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Margarita Kern uncensored. Rita Kern - photos, videos, news, biography and personal. What did Rita Kern do to herself? Photos before and after plastic surgery

Busty Kern only had two months at Dom-2 to become a star on an all-Russian scale and a role model for teenagers who were passionate about the project. The brunette already has more than 100 thousand subscribers on Instagram alone. The secret of her popularity is simple: she often publishes candid photos. And how can one hide such a prominent bust under clothes?


The liberated Rita loves to film herself in the bath and then share erotic selfies with eager fans. This time she called a professional photographer and lay down completely naked in front of him. The beauty's body is covered only with a thin layer of acid pink paint.

Kern does not hide the fact that her breasts are silicone. “I don’t plan to increase it further. I absolutely like it now. The first time I had my breasts done was when I was 20. A C grade. For my man. And then I think: “Let me make myself bigger.” And this is where my problems started. It’s wrong for me implants were installed. And it shifted. The second time I did 600 milliliters. And I decided to have a third operation - I did 800,” Rita shared her rich experience in bust augmentation.

However, even after the third surgical intervention, the “House-2” star began to have problems with her breasts. "The implant shifted again, and it turned out that it was necessary to operate again. There was a choice: either 800 milliliters, or order. I thought: “Why am I suffering in vain?” And I ordered new ones. They cost 35 thousand dollars at the old rate. I want them They delivered it perfectly. I couldn’t be happier,” admitted a satisfied Kern.

26-year-old Rita Kern is an ex-participant of “House-2”. A girl with size eight breasts attracted the attention of all participants in the TV set, but she failed to find love on the show.


Rita does not hide the fact that her spectacular appearance is the result of plastic surgery. The girl had her breasts enlarged several times and had rhinoplasty. Kern recently showed on Instagram what she looked like before the surgeries.

“I’m 19-20 years old here. I haven’t always been this fat, I only gained a lot in one year, and the angle was not good. My style was chic, gorgeous married hair and even slightly plumped lips. God, look at the fingers, they were like sausages,” wrote Rita (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Note edit.).


The girl said that six months after this shooting she lost a lot of weight and began dating a young man from France.

“When I see my old photographs, I understand that they love me for my character and soul. As I remember this washcloth made from burnt hair... it was impossible to style it and they loved me,” admitted the ex-participant of “House-2”.


Rita also showed what she looked like after losing weight. “I gained weight in 1 year, and lost it just as quickly. I didn't do anything to lose weight!!! I just believe in psychosomatics. If you want to lose weight, then it’s enough to change your thoughts, beliefs, and self-feelings! Diet and exercise are very good, but initially it all starts in the head,” Kern said.

The busty beauty admitted how she managed without “magic” on the project and why she swears in bed. In a conversation with the site, Rita Kern was extremely frank and told such details of her intimate life that are usually kept silent.

Rita Kern
​Photo: VKontakte

The owner of size eight breasts, Rita Kern, deservedly bears the title of one of the main sex bombs of “DOM-2” - the appetizing forms of the 27-year-old star leave no one indifferent. Margarita recently starred in an erotic shoot for a famous men's magazine, but only to our publication did the ex-participant reveal her intimate secrets.

Rita, how important is sexual compatibility with your partner in a relationship?

This moment comes first for me, just like other qualities. I am an idealist, so I strive for both physical and spiritual compatibility with a man. I can’t say what exactly is more important to me.

Tell us about your first sexual experience.

I was 18 years old. My partner was an adult man, already established in life, very interesting and powerful. I don’t understand those girls who try to get an intimate experience before reaching adulthood. There is no need to rush in this matter, everything has its time.

Rita Kern lost her virginity at 18
​​Photo: VKontakte

In what unusual places have you experienced “magic”?

I'm all for diversity! I believe that this business can be done anywhere. The main thing is not to confuse people. The extra adrenaline is especially exciting when they can be heard or caught. For example, I once had sex in the fitting room of a lingerie store.

How do you feel about betrayal?

What is treason? If it’s physical, then it can’t be called cheating. It’s another matter if we are talking about spiritual infidelity. I have never had moral betrayals in a relationship. In general, I’m even a little jealous of those couples who were able to remain faithful (in any form) to each other throughout their lives. Being in harmony and joy with the same partner is a great art.

How long have you gone without “magic”?

Two month. This was the period of my participation in “HOUSE-2”, when I lived in the Seychelles. For the first week, I didn’t even think about sex: I was distracted by the new environment, the flight, and meeting the participants.

But then it was very difficult, I often had to retire to the shower and have fun on my own.

Now, by the way, I remembered the peak situation when Karina Bagdasar, another heroine of the show, and I spent the night with Vanya Barzikov. Then I was simply burning with desire, but the presence of cameras stopped me.

Kern can't live without sex
​​Photo: VKontakte

How can a man make you want?

Expensive gifts are a 100% hit in my erogenous zone. And if a man’s sexuality, originality and creativity are added to this, then a violent orgasm is definitely guaranteed for me.

Have you ever been denied sex?

This happened twice. And do you know who these people were? Impotent and homosexual.

The girl admitted that she was denied sex
​​Photo: VKontakte

What kind of lover are you - passionate or tender?

Depends on the partner, I can adapt to the man’s character. But more often, of course, passionate. It even happened that during the “magic” the bed broke, I was so overwhelmed by emotions.

What words can your lover hear from you in bed?

It’s indecent to say this, but in bed I swear very dirty. I think it's sexy. I also tell my beloved what a stud he is and give compliments.

Rita loves to swear in bed
​​Photo: VKontakte

What do you think is sexier beauty - artificial or natural? Do shapes bother you during “magic”?

Any girl can be sexy. I really love French films with a hint of eroticism; they know how to capture true feminine beauty. Artificial or natural - it all depends on what your partner likes. Personally, shapes do not hinder me in sex; rather, on the contrary, they only provide advantages. Men are delighted with my bust!

According to Alex Leslie, a friend of Rita Kern, after appearing on the project she does not change her habits. The famous pick-up artist revealed some secrets of the life of the scandalous participant in the show “Dom-2. Island of love". Maria Kunaeva, now known as Margarita Kern, was born in the tiny Udmurt village of Yakshur-Bodya. Fans of the reality show were shocked that the participant’s own father was a priest, Archpriest Vladimir Vladimirovich Kunaev. Rita Kern's four younger sisters prefer to keep a low profile and lead a modest life.

Rita herself, tired of her father’s tutelage, ran away from home at the age of 18 and set out to conquer men’s hearts. But at first, inexperience in communicating with the opposite sex took its toll, so Rita attended women’s training and flirting lessons. The training was not in vain, and now Margarita Kern, after plastic surgery, seduces bachelors on a reality show.

Rita Kern before and after plastic surgery (photo)

Rita's appearance is quite original and not given by Mother Nature: her face and figure are the result of plastic surgery. The Love Island participant herself does not hide the fact of repeated plastic surgery.

More recently, photos of Rita Kern before plastic surgery appeared on the Internet and caused a large number of discussions, comments and reviews.

“Before the operation, she looked much better than now,” this is what subscribers to various public pages of the reality show “Dom-2” write about Rita. Island of love".

Loyal fans justify Kern, using unreliable information about being kept under guard until adulthood. Judgmental people talk about the vulgarity and vulgarity of Rita Kern's appearance, paying special attention to the discrepancy between her appearance and her age.

Viewers believe that at this time she looks at least 40 years old, and before the intervention of surgeons, Rita was an attractive young lady. One way or another, Rita Kern in the photo before and after plastic surgery are two different people.

What did Rita Kern do to herself? Photos before and after plastic surgery

Margarita Kern in the photo before plastic surgery is a sophisticated person with feminine features. At the moment, no one doubts that the girl lay under the surgeon’s scalpel.

Rita Kern's huge breasts are an achievement of modern medicine. An unusual brunette has enlarged her breasts to an enormous size eight using silicone implants.

The girl is proud of her artificial bust and boldly walks around in revealing costumes, participates in erotic photo shoots and posts pictures on social networks.

The talk show fans did not stop discussing her enormous breasts, and Rita happily provides new food for gossip.

There is an opinion that Rita Kern has had at least five plastic surgeries, including lip augmentation. After plastic surgery, Rita Kern lost the natural contours and normal proportions of her face: now her big lips attract all the attention.

Margarita Kern does not respond to these attacks and believes that plastic surgery will help her win the show and gain fame along with a million rubles. Of course, the opposite sex pays attention to the specific beauty of the ex-participant of “Love Island”, but at the same time is in no hurry to start a strong relationship.

At the end of April 2017, Rita Kern shared pictures from a hospital ward with subscribers: the girl had rhinoplasty and received a thin, neat nose.

It is likely that Rita also enlarged her buttocks, and to contrast her waist, she had liposuction on her sides and back.

Despite many rumors and gossip, guesses and discussions, Rita still does not answer the question about the purpose of such drastic changes. It is quite possible that plastic surgery helps a girl gain self-confidence and gain fame, albeit scandalous.

Rita Kern is a spectacular busty brunette, whom viewers first saw on silver screens on the air of the next episode of the scandalous reality show “House 2”. The girl came to the project with a loud statement: “I want to find my future husband!”

The confession was followed by a touching, heart-warming story of the beauty’s last failed relationship. It turns out that before appearing in the new show “Love Island,” Rita Kern was in a civil marriage with a fairly well-known influential person in Moscow circles.

At some point, the girl realized that she didn’t really love her other half, and decided to go to the casting for a new project, which was only at the post-production stage. Thus, the fatal beauty became one of the twelve participants in “Love Island”.

Biography of the scandalous participant in “Dom-2”

The biography of Rita Kern is quite interesting and unusual, especially considering the fact that she was barely 26 years old. Despite such a young age, the girl has already managed to visit the plastic surgeon’s table as many as 5 times, and we have to agree, the result is mesmerizing.

Well-defined cheekbones, beautiful large size 8 breasts, plump lips - features that can drive any man crazy, and all of them are embodied in this beauty. However, one cannot deny the fact that Rita Kern was very charming and pretty before plastic surgery.

Childhood star

When I first heard the information that Rita Kern from “Dom-2” on the island of Love was born into a modest and religious family of believers, it’s hard to believe in it - this news is too inconsistent with the external perception of the bright participant. But this is true, moreover, the girl’s father is a real priest who serves the church to this day.

As a child, the daughter of a priest, Rita Kern, was rather withdrawn and closed to herself - the flaws of her Puritan upbringing affected her.

The beauty was never deprived of male attention, but she did not know at all how to react to it, and because of this she was ashamed of her own beauty. Therefore, as soon as she became an adult woman who could independently manage her life, she set off to conquer the capital alone, of course, secretly from her parents.

Personal life

Looking at this bright sexy girl for the first time, you can easily form a false, stereotypical opinion about her that she is too flighty and bitchy. In fact, Rita is a kind, sincere and open girl, and thanks to these qualities, all men, without exception, like her.

Unfortunately, in her personal life the beauty, as often happens, is unhappy. The last relationship ended right before the start of the Love Island project.

The girl's admirers included Moscow oligarchs, Arab sheikhs, and foreign multimillionaires. But no one managed to win the heart of the Snow Queen. The arrival of Rita Kern marked a new era of the House 2 project. Who knows, perhaps this will become a new stage in the life of the girl herself. After all, we have already understood one thing about her - for the sake of love, the priest’s daughter is ready to do anything! The main confirmation of this is the magnificent size eight breasts, made solely for the pleasure of a man.



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