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Notes on literary kaleidoscope nodes. Literary kaleidoscope material (senior group) on the topic Literary kaleidoscope in the old group theme plan

School week of Russian language and literature

Game "Literary Kaleidoscope"

(for students 8-10 grades)

Purpose of the event:

1. Stimulate creative activity students and the ability to take the acquired knowledge into practice.

2. To promote the development of logical thinking and public speaking abilities in students.

3. Foster a desire to learn the Russian language

Form of conduct: Game

Each language is a whole world. Language is not only a subject to study, but alive soul people, their joy, pain, memory, treasure (K. Kuliev)

Teacher's word: Dear friends! Welcome to intellectual game"Literary Kaleidoscope"

I tour

Kinder Surprise

(answer questions hidden in the toy)

1.What kind of noun, flame, banner, name? (neuter gender)

2.How is spinning wheel translated into Kazakh language (Urshyk)

3. What did Alexander Stepanovich Popov come up with? (radio)

4. Our fellow countryman, silver medalist, participant of the London Olympics (Adilbek Niyazymbetov)

5. He was born in Kyzylorda, two-time Olympic champion. (Ilya Ilyin)

6. Whose name is the famous skating rink (Medeu Pusurmanov)

7. Which famous astronaut graduated from the Aktobe Higher Flight School (T. Musabaev)

8.What song did Roza Rymbaeva become famous for (song “Aliya”)

9. Which Kazakh folk singer was familiar with Stalin (Rosa Baglanova)

II tour

« My Literary Hero"

Questions from the Librarian team

    « Mulla" turned out to be a tall, thin, elderly woman with a smooth hairstyle, an open forehead, large gray eyes and a sharp, slightly hooked nose (teacher Maria Ivanovna) (B. Momyshuly) "Our Family"

    His appearance seemed remarkable to me: he was about forty, average height, thin and broad-shouldered. There was some gray in his black beard; alive big eyes so they ran...

His hair was cut into a circle; he wore a tattered army coat and Tatar trousers. (Pugachev) (A.S. Pushkin, “The Captain’s Daughter”)

3.Rarely have I seen such a fine fellow. He was tall, broad-shouldered and beautifully built. His powerful muscles bulged out from under his wet shirt; his black curly beard covered half of his stern and courageous face; small brown eyes boldly looked out from under fused wide eyebrows (Foma - Biryuk) (I.S. Turgenov “Notes of a Hunter”)

4. One shoulder, his left, was slightly higher than the other, he was very young, just a boy, but his tanned face gave him a tall, light figure, even his well-ironed clothes, with that dark red tie and the white tip of his sweet hand From his entire manner of moving and speaking with a slight stutter, there came a complete feeling of fresh strength, kindness, and spiritual clarity. (Oleg Koshevoy) (Fadeev “Young Guard”)

5. Gloomy and lonely,

A leaf torn off by a thunderstorm,

I grew up in dark walls

A child at heart, a monk by destiny,

I couldn't tell anyone

Sacred words “father” and “mother” (Mtsyri) (Lermontov) “Mtsyri”

6. He looked like a cauldron-shaped head, a snub nose, thick lips, short arms, a hunchbacked back, a distended belly (Aesop)

7. A young man of about twenty-three, thin, skinny, somewhat stupid... He speaks and acts without any consideration. His speech is abrupt. (Khlestakov) (Gogol “The Inspector General”)

Questions from the Reader team

    “What would a Cossack not be? - said Taras, - and he was tall, and black-browed, and had a face like a nobleman, and his hand was strong in battle! - disappeared. Disappeared ingloriously, like a vile dog! (Andrey) (Gogol, “Taras Bulba”)

    He was wearing a red Cossack caftan trimmed with braid. A tall sable hat with golden tassels was pulled down over his sparkling eyes (Pugachev) (A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”)

    And indeed, she was beautiful: tall, thin, eyes black, like those of a mountain chamois, and looked into your soul (Bela) (Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”)

    In the light Mary saw the bad one little man. He threw his wet raincoat onto the bench. He was dressed with grace and simplicity, the candlelight glinting on his black doublet, crystal buttons and lace jabot. He was still very young, this stranger. (Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus) (Paustovsky “The Old Cook”)

    Her golden braids are tied like plaits. Flowers flash across the dress, across the blue chintz, like in a field (Lida) (Ya. Smelyakov “ good girl Lida")

    He was dressed in a military jacket and blue trousers. The jacket and trousers were the kind that no one except a rich man would make for himself, white too, the watch had some wonderful, finger-thick soles (Nikita Serpukhovskaya) (L. Tolstoy “Kholstomer”)

    Here is my...........free,

Haircut in the latest fashion,

HowdandyLondon dressed-

He's completely French

He could express himself and wrote;

Danced the mazurka easily (Onegin) (A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”)

III tour what do we know about them? Questions from the Librarian team

1.Why was Aesop killed?

2. For what purpose did A.S. Pushkin travel to Kazakhstan?

3. Which Gogol comedy ends with a “silent scene” (The Inspector General)

4. How many stories and essays does Turgenev’s book “The Hunter’s Note” consist of (25)

Questions from the Reader team

1. He was killed at the base of Mount Mashuk near Pyatigorsk (Lermontov)

2. Which writer did the University of Oxford in England award a doctorate to? (Turgenev)

3. At the end of 1851, Gogol finished the second volume of “ Dead souls“What did the writer do with him? (burned)

4.Who is Kholstomer? (horse name)

5. What did Aesop write? (fables)

V tour

Captains' fight

questions from the Librarian team

1.What is “altybakan”? (swing)

2. What I.A. writes Krylov? (fables)

3. Where are the terms interval and differential used? (mathematics)

questions from the Reader team

1.What is “Karazhorga”? (dance)

2. Who is G. Ulanova, A. Pavlova by profession? (ballerina)

3. Where are the terms chromosome, recessive used? (biology)


  • help children remember fairy tales, their characters, their plots;
  • develop teamwork skills and intelligence;
  • teach children to invent fairy tales using keywords, to distinguish between folk tales and original ones.

Several teams from different classes participate in the competition. The time to complete the tasks of each round varies depending on the complexity of the task from two to five days.

First tour. Quiz "Unsolved Mysteries"

Members of each team are asked to answer quiz questions.

I. Insert the missing word into the title of the fairy tale. (1 point for each correct answer);

1. Russian folk tales:

  • "Bubble, ... and bast shoe"
  • "Ivan is...son"
  • ""Nikita..."
  • "... -girl"
  • "Sun, Moon and Raven..."
  • "Beasts in..."
  • "Fox with..."
  • "... and roots"
  • "Three kingdoms - ... silver and gold"
  • "...and the blackbird"

2. Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm:

  • "Smart …"
  • "...shoes"
  • "..., shuttle and needle"
  • "Boot made of... leather"
  • "A straw, ... and a bean"
  • “Table - set it up, ... a donkey and a club from a bag”

3. Tales of G.Kh. Andersen:

  • "...from the same pod"
  • "Steady...soldier"
  • "... swans"
  • "... happiness"
  • "Gardener and..."
  • "...chatter"

4. Tales of V. Gauf:

  • "… nose"
  • "...Muk"
  • "The Story of ... the Stork"
  • "Cold..."

5. Tales of R. Kipling:

  • "Where did you come from… "
  • "The Tale of the Old..."
  • "... -Tiki-Tavi"
  • "How was it invented..."
  • in the title of which the number 7 appears, at least seven fairy tales (3 points for 7 fairy tales, + 1 point for each additional fairy tale);
  • in the title of which the name Ivan appears (1 point for each fairy tale);
  • in which mirrors play an important role (1 point for each tale).

III. Find out a fairy tale in which the following objects are found. Indicate the title of the tale and the author. (1 point for each tale)

  • turban, cane, walking shoes;
  • flower, bagels, toys, crutches;
  • jam, buns, steam engine;
  • buckets, ice hole, stove;
  • basket, ring, snowdrops;
  • ash, shoes, pumpkin, watch;
  • alphabet, gold coins, log, canvas;
  • trough, hut, seine;
  • ink eraser, blotter, letter A, ABC.

IV. Write down magic spells from fairy tales. Indicate the title of the tale and the author. (1 point for each correct answer)

Answers to questions I and III of the quiz in Appendix 1 .

Second round “Write a fairy tale using a hint”

In literature (reading) lessons you get to know Russians folk tales and their features.
We remind you that fairy tales are divided into 4 groups: magical, everyday, about animals, heroic;
in fairy tales there is a beginning, a threefold repetition, an ending;
Fairy tales often use stable phrases (good fellow, beautiful maiden, little fox-sister, by leaps and bounds, etc.)

We invite you to compose your own fairy tale (close to the Russian folk tale), be sure to use the following words:

  • Baba Yaga
  • dense forest
  • wise raven
  • self-assembled tablecloth
  • old man
  • friendly family
  • month

Criteria for evaluating fairy tales.

The fairy tale belongs to a certain type (magical, everyday, about animals, heroic) - 5 points.
The presence of a beginning - up to 5 points.
Presence of triple repetition – 5 points.
Having an ending - 5 points.
Originality of the plot - up to 10 points.
Presence of stable phrases – up to 5 points.
Availability of all keywords – 7 points.
The instructiveness of the fairy tale - 5 points.

Third round. Crossword puzzle “Bah, all the faces are familiar!”

Members of each team are asked to solve a crossword puzzle.

  1. The king's wife.
  2. A girl who found herself in a wonderland.
  3. She visited the house of three bears.
  4. Main character fairy tales by N. Nosov, who visited the moon.
  5. Owner of a puppet theater.
  6. A straw man who really wanted to have brains.
  7. The prince who tended the king's pigs.
  8. Seller of leeches.
  9. Winnie the Pooh's little pink friend.
  10. The saddest doll in the Karabas Barabas theater.
  11. Onion boy.
  12. She could sleep in a nut shell.
  13. He left his grandfather and left his grandmother...
  14. Who caught the magic pike that grants wishes?
  15. Who gave Pinocchio the golden key?
  16. Friend of Uncle Fyodor and the dog.
  17. Who was supposed to return from the ball at exactly 12 o'clock?
  18. A robber from a fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky.
  19. The affectionate name of Moroz Ivanovich.
  20. The bird that Thumbelina saved.
  21. He helped Baba Yaga sit on the shovel.

Entertainment for the older group


Teacher Livada L.A.

Educational area:Reading fiction

Age group: 5 years

Subject: "Literary Kaleidoscope"

Target: Form an emotional attitude towards literary works. Bring joy to children.

Program content


Develop auditory perception, attention, participate in performances.

Promote development, positive emotions when interacting with adults and peers.

Expand children's knowledge about fairy tales and the heroes of these fairy tales.

Develop thinking and memory, explanatory speech.


Cultivate endurance and patience.Cultivate interest in fairy tales, foster good feelings.

Preliminary work:Reading fairy tales, dramatizing works, looking at illustrations, conversations on the content of fairy tales

Vocabulary work:

Materials and equipment:multimedia equipment, presentation, masks of fairy tale heroes, story pictures, coloring books, puzzles.

Methods and techniques.

Presentation showing, teacher's story,Creation problematic situation, artistic word, musical accompaniment, observation of children’s work, analysis.


(Music “Visiting a Fairy Tale”)

Educator: -Do you guys like to listen to fairy tales? I invite you to go on a journey to the heroes of fairy tales. It's time to go on a journey. We say the magic words:

Only the brave and persistent

Will reach the goal cheerfully,

And on the road you also need

Know the secrets of lasting friendship!

There is a noise behind the screen. What is this noise? Guys, I'll see what's going on there. (music sounds - alarming). Baba Yaga comes out.

B.Ya. Well, we didn't expect it. I am now your teacher. And Lyubov Anatolyevna will now guard my house on chicken legs. Do you agree? (No)

Or maybe you'll agree? (No) Well, okay, I'll return it to you, but on one condition. You must complete my tasks. If you fulfill all my wishes and answer all the questions correctly. Maybe I’ll give you back your teacher. Agreed!

First task. Guess my riddle.


Little girl runs merrily

Along the path to the house,

What's in the forest?

This girl needs to go to her grandmother quickly

Take the basket sent with her. (Little Red Riding Hood)(Charles Perrault)Who is the author?

(The song “About Little Red Riding Hood”)

Guys, look at the screen, did you guess correctly? Yes! Then one group chooses illustrations for this fairy tale. And the other one collects puzzles.

Children come to the table, choose illustrations for this fairy tale (children choose as they look, asking questions “B-Y” - Who are the heroes? What happened? What do you remember from this fairy tale? Which of the heroes did you like?)

B-Y: ( draws attention to the remaining illustration). Why did you leave these pictures?


Because in this fairy tale there is no Baba Yaga...

Well done, right.

Guys, Little Red Riding Hood has in her basket not pies for grandma, but tasks for you. Second task called “Rhymes”, remember the famous rhymed fairy tale expressions, For example: Spinning top - gray barrel.

Wolf - ... (clicking teeth)

Hedgehog - ... (not heads, not legs)

Mouse - ... (norushka)

Sivka - Burka -...(prophetic kaurka)

Wolf -...(gray tail)

Baba Yaga - ...(bone leg)

Bunny - ...(coward)

The Little Humpbacked Horse)

Magpie -..(white-sided).

Bunny - ...(run around).

Frog - ... (wah).

B.I . -Great! But my next task is very difficult. There is no way for you to guess it.

Here is the third task. Today I want to tell you a new fairy tale. Listen carefully and try to guess its name. (calm music sounds)

“Cocktail of fairy tales”

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. They had Chicken Ryaba. The grandfather says to the woman: “Bake me a bun for me, woman, and I’ll go to the river and catch a fish.” The woman went to the barn, scraped up two handfuls of flour and baked a turnip.

A turnip is rolling along the path, and towards it is a hut on chicken legs. The hut says: “Little Red Riding Hood, I will eat you!” And she replies: “Don’t eat me, better throw me into the water, I will fulfill your three wishes.” Just say: “At the behest of the pike, at my will.”

The wish came true: a seven-flowered flower grew, and Thumbelina sits in the middle, with one crystal slipper on her foot. And in his hand is a golden key to the attic of Carlson, who lives on the roof. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened!

Baba Yaga . Did you like the fairy tale? Did you recognize her? Let us then remember the heroes who met us in the “new” fairy tale. I will show you the heroes of fairy tales on the screen; if they were in my fairy tale, then you say “yes” and clap. Agreed. Fairy tale heroes appear on the screen.

(Children name fairy tales: “Hen Ryaba”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok” “At the command of the pike”, (Russian folk tales) “Wolf and Fox” “Golden Key”, (adapted from Tolstoy), “Baba Yaga" , “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Cinderella” (Charles Perrault), “Flower of Seven Flowers” ​​(Kataev Valentin Petr.), “Thumbelina”(H.H. Andersen), “Carlson, who lives on the roof” by Astrid Lindgren:)

B-Y . Yes, how smart you are. But herefourth taskthe most difficult. The game is called "Words". I’ll give you a word, for example: house, and this is a small house, but what else can you affectionately call a house, this is a big house,

Wolf - wolf cub - wolf. Basket - basket - basket, paw - paw - paw, cat-kitten-cat.

Well done guys, I enjoyed playing with you. But I still have fifth task, but it is very difficult. I don't think you can handle it. Show me an excerpt from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox” (the fox collected fish and met the wolf) “The Flower of Seven Flowers” ​​(the girl fulfills her last wish)

How wonderful you can do it. You have completed all my tasks. Okay, now I’ll return your Lyubov Anatolyevna to you. Close your eyes and say frex-pex together. (Music sounds coming out.)

L.A. Thank you guys for saving me. If you had not answered Baba Yaga’s questions, I would have stayed with her. I am grateful to you that you were resourceful, friendly and artistic. I want to give you pictures of characters from fairy tales that you will need to decorate.

(Music sounds)

"Literary Kaleidoscope"

Objectives: To consolidate knowledge of fairy tales.

Develop dialogical speech.

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, memory, attention, logical thinking.

Develop the ability to perform various game tasks.


Educator: Guys, look how many guests there are! Say hello. Do you love fairy tales?
I invite you all to the land of fairy tales.

There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
And live in the world.

We can't live without them.

In a fairy tale, anything can happen.

Our fairy tale is ahead.

A fairy tale is knocking on our doors.

Let's tell the guest: "Come in."

(A magpie flies in with a chest) - music.

Magpie: Hello guys! I flew high, I see a lot of interesting things around. Today I was flying and saw a chest. I wanted to open it, but it wouldn’t open. Oh. what is so beautiful about you?

Educator: This is my brooch!

Magpie: And I want one, give it to me.

Educator: Okay, take the forty brooch. Guys, let's open the chest. Yes, it doesn’t open, there’s a lock here.

Now, I'll check it now. Look, there's something in the castle. Let's see. I guessed. We need to guess riddles about fairy-tale characters, about fairy-tale objects, and the castle will open. Be careful.

1.Ah, striper! Ah, mistress!

You, my friend, get to know her!

All you have to do is spread it out
He will be able to feed everyone.

There will be a lot of different dishes

What's the cook's name? (tablecloth - self-assembled)

2. Many miles ahead

How can I get through them faster?

You try to put them on shoes -

You will overcome the path in no time. (boots - walkers)

  1. To fly above the ground

She needs a mortar and a broom. (Baba Yaga)

  1. Wasn't left without a tail

Our good donkey.. (Eeyore)

Educator: So our chest opened. Look there is a letter. Let's
Let's read.

(The teacher reads the letter)

Dear Guys!

Kolobok is addressing you. I got lost in a fairy forest. To get home, you have to pass tests, and guys, I can’t pass them alone. Help me please. The chest contains a magic ball that will show you the way.

Educator: We hit the road.

(Children stand near the chest, the teacher throws a magic ball and says magic words)

You roll, roll a little ball
Yes, to a green forest.

Hurry up and roll

Show us the way.

Educator: And here is the forest. Look, there is a magic bag here. Let's see what's in it.

(The teacher opens the bag slowly)

Educator: Yes, these are fairy tales! Sit down on the stumps, this is the task here.

You must listen to an excerpt from a fairy tale and name it. Are you ready to listen?

Children: Yes! -

(The teacher reads the passage, the children name the fairy tale)

The hare is a braggart

(I don’t have a mustache, but a whisker, not paws, but a paw, not teeth, but teeth. I’m not afraid of anyone).

Princess Frog

(She waved her left sleeve - there was a lake, she waved her right sleeve - white swans swam across the lake).

Fox and jug

(In which fairy tale did the pitcher kill the fox?)

ugly duck

(It wasn't a duckling at all. It was a beautiful white swan.)

Sivka - burka

(The horse is running, the earth is trembling, smoke is pouring out of the ears, flames are burning from the nostrils).

Fedoreno - grief Chukovsky

(The sieve gallops through the fields, and the trough through the meadows).

Educator: Well done! Your friendly answers showed that you love and know fairy tales.

We will continue our journey.

You roll

roll the ball
Yes, to the green forest

Hurry up and roll

Show us the way.

(Meadow with flowers)

Educator: Guys, what a beautiful meadow with flowers. How many flowers grow here?
Look what a wonderful flower it is, it has many colorful petals, it is not simple, it has tasks. Let's look at the petals and read.

1.What fairy tales does Baba Yaga live in? (let's think about it).

(Geese are swans. Baba Yaga and Ivan Tsarevich).

2.What fairy tale objects are there in Russian fairy tales? (I think quickly

(Carpet - airplane, tablecloth - self-assembled, axe, ball of thread, baton,
pipe, invisible hat).

3.What do the heroes of fairy tales travel on? (difficult question, but you can do it).
(The carpet is an airplane, the boots are walkers, the Russian stove, Gray wolf).

Educator: Well done boys. Everyone guessed right. What a wonderful clearing, I just want to play. Let's play, listen carefully to my commands:

We raise our hands up,

And then we let them go

And then we'll separate them
And we will hold them close to us.

And then run, run
And let's spin around.

Educator: We continue our journey.

You roll, roll a little ball
Yes, to a green forest.

Hurry up and roll

Show us the way.

(There is a jug, and there are illustrations in it)

Educator: And here is the magic jug. Let's see what's in it. Yes, these are fabulous illustrations. Let's guess which fairy tale they are from.

1.Geese - swans

  1. By magic
  2. Princess Frog
  3. Fox and wolf
  4. Wolf and kids

Educator: Well done, you completed all the tasks. Let's continue the journey.
(The teacher throws the ball where the basket is)

You roll, roll a little ball
Yes, to a green forest.

Hurry up and roll

Show us the way.

Educator: Someone lost a basket.

Fox: My little basket. What are you doing here in my forest?

Educator: We are looking for a kolobok.

Fox: But I have it, so I won’t give it to you.

Educator: He wants to return to his grandparents.

Fox: OK. So be it. But only if you complete my task.

(Lisa plays the game “Guess the Fairy Tale”, “Say the Word”)

  1. “I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather” (Kolobok).
  2. “Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf” (Wolf and seven kids).
  3. “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, pieces will go down the back streets” (Zayushkina’s hut).
  4. "The fox is carrying me, dark forests, for fast rivers, for high mountains...Cat! Thrush!

Help me! (The cockerel is a golden comb).

Fox: I also have a task for you.

"Say the word"

Swan geese)

Chanterelle (sister)

Frog (wah)

Vasilisa (Beautiful)

Brother (Ivanushka)


Sivka (Burka)

Koschei the Deathless)


Fox: So be it, take your bun.

Educator: Guys, let's say “Thank you” to the little fox. It's time for us to go back. Return the bun

Municipal budget preschool educational institution general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the aesthetic direction of development of students

"Tyazhinsky kindergarten No. 1 "Berezka"

I.P. Sabanina


Literary kaleidoscope

organized educational activities on speech development

with kids middle group

Tyazhinsky 2017

Target: 1. Consolidating knowledge of fairy tales and individual fragments.

2. Provision comfortable conditions for development creativity children in theatrical activities.

3. Creating a positive emotional background.


1. Educational: teach children the elements of artistic and figurative means of expression (intonation, facial expressions, pantomime).

2. Developmental: develop intonation expressiveness of speech, logical thinking, tactile sensation.

3. Educational: develop the ability to listen to your friend.

Move educational activities

Children stand in a circle

Educator: Do you guys like fairy tales? Which fairy-tale heroes You know? Today I propose to go on a journey through fairy tales. I have a magic ball. Let him show us the way to fairy tales today. Wherever he goes, we will go. So, are you ready to travel? Then we'll recover.

Children follow the ball and go to the tables.

Educator: Guys, aren't you hearing something? Someone is crying. Oh, look at this bunny. Let's ask why he's crying.

Bunny: How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. She asked me to spend the night with me, but she kicked me out.

Educator: Children, who guessed what fairy tale we ended up in? (Hare Hut). Look on the table there are pictures for this fairy tale, put the heroes of the fairy tale in order, who was the first to come to the aid of the bunny? Who's second? Who's missing? (Cockerel)

In what fairy tales is the cockerel found? (Cat, rooster and fox. Cockerel and bean seed, etc.)

Educator: Our little ball rolled on. Where will he lead us? Whose house is on the way? I'll tell you a riddle, and you guess whose it is.

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

Educator: That's right. (Shows a picture) Is everything correct here? (the door to the house is closed, to open it you need to remember the song that the goat sang) And let's remember what song the mother goat sang when she wanted to enter the house.

Little goats, guys!

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come -

She brought milk;

Milk runs down the shelf,

From the notch up to the hoof,

From the hoof into the cheese the earth.

Educator: The passage has opened, and we can move further behind the ball.

Behind the ball they come to the table, on it there is a flower in a pot (violet) where behind the violet there is a picture for the fairy tale “Thumbelina”.

Educator: What is the name of the flower? I wonder who we might meet here (Children's guess) Now guess the riddle and find out who lives here:

She was so small

What lived under the leaf.

Head the size of a pea

And she's pretty.

As tall as a pin

Little girl. (Thumbelina)

Educator: And here is a portrait of Thumbelina, and not one, but two. ( Places a picture of Thumbelina in front of the children) Find 5 differences in these drawings.

Educator: It's time for us to hit the road again.

Ahead is a dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles.

Sit and relax

The fairy tale will be ahead.

(Children sit on chairs)

Educator: Guess what fairy tale lives here?

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

He, without knowing it,

He carries her home.

(Masha and the Bear)

Educator: Why did Mashenka go to the forest? (for mushrooms)

Educator: What happened to her? (got lost)

Educator: What do they shout in the forest when they get lost? (AU) Let's sing this song several times. Now let's sing it in reverse. (UA)

Educator: What is this song like? (To cry.)

Educator: Maybe Mishka is crying because he is left without Mashenka?

There is a bear's hat in the magic chest. Now I’ll turn someone into a bear and we’ll play with him so that he doesn’t cry anymore. (Does counting)

Behind glass doors

There is a bear with pies

- Teddy bear, my friend,

How much does a pie cost?

- A pie costs three,

And you will be the one to drive!

Playing with a bear in the forest!

Educator: In what other fairy tales can you meet a bear? (Three Bears, Teremok, Kolobok, etc.)

Educator: Different animals live in the fairy-tale forest, and each has its own fairy-tale nickname. Do you know them? I'll start now and you can continue:

mouse - little mouse;

frog -……(wah)

bunny - ……..(runner)

fox - …….(sister)

wolf - ……….(clicking teeth)

top - …….(gray side)

And now turn around. I'll give you a nickname and you can guess who I'm talking about:

clubfoot - ………..(bear)

oblique - ………..(hare)

gossip - ……(fox)

toptygin - ………(bear)

rattle, white-sided - …… (magpie)

Patrikeevna - ………..(fox)

quick legs, short tail- …….(hare)

Each animal is good in its own way. Our magic chest contains animal hats. Dress up, transform, go out, show off. ( Nursery rhyme Shadow, shadow - shadow)

Shadow, shadow-shadow,

There is a fence above the city.

The animals sat under the fence,

We boasted all day.

The fox boasted:

“I am beautiful to the whole world!”

The bunny boasted:

“Go catch up!”

Hedgehogs boasted:

“Our fur coats are good!”

The bear boasted:

“I can sing songs!”

Educator: What's happened? She put the hats in the chest, and they turned into cards. (Look at cards from the theater of tactile sensations)

Educator: Try with eyes closed determine where the fox, bear, wolf, hare, hedgehog are.

Educator: I wonder what else is hidden in the magic chest? (takes out new book fairy tales) We will definitely read it, but later. Because our little ball is in a hurry again. Look, the ball has become very small, which means it’s time to end our journey, but before we finish, let’s remember what fairy tales we met today, and what you liked most about our journey. And now we’ll go back to the group and look at the new book.



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