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Red clock with a presentation about patriotism. Presentation on the topic "education of patriotism." Tasks of patriotic education of preschool children

Patriotism in modern society.Social studies. Seminar-discussion in 11th grade

MBOU Secondary School s. Troitsky, North Ossetia-Alania

Teacher Rabotkin S.V.

Patriotism(Greek πατριώτης - compatriot, πατρίς - fatherland) - a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland and the willingness to subordinate one’s private interests to its interests. Wikipedia. Ideas about patriotism are associated with a reverent attitude towards historical events, monuments, symbolism, cultural differences and great ancestors. Wikipedia. Patriotism presupposes pride in the achievements and culture of one’s homeland, the desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics, the desire to protect the interests of the Motherland and its people. Wikipedia . Types of patriotism: 1) imperial patriotism - maintains feelings of loyalty to the empire and its government. 2) national patriotism - fundamentally has feelings of love for his nation. 3) Ethnic patriotism (nationalism) is based only on love for one’s people and contempt for others. Patriotic tasks in Russian schools. Some excerpts from educational plans of schools and class teachers: 1) Arouse children’s interest in their native land, their country. 2) To cultivate kindness, humanity and mercy in children. 3) Fostering a sense of patriotism and love for one’s Motherland.

Famous people about patriotism.

“We must build our future on a strong foundation. And such a foundation is patriotism.” Putin V.V. Only empty people do not experience a wonderful and sublime patriotic feeling for the Motherland. Ivan Pavlov

Love for the Motherland and patriotism are the first dignity of a civilized person.

Napoleon I

A patriot is a toy in the hands of statesmen and a weapon in the hands of conquerors. Bernard Show

I hate all the disgusting nonsense of what is lumped together under the word “patriotism.” Those who joyfully march in formation to the music received the brain by mistake: for them, the spinal one would have been enough. Albert Einstein

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Johnson Samuel

“Patriotism” simply means “kill the infidel.” Boris Grebenshchikov

Am I a patriot? What is patriotism anyway? There used to be the USSR. You, as a patriot, were obliged to love Ukraine, Georgia, Latvia, and Estonia... And now, as a patriot, what do you owe them? Hate? Sergey Mavrodi Consequence of patriotism? Is patriotism needed in modern society?

Symbol of patriotism modern Russia.

Ilya Erenburg,

Soviet writer.

Conclusion. Conclusion. Patriotism in Russia presupposes: 1) pride in the characteristics and achievements of the culture of one’s people, its development in connection and cooperation with the culture of other peoples of our state; 2) the desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics within the framework of world culture; 3) identification of oneself with other members of the people; 4) the desire to protect the interests of the Fatherland and one’s people. Historical source patriotism- the existence of separate states established for centuries, forming attachment to native land, language, traditions. The meaning of patriotism. In the conditions of the formation of nations and the formation of national states, patriotism becomes an integral part public consciousness, reflecting national moments in its development.

L.N. Tolstoy (1828-1910),

classic of Russian literature

Homework. ESSAY: Homework. ESSAY:“...patriotism in our time is an unnatural, unreasonable, harmful feeling, causing a large share of the disasters from which humanity suffers, and that therefore this feeling should not be cultivated, as is done now, but, on the contrary, suppressed and destroyed by all that depends from reasonable people by means." (L.N. Tolstoy)

What does it mean to be a patriot?

I will do anything just to have the happiness of seeing the glory of Russia, and I will sacrifice the last drop of blood for its well-being.”

Peter Bagration


  • V.V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation: “Patriotism is the foundation of our country. And the future of Russia depends on how many patriots there are in our country.”

What is "patriotism"?

PATRIOTISM [ from Greek patriotes - compatriot, patris - homeland ].

Devotion and love for your Fatherland, your people.

(Dictionary foreign words)

PATRIOTISM – love, devotion and affection for the Fatherland, one’s people. ( Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov )

What does "patriot" mean?

PATRIOT , (Greek Patriotes (countryman). A person devoted to his people, who loves his Fatherland, who is ready to make sacrifices and commits

exploits in the name of the interests of their homeland. (Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov)

Personal qualities patriot:

  • Self-sacrifice - sacrificing one's personal interests for the sake of others.
  • Unselfishness - lack of concern for personal gain.
  • Call of Duty – duty – obligation.
  • Active citizenship - an active desire to direct one’s abilities for the benefit of other people, for the benefit of one’s homeland.

Why does Russia have a bright future?

1) The Russian Federation has the largest territory.

2) Russia borders on 18 countries.

3) Russia has a lot of natural resources.

4) Russia is a multinational country.

5) Russia is a great and powerful country .

Patriot, who is he?

  • Someone who loves the place where he was born and raised.
  • He knows the history of his country and is proud of his ancestors.
  • Knows and protects his native language.
  • Ready to defend the Fatherland.
  • Defends the prestige of his country.
  • I am ready to give all my strength and abilities to my homeland.
  • Builds his future, connecting it with his Fatherland.



Thank you for your attention!

To be a patriot... What does it mean?

And this means loving the Motherland,

And this means honestly, disinterestedly

Serve your beloved fatherland.

To love his gray story,

Holy faces of our mothers,

Which more than once in an evil year

They escorted their own children into battle.

Teach children to be proud of their family

And honor it to guard and preserve,

Be the best part our people,

Which no one could crush.

I'm a patriot!

Presentation is prepared by :

Teacher of speech therapy group No. 1

Kucheruk Elena Vladimirovna

Educational psychologist

Taratunina Maria Alexandrovna

GBOU School No. 1973

Preschool department No. 1

Homeland – this is the city in which a person lives, and the street on which his house stands, and the tree under the window, and the singing of a bird: all this is the Motherland.

Preschool childhood– the most important period in the formation of a person’s personality, when the moral principles civic qualities, children’s first ideas about the world around them, society and culture are formed.

  • Acquaintance with the state symbols of the country, city, region.
  • Forming a child’s concept of family, drawing up a pedigree and family coat of arms, the history of the origin of the surname.
  • Acquaintance with the concept of patriotism, heroism and their manifestations.
  • Introduction to oral folk art: nursery rhymes, holidays, folk arts and crafts.
  • Development of the need for independent exploration of the surrounding world through the study of cultural heritage.

Tasks of patriotic education of preschool children

  • Forming a sense of attachment to your loved ones, to your home, to friends in kindergarten.
  • Formation of a feeling of love for one’s homeland, culture, traditions.
  • Education of civil-patriotic feelings.
  • Education of patriotism. Respect for Russia's cultural past through aesthetic education: music, artistic activity, artistic expression.

Principles of work on patriotic education

  • The principle of person-oriented communication;
  • Principle thematic planning material;
  • The principle of visibility;
  • The principle of consistency;
  • The principle of entertainment;
  • From close to distant;
  • From the general to the particular (where each particular appears to the child as part of something general, which provides a semantic relationship between different aspects of the content);
  • Relying on the experience of the children themselves;
  • Relationship with family.

Goal: formation of spirituality, moral and patriotic feelings in children.

System and sequence of work

moral and patriotic education is presented in blocks:

We live in Russia.

Together a friendly family.

My favorite kindergarten.

Preschool childhood is a special period in a child’s life. It is at this time that the foundations of the future personality are laid. National culture is necessary for a person because it is in harmony with the national character.

Creating conditions in the group for the formation of a civil-patriotic position in children

In our group great attention is devoted to the patriotic education of preschool children. Having collected material for the mini-museum, a separate place was allocated for it, where children could get to know the history of our Motherland and the region better.

Preschoolers together with their parents took Active participation in the creation of the album “Growing Cultural.”

To create this album, parents together with their children

made a family tree,

drew their family's coat of arms and shared knowledge about history

origin of his surname.

Homeland is a big, big word! Let it not happen light of miracles, If you say this word with your soul, It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies!

T. Bokova

Nature! How much is behind this? in a simple word! This and vegetable world, and animal, and the power of the elements. And for nature to share its knowledge with us, we need to be very attentive to it.

Visit school museum battle glory

And to me, the heir to Victory,

Can't sleep again today.

I'm hurrying along the trail of the front

In those years, those people understood.

V. Shirokov

And a sweet song is sung in honor of the homeland, And the blood boils, and the heart beats proudly, And you joyfully listen to the sound of the words: “I am the son of Rus'! This is the land of my fathers!”

I. Nikitin

Patriotism - (from the Greek patris - fatherland) - a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland, pride in its past and present, the willingness to subordinate one’s interests to the interests of the country, the desire to protect the interests of the homeland and one’s people.

Advantages of Patriotism Patriotism gives strength - from the awareness that hundreds of generations of his ancestors stand invisibly behind a person. Patriotism gives joy - from awareness of the merits and successes of one’s country. Patriotism gives responsibility - for the family, the people and the Motherland. Patriotism gives confidence through a sense of involvement in the fate of the country. Patriotism gives you freedom to act for the good of your country. Patriotism gives respect to the history, traditions and culture of the country.

Manifestations of patriotism in Everyday life Geopolitics. The formation of national states is one of the manifestations of the patriotism of every nation. Liberation wars. It was patriotism, as the basis of cohesion in the face of the enemy, that helped peoples win the most terrible wars in case they were not aggressive. Military service. Willingness to defend the Motherland from an external enemy is an integral sign of patriotism; the person who chose military service- shows patriotism. National customs, traditions. An example of “everyday” manifestations of patriotism can be the unique National costumes different nations. National culture. Russians folk songs, epics of the Yakut people, Scottish bagpipe playing - all these are examples of patriotism expressed in cultural heritage different peoples.

How to develop patriotism in yourself Family education. Parents who show love and respect for their country, and instill these feelings in their children, raise their children to be patriots. Interest in national culture and traditions. In order to love your people, you need to know them; By consciously studying the history of his people, a person cultivates patriotism. Awareness. Patriotism involves pride in one's country's achievements; interest in information related to all aspects of the life of society and the country creates the basis for the development and manifestation of patriotism. Traveling around your country. The best remedy get to know and love your homeland.

, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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  • To form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as decency, honor, fidelity to duty.
  • Explain the meaning of the word “patriot”.
  • Fostering conscious love for the Motherland, respect for the historical past of one’s history.

Form: hour of communication.

Equipment: computer for music production and
presentation demonstrations.

Decor: St. George's ribbons, flowers, portraits of A. Nevsky and A.V. Suvorov.

Class plan:

  1. introduction.
  2. Information block.
  3. Frontal conversation on the topic: “What does it mean to be a patriot of modern Russia?”
  4. Conclusions.
  5. Final word.


1. Opening remarks

- Guys, in the name of what heroic deeds were performed, incredible hardships and hardships were endured, why did our distant ancestors and recent predecessors sacrifice their fortune, love, life itself? In the name of the interests of the Fatherland. How do you, today's schoolchildren, already graduates, see your patriotic service to the Motherland? Are you ready today for any donation and deeds in the name of the interests of the Motherland?
– Today we met with you to hold a discussion on the topic: “About patriotism. About the Motherland..." The purpose of our meeting is for you guys to realize that you are proud and worthy people. So that the still dormant feeling of love for your Motherland awakens in you. Homeland is like a mother. She sometimes gets sick and can become ugly. But then we we love you more we feel sorry for her. And we are not looking for another one.
“And I want you to have pride in your country, in yourself.” Only a proud, worthy person can become a patriot of his country.
“The strength of patriotism is always proportional to the amount of personal labor invested in it: the feeling of homeland has always been alien to tramps and parasites.” L.M. Leonov
– Let’s turn to the history of the Russian State. Russia in war time gave birth to heroes whom the whole world knows. Namely A. Nevsky. A. V. Suvorov. Since ancient times, our country has been subjected to attacks and military invasions, but has never been enslaved. Any people wants to live, independently of anyone, honoring their traditions and raising their children in them. But could you and I live now in a free country if our ancestors had not conquered their Motherland, Russia, with their very lives and freedom? Let's meet the true patriots of the Fatherland.

2. Information block

– Take a look at the first portrait: A. Ya. Nevsky - who among us does not know this name?
– What do you know about A. Nevsky?

Accompanied by a presentation.

– Patriotism manifests itself in love, heroism, heroism, and sometimes in humility, if this is necessary for the good of the Motherland. Let's define the word patriot. Definition on slide.
– Let’s look at the second portrait of A. V., Suvorov, who did not lose a single battle. (33)
“Teach a faithless army to sharpen burnt-out iron,” said A.V. Suvorov. “Start everything with God’s blessing and until you die, be faithful to the Sovereign and the Fatherland.”
– This means that both patriotism and faith were fused together in the Russian people.
– How do you think the concepts of “patriotism” and “Motherland” are connected?
– Pay attention to the third photo (music “Holy War” sounds).
– Guys, in May 1945, millions of people around the world received the exciting news of the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany with great jubilation. In just 4 months, all of the world's humanity will celebrate a great holiday - 65 years since the Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Here I would like to remind you that our fellow countrymen, being your peers, showed heroism, courage, paid their debt to the Motherland, and they truly were patriots and will always remain so in our memory.
– Let’s remember the Walk of Fame, located in the park of our city. Let's name our fellow countrymen
– Does patriotism always manifest itself during military operations or global conflicts?

3. Frontal conversation on the topic: “What does it mean to be a patriot modern Russia?

Patriotic education... Will such concepts as patriotism, patriot, sense of duty, Motherland, fatherland, citizen become significant for you?
Let's think about what our life will be like if such concepts, dear to the heart of a true patriot and citizen of his Motherland, disappear from the Russian language, from our consciousness. Thinking about the Motherland is the most important moment in becoming a citizen, in learning and finding one’s place in life.
– What does it mean to be a patriot of modern Russia? A true patriot respects a patriot of another country. Look at the screen, maybe you will see your friends (slide show). You're on the threshold adult life you will go to serve the Motherland and fully understand what the feeling of the Motherland is. Laying wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, holding a guard of honor at eternal flame, this is the education of patriotism in children.

4. Conclusions:

  1. A true patriot does not stick out himself as a patriot, he does not march under a banner with a song, but is able to do the important and necessary when it is not asked for, when no one sees it, and is not rewarded for it.
  2. “The strength of patriotism is always proportional to the amount of personal labor invested in it: the feeling of homeland has always been alien to vagabonds and parasites.”
  3. “Only empty people do not experience a wonderful and sublime feeling of homeland.” I.P. Pavlov

5. Closing remarks from the teacher

– Our meeting has come to an end. I want to believe that you understood me, that I managed to breathe into you at least a spark of that warm feeling called patriotism - love for your homeland? This feeling lies dormant in a person for a long time; it awakens when you are far from the country. Goodbye, all the best to you.



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