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What proverb fits “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” Proverbs for “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” (A.S. Pushkin) The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

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There are a total of 32 presentations in the topic

IN A magnificent fairy tale by the classic of world literature A. S. Pushkin, tells about a poor old fisherman, in whose net one day a magical Golden Fish was caught. The fish promised grandfather that he would fulfill any of his wishes. But he didn’t think with his own mind, he kept consulting with his grumpy and greedy wife - and in the end they were left with nothing...

So, a poor old man lived on the seashore with his wife, an old woman. Grandfather caught fish,

" Onyou can read proverbs about fishermen and fishing»

and the grandmother was spinning. And it continued like this - gray and dull - for three decades and another three years. And then one day a man went fishing. As the Chuvash say, “The owner will always find something to do.” He threw his net into the watery abyss and only pulled out a heap of mud. Another time I cast my nets and caught only sea grass. Once again I cast the net and caught a fish. One, really, but a golden one!

The sea dweller looked very smart and scared. And then this sea creature spoke in a human voice: she began to beg the old man to let her go back into the depths of the sea and promise to pay whatever he says for her freedom. Grandfather was dumbfounded: he had been fishing for more than three decades, but he caught a talking fish for the first time in his life! And when the good old man realized what a miracle fate had brought him, he released the fish into the wild just like that, without demanding anything in return from it, because “A poor man has a rich heart” (Evenki proverb).

The good man returned to his wife with nothing. I just told a story about a wonderful fish. The simple-minded grandfather did not hide the fact that the magic fish promised to fulfill any wish in exchange for its freedom, and he released it into the sea just like that. The old woman, of course, got angry, and let’s scold her husband! She called her a fool and a simpleton and sent her back - “A poor man’s wife is always quick” (Basque proverb) - to the blue sea - to ask the wonderful fish for a new trough to replace the old one, which was completely split. As in the Hebrew proverb: “A good man is often mistaken for a fool.”

What should an old man do? He trudged back to the depths of the sea. He looks and the sea is a little agitated. Grandfather began to call the golden fish. A magical fish appeared from the water and asked what he, the grandfather, wanted from it. The old man bowed to his acquaintance and replied that the old woman scolded him, did not give him peace, and demanded a new trough. The fish in response told the old man not to be sad and to go home - and there would be a trough.

Grandfather returned home and saw that his wife had a new trough. However, the wonderful acquisition did not make the old woman any kinder, “ An evil man evil rules” (Tajik). Again she attacked her husband with screams and demands: the trough was not enough for the greedy old woman, her husband was a fool, he did not ask for a new hut. As they say in Russia, “They look for good in treasure, but bad is always at hand.” And again she told her husband to go to the blue sea and beg for a hut from the wonderful Fish.

The old man, hanging his head, trudged off to where he was sent. And the sea became more cloudy than last time. The grandfather again began to call the wonderful fish. She swam to him again and asked what was needed. And again grandfather complained to Rybka about his wife, who did not give him peace - she was asking for a new hut. And Rybka, just like the last time, affectionately told the old man to return home, adding that his wish would be fulfilled.

The grandfather came to his poor, dilapidated dugout - and that dugout was no longer there! Instead there is a rich hut with a white chimney, oak gates and other signs of a good life. Everything is fine - except for my wife's mood. She sat near the window angry, and when she saw her husband, let’s scold him at all costs: again she called him a fool and a simpleton and ordered him to return to the blue sea, bow to Rybka and ask him to make her (the grandmother) a noblewoman.

The old man again walked to the shore - and the sea became very restless. The poor fellow began to call the magic fish, it appeared and asked what was needed this time. The old man bowed and replied that the grandmother would not calm down and was now asking to make her a noblewoman. The sea sorceress didn’t even change her face, she simply told the poor fellow to return home.

The grandfather returned to his wife - and in the place of the hut there was a tall tower. His wife is standing on the porch in expensive clothes, servants are scurrying back and forth in front of her, and she is beating them and dragging them by the hair. The old man asked his wife if she was happy - and she yelled at him and sent him to the stable to serve.

A couple of weeks have passed. The old woman wanted more! She sent for her husband and told him to return to the fish and ask him to make her not a noblewoman, but a queen. The old man, to put it mildly, was very surprised. He says to the grandmother: where are you going, you’re illiterate and unlearned, but the whole kingdom will make fun of you? And she slapped her husband and threatened him, saying that if he did not move to the sea of ​​his own free will, they would take him there by force.

The old man has nothing to do - he trudged towards the blue abyss for the nth time. The sea has already turned black. Grandfather began to call the Sorceress Fish - she swam and again asked what was required. The old man bowed and conveyed the old woman’s new wish. The fish promised to fulfill it.

The old man returned to where his home had once been and saw the royal palace there. He came in, and the old woman was sitting at the banquet table, the nobles - boyars were serving her, and the formidable guard was guarding her. The grandfather asked his wife if she was happy - and she ordered her slaves to push the man out, because “Power corrupts” (English).

Only now, again, the old woman’s new “toy” lasted only two weeks. After this period, she sent courtiers for her husband, and ordered the old man to go to Rybka again and ask to make the old woman the Lady of the Sea, so that the magical Rybka himself would serve on her errands.

The old man, of course, was frightened, but he did not dare to contradict the formidable queen and again trudged towards the sea. And on the sea - a terrible storm broke out, black! Grandfather called the golden fish. The fish swam and asked what would happen this time. The grandfather bowed, complained about his wife’s restlessness and conveyed his grandmother’s wish to the fish. The fish silently splashed its tail in the water and swam away. The old man sat on the shore for a long time, waiting for an answer.

Without waiting, he returned home - and again saw his poor dugout, in front of which his grumpy wife was sitting by a broken trough. As a Tamil proverb says, “A just mind will reveal any deceit.”

On this page: proverbs and sayings suitable for “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” (A.S. Pushkin); summary"Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish."

What a pity that in our lives there are no goldfish that make wishes come true! But in famous fairy tale A.S. Pushkina has such a fish. But the grumpy old woman could not understand that desires need to be kept in moderation.

Quiz based on Pushkin's fairy tale “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” contains 16 questions. All questions have been answered.

1. Where was A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” written?
In Moscow
In Mikhailovsky
In Boldino +

2. When was “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” written?
October 14, 1833 +
October 19, 1834
October 14, 1829

3. How many years did the old man and the old woman live together?
30 years and 2 years
30 years and 3 years +
50 years

4. Which fish made the old man’s wishes come true?
Golden +

5. How many times did the old man throw the net into the sea until he caught a goldfish?
Three +

6. What was the old woman’s first wish?
New trough +
New hut
New seine

7. How many times gold fish fulfilled the old man's request?
Four +

8. Indicate the incorrect answer: old woman...
good-natured +

9. Who is a simpleton?
The man whose name is Filya
Simpleton, stupid person +
Smart man

10. Where did the old man and the old woman live at the beginning of the fairy tale?
In the hut
In the hut
In the dugout +

11. Who did NOT the old woman want to be?
Pillar noblewoman
Free queen
Noble countess +
Lady of the sea

12. How many years did the old man fish?
20 years and 3 years
30 years and 3 years +
40 years and 3 years

13. What is a kichka?
Warm short jacket
Ancient women's headdress +
Fur-lined Cape

14. What proverb is there in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”?
“The well-fed are no friend to the hungry”
“Don’t sit in the wrong sleigh” +
"Friend is known in trouble"

15. Where did the old woman ultimately want to live?
Beyond the seven seas
In a castle in the air
There is a sea in Okiyan +

16. What was the old woman left with at the end of the fairy tale?
With a broken trough +
With a new pelvis
With a painted tower

Municipal educational institution

"Ryazhskaya average comprehensive school No. 4"

Lesson summary

in literary reading in 2nd grade

“The tale is rich in wisdom”

Final lesson on the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

Designed by teacher

highest qualification category

Kitaeva Irina Yurievna

January 2012

Subject: "Fairy tale wisdom rich."

Final lesson on the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

Typelesson: lesson - generalization.

Formlesson: lesson study



    Nurture positive moral qualities: goodness, mercy, justice, selflessness.

    To consolidate students’ knowledge of A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”

    To form reading motivation, an attitude towards reading activity as a sphere of self-realization and creativity, to create conditions for cultivating interest in the writer’s work, and to expand literary horizons.

    Develop the ability to answer questions clearly and clearly.


    Textbook V.A. Lazareva " Literary reading» Grade 2, book 2.

    Text of the Indian folk tale "The Golden Fish".

    Portrait of A. S. Pushkin, nanny of the poet Arina Rodionovna

    Exhibition of books with fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin

    Children's drawings.

    Computer, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard.

Media products:

    Interactive task “Match a quote from a fairy tale to the picture.”

    PowerPoint presentation based on the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”

    Interactive task “Fill in the table.”

    Video recording of an excerpt from a cartoon by M. Tsekhanovsky based on the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”

During the classes.

    Org moment.

Every person from the very early age must strive for something. What are you striving for?

    Everything can work out for the person who loves to read. What are the first works considered for children?

(Fairy tales)

    How attractusfairy tales?

    Goal setting.

    What did we talk about in the last lesson?

    Think about what we will devote our lesson to today? ( Slide 1)

    How do you understand the proverb?

    Today we are finishing work on Pushkin’s work “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”

    What goals can we set? ( Slide 2)

(Improving the ability to correlate the author’s and folk tales, summarizing the artistic and moral lessons of the fairy tale)

For this us necessary:

Learn to compare, relate, juxtapose images and pictures created in fairy tales, generalize, draw conclusions;

enrich your inner world;

comprehend and accept the wise lessons of the fairy tale;

    Checking homework.


Let's remember how the author reveals the image of the sea in the fairy tale. To begin with, I offer you creative work. We will now watch the final fragment of the cartoon “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” filmed by director Tsekhanovsky based on the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin. And you compare how this picture is shown in the cartoon and how it is shown in the text. (Video. Slide 3)

(The cartoon contains details that are not in the text - an image of the underwater kingdom. Other means of depicting pictures are visual, auditory, and not verbal;)

- Did the director manage to show the sea in the cartoon as in Pushkin’s fairy tale? Let's reread this passage.


    Remember how the description of the sea changed in the fairy tale. Complete the interactive task “Pick a Quote.” ( Job on ID)

    Why did this happen?


In class, we talked about the features of A. S. Pushkin’s original fairy tale, about its closeness to the folk tale. I suggest you complete an interactive task to correlate the features of the author’s fairy tale and its connection with the folk tale. Fill the table. (Work for an ID)


- Well done, you well understood the features of the tale of the great Russian poet. Similar tales to the one that Pushkin created a lot. Among them there are both original and folk ones. Now you can read any fairy tale and understand it - both folk and author's. Now we will read the fairy tale “The Golden Fish”. Think about whether it has an author or whether it is a folk tale.

(Children read a fairy tale.)


    Discussion of the Indian folk tale "The Golden Fish".

    How is this tale similar to “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”?

    What differences did you notice?

(Children's statements)

5. Generalization based on the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin. Quiz.

Let's try to remember and summarize our knowledge about the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin. And interesting quizzes will help us with this. Work based on presentation:

Slide 4

Where was A.S. Pushkin born?

Slide 5

From whom did the little future poet learn Russians? folk tales?

Slide 6.

How many fairy tales did A. S. Pushkin write?

Slide 7-9.

    Continue the line!

(One student reads, the rest answer. If there is difficulty, read the answer in unison.)

Slide 10.

How many times did the old man cast the net and what did he come with?

Slide 11.

Remember what desires the old woman had and arrange the drawings in order.

(2, 1, 4, 3)

Slide 12.

To whom are these words addressed and who spoke them? (to the old man, people)

How do you understand the expression “don’t sit in the wrong sleigh”?

Slide 13.

What is the main idea of ​​the fairy tale?

Read the proverbs and match them with the main idea of ​​the fairy tale. (Children's statements)

Pushkin ridicules greed and greed.

Slide 14.

Explain the expression “stay with nothing.”

6. Summing up the lesson. Understanding the moral lessons of the fairy tale.

    Remember the proverb with which we started the lesson.

(The tale is rich in wisdom)

In conclusion of our work, let's summarize. What wise lessons does the author of this tale teach us?

Slide 15

(Children read.)

What can you say? Do you agree with this?

(Draw their own conclusions.)


Close your eyes. You and I are going to the blue sea and dreaming of catching a goldfish. Our dream has come true. Open your eyes.

Slide 16.

You unique opportunity make one single wish and it may come true. Think about it. What wish did you make? Explain your choice.

I end our meeting with these poems:

Pushkin's fairy tales come to us

Bright and kind, like dreams.

Words are pouring in, diamond words

To the evening velvet of silence.

Magic pages rustle

We want to know more and more quickly...

Children's eyelashes flutter

Children's eyes believe in miracles.

Even if we are no longer children,

At 20, 30 and 45

Sometimes we run away to childhood,

We run away to Pushkin again.

We escape into a riot of bright colors,

In the triumph of good over dark evil,

We escape into Pushkin's fairy tales,

To become kinder and better later.


Continue the story in your own words. Think about whether the characters’ characters, their actions have changed, have they drawn conclusions for themselves?

Choose any fairy tale written by the author. Read it.

Look at the book exhibition. After the lesson, you can take a closer look at these books. Visit the library.

Read fairy tales and they will make your mind a little smarter, your heart a little kinder.

Slide 17.

F.I. _______________________________________

Quiz based on the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

  1. How does Pushkin’s “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” begin?

A. “Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman.”

B. “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman.”

V. “An old man lived with his old woman.”

G. “By the sea, by the blue sea, where the waves roar in the open.”

  1. Where did the old man live with his old woman from Pushkin’s fairy tale about the fisherman and the fish?

A. In the dugout. B. In the hut.

B. In the shack. G. In the hut.

  1. Which fishing tackle Did the old man from Pushkin's fairy tale catch fish?

A. A fishing rod. B. Brednam.

V. Net. G. Sachkom.

  1. How many times did the old man cast the net the day he caught the goldfish?

A. Twice. B. Three times.

B. Five times. G. Seven times.

  1. How many of the old woman's wishes did the goldfish fulfill?

A. Three. B. Four.

At five. G. Six.

  1. How long was the old woman from Pushkin's fairy tale a queen?

A. Two days. B. Two weeks.

B. Two years. D. Thirty years and three years.

  1. Who did the old woman from Pushkin’s “The Tale of the Goldfish” want to become in her most cherished dream?

A. Princess of darkness. B. Lady of the sea.

V. Beauty queen. G. Queen of the fields.

  1. Which Russian folk proverb used by Pushkin in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”?

A. Don’t sit in the wrong sleigh.

B. You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

V. A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar.

G. If you love to take, you also love to give.

  1. Why was the old woman punished in The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish?

A. For laziness.

B. For lying.

B. For greed.

D. For poor housekeeping.

  1. The goldfish punished the old woman for greed, but why did she punish the old fisherman?

A. For poaching.



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