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Flying Lena and her boyfriend. Elena Letuchaya before and after plastic surgery (photo). Biography of Elena Letuchaya: how she achieved success and who is her husband

Lena was born in 1978 in Yaroslavl. Since childhood, she had many hobbies (figure skating, dancing, drawing), but this did not in any way affect her choice of future profession.

She dreamed of living in St. Petersburg and working as an architect.

After graduating from school, Lena entered college with a degree in finance, and then received higher education at the University of Transport.

The girl worked for Russian Railways and OJSC Gazprom Gazenergoset, but she did not receive satisfaction from this activity and was very envious of those who did what they loved.

Elena Letuchaya's husband

Lena’s personal life has always been hidden under seven locks, and the presenter herself has admitted more than once that her career comes first for her.

But at 35, she reconsidered her views and realized that she was ready for both marriage and the birth of a child.

Her chosen one was businessman Yuri Anashenkov, whom she married on the most romantic Greek island of Santorini in a dress a la Kate Middleton.

Career of Elena Letuchaya

Now Elena Letuchaya is a famous television journalist, TV presenter and producer. She is also the author of the series documentaries“Elena Letuchaya. Without Garbage in the Head”, dedicated to environmental problems. In addition, she heads the Workshop of the Faculty of Journalism at the Ostankino School of Cinema and Television.

Elena is the winner of numerous television awards and prizes, including the winner of the TEFI Award.

Elena Letuchaya before and after plastic surgery: photo

Nature and her parents rewarded Elena with a beautiful appearance. The tall blonde with cute features remained virtually unchanged throughout her career.

Since childhood, she has been taught to be collected, purposeful, play sports and lead an active lifestyle.

This helps to constantly keep yourself in good shape. The girl relieves stress and fatigue not with alcohol and parties in clubs, but with good sleep, yoga, horseback riding and reading books.

The TV presenter admits that she will not change the shape of her face and nose, and will remove any wrinkles that appear with frequent visits to a good cosmetologist.

However, recently the famous TV presenter left the ranks of celebrities who advocate naturalness and spoke about plastic surgery. She thanked the plastic surgeon on Instagram, but did not disclose the name of the intervention. “I don’t want to look artificial, I want to wake up in the morning like a morning rose,” Elena Letuchaya justified her decision to undergo plastic surgery.

Fans began to guess what kind of surgery the blonde had done and look for traces of the operation. Some admired the surgeon’s talent, while others criticized Elena for taking such radical measures.

Elena Letuchaya also maintains her attractiveness with cosmetic procedures.

Elena Letuchaya burst into the media space quickly, and seemingly out of nowhere. The “Revizorro” program on the “Friday” channel, which exposes unscrupulous restaurateurs and hoteliers, made a splash on Russian television.

In the format of an acute, sometimes borderline reality show, Elena Letuchaya found herself in the right place. Beautiful, bright, educated, strict, brave and tough - the audience immediately fell in love with her.

There's no time to fall in love

Oddly enough, they didn’t talk much about the TV presenter’s personal life. A single woman over 35 always causes confusion among the public. But here it seemed clear - what kind of husbands and children? She’s even home five days a year.

Look, today she is in Yekaterinburg, tomorrow in Sochi, and the day after tomorrow in Arkhangelsk. He wanders around the country like Putin.

Indeed, Letuchaya invariably answered all questions about her personal life that she had no time, and she did not like to have affairs. Almost nothing is known about her past relationships, most likely because the peak of popularity occurred in last years, and before Elena Letuchaya was not famous.

Elena says that she had a relationship; from the age of 20 to 25 she lived with her boyfriend. But then, according to her own statement, she was not at all ready for family life, she almost ran away to her mother.

Wait for your man

As for today, Elena is married and says that she has met the man of her dreams. Being a strong woman, she also needs a strong man, and there are few of them. But I found it. “He’s very strong,” admits Flying, “I’m like... a little sheep next to him.”

Yuri Anashenkov is a lawyer, owner of a collection company. He was born in Moscow in 1977. In 1999 he graduated from the Moscow Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He served in the Internal Affairs system and received the rank of major. Held the position of inspector personnel at the Department of Internal Affairs for the Eastern District of Moscow.

Later he left the organs to work entrepreneurial activity. Yuri had two civil marriages. Anashenkov had a son with Evgenia Zaichenko.

Yuri lived with his second common-law wife, art critic Hasmik Vaye Reitor, for six years. In this relationship he had two sons.

Interesting notes:

According to Elena, Yuri is a wonderful father, he helps both ex-wives. Letuchaya refutes the rumors that Elena took Yuri away from Hasmik - he was already free, and his former common-law wife found another man, everyone is happy.

Yuri made an official marriage proposal only to Letuchaya. They were resting on ski resort. On February 14, we climbed the mountains, he got down on one knee and handed over a box with a ring. “So what, will there be a wedding?” - Elena was surprised. “Of course,” Yuri replied.

The lovers celebrated their wedding on the island of Santorini and celebrated it quietly, surrounded by their family and closest people.

The family lives in a 250-meter cottage in an elite village near Moscow.

The luxury of being weak

Elena says that with the appearance of Yuri in her life, she allowed herself to feel weak for the first time in many years. Husband is a real man's shoulder, a stone wall. As a lawyer, he handles all of Letuchaya's legal affairs. In particular, he advised her when breaking her contract with the Friday channel.

Elena Letuchaya moved to Channel One in order to engage in social journalism. Now she walks not through commercial establishments, but through terrible hospitals and dilapidated houses, having turned from a nightmare of restaurateurs into a round-the-clock nightmare of officials.

This is exactly the work that Flying always wanted to do. The break with the Friday TV channel turned out to be painful - according to the contract, she was obliged to pay 50% of all royalties received on the country's main button.

However, the winner of the Russian Television Academy “Teffi” award has no regrets.

Leaving “Friday” and the “Revizorro” program allowed her to devote more time to her beloved husband and home.

Yuri's sons often come to visit them, Letuchaya also thinks about children.

Both spouses are passionate extreme species sports - alpine skiing, horse riding, longboarding. They travel a lot, photos from different places around the world periodically appear on Elena’s microblog.

They are different in character - Elena is explosive, and Yuri is calm. At the same time, they practically do not quarrel; Letuchaya manages to come to an agreement.

Yuri was once asked by Elena’s friend how he copes with her character. To this he replied: “I like that Lena has a character, and I like that she never applies this character to me.”

Today Elena Letuchaya is active creative life. Her program on Channel One “Flying Squad” continues to reveal problems in the social infrastructure of different cities. She produced a project for children and their parents “Lexicon”. A new television project is being prepared for release for those who dream of working in television.

In all her endeavors she is supported by her faithful and reliable husband.

Photos of a happy couple together

For the sake of a comfortable life, the presenter of “Revizorro” tolerates the adventures of her boyfriend

For the sake of a comfortable life, the presenter of “Revizorro” tolerates the adventures of her boyfriend

Following the results of the past year, Elena LETUCHAYA became not only the most recognizable face of the “Friday!” channel, but also, according to TV viewers, the most sexy woman countries. This spectacular blonde cannot be deceived, and her snow-white gloves make even unsentimental men tremble. As part of her job, 37-year-old Elena has to check the work of restaurateurs and hoteliers, and we, in turn, decided to “scan” Letuchaya herself and fill in some gaps in her official biography.

The future TV star was born in Yaroslavl, but in 1986 her parents, railway workers, went to the All-Union Komsomol construction site of the BAM. Therefore, Lena went to first grade already Far East, in the small town of Tynda. At school Volatile(by the way, this is her real name) was reputed clean water a humanitarian: she drew beautifully, loved geography and history, and wrote brilliant essays.

Lenka was just as active and chatty as a child, recalls a classmate Anna Zhukova. - And he’s also terribly stubborn: if he sets his mind to something, he’ll die with bones, but he’ll do it. In general, she grew up as a tomboy - she always hung out with boys, some girls did not like her for this and called her a bigot, because even then Letuchaya stood out for her tall stature. Her parents tried to pacify her, sending her to various clubs for girls - either figure skating or dancing. But Lenka didn’t like all this. That’s what she said: “I’m afraid the boys will laugh!” The only thing that Flying got attached to was drawing. Her dad was in the jewelry business - probably the talent was inherited.

After school, she even wanted to study to become an architect; she planned to study in St. Petersburg, but her parents did not let her. Lena - only child in the family, beloved daughter: naturally, mom and dad blew dust off her and were very worried about her. But Letuchaya herself, like all of us, often did not understand this in childhood and was offended. I remember telling how during the holidays she decided to work as a cleaner in the laboratory where her father was the boss. So then she regretted it a hundred times, because her dad supposedly was really nagging at her - he forced her to wash the cones and floors several times. But, you see, everything worked out for the better - maybe that’s why she grew up so neat!

However, the title of the cleanest leading country was still far away. At that time, Letuchaya didn’t even think about a TV career. And after school, at the insistence of her parents, she entered the College of Finance and Economics in Blagoveshchensk. It was quite serious educational institution- its graduates were immediately enrolled in the third year of the Khabarovsk Financial Academy without exams.

Lena approached the question responsibly - she crammed formulas day and night. But, for example, I absolutely didn’t know how to count money.

In my youth, I was a big spender,” Letuchaya once said. - When I was in college, my parents sent me money to live on. One day my mother gave me enough money for a month, and I spent it in a couple of days. Mom found out, got upset, began to scold me, and I was offended and decided that I would not take another penny from my parents. As a result, she got a job as a maid in one family. They fed me.

Crazy kiss

It was in college that boys began to pay attention to Lena. The tall, slender blonde even then took great care of her hair and tried to dress fashionably.

Over time, when the Letuchaya family returned to their native Yaroslavl, Lena listened to the advice of her friends and tried herself in modeling business. At the same time, she also entered the capital’s University of Railways and worked as an economist at Russian Railways. There, in Yaroslavl, the future TV star had her first serious love. Lena herself recalled the feeling that suddenly consumed her like this:

We were working out together at the gym, I saw him and almost fell off my bike. This was the only time I used all my charms. In his presence I could neither talk, nor breathe, nor eat, nor drink. And when he kissed me for the first time, I lost consciousness!

For the sake of this guy, Lena had to leave her previous boyfriend. But new novel, unfortunately, did not bring her happiness. They say the guy who blew Lena's mind couldn't provide her with decent life. While the girlfriends spent fabulous amounts of money on shopping, which their hockey player boyfriends allocated to them, Letuchaya barely had enough for the essentials. And although the young man was serious about Lena (he proposed to her several times and dreamed of children), the ambitious blonde was afraid to get bogged down in everyday life. And in the end it put an end to their story.

This happened after one day her beloved made a scene of jealousy for Lena and raised his hand to her. Letuchaya did not want to forgive such antics and, in order to quickly forget what happened, she decided to move to Moscow.

Biography of Elena Letuchaya: how did she achieve success, and who is her husband?

Elena Letuchaya is a sophisticated TV presenter, beautiful woman with sparkling eyes and blond hair. With her appearance and charisma, she attracts the attention of men and women. Many people are interested in her life; during Elena’s activity on television, she has gained many fans. In this material we will tell you more about Elena, her biography, husband and family.

Life and career of a bright TV presenter

Yaroslavl – small homeland Elena Letuchaya, she was born in 1978. The parents of the future star worked in the construction industry and were engineers.

By the way, many people are wondering about the unusualness of the girl’s last name: Letuchaya is a real last name, not a pseudonym.

Lena Letuchaya was born in Yaroslavl

As a child, she did not dream of television, she wanted to become an architect. But life turned out differently: the family moved to the Amur region to participate in the construction of the BAM in the Far East. Elena spent her childhood in the city of Tynda.

At school she showed herself to be an exemplary student, an example for others, she studied with “good” and “excellent” grades, was an activist, a restless and energetic child. Future star She devoted a lot of time to sports and creativity: she skated, danced and studied drawing. The girl received her higher education at a college in Blagoveshchensk at the financial and economic department. Then she returned to Yaroslavl, where she received a second education and worked at Gazprom and a division of Russian Railways.

Three years later, the girl clearly understood that something needed to be changed in life: office work did not attract her at all, her inner talent required implementation - Elena wanted to do what she loved.

At the age of 29, she began studying the profession of a TV presenter at the Ostankino School. But breaking into this field of activity is not easy; Volatile successfully completed any job she took on, but the path to success turned out to be thorny.

Elena Letuchaya began studying to become a TV presenter only at the age of 29

She worked tirelessly and began working on the “Capital” channel, where she became the author of two television programs. In 2011, the first serious success came: the girl began working with Andrei Malakhov, producing and editing programs with his participation. But Elena could not withstand the busy work schedule; she even ended up in the hospital due to heart problems.

After Letuchaya moved to a quieter job on the Friday channel, she was producing series and shows. Here she took the chance and became the host of the “Revizorro” program, with the help of which she achieved great success.

The life of the TV presenter changed again, difficult work began with a lot of filming, traveling and conflicts with the owners of catering establishments, whose activities “Revizorro” checked. Elena became very popular - a spectacular and unusual girl, who did not lose her composure and restraint, and was liked by many.

In two years permanent job Letuchaya decided to end her participation in this show: she remained the producer of the program, but stopped acting in it. There is an opinion that Letuchaya’s husband had a hand in this, who feared for the health of his wife due to the sometimes inappropriate aggressiveness of the owners and employees of catering establishments.

The TV presenter launched a new TV show with her participation, “Slim,” in which she is freed from unpleasant situations, and fans of the star have the pleasure of seeing her on TV.

Elena Letuchaya is known for her activity: she monitors her shape (including through diets), and also practices yoga and various types sports: horse riding, jogging, skating, alpine skiing. Even on the air of “Revizorro”, the TV presenter stated that she does not eat meat or sweets.

Personal life of a star: who is Elena’s husband?

Lena Letuchaya with her husband

In August 2016, the wedding of Elena Letuchaya and businessman Yuri Anashenkov took place on the island of Santorini (Greece). The romance between people lasted 2 years up to this point; at this time they preferred to hide the relationship and not give reason for conversation. But the public noticed that the couple began to appear together, even rumors arose that Elena took her future husband away from the family, but this is not true: Yuri began a relationship after he divorced his previous wife. He has a business, his own collection agency, and two children from his first marriages.

38-year-old Elena does not have children yet. Previously, she made statements that a child is a very responsible step for which she is not yet ready, but now that she is married, her point of view may change.

This is the story of an impressive and bright TV presenter who was able to achieve everything with the help of her strength and energy, to build successful career and find a loving husband.

Elena Letuchaya is a TV presenter who has won people's love after participating in the “Revizorro” program as a threat to unscrupulous owners of Russian hotels and catering establishments. He is also a producer of the TV channel “Friday!” and is responsible for all projects from the Revizzorro family, including Revizzorro Show and Magazzino.

The childhood and youth of Elena Letuchaya

Elena Letuchaya was born in the city of Yaroslavl on December 5, 1978. Her father, Alexander Nikolaevich Letuchy, was a civil engineer, so in 1986 the family moved to the Far Eastern Tynda - her father was invited to the construction of the BAM.

As a child, Lena had many hobbies: the girl studied figure skating, visited art school and dreamed of one day moving to St. Petersburg and becoming an architect. In 1997, at the insistence of her parents, Elena entered the Blagoveshchensk College of Finance and Economics and two years later held a diploma in her hands with a degree in financier.

After studying, the girl moved to hometown, where she worked for Russian Railways for several years in the passenger service department. At the same time, Elena Letuchaya received higher education at the Moscow state university communication routes.

Elena Letuchaya in “Evening Urgant”

In 2005, Elena Letuchaya received the long-awaited diploma and for the next 4 years stayed as a financier at the Gazenergoset company (a division of Gazprom).

Elena Letuchaya on television

The girl quickly realized that choosing a type of activity based on the advice of her family, and not on her own preferences, was a mistake. Sitting in the office, she envied people who truly loved their work because it was interesting to them.

On the eve of her 29th birthday, Elena decided to radically change her life, starting with obtaining a second higher education. The choice fell on the School of Television at Ostankino, where for the next two years Letuchaya learned the basics of the profession of TV and radio presenter. The graduation story about blood donors, which revealed the shortcomings of domestic medicine, made her finally become convinced that working on television was her calling.

Elena Letuchaya before she became famous

But getting a job in a new specialty was very problematic, especially without experience and acquaintances in this field. Over the next year, she tried everything - from banal printing of texts to editing other people's scripts. Often the girl did not have enough money to pay for rented housing.

In some especially difficult moments, her mother suggested that she return to Yaroslavl, but Elena did not back down, and soon the girl’s perseverance and hard work were rewarded. In 2011, Elena became a producer and editor at the Channel One Special Projects Studio (the show “Let Them Talk”, “Tonight”). Working on the main state channel became a most valuable experience, but the crazy schedule without days off and breaks exhausted Elena - a year later the girl ended up in a heart clinic.

Therefore, Elena preferred a quieter (compared to Ostankino) work at cable channels, where she conducted interviews, supervised the filming of documentaries, and supervised several major television projects (the TV series “Kitchen”, the show “Vacations in Mexico”, the program “Funny People”).

Elena Letuchaya – presenter of “Revizorro”

In 2014, the management of the channel “Friday!” acquired the format of the “Inspector General” program from the Ukrainian “New Channel” - a one-of-a-kind project. Initially, they intended to make Olga Freimut, the presenter of the original version, the face of the program, called “Revizorro,” but she refused due to her busy schedule.

A friend told Elena, who was at that moment working on the “Kitchen” project and creating a film about the series, about the casting for the post of presenter. The “audition” took place in one of the capital’s restaurants; The future presenter was required to be able to hold herself, look good on camera, be sociable and not be afraid “ closed doors" The spectacular blonde Elena Letuchaya, who had all these qualities, interested the producers of the project, and three months after the casting she had already signed a contract for three dozen episodes.

The new “live video” format for Elena was complex, but indescribably exciting. For the first six months, the presenter lived in constant travel: she flew in from filming, unpacked her suitcase, packed her things again and flew to another city that required inspection.

Inspections from the leading program “Revizorro” were not always welcome. Often during inspections, the staff got into fights and argued in a raised voice, but Letuchaya never lost her composure. There were also out-of-the-ordinary incidents, such as in Salekhard and Kemerovo, when the show’s film crew was attacked: journalists were beaten, and the cameraman was threatened with a knife. After experiencing stress, Elena was helped to recover by her favorite hobbies: yoga, horseback riding and books.

Attack on the “Revizorro” film crew in Salekhard

Elena always rightly believed that she was doing something useful, trying to improve the quality of services in the country. She taught the audience how to behave in conflict situations and legally fight for the quality of service. However, to the great disappointment of fans of Elena Letuchaya, due to the creation own show(“Slim”), the presenter left the project, handing over the reins to singer Olga Romanovskaya. The departure of Letuchaya caused a huge resonance in the media space.

After leaving Revizzorro, Elena remained co-host of the Revizzorro Show, in which every restaurant or hotel owner who considered the negative assessment undeserved could come to the studio and refute the accusations.

In the spring of 2016, the first episodes of Elena Letuchaya’s new project, called “Slim,” were filmed. It was reported that the show's participants would lose extra pounds for money.

In October 2016, Elena Letuchaya announced her return to Revizorro to the great joy of all her fans.

Personal life of Elena Letuchaya

According to Elena Letuchaya, in family life you should enter with an absolute understanding of what you expect from her, regardless of the stereotypes prevailing in society. Previously, she believed that she was simply not cut out for marriage, preferring a career, travel and self-development. After 35 years, according to the presenter herself, she had an idea of ​​​​an ideal life partner, thought about children and was even ready to sacrifice an established way of life for the sake of harmony in the family.

In August 2016, Elena Letuchaya got married. The chosen one of the star of the “Friday” channel is entrepreneur Yuri Anashenkov. A furor in the press was caused not only by the ceremony itself in Santorini (Greece), but also by the “flying bachelorette party” that Elena held for her closest friends. After the wedding, the presenter intended to take a double surname and become Letuchaya-Anashenkova.

For such a busy person, Elena has a surprising number of hobbies. In addition to horseback riding and yoga, she visits a fitness club to keep herself in good physical shape. Another passion of Letuchaya is cooking.

She practically does not use the services of stylists, completely relying on her own taste. Loves diverse clothes, preferring elegance and restraint. She considers herself a shopaholic because she buys a lot of clothes and cannot remain indifferent to the latest fashion trends.

Unlike most people working in the field of television, Lena watches TV, including TV series. But the presenter no longer eats in restaurants - she had to observe too many violations while working at Revizzorro.

Elena Letuchaya now

In October 2017, Channel One invited Elena Letuchaya to head a new show in the “Revizorro” format, however, dedicated to the inspection not of restaurants and hotels, but of hospitals and other government agencies, school canteens and courtyards. The program was called “Flying Squad”.

The creation of the project was preceded by an unpleasant scandal: Elena came to the Voronezh hospital for a check-up and was shocked by what she saw. The facility had no heating or showers for patients, cockroaches scurried through the corridors and wards, and the toilets covered in excrement smelled so bad that the presenter could only enter there by holding her nose.

Elena Letuchaya in Voronezh hospital



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