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Class hour "let's talk about tolerance." What does a tolerant person mean? Qualities of a tolerant person. How to raise a tolerant person

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. IN modern society(especially by the West) tolerance is promoted as a manifestation of civilization and culture of the individual (?).

It would be nice to figure out what it is. Also, is it always necessary to behave tolerantly?

Let's get a look.

The meaning of the word tolerance

In Latin, the word tolerantia means “patience.” What's easier? One of the highest virtues can truly be considered a sign of a civilized modern mantolerance. However, Wikipedia gives several meanings to the word tolerance. Tolerance, for example:

  1. in sociology it is tolerance for a different worldview, traditions, and rules of behavior. It is separately noted that acceptance, understanding, and a tolerant attitude towards other people’s habits and worldviews do not mean indifference or a change in one’s own principles. This recognition of other people's rights live according to your own convictions;
  2. in medicine, a state of human immunity in which defense mechanism cannot produce antibodies against any antigen. Absolute tolerance- this is death. Think about it, this medical interpretation can easily be attributed to our society (especially today’s European one);
  3. in ecology - the ability of any organisms to adapt to changing environmental factors;
  4. in addiction, pharmacology, immunology – addiction;
  5. in technical sciences - the difference between extremely acceptable values, specified for the characteristics and parameters of parts.

Our contemporaries use this term in a modified form, even as an insult (ending with “...ast” and “...la”), as a sign of disrespect for excessive tolerance. Many pundits reserve the right to condemn and evaluate other people's beliefs and habits that are different from their own and believe that this is tolerance.

Here you need divide into general and specific. For example, I can be tolerant of a person who has committed some other act that is not yet supported in society. It's private. I can humanly feel sorry for him, sympathize with him, and understand him.

But I cannot tolerate the very essence of the crime (I must condemn it). This is general. Here I have the right to judge, to be intolerant, to express my opinion. And no heartfelt speeches about tolerance have the right to shut my mouth. The criminal may be pitiable (remember Yuri Detochkin), but the crime itself is not.

In this regard, I am touched by the attempt, through tolerance, to push into people’s minds the idea that one cannot speak badly, for example, about sexual deviations. Nonsense. I can be tolerant and even good towards someone who has these deviations. But I have the right to challenge, express my opinion and even condemn the very idea of ​​popularizing deviations.

Definition of tolerance in simple words

Moral standards of behavior, determined by people's tolerance, acceptance of principles, faith, traditions, feelings of others, as their inalienable right.

The main thing in tolerance is to recognize the right and freedom to openly express one's views.

That is, to be tolerant is to experience normal human feelings and have a positive attitude towards everything except the trampling of moral and universal principles.

Interestingly, in 1995, UNESCO read and adopted a Declaration outlining the basic principles of tolerance. The document says that tolerance is:

  1. renunciation of aggression;
  2. patience;
  3. calm perception of the world;
  4. philosophical assessment life principles and manifestations of the character of other people.

This can be said about this definition in simple words. It sounds, however, like an answer to the question: “What does it mean to be human?”, agree. Do not agree? Then we will convince you.

What is included in the concept of “tolerant”

A tolerant person can confidently be considered the most humane because he:

  1. tolerant and compassionate;
  2. merciful and forgiving;
  3. perceiving the shortcomings of others ();
  4. respecting other people's rights and freedoms;
  5. willing to interact;
  6. supporting the principles of partnership and equality of relations.

Sincere commitment to these factors gives the full picture ideal person. This proves the importance of having tolerance in the character of people. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not to use it as a weapon to silence dissidents, creating a taboo on condemnation and even discussion of certain topics.

I would like to emphasize once again that a tolerant attitude towards specific people is welcome, but tolerance of ideas themselves cannot be imposed that these people are promoting. It is your right to challenge worldviews, scientific dogmas, even religious views and much more. Dispute is the work of the immune system, which helps to give birth to the truth (defeat the virus).

Otherwise tolerance becomes a universal weapon in the hands of those who use it. It can go up to , as is clearly shown in this video:

Tolerance is a multifaceted concept

The use of the term in various fields of activity, science and life is so extensive that its detailed classification must be dealt with separately. Here we note that there are several categories of this concept, for example:

  1. pedagogical;
  2. medical;
  3. scientific;
  4. political;
  5. management and other categories.

In addition, types, species, subtypes and subspecies are common. In psychology, for example, tolerance happens the following types:

  1. Natural - and gullibility, characteristic of the behavior of a little man;
  2. Moral - developing in wise, self-sufficient people. They are tolerant of others;
  3. . Not to be confused with moral. This type shows how much a person trusts others. People with this type of tolerance tend to accept the views and values ​​of others. Such people do not react to scandals and stress;
  4. Ethnic, presupposing a patient attitude towards the customs, culture and way of life adopted by other nationalities. Such people can live for as long as they like in an alien cultural space.

Each of these types is divided into subspecies depending on how a person relates to:

  1. circumstances and their participants;
  2. people according to different signs(typological subspecies);
  3. employees and colleagues (professional subtype);
  4. to everything in general (collective).

Based on the results of these subtypes, it is analyzed how tolerant a person is.

Intolerance (intolerance) and how to recognize it

In their quest to achieve tolerance, people sometimes lose sight of the fact that do not have moral tolerance, requiring you to accept and forgive other people's views. By force of will, they force themselves to accept other people's beliefs that they cannot tolerate. This happens at the level of moral values, which are suppressed by violence against one’s own personality and are accompanied by stress.

This condition cannot last long. Sometimes a person cannot withstand the tension and breaks down - he acts absolutely intolerantly. He sharply expresses his opinion as the only correct one, rejecting the opinions of others. If this happens to you, you may consider yourself intolerant.

This happens everywhere, we see how people do not accept anyone’s arguments, propagate their own point of view and do not listen to their opponents.

How to recognize a tolerant or intolerant person

Individuals who are characterized by these opposite traits have a number of character traits. To understand whether a person is tolerant or intolerant, pay attention to the following signs:

  1. Sense of humor. The ability to laugh at one's own shortcomings is the most obvious feature of tolerance;
  2. Self-realization. Purposefulness and openness, the ability to respond to requests for help. Intolerant individuals do not empathize, do not know what they want and do not strive to develop;
  3. Harmony within. Intolerants blame the whole world, and praise themselves, attributing to themselves all sorts of virtues (almost);
  4. A sober assessment of yourself. A tolerant individual knows exactly his shortcomings and wants to get rid of them;
  5. Feeling safe. Openness allows tolerant people to feel protected in society. Intolerant individuals see threats everywhere;
  6. . The search for reason and reason in everything distinguishes a tolerant person; he is not afraid to answer for his own and even for other people’s words and actions;
  7. Democratic. Listen and stick to your guns. Tolerant people will not persuade at any cost. Dictators who are intolerant by nature and subjugate those around them to their worldview.

Is it always necessary to behave tolerantly?

We have all, to one degree or another, encountered manifestations of intolerance in our lives, and this is understandable, because the concept of tolerance for us is something new and came to us from the “enlightened West.” In our society, tolerance was considered a manifestation of softness.

Many people confuse tolerance with forgiveness and mercy in religion. However, the church fathers do not accept tolerance of any point of view; they consider it a threat to moral foundations. And the adoption of a foreign culture is condemned as a danger.

In families, society, and politics of other modern states (especially European ones), we see vivid examples transforming tolerance into permissiveness. As a result, what seemed incredible just ten years ago is now becoming an unquestioned norm.

This makes you wonder if there are boundaries beyond which tolerance does not bring harmony and peace to the individual within? Everyone sets these boundaries for themselves, guided by upbringing, morality, maybe the Law of God and the laws of universal humanity. So, you have something to think about!

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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  • To acquaint students with the concept of “tolerance”, its origin, meaning and relevance of its formation as moral quality, with the main features of a tolerant and intolerant personality.
  • Allow class participants to assess their level of tolerance.
  • Continue to develop children’s abilities to adequately and fully know themselves and other people.
  • Offer students a model of constructive communication with people who are objectively or subjectively perceived as “strangers.”
  • Give students the opportunity to assess the degree of development of their tolerance, attention, memory, and creative thinking.
  • Continue to cultivate feelings of collectivism and cohesion; promote the development of respectful relationships between students.

Forms and methods of work: lesson with training elements, elements of a problem lesson (work of creative groups, group discussion), role-playing game.

Elements of the training will allow, to one degree or another, to prepare children’s perception of possible life negative situations and their positive resolution. Problem situations are created to maintain motivation, work with conceptual content and generalize the experience gained by students during role-playing activities. Role-playing games allow students to organize their experiences of dramatic situations.

Assignment for the lesson: students are informed in advance about the topic of this event, given a special task (in dictionaries, find the meaning of the word “tolerance”, how the concept of “tolerance” is translated from different languages); draw pictures that would reflect tolerance, kindness and brotherhood. Techniques are being prepared for quickly dividing a class (group) into several mini-communities (using different colors, stickers of different animals, plants, flowers).

Progress of the lesson


Some birds trust people
And a swallow for its chicks
Builds a nest near people's homes
And, believing people, he is not afraid of them.
Thanks to the swallows for being friends with us.
And I’m talking to people now
And I say: try to be no worse
What the birds think of us.
K. Lomia (Abkhazian poet)

Teacher's opening speech.

- Hello guys. We started today's meeting with a poem by Lomia, an Abkhaz poet. What do you think is the idea of ​​this verse? In today's lesson we will talk about tolerance. In life, a person communicates with representatives of different nationalities, cultures, worlds, confessions, social strata, so it is important to learn to respect the cultural values ​​of both one’s own people and representatives of another culture, religion, and learn to find common ground. Tolerance as a personality quality is considered necessary for successful adaptation to new unexpected conditions.

What does the word tolerance mean? How is this word defined in different languages globe?

The definition of the word tolerance in different languages ​​of the globe sounds differently:

tolerance (English) – willingness to be tolerant, lenient;

to tolerate (English) – to be tolerant, to allow the existence of different opinions without discriminating against them;

tolerenz (German) – tolerance for other people’s opinions, beliefs, behavior;

tolerance (French) – the belief that others may think and act in a manner different from our own;

tolerencia (Spanish) – the ability to accept ideas or opinions different from one’s own;

kuan rong (Chinese) – accept others as they are and be generous towards others;

tasamul? (Arabic) – leniency, mercy, forgiveness, the ability to accept others as they are and forgive;

tolerance, tolerance (Russian) – the ability to endure (withstand, endure, put up with something), accept/recognize the existence of someone, reconcile, bring into line with oneself in relation to someone/something, be condescending towards something/someone.

Which definition appeals to you most? ( Answers).

Why do you think definitions are different in different countries? ( Answers).

What do these definitions have in common? ( Answers).

Why is tolerance so important today? ( Answers).

– Indeed, from the point of view of origin, the concept of “tolerance” is derived from the Latin verb “tolerare”, which literally means “tolerate” is, first of all, tolerance, recognizing and accepting the strengths and weaknesses of other people, which means the indicator sufficiently high spiritual, intellectual and moral development of the human personality.

Conclusion: This means that our contemporary is a person who accepts and understands himself and others.

Exercise 1. Game “I’ll take it with me”

– And now I would like to play a game with you: I invite you all on a trip to the North Pole. We will fly in a balloon. But trials, difficulties, cold, hunger await us... We need reliable people with basic education. Raise your hand if you consider yourself a well-mannered person.

Well, if you are ready, then let’s start... I will pass this magic wand to the person sitting next to me, and he will continue in a circle. But everyone who takes a wand must name what he will take with him to the North Pole.

And I will add “I’ll take you with me” or “I won’t take you with me.”

Don’t forget that the wand is “magic”; it will immediately reveal whether you are well-mannered or not.

So, I'm taking a thermos of hot chocolate with me to the North Pole. What will you take with you? (Transfer of the “magic wand”). Please take the wand.

The game continues until all participants understand why they are not being taken to the North Pole. The teacher can repeat the condition again: “ I hire only reliable, polite people!” Finally, one of the guys will say “thank you” for being handed the “magic wand” and “please take it” when passing this wand to the next one in the circle.

Usually this game causes an emotional “shock” among the participants, because level ordinary consciousness cannot allow such great importance of politeness.

Questions after the game:

  1. What quality comes very easily to us, but is valued very dearly? ( Politeness.)
  2. What else tolerant qualities Can you name the personalities? ( Respect for others, understanding, ability to listen and hear, humanity, recognition of the rights of others, compassion, forgiveness, mercy, tolerance, sense of humor, etc..)
  3. What personality traits indicate an intolerant person? ( Misunderstanding, ignoring, selfishness, intolerance, expression of disdain, irritability, indifference, selfishness, cynicism, unmotivated aggressiveness.)

Conclusion: So what qualities can he have? strong man, personality? (Tolerant).

Exercise 2

All participants sit in a circle. One of the participants transplants everyone, taking into account eye color: from light-eyed to dark-eyed. After the task is completed, another participant adjusts the resulting combination in his own way (2-3 people).

– Why do you think your classmates are seated differently than you would like?

Conclusion: each person has his own vision, i.e. Everyone perceives an object in their own way. When existing individual perception people manage to solve communication problems thanks to the principle of tolerance: everyone has the right to feel, see, hear, think in their own way and everyone obliged to recognize this is the right of others.

Tolerance is respect, acceptance and proper understanding of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, forms of self-expression and ways of expressing human individuality.

Exercise 3. “My portrait in the sun”

Divide the class into several groups. Draw in the center of whatman paper (sheet) circle, write “I can” in it. Draw rays around them and write what you can do along them. For others. At the same time, we must try to have as many of these rays as possible. Upon completion, each team will read and comment on what they have written.

Each person is a unique individual. In some ways he is completely unimitable and beyond any competition. And everyone needs to believe in their exclusivity.

Exercise 4. Game “Who is who?”

(A game to identify one’s own tendency to use social stereotypes.)

Schoolchildren are offered a set of photographs and accompanying instructions from the teacher: “The photo depicts really existing (and existing) people, some of them are hardened criminals, and the other part are authors of detective novels, and there are also people of other professions among them.” Then the teacher asks to identify the children: who is who?

After 3-4 minutes of work, the guys express their versions and give reasons for them. As a rule, teenagers argue quite animatedly about each photograph, appealing to the features of a person’s portrait: “... an arrogant face,” “... deceitful eyes hidden behind glasses,” “... the dreamy look of a writer,” “... the classic face of a swindler.” When it turns out that no one has been able to determine who is who with 100% accuracy, you can ask the students a few questions: “what do you think about this lesson?”, “Was it easy to do?”, “why no one was able to accurately determine, who is who?”, “how objective are your assessments of other people?”, “do you often evaluate people only by external signs, without learning about their personal characteristics?”

When performing this task, you can come to the problem of the relationship appearance and internal qualities of a person, the problem of social stereotypes in assessing people, the problem of the correctness of making such categorical assessments. The conversation can be translated into similar stereotypical perceptions of representatives of other nationalities, religions, and subcultures.

Exercise 5. Game “Damaged Phone”

– Sometimes people maliciously distort official facts and turn information into gossip. Now before your eyes such an annoying and funny transformation will happen.

For this game, 3-4 students will go out the door and stand further away so as not to hear what is happening in the classroom.

The teacher invites one of the students in the class to come to the board. He must listen carefully to certain information. Then one of the guys standing in the corridor is invited. The first person to receive the information retells it in front of the whole class to the student who has just entered. This is repeated 3-4 times.

Possible text: “In connection with the flu epidemic that arose several weeks ago, all school classes were canceled, as a result of which, according to preliminary unofficial information, there may be a reduction in holidays and vacation days in the 3rd and 4th quarters in the city of Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region in 2010 G.".

– Why do you think very distorted information reaches the last person?

Conclusion: In order not to support gossip, the basis of the conflict, it is necessary to conduct a conversation-dialogue, looking your interlocutor in the eyes, this way you will avoid a lot of speculation and omissions. Which means learn to trust.

If you have time.

Exercise 6: Discussion

Unfortunately, intolerance towards others is increasingly affecting schools, penetrating through the media and the social environment of children.

What kind of tolerance do you think is the most difficult for you to demonstrate and why?

Tolerance can be different: racial, interclass, interethnic, religious, geographical, educational, age, physiological, gender, tolerance towards to the marginalized: homeless people, beggars, drug addicts, alcoholics, prisoners, etc., political, foreign policy.

  • Who are these people - the “dregs” of society who consciously chose this way of life, or people in need of help and special care?
  • Is the state obliged to spend money to help such people?
  • How to determine who consciously chose such a life for themselves, and who sank to the “bottom” due to difficult life circumstances, and is it even possible to determine this?
  • If the state serves people, then should it divide people into those worthy of its care and unworthy, “first-class” and “second-class”?
  • A person is always a person or only when he meets social standards, i.e. Is your behavior and lifestyle similar to others?
  • And if you look at all this through the eyes of the people we are talking about today?

Here the teacher invites students to work in groups again, but this time to take the position of representatives of marginalized sections of the population themselves and try to reproduce their views on themselves, the surrounding society, and the state.

During their work, the guys, as a rule, note the wary attitude of these people towards the state and government officials. Those around them are characterized as indifferent, callous, not understanding their problems, not showing any sympathy for them, rejecting and despising them. Schoolchildren describe the self-perception of these people in such concepts as hopelessness, abandonment, doom, uncertainty, and pessimism.

Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. If we are attentive to any person with whom we interact, be it a random fellow traveler, a tramp or a friend, this will be an act of kindness.

– What did we meet today?

– In our lesson today, we got acquainted with the concepts of “Tolerance” and “intolerance”, you tried to find out the degree of your tolerance.

Conclusion: Tolerance is a person’s value attitude towards people, expressed in recognition, acceptance and understanding of representatives of other cultures.


According to one eastern legend one day the gods decided to create the world. First they created everything around them, then they created man, and at the very end they created truth. The gods decided not to immediately reveal the truth to man. They decided to hide it so that people would search for the truth longer. One god suggested: “Let's hide it at the bottom of the ocean.” “Let's bury her in the depths of the earth,” suggested the second. The third said: “Let’s hide her on the most distant planet.” There were a lot of offers. And finally, the oldest and wisest god said: “We will hide the truth in the heart of man. He will look for it throughout the Universe, not suspecting that he carries it within himself.”

– A class is a small family. And I want kindness, respect, mutual understanding to always reign in this family, and there would be no swearing or quarrels. And I really want you to learn to correctly find the truth, to show compassion, mercy, tolerance, understanding and recognition.

And How homework I would like to give you a “Diet for those who want to become tolerant.”

– At the next lesson we will talk to you about whether you managed to stick to this routine.

Scientific and social spheres: politics, medicine, philosophy, religion, psychology, ethics, due to their specificity, answer the question of what tolerance is in different ways. The concept began to be actively used in society in the late 90s. last century, causing controversy and contradictions regarding the postulates it contained.

Tolerance - what is it?

A person is essentially unique, but in some ways people are similar, therefore they look for people like themselves, their hobbies, their religion. Belonging is important to the individual, given that humans are social beings. U different nations the mentality is different, and what is acceptable in one country may cause a public outcry in another. What does tolerance mean in general terms?

In 1995, about 200 countries signed the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance, which states that tolerance is tolerance towards other religions, customs, cultures, diverse in their uniqueness and individuality. Accepting that harmony lies in all this diversity allows people to be respectful of each other and live in peace.

What does tolerance mean in other areas:

  • in medicine (pharmacology, narcology): the body becomes accustomed to a substance, which requires a large dosage to achieve the same effect;
  • in music: respectful attitude towards different styles and musical directions;
  • in ecology: the ability of biological organisms to develop in the environment, even under unfavorable factors.

Tolerance in psychology

This concept occupies an important place in psychology. Accepting people with their characteristics, without criticism and condemnation, allows you to build trusting relationship with the client and is an element of psychotherapy. Psychological phenomenon tolerance includes both scientific aspects and principles, and everyday ones:

  1. Moral (conditional)- basically contains delayed aggression. The tolerance of the “external self” is only on a superficial level: a person agrees with what is happening, but inside, he literally holds back, “seems.”
  2. Natural (natural)– is typical for young children and is expressed in their unconditional acceptance of parents without evaluation; unfortunately, it happens to their detriment if their parents are cruel.
  3. Moral (genuine)– based on full and conscious acceptance of reality. This is a mature and positive tolerance of the “inner self”. A spiritual attitude towards all manifestations of life and people and constant self-knowledge. All wise parables are based on morality.

The psychologist must develop this tolerance, the main criteria of which are:

Tolerance - pros and cons

The idea of ​​this concept is fundamentally good for society, is this really so? Is peace and prosperity possible on earth without tolerance towards other peoples? The concept of tolerance can be interpreted and used by people in different ways, without regard to generally accepted and prescribed concepts. There are two sides to the coin.

Pros of tolerance:

  • helps to be humane;
  • teaches you to overcome fears through effective communication with other different people;
  • develops a correct understanding of different things with their habits, character, worldview and way of life;
  • promotes personal and social development through the transfer of experience and knowledge, through interaction among both individuals and nations as a whole.

Disadvantages of tolerance:

  • under the guise of tolerance, manipulation of people's consciousness, covered good intentions;
  • a fine line between true tolerance and slavish patience, to the detriment of the individual;
  • replacing true concepts and values ​​with false ones, through social technologies;
  • tolerance is perceived by some as indifference, unwillingness to perceive and fight.

How is tolerance different from forbearance?

Translated from the ancient Latin language, what is tolerance literally: “tolerantia” - means “patience”, “endure”, “endure”. Dictionary positions the word “tolerance” as a derivative of the French “tolerant” - “tolerant”. In Russian, unlike others foreign languages“tolerance” is a word with a clearly negative connotation, meaning to endure bad things, to endure hardships. However, tolerance and tolerance are different concepts.

Tolerance is a conscious refusal of society from open manifestations of hatred and hostility. At the same time, a person may internally experience strong negative feelings and protest. It is formed in a short time and can be imposed with the help of the media (for example, to resolve a conflict between different peoples). Tolerance is a social phenomenon that develops over a long period of time and presupposes a person’s lack of hostility and hostility towards other people who are different from him in various ways. In a society full of different cultures and nationalities, this is a necessary phenomenon.

Tolerance and xenophobia

The word “xenophobia,” along with “tolerance,” is often heard in the media and is translated from Greek as “fear of strangers.” The thinking of a xenophobe is distinguished by a clear division into “us” and “strangers”. An unprecedented flow of migrants is perceived quite painfully and aggressively by the indigenous population: arriving foreigners behave differently and do not always want to study new language, do not strive to learn the culture and customs of the country to which they migrated. Tolerance in modern world Ideally, it assumes the absence of xenophobia, peaceful coexistence and development of different peoples.

Types of tolerance

The basis of tolerance are the fundamental values ​​of society, without which humanity cannot exist. Scientists of many specialties are engaged in the classification of tolerance. In an ever-changing world, issues related to religion, attitudes towards people with disabilities, interethnic, gender and political relations are relevant and “thorny”. Considering what tolerance is, each applied area voices its own typology. The main types of tolerance are most fully reflected by M. S. Matskovsky:

  • religious;
  • gender;
  • physiological;
  • educational;
  • sexual orientation;
  • geographical;
  • age;
  • marginal;
  • interclass;
  • interethnic;
  • racial;
  • political.

Religious tolerance

The religion of ethnic groups contains a sacred component that distinguishes it from other faiths. In past centuries, considering their religion to be the only true one, the rulers of different countries undertook military campaigns in order to convert people of other faiths to their faith. What is religious tolerance today? A person has the right to any religion accepted in his state, even if it does not belong to the dominant religion. Tolerance of other faiths is the key to peaceful interaction between people.

Tolerance for people with disabilities

Compassion and mercy for all living things are important human traits that are formed in childhood with proper upbringing by parents. Showing tolerance towards people with disabilities health is, in the highest sense, assistance in the adaptation and socialization of a disabled person as a full member of society. Inclusive education and the provision of jobs are important components of tolerance.

Ethnic tolerance

Belonging to one’s people, ethnic group with the assimilation of centuries-old experience, traditions, and values ​​is ethnic identity. What is tolerance in interethnic relations? This is a respectful attitude towards the way of life of other peoples. The problem of tolerance in multiethnic countries is of global importance. back side– intolerance (intolerance) is increasingly becoming a reason for inciting ethnic hatred.

Gender tolerance

Regardless of gender, people deserve respect and equal rights - this is the answer to the question of what gender tolerance is. Tolerance in society regarding gender is an unstable phenomenon. Today, they are undergoing changes, and this is the reason for the negative reaction in society and the development of phobias. Intolerance towards the other sex – sexism – is a discriminatory personal factor.

Political tolerance

Tolerance in politics is the government’s willingness to engage in constructive dialogue with other countries. In full, it can be represented in a state with a democratic regime of power and is expressed in the resolution of interethnic conflicts, respect for human rights, and respect for other political beliefs that do not contradict the law. Political tolerance is a global process on which peace on earth depends.

Political correctness and tolerance are interpenetrating concepts in modern society. The history of the issue of political correctness arose in the United States when African Americans demanded to be excluded from in English the offensive word "black" applied to their race. Political correctness includes prohibiting offensive language towards another race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. In multi-ethnic countries such as the United States, political correctness is on the rise and permeates all areas of society.

Among the most repeated, incidentally and inopportunely, passwords of our time is the notorious “tolerance”, or, in Russian, “tolerance”. In the past, this word was used either in combination with the word “house”, or in a transformed form, with a meaning that clarified this concept, in the context of the topic legal status religious minorities - “tolerance”. It is obvious that in a state where, as in modern Russian Federation, France or the United States, there is no dominant or state religion, where freedom of religion and equality of citizens are guaranteed regardless of their religious affiliation, the concept of “tolerance” loses its relevance. The latest semantic evolution of the word “tolerance” has expanded its semantic field, bringing it closer to the fashionable neologism “political correctness” and placing it in the area of ​​​​relations between races, ethnic groups, cultures, and civilizations. Adherence to the principles of tolerance and political correctness has become a kind of pass to “decent society,” like a tuxedo or tie.

Racial or national tolerance hides latent racism

Meanwhile, the use of this peculiar term in relation to relationships between people belonging to different races reveals a latent racist in a person who declares his tolerance. To explain this conclusion, which may seem absurd, it is enough to give an example of religious tolerance in a state where there is a state religion. Tolerance in this case is a civilized attitude towards religious minorities on the part of the state and persons belonging to the dominant or state religion, without questioning the status priority of the dominant religion. Or another one everyday analogy, illustrating the paradox associated with the use of the word “tolerance”: passionate American feminist ladies, filled with a sense of gender dignity, are said to react very violently to the attempts of helpful gentlemen who try to help them down a steep staircase or carry an overly heavy bag, suspecting a gallant counter to a gender racist, in any case interpreting such helpfulness as a malicious humiliation and insult. In our time, people belonging to races that in a past era were designated as “colored” and were considered inferior in the West often react in a similar way in our time to tolerance and political correctness towards them on the part of “pale-faced” Europeans or Americans.

Tolerance in relationships with people of different races, ethnicities and cultures in Russia is inappropriate in the traditions of our people because it is so characteristic of the self-esteem of Western Europeans or North Americans - for the sake of greater political correctness, let's say: in the recent past - the consciousness of the superiority of the white race over non-white races in Russia did not take root, and if it manifested itself in other cases in the form of excesses, it definitely refers to marginal phenomena, alien to the worldview of the Russian people, and this observation applies to all periods of our history. Can be called different reasons this circumstance, but the main one is that the Gospel teaching is about universal human brotherhood, and also that in Christ “there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free” (Col. 3:11), was accepted by our ancestors with all sincerity and assimilated deeply, so much so that even among people who have lost Orthodox faith, but grew up in an environment whose ethos is imbued Christian tradition, and at a time when, at the level of official ideology, Christianity and any religion in general were discredited and rejected, a living sense of equality of people of different races and nationalities was preserved. Therefore, discussions about tolerance towards racial and national minorities lose ground in our country as unnecessary. Against this background, the hooligan or outright criminal antics of skinheads are perceived as a microscopic phenomenon in scale, completely caricatured, completely alien to tradition and foreign, imitative, which is already evident from their self-name, for which there was no acceptable word in the Russian language. They have no support in Russian society, and therefore do not deserve serious discussion outside the framework of social psychotherapy. The media noise about their odious antics therefore seems counterproductive.

Russia, as well as other countries Orthodox tradition, to the extent that they are not infected with bacilli borrowed from the side of racism, xenophobia and chauvinism, they are radically different in this from the West, which so recently in its relations with the rest of the world was thoroughly imbued with the idea of ​​​​the superiority of the Sahib over the natives, in a more philanthropic version - the consciousness of the “burden of responsibility white man" In a disguised form, isn’t it the same “burden” that pushes one of the superpowers of our day to impose its values ​​on peoples who have not yet completely forgotten about the civilizing exploits of the sahibs of a bygone era, although at the level of public rhetoric no one is now seriously trying to act as an apologist odious racism?

The moral values ​​imposed on the world by modern civilizers include “tolerance” in a new and completely original interpretation. When in our time opponents are reproached for the lack of tolerance, then the norm is set up as a norm not mainly of tolerance towards racial, national or religious minorities, but towards minorities of a different kind, towards those who choose a way of life that in the past was considered vicious and scandalous, in other words - we're talking about about tolerance towards sin.

But a Christian in his conscience cannot fulfill such a requirement, because he takes seriously the warning of the Apostle Paul: “Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor wicked people, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, neither predators will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6: 9-10). The Apostle teaches Christians not tolerance, but just the opposite - intolerance towards sin. At the same time, we are called to discover it, first of all, in relation to ourselves, for the Lord calls us: “Judge not, lest ye be judged... And why do you look at the mote in your brother’s eye, but do not feel the beam in your own eye?” (Matt. 7:1, 3). But this call not to look for specks in the eyes of others when there is a log in one’s own eye does not imply complete blindness to the obvious sins of our brothers. The Lord said to His disciples: “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone: ​​if he listens to you, then you have gained your brother; But if he does not listen, take with you one or two more, so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. If he does not listen to them, tell the church; and if he does not listen to the church, then let him be to you as a pagan and a publican” (Matthew 18: 15-17), in other words, an incorrigible sinner is subject to excommunication from the Church.

It is only important that, when denouncing an obvious sinner, we do it without pharisaical exaltation, with humility, recognizing our own sinfulness, and with love for our neighbor, with sincere hope for his repentance and a change in life. The Apostle, having enumerated the sins that bar those who are committed to them from entering the Kingdom of Heaven, then adds in his Epistle to the Corinthian Christians: “Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Cor. 6:11).

Does all that has been said mean that the intolerance commanded by the Lord, intolerance to sin, relates to the area of ​​self-reproach and repentance, to interpersonal relationships, affects exclusively intra-church life and does not contain socially significant, political and legal aspect? This assumption is incorrect. Christians are not escapists or anarchists. Even during the times of persecution of the Church in the Roman Empire, they recognized themselves as its faithful citizens, which is remarkably expressed, for example, in the “Apology” of St. Justin the Philosopher, addressed to Emperor Antoninus Pius. Christians did not consider serving in the legions of pagan Rome shameful and incompatible with their faith. Orthodox Church venerates in the host of holy saints those killed for their faith in the Savior during the cleansing of the army from Christians, soldiers, military leaders and generals, such as the Great Martyrs George the Victorious, Demetrius of Thessaloniki, Theodore Stratelates. Christian participation in government affairs and concerns became incomparably more significant after Saint Constantine granted Christians freedom of religion.

When Christians made up the majority of citizens, the legislation of the Roman state - the famous Roman law - underwent a significant transformation under the influence of the Gospel teaching, under the influence of Christian moral norms. In particular, in criminal law the line was drawn differently than before between those vices that are not subject to punitive sanctions and criminally punishable manifestations of human sinfulness. This line was drawn and corrected by Christians not as individuals or children of the church, but as citizens or also as officials called to participate in the preparation of legislative acts, or when pious Christians became bearers of supreme power, emperors, they issued laws, guided by their Christian conscience. Similar lessons can be learned from history. Russian state in his relationship with the Church, from the history of Russian law based on Christian moral values.

Obviously, it is not private societies, but the state that decides where the line between unpunished sins and criminal acts lies. But for us Christians, it is by no means indifferent what decisions are made. In any case, Orthodox Christians, faithful to the Gospel teaching in all its fullness, in their civil life are called to be on the side of morally protective political forces and parties, and not those who preach tolerance for sin or completely cross out the very concept of sin, that is, in essence, they are inclined to deny the distinction between good and evil. Therefore, when making this or that political choice, a Christian puts at the forefront the position of those elected on issues of public morality, his intention by his participation in legislative, administrative or judicial activities contribute to the preservation or destruction of fundamental moral norms, strengthen or undermine social foundations. It is clear that declared intentions must be judged not only by words, but mainly by deeds. A special responsibility before God for counteracting obvious evil lies with those Orthodox Christians who are participants in the legislative process or have administrative powers.



Progress of the event

1.Organizing time

There are suns of different colors on the tables, but they do not have enough rays. Students take one ray and sit at the table where the sun is the same color as the ray.

You are divided into 4 teams. Smile at each other, give me your smiles too! Thank you! A smile always encourages communication.

1. Greeting (slide No. 1)


Game "Let's greet each other"»

    fold your hands (as in “prayer”) at chest level and bow (Japan);

    rub noses (New Zealand);

    shake hands while standing at a great distance from each other (UK);

    hug each other tightly and kiss each other on the cheeks three times (Russia);

    show language (Tibet);

    shake hands very firmly while standing close to each other (Germany).

We are pleased to welcome you all to our event. Our meeting is dedicated to learning to live together, accepting each other as we are, learning to understand each other.

Let's get acquainted.....(introduce the organizers, assistants), and in groups the guys get to know each other by doing exercises to get to know each other.

Exercise:"Name and epithet."

Goal: an opportunity to learn the names of the participants and at the same time advertise yourself.

The group sits in a circle. One of the participants introduces himself to the others and selects some epithet in relation to himself. This adjective should begin with the same letter as the name, characterize the person in a positive way and, if possible, contain exaggeration, for example: “Magnetic Magda, brilliant Gennady, violent Boris,” etc. The second speaker first repeats the name and epithet of the previous participant, then adds its own combination. The third one repeats both options and then introduces himself. This continues to happen in a circle.

2. Parable “Good family” (slide No. 2)

School is a family. And I would like peace, respect and mutual understanding to reign in our family. What is needed for this? Listen to the parable and you will understand everything.

“Once upon a time there was a family. She was not simple. There were more than 100 people in this family. And she occupied the whole village. This is how the whole family and the whole village lived. You say: so what, you never know large families in the world. But the fact is that this family was special - peace and harmony reigned in this family. No quarrels, no swearing, no, God forbid, fights and strife. Rumors about this family reached the very ruler of the state. And he decided to check whether people were telling the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: all around was purity, beauty, prosperity and peace. Good for children, calm for old people. The lord was surprised. I decided to find out how the villagers achieved such harmony, and came to the head of the family: tell me, how do you achieve such harmony and peace in your family. He took a sheet of paper and began to write something. He wrote for a long time, apparently, he was not very strong in reading and writing. Then he handed the sheet to the bishop. He took the paper and began to sort out the old man’s scribbles. I took it apart with difficulty and was surprised. Three words were written on the paper:...»

slide number 3 task)

Exercise 1.

Each group responds by commenting on their answer.

Animation check task




And at the end of the sheet: 100 times love, 100 times forgiveness, 100 times patience. The bishop read, scratched behind his ear and asked: “And that’s all?” “Yes,” answered the old man, “this is the basis of the life of any good family. And peace too."

Do you agree with what the head of the family wrote on the piece of paper?

What conclusion did you draw for yourself?

3. What is tolerance?

All these concepts can be combined in one word.

(slide number 4) "Guess the rebus"

(slide number 5) Rebus

Task 2. Time to complete the task is 2 minutes.

Animation of task verification. When clicked, the word comes out TOLERANCE

Of course, not everyone may be familiar with this word. And, at first glance, it sounds completely incomprehensible, but in the modern world where you will live, you will hear it more than once. In life, a person communicates with representatives of different nationalities, cultures, religions, social classes, so it is important to learn to respect the cultural values ​​of both one’s own people and representatives of another culture and religion.

4. History of origin concept of tolerance (slides No. 6,7).

So, what is “tolerance”? Let's look into the past.

On the edge Lived in France in the 18th and 19th centuries Talleyrand-Périgord, Prince of Benevento . He distinguished himself by the fact that under different governments (under the revolutionary, and under Napoleon, and under King Louis XVII) he remained invariably the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was a person talented in many areas, but, undoubtedly, most of all - in the ability to take into account the moods of others, treat them with respect, and seek solutions to problems in a way that least infringes on the interests of other people. And at the same time, maintain your own principles, strive to manage the situation, and not blindly obey circumstances.

The concept of “tolerance” is associated with the name of this person.

(slide number 8)

What does the word tolerance mean?

This word sounds different in different languages, but its meaning is the same (French, English, Chinese and other translations of the word). And how are youDo you think which word is the key word for the concept of tolerance?

- Of course, the word is tolerance.

(slide number 9 exercise)

Compose a syncwine for the word TOLERANCE .

Task 3. Time to complete the task is 5 minutes.

5. Holiday of Tolerance - November 16 (slide no. 10 task)

When is Tolerance Day celebrated?

Task 4 . Time to complete the task is up to 1 minute.


(slide no. 11)

On November 16, residents of many countries around the world celebrate the International Day of Tolerance or Tolerance Day. This holiday was established in 1996 by decision of the UN General Assembly. On November 16, 1995, in Paris, the participants of the twenty-eighth UNESCO conference, which included 185 countries, adopted the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance.

In order to be more tolerant of people of other nationalities, you need to know a lot about the peculiarities different cultures, read a lot, be interested.

Every country in the world has its own traditions and symbols. Now we will check what you know about this.

(slide number 12 task)

“What would that mean?”

Task 5.Time to complete the task is 4 minutes.

For the Chinese, this bird means longevity, a happy and peaceful old age, for Christians it symbolizes chastity and purity. He personified filial piety among the Egyptians and Romans. It also symbolizes the arrival of spring and new life, and therefore is the Annunciation bird. Settled on the roof of a house symbolizes peace and prosperity ( stork).

This bird has become a symbol of peace. In Christianity it was considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible, this bird, released by Noah, brought him an olive branch as a symbol of reconciliation between the elements. It is considered a sign of people's forgiveness. In the Middle Ages, it was an indispensable attribute of the Annunciation, Baptism, Trinity ( pigeon).

This is a symbol of the wisdom of feelings; among the Aztecs - the center of man, religion and love, among the Jews - the Temple of God, among the Celts - nobility and compassion. Burning - means religious zeal, pierced by an arrow - repentance (St. Augustine's emblem) or unrequited love ( heart).

This is an atmospheric optical and meteorological phenomenon, usually observed after or before rain. It looks like a circle made up of the colors of the spectrum. In Scandinavian mythology, this is a bridge connecting Midgard, the world of people, and Asgard, the world of the gods. In ancient Indian - the bow of the god of thunder and lightning Indra. According to Slavic and Indian beliefs, she, like a snake, drinks water from lakes, rivers and seas, which later rains ( rainbow).


(slide number 13)

By completing the following task, you will collect an image of a symbol of tolerance.

(slide number 14 task)

Assemble the puzzle (pictures for puzzles in presentation slide No. 14)

Task 6. Time to complete the task is 3 minutes.


Animation of task verification. Click on pictures of the logo

We see that the visual expression of tolerance is the rainbow spectrum, symbolizing the variety of colors and shades, the originality of all people of the world.

Each color of tolerance represents qualities that a truly tolerant person should exhibit.

Task 7.Choose five words - qualities that are suitable for a person with a tolerant attitude.

Time to complete the task is 2 minutes.


Each group reads the quality words, starting with the phrase:

To be tolerant means to be.....

(slide number 15 task)

People for years observed human behavior. And how a treasure trove of wisdom was expounded main idea in proverbs and sayings.

Recover the missing word in proverbs

Task 8. Time to complete the task 3 minutes.

(slide number 18) Animation of task verification. Proverbs come out with a click.

We perform the check in the following order:

1-group of red emoticons;

For a dear friend GATES wide open.

The clothes are good, new, and friend - OLD.

A man without friends is like a falcon WITHOUT WINGS.

2- group of yellow emoticons;

Only the strong CAN forgive.

Better DON'T QUALIFY than to ask for forgiveness.

Strongest of all VICTORY- forgiveness.

3- group of green emoticons;

Good word TREATS, evil cripples.

DO good to others - you yourself will be without trouble.

Good brotherhood is better WEALTH.

4 - a group of blue emoticons.

Where LAD, there is a treasure there.

IN I AGREE the herd and the wolf are not afraid.

FRIENDLY To stand for peace - there will be no war.

We live in one big house– Russia. In our country people of different nationalities are friends with each other.

Now we will take a short trip around different countries.

Attention! Quiz.

“Such different peoples”

It is in this country that there is a Christmas tree with a star on the top, salad "Olivier" and "Irony"

destinies” on TV have long become common attributes of the New Year. (RUSSIA)

In this country on New Year It is customary to get rid of everything old and boring. His

they simply throw them out of the windows into the street. (ITALY)

In this country, when the clock strikes for the first time, the owners of the house must open

back door and let out old year. And with the twelfth - open the front and

let in the new year. (ENGLAND)

Residents of this country fill all the dishes they have with water on New Year's Day.

at hand, and at midnight they unanimously throw it out - right out the windows.

Thus, they wish the New Year a bright journey. (CUBA)

« National dishes on our table"

A dish of Ukrainian cuisine. A type of small pies made from unleavened dough filled with cottage cheese and berries. And it also happens with potatoes and cabbage. (VARENIKI)

This dish of Russian cuisine is a symbol of the sun. It is prepared from liquid dough, which is poured onto a hot frying pan. (PANCAKES)

Dish of Caucasian cuisine. Pieces of meat fried on metal or wooden sticks. (SHASHLIK)

Dish of Armenian cuisine. Wheat bread in the form of thin large flatbreads.

"Puzzles". Riddles of different nations teach you to be attentive, observant, make you think and reflect.

Kazakh - “50 rascals fell on my palm, if I let one go, a fire will immediately break out.” (MATCHES)

Tatarskaya - “The old man is a man, he doesn’t tell you to stand on the street, he pulls you home by the nose” (FROST).

Russian - “I lay down across the river and helped me escape.” (BRIDGE)

Udmurt - “A black cow will come and knock everyone down.” (NIGHT)

(slide no. 22)

Summarizing. Presentation of certificates.

And I would like to end our meeting with these words:

This is the only salvation

Salvation in one thing:

Treat each other with kindness and warmth.

Learn to live freely, with dignity, but at the same time to others

Don't be indifferent.

All the best to you, happiness and success!

(slide no. 23)

Thanks for participating in the game!



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