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​What people are like in Hollywood! Tips for throwing an Oscars themed party. Timur's first birthday: song and music party in a red and white palette Music and dancing

Today a wonderful report on Timur’s first birthday will be published. How lucky this boy is to have his mother Irina. She is a reader of our magazine and, thanks to published articles and advice, was able to independently organize a large birthday party in a restaurant. Everything is just like for adults, because according to Korean tradition, the first birthday should be celebrated with pomp. A red and white palette for restaurant decor, a wonderful candy bar, floral arrangements, a personal logo, handmade invitations with a red bow, mustaches and sponges for the press wall and many other details will be seen in the holiday report.

What kind of holiday was this? Why did you choose this style?

On November 12, 2011, my son Timurchik turned 1 year old! Celebrating a child's first birthday is a centuries-old tradition of the Korean people, one of the main family celebrations. Only the closest and dearest people to me were invited, so I wanted this not to be a banal banquet, but a truly colorful and interesting holiday. A song and music party was planned, where each guest showed their musical and dancing talents. Preparations began 3 weeks before the planned celebration; a red and white palette was chosen, since red is the color of vital energy, strength and love, and white is the color of purity, harmony and nobility. I would really like these qualities to be inherent in my son.

Describe your favorite/significant/interesting moment of the holiday? Why?

For me, the most interesting and meaningful moment was seeing the smiles and good mood of my guests - this is the best reward for my efforts.

What was done with your own hands? What was the most difficult thing?

With the help of a wonderful creative girl Elena (Art Dreams), we jointly came up with a logo for the celebration, which determined the concept and format of our holiday. The logo in the form of a vintage red frame was used in the production of hand-made invitations, on name tags for a compliment bonbonniere for each guest, chocolate and on a press-wall with photographs of the birthday person. A cake was chosen in the shape of the iconic Lightning McQueen racing car in red.

We made homemade candies with predictions in the form of white and red roses according to the number of guests, a bonbonniere cake with a surprise that decorated the center of the sweet table, guest lists, a holiday menu, and paraphernalia for photography (velvet mustaches, lips).

I personally compiled the script, selected the musical repertoire, and came up with two music competitions. The most difficult thing in organizing the holiday was the lack of time, since I am a working mother. Many things could not be prepared in advance, but only on the day of the holiday - this was an additional difficulty. Since I wanted to make a surprise for my family, I did all the organizing myself.

Write down the top 3 tips you would like to give to other creative girls in planning holiday events.

  • Start preparing two months before the holiday, because... During the preparation process, a lot of ideas appear that you will no longer have time to implement.
  • Check the lighting in your restaurant; energy-saving light bulbs degrade the quality of your photos.
  • Use the services of only trusted contractors

Irina, I congratulate your son Timur once again on his birthday and wish him to grow up strong, beautiful and happy. The holiday is magnificent! You have probably become the trendsetter of a new level of holiday celebrations in your company, which is well deserved. A very responsible approach to organization and careful attention to detail. By the way, the Promama.kz website always advises its readers only proven holiday contractors.

Design of printed products: “ART DREAMS” Elena Kim +7 777 172 12 38. Everything is great!
Photo: Nurlan +7 702 193 9205
Video: Bakhytzhan +7 702 116 8135
Presenter: Victor +7 777 547 3830. A wonderful presenter, he plays the guitar masterfully, creates a light, relaxed atmosphere, I’m inviting you for the second time.
DJ: Vladimir +7 777 547 3830
Show program: “Firing Line”

Invitations have been sent out, outfits have been selected, the house sparkles with decorations and the famous path shimmers purple, awaiting the first guest... The Hollywood-style party is about to gain momentum. All that remains is to take care of adequately entertaining the guests who have received star status for the evening.

And how to organize a treat, choose music, provide a fun pastime and memorable photo and video chronicles, and all this in Hollywood style, read in this article.

The party starts with the red carpet

Guests should get into a special atmosphere even before the holiday itself begins: this is why we decorated the house and laid out a red carpet in front of the entrance. The action will come as soon as the first step is taken.

Make sure there are photographers capturing this stellar moment!

The presenter or “extras” portraying correspondents can address the guests walking along the path with a mini-interview, which will lift their spirits and help them feel like a “star.”

Questions could be:

  • Which designer created your incredible outfit?
  • To which stylist do we owe the happiness of seeing your amazing hairstyle?
  • Can you share your emotions before the upcoming event?
  • What role would you like to play?
  • If it's not a secret, what fee did you receive for your last film?

The meeting of guests will be even more fun and larger-scale if the hosts-fans create a cheerful stir, expressing admiration by shouting and applauding, asking for an autograph, trying to take a photo with the “star”.

Professional actors can be hired online or students can be offered to earn money; teenagers (for example, the children of the party hosts) can also play this role.

If the meeting scene is filmed, the guests will then be very pleased and interested to receive a “film” about themselves at a wonderful holiday as a gift. And many more shots will be added to this film during the celebration!

Refreshment at the ceremony. Tables, buffet or...?

Noisy and rich feasts are not accepted in the world of cinema. Movie stars who are constantly concerned about their figure will not sit at a table with plates filled with roasts and side dishes. At holiday parties in the “land of dreams” it is generally not customary to focus on food, because people gather for communication, fun, and general inspiration.

Most often, refreshments at such celebrations are organized in a format where people take light snacks from the waiters’ trays, complementing them with ice-cold champagne, also picked up on the go, or punch poured from a common bowl. For such an organization, one or two waiters or waitresses are needed who will monitor the fullness of the glasses and the availability of snacks. Catering companies that supply snacks to parties usually offer staffing services.

If this format does not quite appeal to you, you can organize a more familiar buffet. Set up a table with dishes that you can eat neatly and quickly, using a minimum of cutlery.

A candy bar designed in appropriate colors (red, white, gold, black) would be appropriate. If you use disposable tableware, you can choose the appropriate one in online stores or decorate, for example, paper cups with a film-like appliqué.

On the other hand, we do not strive to completely imitate Hollywood, but only want to immerse ourselves in this atmosphere for a while, embodying our ideas of chic and glamor. Therefore, no one will accuse you of being “untrustworthy” if you want to seat guests at small tables or one large one. Let the tablecloth be plain, in one of the main colors of the holiday.

Use crisp white napkins in rings, glasses with tall stems, and ice buckets to cool drinks. Decorate the tables with vases with scarlet roses, decorated with pearls and lush feathers. You can sprinkle some pink petals and shiny tinsel on the tablecloth between the cutlery.

At each utensil, place a clipboard (a mini rack with a clip) with the guest's name on it, or place a beautifully designed index card on the plate.

Planning the menu

  • Hollywood menu should be light, delicious and varied: cupcakes, canapés, mini-burgers, various cuts.
  • Seafood will always come in handy - lobsters, king prawns, oysters.
  • If you want to treat your guests to something more substantial, you can cook a grilled steak.
  • An interesting dish, easy to prepare, but quite worthy of a star table - a potato baked whole in foil, to which a spoonful of caviar is added before serving: this is how the experienced chef Wolfgang Puck treated the audience at the banquet dedicated to the recent Oscars.
  • Dessert They should also be sophisticated, for example, strawberries with whipped cream are often associated with chic; tiny meringues or macaroons can be beautifully decorated for serving.
  • The “stars” are also not averse to treating themselves to donuts soaked in brandy, pistachio pancakes with strawberry mousse, and coffee sorbet (these are dishes from the latest Hollywood menu).

What to fill glasses with?

Drinks should have sonorous and “status” names: in Hollywood they drink mostly cocktails.

They don’t have to be alcoholic, but the most traditional ones should be placed on the table, demonstrating knowledge of the realities of the International Bartenders Association (yes, yes, there is such a thing!):

  • “Bloody Mary” – tomato juice and vodka;
  • “Mojito” – white rum, mint, sugar, soda water, and in the non-alcoholic version, lime juice mixed with water is used instead of rum;
  • “Blue Lagoon” – Bacardi rum, blue liqueur, pineapple and lemon juice, sugar syrup;
  • “Cosmopolitan” – vodka, Cointreau liqueur, cranberry and lemon juice;
  • “Margarita” – tequila, lime, Cointreau.

The latest hit from the star bartenders is the “Hissing of the Golden Goose” cocktail, invented especially for the Oscar ceremony: it contains passion fruit juice, whiskey, cream and sugar, and is served in gilded eggshells.

It will be more interesting if the treat is themed: for example, fruits and vegetables are cut into the shape of stars, cookies are baked in the shape of an Oscar figurine, and His Majesty’s cake has no limits to your imagination at all!

music and dancing

The music for an Oscar-themed party should provide guests with a clear connection to the world of dream merchants. The best choice would be old jazz - compositions by Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Emma Fitzgerald, Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra.

The soft melody and evening dresses provoke guests to perform classic waltz, foxtrot, quickstep... The competition for the best dancing couple can become another pearl of the evening.

An unmistakable option for musical accompaniment of competitions and feasts will also be soundtracks to your favorite Hollywood films.

In many films, dance plays a significant role in the plot or is even the plot itself - remember “Saturday Night Fever,” after which Travolta woke up famous, or “Dirty Dancing,” which brought Pat Swayze not only an Oscar, but also a Grammy, and Golden Globe. By playing music from these films on the dance floor, you will ensure your guests are in a fiery mood.

Celebrity entertainment: contests and games for an Oscar-themed party

Of course, the culmination of the holiday will be the ceremony of presenting an Oscar or another “award” invented by the owner of the holiday. But, of course, you shouldn’t limit yourself to this. It is most appropriate to entertain guests with interesting competitions dedicated to the theme of cinema in the period after the treat, when the first hunger, including emotional, has already been satisfied.

If you decide to have fun non-stop, look at the ones that can be adapted for a party.

Of course, any traditional competition can be adapted to the world of cinema, for example, the game of darts can be tied to the film about Robin Hood, and the bursting of balloons can be associated with “Ghostbusters”. But sometimes you want more originality and uniqueness.

We offer you several types of competitions for different groups of guests - an intellectual audience who is eager to show off their erudition, or reckless youth, for whom the main thing is to have fun.

Competitions for smart people and smart girls

Such competitions are good not only for a special audience, but also for some moments of the holiday, when you want to dilute the fun time with calmer moments.

  • Anagrams. Invite guests to unravel the encrypted title of the film, in which the letters are mixed up. You can choose a set of letters placed in an envelope, from which you need to put together a name according to the principle of the Scrabble game, or present “abracadabra” on a card. Examples of tasks: “Tseto eintryk” (“The Godfather”), “Kishler padisnos” (“Schindler’s List”), “Mtsyr you like her” (“The Dark Knight”). And smile, and rack your brains, and show yourself as savvy in films!
  • Sound memory. Play theme songs from various Hollywood movies and have guests correctly name which movie the music is from.
  • Guess by the picture. The drawing hints at the title of a Hollywood film, and guests will have to voice it. For example, a broken nutcracker - "Die Hard", a nest over which a kite or airplane hovers - "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", sheep with their mouths gagged - "Silence of the Lambs". This game can be played the other way around - invite guests to draw the title of the film, so that other guests can decipher their masterpieces. In this case, take care of paper, felt-tip pens, and convenient drawing tablets.
  • "Douvillog". This is Hollywood in reverse! Guests will have to guess the name of the film, in which all words are replaced by antonyms. It can be very fun, for example: “Slender Pit” - “Brokeback Mountain”, “Toddler with a Penny” - “Million Dollar Baby”, “Darkness of a Small Village” - “City Lights”, etc.
  • Whole image. This is what they say about completely transformed actors. For this competition, guests must be divided into two teams, and the props will be several portraits of Hollywood stars, printed and cut into fragments. For each team, mix clips of the faces of two different actors. The task is to put the images together without confusing anything. Who can do it faster?
  • Hollywood quiz. For real experts, you can ask interesting questions related to the Oscar ceremony and the world of Hollywood. For each correct answer, a mini-prize is awarded, and the person who gets the maximum number of correct answers can qualify for an Oscar in the “Smartest!” category.

Examples of questions:

  • At what film awards ceremony was the word "Oscar" first used? (at 6).
  • How long is the actual ceremony red carpet? (150 m).
  • What is the name of the cinema where the Oscars are traditionally presented? (“Dolby”)
  • The head of which American film studio established this prestigious film award? (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio, it was its director Louis Barth Mayer).
  • For what role did an African-American woman win an Oscar for the first time? (Hattie McDaniel for her role as Mammy in Gone with the Wind).
  • How many years passed between the release of the first and second Terminators? (7).
  • How many parts of "Terminator" were there? (5)
  • For which film did Gwyneth Paltrow, who burst into tears during the ceremony, win an Oscar? ("Shakespeare in Love")
  • Name a film that won an Oscar in 5 main categories at once (there were 2: “It Happened One Night” with Clark Gable and “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”).
  • Star Nicolas Cage is the nephew of which famous director? (Francis Ford Coppola, Cage is a pseudonym).
  • Why was boxer Muhammad Ali the only one of all the actors on the Walk of Fame who left his autographed star not on the sidewalk, but on the wall of the cinema? (He did not want the prophet's name to be trampled underfoot.)
  • How many sequels did the film “Rambo, First Blood” have (3. There are 4 films in the series).

If the party is dedicated to one film, then you can select questions that relate to this film or the actors involved in it.

Fun and exciting games

And these competitions and entertainment will be useful for creating a cheerful mood; for them you don’t need to shine with erudition, but it won’t hurt to loosen up and be creative!

1.Attention, filming!

Prepare simple props: hats, scarves, mustaches and beards, glasses, horns, ears, clown nose, wigs, etc. Place everything in a large box: from it, each participant will take one or more elements at random.

Give participants cards with the “role text” - a famous line from a Hollywood movie, for example:

  • “Bond. James Bond" (Bond);
  • "Hasta la vista, baby" (Terminator 2);
  • "Let the force be with you!" ("Star Wars");
  • “Everyone has their own shortcomings” (“Only girls in jazz”);
  • “I’m not bad, I’m just painted that way” (“Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”)

And then announce the start of filming of various scenes of the film, choosing actors at random. Since the phrases and props are distributed randomly, it will turn out very funny, just don’t forget to film!

For example: “A scene is being filmed: lovers walk through the courtyard, talking.” He: “Houston, we have a problem.” She: “I love the smell of napalm in the morning”... The scenes can be different: “The robbers are talking in a whisper”, “The victim is begging for mercy”, “A conversation is heard outside the window”...

In this competition, it is important to select a creative presenter-director.

2. Fun voice acting

Place on the table various devices for producing sound: rustling paper, a comb (swipe with your fingernail), a balloon (creaks), a glass of water and a stick (rings), a straw (you can gurgle in a glass of water), etc. A competition is announced for the best one, but a budget sound engineer!

Each applicant approaches the “remote control” and, having pulled out a task on a card, tries to voice out:

  • wolf howl in the night forest;
  • the steps of a wounded man on snow crust;
  • barnyard;
  • a cat playing with a balloon that suddenly bursts;
  • the climax of the battle;
  • morning Paris.

3. “I don’t recognize you in makeup!”

It is unlikely that girls who have done beautiful makeup before the party will want to participate in a competition where they will have to put on makeup. But you can suggest “making up” portraits of famous actors and actresses using colored felt-tip pens.

Print out more photos of famous actors (several copies of each photo).

You can ask the “make-up artists” to create an image for each movie character for a comedy, horror film, science fiction film, etc. There will be something to see!

4. Talent casting

If the invitation indicated that the participant could prepare any act for the competition, then it’s time to organize this competition. Support the talent with loud applause.

5. Best outfit

It’s not for nothing that the guests tried to comply with the dress code! Organize a fashion show with a demonstration of the stars' outfits; you can ask the audience to write on pieces of paper the name of the image they liked and present the “audience award.”

Oscar in various categories

The highlight of the evening will be the awards ceremony. The presenter with the treasured envelope will appear on an impromptu stage to present figurines, ribbons over the shoulder or special diplomas to the winners in various categories.

It’s better that no one is left without recognition, so think over the list of nominations and applicants for them in advance. In addition to “Best Dress” and “Most Spectacular Dance”, as well as those mentioned in the competitions “Talent Casting Winner”, “Best Make-up Artist”, “Great Sound Engineer” and “Most Clever”, these can be the following nominations:

  • the funniest toast;
  • the most charming smile;
  • the most loving couple;
  • best partner, etc.

Cover photo and more

A theme party must be captured in a photo, and a Hollywood party even more so, because all our guests are, by definition, stars!

Of course, it is worth inviting a professional photographer to such a celebration, or better yet several, to capture the most unexpected and unique moments: the first step on the red carpet, winning a competition, presenting a treasured statuette, etc. Such photos should be taken for each guest.

And a photo shoot can become another component of the festive action, especially when the evening is already coming to an end: a calm and pleasant activity will help the participants, without leaving the festive mood, little by little “move” back to reality. If the room is decorated in accordance with the recommendations given in the previous article, then almost any corner of it will serve as an excellent backdrop for photography.

But you can go the extra mile and focus the guests’ attention on several specially selected photo zones.

Grand finale

After the apotheosis of the evening - the Oscar ceremony (or the author's award) - you cannot immediately “lead” guests away from the bright world of Hollywood. A photo session would be just right, the element of which could be an invitation to participate in the creation of the Walk of Fame.

It all depends on the plan of the holiday organizer. The easiest way is to hand out pre-made templates of Hollywood stars to your guests, ask them to trace their palm and sign it, then attach it to the chosen surface - rolled out fabric, paper, carpet, etc.

It’s more difficult, but more interesting, to make a special container for each guest (square or in the shape of a star), into which plaster will be poured before the ceremony, and each VIP will put his or her palm print (don’t forget to offer the guests rubber gloves!). Additionally, you can provide sets of stamps to decorate the surface: stars, letters, decorative elements.

If the idea of ​​liquid plaster seems too complicated for you, you can purchase ready-made kits for impressions, such as for children's hands.

And you can end the holiday with bright fireworks - why not the Hollywood fireworks?

A party that immerses us in the world of dream makers will always be popular and interesting for people of all ages and hobbies. After all, much of what we sometimes miss in life - incredible adventures, passionate confessions, mysteries and travel - we find in films!

Video of Oscar-style celebrations for a snack

The style of the world of cinema is suitable for a variety of holidays.

Can you imagine what a graduation party looks like if it's Oscar-style? Watch and be inspired.

Here's a wonderful children's holiday. Although the action takes place abroad and only English is spoken in the video, the video is catchy and some ideas may be useful to you. Pay attention to the karaoke rooms and the work of the animator!

And finally, a birthday in Hollywood style.

Expensive, shocking and brilliant - the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a Hollywood party. How else? World-class celebrities, film masterpieces, nominations and awards, flashes of hundreds of cameras and crowds of fans! But it's also props and decorations, so a Hollywood-themed party doesn't have to cost as much as a suite at the Roosevelt Hotel.

The colors of the evening are deep red, sparkling gold and black. Instead of gold, silver may predominate, and bright blue is great for adding zest to the decor. If you're planning an Old Hollywood party, prepare black and white decorations. A few ideas for decorating a hall (room, private courtyard?):

  • No Hollywood party would be complete without a pompous red carpet. It can be made from painted and glued pieces of whatman paper, rented or bought three meters of exhibition carpet (the cheapest option for a real carpet).
  • Place posts with slack ropes along the path. We cut out a “puck” from foam plastic, stick a piece of plastic pipe into it, and place a ball on top for a dry pool. Spray gold from a can, pull the “ropes” - done!

  • Install an “advertising” banner at the entrance for photos of guests. Instead of advertising, write catchphrases from films, the motto of the evening or congratulations to the hero of the occasion. Designate a place for the stage (many competitions will take place here).
  • A Hollywood-style party cannot be complete without posters, posters and photos of famous actors. If you're inviting friends to Old Hollywood, black and white or sepia images are preferred.

  • Place cardboard silhouettes of filmmakers, journalists, and fans at the entrance and along the walls. Palm trees in large tubs or palm leaves as part of compositions will fit perfectly.
  • Cinema attributes will be useful for decoration. Reels of film and firecrackers, cameras and large umbrellas, buckets of popcorn, tickets, etc. You will have to paint, draw and glue a lot, but no special expenses!

  • Make large HOLLYWOOD letters from plywood or thick cardboard. Place on the floor or hang on the wall, use for photo shoots. On the wall or floor, organize a Walk of Fame - five-pointed stars with the names of the party guests.

To add Hollywood sparkle, use in the decoration of the hall:

  • glass beads
  • serpentine, New Year's rain (not colorful)
  • electric garlands (miniature, round or star-shaped)
  • foil, shiny paper
  • satin or silk for draping walls, furniture
  • balloons (glossy, sparkling, regular or star-shaped)
  • CDs (if you chop them into uneven pieces and glue them with the “cover” inside on a shiny cord, you will get beautiful garlands).


There are as many options as there are Hollywood celebrities! Take any already mentioned movie symbol as a basis. For example, two photo reels glued together (printed, glued to cardboard) with a sticking label - pulled, and a “film” with text was pulled out from inside. Or a black and white cracker with the laconic inscription “Hollywood party 12.12.17 at 16-00 Take one”, and on the back there are details. A star, an Oscar silhouette, a ticket, a miniature poster – lots of options!

Read also: Original do-it-yourself veil for a bachelorette party (+ photo and pattern)

Play up the content as an invitation to a screen test, a premiere, the closing of a season, or an award ceremony. It’s both funny and a kind of start to role-playing a scenario.

The original invitation will be a short video recorded on a CD or sent by email. You can pack a can of Coca-Cola and a bucket of popcorn with a card attached. Or send out postcards made of gold paper with ornate formal text.


Don't forget to discuss the dress code, because wearing a “grandmother’s” sweater to a pompous Hollywood party will definitely ruin the atmosphere. Of course, if the sweater is not part of the image of a famous actor or movie character. Don't want Princess Leia and Lara Croft, Jack Sparrow and Mad Max to be in the same society? Indicate the genre and/or era - New or Old Hollywood. And find out in advance who chose which image, so that five Bonds don’t have to entertain seven Marilyns.

Trying on someone else's image is not your thing? Then the option is “your own star”: girls in chic flowing dresses, men in brand new suits and shoes polished to a shine. Festive clothes for a Hollywood-style party don’t just hint, but directly say – these are the very rich and famous! Makeup, accessories, hairstyle must match.

Flashy jewelry and “expensive” sparkling accessories can be bought at a jewelry store, and bow ties, ties and hats can be made from improvised materials.

The Hollywood dress code for teenagers may go a little beyond the traditional classics. For example, sneakers + jeans + jacket. For girls - cocktail dresses and low-heeled shoes. Watch a recording from the Oscars or an interview from some high-profile premiere - Hollywood youth often prefer convenience, but stylish and fashionable.


It's simple here - one-bite treats. Tartlets, kebabs, canapés, vegetable and fruit slices. Tiny sandwiches, ham, caviar and seafood - a lot of variety, but small portions. The menu design should be such that the guest does not have to pick at the plate. Don't forget about cocktails, the obligatory champagne and soft drinks. Arrange vases with beautifully arranged sweets and cups with desserts.

Read also: Party in space style (+ photos)

Prepare sprigs of herbs, beautiful sprinkles, candied flowers and shaped ice to decorate dishes worthy of the Hollywood elite!

Serving - buffet, buffet or several tables for 3-4 persons. Long flowing tablecloths and signs with the names of the guests. Napkins in gold rings and miniature vases with fresh flowers. Chocolate fountains and ice figures. “Silver” and “crystal”, laconic one-color or blatantly “expensive” dishes. In general, at the highest level!


Right from the door, friends should take on the role of a famous movie star - start the party script with a short Hollywood-style interview: “Mr. Alex, are you glad to be among the guests?”, “Miss Angela, what emotions do you expect from the premiere?” and so on. To make the photos interesting, let the presenter and the next guest stand against the backdrop of an “advertising” banner.

And then the premiere, screen tests or award presentations, there is not much difference. All competitions suggested below will fit in. If the script is about awards, then call the games “Best Actor, Screenwriter, Make-up Artist.” If this is a premiere, then “Scene one – the star is in shock”, “Scene two – a child’s surprise”, etc.

Star in shock

And the Star is also sad, happy, disgusted, and scared. Prepare cards with the names of emotions. The guest pulls one out, reads it and silently shows it. The rest are guessing.

May 5, 2016

Pink color is delicious, seductive, delicate and feminine. Until recently, everyone associated it exclusively with glamorous women or cute little girls, but nowadays even brutal men have begun to show interest in this color. There is nothing surprising in this, because pink has both style and sexuality. This shade has many variations: from pale to bright rich tones.

Pink Sweet Party is a bright and unforgettable party for everyone who likes to have fun in the company of close friends no matter what!

What does everyone associate with the Pink Party? Naturally, with Barbie dolls, bows and ruffles, Bubble Gum and beautiful fairies in pink robes with fluffy magic wands. But don’t rush to feel sorry for the male guests of the party, because slender girls in sexy outfits a la Barbie will definitely interest the stronger sex!

Pink Sweet Party is perfect for celebrating March 8, birthday, bachelorette party, New Year, corporate party, Valentine's Day and other fun events.

1. Venue

This party does not imply any special venue. The holiday can be held in an apartment, in a country house, in a cafe, in an office, outdoors, or in a limousine. The main thing is to have the appropriate mood. And balloons in bright shades of pink, strawberries and cream, purple butterflies on men’s shirts and rich fuchsia dresses on girls will definitely help create it.

2. Invitations

As children, all girls loved to play with dolls, do their hair, dress them up and take care of them. Childhood has passed, but the skills remain. Why not design the invitations in a children's style and, of course, pink. There can be many options for inviting friends to a party. You can send invitations by email or create a separate page on a social network where you can discuss the nuances of the party, dress code, menu and drinks with potential guests.

In order for the invitations to be a lasting memory for your guests, you should make them yourself. The shape can be different - a sweet candy on a stick, a sexy women's corset, or a cute postcard with a crown, a symbol of a real princess. To design invitations you will need colored cardboard, mostly pink, glue, beautiful colored ribbons, strong threads, glitter, scissors and other auxiliary materials as needed.

Since the party is themed, it is worth warning guests about the presence of a dress code, indicating the date and location of the holiday.

3. Interior decoration

Interior decoration is expected in all possible shades of pink. Decorations made from crepe paper in the shape of hearts, flowers or bows are perfect. Balloons will look beautiful under the ceiling and scattered on the floor of the room.

Tables decorated with satin pink ribbons and beautiful massive bows will add a special charm to the holiday ambiance.

It wouldn’t hurt to have a themed tantamaresque, where every girl can feel like a real princess, and men can have a good laugh at their friends, because it’s not every day that you see a bearded Snow White or the little mermaid Ariel with stubble and sideburns.

Garlands of silhouettes of flowers, animals or geometric shapes, cut out of cardboard, in pastel pink colors will beautifully complement the interior. Since not only girls, but also guys are present at the party, it would not be superfluous to place a poster of the legendary band Pink Floyd and images of the Pink Panther on the wall.

Another wall can be decorated in the “pink memories” style. Each guest will first be given a pink puzzle frame, where the guest will have to print and insert a photo from general parties, outings, work or school. Arriving at the holiday, everyone forms a puzzle-collage from photographs. Memorable photographs will definitely bring back many warm and pleasant memories. You can dilute the complete “mi-mi-mi” of your loved ones with not entirely successful photographs, where friends are captured in stupid poses and with a funny expression on their faces.

What's a pink party without fresh flowers? Roses of all shades of red will give pleasant aromas to all guests of the evening. Petals can be scattered around the room, on tables, or placed in transparent vases with flowers - it will be beautiful and romantic.

You can create muted colors using scented candles with a delicate aroma of vanilla or lavender. But it is not necessary to have a candlelight party; in the store you can buy lamps with any shade color, even pink.

Whatever one may say, pink is still inextricably linked with fashion. Therefore, new fashion magazines laid out on the tables will obviously not be superfluous.

At the Pink Sweet Party, you shouldn’t skimp on trifles; the more thematic colors in the interior, the better. Therefore, buying pink textiles for tables and chairs will be very useful.

You can also place posters of celebrities in pink outfits, for example, Paris Hilton.

4. Party dress code

The invitation clearly indicates the presence of a dress code - this is important for creating the appropriate mood at the holiday. But you can go further and offer guests entry to the party only if they have a pink furry friend. His role can be played by a cute pig, a bunny, a Barbie doll, a Pinkie Pie pony, a Hello Kitty cat, a Tinker Bell fairy, etc. These toys can be purchased at any children's store.

Clothes, shoes, accessories and jewelry of those gathered should contain many pink elements.

Barbie-style is suitable for girls, and this means a lot of accessories and shiny clothes in different variations: overalls, suits, dresses, etc. You can come dressed as a fairy or princess, the main thing is a lot of pink. The look will be completed with stiletto heels, large curls, bright makeup and lipstick.

For men, a suit and tie, bright shorts and an even brighter shirt are ideal; especially fun ones can come to the event in a tooth fairy costume.

Organizers should make sure in advance that they have all the necessary accessories for forgetful party guests. For example, buy Playboy bunny ears, a glamorous cowboy hat and wigs.

5. Treats

The design of the tables should be decorated with thematic accents - rose petals, napkins with patterns, confetti made of hearts, flags, straws and umbrellas - all in pink.

The menu should also be “on topic”. Let's look at some of the most interesting dishes.

"Bouquet of Shrimp"

Boil large shrimp and place them on lettuce leaves, complement the dish with slices of tomato or radish.

"Pink Snacks"

Miniature sandwiches with baguette, smoked salmon, red caviar and red onion rings on lettuce.

"Crazy Canapes"

Why crazy? Yes, because the taste will be the most crazy. Take skewers about 5 cm long and put 4 elements of food on them, and this can be your choice: salmon, grapefruit, sausage, tomatoes, radishes or cucumber.

The sweet version includes pieces of Turkish delight, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, watermelon, etc.

In addition to canapés, you can serve all kinds of cookies, cakes, cotton candy, popcorn, strawberry mousse, cottage cheese dessert, cupcakes and even a cake in the shape of a Barbie doll.

Drinks include red and rose wine, as well as a variety of pink cocktails. They are made with strawberry and pomegranate syrup, cherry and raspberry juice. The glasses are decorated with pieces of strawberries or raspberries.

If your soul requires something exotic, you can cook pink sangria based on red wine.
This is the recipe.


  • Dry rose wine – 1 bottle.
  • Orange liqueur – 100 ml.
  • Sugar – 80 g.
  • Lemonade – 700 ml.
  • Watermelon pulp – 300 g.
  • Lemon lime – 1 pc.

Stages of preparing “Pink Sangria”:

  • The watermelon pulp is cut into cubes. The lime and skin are sliced. Chopped fruits are placed in a deep bowl.
  • Liqueur and sugar are added. The mixture is stirred until the sugar dissolves and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  • After the time has expired, you need to add wine and lemonade to the cooled mass and mix everything well.
  • The already prepared drink is poured into a jug and served on the table with ice cubes.

6. Musical accompaniment

The motives of the film The Pink Panther, songs of the groups Pink Floyd, Aqua, singers Pink, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Lady Gaga, Beyonce and other incendiary hits are ideal as a background music.

7. Pink Party Fun

What holiday is complete without entertainment? We will prepare the most positive competitions and games.

"I haven't done this before"

The participants of the game sit in a circle, each is given 10 candies. A hat or any other deep container is placed in the center into which candy can be thrown. Players take turns telling a true fact from their lives, something they have never done before in their lives. If another participant in the game has already tried something similar, then he throws candy into the hat. For example, one says: “I have never flown on an airplane.” The one who has already flown throws the sweet into the hat. Players take turns making new statements until all but one have gotten rid of their candy.

"Guess me by smell"

The game will require from 4 to 8 participants. Everyone is blindfolded. The presenter will bring objects to the participants’ noses, and they will have to determine what they are by smell. As items for guessing, you can offer perfume, meat, dill, beer, flowers, a diaper and a massive man's fist. Whoever guesses the most items wins.

"Savory Clothespins"

This game is ideal for both couples and those who are looking for something. Participants are divided into twos and are blindfolded. There are a lot of clothespins clinging to the clothes of one of the couple. The task is for the other player to remove more clothespins, carefully feeling his partner. The winner is the pair whose participant removed all the clothespins.

"Pink clothes for the baby"

The game is intended for 3-4 participants of different genders. A bag full of old-fashioned items is placed in front of everyone, ideal if you can find a pink wardrobe. The essence of the game is for each participant to put on as many things as possible, including accessories and shoes, in the shortest possible period of time.

To make it more fun, girls are recommended to offer items from a men's wardrobe. For a guy - women's things: lingerie, a translucent dress, high-heeled shoes, a hat with a feather, a handbag. The first one to dress everything up wins a prize. After the finish, participants will have a photo session.

« Miss Barbie»

All girls love to dress beautifully and show off their skills to others. To select Miss Barbie of the evening, all participants will go through several stages: a performance, a swimsuit competition and for the most charming smile. The girl who gets the most applause gets the crown.

"Secret Friend"

All guests write their name on a piece of paper, carefully roll it up and place it in the hat. Then, each person takes turns pulling out a note with the guest's name on it. The name that appears is a new secret friend for the evening. The point is to look after your secret friend throughout the holiday, invite him to dance, bring cocktails, have interesting conversations and please in every possible way. At the end of the holiday, everyone takes turns expressing their thoughts about who his secret friend was.

"Incendiary dancing"

The competition participants are divided into teams, one half is given pink balls, the other red. While dancing, you need to hide the balloon so that the competitors do not burst it, but at the same time try in every possible way to disable the opponent’s balloon. You can hide the ball between your bodies, under a dress, under a shirt, etc. The team that bursts all the opponent’s balls wins.

"Anecdote on topic"

Competition to find out the funniest joke about blondes. The winner receives a white wig as a gift.

"Inflate me"

Participants are given a pack of chewing gum. You need to inflate the biggest balloon. The one who completes the task faster and better than others receives a prize.

8. Incentive prizes

Participants in competitions can be offered bunny ears, a beautiful pink pen, fluffy indoor slippers or pink lollipops as an incentive gift.

Remembering your childhood and having fun in the company of close friends is priceless! Imagine and make every day of your life memorable.

Pink Sweet Party is the best place for princesses, Barbies and brutal tooth fairies!

Published by the author - - January 15, 2016

Have you noticed how much better black and white photos look? They have style, sophistication, and a certain retro romance. Now imagine that you are the hero of a black and white movie? It doesn't have to be silent.

This is a great idea for an original themed party at home or in a cafe. It is not as promoted as popular or. And this is its exclusiveness.

It's time throw a black and white party. The place where the two most opposite colors collide. This will be the main idea (concept) of the party. Now let’s look at the script, design, menu, drinks, dress code, music, competitions and games for this holiday.

Theme of the evening

Good and Evil, Snow and Soot, Truth and Lies, Day and Night, Angels and Demons, Salt and Pepper, Paper and Ink, Marshmallow and Chocolate, Milk and Coffee, Hate and Love, Shadow and Light, Prayer and Sin...

Perhaps you imagine the noble snow-white skin of an aristocrat under a chic black veil?

What associations do you have when you think about Black and White?

By the way, a great idea for a competition. Let participants take turns naming their associations. The winner is the one who says the last pair of antonyms that come to mind.

You can choose a specific topic, taking as a starting point one of the associations from the list indicated at the beginning. Or you can come up with something of your own.

1. Relevance

A black and white party is well suited for birthdays, hen/stag parties, Halloween, and today's bold choice will make it a highlight even for weddings and anniversaries.

2. Time of year and time of meeting

These colors suit any time of year. So, if you have a birthday in winter, then this is for the best. White snow outside the window will add color. It is better to spend such a holiday indoors, so as not to dilute the black and white illusion with the color of green grass and blue sky.

The start time is in the evening, when it gets dark. But you can clearly follow the party idea and invite guests at a time when the day has not yet ended and the evening has not yet begun. So to speak, the moment of collision between dark and light.

3. DIY invitations

Black, white cardboard (preferably velvet), lace fabric, ribbons, beads and pearls. These elements will allow you to make your own original cards in the style of the coming evening. Sign the invitations in beautiful handwriting with an ink pen.

Be original - these little things create pictures in the heads of your guests, and maybe entire videos or even films. Naturally, black and white films! Emphasize that the start time of the celebration is indicated black and white, therefore it is strictly forbidden to be late!

Invite your friends into a kind of looking glass, where an evil wizard has sucked out all the colors, and now you need to create a new, better world out of black and white!

4. Dress code

Explain to your guests that the ideal option would be to create an image in an absolutely pure color: black or white.

For men wear classic suits, tuxedos or tailcoats. Canes, top hats, bow ties, or just trousers with a shirt in color - depending on the initiative and character of the guest. If you don’t have anything like this in your wardrobe, rent it for one day - it’s not expensive.

Important! Remember that all people cannot be equally creative and easy-going, so you should not put undue pressure on the dress code. The main thing is not to violate the intended exclusiveness with a green tie or a checkered shirt (if it is not a black and white check!).

Women They also wear black or white dresses. The style doesn’t matter, even if they come in wedding dresses! The same tights, shoes, accessories to suit your taste.
Those who are especially responsible can even wear wigs, but this is definitely not a necessary condition! Makeup – natural or with elements of the main colors of the holiday.

But keep in mind that there should be approximately equal numbers of “black” and “white” guests, so it would be useful to specify the colors of each guest’s costume in advance. A couple of people may be wearing combined black and white outfits. Let them play the role of intermediaries - persons interested in the reconciliation of black and white.

5. Decorating the party room in black and white style

Here we show our design talent like never before! Choose a room with the required wall color, for example, a separate room in a small nightclub or a room in a cafe. In your imagination, divide it into sectors. Don't put tables in the center - leave a decent area open. The sectors outside the dance floor can be decorated as follows: cut out large squares (approximately 40x40cm) from white glossy cardboard, place them on the black floor so that you get a decent chessboard. Perhaps in the middle of the evening, You will temporarily turn into living chess pieces!

In another sector, cut out long strips from the same cardboard and secure them in such a way as to create a pedestrian crossing. Cardboard can be attached to the floor with small pieces of ordinary double-sided tape. At the end of the pedestrian crossing, build two-color traffic light: Attach a top resembling a birdhouse to an arbitrary stand, in which place two large light bulbs (spotlights), put a cover made of thick black fabric on one of them. Voila!

The piano will be a chic decoration of the evening, but it depends on your luck - the decoration is heavy and quite scarce. On small tables, place a chessboard with chess pieces arranged, lay out notebooks with notes, and, if you can find them, black musical instruments.
Leave open books and unfolded newspapers on the tables.

Why not put white flowers in black vases? A composition in the form of a white rose in a black vase is gorgeous. Most guests will appreciate this exclusive and will probably take very beautiful photos! Create beautiful bouquets of artificial flowers that will serve as decorations on tables or as gifts for contestants.

Hang garlands of black and white hearts from the ceiling, or cut out circles or squares.
Garland lights - only white. Attach decolorized photographs of invitees in a similar manner.

A black, white or zebra tablecloth, black and white feathers, candles, and the same napkins.

Scatter decorative pearls on the table. Make arches out of balloons and hang them throughout the room. Fill several balloons with helium - tie strings to chairs or heavy objects on tables. Hang up posters from the era of black and white cinema: Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin, Audrey Hepburn.

Select a photo corner. Place flags there on which you can write your thoughts or wishes to the birthday boy and those present in chalk before taking a photo,
masquerade masks, unusual attributes, even musical instruments! Take the most unforgettable photos!

If there are screens in the hall, put on good old films with a suitable picture, for example: “It’s a Wonderful Life”, “Some Like It Hot”!

Decorating such a themed party at home or in a cafe is not fundamentally different. It is not necessary to decorate the entire apartment, just the room where you decided to have an original birthday party is enough.

6. Music

Meet your guests to the legendary hit of Michael Jackson: “Black or White”! You can even cover them with some eye-catching black and white confetti!

Throughout the evening, let a wide variety of songs with mentions of black and white colors please your ears: “On the White and White Blanket of January”, “Song of Black and White Swans” by Vysotsky, “Black and White Color” by Valery, “Black and White” from “Big change”... And for dancing, choose music that suits the secondary theme of the holiday. Whatever you decide to match these two gorgeous colors with. Jazz and rock and roll hits will be universal!

7. Menu

Sushi and rolls look very good on festively decorated tables. You can prepare other dishes from rice, white fish, feta cheese, olives, and eggplants. Make sure you have white sauce. White bread with black caviar, if you are fattening 🙂 and black crackers with butter. Don't be afraid to add salads with coarsely chopped vegetables and contrasting juicy greens.

On dessert: gorgeous black and white cake, themed cakes, Raffaello sweets, chocolate covered marshmallows, chocolate cupcakes...
Arrange roughly broken dark and white chocolate on saucers.
You can offer your guests a chocolate ice cream - very appropriate. Blueberries, currants, grapes are perfect for the holiday table! If the party idea is based on a black and white movie theme, don't forget about popcorn in black and white cardboard buckets.

Beverages: On the table there must be snow-white or two-color milkshakes, black strong coffee with a vase placed nearby filled with white refined sugar.
“Coca-Cola” will insert its word into the dialogue of holiday drinks! The rest of the drinks do not meet the strict criteria of “appearance”, but we are not very strict with the organization, and will allow good golden champagne, white wine and cognac for gentlemen!

8. Entertainment and competitions

If the party is not filled with exciting fun, you can invite guests to play “dominoes” or “Mafia”.

If someone knows how to play the piano, and there are conditions, it will be a wonderful lyrical retreat from dancing and fun.

But what about without exciting competitions on the topic?

Competition “Dancing on a newspaper - a classic of the genre”: Guests dance in pairs on an unfolded newspaper. Stepping on the floor is prohibited. Every 30 seconds the newspaper is folded (in half, then in four). The winner is the couple that remains standing on the newspaper and is still able to perform some dance moves.

Competition "Guess who?" Find your friends at the stand with children's photographs. The most unrecognizable guest wins. Of course, you need to ask for photos in advance, about two weeks in advance, from each invitee.

Competition "Shadow Theater". A white cloth is stretched, behind which a table lamp or spotlight shines. Guess the images depicted. The latter should preferably be of selected colors: panda, zebra, bat, panther, polar bear, penguin, raven, Grim Reaper, angel, demon, and so on. But you don’t have to bother with restrictions. The main thing is to have fun.

Competition "Hold the Newspaper". Couples dance with a newspaper held between their stomachs. If no one has fallen, or two pairs have been retained, they determine whose newspaper has retained a more presentable appearance.

Competition "Harry Potter Chess". If your party has a decent number of guests, try playing live chess or checkers! Surely it will be very fun and unusual! The rules will have to be adjusted based on the number of guests. We make cardboard hats on the participants’ heads to represent a chess piece. If the game doesn’t turn out well, then the photos will definitely please you.

Competition "Black Box". We put 20 black objects in a black box. It could be anything: a button, a handkerchief, a bow tie, a shoe... The competitor carefully examines the objects in a couple of minutes. Then he is blindfolded, and 3 brightly colored objects are placed in the box. With his eyes closed, he must put all the black objects out of the box, leaving only the last three there. There is a reward for the correct result.

Option two: whichever of the guests can remember more objects is the winner - the owner of the best photographic memory.

Competition “T-shirt for the birthday boy”. Several participants are given a white T-shirt and a black marker (black gouache is possible). It is necessary to expertly organize the painting for the birthday boy. Whose T-shirt turns out to be the most beautiful or original is the winner of the competition.

As incentive gifts Prepare completely black and white playing cards, a “Men in Black” CD or a book in the appropriate colors, or “50 Shades of Gray”. Cool black and white jewelry is also suitable for girls.

If it's a birthday, give the birthday person a huge white teddy bear or panda. Maybe a snow-white bathrobe for a pool party or birthday party in the sauna next year. Or maybe a black and white scarf or a good accessory in a bewitching classic style!

9. At the end of the holiday

Hand out white sheets of paper and black markers to all guests. Let everyone write their most cherished wishes on them. Tie them with ribbons to helium-filled balloons and arrange a romantic ceremony of launching wishes into the starry sky!

The original parties may soon include a yellow, blue or rainbow party! But today - only lights off, absolute classics and two universal colors that go with absolutely everything: BLACK and WHITE...



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