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What is my lunar zodiac sign? How to calculate your lunar zodiac sign

Sun sign Each person can easily determine the zodiac by his date of birth. To find out your Moon sign, it is advisable to know not only the date and year, but also the time of your birth. After all, at the same lunar day The Moon can pass through two zodiac signs at once, leaving one sign and entering another. The moon stays in one zodiac sign for 2–2.5 days.

If you know the estimated time of your birth, then focus on the time of day - night (from 21.00 to 03.00), morning (from 03.00 to 09.00), day (from 09.00 to 15.00), evening (from 15.00 to 21.00).

If you absolutely do not know the time of your birth, take 12:00 noon as your reference point.

Now turn to Lunar calendar(See Appendix) and find the year, day and time of your birth in the table. In the corresponding column you will see the position of the Moon in your zodiac sign. For example, you were born on April 24, 1983 at 20.00. According to the solar horoscope you are Taurus, according to the lunar horoscope you are Virgo.

Sometimes the time of birth coincides with the transition of the Moon from one zodiac sign to another (it occurs every 2.5–3 days). For example, you were born on April 24, 1983 at 10:03 pm. This is the time of the Moon's movement from Virgo to Libra. In this case, your characteristics will contain features of both signs, sometimes contradicting each other.


Don't forget to convert local time to Moscow time, which is shown in the calendar. For example, if you were born in Novosibirsk at 16.30, then your result will be 12.30 Moscow time (since the difference with Moscow is 4 hours).

Lunar Aries

general characteristics position of the Moon in the sign of Aries

Aries (Aries) is the first sign of the Zodiac in the horoscope.

The element of the sign is Fire.

The ruling planet is Mars.

Favorable colors are crimson, purple, crimson.

Luck stone – amethyst, aquamarine, diamond.

The part of the body corresponding to the sign is the head.

Lunar Aries endows a person with activity, activity and impulsiveness. People born in Lunar Aries have energy, tirelessness, stubbornness and natural ardor.

The characteristic appearance of Lunar Aries is a thin, elongated body, deep-set brown or gray eyes, a large nose, thin lips, and a reddish tint to the hair.

Famous personalities born under the sign of Lunar Aries: Alexander Pushkin, Bella Akhmadulina, Giuseppe Verdi, Alain Delon, Richard Sorge, Marina Tsvetaeva.

Psychological picture person with Moon in Aries

Lunar Aries are very emotional and irritable. They can flare up easily, but always cool down quickly.

They often seem arrogant and touchy to others. In fact, true romantics are hidden under the rough shell. People born under the sign of the Moon Aries can be calm and kind, but they are not always reasonable and have difficulty admitting their guilt and settling relationships.

In expressing their point of view, Lunar Aries are sharp, straightforward and frank. They will not remain silent, even if she disagrees with public opinion. The reaction of other people to their behavior is of little concern to Aries Moons. For them, the main thing is to achieve justice.

In addition, the Moon gives Lunar Aries leadership qualities. They try to be the first in everything. It is important for them to achieve success here and now. In achieving their goal, Lunar Aries are unshakable and go ahead. Inexhaustible energy and optimism help them in this.

Life in Lunar Aries is always in full swing. They attract other people with their brightness and originality. Lunar Aries love to commit noble deeds and selflessly rush to help. This gives them a feeling of self-satisfaction. Lunar Aries do not expect gratitude for help and are absolutely selfless in their charity. But at the same time, people of this Moon sign are very trusting and are often disappointed in people, which leads them into a state of depression. True, the thirst for life does not allow them to remain in a depressed mood for long. They quickly come to their senses and are ready for new achievements.

Lunar Aries man

The Moon gives the Lunar Aries man self-confidence and energy. He is always full of ideas and strives to implement them at any cost. And in this he is often lucky. The main thing for a Lunar Aries man is to be first in everything. He will not listen to anyone, even if he is wrong. The Lunar Aries man is bold and impulsive. He does not recognize authorities and power over himself. Rather, he tries to subjugate others.

The Lunar Aries man is sometimes simply unbearable because of his selfishness and inflexibility. But meanwhile, he delights with his inexhaustible energy, goodwill and love of life. The Lunar Aries man is honest and incapable of deceit. He is simple-minded, loves compliments and is great at giving them himself.

The self-confidence of Lunar Aries is sometimes feigned. And behind it hides a vulnerable soul. The Lunar Aries man will never admit his weaknesses and doubts.

With age, the Lunar Aries man becomes more restrained in his emotions, less straightforward and trusting.

In relationships with women, the Lunar Aries man has a hard time. He is very hot-tempered and intolerant of comments, always trying to defend his independence and freedom. He often torments his chosen one with attacks of jealousy.

The Lunar Aries man is not slow in expressing his feelings. But easy prey is not for him. He loses interest in a woman who quickly reciprocates Lunar Aries's feelings. Although excessive coldness can also push away Lunar Aries. He is attracted to modest, timid people who know how to listen and are equal to him in intelligence.

Lunar Aries especially values ​​femininity. He must be sure that his chosen one is the best. She should always be well-groomed, beautiful and cheerful. Moreover, Aries should under no circumstances know how much effort this is given to his partner.

At the same time, the love of this sign is a real godsend for a woman. Lunar Aries gives himself entirely to his chosen one. He doesn’t know how to pretend, so he loves sincerely and devotedly, without tricks or deception. He surrounds his woman with admiration, care and tenderness. In addition, Lunar Aries is an excellent lover, although he often doubts his sexual capabilities. But if the partner disappoints Aries, he will not pretend and will break off the relationship himself.

Lunar Aries woman

The Moon empowers the Lunar Aries woman business qualities. She is always active, energetic and proactive. She has a lot of vanity and conceit.

Lunar Aries woman has a strong masculine character. She doesn't wait for anyone's help or support. She never complains and does not tolerate those who constantly shed tears. The Lunar Aries woman solves all problems herself. She is very assertive and gets things done. It's hard to get her to go astray.

The Moon Aries woman always strives for leadership and does not trust others to do what she can do herself. It is impossible to deceive and outwit her.

At the same time, the Moon endowed the Lunar Aries woman with a beautiful figure and attractiveness. Even in her old age she looks great. Lunar Aries woman loves compliments about her appearance. But she is always able to expose insincerity. But she does not accept sympathy and pity.

IN love relationships Lunar Aries woman is not everyone's cup of tea. She strives to dominate. And although there are always many men around her, the Lunar Aries woman prefers to choose herself and take the initiative. She does not expect an immediate manifestation of feelings from her chosen one and can take a long time to win the object of her love. A truly Lunar Aries woman will appreciate a man who will support her love of freedom and independence, will admire her and adore her. But at the same time, her chosen one should not meekly carry out all orders. In sex, she needs a passionate, primitive and sometimes rude partner who is able to respond to her inexhaustible energy.

The Lunar Aries woman is particularly faithful. But she must always feel loved. The Lunar Aries woman cannot live without romance, although she never shows that she needs it.

In love, the Lunar Aries woman is the owner. She is constantly jealous of her man, does not tolerate any secrets and can easily start a scandal. True, he quickly moves away and does not hold a grudge. But if she finds out about the betrayal of her chosen one, she will not hide her feelings and will immediately report the breakup directly.

However, the Lunar Aries woman is quite independent and can do well without men.

Lunar Aries child

The Moon endows the Lunar Aries child with cheerfulness and restlessness. He has a lively mind and a rich imagination, sticks his nose in everywhere, cannot sit in one place for a minute, quickly switches from one thing to another and does not finish what he starts. Therefore, it is simply impossible to force a Lunar Aries child to do one thing.

Children born in Lunar Aries are very stubborn and headstrong. They perceive any restriction as punishment. The Aries Moon child always acts impulsively and selfishly. He doesn't worry about his parents' feelings and loves to be first in everything.

In addition, the Lunar Aries child is a very enthusiastic person. If he is doing an interesting job, he may forget about what he was assigned. Therefore, at school he will most likely do well only in his favorite subjects.

Under no circumstances should a Lunar Aries child be forced to do anything, much less shout at him. This will only cause a negative reaction, since children born in Aries Moon cannot tolerate violence. You need to communicate with them calmly, tactfully and explain everything logically. It is important to describe the child’s responsibilities and monitor their implementation. His mother always has a special place in his life, and her influence is very strong.

To give an outlet to the violent energy of a child, you can enroll him in a sports section, dancing, etc. It is important to ensure that the Lunar Aries child receives proper rest, since his nervous system is constantly excited.

Parents need to learn to promptly notice their children’s ailments. Because they resist any attempts at treatment and often carry the disease on their feet.

Ruling planet D Eva: Mercury.

Talismans D Eva: grasshopper, aster.

Virgo character: modest, simple, calm, sociable, but rather dry, methodical to the point of pedantry.

Virgo is considered the most practical of all 12 zodiac signs. They can be considered real hard workers, and they constantly try to keep themselves busy with some kind of work, and feel discomfort if they do not have work.

The planet Mercury gives Virgos intelligence, dexterous hands and some skills in turning the situation in their favor. Virgo is very reserved and cautious. Most people of this zodiac sign are highest degree are independent and believe that self-confidence and self-respect give a person happiness and peace of mind.

Their behavior is determined by their own intellectual interests. Virgo's character is such that when communicating with her you are unlikely to need to resort to any special secrets. The only difficulty you face is to get Virgo, who is always rushing somewhere, to stop and listen to you. Virgo can be called the standard among all signs in the field of professionalism.

Thanks to their ability to pay attention to detail and other small details, they are able to understand technical issues well. In order to realize themselves in a certain area, they will hone their professional skills. People under the Virgo zodiac sign are not known for their confidence, and therefore may take advice from others.

Faith appears only when the goal being achieved begins to take on more and more realistic outlines and there are already some fruits of the work done. If you praise and support Virgo, then the Virgo sign’s self-esteem and confidence increases several times. Virgo strives to ensure that all household members adhere to hygiene and healthy image life. They also care about what their family members eat, but they do not strive for expensive food, no matter how tasty it is.

All zodiac signs are divided into four elements:

Element Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius;

Element Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces;

Element Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;

Element Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

People of the same element operate with similar values, so signs of the same element are ideal for friendship and partnership.

There is a concept related elements, This Earth - Water And Air - Fire. The signs of these elements may also be suitable for each other for joint partnership and friendship, but here adjustments and some misunderstandings are already possible.

A short description of each of the elements.

Moon in " air sign» - days of air and light. It’s more difficult to look at the sky, you want to close your eyes, and even bright rays break through the clouds. These days we feel the energies of the sky, and our strength is quickly replenished if we just stay in the fresh air, take a walk in a field, or other place where there is a good view.

Moon in a water sign- days of moisture. The air becomes more humid, the ground can retain morning dew for a long time. The likelihood of precipitation increases. It is recommended to reduce fluid intake. You can gain energy from a pond, or visit a swimming pool.

When the Moon visits water signs, emotionality, sensitivity, and receptivity increase. These days are especially suitable for creativity, as they awaken imagination.

Moon in a "fire sign"- warm days. In summer, the heat is especially difficult to bear, and the danger of earning money increases sunstroke, or get burned. The skin loses moisture faster, so staying in the sun for a long time is not recommended. In winter, on the contrary, these days are good to go for a walk, to the forest, or to the skating rink.

It can be especially stuffy indoors; ventilation is required. Moon in fire signs creates a warm emotional background, and we become a little warmer on the physical level. These days we are more optimistic and determined to succeed.

Moon in an earth sign- days of cold. At this time in the summer, we can more easily tolerate the heat; coolness blows from the ground. And in winter we freeze more. When going for a walk, dress warmly.

When the Moon is in earthly signs, we feel the energies of the earth better, so we can recommend a trip to the country, a walk in the forest, working with earth, clay, minerals and all natural materials. These days our interests are directed primarily to the earthly plane and ordinary affairs.

Its influence on people born on a given lunar day, also indicate the signs under which this day passes.

And if the sign of Taurus gives the day decisiveness, development, strength, Gemini endows it with duality and contradiction.

The sign of Aries sharpens interest and desire to gain new knowledge.

The Gemini sign, among other things, personifies the unity of mind and spirit - as the path to higher creativity.

The Virgo sign symbolizes external realization.

If the day is associated with the sign of Leo, then it has a dual meaning. On the one hand, it symbolizes cruelty, ferocity, and an animal lifestyle; on the other, it personifies will, intelligence, nobility, justice, courage, and pride.

Everyone knows their zodiac sign very well, which is determined by the position of the Sun relative to zodiac constellations at the moment of our birth. We are accustomed to reading horoscopes based on this calculation; hundreds of books have been published describing common features, inherent in people born in a certain period. But few people know that there is also a so-called Lunar horoscope, which is compiled based on the position in the sky of this Earth satellite at the moment of our birth.

The Moon stays in the signs of the zodiac for no longer than 2 - 3 days in each of them. Star Moon month- this is the time interval during which the planet passes through all 12 zodiac constellations. Its length is 27.3 Earth days. Being in each sign, the Moon changes its characteristics and, accordingly, its influence on various processes occurring on Earth, including on people, their behavior, habits, emotions, character, changes.

If the Sun is responsible for the formation of “visible” human qualities (such as character, willpower, perseverance in achieving a goal), then the Moon in the zodiac influences our unconscious: sensitivity, intuition, emotions, impressionability, reflexes, instincts, habits. In other words, it determines a person’s reactions to the world, those processes that happen to us faster than our thoughts are formed. It also has a strong influence on changes in our mood and on the formation of a person’s type of behavior.

Whether a person will be endowed with extraordinary abilities (for example, clairvoyance) depends on what zodiac the Moon was in at the time of our birth. Often it is the location of the Moon that determines how sensitive a person is to the energies of the cosmos, how much he perceives their changes, how strong his intuition is and the ability to positively or negatively influence others.

The moon is a symbol of the soul, a conductor between the material world and the spiritual world. By itself, this planet does not create or radiate anything. It would be more correct to say that it is a connecting link, a conductor and a reflector of energies.

It is also interesting that the Moon affects men and women differently. She is often associated with feminine, with a woman-mother. It has a greater influence on the feelings of men and on the rational principle of women. For men's horoscopes, this planet is very important at the beginning of life, for women - in its second half.

If the Sun for men corresponds to the right side of the body and organism, and for women - to the left, then with the Moon everything is absolutely the opposite: for men it affects the left side, while for women it affects the right.

Since the Moon is our emotions, it most directly affects our relationships with others, how easily and quickly we can find contacts with people, how strong and trusting our relationships with loved ones are. It is not surprising that the Moon in the zodiac plays an extremely important role in love. A wonderful fact: the strongest and most long-term relationships between people are possible when the Moon is in the same position in a woman’s horoscope. zodiac sign that the man has the Sun. For example, if he has the Sun in Virgo, and she has the Moon in Virgo, this couple has an excellent chance of living a long and happy life together, since their couple will have complete harmony, trust and mutual understanding.

The influence of the Moon on a person depends on its position in the zodiac sign. If you feel that you are constantly in conflict with yourself, you are worried internal contradictions- study the position of the Moon in the zodiac at the time of your birth and the current position of the Moon in the zodiac.

People born under the Virgo Moon tend to have a subtle, critical mind. They strive to gain new knowledge, but not because they love this process, but in order to use the information received with maximum benefit for themselves.
Lunar Virgos carefully analyze everything they see and hear; they pedantically sift through all the information and question everything said. They love to discuss ideas and plans, critically considering the views and opinions of other people, although they themselves, as a rule, hold tightly to their own point of view.
Lunar Virgos are innate truth-seekers. Sometimes they may come across as gloomy or pessimistic, but those who are close to them know that these people simply perceive life as it is, without embellishment. Such practical realism brings many lunar Virgos success in business and financial well-being, as they strive for a stable income and constant profit, and not for immediate one-time gain.

The Moon in Virgo inclines its wards to perfection and professionalism in the chosen type of activity. Consistent and methodical, these people calculate exactly what needs to be done in a given case, and then scrupulously follow the planned plan of action. They do not tolerate and are very worried about situations when the work done goes down the drain due to some missed nuance, so they usually try to foresee all the little things in advance, do not spare themselves and often find fault with others.
Most lunar Virgos adhere to logic and consistency in all their actions; they are irritated by people who are unreasonable and absent-minded, so they are very picky in choosing friends. They soberly assess any situation, no experience is useless for them - they always learn a lesson from it.
In the sphere of personal relationships, all lunar Virgos are distinguished by restraint, do not tolerate sentimentality and verbose outpourings of feelings, although many of them are attracted to partners who easily express their feelings and are more emotional personalities than themselves.



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