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"will tell you when they celebrate in 2016 Apple Spas, about the signs and traditions of Apple Savior 2016 and why you can’t eat apples before this holiday.

Apple Spas 2016: what date

In 2016, Apple Spas is celebrated today on Friday, August 19. This holiday is also called the Second Savior, the Feast of the First Fruits, the Savior on the Mountain, the Middle Savior, and Pea Day. IN church tradition They celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, or simply the Transfiguration of the Lord.

It was on this day that apples and other fruits of the new harvest were picked and blessed in the church. Only after this it was possible to eat what had been collected.

Apple Spas in 2016: why you can’t eat apples

There are several beliefs why you should not eat apples before the Apple Savior 2016.

By August 19, the fruits were at their greatest ripeness and sweetness. Until this time, the use of most varieties could negatively affect a person’s well-being.

Also in the old days it was believed that children of parents who abstained from apples until the Second Savior would receive gifts in heaven, including apples from paradise. Otherwise, the kids are left with nothing. Therefore, fathers and mothers who had already lost their children tried to observe the ban on apples.

In addition, there was a special ban on apples for women. Everyone who was tempted by the fruit of the new harvest before the Apple Savior took upon herself the grave sin of foremother Eve, who presented an apple from the tree of Good and Evil to Adam. Thus, the woman violated the only commandment at that time - not to eat the fruits of this plant. After this, the couple was expelled from Paradise.

Apple Spas in 2016: signs and customs

One of the most common signs at Apple Spas 2016 is, of course, associated with apples. If you take a bite from a blessed apple and make a wish, it will come true. And unmarried people were advised to eat apples, thinking about suitors, in order to attract the young man they liked. At the same time, it was necessary to say: “What is planned is far-fetched! What is far-fetched will come true! What will come true will not pass!

Interesting sign associated with an insect such as a fly. It is on August 19, during the Apple Savior, that you cannot drive her away if she sits on your hand. And if the fly flies away on its own and then returns to a person’s hand, then success will definitely await him.

Also on Friday, August 19, 2016, you can find out the weather for the coming January. If it is hot at Yablochny Spas 2016, there will be little snow at the beginning of next year. If it rains on this day, the winter will be very snowy.

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Apple Spas in 2016: what date, signs and customs, why you can’t eat apples

Yablochny Spas - Mikhailovka

On August 19, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the great Christian holiday- Transfiguration of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ.
11:36 19.08.2016 New time

The tradition of consecrating honey on this day itself is in no way connected with the Feast of the All-Merciful Savior. And, of course, this pious tradition should not overshadow the holiday that is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on this day.

Do you want to know when it will be Honey Spas in 2016? Or would you like to touch the origins of this Christian tradition? Then this article is for you!

Saviors (an abbreviated form of the word Savior, Jesus Christ) are called three summer holiday, dedicated to Christ: Honey Savior, Apple Savior and Third Savior.

What date will Honey Spas be in 2016?

Honey Spas – August 14 (1). On this day, the Orthodox Church celebrates the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos. The Assumption Fast also begins - the shortest, but strict, almost like Lent. Fasting precedes the Feast of the Assumption Mother of God. And his first day is Origin (or Destruction: the word Origin means procession) Honest Trees Life-giving Cross The Lord's. The Cross is brought into the center of the church at Matins: until the Saturday evening service, all believers can venerate it.


The Feast of the Origin of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord was established in the 9th century in Constantinople: every year a part of the Life-Giving Cross, which was kept in the home church of the Greek emperors, was brought to the Church of Hagia Sophia and the water was blessed to heal diseases. The first day of August was chosen precisely because in this hottest month, diseases especially spread, people venerated the Cross on which Christ was crucified, drank the water consecrated by him and received long-awaited health.

The Feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos was established on the occasion of signs from the icons of the Savior, the Most Holy Theotokos and the Precious Cross during the battles of the holy noble prince Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157-1174) with the Volga Bulgarians.

In 1164, Andrei Bogolyubsky launched a campaign against the Volga Bulgarians, who were pushing out the oppressed inhabitants of the Rostov and Suzdal lands. Trusting in the help of the Queen of Heaven, the prince took Her with him miraculous icon, which was brought by him from Kyiv and subsequently received the name Vladimir. Two priests in vestments carried the holy icon before the army and Honest Cross Christov. Before the battle, the pious prince, having partaken of the Holy Mysteries, turned with a fervent prayer to the Mother of God: “Everyone who trusts in You, Lady, will not perish, and I, a sinner, have in You a wall and a covering.” Following the prince, the generals and soldiers fell to their knees in front of the icon and, venerating the image, went against the enemy.

The Bulgarians were defeated and put to flight. According to legend, on the same day the Greek Emperor Manuel won a victory over the Saracens. An indisputable proof of the miraculousness of both of these victories were the huge fiery rays emanating from the icons of the Savior, the Mother of God and the Holy Cross that were in the army. These rays covered the regiments of the noble rulers of Greece and Russia and were visible to all those who fought. In memory of these wonderful victories, with mutual consent Prince Andrew and Emperor Manuel and with the blessing of representatives of the highest church authorities, and the holiday of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos was established.

In the Russian Church, simultaneously with the celebration of the All-Merciful Savior, the remembrance of the Baptism of Rus' that took place on August 1, 988 is combined, in memory of which it is established to perform a small consecration of water on this day. Therefore, people sometimes call this holiday “Wet Spas.”

Finally, the third holiday of the day is the memory of the holy Old Testament martyrs of the Maccabees, who by the power of faith overcame the temptation of apostasy and, having endured short-term torment, were granted salvation and eternal blissful life in the Kingdom of God.

The seven holy Maccabean martyrs: Abim, Antoninus, Gurias, Eleazar, Eusevo, Adim and Marcellus, as well as their mother Solomonia and teacher Eleazar, suffered in 166 BC. e. from the Syrian king Antiochus Epiphanes. Antiochus Epiphanes, pursuing a policy of Hellenization of the population, introduced Greek pagan customs in Jerusalem and all of Judea. He desecrated the Temple of Jerusalem by placing in it a statue of Olympian Zeus, to whose worship he forced the Jews.

The ninety-year-old elder, the teacher of the law Eleazar, who was judged for his adherence to the Mosaic Law, with firmness went to torture and died in Jerusalem. The same courage was shown by the disciples of Saint Eleazar: the seven Maccabee brothers and their mother Solomonia. They, fearlessly recognizing themselves as followers of the True God, refused to sacrifice to the pagan gods.

The eldest of the boys, who was the first to give an answer to the king on behalf of all seven brothers, was given over to terrible torture in front of the other brothers and their mother; the other five brothers, one after another, suffered the same torment. There is a seventh brother left, the youngest. Antiochus proposed to Saint Solomonia to persuade him to renounce, so that she could have at least his last son, but the courageous mother strengthened him in the confession of the True God. The boy endured the torment just as firmly as his older brothers.

After the death of all the children, Saint Solomonia, standing over their bodies, raised her hands with a grateful prayer to God and died.

The feat of the holy seven Maccabean brothers inspired the priest Mattathias and his sons, who rebelled against Antiochus Epiphanes, which lasted from 166 to 160 BC. e. and, having won the victory, they cleansed the Jerusalem temple of idols.

Holy Martyrs of the Maccabees


The very name “Savior” indicates that all the events mentioned are in one way or another connected with the Savior of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ, and remind us of the need to believe in Him and trust in His mercy. But only those who realize their situation as dangerous and disastrous can call the Lord Savior. And if we forget this true position of ourselves, then we are helped to comprehend it by dramatic events and circumstances that exceed our strength and threaten us with many hardships and even death itself.

For us, the removal of the Honest Trees is not only a rite of worship of the life-giving Cross, not only a manifestation of reverence, but also a reason to confess our weakness before the greatness and complexity of this world, in which a person without God’s help is like a speck of dust in a hurricane whirlwind.

We remember the One by whose power the instrument of execution became a tree of life for the believer. And then even fires, drought, heat can become for us a source of life, a repentant understanding of the vanity of this world, an awareness of the highest calling of the soul, and can become for us the beginning of a real turn to God.

The beginning of the Dormition Fast is also timed to coincide with the day when we remember and honor these events. This two-week and strict fast prepares us for the celebration of the Dormition of the Most Pure Lady Theotokos on August 28 (15).

The life of the Most Pure Lady was full of hardships and hardships; she was destined to endure the torment of a mother who saw the torment of the crucified Son, and not only the Son, but the eternal God, suffering innocently with his sinless human nature for the sins of the whole world.

Of course, this pain, this suffering at Golgotha ​​was the main sorrow of the Most Pure Lady in her earthly life. And the memories of this event again lead us to the reverent contemplation of the incomprehensible mystery of the redemptive Sacrifice of the Savior on the Cross, the Sacrifice that transformed the instrument of death into the life-giving, victorious Tree of the Cross of the Lord. The Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos itself is perceived by Christians as a holiday of release from the difficult bonds of earthly life, a holiday of the complete reunion of the Most Pure Mother with Her Beloved Son.

But the period preceding this triumph was full of everyday sorrows, the greater the sorrows, the greater the righteousness demonstrated Holy Mother of God. This fast was established as a reminder of the grief of the Most Pure Mother, of the need for an abstinent and strict life.

Sermon by Archbishop Feofan of Chelyabinsk and Zlatoust at the beginning of the Dormition Lent

Traditions of Honey Spas

Why do people call this holiday the Honey Savior? By this time, the honey of the new collection has ripened and this, of course, is a gift from God, which is why it is customary to bring the collection for consecration to the temple, thanking God and tasting honey not just as a delicacy, but as a clear, tangible embodiment of God’s grace, mercy towards us, worthy "all condemnation and torment." On the same day, according to a long-standing tradition, a minor consecration of water, medicinal herbs and poppy is performed.

After the consecration of honey, on this day they treated everyone to it and first of all distributed honey to the poor. In the old days they even said that “the first to save and the beggar will try the honey.”

However, we must remember that the blessing of honey on this day is just a pious tradition. Such traditions (such as the blessing of apples on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord) are quite natural for the consciousness Orthodox man. The earth and everything living on it produce fruits according to the providence of God, and the person taking part in the production of these fruits, as a sign of gratitude to God for his help in this matter, brought the first grown fruits to the temple.

Therefore, the tradition of consecrating honey on this day itself is in no way connected with the Feast of the All-Merciful Savior. And, of course, this pious tradition should not overshadow the holiday that is celebrated Orthodox Church on this day.

Recipes for Honey Spas

Like good hosts, having covered festive table, they are waiting for the arrival of guests, and believers are waiting for the church blessing to eat honey, especially since honey is one of the most delicious and healthy Lenten products. It is very good for health: it normalizes the functioning of many internal organs, improves blood composition, and improves immunity.

Before consecrating honey, let’s make sure it is of proper quality. Experts talk about two ways to determine the quality of honey.

The first is transfusion. You need to scoop up the honey with a spoon and pour it into another container, holding the spoon higher. If the honey flows in a thin, even, uninterrupted “thread” or ribbon, then it is fairly well prepared. You can also turn the spoon over several times: good honey does not flow off the spoon, but “wraps” around it.

The second way is to dip a simple soft (“M” or “2M”) pencil into a drop of honey. If it turns dark from graphite, it means the honey is not of high quality.

Real honey is easily rubbed between your fingers and absorbed into the skin, which cannot be said about fake honey, which leaves lumps on the skin when rubbed.

When the honey has been selected and blessed, you can begin preparing lenten foods for the delight of your family.

Lenten honey gingerbread:

1 cup granulated sugar, 1 cup water, 2 tbsp honey, 1 tsp soda, 0.5 tsp baking powder, 2 tbsp cocoa or coffee, 0.5 cup raisins, 0.5 cup chopped nuts, 0.5 cup vegetable oil, 1.5-2 cups flour, a pinch of cinnamon and coriander.

Pour sugar into a bowl, add water and vegetable oil, heat a little, add honey. Stir until sugar and honey dissolve. Mix soda, cocoa or coffee, spices in a separate bowl, then add this to the mixture of oil, water and honey and knead thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
Add nuts, raisins and flour with baking powder. You need so much flour that the dough resembles thick sour cream. Bake in a mold lined with baking paper or greased and sprinkled with flour for 30-35 minutes at 200 degrees.

The rug can be eaten as is or cut crosswise and layered with any jam or preserves.

Honey meringue

Mix the wheat flour well with powdered sugar, add the grated zest of 1 lemon, crushed cinnamon and cloves to taste, a little soda and honey (enough so that the dough is not very stiff, but not liquid).

Roll out the dough into flat cakes 5 mm thick, cut out circles and bake on a greased baking sheet. Once cookies have cooled, drizzle with white sugar icing.

Honey kvass

800g. honey, 2 lemons, 25g. yeast, 5 l. water.

Add honey to boiling water and stir well.
When the liquid has cooled to 20° C, add yeast, lemon juice or citric acid and leave to stand for 10-12 hours.
Cool, pour into bottles and seal them.

Honey salad

2 carrots:
2 apples;
8 – 10 walnuts;
juice of 0.5 lemon,
2 tablespoons of honey.

Grate on coarse grater carrots and apples, add chopped nuts and season with honey and lemon juice.

Monastic honey

1 kg. honey, Zl. water, 2 teaspoons of hops.

Mix honey with water and boil over low heat for 3 hours. Place hops and a small pebble in cheesecloth, tie it in a knot and place it in a pan with honey (the pebble is necessary to prevent the hops from floating up). Boil the honey and hops for 1 hour, periodically adding hot water as it boils.

Remove honey from heat and strain while still warm through cheesecloth into a glass or wooden bowl. In this case, the container should be filled to no more than 4/5 of its volume. Leave the dishes in a warm place (near the stove, radiator) for the honey to ferment. As a rule, it begins a day or two after the honey is brewed.

When the honey has fermented (stops fizzing), pour half a glass of well-brewed tea into it (1 teaspoon of tea leaves per 1 glass of boiling water). Then, without disturbing, strain the honey through flannel (preferably several times).

Strained honey is now ready for consumption. However, it will acquire an excellent taste after a year of storage in a cool place.

Since ancient times, Rus' has been celebrating the onset of the Transfiguration of the Lord, also called the Apple Savior. Previously, eating apples and other fruits of the new harvest before the onset of the Apple Savior was considered a great sin. An additional name for this holiday is “first autumn”, which means the day of the meeting of autumn. Today, such a tradition is practically not observed, but the celebration of the Apple Savior remains just as relevant. Therefore, many are interested in how to celebrate Apple Spas in 2016, the date of its holding, apple dishes suitable for holiday recipes.


Before the Apple Rescue, people refrained from eating apples. It was also believed that women who have lost children for some reason are not allowed to eat apples before the holiday, since children the afterlife will not be given various treats. When the great holiday comes, all people actively collect all the apples and other fruits and consecrate grapes and apples in churches. It was also customary to prepare various winter dishes and sweets from these fruits.

Apples are a highly respected fruit in Christian faith. The very first fruit mentioned in Scripture is the apple, which became the reason for the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. In Rus', there has long been a tradition of organizing apple tea parties in memory of these sad events.

The essence of such tea parties is very symbolic. Only sour varieties of apples were used, symbolizing exile. Christian believers cut apples and placed them in cups, pouring hot tea over the fruit pieces. Scalded apple slices were dipped in jam or honey, which meant preserving joy and the need to continue life despite all sorrows. A variety of block pies, jams, and apple infusions were also prepared. If beggars asked for an apple on this day, they could not be refused. At the same time, the homeless had to say: “On the Second Spas, even the poor eat apples.”

Another tradition that comes from early Christianity is the custom of treating friends and neighbors to apple pies. After completing this custom, all the young people went to the fields for fun, leading round dances and singing songs.

Today, the traditional celebration of the Apple Savior involves visiting churches with various dishes and apple treats. At the same time, clergy recommend that the service be completed in full, since only after this the food is consecrated. After this, you can treat juices, pies, marshmallows and other apple dishes to all your friends and strangers to receive God's grace.

Pagan motifs also could not help but touch upon such an ancient holiday. To Yablochny Spas unmarried girls made wishes about successful marriage and happy family life. They could also ask Heavenly Father for all sorts of benefits for themselves and their relatives. To fulfill a wish, it was necessary to perform some ritual. You had to put apples of different colors in the basket and cover it with an embroidered towel. After the basket was blessed, it was placed on the table and a question was asked about later life. Without lifting the towel, you had to pull out one of the apples and look at its shade. Red apples promised financial prosperity and wealth, green apples promised the birth of a child or a quick marriage, and apples yellow color symbolized calm and stability.

Apple Spas in 2016, when will it be?

Many church holidays fall on different dates. Apple Spas is always celebrated at the same time, August 19th. On this still summer day, it is not customary to succumb to laziness and sit at home. You can go into the forest, go for a walk along the river, enjoy solitude with nature and take a break from everyday problems. It is believed that observing this tradition and communing with nature at Apple Spas in 2016 will help many get rid of serious illnesses and restore moral balance. It is also advisable to make the necessary preparations so that you do not go into the forest empty-handed. There are many recipes for various sweet apple dishes that are perfect for celebrating the Second Savior.

What to cook for Apple Spas in 2016?

When it is known how to celebrate Apple Savior in 2016, what date it is celebrated and what the fragrant fruit that is its basis symbolizes, we can talk about interesting recipes from apples. The simplest and most relevant dish is the traditional one. Apple pie, known to many as “Charlotte”. Making this pie is very simple. You need to have 5 apples, 1 tbsp each of water and flour, 3 tbsp honey, 2 tsp sugar, as well as cognac, lemon juice and vanillin (to taste).

To prepare the pie filling, you need to peel and pit the apples and cut them into thin slices. Such plates are sprinkled with cinnamon and sprinkled with lemon juice and cognac. In order for the apples to absorb the aroma of these additives, it is better to cover them with a lid.

The dough is just as easy to prepare. You need to heat the water, after adding sugar, honey and vanillin, and gradually add flour. Naturally, the flour must initially be sifted so that it is more airy, and also mixed with soda, quenched with vinegar, and vegetable oil. The dough should be runny so that the charlotte is not too dry.

The baking dish is also greased with sunflower oil so that the dough does not stick to it. After this, you need to evenly distribute the apple plates over the bottom of the mold, and then pour in the dough. The charlotte needs to be baked for 40 minutes, and it is better to set the temperature to 180-190 degrees.

You can prepare a delicious apple dessert by stuffing apples with raisins, nuts and honey. To prepare you will need 6 apples, 150g raisins and 150g nuts, 6 tbsp honey and a pinch of cinnamon. You need to remove the middle from the apples, making a small indentation on top. Nuts mixed with raisins are added inside each apple. After this, the filling is poured with honey and cinnamon and baked for 30 minutes. An incredibly beautiful and delicious apple dessert is ready.

In celebration of Honey, Apple and Orekhovogo Spas folk and Christian traditions. Each Savior has its own history and traditions, but they are all connected with Jesus Christ and his deeds.

The name of the holiday "Spas" was formed as an abbreviation for "Savior". The date of each remains the same from year to year.

Also, Spas is an ancient holiday of the agricultural calendar, timed to coincide with the ripening of grain crops, vegetables, fruits and other gifts of the earth.


Honey Spas is celebrated on August 14 - this is one of the oldest holidays, which indicates the beginning of honey collection in apiaries. People believed that after this day the bees began to bring the “wrong” honey, and accordingly they rushed to collect it on time.

This honey was considered especially healing, and it was eaten only after consecration in the church.

On this day, it is customary to bake honey cakes, gingerbread cookies and drink kvass, all with honey. According to ancient traditions, it is important to treat each other with this beekeeping product and distribute it to the poor on the porch.

Moreover, similar traditions can be found among many peoples of the world.

© Sputnik/ Dmitry Korobeinikov At the “Honey Savior” exhibition at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, priests on this day also hold a small blessing of water. It was the tradition of consecrating water, pre-dug wells and surrounding reservoirs that gave the second name to this holiday - Wet Spas or Savior on Water.

It is believed that even dew on this day is healing, so that any contact with liquids of natural origin gives health, physical and mental strength, washes away sins, accumulated fatigue and negative energy.

In addition, Wet Spas - last chance swim in a river or lake. After this day, the water blooms and becomes cold.

Archive of Besik PipiyaDay of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called May 12, 2016 in Georgia

Of course, there were many signs and rituals associated with the Third Savior. So, if two nuts grown together were found, then with the left hand they were put into a wallet - such a nut was given to the person money luck for a whole year.

Young girls read fortunes using nuts and found out their fate for the year ahead. The first nut picked had to be eaten and, based on its taste, one had to determine what awaited the next year. If the nut turned out to be ripe and sweet - to great love; bitter nut - your loved one will cheat; if the nut is not ripe, wait for important news, and if it turns out to be rotten, there will be trouble.

With the arrival of the Third Savior, autumn fully comes into its own. According to folk signs a stormy August foreshadows a long, warm autumn. The last swallows are flying to Orekhovy Spas, and if the cranes are flying away by August 29, winter will be early.

Three Spas is a great opportunity to enjoy what has ripened in the forests, gardens and fields. It is believed that these days all the positive energy of the earth is concentrated in fruits, nuts, honey and bread. And seemingly ordinary products become a powerful charge that helps to gain health, luck and well-being.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

950 years ago, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky established the celebration of three great Spas: Honey, Apple and Nut. Since then, Orthodox Christians have celebrated these holidays every year. This year, the celebration of Spas falls on August 14, 19 and 29, respectively.

Honey Spas (August 14)
In Christianity, the Honey Savior is called the Feast of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Many centuries ago, in the August heat in Byzantine Constantinople, people died in droves from disease. To heal the people, a piece of the cross on which Jesus was crucified was taken out of the cathedral and carried around the city with the faith that the shrine would save. That's where it went from here church name holiday.
Spas is called Honey because beekeepers are just beginning the honey harvest. They will certainly take it to church to bless it. In the evening of the same day, in villages and hamlets, neighboring children always stopped by the apiary to eat honey. They said that “on the First Savior even a beggar will try honey.” And so it was: on this day everyone was treated.
Since the holiday coincided with the beginning of the Dormition Fast, people preferred Lenten treats. For example, we made Lenten honey gingerbread.

Honey gingerbread recipe
Mix 150 grams of sugar with 250 grams of honey and 130 milliliters of water. Boil and leave the syrup to cool. At this time, sift 500 g of flour. Add syrup, 50 g of margarine, a pinch of cinnamon and a pinch of soda slaked with vinegar. Knead the dough. Roll out flatbreads and use a fork to pierce each one in several places. Place the cakes in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

This Savior has other names. For example, "Wet". After all, it has long been customary in Rus' to perform a small blessing of water on this day. Or “Poppy” - on this day they began to collect ripe poppies. Then they baked sweet buns with poppy seeds.

Apple Spas (August 19)
Seeing off summer always began with the celebration of the Apple Savior. The nights are getting colder, the warmth is gradually disappearing. The first sweet apples appear. Perhaps their taste was also sweet because a long time ago, before this day, Orthodox Christians did not eat apples. But on this day they collected the harvest, took it to the church to bless it, and only then tried it.
What does this holiday mean in Christianity? On August 19, the great Transfiguration of the Lord is celebrated. As it is said in the “Gospels”, Jesus Christ with three disciples ascended Mount Tabor on this day and there he was transformed - he all shone, his clothes became white, prophets appeared near him. The transfiguration was a testament to God's miracle and his power.
There were several traditions to celebrate Apple Savior. For example, mothers who lost their children brought apples to their graves. It was believed that if a mother did not try an apple before the Apple Savior, then her child in the next world would eat heavenly apples on that day. Young girls often gathered around apple trees. And all because, according to ancient belief, on this day you could ask the apple tree for beauty and long youth.
Housewives start cooking on this day apple jam, marshmallows, compotes. If there are a few fruits left, they will definitely be baked.

Baked apples recipe
Choose 3-4 large apples with sourness. Wash, dry, cut off the “lid”, and carefully remove the core through it. Place any berries inside (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries). Pour honey on top and close with the cut off “lid”. Place in the oven and bake at 180 degrees until done.

Nut Spas (August 29)
Hazelnuts are in time for the celebration of the Walnut Savior. They, just like honey and apples, are usually taken to the temple for consecration. Our ancestors had a particularly brisk trade in linens and fabrics on this day, which is quite understandable - the second name of the holiday is “Savior on Linen”.
It was given in honor of the celebration of the transfer Image miraculously of the Lord to Constantinople. There was a lot of bread on the tables on the day of the Walnut Savior, because the grain harvest was just finishing. Leaving a crust uneaten or, God forbid, dropping a bread crumb from the table was considered a terrible sin on this day. Bread was treated sacredly and was especially revered.

Nut cookies without flour
To make cookies, you can take any nuts of your choice, for example, hazelnuts, peanuts, Walnut. You will also need an egg and sugar.
First, grind the nuts, not very finely, you don’t need to turn them into flour. Mix nuts with sugar. Beat the whites into a strong foam, add chopped nuts and sugar and mix everything. Place cookies on a baking sheet with a teaspoon and bake in an oven preheated to 170 C for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the cookies are still soft, but not sticky. Turn off the oven and leave the cookies to cool in the oven for another 40-50 minutes.
Have a nice celebration and bon appetit!



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