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Baptism of a child by godparents. Baptism of a child: rules for parents that you need to know. Traditional gifts from godparents

Baptism is one of the main sacraments of Orthodoxy. This ritual consists of accepting Christian faith. It is designed to protect a person from influence dark forces and direct his life in a bright spiritual direction. There is an opinion regarding the correctness of accepting Christianity already at an adult, meaningful age. However, Orthodox priests claim the opposite. Being baptized in infancy, a person early finds a guardian angel, is cleansed of original sin and is forever accepted into the holy church monastery.

The Orthodox Church recommends that infants be baptized on the 8th or 40th day after their birth. Newborn children with a dangerous illness should be baptized as soon as possible. Before the christening, you need to decide on the choice of an Orthodox name for the baby. A saint bearing the same name becomes his intercessor before higher powers. An Orthodox name should be known to a limited number of people; this will make a person invulnerable to evil and ill-wishers.

Child baptism in church

Many people are interested in what days and how a child is baptized in the church. The rules are almost the same in each Orthodox church. You can choose any day of the week for christening. The exception is major church holidays, when due to heavy workload the priest will not be able to perform the ceremony.

Preparation for the sacrament

Preparation for the sacrament involves the purchase of a baptismal kit, preliminary conversations with a clergyman and the choice of godfather and mother. The baptismal set includes a shirt (diaper), a pectoral cross and an icon depicting the patron saint. For female infants, a hat or scarf is added. The baptismal shirt (kryzhma) is considered a miraculous amulet and must be kept throughout the life of its owner.
With its help, traditional healers remove curses and help in the treatment of serious diseases.

Kryzhma for baptism

You can buy kryzhma or sew it yourself. This can be done by both the mother and the future godmother. Preference is given to the white color of the fabric as a symbol of purity and purity.

Traditionally, the godfather buys the pectoral cross. It should be made of inexpensive metal. It is allowed to have a cross made of silver, as this metal is capable of purifying and driving away evil spirits. But gold is not considered pure, so gold crosses are undesirable. You can purchase such a cross in the future, not forgetting to consecrate it. After the sacrament is performed, the pectoral cross is supposed to be worn constantly as a symbol of faith.

Godparents often wonder what is better to buy for the cross: a chain or a cord? In church shops they sell ropes - gaitanchiki, specially designed for wearing it. They are safe and easy to use and are especially suitable for young children.

Relatives and godparents should first visit the priest and ask him all the necessary questions about the upcoming ceremony. He will tell you in detail what is needed to properly participate in it. To take photos or videos, you must obtain his approval and blessing. On the day of christening, you must have the baby's birth certificate with you. Based on this, a baptismal certificate will be issued.

Choosing godparents

The choice of godparents should not be made for mercantile reasons. Priests advise inviting believers for this, who in the future are able to become spiritual parents and mentors for the godson, and, if necessary, replace his father and mother. They must necessarily belong to the Orthodox faith.

Future godparents are invited to the temple for a conversation with the priest. The priest will tell them how the child is baptized, explain their role in the ceremony and in the spiritual life of the future godson. Church rules strictly define the category of persons who cannot be godparents:

  • the child's parents;
  • atheists and representatives of other religions;
  • temple staff;
  • minors;
  • persons who are married to each other.

Women are forbidden to be present in the holy monastery during menstrual periods. Before the sacrament, godparents are required to observe a three-day fast, confess and receive communion.

Baptism of children in church

Church rules previously prohibited parents of children from being with them during the ceremony. Today the order of the ceremony has changed somewhat and Orthodox priest can baptize the baby in their presence.

All participants in the ceremony need to pay attention to their appearance. It must meet church requirements. In clothes, subdued colors are preferred. All those present must wear pectoral crosses, and in the hands of baptismal candles.

Women are not supposed to wear short, revealing dresses or skirts. The head is covered with a scarf or scarf. Flashy jewelry and bright makeup are excluded. Female children must also have their heads covered. Men are allowed into the temple without a headdress.

Christenings of children of both sexes follow the same rules. The first sacred act is the laying of the hand of the priest on the baby. Such a gesture symbolizes gaining the protection of God. The godparents answer some of the priest’s questions on behalf of the godson, then the priest anoints the child with church oil (oil).

After the anointing, the godparents with the baby in their arms must go to the font. The priest sanctifies the water and immerses the baby in it three times. If a boy is being baptized, then the godmother brings him to the font, and if a girl is baptized, then the godfather brings him to the font. After washing, you need to put on a baptismal shirt and cover your head. The priest performs the rite of anointing, which happens only once in a lifetime.

Rules for baptism in the church

Then a small strand of hair is cut from the child's head. The baby is carried around the font 3 times. This means that he accepted Orthodox faith and united with her forever. The entire ceremony is accompanied by constant reading of prayers.

Upon returning from the holy monastery, all those invited gather at the festive table. During the celebration, children are given gifts and warm, sincere wishes.

Duration and cost of the ceremony

The duration and cost of the ceremony vary. Many parents are interested in how long it takes to baptize a child in a church. This largely depends on the priest. Most often, the ritual takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

The main material expenses fall on the shoulders of the blood father and mother, although there was once a custom to pay everything in full to the godfather. The cost of baptism in a church is indicated in the price list with prices for church services. It can be found in the icon shop. You can find out how much it costs to baptize a child in a church from its workers. Traditionally, the amount ranges from 600 to 2000 rubles.

Everyone decides for himself whether to believe in omens or not. There are beliefs associated with christenings. Our wise ancestors advised us to do the following:

  • do not inform strangers about the date of the upcoming christening;
  • allow only an even number of guests into the temple;
  • before the christening, count all the money in the house - this will ensure the child a comfortable life;
  • on the day of christening, as on the days church holidays, do not perform any work;
  • do not open the doors of the house to anyone until all participants in the ritual return from the temple;
  • do not take a pregnant woman as a godparent;
  • on a holiday, do not make noise or quarrel in the house;
  • After the feast, the last of the guests should be the godmother and father.

Orthodox priests teach that the mere fact of baptism is not enough to enter into Heavenly Kingdom. Important future life in Christ and participation in all church sacraments. The Church calls on parents of baptized children to live in its bosom and set a worthy example to the growing generation.

Rules for baptizing a child in church: video

Baptism is one of important sacraments, which denotes acceptance of a person into Christian Church. Long before the advent of Christianity, there were ritual immersions in water, such a ritual is typical for many religions, because water is the source of life, the cult of water was different nations peace. There was a belief that after dipping a person into water, he becomes protected from all his sins and returns to a new, pure life.

Today, the rite of baptism is not very different from the rite of baptism performed several centuries ago. As before, so now, the priest does everything.

There are many Christian denominations and in all of them the rite of baptism takes place differently. For example, in the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church baptism is classified as a sacrament. There are differences in the conduct of the baptismal rite itself when this ceremony is performed in different churches. IN catholic church the child is doused with water, in the Orthodox church they are immersed in water three times, and in the Protestant church the child is sprinkled with water. And Adventists and Baptists baptisms, as a rule, are carried out in natural bodies of water.

How is the baptism ceremony performed?

The sacrament of baptism was established by Jesus himself. He was baptized in the Jordan River by Saint John the Baptist. It was no coincidence that the rite of baptism took place in water, because in the Bible water symbolizes life (everyone knows perfectly well that a person consists mainly of water), spiritual and physical purity, and God’s grace. Jesus himself did not have to be baptized, but thus by example he showed all people that each of them must begin his spiritual life. Jesus Christ himself sanctified the water in the Jordan River, and the priest therefore calls on the Holy Spirit through prayers to sanctify the water in the font.

Most often, baptism is carried out in the temple, but outside the temple it is also quite acceptable. The Sacrament of Baptism lasts on average about 30 minutes to one hour. The priest at the very beginning begins to read prohibition prayers, thus he drives out Satan from the person being baptized in the name of the Lord. After this, the baptized person (or godparents on his behalf) renounces Satan three times, and three times proclaim reunion with Jesus Christ as God and King. The Symbol of Faith is read three times, which contains the entire essence of the Orthodox confession of faith. Next, the Priest sanctifies the water and oil (oil). The person being baptized is anointed with this oil, and this indicates that from that moment he is in the tree of the Church of Christ. The person being baptized is given a name, which must be only Christian. After this, the person being baptized is immersed in water three times. During the first dive, the priest says the following words: “The servant (servant) of God (God’s) (name of the baptized) is baptized in the name of the Father. Amen". Second dive: “And the Son. Amen". Third dive: “and the Holy Spirit. Amen". From the water, the child is placed in a baptismal swaddling cloth, which is called kryzhma (another name is krizhmo or krizhma).

Next, the Sacrament of Confirmation is performed. The Gospel is also read by the Apostle, and during prayer tonsure takes place - the Priest cuts off a small tuft of hair from the person being baptized. And as a sign that the child has already become a Christian, they put a cross on his neck.

Basically, during baptism, the child is immersed in water, but splashing and dousing with water is also acceptable. One person can only be baptized once in his entire life, since a person can only be physically born once. Despite different views in beliefs (even in understanding the process of baptism), the Sacrament of Baptism is recognized Orthodox Church only in Armenian Church, Calvinist Church, Catholic Church (Greek and Roman), Anglican Church, Lutheran Church.

What is a holiday after a christening or a baptismal table?

Since ancient times, the ancient Slavs, after completing their pagan rituals, held family holidays. In Christian Rus', they set the christening table on the same day and fed everyone - both guests and beggars. All classes had a tradition of arranging a christening table; the process differed only in rituals and the type of dishes served. Before entering the church, my father usually said the following words to his godparents: “Take the prayerful one, and bring me the baptized one” Leah “Go and introduce your child to the Orthodox faith”. At christenings, the godfather brought bread and bought a cross, and in some cases paid the priest for performing the ceremony. The godmother provided the priest with a towel so that he could wipe his hands after the ceremony, a shirt for the child and three to four yards of fabric.

At the christening dinner, the main guests were the child's godparents and the midwife. They were invited for festive table and were treated to tea and snacks. At this time, the child's father invited friends and relatives to his home to celebrate such an important event.

On the day of christening, the owners festively set the table. At the beginning, cold dishes were served, for example, on a fast day - kvass with meat and eggs and jelly, and on a fast day - kvass with sauerkraut and herring. After the cold one, they served noodles, potato soup with mushrooms, cabbage soup with smelt, which was seasoned with hemp oil - this is on a fast day, and on a fast day - giblet soup (ushnik), milk noodles, noodles with pork or chicken, cabbage soup with meat. Regardless of what dishes were on baptismal table, V mandatory served the most important dish - buckwheat porridge(millet porridge was served before serving).

After the end of the holiday, the guests expressed their gratitude to the owners and wished the child many summers and more health. The last to leave were the godmother and father. On the same day, in the evening or in the morning, they were offered snacks, followed by an exchange of gifts. The godfather gave her godfather a scarf as a souvenir, and the godfather, in turn, kissed his godfather on the lips and gave her money. Before leaving, the child’s mother gave the godparents a cake, for which she received a scarf or money (in some cases, soap, sugar, tea, and so on). This is where the holiday ends.

Today, the family christening holiday is being revived. Children will be born in maternity hospitals (mostly), so you should entrust the role of midwife to some relative or very respected guest. This decision is made by the parents of the person being baptized.

Is it possible to give the baby a name before the baptism ceremony?

Can. The parents give the baby a name and register it on the birth certificate. The church has no right to influence the name to be changed. Naturally, at baptism a child can be given church name, which will not always match the name registered on the birth certificate. The registered name will be used in Everyday life, and church - during church ceremonies.

The role of godparents

To choose godparents must be taken very seriously, because if something happens to the child’s parents (illness or death), then the godparents will be responsible for raising the child. For this reason, they try to choose them among family friends, relatives or close people. Only Christians can be godparents.

In addition, the child’s godparents must be spiritual successors for their godson. It is forbidden to take non-believers, non-believers and unbaptized people as godfathers. Also, members of cult organizations and various sects, for example, fortune tellers and Roerich followers, cannot be taken as godparents. It is forbidden to take sinners (drug addicts, alcoholics, etc.) as godparents.

According to the norms of Church law, the following cannot become recipients: mentally ill people, minors, nuns and monks, parents for their children, the bride and groom, people who are married (since married life between persons who are spiritually related is unacceptable ).

During the process of baptism of a child, the godparents hold him to the cross in the church. It can also be one person, a girl can be held godmother, and the boy is the godfather. If a person is baptized as an adult, then godparents are not a mandatory rule for him, since he can answer questions asked on one's own. The child's biological parents may be in the temple during the baptism, but they should not hold the child to the cross.

Many people are interested in this question: is it possible to marry a pregnant woman, can she be a godmother for a child? Of course you can, there are no barriers to this, since the church is very respectful and kind to pregnant women.

If you have any questions related to the baptism of a child, then it is best to look for an answer not from a neighbor or on the Internet, but it is best to ask a priest.

To carry out the baptism process, the godfather should buy a pectoral cross; the child must wear this cross under his clothes for the rest of his life. The godmother needs to buy a baptismal shirt and kryzhma (white embroidered fabric in the shape of a diaper). In Kryzhma the child is held to the cross. The baptismal attire and the kryzhma are symbols of the fact that the baby came out of the font without sins. The kryzhma is preserved throughout the child’s life. If the child gets sick in the future, they cover him with kryzhma, as they believe that with its help a quick recovery will occur. On the day of christening, the child must appear at the cross clean, in smart and clean clothes and bathed.

When is the best time to baptize a baby?

The Church recommends that a child be baptized early age. Thus, the child is removed original sin, after which he becomes a member of the church. Jesus Christ had a special attitude. He told his apostles “Let the children come to me and never forbid them to do so, for theirs is God’s kingdom.”. So parents do not need to hesitate in baptizing their child, so that God’s grace may descend on the child at an early age. Immediately after the rite of baptism, the Holy Spirit descends on the child when anointing occurs.

Catholics and Orthodox Christians try to baptize children in the first months of their life, sometimes even in the first days of birth. Protestants perform baptism only in adulthood. They argue that at a young age a child is not able to understand the Sacraments of Baptism, but his soul is capable of receiving the grace of the Holy Spirit. It happens and it happens early death child, therefore you should not delay baptism, since there is a risk of leaving the baby without God's protection and his path to salvation will be cut off.

Basically, all parents take care of their child, they want their child to be physically healthy and not get sick, they give him all sorts of vaccinations, so what prevents them from thinking about the immortality of the soul of their child?

Baptism can also be carried out in adulthood, if for some reason it was not carried out in infancy. In this case, the person must undergo catechesis. After this, the original sin of an adult and all other sins will be removed.

How to carry out baptism correctly: immerse the child in water or pour water over him?

The Holy Letter does not say how much water is needed for baptism. Water is a symbol of life and a sacrament of baptism.

Simply pouring or completely immersing in water during baptism is the tradition of the church.

There are churches that have special baptismal places where children are baptized, and even an adult can fully enter the water there.

What you need to purchase for baptism

If it is not the first child who is baptized, then in order for the brothers and sisters to love each other very much and be very friendly, subsequent children are baptized in the shirt in which the first-born was baptized.

Even though there are many different religions, they all have almost the same Baptism Ceremony. Basically, a baptismal cover or a baptismal set is purchased for a child. In some cases, they also purchase a special bag in which the child’s cut hair, a satin bracelet or boutonniere, and a satin-covered Bible will be stored in the future.

Christian Responsibilities of Godparents

Godparents must:

  • Be a role model;
  • Regularly prays for his goddaughter or godson;
  • Teach your goddaughter or godson to fight evil and believe in Christ;
  • Help her or him to grow with faith in the heart in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

If the godparents live far from their cross and see it very rarely, then they need to maintain contact in some way - call each other, write letters. The child must feel the care of his godparents, and he must also understand that they are very important in his life. important people. It is advisable that the godparents be present at the child's first communion.

The godmother and father are very important people both in the baptismal ceremony and in the life of the child.

Even in pre-Christian Rus' there was a ritual of nepotism, a child was bathed in a lake, river or in a wooden trough. The child was bathed in a pond, swaddled and given a name. In parallel with this, religious ceremonies were carried out. There were two, three, and four Kumovyevs. In the event of illness or death of parents, they took responsibility for raising the child.

Baptismal attire, baptismal shirt, baptismal dress

The most important element in the baptism process is christening outfit, shirt or dress. He is mainly chosen in advance by the baby's godmother. When choosing, you need to focus on the fact that the outfit is pleasant to the touch and soft, then the baby will behave well in church.

Kryzhma. Kryzhma is a relic that is preserved for many years. Kryzhma - openwork diaper white, who has never been in the laundry, receives a baby from the font at baptism in Kryzhma. During baptism, the kryzhma must be present; it is the main attribute of christenings. Very often, the date of the baby’s baptism and his name are embroidered on the corner of the kryzhma. Kryzhma should also be bought by the child’s godmother. Kryzhma is endowed miraculous powers healing the baby if he suddenly gets sick.

How to choose a baptismal outfit

This is the second outfit in a mother’s life, the choice of which she treats with such reverence and love. The first such outfit was most likely Wedding Dress mother. One way or another, we want to help you choose a high-quality baptismal outfit that will be passed down from generation to generation.

Finding a baptismal outfit is not difficult, because today the market offers us a huge selection of this baptismal attribute. The problem is that it is a little difficult to find exactly the kind of baptismal outfit that will suit your baby, will please you, will make the baptism ceremony exquisite, the cost of which will fit within your budget.

Therefore, when choosing a baptismal attire, it is worth considering the following:

  1. Modern or traditional? The style of the baptismal attire plays a significant role. It is important to decide whether you want to buy something modern for your child, or whether you want to baptize him in his own outfit, which your parents have kept for many years. It's worth asking yourself some questions. Do you want your baby to be baptized in a traditional christening gown, or do you want it to be a modern satin suit? Want something exclusive? Do you want an outfit in the national style?

    Whatever style you choose, you need to make sure that your child is very comfortable in it, and that it is convenient for you to dress up your child. You need to pay due attention to the fabric from which the baptismal attire is made. The fabric should only be natural so that the child is comfortable and his body can breathe. An excellent choice would be fabrics such as 100% silk, satin, linen, satin (cotton). These are the fabrics that are always used for newborns, so this should not be an exception for baptismal attire.

    The christening outfit should be comfortable, soft, made of fabric High Quality, also the outfit should be gentle and pleasing to the eye.

  1. Size. In order for the baby to be comfortable in baptismal clothes, you need to pay attention to the fact that the baptismal shirt is spacious enough. It is very important that the outfit does not put pressure on the baby’s skin or rub it when moving. When choosing an outfit, you should refer to the size chart; it usually gives the dimensions according to the baby’s body without any allowances.
  2. Details. Details such as buttons should not be ignored. They must be sewn very tightly and match the color of the outfit. It is also worth paying attention to how long the ribbons on the outfit are, whether the buttons on the outfit are difficult to unfasten, how the lining is sewn: with seams to the baby’s body or with seams inward?
  3. Color. Among baptismal outfits, white outfits are considered the most popular. But you don’t have to choose this particular color. You can choose an outfit of a different color for your baby. It should depend on what you want it to symbolize for your baby. It should be taken into account that white color is a symbol of youth and purity.
  4. Season. When choosing a baptismal outfit, you need to take into account the time of year. If it’s sunny and warm outside, summer or spring, then naturally you need to choose an outfit with short sleeves. If the child’s christening is planned for the cold season, then you need to choose a warm hat, a warm fur coat or sweater, or a cotton-lined kryzhma.
  5. Accessories. In the world of children's accessories, you can get confused, there is such a large selection of everything. In order not to buy anything unnecessary, you should know what you will need at a minimum: a bib, booties and a hat. If you plan to baptize a child in the cold season, then you will also need a lined kryzhma, a fur coat or a warm sweater.

What is the best gift for a christening?

Practical or traditional: Most traditional christening gifts are not practical. A common traditional gift for a godmother is a christening shirt or kryzhma - a white openwork diaper. Traditionally, the godfather should present a silver spoon at a christening. If you are going to be the godparents of a child, then you should think about the fact that your gift for the baby should have a special meaning. You can also think about a gift that will be useful to the child when he becomes an adult. This could be a set of silverware, or you could open a small savings account for it in a bank. Ordinary christening guests can give clothes, books, and toys.

Silver - if you are a guest and are thinking of giving your child some jewelry for christening, then it is best to opt for silver items, since silver is the tradition of christening gifts.

silver spoon. It will be very good if you give a set of 12 silver spoons, as they symbolize the 12 apostles. If your budget cannot afford to give you such a gift, then you can opt for 4 silver spoons or even one. On the spoon you can engrave the name of the saint on whose day the baby was born or after whom he was named. A silver spoon is a symbol of prosperity.

Silver mug. Jesus Christ drank from a silver cup at his last supper. As a gift, the cup symbolizes that the baby's soul is empty and that it is waiting to be filled with purity and the holy spirit. For Catholics, a silver mug is a mandatory christening gift. godfather, since it is from this mug that water is poured over the baby.

A popular christening gift is the Bible or a set of books with religious themes. You can give something personal, for example, embroider his name on the child's clothes, or engrave the baby's initials on silver or gold jewelry.

Gifts most often given at christenings:

  • Money;
  • Silver;
  • Ribbon or chain for a cross;
  • Photo album with the baby's name;
  • Silver or gold bracelet with name engraved;
  • Earrings;
  • Cross;
  • Cloth;
  • Bible;
  • Books on religious topics;
  • A set of books for the future;
  • Fairy tales;
  • Soft toys or simple toys.

Baptism certificate

Before the baptismal ceremony, check with the church to see if they have a baptismal certificate, because it can be kept for many years for pleasant memories. If the church does not have such certificates, then do not be upset, as you can purchase them yourself.

Such certificates can be purchased for both the baptized person and the godparents, with a description of their responsibilities. Many temples will have photographers at your service who can capture this unforgettable event for a fee.

From baptism to wedding

For boy boutonniere. Boutonniere is a small beautiful bouquet for a boy, made of snow-white flowers, which over time becomes part of wedding bouquet that clings to the groom's wedding suit.

For girl bracelet. This tradition is common in Europe. For a girl, they choose a beautiful bracelet made of white pearls, put it on the girl’s hand and keep it until the girl gets married. On the wedding day, such a bracelet becomes part of the jewelry on the bride’s wedding dress.

Baptism is one of the most important events in the child’s spiritual life: from now on and for the rest of his life, the baby will be under the reliable protection of his guardian angel. That is why baptism must be approached very seriously and responsibly, remembering that this is not a “simple formality” or a tribute to fashion, but a Great Sacrament, during which God’s grace descends on the baby.

When to baptize a child?

According to tradition, babies are most often baptized on the fortieth day: it was at this age during Old Testament children were brought to the temple for the first time. In addition, it is after forty days after giving birth (due to physiological issues) that the mother has the right to take part in the Sacrament after the priest reads a special prayer over her.

However, if the baby was born very weak or there is a threat to his life, he can be baptized earlier by inviting a priest to a medical institution (in such situations, medical staff, as a rule, meet the parents halfway).

In general, it is believed that children under three months behave much calmer during the Sacrament: they are not yet afraid strangers Those who take them in their hands can more easily tolerate watering and even complete immersion.

How older child- all the more, he is exposed to surrounding events, people, sounds, and can react to them with anxiety, whims, and crying. And it is much harder for godparents to hold a three-year-old toddler in their arms than a newborn baby.

Often parents are afraid to baptize their baby in the cold season, postponing this event to the period of warm weather. It must be said that this is not entirely justified: even in winter, the room where the Sacrament takes place is very warm, and the water for the font is also heated.


The main task in preparing for the baptism of a child is the choice of godparents. There can be two of them, but this is not necessary. The main thing is that the girl has a godmother, and the boy has a godfather.

Today, most often, close friends are taken as godparents, who are sometimes quite far from the church. This is not entirely correct, since it is the godparents who are responsible for spiritual education baby, they are the ones who will pray for him, even if (and this often happens) there is a rift between them and the child’s parents.

According to general rules, godparents cannot be people who:

  1. are non-believers, of another faith or atheists;
  2. monks;
  3. suffer from mental illness;
  4. suffer from drug addiction and alcoholism;
  5. lead a chaotic sex life;
  6. are minors (boys - up to fifteen years, girls - up to thirteen);
  7. are the parents of the child;
  8. are a married couple;
  9. are the child being baptized as a sibling.

Baptismal accessories

Preparing for a child's baptism also includes preparing the necessary baptismal supplies:

  • Cross

It is better if it is made of silver or ordinary metal, with rounded edges and almost flat so that the baby does not get hurt. Instead of a chain, it is better to choose a short, soft rope. After the Sacrament is performed, the baby must wear the cross without taking it off.

Many parents are afraid that the baby’s neck will choke, that he will swallow it, or that he will lose it. As one priest said: “The cross has never brought harm to a single child.” You just need to make sure that the rope is not long and cannot get tangled, and that the knot on it is strong so that it does not come undone.

  • Kryzhma

A white diaper on which the baby's initials can be embroidered, Orthodox cross, and along the edges there are openwork patterns. The godparents hold the baby in the kryzhma during baptism and receive it from the font, after which it is kept at home next to the baby’s crib. It is believed that if a baby is worried, sleeps poorly or is capricious, you should wrap it in kryzha or cover it with it - and it will become much calmer;

  • Christening shirt

It can be either a regular white cotton vest or a custom-made silk shirt with gold embroidery. The only requirement is that it must be new. The baby wears such clothes in the temple during the Sacrament, after which they are kept in the family as a relic.

Before the baptism itself, it will be necessary to purchase candles in the church (the number will be indicated by the priest).

Sacrament baptism: important points

Before becoming godparents, people performing such a responsible mission should come to a priest for a conversation. Some imagine such a meeting as an exam, although this is far from the case: the priest will talk about the foundations of Orthodoxy, about Christ and the Gospel. He will indicate which prayers need to be read and explain the responsibilities of godparents.

It is important to remember that the christening of a child involves certain rules.

Rules for godmother:

  • a scarf or scarf on the head;
  • a skirt or dress below the knees (in no case trousers);
  • blouse or top of the dress – with covered shoulders and elbows.

According to an unspoken rule, it is the godmother who buys the kryzhma and pectoral cross if a girl is baptized.

Rules for godfather:

  • presence of a cross on the neck;
  • absence of any headdress;
  • neat clothes (absolutely no shorts and a T-shirt).

According to the unspoken rule, the godfather pays for the baptism and purchases a cross for the godson - the boy.

Having chosen a temple, you should agree on the day the Sacrament will be performed and clarify what you need to bring with you. On the appointed day, parents with the baby, godparents and relatives should arrive a little before the agreed time to avoid possible fuss. It is advisable to feed the infant so that he behaves calmly.

If you want to film the Sacrament or take photos, you must ask the priest for permission in advance.

The Sacrament itself in different churches lasts from thirty minutes to an hour.

During this time, the baptism ceremony goes through several stages:

  • the priest reading certain prayers;
  • immersion in the font (or simply sprinkling with water);
  • putting on a cross;
  • anointing the baby with myrrh;
  • walking around the font;
  • hair cutting.

The final stage of a girl’s baptism is placing her on the icon. Mother of God, and the boy - bringing him into the altar.

After completion of the sacrament, a baptismal certificate is issued, which indicates the date, information about the godparents and the priest who performed the sacrament. The priest explains to parents when a child needs to be brought to church for Communion.

The baptism of a boy is the beginning of his spiritual life, so parents need to approach the sacrament with full responsibility. It is important to prepare the necessary attributes, think through all the details, and decide on the choice of godparents.

What is needed for a boy's christening

There are a number of issues regarding the baptism procedure that parents should consider in advance:

  • Spiritual preparation of parents. Parents and godparents are initially interviewed by a priest. It is advisable that before the christening, parents fast for three days, confess, take communion, and read special prayers. The child's mother should know special prayer about children. After baptism, the parents receive Holy Communion again together with their son. Godparents can also confess and receive communion.

What clothes do you need?

The sooner the issue with clothing and other paraphernalia is resolved, the better. This will make it possible to devote as much time as possible to spiritual preparation immediately before the sacrament. Clothes should be smart because we're talking about about the gala event. At the same time, it is important to observe moderation and not to overdo it with decorations, since church canons imply some severity. You can discuss with the priest what clothing is best to choose for the sacrament. The priest will advise not only what corresponds to generally accepted church rules, but will also pay attention to the traditions of his particular parish.

The fabric from which a boy's outfit is made should be natural and plain. It is best if it is cotton fabric without bright and colorful patterns. The cut of clothing should be simple and comfortable in order to avoid difficulties when dressing the child in an outfit during the ceremony. Embroidery with Slavic motifs is allowed. The patterns on clothing should correspond to the traditions of the region of residence and the parish in which the baptism is taking place. The baptismal set for a boy always includes a shirt and a cap. You can buy them in a store, or sew them yourself.

Long before the planned baptism (or before the birth of the child), it is not recommended to prepare clothes for baptism. This is due to the fact that the child’s parameters at the time of baptism may not correspond to the outfit that you prepared in advance.

The baptismal set also includes a diaper. It can be sold together with a shirt and cap, or separately. The diaper can repeat the same pattern as on the shirt. It is desirable that the diaper has a moisture-absorbing layer.

Ready-made sets for boys

There is a way to avoid the need to select all the elements of an outfit by color, style, pattern, etc. The solution is to buy a ready-made baptism kit. They usually include everything you need: a baptismal shirt, a cap, a diaper and a towel. Currently there are some variations. For example, instead of a shirt there may be overalls or a suit.

Christening cake for a boy

A beautiful and original cake can be a worthy end to a boy’s baptism. All guests will appreciate this treat. You can make the cake yourself, buy it at a bakery, or order it. Custom-made cakes are made taking into account all the wishes of parents. Typically, christening cakes have a church theme, but this is not a requirement. So, for example, a cake for a boy’s christening can be simply blue color, with a figurine of an angel, with inscriptions appropriate to the occasion, etc. The complexity and size of the cake are limited only by the financial capabilities of the parents. But large-sized cakes are not particularly popular, since only a narrow circle of relatives and close friends are usually invited to the baptism ceremony.

In many families, at some point the question arises about the need to baptize a child. These are not always deeply religious families; often people follow established traditions, sometimes preferring to give in to the persistent requests of older relatives. Whatever the reason for the desire to perform the sacrament of baptism on a child, making this decision carries with it a certain responsibility. This ceremony can be performed only once, so parents want to prepare for it properly, take into account all the nuances and features so that a good memory remains of it.

When to baptize?

A person can be baptized at any time; there are no restrictions on performing the ceremony on him. However, long-standing traditions have developed when it is customary to baptize children.
Christianity means by baptism the spiritual birth of a person, his introduction to the highest grace, the naming of a spiritual name and the provision of the baby with another pair of people responsible for his life and upbringing - godparents.

The concept of Christian doctrine is such that the path to God is never closed to anyone, but the person who serves as an intermediary, helps to join grace and conducts the ritual is a common person, although ordained.

In terms of availability, a priest is not much different from any other employee; he has his own responsibilities, he can get sick, and the like.

So, it is reasonable to baptize a child starting from the eighth day of his life, but it is better to do this no earlier than the fortieth day, when his mother has passed the phase of physiological cleansing and can be returned to the bosom of the church by reading a special prayer over her.

This will allow the mother to be present at the baptismal ritual, which may be appropriate for the child.
The baby, in turn, having lived in this world for more than a month, will adapt to it, the functioning of his systems will improve, and he himself will become somewhat stronger for visiting such a crowded place as a temple.

Such Small child he is still asleep almost all the time, and the stress of what is happening will not affect him much, but at the same time the swimming reflex does not fade away, and it will not cost anything for the person being baptized to hold his breath when immersed in the font and not choke on the water.

Important! Sometimes circumstances force the baby to be baptized as soon as possible, for example, in the maternity ward or even in intensive care. Doctors usually treat this with respect and allow the ceremony to be performed by inviting a priest.

After six months of age, the baby’s activity increases, and periods of wakefulness lengthen; he recognizes his own people and is afraid of strangers, which can somewhat complicate the performance of the sacrament and make it less comfortable and solemn.

Holidays, memorial days and fasting are not at all an obstacle to the baptism of a child; another thing is that the schedule of a particular temple and its rules provide for the ceremony to be carried out in certain days, while others may have other activities planned.
But if there is such a need or desire parents, you can always invite a priest to your home on an individual basis.

The time of year and unfavorable weather conditions should not confuse parents: churches have a centuries-old practice of baptizing children - these days they are heated, and the water in the font is heated.

What will you need?

In order to baptize a child, the consent of at least one of his parents is required. Next, it’s a matter of choosing the church where the sacrament will be held, selecting godparents for the baby and purchasing the things necessary for the ceremony.

Choosing a Church

The only thing that should definitely be observed when choosing the place where you will baptize your child is to choose a church of your denomination. All other factors are subjective:

  • for some it is important that the temple is located not far from home;
  • someone wants his offspring to be baptized specific priest, for example, being the spiritual father of the parents;
  • for some it is important that the priest makes a pleasant impression in a conversation;
  • For some, it matters how he feels in the temple.
There can be many considerations, and parents, based on them, choose the church where they intend to introduce their child to grace.

Choosing godparents

Being chosen as a godparent is a huge responsibility. The people parents choose for this role should be truly close and responsible.

In fact, they have the right and even the obligation to participate in the upbringing of their godson, to instruct him in life, and they are also charged with the duty of introducing him into the bosom of the church. Often parents choose close friends and relatives for this honorable role.

Not every person can become a godparent; there are restrictions:
  • age - a boy under 15 years old and a girl under 13 years old cannot take on this honorable role, since they themselves are still children who need mentors;
  • nuns and monks are prohibited from being godparents;
  • mentally ill people cannot perform the most important duties of godparents;
  • under no circumstances can biological parents baptize their own child;
  • godfather and mother should not be in a marital and/or sexual relationship, neither in the past, nor in the present, nor in the future - they are related only by a spiritual connection in relation to the godson.

Important! Signs restricting the right unmarried girl to become a godmother for a girl, women baptizing a baby have no basis and are superstitious - the church does not confirm them.

Future godparents, in turn, must themselves be baptized.
It is advisable for them to confess before the ceremony, and on the day on which it is scheduled, to tune into a spiritual mood with the help of prayer, if possible, rejecting everything earthly from themselves.

This is manifested in fasting and abstinence for maximum participation in God's grace.

Traditionally, a couple is chosen as godparents: a man and a woman, but according to the canons, a child needs a godparent of the same gender as himself.

Did you know? When an older baby begins to learn to walk, frequent falls are inevitable. There is a custom according to which one of the godparents must personally select and buy (or personally make) something that the child could wear on his legs: tights, rompers, socks, and put the new thing on the godson with his own hands. It is believed that after this it will become less frequentfallor stop altogether.

The tradition has gone further and allows you to choose several pairs of godparents for one child, this is also not bad - the more close people he has, the better.

List of necessary things

The person being baptized needs several things for the ceremony:

  1. A baptismal shirt, it symbolizes a soul initiated into grace, so it is desirable that the shirt be white; it can be inherited, but is used only in the rite of baptism.
  2. A kryzhma, a piece of fabric, a new diaper or towel - the child is taken into it after the bath. Kryzhma symbolizes purity, a sinless beginning of life; during the subsequent life it serves a person and, unlike the baptismal shirt, belongs only to him.
  3. A pectoral cross, which the priest will put on the baby during the ceremony and which can serve him for many years. If the cross was not purchased in a church shop, the priest consecrates it before the ceremony begins, and at the same time checks whether it corresponds to the confession.
  4. The image of the saint in whose honor the baby is named.
  5. Candles for the ceremony.
  6. In some churches it is customary to make a sacrifice: wine and bread.
  7. By at will You can purchase a bag designed to store strands cut during the ritual.
The christening shirt can be inherited, purchased specifically for this child, but it will be best if the godmother sews it with her own hands. It is customary to wear a cap with the shirt.

Did you know? Popular rumor says that “godfather with rags, godfather with grandmothers” comes to baptism, that is, the godmother is supposed to ensure the availability of baptismal clothes and kryzhma, and the godfather is required to buy a cross, candles, make voluntary donations, and the like. Currently, this popular "rule" is not very carefully followed, and all costs are negotiated and allocated in advance.

The set of things needed for a child's baptism is the same for boys and girls, with the only difference being that the latter are required to wear a cap.

How much and who should I pay?

Canonically, you are not supposed to take money for baptism, but in fact, donations for the temple are accepted, which must be made before the ceremony.

Since the earliest pagan times, religious buildings and the clergy working in them existed on donations, unable to receive other material income, since they provided spiritual services.

IN modern world little has changed, the only difference is that a modern church is the same communal object as a house, where it is necessary to pay utility bills, current and major renovation, the maintenance of the object itself and the priest’s family, which, according to custom, has many children.

Did you know? There is a belief that hair cut off during baptism should be let into flowing water for a happy, rich and interesting life their owner. Flowing water, that is, a river or spring, is necessary condition for the foundation of a settlement, a source of life in the most literal sense, since it provides both water and food if it is a river. It is not surprising that he was deified, worshiped and appreciated in every possible way.

But the priest has no right to refuse the sacrament of baptism to a poor family, because God’s grace is not traded. If a refusal occurs due to the inability to make donations, you should contact the clergyman who oversees order in the entire parish - the dean.

How does the ceremony take place?

Many parents are concerned about the fact that they are not allowed to be present at the baptism of their own child, but not all churches enforce this strict rule, and if they want to witness the sacrament, they can easily find a church where this is possible.

Therefore, both lay and godparents should study general rules according to which the rite of baptism of a child takes place in Orthodoxy, as well as the rules that should be followed in this particular church.

All those present at the ceremony must be baptized, they pectoral crosses must be with them.

It is advisable to arrive at the temple in advance to get in the right frame of mind, familiarize yourself with the situation, pray and feel the peace appropriate for the planned event. In addition, it is simply indecent to be late - a priest has a busy schedule and many responsibilities.

When the time comes to begin the ceremony, the godparents bring the child into the temple, with the parent of the opposite sex holding him in his arms.
The baby is wrapped in light cloth, the baptismal shirt is put on him only after the font, just as the soul puts on clean clothes.

The priest asks the godparents to turn their faces to the west, where the abode of Satan is symbolically located, after which he invites them to renounce the devil and serving him three times. You must answer: “I renounce.”

Important! Regarding the presence or absence of a diaper, this issue should be clarified directly with the priest. On the one hand, a person should be naked, but on the other hand, without a diaper, everyone will be somehow restless.

After the renunciation, the godparents are supposed to read the “Creed,” a prayer that they, among others, must know by heart. She happens to be summary foundations and principles adhered to by the Christian religion.

After the act of renunciation, the priest sanctifies the water in the font and immerses the child in it three times, pronouncing the sacred formula of baptism, after which confirmation is performed.

The godparent of the same sex receives the baby from the font, wrapping him in kryzhma, and the priest places a pectoral cross on him.
The godfather, who does not have a baby in his arms, puts on a pre-prepared baptismal shirt, symbolizing cleansing from all sin.

Now you need to make a sacrifice to the Lord for the acquired spiritual life, cutting off a strand of hair from your head in a cross shape.

At the end of baptism and confirmation, the new member of the church community is carried around the font three times, after which a commemorative certificate of baptism is issued.

Did you know? Walking around something three times since ancient times means that a person now belongs here. For example, among the Slavs, a marriage was considered concluded, and the new daughter-in-law was accepted into the family, when the mother-in-law led the newlyweds around the hearth three times. For the spirits of the ancestors living under his stones, this was enough to consider the new woman from now on to be a member of their clan.

The baptism of a boy ends with his being brought into the altar, and that of a girl by bowing to the image of the Mother of God.

In addition to the “Creed,” for the successful baptism of a child, godparents need to remember “Our Father” and “Virgin Mother of God” - prayers that are basic for every believer.

How christenings are celebrated

After the baptism has taken place, this event should be celebrated. The child's parents invite guests to a festive feast. Modern conditions They don’t always allow you to do this at home, but it doesn’t matter where the holiday is held.

Rules of the celebration

Regardless of whether the christening will be celebrated at home, in nature or in a cafe, it is necessary to take care of a quiet place where the baby, loaded with an exorbitant amount of emotions, can retire with his mother, who will put him to the breast, sing a song, rock him to sleep, and he can sleep peacefully and gain strength.

Did you know? It is interesting that in European languages ​​the name of the baptismal rite is not associated with the cross, a symbol of the Christian faith. The name of the ritual of communion with God's grace on them sounds like “baptizo”, in Greek it is “immersion in water”, and not only ritual, but everything in general. The Slavic language, which arose in Christian times, gave the name of the ritual precisely a Christian meaning, and this is its philological feature.

This celebration is special; it should not be filled with noisy fun, loud music, or copious libations. This is a quiet, blissful holiday. It’s good if there are people present at it, with whom you can hold competitions, various games and at the end give them memorable gifts.
The celebration is filled with joy and even glee, but not unbridled and inadequate, but bright and good. Advising everyone present at the baptism, the priest gives advice to pray for the baby.

The interior design should use white and gold colors, which symbolize purity and renewal, warmth and light. The table is covered with a white tablecloth and served with gilded cutlery. If you want to use flowers in the design, they are also selected in accordance with the event, for example, white lilies or tulips.

Important! Among the treats there must be dough products, as well as cereals. Pies and pies, all kinds of buns and pretzels, pancakes and the like are indispensable attributes of the baptismal feast. Since ordinary porridge is now not included in the list holiday dishes, it can be prepared in a special way, using nuts and dried fruits, or you can make a cereal casserole or pudding.

In addition to sweets, it is customary to serve poultry baked in ceramic dishes. There should be a lot of vegetables and greens on the table, evoking thoughts of spring, the beginning of a new life and joy. But alcohol should be kept to a minimum. It is better if it is church or light wine.
And of course, one should not forget to record the ceremony itself and the subsequent celebration in photos and videos in order to preserve the memory of such an important event.

Did you know? During the christening celebration, our ancestors prepared a special porridge for the young father, very salty and spicy, with pepper, horseradish, mustard and similar seasonings. He had to eat at least a spoonful of this terrible treat, because it symbolized the pangs of childbirth, some of which the father was invited to experience in this way on that very day.

What to give a newborn

According to established traditions, godparents give the child a silver cross with a chain, a silver spoon, a kryzhma, and a baptismal shirt. New times dictate new conditions, and now you can open a bank account for your godson or give him gold jewelry, in a word, a valuable, useful and preferably practical gift.

The rest of the guests also try to please with good gifts: clothes, high-quality toys, jewelry, books, special children's furniture and accessories, and bed linen.

Silver jewelry is traditional for christenings, but no one forbids choosing gold if there is such a desire and opportunity. It would be appropriate to engrave it.


From time to time, people have questions that are not directly related to the ritual, but are related to it.

How to dress?

How pure should be the thoughts of people who are to be present at the most important thing in a person’s life? church ceremony, their attire should be equally modest and splendid. It is not encouraged, and in many temples it is prohibited for women to wear trousers, transparent and open clothes, applying makeup.

A scarf or shawl is required to visit the temple: a woman is required to cover her head, while a man, on the contrary, bares it.

The attire of men should also look modest and dignified: a shirt should be preferred to a T-shirt or a T-shirt; if the choice nevertheless stops at a T-shirt, it should be without patterns or inscriptions that distract attention.

If a man decides to wear jeans as trousers, they should not look provocative, have holes or bright inscriptions on them, or hang low on the hips.

Should we be called saints?

Before baptism, the child is named. This may be the name already given to the child at birth and documented, or another name that the baby is given in honor of an Orthodox saint.

It happens that parents named their child not Orthodox name, and then at baptism the priest names it similar in sound or a completely different name, chosen by the parents independently or on his advice.

Did you know? Angel Day or Name Day is a day on which the memory of the saint in whose honor the baby is named is celebrated.

The name can be found church calendars, specialized literature, the Internet. It was once customary to name a child after a saint whose memory is celebrated on the day of baptism or birthday, but it is not at all necessary to follow this custom.

The priest will never name a child according to his own understanding, without taking into account the will of the parents.

Who should you invite?

Traditionally, relatives and closest friends with their families and children are invited to such an event. The presence of godparents is mandatory.

Did you know? The words “godfather” and “godfather” are not terms that relate exclusively to Christianity, although this is what godparents are called in relation to actual parents, as well as to each other. On this moment It is no longer possible to determine the origin of these words, they are so ancient. There is a version that they have the same root as the word “idol”, deity, that is, people who call each other godfathers are spiritual relatives.

What to do if mom is “unclean”?

Before the forty-day mark, the mother is considered “unclean” and is forbidden to attend church. After this time, she is allowed to take part in baptism after a special cleansing prayer is read over her.

If it is necessary to baptize the child earlier, the mother is not present at the ceremony. If the baby is already several months old, the monthly cycle has been restored after childbirth, and the baby’s christening occurs at one of these moments, you should consult with the priest.

On the one hand, shedding blood within the temple is prohibited, on the other hand, modern hygiene products make it possible to completely neutralize this effect. Therefore, each temple looks at this issue individually.

Everything said about critical days This also applies to the godmother.

Is it possible to baptize without a priest?

In exceptional cases, a child can be baptized at any time, even immediately after birth, and any baptized layman can do this. The ceremony requires one parent, some water and knowledge of a short special prayer.

However, it should be understood that this ritual is incomplete; in the future it requires mandatory completion in the temple. The priest should be warned of the actions taken so that he can properly complete what he started.

Is it possible to wash the baby right away?

The Church does not place any prohibitions on bathing after the ceremony, but many prefer not to wash the baptized child for several days so that the sacred oil applied during the sacrament remains on his body longer.

Baptizing a child in infancy or waiting until he makes his own decisions in life has long become a personal matter for an individual family. For religious families, this question does not arise, and the rest make their choice in accordance with personal considerations.
And when it has already been made in favor of baptism, you should study the issue, pay attention to the choice of the temple and priest, godparents, carefully plan and conduct the holiday so that a good memory remains of it.



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