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When is Ramadan month of the year? What is Ramadan, the Muslim holy month? Greetings and Ramadan calendar

BAKU /Trend Life/ - We present to the readers of Trend Life the calendar for the month of Ramadan 2016 for the territory of Azerbaijan, published on the official website of the Caucasus Muslims Office (UMK). The calendar is compiled based on calculations by the Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS).

According to the fatwa of the Council of Kazis and the Scientific and Religious Council of the UMC, June 7 is the first day of the month of Ramadan. The nights of Laylat al-Ghadr will fall from the 18th to the 19th, from the 20th to the 21st, from the 22nd to the 23rd, from the 26th to the 27th days of the month of Ramadan. Ramadan will be celebrated on the first day of the Muslim month of Shawwal - July 6. On the same day, festive prayers will be performed in mosques in Azerbaijan.

The Caucasus Muslims Office calls on everyone to be patient during the month of Ramadan and perform charitable deeds in the name of Allah. Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims and is called the Crown of the Year, Shahrullah (the month of Allah) and Ziyafatullah (the feast of Allah). It was during this month that the Holy Quran began to descend upon the Prophet Muhammad (CAC). During this month, Allah sends great blessings to people, forgives them their sins, ennobles them and bestows them. Just as autumn rain cleanses the earth from all dust, so the month of Ramadan cleanses the soul of believers from sins.

Below is a table of fasting for residents of Baku and its suburbs.

For residents of cities remote from the capital, the time varies from the table presented (in minutes):

Daily prayers for the Holy month of Ramadan

How to fast correctly

The Almighty has determined the order of fasting during the blessed month of Ramadan. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is obligatory for every Muslim who is conscious, of legal age and capable of fasting in accordance with Sharia law.

Every day, after the morning meal (imsak), before starting the fast, it is necessary to say a prayer (niyyet), as well as during breaking the fast (iftar). You can learn about prayers from special religious literature.

It is advisable to open the iftar fast with a date, clean water, milk or something sweet. Under no circumstances should you consume foods that contain pork or alcohol additives while eating. It is not advisable to eat too heavily either in the morning or in the evening, it burdens the body and is harmful to health. It is also advisable to feed those who are fasting in the evening. According to the hadith, the one who feeds a fasting person in the evening will receive the same reward as the one who fasted.

Restrictions and features during fasting

During the period between morning and evening prayers, you cannot perform certain actions:

1) You cannot deliberately lie when swearing in the names of Allah, prophets and imams.

2) You can’t eat or drink. In addition, nothing should enter the body through natural openings. For example, it is forbidden for water to enter the ear hole, or for thick fog, smoke and steam to enter the body through the mouth or nose (flour, dust, cigarette smoke, etc. in the air), chewing gum and performing enemas are also prohibited . You can taste food (if a person prepares food), but do not swallow it, but spit it out. If food is swallowed out of forgetfulness or unconsciously, then the weapon is not considered interrupted. After the morning meal (imsak) before fasting, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the mouth and between the teeth of food debris, since if small food debris is swallowed during fasting, this breaks the fast.

3) You cannot join sexual intercourse during fasting. It is also undesirable for spouses to engage in intimate caresses that excite each other. Intimate relationships after fasting are permitted, but with the condition of complete ablution before morning prayer. Note that if an orgasm occurs during sleep (wet dream), this does not lead to stopping the fast. In this case, you should swim and continue fasting.

4) Vomiting, if it occurs deliberately, breaks the fast. If a fasting person vomits against his will, then the fast is not broken, you just need to rinse your mouth.

5) The appearance of menstruation even before sunset breaks the fast. Women are not prohibited from using cosmetics and incense, but it is better to abstain, because lipstick can enter the body, and this is unacceptable during fasting.

6) It is better not to perform actions that cause blood loss, including tooth extraction. If the gums bleed and the fasting person swallows blood with saliva, then the fast is broken. Taking medication also breaks the fast. Injections are given to sick people for whom fasting is not advisable, but after recovery the person must make up for these days.

7) Swallowing saliva and phlegm does not break the fast, as does rinsing the mouth and bathing. Only the person bathing must be careful not to swallow the water or plunge headlong into the water. For example, do not jump into the pool or sea.

Release from fasting

Fasting is obligatory for all believers, except minors, the elderly and seriously ill, the insane, pregnant women and nursing mothers, travelers and those on the battlefield.

“Whoever of you finds this month, let him fast, and whoever is sick or on a journey, let him fast on other days. Allah desires ease for you and does not desire difficulties, and that you fast completely and completely and glorify the Lord for that , that He led you to the true path, maybe you will be grateful! - it is said in the Koran.

It is a sin for a woman to fast during menstruation and postpartum cleansing, but after cleansing she must make up for the missed days of fasting. The same as for a sick person, after recovery, and do this before the month of Ramadan next year. But if a person is sick or old, and cannot keep the fast in any way, then for each missed day of fasting he must feed the poor person to his fill. If the fast was missed voluntarily, due to negligence or neglect, then this is a grave sin and a heavy fine is imposed (ask about the amount at the mosque).

Night of Predestination

The exact date of the revelation of the Quran is unknown, but for centuries Muslim believers have been celebrating the holy night of Laylat al-Ghadr in the last 10 days of Ramadan at night on the odd days of the month (Ehya Gejesi). It received a different name - the Night of Predetermination of Fate, because it is believed that it is on this night that the Almighty determines the fate of a person for the coming year. The Qur'an says: "We sent it (the Qur'an) down on the Night of Predestination. How do you know what the Night of Predestination is? The Night of Predestination is better than a thousand months. On this night the angels and the Spirit (Jabrail) descend, with the permission of their Lord, to fulfill His commands "On this night - sending greetings until dawn."

As a rule, some Muslims celebrate this night from the 18th to the 19th, from the 20th to the 21st and from the 22nd to the 23rd of the month of Ramadan. Others believe that the Holy Night falls precisely on the night from the 26th to the 27th of the month of Ramadan.

Fasting improves health

Compliance with fasting according to all the rules purifies a Muslim not only spiritually, but also improves health. If a person constantly eats and drinks heavily, without giving the body rest, then toxic substances accumulate in the body. The human body, tired of systematically eating throughout the year, rests during this month. At the same time, a kind of renewal occurs in our body. This is what the Prophet Muhammad (S) said about this: “Keep the rules and you will become healthier.”

According to doctors, fasting strengthens the immune system, improving the functional parameters of lymphocytes tenfold, as well as increasing the content of cells responsible for immunity; prevents obesity; prevents the formation of excess acidity, which is main reason stomach ulcers; protects against the formation of kidney stones, as it increases the sodium content in the blood, preventing calcification processes; restrains sexual instincts, especially in young people, thereby protecting the body from mental and physical disorders; abstaining from drinking increases the body’s energy and learning ability, improves memory; activates and optimizes metabolic processes taking place in cells with the participation of glucose, fats and proteins.

Ramadan in 2016: The ninth month of the Muslim calendar is called Ramadan or Ramadan, and it is sacred, since, according to legend, it was in this month that the angel Jibril conveyed the first divine revelation to the Prophet Muhammad.

At this time, the Prophet Muhammad lived in a cave near Mecca, where he performed religious rituals. It was the first revelation received by the prophet that became the basis of the holy book of Islam - the Koran. IN Turkic languages Ramadan is most often called Eid and Saum.

The month of Ramadan lasts from 29 to 30 days, depending on lunar calendar, the site reports. And since the lunar calendar is shorter than the Gregorian calendar, every year the month of Ramadan moves back by about 11 days. Moreover, in different Muslim countries, Ramadan may begin at different time, and this depends on the method of astronomical calculation or direct observation of the phases of the Moon.

When does Ramadan start in 2016?

In 2016, the beginning of Ramadan begins on the night of June 5-6. Thus, the first day of fasting is June 6, 2016. The month of Ramadan will last less than 29 days. On July 5, at sunset, the month of Shawwal will begin, and Muslims around the world will celebrate one of the two greatest Muslim holidays - Eid al-Fitr (Uraza Bayram, Eid al-Fitr), Eid al-Fitr will be on September 23, 2016.

  • Start: June 6, 2016;
  • End: July 4, 2016;
  • Holiday: July 5 (Uraza Bayram - day of breaking the fast).

Ramadan prayer schedule by city

Schedule and calendar in Russia (Moscow)

During fasting:

1. Finish eating 20 minutes before. until the time of Fajr;
2. MAGHRIB time - you can start eating. Next, the schedule is sorted by city, all times are indicated in Moscow. If your city is not on the list, write its name in the comments (and we will add it to this page), or just go by the Moscow schedule.

General information about Ramadan 2016

During this month, good deeds performed are considered the most important. Taking into account the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, Allah will increase the significance of each of your good deeds 700 times. Given the advent of Ramadan, the tourist regime in Muslim countries is changing.

For example, state institutions will switch to a reduced work schedule, and a Ramadan menu will be introduced on the planes of some airlines. Tourists are advised to respect the rules and traditions of Ramadan as much as possible, otherwise they may end up in prison (or worse)... In Ingushetia, the sale and, especially, the consumption of alcohol is prohibited during the holy month. Violators will be subject to fines.

Prohibited actions during fasting

  • The following actions performed during the daytime break the fast. including:
  • Unspoken intention (niyat) to fast;
  • Intentional eating and drinking;
  • Smoking;
  • Sexual intercourse (regardless of whether there was ejaculation or not), masturbation and ejaculation caused by caresses;
  • Insertion of rectal and vaginal medicines;
  • Swallowing sputum that has entered the oral cavity;
  • Spontaneous vomiting, in which the oral cavity fills with vomit.

Not prohibited actions

  • Unintentional eating and drinking;
  • Administration of medications by injection (injections);
  • Blood donation and bloodletting (hijama);
  • Bathing without getting water into the mouth;
  • Kissing unless the partner's saliva is swallowed;
  • Caresses, if they do not lead to ejaculation;
  • Ingestion of saliva and sputum that does not enter the oral cavity;
  • Brushing your teeth, provided that the toothpaste does not get into your throat;
  • Cleaning teeth with a siwak. Some theologians consider it undesirable to brush your teeth after noon, mentioning the hadith that “the smell from the mouth of a fasting person is sweeter to Allah than incense”;
  • Involuntary vomiting;
  • Not performing prayers.
  • Not Muslims;
  • Muslim minors and mentally ill adults;
  • Old people and the sick who cannot withstand fasting and do not hope that their condition will change. To atone for fasting, they must feed the poor;
  • Pregnant and lactating women if they fear for their health and the health of their child. They must make up for the fast after the disappearance of the reason temporarily releasing them from duty;
  • Travelers. The traveler is allowed to break his fast regardless of his physical condition and the difficulty of the journey.
  • Women who are undergoing menstruation and postpartum cleansing.
  • Those who do not observe the Ramadan fast are not advised to demonstratively eat or smoke during the daytime. In Islamic countries, during fasting it is forbidden to eat, drink, smoke, chew gum and play loud music. in public places.

When Ramadan 2016 is celebrated in Russia, what dates mark the beginning and end of this extremely important religious event for Muslims, people who want to broaden their horizons and respect the traditions of other faiths want to know. For them, we will tell you in detail what it is - holy month abstinence among the faithful followers of Allah and what the schedule of rules that must be followed during the 30 days of Ramadan looks like.

Ramadan - what is it and why is it called sacred?

What is the month of Ramadan and why adherents of Islam call it sacred, say ancient religious texts. According to these records, Ramadan or Ramazan is the name given to the ninth month of the traditional Islamic calendar. Adding depth to antiquity tells us that it was during this period sky Angel Jibril once suddenly appeared to the Prophet Muhammad and conveyed to him the very first and most important divine revelation. The famous Muslim prophet at that time lived in a secluded cave in the Mecca area and performed various rituals there. The holy man based the revelation received from above as the basis of the Koran, the main book of the entire Islamic movement.

Ramadan - schedule of rules

Photo 005

During Ramadan, the faithful fast strictly from dawn until sunset, pray fervently, perform godly deeds, cleanse their hearts from sinful feelings, and their souls from wicked desires. The date of the fasting period is calculated according to the lunar calendar and falls on a different date each year. The month lasts, usually from 29 to 30 days, and ends with the beautiful and bright holiday of Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr).

During Ramadan it is strictly prohibited:

  • drink water and eat any food between the morning Fajr prayer and the evening Maghrib prayer;
  • fulfill marital duty daylight hours days.

Mentally ill people and children who have not reached the age of puberty are exempt from harsh rules. Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, the seriously ill and travelers are allowed to temporarily abandon fasting. However, you will still have to go through the test, but at the moment when the objective reasons that prevented you from observing the tradition on time disappear.

Very decrepit old people and people suffering from incurable diseases do not fast. In the name of atonement for sins, they care for the disadvantaged in shelters and feed the poor.

Ramadan 2016 - the beginning and end of the holy month in Russia

Today it is already known for certain when Ramadan 2016 will take place in Russia. The beginning and end of the holy period will fall in the summer months and the faithful will have to fast from June 11 to July 10. The period of abstinence will begin in the early morning, when the believer pronounces niyat (declares out loud his intention to give up food and carnal pleasures for the glory of Allah). After this action and until nightfall, food and other joys of life will be strictly prohibited.

Ramadan 2016 - schedule for the period of abstinence in Moscow

The schedule of the holy month of Ramadan 2016 in Moscow exactly corresponds to the dates relevant for all of Russia. The strict period also begins on June 11, and its logical end comes on July 10. After successful fasting and spiritual purification, the faithful visit the mosque and pray together for peace, prosperity and happy life under the protection of Allah.

Ramadan 2016 - the beginning and end of the traditional Muslim fast in Tunisia and the UAE

In Tunisia and the UAE, the beginning and end of Ramadan 2016 falls on June 6 (full moon day) and July 5 (birth new moon). The difference in dates is due to the fact that in some countries only astronomical indicators are used for calculations, in others - direct observations of the Moon, and in others - they are based on the opinions of authoritative religious figures and influential public figures.

Ramadan 2016 - fasting calendar

Ramadan - congratulations for friends in verse

Now you know exactly what it is - the holy month of Ramadan, when it begins in Russia and at what time it ends. Having this useful information, you can prepare in advance for this event and choose beautiful, gentle and touching congratulations in verse for your Muslim friends. Your friends will be pleased at such an important and significant moment to hear warm, bright, solemnly inspired words, complemented by sincere and good wishes. This will make your relationship more sincere and trusting, will help you become closer friend friend and will give the communication additional cordiality.

Forgive the sins of your enemies,

Be righteous and pure.

Let troubles fly away like smoke,

The whole month will pass quickly.

In fasting and righteous deeds,

In thoughts and prayers,

May Allah help us

Fight with Shaitan!

In the name of light and goodness,

Be firm in decisions

Holy month of Ramadan

Given to us for purification.

The month of Ramadan is coming:

An hour of fasting, spirituality, aspiration.

We wish truth and goodness

And indulge in fasting with rapture.

May prayers, labor, the Holy Quran

You will be tuned to spirituality and repentance.

And the soul will be cleansed that hour,

Understanding the mystery of the universe.

May Allah take care of you

And it will reward you for your patience.

May all the blessings descend upon you

And your soul will find peace!

Happy Ramadan!

May your fast pass easily.

For all devotees of Islam

Fasting is not a question.

This ancient bright holiday

Purifications and prayers.

At this time all hearts

Open to spirituality.

Don't forget these days

And don’t be sorry yourself

About lunch that is not eaten.

Many people who consider themselves to be different religions, do not fully know what Ramadan is, although they have heard this name more than once. Ramadan is a holy Muslim fast that lasts one moon month. Its name is translated as “scorching heat”, “heat”, “heat”. All the names of this ninth month of the Muslim calendar are associated with the time of the holiday. As a rule, this is summer or late spring: Muslim holidays are tied to the lunar calendar, so the schedule changes annually. Ramadan 2016 - the beginning and end of fasting fall on June 6 and July 5, respectively. And in Russia, Moscow, and in other countries, the calendar of all important holidays and events are the same. If in 2016 you are planning to visit Tunisia or the UAE between June 6 and July 5, take into account all the restrictions associated with fasting. Showing respect to the believers of Islam, follow the prescribed restrictions in public and observe the rules of the holy Ramadan. If there are Muslim believers among your friends, be sure to send them congratulations on the beginning of the holiday on June 5th.

What is Ramadan, the Muslim holy month?

Every child born of a Muslim knows what the holiday of Ramadan is. This is a monthly fast that falls on summer time, associated with the strictest restrictions on food, drink and pleasure. Its story is connected with the prophet Muhammad and his meeting with the angel Jabrail (in Orthodoxy: the archangel Gabriel). Through an angel, Muhammad received revelations from Allah, which appeared to him as verses that became suras of the Koran. For every Muslim, this event is sacred, because it revealed the message of Allah to the entire Islamic world.

Ramadan 2016 - the beginning and end of the holy month in Russia

The beginning and end of Ramadan 2016 in Russia coincides with the dates of holy fasting for the entire Islamic world. This year, all believers deliberately limit themselves in food, drink and carnal pleasures from June 6 to July 5 inclusive. During these days, fasting Muslims are not allowed to eat or drink before sunset. After the sun goes below the horizon, you can eat, but the first meal of the day should be healthy and light. Russian Muslims, total number which according to different sources, ranges from 20 to 30 million people, respect the fast, but not everyone observes it. The rules of Ramadan are humane, despite the seemingly strictest restrictions (not a drop of water before sunset, even in the heat!), and many believers may not observe fasting. You will read about these exceptions below.

Ramadan 2016 - schedule in Moscow for Muslims

The Ramadan 2016 schedule in Moscow coincides with its celebration throughout the Muslim world. However, due to the difference in the time of sunset and sunrise, the starting and ending hours of fasting vary for each day. According to the rules of fasting, Muslim Muscovites begin to strictly limit food and drink around 4 a.m. on June 6, 2016. If you doubt the authenticity of the hours when you can eat and drink, find out the exact schedule of Ramadan days at the mosque closest to you.

Ramadan calendar 2016

Due to the connection of Ramadan to the lunar and solar calendars and the strict observance of fasting, it is better for every Muslim to purchase or print a calendar for Ramadan 2016. The calendar marks the exact hours of the beginning of meals in the evening (iftar) and the last morning drink and food (suhoor). IN different countries The times vary slightly, but in general the calendar provides reliable information. We provide a calendar of holy fasting for the latitude of Canada and Tajikistan.

Ramadan 2016 beginning and end in Tunisia and the UAE

The beginning and end of Ramadan 2016 in Tunisia and the UAE fall on June 6 and July 5. Tourists to these Muslim countries must respect Islamic traditions. When hungry, do not eat in public, do not drink or smoke. Nobody forbids you to do this, but do it in such a way that no one sees you. In Islamic countries, restaurants and cafes are closed before sunset, and entertainment events are not held.

Congratulations for Ramadan 2016 in beautiful verses

Be sure to congratulate your Muslim friends on their holiday - holy Ramadan. These can be poems, friendly wishes, or a miniature edition of the Koran, donated from the heart.

The soulful holiday of Ramadan,

What was given by Allah from above,

We honor with an open soul

And some bright simplicity...

May all your dreams come true on this day,

And troubles and sorrows will be forgotten.

Joy will be replaced by sadness,

Everything that is not a pity will go away!

May the holiday be a bright Ramadan

Will eradicate any deception,

Giving us comfort and warmth

And everything that should happen in life!

Happy Ramadan to the faithful Muslims.

Let all sorrows and deception pass you by.

Lent is coming. Fasting for body and soul.

May God's creation complete your faith.

No smoking, no alcohol and no fancy food

We have to live for a month so that there is no trouble.

May Allah bless your thoughts and hearts.

So that there is no end to your happiness and income.

May this month cleanse you of filth forever.

I wish you long life and health for years to come.

The holy fast has come,

There are no releases.

Let's put all worries aside,

The soul keeps its vow.

Let's repent of what we did,

Allah will forgive us all.

All people will become better people.

The Koran will purify and enlighten.

And let the great post of Paradise give us,

Ramadan will protect you from sin.

Holy month of Ramadan 2016 - the beginning and end of fasting coincide all over the world. However, due to the difference in time and time zones, Muslim believers in Russia, the UAE, and Tunisia begin and end fasting every day with a difference of several minutes. You can check the Ramadan schedule with the mufti and using the calendar available in all mosques in Moscow and other Russian cities. Don't forget to congratulate your loved ones on the upcoming Ramadan 2016 even before the holiday begins.

There are countless different beliefs and religions in the world: from the worship of wooden African Gods to laudatory odes to the northern Gods of the winds and seas. For many thousands of years, humanity has identified the two most numerous and popular movements - Islam and Christianity. Considering that both religions originated from Judaism, it is easy to trace them common features. But there are also striking differences. For example, the Islamic holy month is Ramadan 2016, the beginning and end of which are set annually on different dates depending on the Muslim calendar. The most important and responsible fast of Ramadan, observed according to a strict calendar and daily schedule, has many conditions and features. Muslims should become closely acquainted with it, and Christians should at least study it superficially.

What is Ramadan for Muslims?

What is Ramadan for Muslims?.. Firstly, it is one of the five most important religious-forming Islamic holidays; secondly - the ninth month of the calendar, reserved for strict fast with a lot of stable rules. Its main goals are to strengthen faith, physical and spiritual cleansing, atonement for acquired sins, etc. All groups of people take part in the active fast of Ramadan except:

  • Travelers
  • Old people and sick
  • Minors
  • Mentally ill
  • Pregnant and nursing
  • Not Muslims

Major prohibitions during Ramadan include:

  1. Taking water and food during daylight hours;
  2. Carnal joys and pleasures of any kind;
  3. Loud music in public places;
  4. Use of tobacco, hookahs, smoking mixtures;
  5. Use of rectal medications and spontaneous vomiting;
  6. Refusal to daily voice intentions to continue fasting according to the rules;
  7. Skipping prayers and negative thoughts;

Throughout Ramadan, Muslims should devote all their time only to reading the Quran, daily work and charity. To the traditional five prayers a sixth prayer is added - night prayer.

Ramadan 2016: beginning and end of fasting in Russia

According to the sacred legend, it was in the ninth month of the calendar, called Ramadan, that the angel Jibril conveyed to Muhammad a divine revelation, which eventually became the basis of the book of the Koran. Depending on the lunar calendar, this holy month can last from 28 to 30 days and begins on different dates for different countries. In Russia, the beginning and end of Ramadan in 2016 fall on June 6 and July 5, respectively. It is during this period that it is especially important to do good deeds. After all, Allah increases their significance 700 times. In addition, it is much easier to carry them out, since the shaitan is shackled in heavy chains during Ramadan.

The beginning and end of fasting in Russia for Ramadan 2016 are strict limits for changing the usual diet. Instead of the standard three meals a day, only two meals a day are allowed: suhur - early morning, iftar - after sunset.

Ramadan 2016 - schedule in Moscow

For Ramadan 2016, the schedule in Moscow is shown in the form of a table with exact time indicators. Here are illustrated the main figures for Muscovites for Ramadan in 2016, indicating the obligatory pre-dawn (Fajr) and evening (Maghrib) prayers, etc.:

Ramadan 2016: beginning and end of fasting in Tunisia and the UAE

Unlike Russia, in most Muslim countries the beginning and end of Ramadan 2016 falls on June 6 and July 7 (+/- 2 days depending on the movements of the Moon). During this period, “firm believers” residents manage to become morally and physically stronger in their faith, atone for their sins, and do a lot good deeds. During Ramadan, daytime life on the streets of cities and towns comes to a standstill; shops and street cafes are usually closed. At the same time, catering establishments can open after sunset and remain open until late at night. The only exceptions are tourists, for whom bars, restaurants, museums, and public beaches remain accessible.

Congratulations on Ramadan

Congratulations on the holiday of Ramadan are an integral attribute for Muslims. Believers in fasting greet each other with standard symbolic phrases:

  • Ramazani Karim - I wish you a generous Ramadan!
  • Ramadan Mubarak - blessed Ramadan!
  • May Allah please your eyes in Ramadan with sweet evenings and friendship of the chosen ones, the mercy of the All-Forgiving and the paradise of the pious!

On the last day of the month of Ramadan - the holiday of Uzar Bayram - Muslims say a traditional prayer and pay the obligatory alms of Zakot al-Fitr. Then they organize a mass celebration, where they finish giving each other congratulations for the holiday of Ramadan.

Ramadan calendar 2016

The Ramadan calendar changes from year to year. Preliminary forecasts for the next few years can be tracked in the table. Ramadan calendar 2016, 2017, etc. includes exact dates the beginning and end of the strictest Muslim fast:

Ramadan 2016, which begins and ends in the first month of summer, is considered one of the fundamental events for Muslims. Its calendars and schedules are prepared in advance according to the phases of the moon, and congratulations are traditionally prepared for all relatives and friends.



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