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Coursework in the discipline "Psychology" on the topic: Peculiarities of perception of fiction by preschool children. Preschool children's perception of fiction by K.D. Ushinsky said that he is only learning about conventional sounds

Speech at the methodological association of educators "Peculiarities of perception fiction preschoolers"

1. Features of the perception of fiction in children at different stages of development.

2. Perception of fiction at different stages of preschool development.

    How do children understand a literary work in the younger group? (3-4 years old) What goals for speech development do we set at this age?

    How do children in the middle group perceive a literary work? What should educators pay attention to when analyzing a work of art? What are the tasks of speech development at this age?

    What task is set for teachers when introducing older children to a literary work? What are children of this age capable of?

    What tasks are set in the preparatory school group? How are speech development tasks aimed at older children? preschool age? What you should pay attention to Special attention?

4. Algorithm for familiarizing preschool children with fiction.

1.As you know, modern children increasingly spend time computer games By watching television, the influence of television images on children gradually increases. Books are read less and less often. Today, the relevance of solving this problem is obvious, because reading is associated not only with literacy and education. It shapes ideals, broadens horizons, enriches inner world person. The process of perceiving literature can be considered as a mental activity, the essence of which is the creation of artistic images invented by the author

    Children love to be read to. It is from the parents that the baby hears the first poems and fairy tales, and if parents do not ignore reading even to the little ones, then with a very high probability the book will soon become best friend child. Why?

Because the book: expands the child’s understanding of the world; introduces everything that surrounds the child: nature, objects, etc.

Influences the formation of the child’s preferences and reading tastes

Develops thinking - both logical and imaginative

Expands vocabulary, memory, imagination and fantasy

Teaches you how to write sentences correctly.

Children to whom their parents read aloud regularly begin to understand the structure of a literary work (where the beginning is, how the plot unfolds, where the end comes). Thanks to reading, a child learns to listen - and this is important. By getting acquainted with books, the child learns his native language better.

When listening to a literary work, a child inherits various behavior patterns through the book: for example, how to become a good friend, how to achieve a goal, or how to resolve a conflict. The role of parents here is to help compare situations from fairy tales with situations that can happen in real life.

2. Junior group (3-4 years old)

At this age, understanding a literary work is closely related to direct personal experience. Children perceive the plot in fragments and establish the simplest connections, primarily the sequence of events. At the center of perception of a literary work is the hero. Pupils of the younger group are interested in what he looks like, his actions, actions, but they do not yet see the emotions and hidden motives of his actions. Preschoolers cannot independently recreate the image of a hero in their imagination, so they need illustrations. By actively cooperating with the hero, children try to intervene in events (interrupt reading, hit the image, etc.) By mastering the content of the fairy tale, children learn to convey words different heroes. For example, after listening to the fairy tales “The Wolf and the Little Goats”, “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”, you can invite the children to repeat the song characters. Folk tales, songs, nursery rhymes, provide images of rhythmic speech. Introduce color and imagery native language.

Familiarization with fairy tales in the younger group is associated with the tasks of speech development:

Upbringing sound culture speeches;

Formation of grammatical structure of speech;

Enrichment, expansion vocabulary;

Development of coherent speech.

All of the above skills can be developed using different games and exercises carried out after reading stories and fairy tales.

    Middle group (4-5 years old) Preschoolers of this age easily establish simple, consistent causal relationships in the plot, see the so-called open motives of the hero’s actions. The hidden motives associated with internal experiences are not yet clear to them. When characterizing a character, children highlight one, most striking feature. The emotional attitude towards the heroes is determined primarily by the assessment of their actions, which is more stable and objective than before.

After telling fairy tales, it is necessary to teach children to answer questions related to the content of the work, and the simplest ones - regarding artistic form. Only such an analysis makes it possible to perceive a literary work in the unity of its content and form. A correct analysis of a literary text makes literary speech the property of the child himself, and subsequently it will become consciously included in his speech, especially in such types of activities as independent storytelling. Note: consider a fairy tale.

    Senior group (5-6 years old) The main task is to cultivate in children of senior preschool age the ability to perceive the content of literary works of art notice means of expression.

Children in the older group are able to more deeply comprehend the content of a literary work and understand some of the features of the artistic form that expresses the content. They can distinguish between genres of literary works and some of their specific features.

After reading a fairy tale, it is necessary to analyze it in such a way that children can understand and feel its deep ideological content and artistic merits. fairy tale genre so that the poetic images of the fairy tale are remembered and loved by children for a long time.

Reading poems poses the task of feeling the beauty and melodiousness of the poem, and understanding its content more deeply.

When introducing children to the genre of a story, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of the work, which reveals the social significance of the phenomenon being described, the relationships of the characters, and pays attention to what words the author uses to characterize them. Questions asked to children after reading the story should determine their understanding of the main content and their ability to evaluate the actions and deeds of the characters.

    In the school preparatory group the following tasks are set:

To foster in children a love of books and the ability to feel artistic image;

Develop a poetic ear, intonation expressiveness of reading;

Help to feel and understand the figurative language of fairy tales, stories, poems.

It is necessary to carry out such an analysis of literary works of all genres, in which children learn to distinguish between genres of works of art and understand their specific features.

In behavior literary hero children see various, sometimes contradictory actions, and in his experiences they identify more complex feelings (shame, embarrassment, fear for another). They are aware of the hidden motives of their actions.

In this regard, the emotional attitude towards the characters becomes more complicated; it no longer depends on a single, even the most striking act, which presupposes the ability to consider events from the author’s point of view.

The impact of fiction on the mental and aesthetic development child. Its role is also great in the development of the speech of a preschooler.

3. Formation in children of an understanding of the semantic side of the word.

Fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world human feelings and relationships. It develops the child’s thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of Russian literary language.

The development of figurative speech must be considered in several directions: as work on children’s mastery of all aspects of speech (phonetic, lexical, grammatical), the perception of various genres of literary and folklore works and as the formation of linguistic design of an independent coherent utterance.

A preschooler initially understands a word only in its basic, direct meaning. With age, the child begins to understand the semantic shades of the word, becomes familiar with its polysemy, and learns to understand the figurative essence artistic speech, figurative meaning of phraseological units, riddles, proverbs.

An indicator of the richness of speech is not only a sufficient amount of active vocabulary, but also the variety of phrases used, syntactic structures, as well as the sound (expressive) design of a coherent utterance. In this regard, the connection between each speech task and the development of speech imagery can be traced.

Thus, lexical work aimed at understanding the semantic richness of a word helps the child find the exact word in the construction of a statement, and the appropriateness of using a word can emphasize its figurativeness.

In the formation of the grammatical structure of speech in terms of imagery, the following are of particular importance: possession of a stock of grammatical means, the ability to feel the structural place of the word form in a sentence and in the whole utterance.

Syntactic structure is considered the main fabric of a speech utterance. In this sense, the variety of syntactic structures makes the child’s speech expressive.

The development of figurative speech is an important component of the education of a culture of speech in the broad sense of the word, which is understood as compliance with the norms of the literary language, the ability to convey one’s thoughts, feelings, ideas in accordance with the purpose and purpose of the statement in a meaningful, grammatically correct, accurate and expressive manner.

Speech becomes figurative, direct and lively if the child develops an interest in linguistic richness and develops the ability to use a wide variety of expressive means in his speech (application).

4. Preparation for the perception of a work of art.

To arouse children’s interest in the content and awaken associations with similar events in which they themselves took part, the teacher conducts an introductory conversation (no more than 2-3 minutes).

It is very important at the very beginning to attract attention with a bright picture, a short poem, a song, a riddle, etc. But sometimes children are simply told the title of the work, the name of the author, and the theme.

Primary reading.

When reading, the teacher must peek at the children from time to time. It's best to do this between sentences or paragraphs. This visual contact is of great importance for children to understand the thoughts and feelings of the teacher.

During the reading or storytelling process, you should not ask questions or make comments - this distracts preschoolers. If they are not attentive enough, the reader must increase the emotionality of the performance.

Sensory text analysis .

You can ask the question: “Did you like the story?” or “Which of the characters did you like?” Next, analyze the language of the work. Then the instruction is given: “I will read the story to you again, and you listen carefully.”

Secondary reading.

Full analysis a work of art.

First of all, this is an analysis of structure and content. In this part of the lesson, you can conduct a conversation, as well as use a variety of techniques to facilitate the perception of a work of art.

Final part.

Shouldn't take more than 1-2 minutes. This is a summary: the teacher once again draws the children’s attention to the title of the work, its genre features; mentions what the kids liked. In addition, it notes the activity of children, their attention, and the manifestation of a friendly attitude towards the statements of their peers.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education involves familiarity with book culture, children's literature, and listening comprehension of texts from various genres of children's literature. The most important condition implementation of this task is knowledge age characteristics the perception of preschoolers, in this case, the perception of works of fiction.

At 3-4 years ( junior group) children understand main facts of the work, capture the dynamics of events. However, understanding of the plot is often fragmentary. It is important that their understanding is connected with direct personal experience. If the narrative does not evoke any visual ideas in them and is not familiar from personal experience, then, for example, Kolobok may be more incomprehensible to them than the golden egg from the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”.
Kids are better comprehend the beginning and end of the work. They will be able to imagine the hero himself and his appearance if an adult offers them an illustration. In the hero's behavior they see only actions, but do not notice his hidden motives for actions and experiences. For example, they may not understand Masha's true motives (from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear") when the girl hid in the box. Children's emotional attitude towards the characters of the work is clearly expressed.

Features of the perception of a literary work by children of primary preschool age determine tasks:
1. Enrich life experience children with the knowledge and impressions necessary to understand a literary work.
2. Help correlate existing childhood experiences with the facts of a literary work.
3. Help establish the simplest connections in the work.
4. Help to see the most striking actions of the heroes and evaluate them correctly.

At 4-5 years old ( middle group) children’s experience of knowledge and relationships is enriched, the range of specific ideas is expanding. Preschoolers easy establish simple cause-and-effect relationships in the plot. They can isolate the main thing in a sequence of actions. However, the hidden intentions of the heroes are not yet clear to children.
Focusing on their experience and knowledge of behavioral norms, most often they give a correct assessment of the hero’s actions, but highlight only simple and understandable actions. The characters' ulterior motives are still overlooked.
The emotional attitude to a work at this age is more contextual than that of 3-year-olds.

1. To develop the ability to establish various cause-and-effect relationships in a work.
2. Draw children’s attention to the hero’s various actions.
3. To develop the ability to see simple, open motives for the actions of heroes.
4. Encourage children to determine their emotional attitude towards the hero and motivate him.

At 5-6 years old ( senior group) Children are more attentive to the content of the work and its meaning. Emotional perception is less pronounced.
Children are able to understand events that were not in their direct experience. They are able to establish diverse connections and relationships among the characters in the work. The most popular are the “long” works – “The Golden Key” by A. Tolstoy, “Cippolino” by D. Rodari, etc.
Awareness appears interest in the author's word, auditory perception develops. Children take into account not only the actions and actions of the hero, but also his experiences and thoughts. At the same time, older preschoolers empathize with the hero. The emotional attitude is based on the characteristics of the hero in the work and is more adequate to the author's intention.

1. To encourage children to establish diverse cause-and-effect relationships in the plot of the work.
2. To develop the ability to analyze not only the actions of the characters, but also their experiences.
3. Form a conscious emotional attitude towards the characters of the work.
4. Draw children’s attention to the linguistic style of the work and the author’s techniques for presenting the text.

At 6-7 years old ( preparatory group) preschoolers begin to comprehend works not only at the level of establishing cause-and-effect relationships, but also understand emotional overtones. Children see not only the various actions of the hero, but also highlight pronounced external feelings. The emotional relationship with the characters becomes more complicated. It depends not on a single bright act, but from taking into account all the actions throughout the plot. Children can not only empathize with the hero, but also consider events from the point of view of the author of the work.

1. Enrich literary experience preschoolers.
2. Develop the ability to see author's position in the work.
3. Help children comprehend not only the actions of the heroes, but also penetrate into their inner world, see the hidden motives of their actions.
4. To promote the ability to see the semantic and emotional role of a word in a work.

Knowing the age-related characteristics of children’s perception of a literary work will allow the teacher develop the content of literary education and on its basis to implement the tasks of the educational field « Speech development» .

Dear teachers! If you have questions about the topic of the article or have difficulties in working in this area, then write to

Features of the perception of fiction by preschoolers

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education speech development involves familiarity with book culture, children's literature, and listening comprehension of texts from various genres of children's literature. The most important condition for the implementation of this task is knowledge of the age-related characteristics of the perception of preschoolers, in this case, the perception of works of fiction. At 3-4 years old (junior group) children understand main facts of the work, capture the dynamics of events. However, understanding of the plot is often fragmentary. It is important that their understanding is connected with direct personal experience. If the narrative does not evoke any visual ideas in them and is not familiar from personal experience, then, for example, Kolobok may be more incomprehensible to them than the golden egg from the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”.
Kids are better comprehend the beginning and end of the work. They will be able to imagine the hero himself and his appearance if an adult offers them an illustration. In the hero's behavior they see only actions, but do not notice his hidden motives for actions and experiences. For example, they may not understand Masha's true motives (from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear") when the girl hid in the box. Children's emotional attitude towards the characters of the work is clearly expressed. tasks:
Features of the perception of a literary work by children of primary preschool age determine
1. Enrich the life experience of children with the knowledge and impressions necessary to understand a literary work.
2. Help correlate existing childhood experiences with the facts of a literary work.
3. Help establish the simplest connections in the work. 4. Help to see the most striking actions of the heroes and evaluate them correctly. At 4-5 years old (middle group) the range of specific ideas is expanding children's experience of knowledge and relationships is enriched, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships in the plot. They can isolate the main thing in a sequence of actions. However, the hidden intentions of the heroes are not yet clear to children.
. Preschoolers easy highlight only simple and understandable actions. The characters' ulterior motives are still overlooked.
Focusing on their experience and knowledge of behavioral norms, most often they give the correct assessment of the hero’s actions, but Tasks:
The emotional attitude to a work at this age is more contextual than that of 3-year-olds.
1. To develop the ability to establish various cause-and-effect relationships in a work.
2. Draw children’s attention to the various actions of the hero.
4. Encourage children to determine their emotional attitude towards the hero and motivate him. At 5-6 years old (senior group) Children are more attentive to the content of the work and its meaning. Emotional perception is less pronounced.
Children are able to understand events that were not in their direct experience. They are able to establish diverse connections and relationships among the characters in the work. The most beloved are the “long” works - “The Golden Key” by A. Tolstoy, “Cippolino” by D. Rodari, etc.
Awareness appears interest in the author's word, auditory perception develops. Children take into account not only the actions and actions of the hero, but also his experiences and thoughts. At the same time, older preschoolers empathize with the hero. The emotional attitude is based on the characterization of the hero in the work and is more adequate to the author’s intention. Tasks:
1. To encourage children to establish diverse cause-and-effect relationships in the plot of the work.
2. To develop the ability to analyze not only the actions of the characters, but also their experiences.
3. Form a conscious emotional attitude towards the characters of the work.
4. Draw children’s attention to the linguistic style of the work and the author’s techniques for presenting the text. At 6-7 years old (preparatory group) preschoolers begin to comprehend works not only at the level of establishing cause-and-effect relationships, but also understand emotional overtones. Children see not only the various actions of the hero, but also highlight pronounced external feelings. The emotional relationship with the characters becomes more complicated. It depends not on a single bright act, but from taking into account all the actions throughout the plot. Children can not only empathize with the hero, but also consider events from the point of view of the author of the work. Tasks:
1. Enrich the literary experience of preschoolers.
2. To develop the ability to see the author’s position in a work.
3. Help children comprehend not only the actions of the heroes, but also penetrate into their inner world, see the hidden motives of their actions.
4. To promote the ability to see the semantic and emotional role of a word in a work. develop the content of literary education Knowing the age-related characteristics of children’s perception of a literary work will allow the teacher and on its basis to implement the tasks of the educational field.

"Speech development"

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description: PERCEPTION OF FICTION AND FOLKLORE Contents educational activities

Prepared by teacher V.K. Bashlykova I.Yu. INTRODUCTION OF GEF

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2 slide The perception of fiction and folklore is one of the activities that ensures development in all educational fields

and this type of activity will solve some problems directly, and some only under certain conditions. The perception of fiction and folklore contributes to the appropriation of moral and moral norms and values ​​accepted in society.

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3 slide Perception of fiction and folklore thinking memory imagination attention sensations and emotions Ensures development in all educational areas Artistic and aesthetic development Speech development Social and communicative development Physical development

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Perception of fiction and folklore Technical side Semantic side understanding of the text emotions, imagination, logical comprehension Creative process looking at a book reading a text discussing what you read Reproducing and comprehending

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Technical side READING FICTION IN KINDERGARTEN: Stages of reading activity Methodological techniques Examination of the book a) discussion of the title of the text, illustrations b) conversation (what questions arose?) c) main result– the desire to read a book Reading a book reading a text by adults in slow reading mode task: to help young readers “enter” the text, the important thing is: the nature of reading the text, primary reading Discussion of what they read a) invite children to briefly tell what the text is about b) play “truth - false” "c) offer to express your attitude to what you read with the help of colors, gestures, facial expressions. Reproduction about understanding what you read with the help of special. tasks a) you can act out the story in person b) draw a “cartoon” (with the help of an adult) c) offer a retelling using illustrations, free storytelling d) poetic text: recitation, choral reading e) completing a task in special. textbook manual “Our books” O.V. Chindilova, A.V. Badenova

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The semantic side Formation of areas of reading activity: Areas of reading activity Age of children Methods and techniques of work Emotional sphere: from 2 years Expressive reading, joint chanting, comparison of a literary work with other forms of art, revival of personal impressions by association with the text, etc. The sphere of reconstructive and creative imagination: from 4 to 5 years old Drawing, creative retelling, dramatization, making maps, diagrams, models, costumes, etc. The sphere of reaction to art form: from 5-6 years old A story about a hero, an event, a discussion of the hero’s actions, selective retelling, asking questions about the text, answering questions, etc. Sphere of reaction to an artistic form: from 6-7 years old Observation of sound recording, rhythm, rhyme

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The semantic side of the structure of reading activity: Main criterion for choosing methods and techniques when organizing children's activities, the perception of fiction and folklore is a guide to the most active sphere of reading activity in a given age period and to the tasks of a particular stage of activity. Motivational stage: Inclusion of motives, formation of goals. Orientation-research stage: forecasting and planning Performing stage: influence on emotions, inclusion of imagination, semantic processing of text Reflective stage: recording emotions, meaning of the text, creativity

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Artistic and aesthetic development The child develops elementary ideas about various types arts: Music: The child expresses his attitude towards the hero or plot through song, dance art: The child illustrates a fairy tale or examines illustrations to the text Theater: The child dramatizes the work TEACHER: Introduces the child to the perception of the text through dialogue and commented reading; Creates conditions for the development of prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works; Forms elementary ideas about various types of art; Stimulates empathy for the characters of works of art; Creates conditions for the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world described in the work

Slide 9

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Speech development Coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech child; The child masters speech as a means of communication; The sound and intonation culture of speech and phonemic hearing of the child develops; Sound analytical-synthetic activity is formed as a prerequisite for a child to learn to read and write; Formed elementary representation about children's literature and its genres; An auditory perception of the text is formed, and at the reflective stage, children reproduce (stage) the work, etc. TEACHER: Introduces children to conversations in spiritual and moral Topics; Stimulates speech activity based on literary works and folklore; Teaches children to rely on personal experience(real situations of children's communication); Introduces children to book culture (by looking at a book)

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Social and communicative development TEACHER: Draws the child’s attention to the significance of the actions of the heroes of the work (the child tries on the role of the character, evaluates his actions, imitates him); Promotes the development of emotional responsiveness and empathy; Develops the ability to communicate and interact with peers and adults; Promotes the development of self-regulation and independence. The child develops a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to his family, small homeland and fatherland; The child develops ideas about the sociocultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, and the continuity of generations; The child develops communication and interaction skills with adults and peers, and develops a readiness to joint activities; The rules are fixed safe behavior in everyday life, in society and in nature



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