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Milena is a native Muscovite. She was born in the Russian capital on September 28, 1997, and on this moment continues to live there. The girl is attracted by the frantic rhythm of city life, as well as the prospects that Moscow gave her. Since childhood, Milena loved to experiment with her appearance, invent interesting images for herself and to show her artistic talents. Already at the age of 4, she happily sang, read and delighted all family members with dance numbers. At school, Milena studied quite well, combining educational activities with gymnastics classes. However, later the girl abandoned the gymnastics section and started practicing karate, as this sport gave her more energy and helped her become self-confident.

Popularity on YouTube

When Milena turned 12, she decided to start making videos and sharing them with other people. This is how her personal channel was created on the YouTube platform called MileshkaMur. A little later, the girl began to take her hobby much more seriously and created new channel, featuring a more modern and conceptual design. It was he who brought Milena popularity and success. After monetizing her channel, she received complete freedom from her parents and began to provide for her own life. The main topics that Milena raises in her videos relate to fashion, scandalous incidents, makeup tutorials and her hobbies. And in 2016, the girl shared her music video for the first time, performing popular song"Under The Sea" in Russian.

Personal life

For a long time it was believed that Milena Chizhova was in a relationship with blogger Dmitry Larin, but later it turned out that these were just rumors. Then the girl dated a 34-year-old man. This was her first real love, however, after a year of their relationship, the couple had to break up, as Milena’s mother demanded it. In 2016, Milena was seen in the company of Andrey Martynenko, a popular Ukrainian video blogger, and it was with him that she first had a lot of sex with alcoholic drinks, as evidenced by numerous videos that have appeared on YouTube. At the moment, Milena is not in a relationship.


Since childhood, Milena has been promoting a vegetarian lifestyle, playing musical instruments and practices singing. Now the girl is learning to play the accordion and guitar, and also tries to practice every week figure skating. In addition, Milena sometimes experiments with tattoos and her appearance. The girl absolutely loves dyeing her hair, buying new things and meeting her friends whom she met on YouTube.

Real name: Milena Mikhailovna Chizhova
Date of birth: 09/28/1997
Place of birth: Moscow
Youtube channel:

Facts from personal life

Milena Chizhova is a famous Moscow beauty blogger. In her videos, Milena actively promotes healthy image life. The girl regularly plays sports. Milena has also considered herself a vegetarian since the age of 15. Chizhova believes considers herself a multi-faceted girl, loves to dance and tries herself as a singer. Recently, Milena began learning to play the ukulele and accordion.

A unique feature of the extremely well-mannered Milena Chizheva is her uncontrollable passion for tattoos and brightly colored hair dyes. Few people know, but Chizhova’s native hair color is dark brown. But in 2015 Milena wanted dramatic changes. First she dyed her hair fiery red, then blue, then light blue, and then purple. At the end of 2016, Milena underwent plastic surgery to change the shape of her nose. Before this “procedure,” Chizhova had her lips enlarged several times.
As a result, from a small and sweet girl, Milena gradually turns into a “glamorous sinner,” as some viewers call her.

Milena Chizhova on youtube

Despite her young age, Chizhova can safely consider herself an experienced video blogger. Milena posted her first video back in 2009, when the girl was 12 years old. This video can still be found on YouTube - it was uploaded on Chizhova’s additional channel “Mileshka Mur”. Milena still runs this channel and occasionally posts recordings of her streams there. Chizhova admits that she is very ashamed of all the videos that were filmed before she was 16 years old.

In 2013, Milena purchased a new video camera and opened her second channel. On it, Milena begins to post vlogs in which she shows her life. In 2014, the number of subscribers on the channel reached one hundred thousand. And 2 years later, thanks to meeting Sasha Shapik, Tanya Tkachuk and Andrey Martynenko, Milena Chizhova’s channel gained its first million subscribers.
Chizhova’s bright and extraordinary appearance prompted the YouTuber to create beauty blogs, where she talks about how to become more beautiful. At the moment, Milena has discovered new genre video - music video.

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The popular young blogger Milena Chizhova has already gained fame. She earned success thanks to the videos she shot. Despite her short biography, the girl’s life is filled with events.

Chizhova Milena Mikhailovna was born on September 28, 1997 in Moscow. The girl grew up in a complete family with average income. Milena has always been an energetic girl and at the age of 4 she could already read. She studied at a local school: she graduated from 11th grade in 2015. She was not an excellent student, but she also avoided bad grades.

After school, the girl was in no hurry to choose a place to study. At a time when her peers were entering universities and getting an education, Chizhova was looking for something she liked.

Being a purposeful girl, Milena immediately after school began earning money on her own. Since then, the parents have not provided for the girl.


Milena Chizhova opened the first channel in 2012. At that time she was an unknown student high school. The videos were filmed with a poor camera at the time and went unnoticed. But the girl did not stop and continued to record videos. Milena learned from her mistakes and quickly gained an audience. Over time, Chizhova’s videos became better and more diverse. But due to competition and the success of other accounts, Milena abandoned this activity, but did not give up trying to become popular on the Internet.

Chizhova registered her next account in 2013. After some time, she acquired modern equipment, this time Milena went towards her goal without stopping. The girl made all the videos herself: having gained experience, Milena handled the equipment herself and did the editing.

The catch is that the content of the videos did not stand out much among thousands of others: the girl’s videos were not original. Therefore, it is not surprising that the increase in popularity of the new channel was small.

The girl expressed her opinion about a particular situation that happened, and her thoughts attracted active users. She shared life events with subscribers and often gave out advice. She also discussed other bloggers: Milena spoke unflatteringly about Shurygina, who was popular at that time, calling the story fake.

Over time, several sections appeared for which the girl makes videos. Milena's audience is children and teenagers; the girl calls her subscribers and fans “cats.”

Chizhova decided to try her hand at singing. The result was a cover, which the girl recorded herself and published on her account. But the song did not have the expected effect: haters joked harshly about it in the comments. The girl’s vocals were also negatively received by professionals involved in this field of art.

Chizhova positioned herself in the videos as a “good girl”: she does not drink alcohol, does not smoke and does not have an intimate life. But he has a positive attitude towards tattoos. The blogger spoke harshly and categorically about people with bad habits. This often caused negativity and angry comments.

Video from Milena Chizhova's blog

Chizhova is a versatile person, but due to her energetic temperament she does not complete anything. The blogger independently learned to play the guitar and accordion, and studied dancing, figure skating and vocals.

In 2014, the number of subscribers on the channel YouTube went to 100 thousand. 2 years later, after meeting and interacting with popular bloggers, the channel gained its first million. Chizhova’s bright appearance prompted her to create beauty blogs, where she tells how to become more beautiful.

Milena Chizhova's video - “Zaya

The girl opposes testing cosmetics on animals, about which she made a separate video. Milena has 2 pets: the cat Kivusya and the cat Rihanna.

Later, the blogger discovered music: she shot videos for the songs “Milena”, “Zaya” and “Black List”. A parody of the last song was made by three bloggers, called “Milena Chizhova acapella.” Subscribers said that the phrase “siege of Leningrad” was mentioned inappropriately.

Video by Milena Chizhova and Natasha Treya - “Queen of the Subway”

As for the song "Milena", it is often called "Welcome to the Metro". Milena recorded a song with Natasha Treya and starred in the video “Queen of the Underground.”

Personal life

Milena's personal life is covered in gossip and gossip, but in reality little is known about her. According to rumors, in 2013 the girl had a boyfriend, George.

But the pub personal life Milena is eventful. In 2014, a festival was held where popular bloggers were present. Chizhova, naturally, did not miss this event. As a result, there was a fight between Milena and. There were rumors on the Internet that the girls’ mothers were also involved in the scandal. Some eyewitnesses even claimed that Milena was almost strangled. But soon the girl denied this information.

One rash act ruins a career; for Milena, this act was a trip to Ukraine. A popular blogger hosted the girl, and then published a video where the “non-sinner” did unambiguous things. Subsequently, the girl tried to prove that Andrei mocked her, but the audience drew conclusions for themselves. Audience loyalty decreased after this incident.

In August 2016, Chizhova admitted her bisexuality, surprising her subscribers with her orientation. The girl herself does not see anything surprising in this. The video in the pool clearly demonstrates the girl’s preferences.

Milena often mentions her friend Svetlana in her videos, who sometimes even appears in the background. There are photographs on the Internet with intimate overtones of Milena and her friend. But the blogger refuses to comment on them. Subscribers think that this is some kind of PR stunt or the machinations of ill-wishers.

Milena Chizhova now

Milena Chizhova decided to become a vegetarian at the age of 15, a decision she still adheres to now. Moreover, she claims that even as a child she did not like the taste of meat.

Milena Mikhailovna Chizhova is a Russian YouTube blogger with a number of subscribers that has long exceeded a million. The concept of her beauty vlog involves a lot of video reviews of cosmetics, makeup tutorials, and life stories. Milena loves to experiment with bright hair colors, unusual makeup and clothes. Having conquered YouTube, the girl took to Instagram, where she is also known and loved by hundreds of thousands of Internet users.


Milena (this is not a pseudonym, but the real name of the blogger) was born on September 28, 1997 in Moscow. Since childhood, the baby was an active and artistic child; at the age of 4 she could already read. The girl was sent early to the gymnastics section, where she trained for six years. Subsequently, the girl abandoned gymnastics, turning her attention to other active species sports - karate and cheerleading. Chizhova graduated from school (Lyceum No. 1451) in 2015.

Vlog on YouTube

Milena's passion for filming and creating videos began in childhood. According to Chizhova, she liked to shoot videos in the “music video” format similar to those of American video bloggers: Tabby Readman, Jadon Wale and others.

At the age of 12, the girl registered her first channel on YouTube and called it MileshkaMur. Now on this channel Chizhova posts recordings of streams from Twitch and Periscope. Milena appeared on her second channel in 2013 – it was he who brought her success. Monetization of the channel even allowed her to gain financial independence and live separately from her parents at a very young age.

On the new channel, the girl talked about the events of her life, voiced her opinion on the main events in the country and the world. Some time later, Milena became interested in makeup lessons and began sharing her experience and beauty tips with her fans. Over time, she developed columns such as “Challenge Accepted”, “You have a question, I have an answer”, “Beautyblog”, “Challenge without rules”. The vast majority of her audience are children and teenagers.

Milena Chizhova. Mystic stories

The girl actively interacts with other Russian video bloggers - Felix Chellberg, Ivangay, Roma Zhelud, Edward Ateva and others.

In May 2014, at the Video People festival, Chizhova and her mother were embroiled in a fight with video blogger Sasha Spielberg and her mother. During the scuffle, they allegedly began to choke Milena and caused her minor injuries. Subsequently, Chizhova denied the fact of strangulation. Interestingly, the fight affected the growth of subscribers to Milena’s channel, which is why many users considered the conflict a well-thought-out PR campaign.

In the spring of 2016, Chizhova presented her vocal abilities to the public for the first time, posting a Russian-language cover version of the song “Under The Sea” from the cartoon “The Little Mermaid”. In addition to enthusiastic comments from fans, the girl was also hit with a flurry of indignation from fans of other singing vloggers.

Milena Chizhova – Black List (2017)

In January 2017, Milena’s video was released together with singer Natasha Treya for the song “M is Milena.” A few months later, Milena shot another video for the song “Black List”.

Personal life of Milena Chizhova

For some time there were rumors on the Internet about Chizhova’s affair with YouTuber Dmitry Larin living in St. Petersburg. However, neither Larin nor Milena confirmed these guesses.

In 2016, information about Milena’s affair with her 34-year-old dance teacher Shyngys, who at that time was married and raising a child, appeared on the Internet. They dated for about a year, and then broke up at the request of Chizhova’s mother. Subsequently, in an interview, Milena said that she paid her foreign lover for a work patent and often lent him money, which he did not return.

In the summer of 2016, Milena went to Kyiv to meet with vlogger Andrey Martynenko. At a general party, Chizhova had too much alcohol - a video of a drunk girl went online, and since then subscribers began calling Milena, who promotes a healthy lifestyle, “sinner” and “killer whale.”

Milena Chizhova - “Zaya”

Chizhova has been a vegetarian since she was 15 years old, leads a healthy lifestyle, does not smoke and practically does not drink. The girl independently masters playing the accordion and guitar, and is interested in figure skating, dancing, and vocals. True, Milena herself notes that it is not easy for her to complete the task. The girl was also a member of the Luminor fire theater, where she learned fire tricks.

Chizhova loves to experiment with her appearance. The blogger has several tattoos and an invariably bright hair color, which she changes with enviable regularity. In the fall of 2016, Milena had rhinoplasty and presented the details of the operation on her channel.

Milena Chizhova now

The girl continues to publish new videos at least once a week. By the summer of 2017, the Milenamurmur channel had more than 1.2 million subscribers, and the MileshkaMur channel had more than 60 thousand subscribers.

In May 2017, a terrorist attack occurred at a concert by singer Ariana Grande in Manchester. Milena Chizhova joked about this on her Twitter, saying the following: “I knew that brown-eyed girls were explosive.” This caused a wave of indignation, after which the blogger deleted the tweet.

A month later, unknown attackers hacked everything social network Milena Chizhova. Someone found out her phone number, came to the mobile operator's office, providing false documents, and gained access to her SIM card. As a result, the girl managed to regain access to her accounts.



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