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A short life and a bright career: the causes of death of Yuri Barabash-Petlyura. Petlyura Yuri Barabash - biography, creativity and interesting facts How the singer Petlyura died

Petlyura Viktor Vladimirovich - born on October 30, 1975 in the city of Simferopol. WITH early years dreamed of becoming a musician; by the age of 11 he had mastered the guitar and was performing folk and courtyard songs. By the age of 13, a musical group had been created, and original songs appeared, mainly on a lyrical theme. A year later, the team was invited to an amateur club at one of the Simferopol factories, which had a decent rehearsal facility and regular concert performances. It was during this period that the professional growth of the artist began, the search for a similar style and direction. Having completed nine grades high school, Victor and his comrades enter the school and create there new team, devoting all his time to rehearsals. At the same time, Victor is invited as a guitarist and vocalist in one of the restaurants in Simferopol and, given the level of his professionalism, as an acoustic guitar teacher in one of the city clubs. From that moment on, a truly interesting music life: first professional recordings and performances, participation in competitions and festivals. Over time, Victor consciously comes to the genre of the yard song, or, as it is now called, Russian chanson, to songs that are performed with the soul and from the heart.

For about five years the musician did not dare to record an album, and only in 1999 his debut solo album “Blue-Eyed” appeared, which was released by Zodiac Records. In 2000, the second album “You Can’t Get Back” was released. The recording of the first two albums took place in a rented studio, where they mainly wrote pop and rock music, so it was not easy for Victor, a lot of time was spent on explanations and mutual understanding with the musicians.

Difficulties during the recording of the first two albums pushed Victor to create his own recording studio. Over time, a reliable team was selected, with whom the artist still collaborates, these are: Ilya Tanch (poet), Konstantin Atamanov and Rolland Mumdzhi (arrangement), Ekaterina Peretyatko and Irina Melintsova (backing vocals), Evgeny Kochemazov (arrangement and backing vocals) ). But the singer prefers to do the bulk of the work himself. At V. Petlyura’s studio they recorded their songs like this: famous performers like: Alexander Dyumin, Zheka, Tanya Tishinskaya, Masha Vaks, Diana Terkulova, Rustic Zhiga... Victor devoted his entire life to creativity. Work on new songs stops only during concerts and tours in Russia, near and far abroad countries.

Discography of Viktor Petlyura on this moment consists of 10 albums. In addition to this, his songs are regularly published in collections of well-known publishing companies in Moscow. Also, in 2006, a concert DVD of Viktor Petlyura was released.

Yuri Vladislavovich Barabash(stage name - Petlyura; April 14, 1974, Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky - September 27, 1996, Moscow) - author-performer of Russian chanson.
Born on April 14, 1974 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
Most of my life was spent in the city of Stavropol. Lived in Zelenograd, St. Petersburg, Moscow...
On the night of September 27-28, 1996 (22 years old) he died in a car accident.
Yuri Barabash is buried at the Khovanskoye cemetery in Moscow, section 34B.

Yuri Vladislavovich Barabash born on April 14, 1974 in Kamchatka in the family of Vladislav Barabash - a Navy officer and Tamara Sergeevna Barabash - an employee of the Stavropol puppet theater, then the regional Philharmonic. He was the second child in the family, after his sister Lolita, who was 2 years older than him.

In 1982, the Barabash family, on the advice of doctors who found Yuri’s sister had a heart disease, moved to Stavropol.
On February 23, 1984, his father died.

Yuri was a difficult teenager. Nickname " Petliura"received at school, where he was nicknamed Yura-Petlyura for his hooligan tendencies (by analogy with the Ukrainian politician times Civil War Simon Petlyura).

Petlyura did not have a special musical education and learned to play the guitar on his own. One of the first recordings made at home was heard by the producer of the group “Tender May” Andrei Razin and invited him to his studio for gifted children. He had a voice that was very similar to the voice of Yura Shatunov.

In 1992, Yuri Barabash was the lead singer of this group for several months under the pseudonym “Yura Orlov,” but soon abandoned further work with Razin.

Having left Razin, Barabash begins solo career as the author-performer of Russian chanson under the pseudonym Petliura.

The first albums “Sing, Zhigan” (1993) and “Raider Benya” (1994) were recorded in a home studio.

In 1995, Yuri Barabash entered into a contract with the Master Sound company (director Yuri Sevostyanov). Some of the previous songs were re-recorded on professional equipment. The albums “Little One” and “Fast Train” (one of the most famous works artist), "Sad Guy". The “farewell album” was recorded during the artist’s lifetime, the album’s author was Slava Cherny, but saw the light of day after the tragedy. Hence the name of the album. On the night of September 27-28, 1996, Petliura died in a car accident on Sevastopolsky Avenue in Moscow. The police officers flatly refused to provide details. If rumors are to be believed, Petliura was relaxing with his friends and being the only a sober person in company, took them by car for beer. He recently got his own car and was driving it almost for the second time in his life. His BMW lost control and crashed on Sevastopolsky Prospekt. All other participants in the trip escaped with injuries. The story of this accident was shown throughout the country on the TV show “Highway Patrol.” Many saw it and well remembered the comment that the identity of the deceased driver had not been established. But many who watched “Highway Patrol” recognized Yura. Gossips They claim that for the time being, the president of the Master Sound company (Petliura’s producer), Yuri Sevostyanov, strictly prohibited the dissemination of information about what happened. Perhaps this decision was made because of the “authority”, who at the time of the accident was allegedly in the car with Petliura and ended up in Sklif with a broken pelvis. There is another version that connects the strange ban of the Master Sound company with the desire to prepare for sale Yura’s last album, the recording of which was completed literally a few days before his death. One way or another, Petlyura’s funeral at the Khovanskoye cemetery took place in complete secrecy. Yuri Sevostyanov himself, apparently so as not to attract attention, was absent from the funeral. They say that Yura still has his mother in Moscow, whom he brought from Stavropol shortly before his death, counting on Master Sound’s promises to buy him a Moscow apartment.


The country knew him as Petliura. Sad eyes from the cassette cover. Unusual a pleasant voice. Songs full of melancholy. Penetrating straight into the soul and turning it inside out... And that's all!

Even now, when several years have passed since his death, there are still more questions than answers. Yura was not a vain person, he did not advertise his name anywhere, did not shine at noisy parties, and did not flash on TV screens. He was just doing his job. He sang. He sang very well.

But first things first.

Stavropol, the city in which Yurkino spent his childhood, was no different from hundreds of other Soviet cities. Factories, factories, five universities, two theaters, three museums... But still, there was something special in this city, scorched by the sun. Later, many years later, Slava Cherny will write him a song. About the Motherland. About Stavropol region. And this song will not be far-fetched, not one bit. Soulful and heartfelt. And well sung. Remember?

Oh my Northwestern region,
I have always been in love with you since childhood.
And I missed you in Moscow.
For me you are like a pier for a ship.
My first love lived there,
And I got my first kiss there.
I will always love my city.
And I will never forget the city...

How nice it is to return to where you spent your childhood. Where it was fun and not so much, where every dog ​​knows you, where you no longer have to prove anything to anyone. Go back to the past...

The generation that is now just over twenty, Yurino’s generation, lived in an unusual, strange time. However, what generation in this country cannot be said about?

But still, fate showed them socialism, and perestroika, and even new times, the names of which have not yet been invented... Brezhnev's stagnation, the rapid change of Andropov with Chernenko, the arrival of Gorbachev - Yurka's fellow countryman, and, finally, Yeltsin.. And, most importantly, the consciousness of these boys did not have time to ossify, they easily accepted the change of times. But, however, Petliura had no time for politics. He's a singer.

Petlyura... Yura - Petlyura... Here's a rhyme for you. In a song, after all, the words should be coherent... By the way, he almost didn’t write songs, well, perhaps “Good people, I ask you to help...” and two or three more... But, as for the performance, here he there were no equals. He sang about bondage, oh human feelings and experiences, he told stories from our lives. It’s sad, unbearably sad, and sometimes, on the contrary, joyful... And always truthful and sincere. Only he could sing like that.

His first album, “Benya the Raider,” was recorded in his home studio. Back then it was fashionable to comment on something between songs using computer voices. “This is not Shatunov - this is Petlyura,” someone says on this album, so that there would be no confusion, probably... Indeed, an ignorant person could confuse the two Yuras. The voices are somehow elusively similar. But that was only the beginning. Our Yura immediately had his own face, his own style (as they say now). And during the playback of the song “Wait, Steam Locomotive,” some guy told us that he, “the producer of this album thanks his wife and best friends, Vitalik and Alekha, for their help”... Vitalik and Lekha were probably satisfied. Audio pirates too. With their help, the album spread across the vast expanses of our country. That's how it was accepted then. Everything was just beginning.

When the opportunity arose to record the songs on more professional equipment, they decided that Petlyura should cover some songs from “Raider...”. And so they did. In addition, we selected and recorded several more compositions. This is how the album “Little One” was born. It was released again on audio cassettes and then on compacts. And again people liked it.

The song “Rain” then began to be played in discos as a slow song. Rural clubs and pioneer camps were shocked by such frankness. The youth listened, the youth thought, and not only the youth... People wanted to know what else this guy sings? And he sang about how difficult it is in prison, how lonely it is in the army, especially when your beloved cheated on you. About the tram and about birds, which, unlike people, live in pairs. About dark water and about the wall. About Alyoshka and the fact that I really don’t want to die...

In 1995, the Master Sound company and Yuri Sevostyanov, who was not afraid to invest money in Russian Chanson, appeared in the life of Yuri Barabash. Yes, time gave birth to this strange phrase. A mixture of criminal lyrics and yard songs, music of restaurants, kitchens and entrances, songs of the zone. It has become easier to work with Master Sound. They immediately offered to sign a contract for several years in advance. We started writing albums and shot a video. Everything was adult...

First in line was the "Fast Train". Perhaps Yurina’s most famous work. This album was released on both cassettes and CDs. Petlyurin’s songs could then be heard even on the new “Russian Radio”...

Could he have dreamed about this a few years ago? Although, who knows... The ways of the Lord are inscrutable.

Moscow. He already lived here. And he worked and worked... He sang with ecstasy, recorded... He searched for new facets in his work. I tried to sing pure lyrics, then again returned to Zhigan songs.

Following "Fast Train", the album "Sad Guy" was being prepared for release. It has already been advertised on television. “Guess for yourself what he’s sad about, but I don’t even dare to guess about it”... Maybe someone would feel dizzy from this... But not him...

And suddenly death... A car accident on the night of September 27-28, 1996 on Sevastopol Avenue... Everyone escaped with injuries, except him... They say that at first they could not identify him. And only people who watched “Road Patrol” on Russian TV recognized Yura.

Yuri Barabash is buried at the Khovanskoye cemetery in Moscow. And the country still listens to Petliura’s songs...


In 2005, the album “Black Raven” was released, followed by the albums “Black Raven” and “Sentence” at yearly intervals. Well, the last one to date was the album “Shore”, which was released in 2008. In total, the performer has 10 records in his collection.

Viktor Petlyura treats his colleagues in the workshop, performers of Russian chanson, with deep respect. In his genre, the musician appreciates the work of Katya Ogonyok and Tanya Tishinskaya, Ivan Kuchin, Garik Krichevsky, Mikhail Krug, Mikhail Gulko and many others. And he appreciates everyone’s work, because he himself understands very well how hard and painstaking this work is.

For October 2018, Victor devotes Special attention the quality of the sound of his music, experiments a lot with the guitar, thanks to which some of his works, such as “Keys to Heaven” or “Friends”, acquired a noticeable rock coloring. At the same time, no re-evolution is alien to this classic rock drive. Petliura is quite advanced in terms of modernizing his sound and is therefore always open to the dance floor.

Discography of Viktor Petlyura

1999 - Blue-Eyed
2000 - You Can't Get Back
2001 - Brother
2001 - North
2002 - Destiny
2002 - Son of a prosecutor
2003 - Gray-haired
2004 - Date
2004 - Guy in a Cap
2005 - Black Raven
2006 - Verdict
2008 - Shore
2013 - Two Shores
2014 - The most beloved woman in the world

Viktor Petliura was born on October 30, 1975 in the city of Simferopol, Republic of Crimea. The guy dreamed about music back in early age. At the age of eleven, the future musician already skillfully handled the guitar, played folk and yard songs.

At the age of 13, Victor created his own musical group. It was there that his songwriting talents emerged. He began to write original compositions, mostly on lyrical themes. A year later, the musical group received an invitation to an amateur club in one of the factories in Simferopol. There was a fairly decent rehearsal base there and regular concert performances were guaranteed.

The artist’s professional growth just began at this time. Viktor Petliura began to look for his own style and directions. After ten years of school, Victor and his friends enter college. They will organize a new team there, and that’s it free time dedicated to rehearsals.

At the same time, Petlyura is called as a guitarist and vocalist in one of the Simferopol restaurants. And besides this, given the professional level, they call me as an acoustic guitar teacher at a city club. It was at this time that the performer’s truly musical life began. The first performances and professional recordings begin, as well as participation in festivals and competitions.

Gradually, Viktor Petliura independently comes to the genre of yard song or Russian chanson, as it is called now. That is, to songs that are usually performed with soul and from the heart. For almost five years the performer did not dare to record his own album.

Only in 1999 did his debut album, entitled “Blue-Eyed,” see the light of day. The disc is produced by Zodiac Records. A year later, the second album “You Can’t Get Back” was released. By the way, the recording of these two albums took place in a rented studio. Where they mostly recorded rock music and pop. It was difficult for Victor to work because it took a lot of time to explain and find mutual understanding with local musicians.

Such difficulties prompted Viktor Petlyura to the idea of ​​​​creating his own studio. The musician selected a reliable team. These are the poet Ilya Tanch, arrangers Konstantin Atamanov and Rolland Mumdzhi, as well as backing vocalists Irina Melintsova and Ekaterina Peretyatko. Evgeniy Kochemazov also handles the arrangement and male backing vocals. However, the artist prefers to do the bulk of the work himself. By the way, such famous performers as Alexander Dyumin, Tatyana Tishinskaya, Zheka, Masha Vaks are already recording their songs at his studio.

Viktor Petlyura devotes his entire life to creativity. He stops working on new songs only while on tour. And the artist performs concerts not only in Russian cities, but also in countries near and far abroad.

In 2001, he wrote material for two albums at once: “North” and “Brother” were released. After this, in 2002, two collections followed again. One of them was called “Fate”, and the second “Son of the Prosecutor”.

A year later, the next record was called “Grey-haired”. Next, fans were able to enjoy the “Date” album. In the same year, the collection “The Guy in the Cap” was published.

In 1974, when Yurka was born, his city was no different from hundreds of other Soviet cities. Factories, factories, five universities, two theaters, three museums... But still, there was something special in this city, scorched by the sun. Later, many years later, Slava Cherny will write him a song. About the Motherland. About Stavropol region. And this song will not be far-fetched, not one bit. Soulful, heartfelt. And well sung.

How nice it is to return to where you spent your childhood. Where it was fun and not so much, where every dog ​​knows you, where you no longer have to prove anything to anyone. Go back to the past...

The generation that is now just over twenty, Yurino’s generation, lived in an unusual, strange time. However, what generation in this country cannot be said about?

But still, fate showed them socialism, and perestroika, and even new times, the names of which have not yet been invented... Brezhnev's stagnation, the rapid change of Andropov with Chernenko, the arrival of Gorbachev - Yurka's fellow countryman, and, finally, Yeltsin.. And, most importantly, the consciousness of these boys did not have time to ossify, they easily accepted the change of times. But, however, Petliura had no time for politics. He's a singer.

Petlyura... Yura - Petlyura... Here's a rhyme for you. In a song, after all, the words should be coherent... By the way, he almost didn’t write songs, well, perhaps “Good people, I ask you to help...” and two or three more... But, as for the performance, here he there were no equals. He sang about captivity, about human feelings and experiences, he told stories from our lives. It’s sad, unbearably sad, and sometimes, on the contrary, joyful... And always truthful and sincere. Only he could sing like that.

His first album, “Benya the Raider,” was recorded in his home studio. Back then it was fashionable to comment on something between songs using computer voices. “This is not Shatunov - this is Petlyura,” someone says on this album, so that there would be no confusion, probably... Indeed, an ignorant person could confuse the two Yuras. The voices are somehow elusively similar. But that was only the beginning. Our Yura immediately had his own face, his own style (as they say now). And during the playback of the song “Wait, Steam Locomotive,” some guy told us that he, “the producer of this album thanks his wife and best friends, Vitalik and Alekha, for their help”... Vitalik and Lekha were probably satisfied. Audio pirates too. With their help, the album spread across the vast expanses of our country. That's how it was accepted then. Everything was just beginning.

When the opportunity arose to record the songs on more professional equipment, they decided that Petlyura should cover some songs from “Raider...”. And so they did. In addition, we selected and recorded several more compositions. This is how the album “Little One” was born. It was released again on audio cassettes and then on compacts. And again people liked it.

The song “Rain” then began to be played in discos as a slow song. Rural clubs and pioneer camps were shocked by such frankness. The youth listened, the youth thought, and not only the youth... People wanted to know what else this guy sings? And he sang about how difficult it is in prison, how lonely it is in the army, especially when your beloved cheated on you. About the tram and about birds, which, unlike people, live in pairs. About dark water and about the wall. About Alyoshka and the fact that I really don’t want to die...

Best of the day

In 1995, the Master Sound company and Yuri Sevostyanov, who was not afraid to invest money in Russian Chanson, appeared in the life of Yuri Barabash.

Yes, time gave birth to this strange phrase.

A mixture of criminal lyrics and yard songs, music of restaurants, kitchens and entrances, songs of the zone. It has become easier to work with Master Sound. They immediately offered to sign a contract for several years in advance. We started writing albums and shot a video. Everything was adult...

First in line was the "Fast Train". Perhaps Yurina’s most famous work. This album was released on both cassettes and CDs. Petlyurin’s songs could then be heard even on the new “Russian Radio”...

Could he have dreamed about this a few years ago? Although, who knows... The ways of the Lord are inscrutable.

Moscow. He already lived here. And he worked and worked... He sang with ecstasy, recorded... He searched for new facets in his work. I tried to sing pure lyrics, then again returned to Zhigan songs.

Following "Fast Train", the album "Sad Guy" was being prepared for release. It has already been advertised on television. “Guess for yourself what he’s sad about, but I don’t even dare to guess about it”...

Maybe someone would feel dizzy from this... But not him...

And suddenly death... A car accident on the night of August 27-28, 1996 on Sevastopol Avenue...

It was almost his first time behind the wheel and, apparently, he lost control. Everyone escaped with injuries except him...

They say that at first they could not identify him. And only people who watched “Road Patrol” on Russian TV recognized Yura.

Yuri Barabash is buried at the Khovanskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Barabash Yu.V. (04/14/1974 - 09/27/1996) - a popular performer of Russian chanson at the dawn of the 90s, known to the audience as Petliura. Born in a land of unique landscapes, in the very “heart of the South” called the Stavropol Territory. Petlyura spent his childhood and teenage life in his homeland. He was brought up in a prosperous and intelligent family. Yuri's mother was an exemplary worker at the local puppet theater, after studying at the regional philharmonic, and his father was an officer in the USSR Navy. Yuri is the second child in the family, two years younger than his sister Lolita. The future author-performer of chanson was remembered for his rather difficult character, and at times was an uncontrollable child. It was for his restlessness and hooliganism that his peers awarded the guy the nickname Petliura. This nickname had a disapproving connotation, because Simon Petlyura was an ill-wisher for the USSR during the Civil War. Since his teenage years, the guy dreamed of musical achievements, so Yuri’s main hobby was music. Opportunities to visit music school was not, but he himself mastered playing the guitar at a professional level.

Music career

Once upon a time a leader famous band“Tender May” Andrey Rezin listened to an amateur recording of Yuri’s song, in which it was impossible not to notice the singer’s enormous potential. After hearing this, the producer invited Petliura to a personal music studio for talented children. After the first successful results of the robot, in 1992 the singer, under his stage name Yuri Orlov, became part of the popular group “Tender May”. After a short time, he leaves the group and begins to build a solo future. The recording of the albums “Let’s Sing, Zhigan” (1993) and “Ben’s Raider” (1994) was carried out in a small home studio, but this did not prevent the songs on the albums from gaining enormous popularity among listeners.

In 1994, Yuri went to Moscow, where he first signed a professional contract with the Master Sound recording studio. The result of this collaboration was several successful albums, including “Fast Train”.

His music career was not public, he did not advertise his identity, did not like to appear on television, radio and even mass events, preferring to simply do what they love and delight their fans with new songs. Many compared Petlyura’s voice with the voice of Yura Shatunov, and it really sounded somewhat similar. But Petlyura’s songs sounded special, because he had his own unique style of performance, which is unlike any other.

Death of Petlyura

On September 28, 1996, Petliura died tragically in a car accident on Sevastopolsky Avenue in Moscow. The details of the event are not fully known, but as some sources report, the singer was relaxing in the company of friends, and was the only one who did not drink alcohol. He got behind the wheel of his BMW car, which he had purchased just recently, to take his comrades for a batch of beer. Yuri had not yet become a professional driver, and, unfortunately for everyone, he lost control.

The driver received fatal injuries, and all other passengers received injuries of varying severity.

Barabash Yuri Vladislavovich did not have time to live a few days before the official release of his next album, which after the singer’s death was called “Farewell”. The singer was buried at the Khovanskoye cemetery in Moscow.



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