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Class hour "truth and lies". Presentation on the topic of truth and lies Project on the topic of truth and lies

MBOU gymnasium No.103 g. Mineral water

Decade of Legal Knowledge

Business game

for 4th grade students

"Truth and lie"

Prepared and carried out:

educational psychologist M.A. Gatsutsa

classroom teacher 4G class

Besmeltseva D.A.

Target:form moral qualities– honesty, justice, find out what the concept of “deception” means, its moral and ethical aspects, what its consequences may be. Help children make a choice in favor of the truth.

Equipment:presentation about truth and lies, projector, computer, costumes: judge, prosecutors and lawyers; tests for children; Advice from a lawyer written on a blackboard, drawings.

Move class hour

- Good afternoon guys! Today we have gathered for business game, during which the judge and jury will reach a verdict on “Does lying help in life?”

(The class is divided into "prosecutors", "lawyers", "jurors" and "judge")

1. Discussion of the concepts of “truth” and “lie”.

On the board: children’s drawings “Truth and lies”, recording of proverbs:

The truth does not burn in fire and does not drown in water.

Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie.


- How do you understand the word “lie”? (Intentional distortion of the truth.)

– What words can be found that are similar in meaning? (Not true, deception.)

– When does a person resort to lying? For what?

– On Earth, for a long time, love and hate, good and evil, truth and lies have walked side by side. It is sometimes very difficult to tell the truth, but if a person has lied at least once, it is difficult for him to get rid of it later.

2. Questioning students.

1. Do you think that it is possible to deceive in such cases (underline as appropriate):

– to brag? Not really

– so as not to ruin your relationship with someone? Not really

– to avoid punishment? Not really

– to achieve benefits? Not really

– out of habit? Not really

– to help someone get through a difficult event? Not really

2. What can a lie lead to?

3. Is it always necessary to “cut the truth in the face”?

4. What is the difference between a lie and a fantasy?

3. “Your opinion” test.

Let's see if you ever cheat.

Do you agree with these statements? Circle the statements that correspond to your acceptance of them.

1. A true friend is one who never deceives his friend.

3. A true friend is one who will not tell anyone his friend’s secrets.

4. A true friend is one who will not laugh at his friend’s misfortune or failure.

5. A true friend is someone with whom it is always interesting and never boring.

6. A true friend is someone who will try to protect you from an offender.

Discussion of the test.

– Do you agree with most of the statements? If you agree, then try in each statement instead of the words TRUE FRIEND to put the short word I. Well, how does it work out?


Think about what you need to change in yourself - in your character, habits, hobbies, so that people want to be friends with you.

4. Analysis of children's drawings.

5. Reading and analysis of L. N. Tolstoy’s fable.



The boy was guarding the sheep and, as if seeing a wolf, began to call:

- Help, wolf! Wolf!

The men came running and saw: it’s not true. He did this two and three times, and it happened that a wolf actually came running.

The boy began to shout:

- Come here, come quickly, wolf!

The men thought that he was deceiving again as always - they did not listen to him.

The wolf sees that there is nothing to be afraid of: he has slaughtered the entire herd in the open.

L. N. Tolstoy

– Why didn’t people come running to help?

– Have you ever found yourself in similar situations?

– What do you do if:

 got a bad grade;

 lost replacement shoes;

 were late for class;

 were out for a walk and didn’t have time to clean the room before mom arrived?

6. Discussion, analysis of proverbs.

Teacher. But the Russian people have one more wisdom: “A lie for salvation.” How to explain such a phrase? When can a person resort to this?

– Remember what lies are called in fairy tales and what punishment follows if you tell a lie. (C. Collodi “The Adventures of Pinocchio” - the nose grows; N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno..." - the boys turned into donkeys.)

– How do people in society treat liars? (Children's answers.)

7. Analysis of the story by L. N. Tolstoy.


The boy was playing and accidentally broke an expensive cup. Nobody has seen.

The father came and asked:

- Who broke it?

The boy shook with fear and said:

- I.

Father said:

- Thank you for telling the truth.

L. N. Tolstoy. Stories from ABC

- Why did father say such words?

– What would you do if you were the boy?

– Which person has an easier time living in the world: a truthful one or a lying one?

– When is it difficult to tell the truth?

– What words that are similar in meaning can replace the word “truth”? (Truth, honesty.)

– Can we replace it with the word “fantasy”? Why?

It happens in the world,

Sometimes you can't tell:

The truth is with you

Or insinuating lies.

How to figure this out?

How to learn to live

So that only the truth is nearby,

Why not be friends with lies?

Happens lies are beautiful,

And the truth is so bitter

But to an honest man

That bitterness is not terrible!

Let's go guys

Live honestly in the world

Let's not lie, but just

Tell the truth!

Didactic material


“Eh,” the fishermen sighed, “

Are these pike perches?

You'll pull it out before, it used to be

The tail used to be in half a hand.

“Eh,” sighed the pike perch, “

There used to be worms...

It used to be just a worm

We ate half the river.

“Eh,” sighed the worms, “

Fishermen used to lie!..

We used to listen to them

They climbed onto the hooks themselves!

7. Summary of the class hour.

– Think and ask your parents what the difference is between deception and fantasy.

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

The presentation on the topic “Truth and lies” (grade 3) can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Various. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 6 slide(s).

Presentation slides

Slide 1

Truth and lie

Prepared by: 3B grade student Yulia Andriyanova

Slide 2

Truth is when a person tells the truth, honestly and does not lie.

A lie is when a person tells a lie and deceives others.

Slide 3

Little Volodya and his mother came to visit his aunt in another city. My aunt also had children. He and Volodya played and ran. And so in one of the rooms they began to play catch. There was a crystal decanter on the table in the room. Volodya accidentally pushed the table, the decanter fell and broke. The children got scared and became quiet. But they didn't even notice which of them pushed the table. Auntie entered the room. She asked which of them pushed the decanter. Everyone answered that it was not them. Volodya was afraid that he would be punished. Then the aunt said that the decanter apparently jumped off the table himself. Everyone laughed, and Volodya went into another room and sat in the corner. He was ashamed of his lies. He worried for a long time. When they returned home, Volodya asked his mother to write to his aunt that it was he who broke the decanter. And never again in his life did he lie or tolerate it if others did it.

Slide 4

1) What was the name of the boy, the hero of the story?

2) Who did the boy come to?

3) Who did the boy come with?

5)Which won: truth or lie?

4)Who broke the vase?

Slide 5

Slide 6

Tips for making a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.

The meaning of the words lie and deception Lie is a deliberate distortion of the truth (disinformation, fabrication, untruth, deception) [Yu. Shcherbatykh, “The Art of Deception”, St. Petersburg, “Classics”, 1997]. Deception is the deliberate misleading of another person [Yu. Shcherbatykh, “The Art of Deception” 1997].

Man is born truthful. A child under three years of age is psychologically very different from an adult. All his thoughts, emotions, feelings lie on the surface - at a conscious level. It has been proven that it is the division of the information store into consciousness and subconscious that creates the choice: to lie or tell the truth.

Career without deception?! Let's give a rating of professions - “liars”. 1. Politician 11. Sales manager 2. PR man 12. Insurer 3. Creative representative 13. Profession theorist. 14. Designer 4. Lawyer. 15. Official 5. Advertising manager. 16. Doctor 6. Consultant 17. Travel agent 7. Image maker 18. Realtor 8. Private detective 19. Banker 9. Economist-analyst 20. Businessman 10. Teacher 21. Journalist.

How to determine external signs deception? 1) expressive gestures designed to divert your attention from your face; 2) the interlocutor touches his nose unnecessarily, twirls a strand of hair, shakes his leg... These are signs that he is nervous and afraid of being caught; 3) facial expressions - for a split second a grimace will flash on the deceiver’s face before he smiles or speaks; 4) gestures with a pronounced semantic load (manner of shrugging shoulders). 5) use of phrases: “To tell the truth”, “I will be extremely honest”, “Why should I lie to you?” 6) turns his eyes to the side and down when talking, blinks more often (in the normal state, once a minute); 7) prefers to move, extinguishing unnecessary body motor signals.

Presentation on the topic: Psychology of liesNizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after. ON THE.
Presentation at
Psychology of lies


How many years has humanity existed?
there are probably just as many
deception. The ancients wrote about him
philosophers, it is written about him in
Bible... Life develops, goes
forward, but the deceptions are still the same
accompany our lives, bringing into
she's in a lot of trouble: it's
it's very unpleasant to feel
a deceived person.

Signals for detecting lies.

- Changing the modulation and volume of the voice,
- Changes in intonation characteristics,
- Internal tension,
- Changes in muscle tone,
- Gesticulation that is not characteristic of a person,
- Chaotic movements or vice versa
“freezing” (if a person tries to

What do deceivers say?

1. The pace of speech changes. (If you have to fly
invent something, then pauses followed by
in quick phrases is a clear sign of lying.)
2. A liar’s speech literally blooms with words like parasites.
3.If a person’s speech includes unnecessary
facts and unnecessary details, in no way
related to the subject of conversation, and in
too large quantities

What do deceivers say?

Varied voice timbre, unexpected
coughing, grunting, throat clearing,
“grunting” and other sounds uncharacteristic for humans -
"false" signs.
People who are liars seek to establish distance from lies,
psychologically distance yourself from her. How to do it?
Do not speak in the first person, but use
second and third pronouns: you, we, they. They also
It is common to ask again and supposedly clarify the question in
hoping to quickly come up with a seemingly truthful answer

Types of lies

White lie
White lie
White lies

White lies.

lies bring benefits
listener or society as a whole.
(Example: Lying to a seriously ill person
person, to protect him from
unnecessary worries)

White lies

They resort if they do not want to offend or upset a person
White lie
Beneficial only to a liar. (Example: a criminal's lies in order to
evade responsibility

Signs and gestures that indicate lies.

1. Shifting gaze, sudden change
2. Trembling voice
3.Experts in public service
easily determine whether a person is lying or not by
his smile. In humans during reproduction
false information on the face can
a smile appears involuntarily.

Facial expressions indicating a lie

involuntary touching of the face with a hand;
covering your mouth with your hands;
constant rubbing or any other
touching the nose;
gestures in the eye area (rubbing,
touching the eyelids);
periodically pulling back the shirt collar
or sweaters.

Facial expressions indicating
In psychology besides
facial expressions of liars are studied and
movements of their limbs,
characteristic poses. So,
if a person tells the truth
, his facial expressions and gestures
synchronous, otherwise
case man first
reproduces the gesture, and already
then facial expressions.

Deception when concluding a deal.

1. “Fingering” small objects in the hands,
buttons on clothes, etc.
2. Frequently lighting cigarettes.
3. Intermittent and confused speech, interruption
phrases in mid-sentence.
4. Frequent blinking while answering
"uncomfortable" question.
5. Avoiding eye contact with the interlocutor.

Lie statistics.

- 81% of people tell “white lies” every
- Most people lie 3 times in 10 minutes
- 2% of people think that lying is sometimes necessary
- 65% of people think that often/sometimes is normal
lie to avoid hurting someone's feelings
- 44% of people think that it is often/sometimes possible
exaggerate events in a story to make
he's more interesting

Lie statistics.

- 15% of employees were caught lying on the job
- 16% of people have ever lied using the excuse “They’re calling me.”
on the other line” or “I’ll call you back”
- 33% of women lie about their spending, just like
26% men


Determining the above-mentioned signs of lies in
In each specific case, it should be remembered
that certain gestures, eye movements and postures can
be individual characteristics
a specific person. Moreover, the result
definitions of lies will be more accurate if assessed
not its individual features, but its totality.


1.Paul Ekman, “Psychology of Lies”, St. Petersburg, 2012
2. Paul Ekman, “Know a liar by his facial expression”, St. Petersburg, 2016
3.Mack Fulfer “The Art of Face Reading”, St. Petersburg, 2014
4. https://psichel.ru/psihologiya-lzhi/
5. https://cwetochki.ru/ref-doklad-psikhologiia-lzhi.html

Truth and lies of folk wisdom

"The dreamer deceives himself,

and the liar of others"

F. Nietzsche

Over the course of time, lies have gone through several stages of development - from lies for the purpose of survival to lies for the purpose of falsifying history and hiding information. By the 20th century, the study of the problem of lying in psychology became essential.

A lie by definition Explanatory dictionary Russian language Ozhegova, - “intentional distortion of the truth is not true.”

Target: study the types and causes of lies.


  • Get acquainted with the concepts: truth, lies, and deception in the history of mankind.
  • To figure out psychological reasons, lying behavior in early childhood.
  • Explore the types and causes of lies.
  • Analyze which literary works of children's writers are aimed at developing honesty and truthfulness, teaching with examples literary characters get rid of lies.

Types of lies:

  • passive lie, i.e. not to say what you know (it is divided into: complete, partial and silence);
  • active lie, i.e. a false story is prepared in advance (it consists of: a completely invented lie and half truth and lies.

At the first stage of our research, we conducted a survey among students in grades 3-4. To discuss the research topic, they proposed the parable “Which is easier?”

The guys answered the proposed questions: Why is cheating bad? Why is lying an indicator of human imperfection? Who cheats more often and in what situations - children or adults. What makes people lie: concern for their own well-being or concern for the well-being of another person? Who can be considered a big deceiver: the primitive or modern man? Have you been deceived at least once? Who are animals deceiving? Can unusual animal behavior be considered deception?

The first fairy tale about truth and lies, which has come down to us from the depths of centuries, was called "About truth and falsehood." It was written more than three thousand years ago, during the reign of the Egyptian pharaohs. In this fairy tale, a vile man deceives and robs his honest brother all his life. And then the deceiver falls for his own bait. The grown-up nephew invents a huge non-existent bull and returns the loot. Justice triumphed - the liar was punished.

IN ancient Greece and in Rome there were almost no lies. The laws of these ancient states were different from ours. Each person could tell the truth to another person, even the king himself, with impunity.

Scientists, doctors and psychologists tell us that a person who lies risks his health. His blood pressure rises, his breathing and heart rate increase.

A liar experiences stress, and this has a bad effect on the entire human body.

At the second stage of our research, we conducted a survey among 4th grade students on the topic:

Who do we lie to most often?

Answered the following questions:

Am I lying to my parents?

Do I deceive teachers every day?

Am I cheating on my friends?

Do I lie on the phone almost every day?

When meeting new people, do I always lie to them?

Am I lying to my classmates?

Do you consider yourself a liar?

Signs of a lie

  • Information leak – a liar accidentally reveals himself with contradictory information.
  • Information about the presence of deception - a liar by his behavior only reveals that he is telling a lie, but the true information is still not known. Knowing that they are lying to us, we cannot always say what exactly they are trying to hide from us.

Types of children's lies:

  • Lying game
  • Lie-manipulation
  • Lying out of fear


  • Younger schoolchildren most often deceive themselves, exaggerate or underestimate themselves and their abilities. All reasons are based on human imperfection: fear, laziness, distrust or disrespect for people. The more perfect a person is, the less need he has to lie.
  • In fairy tales and literary works You can find material that will help children become more confident, patient, truthful, teach them to listen and hear others, and accept the inconsistency and diversity of the world. The words are forgotten, but the sensations remain. And these are not just sensations, but experiences that are strongly associated with a certain way of behavior of the heroes of a fairy tale in a corresponding situation.
  • The fairy tale does not leave the child indifferent and makes him an active participant in what is happening, experiencing every failure and every victory with the heroes.

Thank you for your attention

There is a wise, gray-haired truth, through violence. She passes without changing her appearance, she is always true to herself. She proves: “Honestly, My friend, you have lived your life, And, as you know, I, the truth, do not recognize lies and dexterity.” Let your reward be invisible, But they receive the right with it With a calm and open look. Always look people in the eyes.



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