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Composers of the 18th century and their works. Great classical composers: a list of the best. Russian classical composers. Famous composers of Russia

The concept of “composer” first appeared in the 16th century in Italy, and since then it has been used to refer to a person who composes music.

19th century composers

In the 19th century, the Viennese music school was represented by this outstanding composer like Franz Peter Schubert. He continued the traditions of Romanticism and influenced an entire generation of composers. Schubert created more than 600 German romances, taking the genre to a new level.

Franz Peter Schubert

Another Austrian, Johann Strauss, became famous for his operettas and light musical forms dance character. It was he who made the waltz the most popular dance in Vienna, where balls are still held. In addition, his heritage includes polkas, quadrilles, ballets and operettas.

Johann Strauss

A prominent representative of modernism in music of the late 19th century was the German Richard Wagner. His operas have not lost their relevance and popularity to this day.

Giuseppe Verdi

Wagner can be contrasted with the majestic figure of the Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi, who remained faithful to operatic traditions and gave Italian opera a new breath.

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Among the Russian composers of the 19th century, the name of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky stands out. He is characterized by a unique style that combines European symphonic traditions with Glinka's Russian heritage.

Composers of the 20th century

Sergei Vasilyevich Rahmaninov

Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov is rightfully considered one of the most brilliant composers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His musical style was based on the traditions of romanticism and existed in parallel with avant-garde movements. It was for his individuality and lack of analogues that his work was highly appreciated by critics all over the world.

Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky

The second most famous composer of the 20th century is Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky. Russian by origin, he emigrated to France and then the USA, where he showed his talent in full force. Stravinsky is an innovator who is not afraid to experiment with rhythms and styles. His work shows the influence of Russian traditions, elements of various avant-garde movements and a unique individual style, for which he is called “Picasso in music.”

About the benefits classical music, perhaps, is known to almost every resident of a civilized society; scientists have long proven its positive impact on psychological condition person.

Classics are classics for that reason, they remain immortal forever, each new generation has its own admirers of this trend, while classical music progresses, develops and transforms, while always remaining at the proper level.

Among the impressive variety of composers of the past and present, I would like to highlight ten of those whose names have already gone down in history, because they managed to compose music the highest level, which significantly expanded the boundaries of classical sounds, reaching a new level of beauty.

This time, our top 10 will not contain numbers and places of honor, because evaluating and comparing the greatest and, to be honest, the most famous composers in the world, whose names, in fact, should be familiar to every minimally educated person, is somehow stupid.

Therefore, we present to you their names, as well as several interesting facts from the biography, without numbers and comparisons. If you are not yet an active fan of classical music, then listen, at least for the sake of interest, to several works of these great composers, and you will understand that music that has inspired dozens of generations cannot be ordinary or, even worse, boring.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

Today one of the most respected, popular and performed composers in the world, Beethoven wrote in all known at that time musical genres, but it is believed that the most significant among his works are his instrumental creations, including concertos for violin and piano, symphonies, overtures and sonatas.

Little Beethoven grew up in musical family, and therefore from a very young age they began to teach him to play the harpsichord, organ, flute and violin. In the last few years of his life, Beethoven lost his hearing, amazingly, but this did not stop him from writing entire series unique works, including the famous Ninth Symphony.

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Famous and loved around the world German composer, which is a prominent representative of the Baroque era. In total, he wrote about 1000 musical works, which were represented by all significant genres of that era, except opera.

Among Johann Bach's immediate relatives and ancestors there were many professional musicians, he himself became the founder of one of the most famous dynasties. Surprisingly, Bach did not receive a special calling during his lifetime; interest in his work increased a whole century after his death.

Some connoisseurs argue that Bach's music is too gloomy and gloomy, however, according to followers of his work, it is rather thorough and fundamental.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

The greatest Austrian composer, who is rightly called the genius of his craft: Mozart had a truly phenomenal ear, the ability to improvise, memory, and also proved himself as a talented conductor, virtuoso violinist, organist and harpsichordist.

He composed more than 600 musical works, many of which are recognized as the pinnacle of chamber, concert, opera and symphonic music. It is believed that Mozart's music has a special therapeutic effect, it is recommended for listening to pregnant and nursing mothers.

Richard Wagner (1813-1883)

The most famous German composer, who is considered the most influential reformer of opera, he had a tremendous influence on German and European musical culture as a whole.

Wagner's operas never cease to amaze, amaze, inspire, and also shock with their incredible scale, which fit into eternal human values.

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)

Who is not yet familiar with Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet “The Nutcracker”? Then you definitely need to do this! Pyotr Ilyich is one of the best Russian composers of all time, who, thanks to his musical works, was able to make an invaluable contribution to society musical culture all over the world.

Franz Schubert/ Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828)

Another famous Austrian composer, honored musical genius, as well as the author of the best song compositions of his time. During his career, Schubert managed to write more than 600 compositions, which were based on poems by more than 100 famous poets.

Unfortunately, Franz lived completely short life, only 31 years old, who knows how many more beautiful and great things this brilliant man could have created. Some works of the brilliant author were published only after his death, because Schubert left behind many unpublished manuscripts with unique musical creations.

Johann Strauss/ Johann Strauß (1825-1899)

The recognized “king of the waltz”, a brilliant Austrian composer, virtuoso violinist and conductor, who worked all his life in the genre of operetta and dance music.

He wrote about 500 waltzes, quadrilles, polkas and other types of dance music; by the way, it was thanks to him that the waltz rose to the top of its popularity in the 19th century in Vienna. Another interesting fact is that Johann Strauss is the son of a famous Austrian composer, whose name was also Johann.

Frederic Chopin / Fryderyk Chopin (1810-1849)

Without exaggeration, it will be said that this is the most famous Pole in the field of classical music, who in his work tirelessly praised his homeland, the beauty of its landscapes, and also dreamed of its future greatness.

Unique is the fact that Chopin is one of the few composers who created music exclusively for the piano; in his work you will not find either symphonies or operas. It is the works of this brilliant composer that form the basis for the work of many modern pianists.

Giuseppe Francesco Verdi / Giuseppe Francesco Verdi (1813-1901)

Giuseppe Verdi, first of all, is known throughout the world for his operas, among which a special place is occupied by dramatic works. His legacy as the greatest composer can hardly be overestimated, because his music made a huge contribution to the development of Italian and world opera in general.

Verdi's works are considered incredibly emotional, burning, passionate, interesting; emotions are seething in them and life is seething in them. And today, despite the century-old age of most of his operas, they remain one of the most performed, popular and famous among classical music lovers.

Hans Zimmer / Hans Zimmer (September 12, 1957)

A famous German composer of our time, who gained wide popularity thanks to his works written for computer games and famous films. Of course, it is difficult to compare modern composers with the geniuses of the past who have strengthened their fame through the centuries, however, they deserve our attention.

Hans' music can be completely diverse: tender, touching, exciting, cruel and exciting; you have probably heard many of his melodies, but did not know who their author was. You can hear the creations of this author in such films and cartoons as “The Lion King”, “Pirates” Caribbean Sea", "Pearl Harbor", "Rain Man" and others.

At the end of the 17th and 18th centuries. New musical canons are beginning to emerge, which composers and musicians will follow for a long time. This century gave the world music that made an invaluable contribution to the world cultural heritage. Composers of the 18th century are famous for such personalities as:

This is one of the greatest German composers, interest in whose personality and work does not fade over time, but, on the contrary, is increasing. But, unfortunately, he did not receive recognition during his lifetime. Johann had no choice of career other than music, because his ancestors were famous for their musicality.

The future genius was born in 1685 in the town of Eisenach. He owes his first steps in music to his father, who taught him to play the violin. Bach had a beautiful voice and sang in the city school choir. Those around him had no doubt that the boy would become an excellent musician.

Having become an orphan early, at the age of 15, Johann began an independent life. Despite the fact that the young composer lived in cramped circumstances and frequently moved, Bach’s interest in music never waned; he constantly expanded his knowledge of music through self-education.

Unlike his fellow composers, who tried to imitate foreign musicians in everything, Bach actively used German folk songs and dances in his works. But Johann was not only a talented composer, but also an excellent performer on the organ and harpsichord. If he was not known as a composer, then everyone recognized his mastery of playing these instruments.

But court society did not like the composer’s music: it was considered too bright, emotional, and human. But despite the public’s lack of recognition of his works, he never adjusted to their tastes. Your best musical works Bach wrote in Leipzig, where he moved with his family and remained until the end of his life. There he created most of the cantatas, "The St. John Passion", "The St. Matthew Passion", and the Mass in B minor.

The composer's greatest joy, support and support was his family. The sons also became gifted musicians and gained fame during Bach's lifetime. His second wife and eldest daughter had very beautiful voice. Therefore, Johann continued to write musical works for his family.

IN last years During his lifetime, Bach began to have serious vision problems, and after an unsuccessful operation he became blind. But despite this, he did not abandon his creativity and continued to create compositions, dictating them for recording. His death went virtually unnoticed in the musical community, and he was soon forgotten. Interest in his music appeared only 100 years later, when, under the leadership of Mendelssohn, one of his most beautiful creations, “St. Matthew Passion,” was performed, and at the same time a collection of his musical compositions was released.

This genius of music was not appreciated by his contemporaries, who could not understand the full strength and depth of his talent, did not like him for his strong and independent character, but centuries later they are interested in his work and admire his talent. Wolfgang was born on January 27, 1756. His father was a court musician and, early on, noticed Mozart in his sister musical abilities, began to teach her music.

This marked the beginning of Wolfgang's work. The boy has early age exceptional abilities for music were revealed: at the age of 5-6 years, he had already created his first musical works, possessing a unique musical ear and amazing memory. The father, seeing that his son has rare musical talents, decides to start concert tour so that Wolfgang would gain fame and not become a court musician.

But despite the fact that everyone admired the boy and at the age of 12 his works became famous, society could not fully appreciate the full potential of the young musician. Therefore, after returning from the tour, Wolfgang became a court musician and suffered greatly from the situation in which he found himself. But not wanting to put up with being disrespected and treated inappropriately, he left Salzburg for Vienna.

It was during his stay in Vienna that his talent flourished. Soon he married a beautiful girl named Constanze Weber, and even his parents' disapproval could not prevent their happiness. The years he spent in Vienna cannot be called easy; rather, on the contrary. Being in need, Mozart had to work very hard, which affected his health. Despite the fact that his operas “The Marriage of Figaro” and “Don Giovanni” are a success, society is still unable to understand the full genius of Wolfgang.

Shortly before his death, Mozart wrote his greatest work- opera "The Magic Flute". At the same time, he creates "Requiem", but does not have time to complete it. On the night of December 4-5, 1791, the brilliant composer died. The circumstances of his death still remain unknown, which gives rise to many disputes among experts. Only after his death did the musical society and the whole world recognize the genius of Mozart, and his works are still considered masterpieces in music.

His “Seasons” has been on a par with other works of genius for several centuries. A virtuoso violinist who received recognition during his lifetime, who traveled a lot, an excellent teacher - all this is about the famous Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi.

Antonio was born on March 4, 1678 and became only child in a family that has chosen a musical career. His musical talent manifested itself very early, and his first teacher was Giovanni Batista, who by that time had gained fame as a virtuoso. Studying his performance style suggests that the boy took lessons from other famous musicians.

Young Antonio decides to choose a career as a priest and on December 18, 1693 receives the lowest church rank. Later he received three more "lower" and two "higher" church ranks necessary to obtain the priesthood. But despite his spiritual career, Vivaldi continued to play music very successfully.

And his intensive studies brought results: Antonio was appointed teacher at one of the best “conservatories” in Venice. Its extensive and versatile musical activity made the “conservatory” one of the most prominent in the city. At the beginning of his work, the composer devotes great attention instrumental direction, which can be explained by the fact that the northern part of Italy and Venice were considered the center of the best instrumentalists.

Antonio Vivaldi gained fame outside of Italy, his works were successful, and studying with him was considered a high honor. In Mantua, the composer meets Anna Giraud and her sister Paolina. Soon both girls became permanent residents of the Vivaldi house, which caused discontent among the church leadership, who already did not like the fact that Antonio was on frequent travel.

On November 16, 1737, on behalf of the cardinal, the composer was prohibited from entering Ferrara, which in those days was considered a disgrace. This meant that now Vivaldi's entire spiritual career was destroyed and caused quite significant material damage. His relationship with the leadership of the “conservatory” deteriorated more and more. And it wasn’t just his frequent travels - Vivaldi’s music had already begun to be considered old-fashioned.

At the end of 1740, Antonio parted with the “conservatory”, which owed him many years of fame. Getting ready for a long trip and experiencing financial difficulties, Vivaldi arranges a sale of his concerts at a low price. At the age of 62, the composer decides to leave Italy and find happiness in other countries. But, despite the fact that he was once accepted by everyone and his works were admired, at the end of his life Antonio Vivaldi was forgotten and abandoned by everyone. The famous Italian virtuoso died on July 28, 1741 in Vienna. He is one of the most prominent representatives composers of that time, and his instrumental compositions occupy a worthy place in the world musical heritage.

Composers of the 18th century had a huge influence on the future development of music, although they did not always receive recognition and fame during their lifetime. It’s just that the society of that era could not appreciate the full power of their talent, their beauty and depth. The framework imposed on them was too narrow for their talent; for them, music was the meaning of life. But their descendants were able to appreciate their work, and to this day their brilliant works continue to be performed at all concerts.

Any of the composers discussed in this article can easily be called the greatest composer of classical music that has ever existed.

Although it is impossible to compare music created over several centuries, all these composers stand out very clearly against the background of their contemporaries. In their works they sought to expand the boundaries of classical music, to reach new heights in it that were previously unattainable.

All of the great classical music composers listed below are worthy of first place, so the list is presented not by the importance of the composer, but as information for reference.

For world classics, Beethoven is a very significant figure. One of the most performed composers in the world. He composed his works in absolutely all existing genres of his time. It is a harbinger of the period of romanticism in music. Instrumental works are recognized as the most significant of the entire legacy left by Ludwig van Beethoven.

The greatest composer and organist in the history of world music. is a representative of the Baroque era. Throughout his life he wrote over a thousand works, however, only about a dozen were published during his lifetime. He worked in all genres of his time with the exception of opera. He is the founder of the Bach dynasty, the most famous in music.

The composer and conductor, a virtuoso violinist and organist from Austria, had an incredible musical memory and amazing hearing. Started creating with early years and excelled in all genres of music, for which he is rightfully recognized as one of the great composers of classical music in history.

Mozart’s most enigmatic and mysterious work, “Requiem,” was never completed by the author. The reason for this was sudden death at the age of thirty-five. His student Franz Süssmayer completed work on the Requiem.

Great German composer, playwright, conductor and philosopher. Had a huge influence on modernism and the whole European culture at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

By order of Ludwig II of Bavaria, a Opera theatre according to Wagner's ideas. It was intended exclusively for the composer's works. Wagner's musical dramas are shown there to this day.

The Russian composer, conductor and music critic is one of the best melodists in the world. His work made a huge contribution to the development of world classics. He is a very popular composer among classical music lovers. In his works, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky successfully combined the style of Western symphonies with Russian traditions.

A great composer from Austria, and a conductor, and a violinist, and recognized by all the peoples of the world as the “king of the waltz.” His work was devoted to light dance music and operetta. His heritage includes over five hundred waltzes, quadrilles, polkas, and also several operettas and ballets. In the nineteenth century, thanks to Strauss, the waltz gained incredible popularity in Vienna.

Italian composer, virtuoso guitarist and violinist. A very bright and unusual personality musical history, is a recognized genius in the world art of music. The entire work of this great man was shrouded in a certain mystery, thanks to Paganini himself. He discovered in his works new, previously unknown types of violin technique. He is also one of the founders of romanticism in music.

All these great classical music composers have been very influential big influence for its development and promotion. Their music, tested by time and entire generations, is in demand today, perhaps even to a much greater extent than during their lifetime. They created immortal works that continue to live and pass on to the next generations, carrying emotions and feelings that make them think about the eternal.

So, one of greatest composers Ludwig van Beethoven has been recognized for the third century now. His works leave a deep imprint on the souls and minds of the most sophisticated listeners. A real success in its time was the premiere of the composer’s 9th symphony in D minor, in the finale of which the famous choral “Ode to Joy” sounds to a text by Schiller. One of the modern films shows a good montage of the entire symphony. Be sure to check it out!

L. van Beethoven Symphony No. 9, D minor (video editing)

Here is a list of 10 composers you should know. Of each of them it can be said with certainty that he is the greatest composer who ever lived, although in fact it is impossible, and indeed impossible, to compare music written over several centuries. However, all of these composers stand out among their contemporaries as composers who composed music of the highest caliber and sought to push the boundaries of classical music to new limits. The list does not contain any order, such as importance or personal preference. Just 10 great composers you should know.

Each composer is accompanied by a quotable fact of his life, remembering which you will look like an expert. And by clicking on the link to the last name, you will recognize him full biography. And of course, you can listen to one of the significant works of each master.

The most important figure in world classical music. One of the most performed and respected composers in the world. He created in all genres that existed in his time, including opera, ballet, music for dramatic performances, and choral works. The most significant in his legacy are considered to be instrumental works: piano, violin and cello sonatas, concertos for piano, violin, quartets, overtures, symphonies. The founder of the romantic period in classical music.

Interesting fact.

Beethoven first wanted to dedicate his third symphony (1804) to Napoleon; the composer was captivated by the personality of this man, who seemed to many at the beginning of his reign a real hero. But when Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor, Beethoven crossed out his dedication to title page and wrote only one word - “Heroic”.

"Moonlight Sonata" by L. Beethoven, listen:

2. (1685-1750)

German composer and organist, representative of the Baroque era. One of the greatest composers in the history of music. During his life, Bach wrote more than 1000 works. His work represents everything significant genres of that time, except opera; he summarized the achievements musical art Baroque period. The founder of the most famous musical dynasty.

Interesting fact.

During his lifetime, Bach was so underrated that less than a dozen of his works were published.

Toccata and Fugue in D minor by J. S. Bach, listen:

3. (1756-1791)

The great Austrian composer, instrumentalist and conductor, representative of the Vienna classical school, virtuoso violinist, harpsichordist, organist, conductor, he had a phenomenal ear for music, memory and the ability to improvise. As a composer who excelled in any genre, he is rightfully considered one of the greatest composers in the history of classical music.

Interesting fact.

While still a child, Mozart memorized and recorded the Miserere (cat. chant on the text of the 50th Psalm of David) by the Italian Gregorio Allegri, having listened to it only once.

"Little Night Serenade" by W.A. Mozart, listen:

4. (1813-1883)

German composer, conductor, playwright, philosopher. Had a significant influence on European culture turn of XIX-XX centuries, especially modernism. Wagner's operas are stunning in their grandiose scale and eternal human values.

Interesting fact.

Wagner took part in the failed revolution of 1848-1849 in Germany and was forced to hide from arrest by Franz Liszt.

"Ride of the Valkyries" from R. Wagner's opera "Walkyrie", listen

5. (1840-1893)

Italian composer, central figure of the Italian opera school. Verdi had a sense of the stage, temperament and impeccable skill. He did not deny operatic traditions (unlike Wagner), but on the contrary developed them (the traditions of Italian opera), he transformed Italian opera, filled it with realism, and gave it the unity of the whole.

Interesting fact.

Verdi was an Italian nationalist and was elected to the first Italian parliament in 1860, following the declaration of Italian independence from Austria.

Overture to D. Verdi's opera "La Traviata", listen:

7. Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky (1882-1971)

Russian (American - after emigration) composer, conductor, pianist. One of the most significant composers of the twentieth century. Stravinsky's work is consistent throughout his entire career, although in different periods The style of his works was different, but the core and Russian roots remained, which were evident in all his works; he is considered one of the leading innovators of the twentieth century. His innovative use of rhythm and harmony has inspired and continues to inspire many musicians, not just in classical music.

Interesting fact.

During World War I, Roman customs officers confiscated Pablo Picasso's portrait of Stravinsky as the composer was leaving Italy. The portrait was painted in a futuristic manner, and customs officers mistook these circles and lines for some kind of encrypted secret materials.

Suite from I.F. Stravinsky's ballet "Firebird", listen:

8. Johann Strauss (1825-1899)

Austrian composer of light music, conductor and violinist. "King of Waltzes", he created in the genre of dance music and operetta. His musical heritage includes more than 500 waltzes, polkas, quadrilles and other types of dance music, as well as several operettas and ballets. Thanks to him, the waltz became extremely popular in Vienna in the 19th century.

Interesting fact.

Johann Strauss's father is also Johann and also famous musician, which is why the “Waltz King” is called the youngest or son; his brothers Joseph and Eduard were also famous composers.

Waltz by J. Strauss "On the Beautiful Blue Danube", listen:

9. Sergei Vasilyevich Rahmaninov (1873-1943)

Austrian composer, one of prominent representatives Viennese classical music school and one of the founders of romanticism in music. During his short life, Schubert made significant contributions to orchestral, chamber and piano music, which influenced an entire generation of composers. However, his most striking contribution was to the development of German romances, of which he created more than 600.

Interesting fact.

Schubert's friends and fellow musicians would get together and perform Schubert's music. These meetings were called "Schubertiads". Some first fan club!

"Ave Maria" by F.P.Schubert, listen:

Continuing the theme of great composers you should know, new material.



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