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Calorie content of canned saury soup. Canned saury: the benefits and harms of a famous seafood product. Why canned food?

Canned fish soup

Recipe for a wonderful low-calorie fish soup with mackerel. Quick canned fish soup is a great lunch dish for both adults and kids

Hello! You can use any canned fish soup to your taste - pink salmon, saury, sardines and other fish. I believe that mackerel is the most win-win option in terms of taste.

We have a little daughter, and I don’t always have time to prepare a set lunch - soup and something interesting for the main course. That's why I always have 2-3 jars of canned fish in stock. It's fast, convenient and very tasty. And what is important - low calorie!

To prepare canned fish soup according to my recipe, you will need the following products:

  • Potatoes - 350 g
  • Carrots – 150 g
  • Onions - 200 g
  • Millet – 100 g
  • Mackerel (canned) - 1 can
  • Herbs, spices, salt - to taste

How to make canned fish soup

4. Now let's prepare canned fish - mackerel. You just need to mash it with a fork. Chop the greens and add to the pan at the end of cooking along with the fish. Let the canned fish soup simmer for a couple of minutes and turn off.

Canned fish soup, today with mackerel fish, is ready!

Calorie content of canned fish soup per 100 g = 43 kcal

  • Proteins - 1.7 g
  • Fat - 1.9 g
  • Carbohydrates - 4.3 g

Cooking time: 45 minutes

Fish is considered one of the key components of the human diet. However, many housewives who do not want to waste time on cutting it deliberately deprive their loved ones of the pleasure of eating this or that dish that contains this product. This article tells you what the calorie content of canned food is and how to prepare it correctly.

With saury

This popular budget dish is easily digestible and does not cause digestive problems. Therefore, it is equally suitable for adults and younger eaters. It contains only healthy ingredients that do not require long-term heat treatment. Therefore, it will appear more often in your family’s diet.

To cook a delicious fish soup from canned Saira for lunch, the calorie content of which is not so high as to affect your slim figure, you will need:

  1. Large carrot.
  2. Onion head.
  3. A jar of saury.
  4. 5 potatoes.
  5. Salt, water, herbs, vegetable oil, bay leaf and peppercorns.

You need to start preparing canned fish soup, the calorie content of which is 72.1 kcal per serving, by processing the vegetables. Peeled onions and carrots are rinsed under the tap, chopped and sautéed in heated vegetable oil. As soon as they change color, they are sent to a saucepan with salted boiling water, which already contains bay leaf, chopped potatoes and peppercorns. All this is cooked until fully cooked over low heat. Shortly before the process is completed, canned food is added to the common container. Before use, each serving is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

With rice

The method described below produces a very aromatic and quite nutritious canned fish soup, the calorie content of which is increased by adding cereal. To feed your family a hearty lunch, you will need:

  1. 80 grams of rice.
  2. 3 potatoes.
  3. Onion head.
  4. Juicy carrot.
  5. Can of canned food.
  6. Salt, herbs, water, bay leaf, pepper and vegetable oil.

In order for you to get a truly tasty soup from canned fish and potatoes, the calorie content of which is 117 kcal per 100 grams, you need to strictly adhere to the recommended algorithm. Pre-washed rice is loaded into a pan filled with salted boiling water. Almost immediately, slices of potatoes, bay leaves and pepper are sent there. All this is boiled for ten minutes, and then supplemented with sautéed onions and browned carrots. Then canned food is added to a common pan and the whole thing is brought to full readiness. Immediately before eating, sprinkle the soup with chopped herbs.

With cream

Those who love simple first courses should pay special attention to another interesting recipe. The canned fish soup prepared using it, the calorie content of which is regulated by changing the fat content of the cream, has a very delicate taste and pleasant aroma. To make this lunch you will need:

  1. 200 ml cream.
  2. 3 potatoes.
  3. A can of canned pink salmon.
  4. Juicy carrots.
  5. Salt, ghee, water and dill.

Potatoes are boiled in salted boiling water and then topped with sautéed carrots. All this is simmered for a short time on the lowest heat and crushed with a blender. The resulting mass is diluted with cream, combined with pitted pink salmon and sprinkled with dill.

Among the hearty, tasty and healthy dishes that can be quickly prepared, soup with canned saury is one of the simplest and most beloved by many. Even after canning, this fish retains its rich mineral composition and contains valuable fatty acids and antioxidants.

Let's figure out how to cook delicious fish soup from canned Saira, list the dietary effects of this dish and all sorts of additions to its composition.

Recipe for canned fish soup "Saury"

The general cooking technology is short and simple - the base of the potato soup is cooked with fried carrot and onion dressing, and shortly before the vegetables are completely ready, the contents of the tin can are added to the pan.

To make the dish a success, when choosing canned saury, pay attention to:

  • Shape and integrity of the can, as well as the condition of the label. The metal container must be free of dents, blisters and rust, and the label must be intact, not worn, with legible inscriptions. Inconsistencies under this item indicate a violation of storage and/or preparation conditions.
  • Best before date. The expiration date and date of manufacture are marked on the lid. In this case, the numbers can be extruded or applied using laser printing. In the first case, you need to keep in mind that the product with guaranteed quality is in jars with a convex date pressed out from the inside. In the second, the print must be clear, not smeared or washed off.
  • Information about the manufacturer. Fresh Pacific saury can only be preserved on fishing boats and in Primorye. If the manufacturer is conveniently located in the Moscow region, the product is made from lower quality, deep-frozen and much stored fish.
  • Can fill level. Canned food produced in accordance with GOST contains at least 70% fish. When shaking such a tightly packed container, no gurgling is heard.

Once you have the main ingredient in the right metal can, you can start preparing the soup according to the following basic recipe:


  • Place a saucepan with water on the fire.
  • While the water comes to a boil, peel and wash the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, chop the onion into small squares, grate the carrots on a large-mesh grater.
  • Place potatoes in boiling water and reduce heat.
  • Fry the chopped onion in vegetable oil in a frying pan until translucent, then add the grated carrots and simmer, stirring, for 3 minutes.
  • Add the prepared carrot-onion mixture to the pan with the potatoes and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Open a can of canned saury, place all its contents in a saucepan, season with bay leaf, pepper and a moderate amount of salt. Cover with a lid and cook on reduced heat for another 10 minutes.
  • Sprinkle the finished soup, poured into plates, with washed, dried and finely chopped herbs.

The resulting dish has a low energy equivalent - up to 40 kilocalories in one hundred grams.

Use in diets

The canned saury in the finished soup has undergone double heat treatment - in a jar at the manufacturing plant and in a pan in the home kitchen. However, it still contains:

  • , having an anti-inflammatory effect, improving the condition of blood vessels, strengthening the immune system;
  • antioxidants – substances of youth;
  • – chief builder of bones;
  • fluoride, which protects tooth enamel;
  • – the basis of hematopoiesis;
  • , normalizing blood pressure, relieving swelling;
  • , strengthens bone tissue, inhibits allergic reactions;
  • Phosphorus is a necessary component of bone tissue, an indispensable participant in metabolic processes.

In combination with its low calorie content, a soup with such a bouquet of useful substances can rightfully be included in the diets of those losing weight, despite the fact that it is prepared with the participation of a canned product.

Contraindicated dishes with saury from a jar only for inflammation of the duodenum and insufficient liver function.

Round dance around saury - composition options

In addition to the minimum set of vegetables and the most common spices, the composition of the soup with canned saury includes:

  • Cereals – , and. These ingredients increase the calorie content somewhat. For example, rice raises it by about 10 units.
  • Other vegetables - bell peppers, green peas, parsley and celery root, and even pickles if you are preparing a fish soup with canned saury.
  • as a thickener, as well as pasta. Such supplements are undesirable in slimming diets.
  • Cheese, including processed cheese. Added at the end of cooking.
  • White wine that gives fish dishes a new shade of taste and aroma.

Soup with canned fish and rice is not only an affordable, but also a healthy dish. Canned fish does not contain harmful impurities, soy, like meat, for example. Fish contains many useful substances and vitamins A, B, D, proteins and amino acids necessary for any body. Eating saury will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, heart function and brain activity.

This dish is prepared very quickly and does not contain products that can harm the body. In addition, it is not high in calories at all - suitable even for those who are watching their weight. In one serving, the calorie content of soup with canned fish and rice is 132 kcal standard sizes (about 250 ml).

Energy value per 100 grams of product:

Calories: 52.8 kcal
Proteins: 2.3 g
Fat: 3.5 g
Carbohydrates: 3.2 g

But no matter how many calories there are in the food, you want to reduce it further: to do this, you can slightly change the recipe and not add potatoes, but find an alternative product for it, for example, grated carrots or red pepper and drain the oil from the fish, then there will be very few calories left.

Canned Pacific saury has always been popular among Russian consumers. The benefits and harms of this product will be discussed in detail in this article.

Versatile and useful product

Surely few people know that saury, even in canned form, can replenish the daily requirement of amino acids in the human body. After all, when choosing a particular fish product, people mainly rely on their taste preferences. In addition, an important factor in consumer preferences is presentation. Canned fish has large pieces, from which cold appetizers and soups can be quickly and easily prepared, and which can be served as an addition to independent dishes. All these factors played an important role in the popularity of such a product as saury (canned food). The benefits and harms of fish, as well as its calorie content, will be given below.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Such a popular product was not ignored by scientists. Therefore, researchers began to study the effect of saury consumption on certain vital human organs. It turned out that canned saury also retains all the beneficial vitamins and microelements contained in raw fish. The benefits and harms of the product were studied by scientists from the Institute of Biophysics of the SB RAS. It turned out that regular consumption of canned saury reduces the risk of developing To prevent the disease, scientists recommend eating the presented product as often as possible.

Why canned food?

It turns out that raw fish is less healthy due to the fact that it contains a fairly large amount of water. Since none of us, under normal conditions, would risk eating raw saury, we prepare it using heat treatment: fry, boil, steam and bake. However, the water contained in the internal fibers flows out, but for a reason, but takes with it the lion’s share of vitamins and microelements. In addition, short-chain acids completely disappear from the product. But the vinegar-oil filling can not only preserve all the beneficial substances in the product, but also increase the proportion

Saira: benefits and harms of the product. What should be the daily intake?

And again let's turn to scientists. Indeed, in their large-scale studies, they calculated how much canned saury should be eaten daily in order to reduce the risk of heart disease, as well as fully satisfy the needs of the brain.

It turns out that to nourish the heart, blood vessels and internal parts, you need to consume only 40 grams of canned food daily. By the way, the content of vital amino acids in other types of fish is noticeably lower.

How can a useful product cause harm?

Now we know a lot about such seafood as saury. The benefits and harms of fish were studied by leading Russian biophysicists and were presented in the materials of this publication. However, up to this point we have mainly considered the beneficial effects of saury, but have not found anything to complain about, looking for negative qualities. Of course, there can only be one harm from canned saury for a healthy person: abuse. This type of fish is oversaturated with useful substances, so under no circumstances should you consume it in jars. In addition, we have not yet considered the calorie content of the presented product.

Canned saury: calorie content. Useful properties, benefits and harms of the product

Now we will carefully consider the presented variety of fish, based on the fat content in it. The calorie content of the finished product varies. And if canned food prepared from young, medium-sized individuals has a nutritional value of 143 kcal per 100g, then for large and fattier pieces it rises to 262 kcal. In view of this, nutritionists warn against consuming the product for people who have abnormalities in the normal functioning of the pancreas and liver. Also, some people may have allergic reactions to all types of seafood; this may also be a contraindication to the use of this healthy variety of fish in their diet. That's all the warnings.

More details about the composition

In general, in terms of the content of vitamins and microelements, saury is in no way inferior to other varieties of fish. Rich in vitamins A, B and D, easily digestible proteins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron - all these microelements help prevent arthritis, osteoporosis and caries. We have already talked about the beneficial effects on the heart, blood vessels and brain. Doctors also recommend consuming saury to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and thyroid diseases.


The heroine of today's publication was canned saury. The benefits and harms of consuming this seafood are obvious. If there is no individual intolerance, then everyone can eat fish daily within reasonable limits.



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