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“Classics on Dvortsovaya. “Classics on Dvortsovaya May 27 palace square concert participants

St. Petersburg City Day falls on May 27th. This year marks his 315th anniversary. In honor of such an event, from the 20th they began to hold various holiday events, and today, May 26, a concert will take place on Palace Square.

The organizers of the holiday reported that the 315th anniversary of St. Petersburg will be celebrated with a bright, rich program that local residents and guests of the city will not be able to forget for a long time. Famous artists will perform at today's concert.

Festive events in St. Petersburg continue

On May 27, 2018, St. Petersburg turns 315 years old. The most intense program is planned for the weekend – the 26th and 27th. Today, guests and indigenous residents are invited to take part in the “sweet” ice cream festival: venue – pl. Ostrovsky. All motorcyclists will gather on Nevsky to participate in the parade, on the square. Manezhnaya will host “Motostolitsa”. Scheduled for the evening concert program“Classics on Dvortsovaya”, and then the festivities will continue on Admiralteyskaya Embankment - guests will be entertained by the light and sound show “Singing Bridges”.

Tomorrow, May 27, the solemn program begins at 10:00: at this time there will be a laying of flowers at the monument to Peter I. In honor of the city’s anniversary on Senate Square Everyone will be allowed to attend. Then the events will move to Nevsky Prospekt, where everyone can become a participant in the flash mob for the hashtag #315St. Petersburg.

If there is a motorcycle parade on May 26, then tomorrow there will be a bicycle parade: cyclists will ride from the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall to the park named after. 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. After the flash mob, the avenue will not be empty: there will be a theatrical parade with the participation of an orchestra. In the evening everyone will see colorful fireworks at Peter and Paul Fortress.

During these two days, St. Petersburg will host a circus festival with a parade of retro vehicles, a Ball of Nationalities with a theatrical parade of drummers and orchestras. The main participants of the circus festival will be elephants.

The organizers revealed who will perform at the concert on Palace Square

The long-awaited gala concert “Classics on Dvortsovaya” will take place in St. Petersburg. Every year his program is completely different, this time the repertoire will become multifaceted. Famous artists will perform who will perform masterpieces by Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, Bizet, Verdi, Gounod, Strauss.

Tenor Roberto Alagna and soprano Alexander Kurzhak will appear on stage. The concert on Palace Square will be their debut. Also performing will be:

  1. Venera Gimadieva - soloist Bolshoi Theater, laureate of the Golden Mask;
  2. Oksana Volkova - Honored Artist of Belarus;
  3. Pavel Kolgatin - soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, soloist of the Vienna Opera;
  4. Alexey Markov - soloist Mariinsky Theater and others.

There will also be a dance part, in which “Todes”, ballet dancers from the Theater. L. Yakobson, dance and sports club "Duet".

A circus parade with elephants on Nevsky Prospekt, a tightrope walker passing between the spans of the Palace Bridge, a concert of opera singers near the Hermitage, a bicycle parade and fireworks - "Paper" collected the main information about the celebration of City Day in St. Petersburg.

On Saturday, opera singers will perform at the Hermitage, and a tightrope walker will walk between the spans of the Palace Bridge

At one o'clock in the morning there will be a concert at Admiralteyskaya classical music. The program includes a performance by the Russian Horn Chapel and cellist Vadim Kaminsky. The concert is free.

From 11:00 to 14:00 there will be a parade of retro transport and motorcycles. The column will travel from Europe Square to Manezhnaya. A map of the movement of equipment can be viewed on the website.

From 21:00 to 23:00 the concert “Classics on Dvortsovaya” will take place. French singer Roberto Alagna, soloist of the Mariinsky Theater Alexey Markov, Symphony Orchestra Mikhailovsky Theater, Academic theater ballet named after Leonid Yakobson and ballet Todes. Free admission.

The Singing Bridges show will begin at 11:30 p.m. A stage will be installed near the Palace Bridge where the Music Hall Theater orchestra will play Russian classics. At midnight the bridge will be raised and tightrope walker Rasul Abakarov will walk over it.

On Sunday, elephants will walk along Nevsky Prospect, and a concert will be held at the Peter and Paul Fortress

A big bike parade starts at 11:00 on May 27. The column will travel from the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall to the 300th Anniversary Park.

At 11:45 a citywide celebration will begin on the territory of the Peter and Paul Fortress. IOWA, Tatyana Bulanova, Igor Kornelyuk and Irakli will perform there. A costume show based on the history of the city will be staged on the stage near the shore of the Kronverk Strait.

At 12:00 a circus parade with elephants will begin. The animals will walk along Nevsky Prospekt, Belinsky Square and perform circus tricks on Malaya Sadovaya Street.

From 12:30 to 14:00, a parade of drummers will take place from Ostrovsky Square along Nevsky Prospekt.

At 21:00 the group “Alice” will perform on Manezhnaya Square.

The metro will operate all night, and the Palace Bridge will be raised earlier than usual

On the night of May 27, the metro will operate all night. Because of the “Singing Bridges”, on the night of May 27, the Palace Bridge will be raised from 0:00 to 0:40, and then according to the schedule: from 1:10 to 2:50 and from 3:10 to 4:55.

There will be fireworks in the evening

Because of the holiday, Nevsky Prospekt, embankments and bridges in the city center will be closed

From 22:30 on May 26 to 1:00 on May 27, traffic on the Palace Bridge will be closed due to the “Singing Bridges”. In addition, from 13:00 on May 26 to 2:00 on May 27, the far right lane on Admiralteyskaya Embankment opposite building 2 will be closed.

From 10:00 to 17:30 on May 26, from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 18:00 to 20:00 on May 27, due to the “Ball of Nationalities”, Exchange Square will be closed in the direction of movement from the Palace Bridge towards Birzhevoy Bridge . In addition, on May 27, from 12:00 to 18:00, traffic on Birzhevaya Square will cease, and from 12:00 to 12:40 on Nevsky Prospect from Ostrovsky Square to Admiralteysky Prospekt, Dvortsovy Proezd, and Dvortsovy Bridge.

On May 27, from 13:00 to 16:00, due to the parade of drummers, traffic along Nevsky Prospect from Ostrovsky Square to the Griboyedov Canal embankment will be closed. From 20:00 on May 26 to 22:00 on May 27, the western passage of Ostrovsky Square from Nevsky Prospect to Krylov Lane will also be blocked. From 9:00 to 16:00 on May 27, traffic on Ostrovsky Square will be stopped.

From 11:00 to 13:00, due to the Great Bicycle Parade, traffic on Nevsky Prospekt will be gradually blocked. Universitetskaya embankment and further along the movement of the column.

Due to the circus parade on May 27, from 11:30 to 12:10, traffic on the square and the Belinsky Bridge will be closed; from 12:00 to 12:35 - along the even side of the Fontanka River embankment from Belinsky Street to Nevsky; from 12:35 to 13:00 - along Nevsky from Fontanka to Sadovaya; from 13:00 to 13:25 - along Sadovaya from Nevsky to Inzhenernaya; from 13:20 to 13:40 - along Inzhenernaya from Sadovaya to Belinsky Square and along the square itself.

From 8:00 to 00:00 on May 26, due to the “Classics on Dvortsovaya” concert, traffic will be blocked on Millionnaya Street from Palace Square to Moshkov Lane, Pevchesky Proezd, the embankment of the Moika River from Pevchesky Proezd to Nevsky Prospekt.

According to legend, exactly 315 years ago, Peter the Great stamped his foot and ordered the construction of a city in the Neva delta. Many were hostile to his idea and did not believe that it would be possible to open a window to Europe on the marshy lands near the Gulf of Finland. But the emperor proved the opposite, and for several centuries St. Petersburg has delighted millions of people from all over the world.

When is City Day celebrated?

City Day in the Northern capital is celebrated every year on May 27, but a number of events dedicated to the solemn date will take place the day before. That is, we will have two whole free days when we can walk, enjoy the sun and the approaching summer.

Where to go on holidays?

By the end of May, the trees in St. Petersburg are already green, fountains are working, and festive decorations are visible everywhere. Even just walking the streets these days is a real pleasure. But it’s better not to limit yourself to a simple promenade, because there will be so many interesting things happening around!

Retro transport parade

If suddenly on Nevsky you see buses, trolleybuses and cars from the past, don’t be surprised - this is. On May 26, a column of rare cars will begin its triumphal journey along central streets and avenues. Keep your camera ready, or even better, come after 15:00 to Inzhenernaya Street, where there will be a stop. Everyone will be able to look into the salon and take unusual pictures.

On May 27 at 12:00 it will start from all over Russia. There will be a bright flash mob, in which singer IOWA and dance group"Edelweiss". also in holidays A ship parade, a masquerade procession and a circus arts festival are planned.

Show "Singing Bridges"

When it gets dark, you can move closer to the water. On the night of May 27, the “Singing Bridges” show will be launched in St. Petersburg for the third time. It is expected that this year the crossings will be conducted to the music of Isaac Schwartz, a composer whose fame was brought to him by the melodies for the films " White sun Deserts", "Star of Captivating Happiness", "The Brothers Karamazov".

In honor of the Day, the city will be celebrated not with a recording, as is usually done, but with the accompaniment of a symphony orchestra.

Laying flowers to the Bronze Horseman

The holiday will be officially opened by the ceremony. Usually, the city's top officials and an honor guard participate in it, and ordinary citizens can only see the broadcast. But this year access to To the Bronze Horseman They want to open to everyone, so be at Senate Square by 10:00.

Concert in the Peter and Paul Fortress

On May 27 at 12:00 a ceremonial shot will be fired from the bastion. He will symbolically open the holiday, which will be held on the territory of Hare Island for the first time in last years and will surprise the audience from the very first minutes. A costume show dedicated to the history of St. Petersburg will unfold on the stage in the form of a “Zenith plane”. He will be followed by Igor Kornelyuk and Tatyana Bulanova, and the headliners of the concert will be Irakli, the Pizza group and the disco tribe IOWA. The concert starts at 13:00, but you can come earlier - you won’t be bored.

Ice cream festival

Well, what would a holiday be without food! Come and eat ice cream on Saturday. At the festival you can try dozens of types of ice treats from different manufacturers, as well as take part in competitions, listen to music and just have a good time.

Show “Classics on Dvortsovaya”

Towards the end of the first day, the action will move to . In this beautiful open-air hall there will be a grand show for all residents and guests of St. Petersburg - “Classics on Palace Square”. The project involves stars of the Russian and world opera stage, ballet dancers, famous musicians and composers.

The concert starts at 21:00, admission is free.

Festive fireworks

Will complete two anniversary days for St. Petersburg festive fireworks. The first salvos will be fired at 23:00. An hour later, the torches of the Rostral Columns will light up.

It will open with a ceremony of laying flowers at the monument to Peter the Great on Senate Square. The ceremony starts at 10.00. Nevsky Prospekt, Ostrovsky Square and Palace Square will be the venues for the main events of the holiday. The Annual Ice Cream Festival will take place on Ostrovsky Square, which will start at 11.00 and last until 21.00. A grand procession in carnival costumes will take place on Nevsky. The festival will close with a festive concert, which will take place at 21.00 on Palace Square. Full program of events planned for May 27:

“Legends of the Norwegian Vikings” festival as part of the City Day - the Foundation Day of St. Petersburg according to a separate plan Hare Island, Kronverkskaya embankment.

26.05 - 28.05.2017

“Creators of St. Petersburg” lecture on the work of M. K. Anikushin, dedicated to City Day - the Founding Day of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Budgetary Educational Institution “ State Museum urban sculpture" branch "M. K. Anikushin's Workshop" Vyazemsky lane, 8 05/27/2017

Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg

The solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the monument to Peter the Great as part of the City Day - the Foundation Day of St. Petersburg Senate Square

05.27.2017 10.00 Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg

Live television broadcast of the ceremony of laying flowers at the monument to Peter I on Senate Square TV channel “LIFENEWS 78” Senate Square

05/27/2017 10.00 Committee on Press and Interaction with the Media

"Optimists northern capital- Gazprom Cup » All-Russian sailing competition in the “Optimist” yacht class, dedicated to the Day city ​​- the Founding Day of St. Petersburg Yacht Club "Hercules" village. Lakhta, st. Beregovaya, 19 27.05 - 28.05.2017 10.00 Committee on physical culture and sports

“Salt Town - City of Masters” XXI International City Arts Festival dedicated to City Day - the Founding Day of St. Petersburg Solyanoy Lane

05/27/2017 11.00 - 18.00 St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Industry named after A. L. Stieglitz

Ceremony and meeting dedicated to the City Day - the Founding Day of St. Petersburg Concert of choral music performed by the Concert Choir of St. Petersburg under the direction of Honored Artist of Russia V. Begletsov Peter and Paul Fortress, Sovereign Bastion, at the Foundation Stone Laying flowers at the grave of the founder of St. Petersburg, Emperor Peter the Great St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg" Peter and Paul Fortress

05.27.2017 11.00 - 12.30 Public Chamber of St. Petersburg Committee on Youth Policy and Interaction with Public Organizations

Annual Ice Cream Festival Ostrovsky Square, 2 05/27/2017 11.00 - 21.00 Committee for the Development of Entrepreneurship and the Consumer Market of St. Petersburg

The solemn ceremony of the midday shot in honor of the City Day - the Foundation Day of St. Petersburg Peter and Paul Fortress, Naryshkin Bastion

05.27.2017 12.00 Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg

“Sea Capital” festival dedicated to City Day - the Foundation Day of St. Petersburg GBNOU “Academy of Talents” emb. Malaya Nevka River, 1 05/27/2017 12.00 Education Committee

“Lilac Promenade in Pavlovsky Park” holiday - a walk dedicated to City Day - the Founding Day of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Pavlovsk State Museum-Reserve” Pavlovsk, st. Sadovaya, 20 27.05 - 28.05.2017 12.00 - 18.00 Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg

International festival of non-mass sports Park of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg

05/27/2017 12.00 - 21.00 Committee on Youth Policy and Interaction with Public Organizations

"St. Petersburg Ball of Nationalities" a festive event dedicated to City Day - the Founding Day of St. Petersburg Spit of Vasilyevsky Island

05.27.2017 13.00 - 17.00 Committee on Interethnic Relations and Implementation of Migration Policy in St. Petersburg

“City Day - Founding Day of St. Petersburg” concert of students and teachers of the children's art school on Petrogradskaya St. Petersburg State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's Education "St. Petersburg Children's Art School on Petrogradskaya" Andrey Petrov Square, Kamennoostrovsky Ave., 28-30 05.27.2017 14.00 Committee on the culture of St. Petersburg

“Secrets of the old house” a thematic tour of the museum and the surrounding area of ​​the Bread Museum, as part of the celebration of City Day - the Founding Day of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “St. Petersburg Museum of Bread” st. Mikhailova, 2 litera A 05.27.2017 14.00 Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg

“1000 facts about St. Petersburg” quiz as part of the celebration of City Day - the Founding Day of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Central City Public Library named after. V.V. Mayakovsky" Grazhdansky Ave., 121/100 05.27.2017 15.00 - 17.00 Committee on Culture of St. Petersburg

Concert of graduates of the children's music school named after. A.K. Glazunov, dedicated to the City Day - the Founding Day of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's Orphanage School of Music them. A.K. Glazunov" st. Sedova, 32 05/27/2017 16.00 Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg

Quiz dedicated to the City Day - the Founding Day of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Central City Public Library named after. V.V. Mayakovsky" Information and leisure center "M-86" Moskovsky pr., 86 05/27/2017 17.00 Committee on Culture of St. Petersburg

Musical and poetic evening dedicated to City Day - the Founding Day of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "State memorial museum A.V. Suvorov" st. Kirochnaya, 43 05/27/2017 17.00 Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg

“Brilliant St. Petersburg” concert dedicated to City Day - the Founding Day of St. Petersburg SPb GBKDU “Home” folk art and leisure" St. Petersburg RO All-Russian public organization disabled people "All-Russian Society of the Deaf" st. Galernaya, 55 05/27/2017 17.00 Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg

“Listen, Leningrad” concert of soloists of the St. Petersburg Concert, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. P. Solovyov-Sedoy and dedicated to the City Day - the Founding Day of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “State Academic Chapel of St. Petersburg” emb. Moika River, 20 05/27/2017 19.00 Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg

“I love you, Petra’s creation” concert of the Center musical culture"Tchaikovsky" Federal State Budgetary Institution "St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic named after. D. D. Shostakovich", Great Hall st. Mikhailovskaya, 2 05.27.2017 19.00 Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg

“Dedication to the city” concert jazz band“Leningrad Dixieland” under the direction of Oleg Kuvaitsev “Petersburg Watercolors” concert of the ensemble “Ars-Nova” under the direction of Pyotr Kornev, dedicated to the City Day - the Founding Day of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Philharmonic of Jazz Music” Zagorodny pr., 27 05/27/2017 19.00 05.27.2017 20.00 Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg

“Classics on Palace Square” festive concert, as part of the City Day - the Foundation Day of St. Petersburg Palace Square



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