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Left hemisphere test. Test: which hemisphere of your brain works better?

People often turn to psychological tests in order to get to know themselves better, understand the nature of existing problems, or simply out of interest. Tests help you understand your psychological nature and the nature of thoughts and decisions.

As almost everyone knows, the right and left hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different functions. This means that all human decisions are made under the influence of one or the second hemisphere, that is different images thinking. Some people have a predominant influence of the right hemisphere, while others have a predominant influence of the left hemisphere. But there are also people whose brain hemispheres work evenly, that is, there is no definite dominant influence of one hemisphere on a person’s decisions, thoughts and actions.

To determine the leading hemisphere of the brain, there are a number of different psychological tests. Some can be completed on the Internet by clicking on the suggested answer options provided by the system for completing certain tasks. And there are tests that you can take yourself, following the prescribed instructions.

Hemispheres of the brain

To begin with, it is worth indicating the functions of the cerebral hemispheres. This is necessary so that the person taking the test knows which hemisphere is responsible for which functions.

Right hemisphere human brain responsible for creative thinking. This means that the activity of this hemisphere involves the integrity of perception, imagery and emotionality. A person whose right hemisphere is dominant is more sensitive and also tends to rely on his intuition in making decisions.

The left hemisphere, as you might already guess, is the opposite of the right, and therefore is responsible for functions of a completely different nature. This hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking. Its leading role means that a person has stronger analytical abilities, as well as linguistic inclinations.

There are also ambidextrous people - people whose brain hemispheres work as equals. This means that a person uses both the creative and analytical abilities of his brain equally.

Test to determine the leading hemisphere of the brain

In order to determine leading hemisphere your brain, you can take a fairly simple test, which involves completing four simple tasks. When completing assigned tasks, it is recommended to record the results on paper so as not to forget. In the end it should be just a combination of four letters.

So, What is this test?

In the end it turned out four letter combination. It is by this that you can already determine your type of thinking and the leading hemisphere of the brain.

Now the reader can find out about what type of thinking does he have?, using the results obtained from the test above. The decoding of the letter combinations obtained as a result of passing the test is attached below:

Which hemisphere of your brain is best developed and how does it help you, or, conversely, hinder you in life? It is known that left hemisphere responsible for logical, analytical thinking, mathematical abilities. Right hemisphere responsible for intuition, creative skills, imagination, emotions, artistic taste, daydreaming. So what dominates you most? Find out in a quick personality psychology test.

To pass this test, you will need to do a few simple experiments with your body.

  • Interlace your fingers into a lock

If it remains at the top thumb left hand, then write the letter “L” on a piece of paper. If the thumb right hand- "P".

  • Imagine aiming at a distant target

If you use your left eye and squint your right eye, then write the letter “L”, if on the contrary - “P”.

  • Cross your arms across your chest

If the left hand is on top, then write “L”, if the right hand is on top, then “P”.

  • Clap your hands

If more active at the same time left palm, then put the letter “L”, if it’s right, then “P”.

Test results

If you get more P's, then the left hemisphere is dominant (since the left side responds to the right hemisphere, and the right side responds to the left hemisphere). If you have more "L", then your right hemisphere works better.

That's not all. For an accurate personality analysis, you can also decipher your notes from letters.

PPPP- you are 100% right-handed. In life you are guided by stereotypes. Conservative, non-conflicting.

PPPL- your striking feature is indecisiveness.

PPLP— you are distinguished by artistry, you know how to flirt and joke. A determined person.

PPLL- gentle character, excellent sense of humor, desire for development.

PLPP- Analytical mind. Characterized by gentleness in communication, caution, coldness, and slowness.

PLPL- a rare combination. Exposure to people's influence, defenselessness.

BOB- sociability, friendliness, sociability, emotionality, exposure to the influence of other people. Lacks perseverance and perseverance.

LPPL- naivety, gullibility, responsiveness, gentleness and the ability to compromise.

LLPP- simple, friendly, prone to introspection, scattered in interests.

LLPL- simplicity, generosity, tendency to self-sacrifice.

LLLP- activity, energy, confidence, determination.

LLLLL- 100% left-handed. Out-of-the-box thinking, creativity, strong Creative skills, pronounced individualism, selfishness.

LPLP- a strong type of character. Tenacity, perseverance, determination. It is difficult for a person to give in and he almost never changes his decision and point of view.

LPLL- difficulty making friends, love of solitude, tendency to introspection, determination, fortitude.

PLLP- easy-going character, ability to resolve everything peacefully, lack of conflict, sociability and a wide range of interests.

PLLL- desire for independence, inconstancy, independence.

Do the test results match your feelings and opinion about yourself? We are waiting for your comments and don't forget to press the buttons and

The human brain consists of two hemispheres, each of which is responsible for special parts of the brain. Logical thinking is produced largely in the left hemisphere. For knowledge of spatial relationships, emotional content, nonverbal communication The right hemisphere responds. Based on these facts, people are often classified as creative or logical.

It's so amazing how many different skills and talents people have. Some people are math geniuses, others can easily remember names and phone numbers, others are amazing with their creativity. All this is controlled by the brain. It should also be noted that people cannot be divided into pure right or left hemisphere dominant people. Both hemispheres of the brain are fully functional, but only one is dominant.

Facts about the left and right hemispheres of the brain in a scientific context are very often a topic of debate and are always severely criticized. Further research into the brain will provide us with many more discoveries in the next few years.

Test to determine the dominant hemisphere online.

On the Internet you will find a lot various tests about the hemispheres of the brain: on the one hand, these are scientific tests, on the other hand, these are tests for fun that will tell you about your brain in a playful way. The latter are used mainly for entertainment, but despite this they tell interesting information about which hemisphere is dominant in you. Test your brain and find out Interesting Facts about yourself and your thought process.

Human Brain - Structure and Function.

The human brain consists of about 100 billion nerve cells. This organ needs large quantities energy. 43% of all human energy is taken by the brain. The weight of the adult human brain is about 1200 g - 1400 g, and this is only 3% of the total human body weight. Men tend to have larger brains than women, but this fact does not affect intelligence.

Do you want to participate in interesting test and learn something new about yourself? As easy as pie.

Look in which direction the girl is spinning and...

If you see a girl spinning clockwise, it is assumed that your right hemisphere of the brain is more developed.
If you see a counterclockwise rotation, it's left.

More often than not, people see the girl spinning counterclockwise. Consequently, these people use the left side of the brain more.

But with concentration, you can change the direction of the girl’s movement.

Interestingly, several decades ago, the right hemisphere of the brain was not given much importance. It was generally accepted that it was in some way meaningless. However, over time, scientists have concluded that the right hemisphere of the human brain is very important for the development of a creative personality.

For those who cannot change the direction of the dancer’s rotation with their eyes, there are 3 pictures below. By briefly looking at the left or right picture, you can easily change the direction of movement in the central picture. This simple test will help you check which part of your brain is most active.

Left hemisphere of the brain

Verbal information is processed. The left hemisphere is responsible for language abilities, controls speech, writing and reading abilities. Using the left hemisphere of the brain, a person remembers facts, dates, names and controls their writing. The left hemisphere of the brain analyzes all facts and is responsible for analysis and logic. Mathematical symbols and numbers are also recognized by the left hemisphere. Information is processed sequentially.

Right hemisphere of the brain

Nonverbal information is processed. The right hemisphere of the human brain processes information that is expressed not in words, but in images and symbols. Using the right hemisphere, a person is able to fantasize and daydream, and compose stories. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the ability to fine arts and music. The right hemisphere simultaneously processes a lot of different information. It makes it possible to consider everything as a whole, without resorting to analysis.

And this is a new optical illusion.

- find out which hemisphere of your brain performs the leading function in information processing;
- find out whether you may have a tendency to any forms of dependence (addictive behavior);
- understand the reasons that may contribute to the formation of addiction in your case;
- activate both hemispheres of the brain (if their functions are not impaired for objective reasons).
In this case, your current functional state is tested, and not “permanent characteristics”. The functional state can change (if there is an urgent need to process a certain type of information or under the influence of external circumstances).
Attention, interpretation of the results is given taking into account the specifics of this site.

Test hint

If you see only right rotation images of this girl (clockwise), then do the following. Sit with your right side to the display - so that the image is to your right, and you can only see it with peripheral vision. Concentrate your attention on the image. Take your time - give your brain time to reorganize. When you can see the girl turning to the left, try slowly turning towards the screen. You will help yourself if you keep an ear-to-ear smile on your face during your workout (this is serious). However, just in case, we warn you - the left hemisphere is responsible not only for positive emotions, so do not overuse experimentation.

If you see only left rotation images of this girl (counterclockwise), then do the following. Sit with your left side facing the display so that the image is on your left and you can only see it with peripheral vision. Concentrate your attention on the image. Take your time - give your brain time to reorganize. When you can see the girl turning to the right, you can try to slowly turn to face the screen. Imagine and explain to yourself (out loud or silently) what a girl's right rotation might look like - it may help.

If you do not have objective reasons that can lead to disruption of interhemispheric interaction (for example, brain injuries), then sooner or later you will be able to see the versatile rotation of the image without even turning sideways to it. When this happens (and, as a rule, this happens quite quickly), remember - from this moment on you do not have a single compelling argument for falling into any form of addiction. Of course, if you do not consciously pursue any personal gain by entering an “inadequate” state.

By the way, information - it is believed that a person who is capable of at will“change” the direction of rotation of such images has a high IQ. Our research shows that the percentage of people who experience objective difficulties in “learning” to see the versatile rotation of such images is small. The word learn is put in quotation marks intentionally, since in this case “learn” and “allow yourself” are essentially the same thing.

Now attention...

You can train your skill of entering various functional states with the help of other pictures, including those you made yourself.

For example, using this option:

Usually, such pictures are a little easier to “twist” in different directions. You can even “make them dance.” For example, twice to the right, three times to the left, and once from side to side. Or in some other way - as you wish).

And now the main thing...

Objectively, this “rotating circle” consists of only two alternating images. And what exactly you see - how he “spins”, “dances” or “makes pendulum-like movements” - depends on your own desire.

And this does not happen at all because you are “the master of the image and subordinate it to your will.” But because your dear psyche, with the most complex and not fully studied by science mechanism of interaction between the hemispheres of the brain, is an instrument that is always ready to accept a state that allows you to most effectively realize your own desires.

If you wish, you can get acquainted with others that we have provided to users. Good luck in your process of self-discovery and



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