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Moon affirmations. Affirmations for the waxing Moon: for money, love, success Affirmations 9 lunar day July

Affirmations are a method that has long been used in psychology, and nowadays in astropsychology, both foreign and Russian. This word itself means a “statement” that a person pronounces out loud or to himself, wanting to achieve certain changes in his psyche. By repeating certain (specially selected) statements, a person, as if by way of self-hypnosis, introduces them into his subconscious, and over time they become working maxims, “bearing supports” of the psyche, determining his attitude towards himself and others, and thereby behavioral reactions . Examples of various affirmative techniques are well known to you (prayers, mantras, spells, etc.), so we will not dwell on them in detail. Today we want to introduce you to one of these techniques, proposed at one time by the American researcher Donna Cunningham (“Moon Signs”, New York 1988) and capable, in our opinion, of good service to a practicing astrologer in his work with people experiencing psychological difficulties .

Donna Cunningham's affirmations are based on the position of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac. The author herself recommends pronouncing them in accordance with the current position of the Moon in order to stabilize yourself for the period while the Moon is in a given sign. Readers can try this method of using lunar affirmations on their own. We propose another method, which takes into account, first of all, the position of the Moon in the natal chart, i.e. using affirmations as mantras given to a person for an extended period of time.

It is best to pronounce them according to the rules of mantras, i.e. out loud, at dawn, in the garden, several dozen or even hundreds of times in a row. But it is possible as needed, i.e. in any place, except for “dead” rooms (elevator, bathroom), at any time of the day and to oneself. In addition, the author proposes to modify the text of the affirmation depending on specific circumstances - if it, for example, is about an offense, then you can clarify who or why it arose, and if the phrase is formulated in the masculine gender, then to a woman, Naturally, you need to pronounce it in feminine. Moon affirmations, of course, cannot replace other methods. But, used in this way, they help a person work on himself, strengthening and consolidating the effect of other recommendations of the astropsychologist.

Moon in Aries:
I part with the irritation that poisons my soul.
I channel all the power of my anger into a constructive direction.
I achieve my goals without stress and without losing my peace of mind.
I have enough strength to achieve everything I want.
As a visual image, it is recommended to imagine a red fireball.

Moon in Taurus:
I'm letting go of my fear of falling into poverty.
I free myself from everything that could prevent me from living in abundance.
I value and develop my abilities and resourcefulness.
I consider myself worthy of material well-being.
My life is filled with an abundance of gifts from the Earth.
As a visual image, you can imagine a stream of green light.

Moon in Gemini:
I let go of anything that makes it difficult for me to communicate verbally and in writing with others.
I let go of all negative judgments about my intelligence.
I easily acquire any necessary skills.
My mind is open to new ideas and views.
My spirit is ready to rise to a new level of development.
As a visual image, you can imagine a space filled with bright white light.

Moon in Cancer:
I let go of my concerns and uncertainty about the future.
I part with all the insults that others have caused me.
My feelings are free but balanced.
I learn the lessons of the past and part with this past.
I feel the divine light surrounding me with love.
As a visual image, you can imagine the Moon floating in the sky, best of all, taking into account its phase.

Moon in Leo:
I free myself from the need to be the center of attention.
I am freed from pride and self-centeredness.
I am aware of my dignity and confident in my abilities.
I know I deserve respect and love.
I feel divine love descending on me from heaven.
As a visual image, you can imagine a space filled with pinkish light.

Moon in Virgo:
I free myself from destructive, critical attitudes towards myself and others.
I am freeing myself from the habit of demanding perfection in everything.
I recognize that my body, my mind and my spirit are round and proportionate.
Any of my work is easy and bears fruit.
I give work the role in my life that it deserves.
As a visual image, imagine a soft but strong lavender-colored light.

Moon in Libra:
I leave with sadness about a broken relationship.
I'm no longer looking for the perfect man or the perfect woman.
I am a complete, perfect being and do not need anything or anyone for perfection.
I know how to love and I know that I deserve the love of others.
I give and receive love without any reservations.
As a visual image, it is recommended to imagine a ball glowing with pink light.

Moon in Scorpio:
I am freeing myself from the anger that has accumulated in my soul.
I am parting with all previous grievances, disappointments and losses.
I know and feel within myself the ability to change my life.
My soul is open to a genuine healing experience.
Having found freedom and healing, I soar upward like a Phoenix.
As a visual image, it is recommended to imagine a stream of purple light.

Moon in Sagittarius:
I am freed from the desire for excesses and unreasonable risks.
I am giving up the habit of always being right and knowing the answers to all questions.
My soul is open to everything that can help my development.
I am glad that I can penetrate the most complex complexes of ideas.
My mind and my spirit are in constant development.
As a visual image, you can imagine a white luminous ball.

Moon in Capricorn:
I am freed from all the sorrows and sorrows that have accumulated in my soul.
I let go of my fears and everything that bothers me.
I feel filled with joy and hope.
I recognize my ability to set reasonable goals and achieve them.
As a visual image, you can imagine a luminous ball of blue or cyan color.

Moon in Aquarius:
I avoid “protests” that could harm me or others.
I'm letting go of my irritation with those in power.
I have the right to individuality and recognize this right for others.
I have my own special abilities, and I know how to express them.
I feel one with the community of all people.
As a visual image, imagine a pink bud swelling among a multitude of seeds and plants, turning first into a sprout and then into an open flower.

Moon in Pisces:
I am freed from the need to look for new people, new places and new things.
I allow myself to acknowledge and recognize my feelings.
I meditate willingly and regularly.
I value my creativity and find expression for it.
I feel and realize my connection with the divine.
As a visual image, imagine a golden glowing ball.

E. Efrosimov

With the help of a special short phrase, you can set your thoughts on a positive wave and speed up the fulfillment of your cherished dream. And the phase of the waxing Moon will help you achieve what you want in the shortest possible time.

Positive attitudes will help you push out all the negative thoughts, replacing them with a positive and powerful force that can make your life what you want. You can get the unlimited possibilities that affirmations provide if you repeat them several times during the day and at a certain phase of the moon.

The growth of the night luminary is the most favorable time for attracting money, love and success. The energy of the Moon and its impact helps to tune in to achieving goals and bring what you want to life. And in collaboration with positive attitudes, you are able to awaken hidden energy resources and achieve success without spending a lot of effort.

How to use positive affirmations correctly

Affirmations were created by a psychologist who revealed the secret to a successful life based on the technique of self-hypnosis. Thanks to these rules, absolutely anyone can program themselves to be happy. It is quite difficult to notice negative impulses that come to us from different sources. They can accumulate inside and interfere with the flow of positive emotions.

It is believed that the influence of the waxing Moon can replace obsessive thoughts and firmly strengthen in our subconscious every affirmation repeated several times. This will ultimately lead to weeding out the negativity on its own. By programming yourself to think positively, you will attract only good luck and prosperity.

Positive attitudes are most powerful in the morning and evening. According to psychologists, you should start and end your day with a positive message to the Universe. You should definitely choose an affirmation that reflects your desires and aspirations, and repeat it throughout the day as often as possible. A short phrase must be spoken out loud; It is believed that the effect will be enhanced if you say your cherished words in front of a mirror, looking into your eyes.

For better memorization, you can set the words to a melody that you will hum while doing business. This way the words will not leave your memory and will become firmly entrenched in your subconscious. And of course, you definitely need to believe in what you say, pass every word through your heart and imagine how what you want came true.

Affirmations for love

  • I attract the person I need into my life;
  • I am a temptation, I attract love into my life;
  • I achieve harmony and mutual understanding;
  • I am worthy of a long and happy relationship;
  • I deserve happiness and love;
  • My heart is open to love;
  • My love is strong and true;
  • My relationships are strong and lasting;
  • I love and value myself as the most dear person;
  • I am not afraid to love and be loved/loved;
  • Love will conquer loneliness;
  • Passion will flare up between me and the person, our union will be long;
  • What’s mine will never leave me;
  • Cheating bypasses my happy life;
  • Love attracts me for life.

Affirmations for success

  • I let go of all fears and become a successful person;
  • Every day is filled with success and new opportunities;
  • Hope and determination filled my heart;
  • Success follows me everywhere;
  • I have solid ground under my feet, and success awaits me everywhere;
  • All the businesses I start are successful;
  • Prosperity and success will never leave my life;
  • I am worthy/worthy of being a happy and successful person;
  • I am no longer afraid of difficulties and erase them from my life forever;
  • I am a leader at work and in my life;
  • Success is a part of me;
  • My achievements are multiplying every day;
  • There's nothing I can't/couldn't do;
  • My achievements are an indicator of my success;
  • My talent is to be a successful person, capable of anything.

Affirmations for money

  • I am a magnet that attracts money;
  • Income increases every day;
  • Money surrounds me and my life;
  • Any opportunities attract money into my life;
  • My job is highly paid;
  • I know how to make money;
  • My income is growing, as is my success;
  • I am worthy/worthy of having wealth;
  • There is nothing beyond my strength, I increase my well-being every day;
  • I am in harmony with money;
  • Money comes into my life easily;
  • I earn 200,000 rubles a month;
  • I am ready/ready to let cash flows into my life;
  • I am awash in abundance of money and opportunity;
  • I am a happy and rich person, I am surrounded by money.

The desired result will not keep you waiting long, especially if you follow all the specified rules. can help you achieve success faster, find love and attract prosperity into your life. These affirmations reach their peak capabilities precisely during the growth phase of the night luminary, but you can start reading them at any time convenient for you. Be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

Affirmations are a method that has long been used in psychology, and nowadays in astropsychology. This word itself means a “statement” that a person pronounces out loud or to himself, wanting to achieve certain changes in his psyche. Affirmations for every day according to the lunar calendar are more effective than usual ones because they resonate with the lunar cycle.

Affirmations for every day according to the lunar calendar

By repeating certain (specially selected) statements, a person, as if by way of self-hypnosis, introduces them into his subconscious, and over time they become working maxims, “bearing supports” of the psyche, determining his attitude towards himself and others, and thereby behavioral reactions .

Examples of various affirmative techniques are well known to you (prayers, mantras, spells, etc.), so we will not dwell on them in detail.

Today we want to introduce you to one of these techniques, proposed at one time by the American researcher Donna Cunningham (“Moon Signs”, New York 1988) and capable, in our opinion, of good service to a practicing astrologer in his work with people experiencing psychological difficulties .

Affirmations for every day and the Moon in signs

Donna Cunningham's affirmations are based on the position of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac. The author herself recommends pronouncing them in accordance with the current position of the Moon in order to stabilize yourself for the period while the Moon is in a given sign.

Readers can try this method of using lunar affirmations on their own. We propose another method, which takes into account, first of all, the position of the Moon in the natal chart, i.e. using affirmations as mantras given to a person for an extended period of time.

It is best to pronounce them according to the rules of mantras, i.e. out loud, at dawn, in the garden, several dozen or even hundreds of times in a row. But it is possible as needed, i.e. in any place, except for “dead” rooms (elevator, bathroom), at any time of the day and to oneself.

In addition, the author proposes to modify the text of the affirmation depending on specific circumstances - if it, for example, is about an offense, then you can clarify who or why it arose, and if the phrase is formulated in the masculine gender, then to a woman, Naturally, you need to pronounce it in feminine.

Moon affirmations, of course, cannot replace other methods. But, used in this way, they help a person work on himself, strengthening and consolidating the effect of other recommendations of the astropsychologist.

Affirmations for every day. Moon in Aries:

  • I part with the irritation that poisons my soul.
  • I channel all the power of my anger into a constructive direction.
  • I achieve my goals without stress and without losing my peace of mind.
  • I have enough strength to achieve everything I want.
  • As a visual image, it is recommended to imagine a red fireball.

Affirmations for every day. Moon in Taurus:

  • I'm letting go of my fear of falling into poverty.
  • I free myself from everything that could prevent me from living in abundance.
  • I value and develop my abilities and resourcefulness.
  • I consider myself worthy of material well-being.
  • My life is filled with an abundance of gifts from the Earth.
  • As a visual image, you can imagine a stream of green light.

Affirmations for every day. Moon in Gemini:

  • I let go of anything that makes it difficult for me to communicate verbally and in writing with others.
  • I let go of all negative judgments about my intelligence.
  • I easily acquire any necessary skills.
  • My mind is open to new ideas and views.
  • My spirit is ready to rise to a new level of development.
  • As a visual image, you can imagine a space filled with bright white light.

Affirmations for every day. Moon in Cancer:

  • I let go of my concerns and uncertainty about the future.
  • I part with all the insults that others have caused me.
  • My feelings are free but balanced.
  • I learn the lessons of the past and part with this past.
  • I feel the divine light surrounding me with love.
  • As a visual image, you can imagine the Moon floating in the sky, best of all, taking into account its phase.

Affirmations for every day. Moon in Leo:

  • I free myself from the need to be the center of attention.
  • I am freed from pride and self-centeredness.
  • I am aware of my dignity and confident in my abilities.
  • I know I deserve respect and love.
  • I feel divine love descending on me from heaven.
  • As a visual image, you can imagine a space filled with pinkish light.

Affirmations for every day. Moon in Virgo:

  • I free myself from destructive, critical attitudes towards myself and others.
  • I am freeing myself from the habit of demanding perfection in everything.
  • I recognize that my body, my mind and my spirit are round and proportionate.
  • Any of my work is easy and bears fruit.
  • I give work the role in my life that it deserves.
  • As a visual image, imagine a soft but strong lavender-colored light.

Affirmations for every day. Moon in Libra:

  • I leave with the sadness of a broken relationship.
  • I'm no longer looking for the perfect man or the perfect woman.
  • I am a complete, perfect being and do not need anything or anyone for perfection.
  • I know how to love and I know that I deserve the love of others.
  • I give and receive love without any reservations.
  • As a visual image, it is recommended to imagine a ball glowing with pink light.

Affirmations for every day. Moon in Scorpio:

  • I am freeing myself from the anger that has accumulated in my soul.
  • I am parting with all previous grievances, disappointments and losses.
  • I know and feel within myself the ability to change my life.
  • My soul is open to a genuine healing experience.
  • Having found freedom and healing, I soar upward like a Phoenix.
  • As a visual image, it is recommended to imagine a stream of purple light.

Affirmations for every day. Moon in Sagittarius:

  • I am freed from the desire for excesses and unreasonable risks.
  • I am giving up the habit of always being right and knowing the answers to all questions.
  • My soul is open to everything that can help my development.
  • I am glad that I can penetrate the most complex complexes of ideas.
  • My mind and my spirit are in constant development.
  • As a visual image, you can imagine a white luminous ball.

Affirmations for every day. Moon in Capricorn:

  • I am freed from all the sorrows and sorrows that have accumulated in my soul.
  • I let go of my fears and everything that bothers me.
  • I feel filled with joy and hope.
  • I recognize my ability to set reasonable goals and achieve them.
  • As a visual image, you can imagine a luminous ball of blue or cyan color.

Affirmations for every day. Moon in Aquarius:

  • I avoid “protests” that could harm me or others.
  • I'm letting go of my irritation with those in power.
  • I have the right to individuality and recognize this right for others.
  • I have my own special abilities, and I know how to express them.
  • I feel one with the community of all people.
  • As a visual image, imagine a pink bud swelling among a multitude of seeds and plants, turning first into a sprout and then into an open flower.

Affirmations for every day. Moon in Pisces:

  • I am freed from the need to look for new people, new places and new things.
  • I allow myself to acknowledge and recognize my feelings.
  • I meditate willingly and regularly.
  • I value my creativity and find expression for it.
  • I feel and realize my connection with the divine.
  • As a visual image, imagine a golden glowing ball.

“And I will tell you: ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you, for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Which father among you, when his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? or, when he asks for a fish, will he give him a snake instead of a fish? Or, if he asks for an egg, will he give him a scorpion? So if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.”

Gospel of Luke Chapter 11, verse 11

What does the coming day bring to us?

Flower horoscopeRosehip July 24 - August 2

Flower horoscope

Representatives of this sign may seem stubborn, insensitive and callous. However, upon closer examination, one can discern a sensitive and gentle, almost altruistic nature. In general, these are the kindest people who have friends that have been trusted over the years. They are temperamental, remember the insult for a long time, but are rarely able to give vent to their feelings. They do not like to participate in scandals and quarrels, they try to avoid them.

In love, betrayal is not forgiven, and in the family it is usually the weak link, since it is very dependent on the partner.

He tends to give in and make compromises for the sake of his loved ones. When making decisions, we are not used to long thoughts, since we have already calculated everything in advance for a long time.

Horoscope for today according to zodiac signsJuly 31, 2017

(March 21 - April 20) (September 24 - October 23)
(April 21 - May 20) (October 24 - November 22)
(May 21 - June 21) (November 23 - December 21)
(June 22 - July 22) (December 22 - January 20)
(23 July - 23 August) (January 21 - February 18)
(24 August - 23 September) (February 19 - March 20)

After14:12 Ninth day of the lunar cycle:

IIquarter, waxing moon

Luna IIquarter, waxing moonin the constellation .

Color: green.

Stones:chrysoprase, jade, emerald.

Talisman stone of the day: red granite- any


granite is grainy. Its origin is associated with volcanic processes. Magmatic melts, which absorb small fragments of previously destroyed rocks, turn into granites when cooling. Metamorphic processes leading to sintering and partial melting of fragments also lead to the appearance of granite. Strength is an important distinguishing feature of a mineral. The stone can withstand pressure of more than 600 kilograms of load per 1 cm2 of surface. Granite is also characterized by high density. A centimeter cube of stone is three times heavier than the same volume of water. The hardness of granite (up to 7 Mohs points) is ensured by the presence of quartz in the mineral composition. It is quartz that helps the stone withstand huge (more than 100˚) temperature changes. However, the thermal resistance of granite due to the same quartz is reduced: the stone melts when heated to only 700˚C - which did not allow granite structures of antiquity to withstand severe fires. It has been experimentally established that fine-grained granite exhibits the best properties. If the grain of the stone does not exceed two millimeters in diameter, architects and builders can easily find a use for this excellent natural material! Hornblende causes the mineral to darken, turning brownish-green. Amazonite granite is famous for its light green hue. Black quartz granite is solemn and strict. The amethyst granites of Sweden reflect purple and pink. Mining of colored granite is carried out everywhere. The rarest blue granites are exported from the north of Europe. Red porphyry granite, mined in areas of volcanic activity that died out millions of years ago, is sold in the most expensive and pretentious construction projects. Black granite is a favorite material of sculpture workshops around the world. It is not for nothing that granite is associated with science, as it can have a beneficial effect on memory, the development of mental abilities and communication skills. Red granite sharpens intuition and develops thinking, allows you to get rid of ambitions and become more flexible and pliable. It will help you find unconventional approaches to solving complex problems. Talismans and amulets made of granite provide assistance to teachers, educators, students, and anyone who is studying or has already devoted themselves to science and pedagogy.

Talisman of the day of plant origin - wormwood, yellow buttercup, aloe, white sandalwood or amber, peony, camphor.

Characteristics of the day: There is no need to fear, but one of the most unfavorable days in the lunar cycle is approaching. It is associated with a period of seduction, illusions, deceptions, temptations and (remember the great Shakespeare) poisoning.

Impact on personality: It is possible that today you will be visited by anxious feelings, fears, and dark thoughts. Increased self-esteem may even appear. In any case, try to avoid this, otherwise, there is a chance of being punished for your pride. It has been noticed that today most people are prone to conflicts, justify their own mistakes, and shift responsibility for their mistakes onto the shoulders of others.

Business and money: Today there may be complications at work; it is not easy to achieve harmony and agreement in business. Consciously avoid stressful situations by simplifying your work as much as possible. It is better not to catch the eye of management; Colleagues, partners, clients may be unfriendly. Put off new acquaintances and meetings, today they will not end with benefit for you. On the other hand, the day is good for creative work - with hard work, you can create something truly valuable and worthy of everyone’s attention. Do not think about any financial transactions, do not listen to advisers - today there is a risk of becoming a victim of deception and fraud. It is also unfavorable to take loans, repay debts, and sign important financial documents. It is also better to postpone court cases today - the day is not suitable for this.

Lunar calendar for attracting money:The time has come to gather strength. August is ahead. Think carefully about your plans for August so that you can begin to implement them at the beginning of next month.

Health : In people with an underlying disease, exacerbation of heart disease, neuralgia, phobias and depression is possible. It has been noticed that intoxication and poisoning are not uncommon today. You should pay the most serious attention to your well-being: take care of yourself, today it is simply necessary. Diseases that show their claws warn that you have chosen the wrong path for your spiritual development.

Active recreation is preferable


Physical activity: A day of active rest: it is good to use excess energy to thoroughly improve your health. But be careful in training and physical work, because today the likelihood of injury is quite high. Active recreation in nature is preferable.

Hair cutting : Even if the time has come to go to the hairdresser, put it off until a more favorable time, today is not the time to get a haircut.

Relationship: It is believed that today is a very inappropriate day to sort things out. You may have accumulated dissatisfaction with the people around you, but going into conflict with them on this day is dangerous for both parties. A romantic date with the opposite sex is very appropriate and useful, but sex will not bring joy and can have a destructive effect.

Marriage: It is believed that the day is generally disharmonious and not suitable for marriage.

Birthday: People born on this day have every chance of living a long and fruitful life. But the chances may not be realized: the necessary conditions are the desire for purity in deeds and thoughts. On this day the moon was born Galina Brezhneva .

Romantic dinner

might be useful

General recommendations: It happens that bad news comes on the 9th day of the lunar cycle. Try not to react too emotionally to them. Emerging violent emotions can be calmed down with breathing exercises, and the day should be spent calmly, in everyday affairs and work. Don't start anything new, continue doing what you started or finish what you started. A romantic dinner may also come in handy, but only if your relationship is built on mutual understanding.

Warnings: Beware of spilling milk - it's not good. Look in the mirror less often. It is no coincidence that it was on this day that the sign about broken mirrors was born... On this day the following happened: Napoleon divorced Josephine de Beauharnais . Event didn't happen suddenly , but took place precisely on this day of the lunar cycle.

Dreams: Dreams can be difficult and painful, but you don’t have to believe them.

Daily forecast : This day is favorable in all respects. Today you are full of energy, everything is easy for you. The vibrations of this day carry streams of powerful positive energy, do not miss this time, use it for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.Businesses started on this day will bring great profits, concluded contracts will be long-term, and partnerships will be useful.

Tell yourself: I radiate love.



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