes are better suited for this. This could be a bucket or basin. After determining the container, you can begin to prepare the substrate. It should contain soil that contains very little humus. Suitable soil that has few roots from herbs and fallen leaves. You can feed domestic worms with any organic waste (vegetable or fruit peelings) or boiled or raw oatmeal. If you feed them dry food, remember that it dries out the soil. They should be fed in the following proportions: three handfuls of cereal per 15 liters of soil.

Guest from abroad

Breeding the California worm is not difficult at all, but you must know some of the basics of this type of activity. The main requirements are a suitable place, adequate nutrition and normal air temperature for life. The container for breeding the California worm must be air and waterproof. Any size plastic container will do. The bottom of the upper container should be perforated so that excess water flows out if necessary. For convenience, you can make several holes with a drill. The substrate is placed in the container, and then the worms are placed on it.

Breeding the California worm involves providing a special menu for it. It feeds exclusively on plant debris that has begun to rot and die, such as cabbage leaves, potato peels, apple cores, banana peels, coffee grounds, peeling beets, carrots, boiled or spoiled vegetables and non-dairy cereals. You also need to remember to maintain the temperature of the worm’s habitat at +25°C. The worm can live and work at temperatures from +9°C to +28°C. At temperatures below +5°C and above +35°C, this kind of worm can die.

Stable result

Earthworms are very popular among worm breeders. They are most adapted to the conditions of our environment and are quite unpretentious. Earthworms live at a humidity level of 75-80%. Rain or settled water is best to use, but it must be free of chlorine, otherwise the worms will simply die. In order to determine the moisture level, you need to take the soil where the earthworms are located in your hand and squeeze it tightly. If after this the droplets do not protrude, then the humidity level is low, and if they are visible, then it is high. Earthworms can be reared in plastic or wooden boxes with a volume of 0.5-1 m³ or in pits or compost heaps. In the environment where earthworms live, the acidity value must be about 7 pH, otherwise they will die. It is recommended to sprinkle the contents of the box with straw on top; it protects against a drop in temperature and loss of moisture.

Muckworm. Breeding, nutritional features

Breeding, like appearance, and the vital functions of dung and earthworms are very similar to each other. The difference is mainly in growth: dung - more than 12 cm long and more active. Breeding worms at home will require plastic containers; holes need to be drilled in the bottom, their diameter should be small. The top of the container should be sprinkled with sand, and on top of it lay hay in a layer 5 cm high, and then cover it with vermicompost, which you can buy, so that the worms feel comfortable. Before settling the worms, the soil should be watered with water at room temperature. The dung worm feeds mainly on rotting plant matter, but food made from kitchen waste is also suitable for home feeding. These are peeling apples, potatoes, banana peels.

Another opportunity

The prospector worm is quite popular. Its breeding is determined primarily by its origin. By crossing two populations of dung worms, a the new kind. Prospector is perfectly suited to our climate with temperatures of +8°C - +30°C. At cool temperatures, it goes deep into the ground in order to maintain its vital functions. Not picky about food. Can easily switch from one food to another. It feeds on organic waste. Designed for processing various organic industrial waste and Agriculture, as well as for obtaining vermicompost - one of the valuable organic fertilizers. It reproduces by laying eggs, which are enclosed in cocoons. The cocoon looks like a light yellow oval. It can develop from two to twenty eggs, from which small worms 1 mm long then hatch. Within a week they reach a size of 7 mm. Under good conditions, a prospector can lay 1 cocoon every 5-7 days, its life expectancy is up to 16 years. In practice, the miner does not get sick and is not exposed to any epidemics.

The possibility of making money by breeding worms may seem unpromising at first glance, but this is not at all the case. Good luck in your business!

For a long time, people have known that a good and rich landowner is considered to be one who cultivated and tilled the soil that produced a good and rich harvest. In the past century, the lands of Russia were on the verge of depletion due to the use of mineral fertilizers, but nowadays organic farming is slowly beginning to develop.

One of the most fertile soils is one that is rich in animal waste and flora and, as a rule, it is made by earthworms. Thanks to them, all organic matter is processed, the soil becomes fertile and turns into humus. In the West, scientists even breed special breeds of worms that cultivate the soil and reproduce more efficiently. All this allows us to consider earthworm breeding as a business for the village, which does not require special efforts and investments. At the beginning, take care to compose

Absolutely any type of worm is suitable for your own home worm farm. You can focus on the most popular varieties. These include: the common earthworm, the California red worm and the prospector worm.

An ordinary earthworm adapts well to any terrain; a closed farm does not become a particular problem for them. Worms of this species reproduce quickly, but also have their drawbacks; their vital activity is much lower than that of more purebred representatives of other species.

A fairly popular species is the Californian red worm. The main thing when purchasing this species is to ensure that the individuals are particularly active and have a rich reddish tint. It is recommended to immediately acquire breeding stock of 1,500 individuals. One to three families are required per cubic meter of soil. The main features of this species are rapid reproduction and unpretentiousness to food; these worms produce high-quality vermicompost. They must be diluted at temperatures above +10 degrees.

The high activity of the prospector makes this type of worm quite popular among its fellows. The prospector processes the necessary food efficiently, quickly gains biomass, and is good and unpretentious about temperature changes. One thousand kilograms of substrate will yield up to sixty percent vermicompost.

If you decide to make money by breeding and selling earthworms, then it is better to choose the last two species - the prospector worm and the California red worm, they are more popular among modern farmers.

Choosing the right room

An earthworm breeding business can be built without much effort. For example, even choosing a room for a vermifarm will not be difficult.

The most important thing is that the area meets all the needs of an entrepreneur who decides to start a worm business. It is recommended to breed worms in a well-heated area.

A garage or cellar is well suited to such an area. If this is not done, then the worms will hibernate in the cold season, at temperatures below +4 degrees, and you can forget about breeding earthworms at this time.

Breeding earthworms, as a year-round business, recommends choosing larger areas. The main thing is to calculate the territory taking into account the natural reproduction of these individuals. On large vermifarms their number reaches up to millions of individuals.

Worm boxes

Breeding earthworms at home can be done in homemade boxes. This is very convenient; depending on the volume, you can choose the required size in each specific case. Let's consider several options:

  • Wooden box. Such a box can be made from boards that are at least 2.5 centimeters thick. Optimal size The size of the box is 1x2x0.5 m. A hole must be drilled in the bottom, and the box itself must be installed at an angle on wooden blocks. This ensures the outflow of fluid. To protect against rodents, it is recommended to line the box with tin tape. The lid should be made of boards or plywood; the main thing is not to forget to make holes in it for good air circulation.
  • Plastic container. This type of box is well suited for an established entrepreneur. Plastic containers come at a cost, and if you fail at raising earthworms, it won't be a pleasant experience to lose your own money. When choosing such “housing” for worms, it is necessary to ensure complete breathability and drainage of liquid. Drill holes around the entire perimeter of the container and along the surface of the lid.
  • An old refrigerator is perfect for seeding worms. The internal contents are removed and the unit is installed with the lid facing up. Also, as in previous options, it is necessary to make holes for air circulation. Such a box should be installed with a slight inclination on wooden blocks.
  • Cardboard box. This version of the nursery box is perfect for novice businessmen. Cardboard is an environmentally friendly material, therefore, worms can eat it and develop fully. The only drawback of such a box is its fragility. Over time, the cardboard begins to become damp and worms feed on it. But the solution to this problem will be another box.
  • The most expensive, but also the most convenient is the vermicomposter. This device was created specifically for growing worms, it is equipped with everything necessary and is sold by specialized companies.

The main secrets of the worm business

Making money from breeding and selling earthworms is quite simple if you follow all the recommendations and adhere to the necessary rules. For example, you need to take into account the characteristics of the habitat of worms in wild natural areas, where the soil is divided into three main layers.

The first “level” of soil has an abundance of organic waste products of the plant and animal environment - this layer serves as a place for feeding and eating. In the lower layer, waste products of worms accumulate, that is, humus and the so-called worm tea. The middle layer is the most comfortable habitat; it is in it that the bulk of individuals accumulate.

What kind of soil is preferable to use?

The activity of worms, their speed of reproduction and processing of organic waste directly depends on the quality of the soil. It is important to follow the rules when breeding earthworms:

  • It is recommended to fill the container halfway with humus, and do not add a large number of cardboard, which is chopped into small particles;
  • humidity should be at the level of seventy to eighty percent;
  • after a couple of days, having made small holes in the soil, transplant the worms with part of the soil in which they lived before moving into the box;
  • After this procedure, it is necessary to carefully level the soil and moisten it. Then it is recommended to cover the box with cardboard and wait a few days;
  • After the worms have successfully taken root and acclimatized in their new “home,” you can begin to feed them.

In order to find out whether individuals will take root in the new soil or not, transplant them fifty worms into small containers. This way you can see if the acidity of the soil is suitable for your pets.

The most optimal acidity level is from 6.5 to 7.5 pH. If you notice several dead worms, this is a signal that the acidity has changed.

To improve performance, you can use sawdust or ordinary straw. Tops from plants also work well.

If increased acidity is observed, it is recommended to reduce it. In such cases, add chalk, ground eggshells or limestone to the soil.

Worm food

To breed earthworms, it is recommended to prepare certain food, namely a compost heap.

Such food is prepared from waste human food; shells, waste from vegetable and fruit crops, tea leaves, coffee grounds, flour products, etc. are perfect here. different types grass, leaves and of course manure.

The finished feed mixture must be laid in a thick layer on top of the soil. The layer should be approximately ten centimeters thick. It is recommended to feed the worms once a week. In order to determine whether they have enough food or not, newspaper or any other paper is placed on top of the fresh layer of their food, which must first be wetted. When the worms begin to absorb this paper, it means it is necessary to update the fresh portion of food.

Reproduction of worms

The worms reach sexual maturity at the age of two to three months, then regularly every week for four months, lay their offspring in the form of cocoons. Cocoons ripen in approximately two to three weeks, then up to twenty individuals can emerge from one deposit, which after two to three months already give birth to their offspring. Consequently, after just five to six months, the number of individuals in the nursery increases fiftyfold.

In the case when there are more than fifty adult worms per liter of soil in the nursery, it is recommended to move to another box or start selling the product and make the first profit. If you do not do this, the worms will stop reproducing and laying offspring.

Sales of finished products

It is recommended to sort worms after five to six months. To do this, the top layer of soil is removed and set aside, then the middle layer of worm habitat is removed from the nursery and the humus is removed in the same way. After the work has been done, the most important thing begins - sorting the worms. Mature individuals, as a rule, go on sale or are embarked on further business expansion.

As for the small ones, they return back to the seedling boxes for further growth and development. Once sorting is completed, worm breeding can continue. It happens that a novice businessman is not entirely clear where he can sell his “freshly baked” product.

  • Of course, fishing. Almost every businessman who is planning to breed worms comes to mind with this method of selling goods. Since the worm is one of the most common types of bait, it is a great seller in the fishing industry. This may seem like a rather stupid idea to many, but in fact it is far from true. IN modern world There are a huge number of fishermen, but almost none of them are eager to dig into the ground, but give their preference to fishing stores, where they can purchase the required amount of worm bait. It is to such stores that earthworm breeding entrepreneurs supply their goods.
  • Pet stores. This is a goldmine for people who raise worms. In stores of this kind, worms are quite in demand. They are in demand for feeding fish, birds and other inhabitants of pet stores.
  • Fish farms. In such places, all fish are grown artificially, therefore, worms are a kind of delicacy for fish. Such enterprises are wholesale buyers of this type of feed.
  • Sales of humus. This waste product of worms is the main fertilizer for growing any crop. The sale of humus can be organized for summer residents, gardening organizations, or used for your own garden.
  • Worm "tea". This liquid is practically the most valuable and in demand in the entire worm breeding culture. To collect this liquid, a special hole is made in the “home” of the worms. In the modern world, the demand for environmentally friendly fertilizers is growing - worm “tea” is one of them.

Efficiency of economic indicators

Over the course of one year of work with earthworm breeding, from two square meters nursery, yields approximately twenty thousand individuals and more than one ton of humus. One worm costs on average two rubles apiece, therefore, a year comes out to forty thousand rubles, excluding the cost of humus, worm “tea” and large seedling areas.

Taking into account the conditions of waste-free production and minimal costs for breeding earthworms, as a business, economic efficiency reaches impressive proportions.

Earthworms in the soil are a factor in its fertility and a condition for the normal development of plants.
The main enemy of earthworms is humans. Many people do not know the priceless virtues of these workers of the earth, and sometimes consider earthworms to be harmful creatures. This misconception arose from ignorance. Therefore, it is necessary to explain that there is no other animal as useful - a friend of the earth and the basis of our well-being - as the earthworm.

A huge amount of food waste is disposed of in city landfills every year.
Being an amateur indoor plants, one day I decided to try to get vermicompost in my apartment using the vermicultivation method.
I read the necessary information about it and got down to business. Over the winter, without any complications, our family of three, with the help of earthworms, received about 150 kg of excellent fertilizer from food waste.
This vermicompost is sufficient not only for indoor floriculture, but also for gardening and gardening (for planting 2-3 thousand potato bushes or 1 thousand tomato bushes).

A successfully conducted home experiment on the production of vermicompost and the fact that I am an apologist for the principles of organic farming contributed to my serious mastery of vermicultivation.

Use of earthworms

Vermiculture is the process of processing organic waste using earthworms.
The resulting product is called - vermicompost, or vermicompost.

Breeding of the dung worm (genus Eisenia-foetida) in the United States produced a line known as the "California red hybrid" or " California red worm" (KKCH).
KKCH ensures rapid growth of biomass and rapid disposal of waste, and is long-lived (lives up to 16 years).

Basically, earthworms are bred to produce vermicompost.
In addition, worms can also be used live (as food for various domestic animals, fish, amphibians and reptiles, as well as some species of birds and rodents).

Benefits of vermicompost

All more people people are now striving to consume organic food. IN different countries Vegetables grown on vermicompost are much more expensive than those grown on manure or mineral fertilizers.

On soil fertilized with vermicompost, you can not only grow environmentally friendly products, but also increase the productivity of the site by 2-3 times or more.
In terms of its ability to restore soil fertility, one ton of vermicompost replaces 15 tons of manure.

The most important advantage of vermicompost is that its application does not increase the contamination of the soil with weeds (when applying regular manure, the contamination increases by 30%).

Vermicompost is non-toxic, free from chemical additives and many pathogenic microorganisms. It improves the physical and chemical properties of the soil, prevents the leaching of nutrients from it; reduces the effect of harmful salts and phytotoxic elements, radionuclides and heavy metals.

Vermicompost as one of the main components of soil for greenhouses increases the duration of use of the substrate to 3-5 years. At the same time, the quality of the product is significantly improved, and the amount of nitrates in it is sharply reduced.

There are fundamental differences in the effect that composts and vermicomposts have on plant growth. This is explained by the fact that processes of different nature occur in them, in which communities of microorganisms that are very different from each other participate.

Conditions for breeding earthworms

Raising earthworms is easy for anyone to learn.

It is necessary to exclude the possibility of moles, the worst enemies of earthworms, penetrating the worms. In the case of cultivating worms outdoors, use a protective net or concrete an area for keeping the worms at an angle (to reduce stagnation of water).

During year-round production of vermicompost, boxes with worms are placed in utility rooms - in garages, sheds, basements, attics, even in apartments. The air temperature suitable for keeping earthworms is 15-25 degrees.

The worm cultivator should be covered with mulch (straw, hay, burlap) to protect it from drying out and light.
In the apartment, the box with worms is covered with a lid. The lid and bottom of the box must have holes.

The box of worms is placed on a tray where excess liquid drains. You can pour sand into a tray and then use it to mix it into your garden soil.

A neutral environment with an acidity of 7 pH is optimal for keeping worms. In an environment with an acidity of 6 pH or more than 8 pH, all worms die within a week.

The prepared moist substrate must stand for 5-7 days before being colonized by worms. During this period, the substrate must be periodically moistened to remove residual ammonia.

Food for earthworms

In one day, one worm is capable of processing a large amount of organic matter equal to its own weight (the average weight of an earthworm is 0.5 g).

Worms feed on almost any organic matter:
- cattle manure (fermentation 3-6 months);
- pig manure (fermentation for at least a year);
- rabbit or goat manure (can be given immediately);
- kitchen waste (potato peelings, etc.);
- used tea leaves (tea and coffee);
- bread crusts;
- soaked and shredded newspapers or cardboard, etc.

It is not recommended to use manure that has lain for more than two years after composting as food for earthworms. It already contains very little of the nutrients the worms need. Such manure can be used as an additive when composting organic waste.

You can speed up the fermentation of fresh manure with the help of EM preparations (EMs are effective microorganisms). In this case, the manure will be ready for use by worms within 0.5-1 month.

Earthworms are vegetarians; there is no need to use animal waste to feed them.(meat, egg white and yolk, etc.).

All food given to earthworms must be minced or crushed in some other way., since worms cannot process solid food.

Constant feed composition should be maintained, as nascent worms become attuned to the food they first tasted. When the composition of food changes, some time must pass for earthworms to adapt to it.

Earthworm Care

Caring for worms comes down to feeding, maintaining a favorable temperature, watering and loosening the compost beds (box substrate).

Place the earthworms on the moist compost (substrate) that is ready to move in and distribute them evenly.
Within a week after moving in, check whether the worms willingly move to the new substrate. If the surface of the worms is clean, and they themselves are mobile, this is evidence of their well-being.
When the worms are lethargic, inactive, and do not try to hide from the light, these are signs of their severe damage by various pesticides from the new food for them. You may then have to prepare new compost for the worms from a different source of organic matter. But such a need arises extremely rarely.

Worms need moisture, do not forget to water the substrate regularly.

The optimal substrate humidity is 80%. Earthworms are very sensitive to fluctuations in compost humidity, especially to its decrease.
Watering the substrate is done using a watering can with small holes.
Do not water the compost with water directly from the tap. Use pre-settled (3-5 days) water with a temperature of 20-24 degrees.

The first feeding of the worms is carried out a few days after settling in the compost. The feeding operation is as follows. Fresh food 3-5 cm thick is layered onto a quarter of the surface of the bed or box and distributed evenly.

As the worms eat food, a 5-7 cm layer of food is again applied to the substrate. At this stage, food is applied to the entire surface.
And so they periodically continue to feed the earthworms until the box is completely filled, or until the height of the ridge reaches 50-60 cm.

Typically, worm food is added every 1.5-2 weeks. The frequency of feeding depends on the number of worms in the box (in the bed) and on the temperature of their content. As the temperature approaches the optimal (24 degrees), the activity of the worms and the amount of food they consume increase.

Earthworms need oxygen, so after the substrate layer reaches a thickness of 20 cm or more, it is regularly loosened (pierced). To pierce the bed, use special vermicompost forks with round ends or rounded pins.
Loosening of the compost (without mixing the layers) is carried out 2 times a week; it is pierced to the depth of the worms and cocoons.

When earthworms work steadily in the box (bed), the compost is separated into three zones.
The first upper zone - the surface horizon (5-7 cm) is a fresh substrate, which is food for worms. Its quantity is constantly changing, since the worms feed on it constantly, and new layers are periodically added.
The middle zone (10-30 cm) is working; the bulk of worms live in it.
The third lower zone is a vermicompost storage area; as the worms work, it constantly increases in height.

The process of obtaining vermicompost ends when the nutrient substrate is completely processed by worms. The duration of the process is usually 3-4 months from the start of the worms settling into the substrate.

When the container is filled with ready-made vermicompost, the worms with part of the old substrate are transplanted into another container.
Everything starts again.

Removing ready-made vermicompost from worms

The need for sampling worms arises when the nutrient substrate is completely processed. This is also required when the density of multiplied worms exceeds the optimal population density (from 30 to 50 thousand pieces per 1 sq.m.).

Worms can be transplanted from vermicompost to another container by hand, but this is not easy. In order to select worms from ready-made vermicompost without hassle, it is better to stop feeding them for a while (an extra few days) to let them get hungry.
Then, on 1/3 of the vermicompost area, a portion (5-7 cm layer) of new food is laid out, into which the hungry worms move themselves. Place straw cuttings (or torn paper) dipped in sugar solution on top. You can also use the pulp of vegetables and fruits or a layer of humus (5-10 cm) to attract worms.

After two or three days, the layer of food along with the worms that filled it is removed from the vermicompost.
This operation must be repeated three times over three weeks to collect all the worms (including the juveniles emerging from the cocoons).

To make it easier to free the finished vermicompost from worms, you can use specially designed boxes with a mesh bottom. When filling such a box with vermicompost, another box with food is placed on it - so that the bottom of the upper box rests on the substrate of the lower one. Worms from the bottom box crawl into the top box with fresh food.
Unfortunately, we do not sell special boxes for breeding earthworms with a mesh bottom, as well as double boxes with a mesh in the middle.

In the gardening version of a special double box with a mesh in the middle (see title photo), the separation of worms occurs on a horizontal principle. When one part of the box is filled with vermicompost, fresh food is placed in the second adjacent part. Then the worms themselves crawl there through the holes in the partition of the box, leaving clean vermicompost for further use.

Raw vermicompost freed from worms is a spreading mass dark color. It is collected with a scoop, dried to 40-50% humidity, sifted through a sieve and packaged for storage.
Dried vermicompost can be stored at ambient temperature (from -20 to +30 degrees). But freezing vermicompost is still not recommended to prevent the loss of its biological activity.

Wintering earthworms

The best place for maintaining vermiculture in winter there is a heated room.
The thickness of the substrate depends on the frequency of feeding the worms.
Since the top layer of the substrate dries out quickly in a warm room, it must be moistened regularly.

When maintaining vermiculture outdoors in winter, the substrate should not be moistened. When the temperature reaches -5 degrees, a substrate 40-50 cm high is covered with a layer of fermented manure (20-30 cm), watered and covered with straw (hay) to a total height of 100-120 cm.
The top 5 cm thick layer can freeze, which does not pose a danger to the worms since it is a heat insulator. During their life, worms produce heat, the amount of which depends on the number of individuals.

In the spring, the awakened worms will feed on the manure or compost of the top layer.

Features of breeding earthworms in an apartment

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The business activity of breeding worms is characterized by high level profitability and low capital costs. Among other things, you can even do this at home or in an apartment (by allocating just one room).

In addition to the fact that worms themselves are a product of sales, they can give additional income as fertilizer and worm tea, which significantly accelerate the development of plants.

This idea will be especially interesting as an additional business for gardeners, poultry and fish farmers. This production will perfectly supplement agribusiness with useful humus, and poultry and fish farms will be supplied with healthy complementary foods at cost.

Advantages of a business idea with minimal investment

The economic justification for breeding worms at home is due to the clear advantages profitable business with minimal investment.

Benefits of breeding worms:

  1. Simplicity of the equipment used.
  2. High rate of reproduction of individuals.
  3. The presence of a high level of demand, as well as ample opportunities to open new sales points.
  4. Minor ongoing costs for care and feeding.
  5. Waste-free production.

In just one year, an entrepreneur can receive more than fifteen thousand individuals and up to one ton of fertilizers (with a nursery size of 2 m2). Having made simple calculations, you can see that the net profit from the sale of 15 thousand individuals will be about $700. In addition, the profitability of this business can be increased by selling the collected ton of worm tea and humus. In today's economic situation, the profitability of breeding worms for humus production reaches 145%, which is an excellent indicator for such low initial costs.

Which worms are best for breeding?

Any type of worm can be used for breeding worms as a business. The most popular and cost-effective are the types presented below.


Appears to be a key competitor of California red worms. "Staratel" is distinguished by its high ability to quickly process biomass into fertilizers. Characterized by high activity. One of the advantages of breeding this species is its high resistance to temperature changes; it can withstand from +9 to +30 degrees.


It is characterized by a high level of adaptation to the environment, which makes it an excellent tool for making a profit even in a city apartment. The only drawback of this type of worm is its low reproductive activity, which, however, can be compensated experimentally.

California (red) worm

To effectively and profitably breed California red worms at home, you need to maintain (at least) three families, each of which contains a thousand individuals. This type characterized by whimsical eating (special food is required). Reacts sharply to temperature: the room should not be below +10. A distinctive advantage is high-quality humus.


This type of worm was specially bred by farmers as bait when fishing. Despite the low level of reproduction rate and life expectancy, dendrobena are quite large and fleshy. Also, worm cocoons are able to withstand temperatures down to -18 degrees, after which they are hatched at a positive temperature level. Excellent for soil improvement and, as a result, may be of interest to companies involved in agricultural activities.


The advantages of this type of worm lie in its distinctive characteristics for vermicultivation. Previously it served as the basis for breeding such species as the Prospector and the Red Californian worm. Based on the dung worm, a new population can be developed, characterized by greater gluttony, growth and reproduction speed, depending on the needs of customers.


Like the rest this type does not require any specialized knowledge and significant capital to build a profitable business process. It is characterized by a high reproduction rate and resistance to temperature changes.

Helpful advice! It is worth noting that the natural habitat of one type of worm can be destructive for other species. For example, if an earthworm and a dungworm live together, the earthworm dies. Since the waste products of a dung worm are toxic to others. Keeping all types separately will reinsure the business against losses.

Conditions for breeding worms

Worm care consists of the following:

  • loosening the soil;
  • maintaining the required temperature range;
  • timely feeding;
  • watering the soil.

Almost all types of worms do not require special conditions for feeding. The temperature level, as mentioned above, should not fall below +9 degrees and rise above +30. Worms love moisture, but don't overdo it. The soil moisture level should not exceed 85%.

After the population has grown, the “extra” individuals should be moved to another container. Otherwise, the worms will stop reproducing. Also, after increasing the level of compost in the soil with worms, it is necessary to loosen it. In the vast majority of cases, this is no more than twice a week. Correct and timely loosening of the soil makes it possible to provide insects with the necessary access to oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on their reproduction rate.

Ways to sell finished products

The worm farming business has a wide range of marketing opportunities. For example, after reaching a sufficient number of individuals, you can safely establish contacts with various pet stores, as well as fish farms. Moreover, the geography of sales of finished products is not limited solely to one’s own city of residence. Using the Internet, you can find websites of pet stores in other cities. IN Lately An online store is an effective way to promote products sold.

Another, no less important method is direct sales in urban markets. One package of worms (thirty individuals) will cost on average $1-1.5.

As for humus and worm tea, this is an indispensable fertilizer for many gardeners and summer residents. By setting the average market price, you can quickly develop a significant customer base of retail buyers. You can find out more in this video.



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