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Paintings in Japanese style. How to draw a picture in Japanese style? Japanese house - how is it arranged inside and outside? Japanese houses in pencil

Japanese painting is one of the oldest movements in art. Painting appeared in Japan at the very ancient period history of the country. On pottery and other household items you can find the most simple images geometric shapes and various patterns. However, with the advent of Chinese culture in the country, the works of Japanese artists increasingly began to contain elements of painting from the country of Confucius.

One of the most impressive and colorful destinations Japanese painting is a landscape. Japanese artists did not attach much importance to the realism of the composition. The main thing for them was the transfer of impressions from what they contemplated the greatness of nature.

How to draw a picture in Japanese style?

The Japanese landscape can be depicted with ordinary watercolor paints. For painting it is necessary to use more water, and for drawing individual parts add more paint.

In order to get started, you will need cardboard or watercolor paper, a pencil, an eraser, pastel crayons and, of course, watercolors.

  • Start with a pencil sketch. For this draw the outlines future painting on a sheet using a simple pencil. Make sure that the lines are very soft and barely noticeable. You need to press the pencil very lightly. After all, according to Japanese tradition, the design should be very light and almost weightless. Under no circumstances draw in details with a pencil - this is the job of a thin brush.
  • Draw distant mountains, pagodas, ponds in the background, and build several traditional Japanese bridges.
  • When outlining the silhouettes of people, do not forget to take into account the features of their clothing and posture.
  • It has already become common for paintings in the Japanese spirit to have the main symbol of this country on them. - cherry blossoms. You, too, can depict this amazingly beautiful cherry tree with petals flying in the wind in your work.

  • After drawing a pencil sketch start coloring paintings. remember, that colors should be weightless, airy. To do this, you need to choose the right ratio of water and paint. It is necessary to take into account the ability of cardboard to absorb water, and watercolors to cause drips.
  • To color the background (such as the sky and water), use thick brushes. Start this process with the large details at the top of the painting and work your way down until you have painted all the water, greenery and sky details in the painting. Then leave the drawing until completely dry.

  • Now You can move on to the details. Take a thin brush and start drawing the crowns and trunks of trees, roofs of houses, snowy mountain peaks. Don't try to draw every detail, right down to the leaves and petals. Your task is to set the direction of the buds and branches with a few brush strokes. To obtain the required shades, mix watercolors on a palette. You should avoid too obvious, bright shades.
  • Place in one of the corners of the picture Japanese characters. On the Internet you can find many Japanese poems (Haiku) that suit you and your mood. These symbols are not as easy to draw as they seem at first glance, so it is better to practice drawing them. To give the letters a slight patina of age and some dustiness, use black paint mixed with blue or brown.

  • Using pastel crayons, create shadows. They should be located on mountain slopes and water surfaces. The main thing is not to overdo it. There shouldn't be too many of them.

Japanese style simple painting

If you don’t have a lot of time, and you don’t have any desire to paint vast landscapes, but would like to decorate the interior with a Japanese “trick,” then you can use the following technique. Paint a tree branch with thick black paint. Then pour some soft pink paint into a disposable plate. Dip the bottom of a plastic bottle into paint and make prints on paper. Wait for the drawing to dry. This way you will get a wonderful sakura branch without any effort on your own.

Today, Japanese themes in the interior are very relevant. These include paintings, wall decor, and

There is, however, exactly one thing that definitely did not come to Japan from anywhere, and which, apparently, will not go anywhere. This tradition stands and holds the Japanese as roots. Real estate. , an amazing building in which everything is completely different from anywhere else.

There is such a place - Open Museum of Japanese Houses in Kawasaki. The inscriptions alone are worth it. They'll figure it out. You can't draw. Except for pencil and charcoal, for some reason. AND traditional japanese toilet costs.

And you can't use it either. They say it's an exhibition piece. And I wanted it that way. It's a shame.

In general, no other people except the Japanese have come up with the idea of ​​sleeping, eating, sitting and living at home right on the floor, without furniture. Even the most modern fashionable and expensive Tokyo skyscrapers Only from the outside do they look like Western buildings. Inside each apartment there is always at least one bedroom room, where rice mats are laid on top of concrete, and people sleep there directly on the floor, as before, because it is convenient for the Japanese. I'm already comfortable too. Well, these beds. You can fall off them in your sleep!

In addition to the floor, you also need a roof. Amazing fluffy Japanese roofs are also made of straw. They have a lot of layers so that they leak less. Once all the thatch has been installed, a special roof barber crawls across the roof with scissors and gives the house a fashionable haircut. Each region of Japan had its own traditions regarding the fashion for home hairstyles. In the most fashionable houses, the gardener planted flowers directly on the roof. The straw quickly rots from the rains, compost is formed, grass and flowers grow well. Just sometimes you have to remember to climb onto the roof and pull out the weeds from it. That is, weeds are, of course, a concern in the summer. Clearing the roof of snow is a concern in winter, otherwise the roof risks falling through. In the snowy regions of Japan, they also made a window on the roof - it worked as a winter exit, when the rest of the house was already covered with snow.

When the roof breaks or rots, it’s all lost. A friend recently filmed new apartment somewhere in Chiba, on the first floor. Because the second floor of the house is already so leaky that it’s scary to go there, let alone move. So the second floor is empty. And there, among the puddles, a family of tanuki (raccoon dogs) settled. A friend called 911, but the rescuers were afraid to go to the second floor. They said that they would then call the Ministry of Emergency Situations to clean out the tanuki. But the owner of the house forgave the rent for May, since such a stupid matter.

The best part of the house is the bathhouse. The Japanese loved to wash. Japanese bathroom- a large basin with water, and under it firewood. In the bathhouse you had to cook yourself by adding firewood. Washing in such a traditional bath is a dangerous task. A small wooden stool was placed at the bottom of the basin to sit on. After all, if your leg or butt jumps off the stool, they will touch the bottom of the basin, which is hot over an open fire: sometimes you’ll wash yourself, sometimes you’ll get burned. But even such a bath used to be an expensive pleasure. Usually there was a bath in only one house per village, and the owner allowed all the residents to wash after his family in turn. In the same water. And now in traditional “menshuku” hotels, where there is already running water and even sometimes hot water, the owner fills the bathtub with hot water once a day and covers it with a wooden lid so that the water cools more slowly, then all the guests climb into this bathtub to wash in turn. The main thing is not to be the last.

Not only the bath, but also the kitchen, and the stove - completely different thinking in everything. Even the rice storage room is an amazing structure built on 8-meter stilts with slippery steel ends. According to the idea, the mouse should slip on them and fall from a height. What samurai cunning!

This is the house that Tanaka-san built,
And this is rice hidden for the winter,
Hanging in the storeroom on high stilts,

And this is a fluffy gray mouse,
Which climbs on piles where there is rice,
Which hangs high in the closet,
In the house that Tanaka-san built.
And this is a slippery and sharp flooring,
Which the owner nailed onto piles,
From which the gray mouse falls,
Who climbed into the pantry where there was rice,
In the house that Tanaka-san built.

Classic Japanese house- this is a symbol oriental culture and spirit. When depicting this architectural building, you need to take into account its features so that the drawing turns out great. The image process itself house but can be divided into several stages.


Prepare example images. In addition to standard photos house ov, find some drawings of samurai. After all, Japanese house symbolizes strict and strong defender of your country. If you look, you will find some similarities in the samurai's equipment and the decoration of the building. Imbued with the idea house a-defender, you can more clearly convey the atmosphere of the building.

Start with general lines. Already on at this stage you put into the drawing what it will be like in the end. Determine the number of floors, area house A. Japanese construction is unique in that it has no restrictions on the height of one floor, or in diameter, or in anything else. Simply put, you are free to decide the size issue yourself.

Draw the details of the structure. Depending on your choice, this may be small house ik made of bamboo or stone castle. It's worth pointing out these little things. It is best not to outline light, small buildings. Leave some transparency in the walls. Stone giants, on the contrary, must “press” with their massiveness and the inaccessibility of their walls.

Pay attention to the roof. It symbolizes the head and helmet of a samurai. Try to point it upward so that it seems to be looking into the sky, waiting for the sun to come.

Decorate house. You won't find Japanese house without hieroglyphs, protective dragons, sun symbols or other important elements of Japanese architecture. Fill your drawing with the same thing - for greater realism and believability.

For more atmosphere, fill the picture with the landscape of oriental nature. Japanese, mountains covered with snow-white snow combined with fast-flowing rivers are at your disposal.

Helpful advice

Use pencils and paints for drawing. They are much more expressive than others visual arts will be able to convey the spirit of the East.

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