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Medical myths. Can a full moon drive you crazy? Negative effects of the waning moon on humans

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Many people believe that the Moon can influence human behavior - this is where the word “sleepwalker” comes from. The correspondent found out whether this ancient belief has a scientific basis.

During the full moon, werewolves and vampires are known to go hunting. The belief that ordinary people under the influence of the Moon can also slightly lose contact with reality arose many millennia ago and spread widely.

If you interview police officers or ambulance workers, some of them will probably say that more accidents, attacks and insanity occur during the full moon. In 2007, police in the English resort city of Brighton even deployed extra officers during full moons.

The Moon's ability to influence human behavior is undoubtedly a popular topic. It formed the basis not only of myths and fairy tales, but also of hundreds of scientific studies. Last summer, in a study, subjects who slept in the laboratory rated the quality of their sleep 15% lower if that night fell on a full moon - even though they did not see the moon itself or the additional light from it. In addition, it took them an average of five minutes longer to fall asleep.

This study attracted a lot of attention in the press, but only 33 people took part in it, and even the authors themselves were in no hurry to draw far-reaching conclusions from its results.

A more reliable statistical basis may be a meta-analysis, which examines the results of multiple experiments. In 1985, this approach was used by American psychologists James Rotton and Ivan Kelly. They analyzed data from 37 studies of the influence of the lunar cycle on humans and concluded that the Moon has nothing to do with the number of mental exacerbations, murders, suicides, road accidents and crimes.

Studying individual works that stated the existence of such a connection, they noticed that this dependence could have other explanations - for example, the full moon fell on holidays or weekends, when the criminal situation as a whole becomes more complicated. Research linking the full moon to unrest was countered by an equally large number of studies that noted a drop in crime during the full moon. Rotton and Kelly concluded that the statistics collected did not reliably predict people's behavior. When they included the phase of the moon in their calculations, the accuracy of the predictions increased by only 1%.

Since then, other studies have been conducted, also with mixed results. In 1992, an analysis of 20 studies on the influence of the phase of the moon on the number of suicide attempts did not find any proven relationship between these phenomena. Again, those scientists who saw such a connection did not take into account other factors: for example, certain days of the week.

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption Everyone knows that the full moon is the time of werewolves. But what about the impact on ordinary people?

Perhaps one of the reasons for the popularity of the theory of the influence of the Moon on humans is the way scientific journals work. They are more likely to publish studies in which the authors claim a positive result than those in which no relationship can be found between the factors. So no one knows how many works debunking the popular myth about the full moon are gathering dust in editorial archives.

Another question: how exactly can the Moon influence behavior? One theory is that the Earth's satellite attracts fluids in the human body in the same way as water during ocean tides. But the Moon is much smaller than the Earth, and its gravity is much weaker. In addition, the strength of lunar gravity does not depend on the phase. There is also an assumption that moonlight can affect humans. But its intensity during the full moon is four times less than that of a candle.

The dog can be a biter

What then to do with biting animals, ask supporters of the lunar theory? Doctors at Bradford Royal Infirmary in northern England examined two years of medical data and found that twice as many patients were admitted to the hospital with dog, cat, rat and horse bites during full moons as during new moons. But what this was connected with could not be established. It was not even clear whether all these bites happened in the dark.

So, there is very little convincing scientific evidence of the influence of the Moon on behavior. So why are so many people convinced that this connection exists? Perhaps this is due to the so-called confirmation bias - a person tends to notice and remember information that matches his beliefs. A policeman or emergency doctor notices the full moon - and links it with the fact that it was a busy night. If a thin sickle hung in the sky, it is unlikely that a servant of the law would notice it or draw any conclusion.

How could this myth even arise? There is an interesting theory: as long as humanity invented street lighting, homeless people prone to mental disorders could be disturbed by the bright light of the full moon, which could in turn provoke exacerbations.

There is also an opinion that the full moon affects only some people, and therefore general studies allegedly cannot give the correct results. Proponents of this point of view argue that it is necessary to specifically study only those individuals who believe that they are influenced by the Moon.

Perhaps this approach will sooner or later make it possible to find out that the full moon really awakens the beast in some people. But for now it can be argued that this only happens in novels and horror films.

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It has long been believed that the Moon influences people. It was not for nothing that babies were put to bed so that the moonlight did not fall on them. According to legends, even werewolves turned into wolves only during the full moon. The effect of the Moon on the water masses of the Earth is well known (it causes ebbs and flows), so legends are legends, but it would be foolish to think that the Moon has no effect on a person whose body consists of 70% water.

The Full Moon has the greatest impact on the body; it is during this phase that mass crimes, road traffic accidents, minor hooligan acts, quarrels, fights, and skirmishes are observed. The number of injuries and poisonings is increasing, the general condition of the body is deteriorating, and calls to the doctor and ambulance at home are becoming more frequent. The number of crises, suicides and declarations of love is growing.

Mental manifestations:

  • increased anxiety;
  • mental anxiety;
  • causeless sadness and melancholy;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • overexcitement;
  • outbreaks of temper, irritability;
  • causeless rage.
  • inability to control emotions;
  • inappropriate actions;
  • unreasonable fear;
  • disturbing dreams;
  • thirst for activity;
  • increased dissatisfaction;
  • aggravation of all senses;
  • exposure to temptations and temptations;
  • mental vulnerability.
Physiological manifestations:
  • physical discomfort;
  • accumulation of fluid in tissues;
  • high blood pressure;
  • stomach problems;
  • increased sensitivity to drugs and alcohol;
  • the effect of medications and side effects increases;
  • possible increase in appetite and weight gain;
  • increased attraction to the opposite sex;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • exacerbation of reactions;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • headaches;
  • slowing down the flow of biochemical processes in tissues;
  • increased energy;
  • desire for more physical activity;
  • bleeding;
  • the body and muscles are kept in good shape;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • manifestation of diseases due to the temporary activity of viruses and microbes.
Children are very susceptible to the influence of the Moon precisely because of their immature psyche and instability of behavior. Therefore, you need to try to protect them as much as possible from the possible negative consequences of active emotional behavior at this time.

What should children and other sensitive people do on full moon days?

  1. You cannot read detective stories, books about ghosts, vampires, werewolves, zombies and other “undead” things.
  2. Before going to bed, you need to do a calm activity and exclude active games.
  3. You can't watch blockbusters and horror films.
  4. You can't go far from home.
  5. Postpone visits to crowded places, noisy holidays, competitions, and entertainment events until better days.
  6. You need to be outside longer.
  7. It is recommended to stay only in a well-ventilated area.
  8. I really need to get enough sleep.
  9. Give up coffee and tea for a while and replace them with plain water.
  10. Do not overindulge in sweets these days.
The full moon “appears in all its glory” two days before and two days after. Women are more susceptible to lunar influence than men. Representatives of creative professions are inspired at this time and perform their best work.

On the days of the full moon, it is easiest to interest people, which is what marketers take advantage of when organizing presentations, promotions, fairs and sales, concerts and other public events. Alcohol departments of stores are filled with customers, and revenue in casinos is also increasing.

In the world, there are 2% of patients suffering from sleepwalking - sleepwalking. Such cases become more frequent during the full moon. The Moon also affects the Earth's magnetic field, causing magnetic storms, which also affects people.

These days it is recommended to walk with your head covered and not make important decisions. Physical activity, surgical operations, weddings and special events are also undesirable. Start important projects in such a way that you can finish them before the full moon. If everything is not going smoothly in your relationship with your partner, then do not aggravate the situation with quarrels these days, control yourself, try to endure a possible crisis at this time. On the days of the full moon, relaxing treatments are recommended: massage, spa, sauna.

The influence of the Moon on humans is not just mysterious myths invented by the people. In our material you will learn how and why the Moon affects a person, and you will also understand at what period you need to pay attention to your health. Let us remind you that we previously wrote about, which may be useful to you.

Why does the Moon affect a person?

There is a lot about how the Moon affects a person. But one thing is certain - depending on the lunar cycle and the lunar phase, our well-being and even health conditions can change. The fact is that the Moon is in constant motion around our planet, it regularly reflects sunlight from different sides of its surface, and this affects human life on planet Earth. Moreover, the Moon has a direct influence on the tides of water - its gravitational field attracts large masses of water, which causes their level to rise.

But let’s return to the issues of the Moon’s influence on humans. The well-being of earth's inhabitants often depends on what phase the Moon is currently in. Therefore, we will talk about this in more detail.

The influence of the moon phases on humans: new moon

The effect of the Moon on a person during the new moon period is expressed in the fact that human energy resources at this time are at a minimum level. Therefore, people may feel lack of strength, weakness and need to rest. Some people develop unexpected fears and obsessions. Interestingly, men are more susceptible to the influence of the new moon, so during this period they can be irritable and harsh towards those around them.

And if we talk about how the Moon affects a woman on a new moon, then it is worth noting the lethargy and exhaustion in her well-being. Nothing bad happens to her body, but during this period it is better to reduce physical activity and not overdo it. But the new moon is perfect for cleansing the body, so at this time you can start or go on a light diet.

How the phases of the moon affect a person: full moon

The effect of the Moon on a person during the full moon is that we become more emotional and sensitive. During this period, many suffer from insomnia and increased activity, often feeling that it is difficult for them to sit in one place, especially during a long working day. If men react predominantly to the full moon, then the full moon affects women more, since they are more often guided by their emotions.

During the full moon, chronic diseases often worsen, so every person needs to monitor their health, paying attention to any ailments. There is a widespread belief, which has no scientific evidence, that it is better not to perform any operations during the full moon. They say that blood clotting is worse at this time, so surgical interventions, even minor ones, should be postponed to another time.

They have been trying to study the influence of the phases of the Moon on humans for decades, discovering new interesting facts about how we depend on the Earth’s satellite. In the meantime, scientists are trying to explain many anomalies, we will tell you on a subconscious level.

Let’s say that all your nervous outbursts are caused precisely by the fact that you believe too much in the power of the night star and inspire yourself with inspiration, insomnia, and malaise. But why then do small children, who still know nothing about the movement of all sorts of stars (and especially about the influence of the phases of the moon on earthly events), wake up more often on moonlit nights and cry more than usual on a new moon?

In this light

The phases of the moon especially strongly influence people with a subtle psyche. “The relatives of patients complain,” says psychiatrist Nadezhda Gudkova, “that strictly on the eve of the full moon, my patients deteriorate. That’s why family members keep extra doses of medicine on hand.”

It is possible that medieval legends about werewolves going berserk under the full moon are rooted in completely medical history. Maniacs become aggravated and go hunting. It’s just that the concept of “maniac” did not yet exist, and the strange aggression of seemingly normal (in daylight) people needed to be explained somehow.

In more ancient times, during the era of paganism, not only ominous properties were attributed to the pale luminary, but also quite positive ones: it was believed, for example, that the new moon is a time of male activity, and the full moon is most favorable for women. This is probably where the idea originates that fortune telling “for love” is best during this period. In addition, many still believe that nourishing masks and aromatic oils have the greatest effect during the full moon.

Hair removal and cosmetic cleansing are best done when the moon is waning. If you pluck your hair when the month is young, the effect will be short-lived: new hairs will grow in size along with the light of the night. And the sebaceous glands will work more actively, and the pores will clog faster.

You need to cut your hair like this: if you want your hairstyle to retain its shape longer, cut your hair after the full moon. And if you need your hair to grow back faster, then on the waxing moon. If you have planned to radically change your image, then it is best to go to the stylist during the full moon: it’s not so much about your hair, but about the creative abilities of the stylist - they are activated during the full moon phase.

Stylist Irina Baranova admits: “I don’t have a scientific explanation, but, indeed, many clients of the salon make appointments with hairdressers only during the full moon. I didn’t notice how effective it was. I believe that each master has his own biofield: if you cut your hair with one, the hair grows slowly, and with another, it grows quickly.”

Healthy nutrition experts treat the mysterious luminary rationally: “There is a belief that you need to lose weight on the waning moon,” says nutritionist Marina Trifonova. — If this is an additional incentive for you, good. You need to change your lifestyle and diet with firm confidence in success. Just don’t use the lunar phases as an excuse: “I’ll wait until the waning moon, then vacation, then Monday... Oh, the moon is already waxing again.” Try to eat less, exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle, regardless of the moon, sun and other celestial bodies.”

And the Buddhist monk Konchok Chinla, a specialist at the Naran Tibetan medicine clinic, told us that it is best to go on a diet three days before the full moon or new moon: “You will easily endure food restrictions, and the cleansing and weight loss effect will be greater.” However, we were not talking about long-term weight loss programs, but specifically about express diets and cleansing fasting.

Power of attraction

Summer residents still prefer to plant, weed and collect in accordance with lunar cycles. These prejudices (or scientific and practical research) help achieve good harvests. Previously, in the village economy, almost any business was associated with a certain lunar phase.

For example, it was believed that it was better to ferment cabbage during the new month. There is a logic to this: all microorganisms (that is, lactic acid bacteria in this case) multiply at double the speed, as a result, the cabbage ferments faster. But if it was necessary to “roll up” the product for long-term storage (for the winter), then, on the contrary, they salted it on the waning moon. Then it slowly soured and remained crisp until spring. Yeast dough rises faster when the moon is waxing - I personally tested it. It was categorically not recommended to do any housework during the full moon: the result could be unpredictable.

In Russian villages it was not forbidden to go to the bathhouse even every day. But they told fortunes and treated people there only during the full moon.

The swimming season was also opened under the full moon: it was believed that in its cleansing light no fever would stick to the body, even if the water was not warm enough.

Bradford Royal Infirmary found that dogs are more likely to bite people during a full moon. And the police in the British city of Brighton decided to increase patrols on the days of full moons and paydays - this is when the largest number of incidents occur.

“Among all the planets, the Moon has the most noticeable impact on human life and health,” confirmed to us the chief physician of the Cosmonautics Federation, the wife of the famous cosmonaut Lyudmila Grechko. — Since the time of Ptolemy, writings have documented the dependence of fluids in the body (lymph, blood, etc.) on the lunar phases. In its orbit around the Earth, its satellite causes a tidal wave of several meters. Such a powerful attraction has a strong effect on a person, on all living things - both on the physical and energetic levels. If you learn to listen to your body and make your own plans in accordance with the lunar cycle, you can prevent many problems. The growth period is a time of increased biological activity; on a waning luminary, our vitality noticeably decreases. Peak points are the days of the new moon and full moon. The authors of various studies believe that the closer to the full moon, the more feelings, strength and energy in the body turn into excitement and nervousness. This is the time of transition from accumulating strength to actively spending it. At this turning point, unspent energy tears us apart, emotions become uncontrollable. Some people experience insomnia. Be careful during the full moon. Don't let it affect you negatively. Perhaps the following techniques will help you:

  • try to speak slowly, without raising your voice (for self-control, try pausing for 2 seconds every two words);
  • go on a diet or just give yourself a fasting day on the eve of the full moon;
  • Do a quiet, monotonous activity, such as knitting or embroidery.

These simple exercises will prevent an explosion of emotions and will prevent you from making a mess.”

Cult item

Homeopathic doctor Irina Demidova advises not to look at the moon for a long time, since some people have increased sensitivity to its light: a feeling of sadness and even depression may occur. However, the doctor was stingy with recommendations, saying that the full moon is too serious a topic to give general advice to everyone: “Each person must be approached individually, taking into account his personal biorhythms. We can only recommend everyone to be more attentive to themselves during full moons. This is especially important for those who have endocrine problems: it is this area that the luminary affects most.”

Religious people take the moon seriously. Most rituals and practices are in one way or another connected with the lunar phases: Christians link the celebration of their main holiday, Easter, with the full moon after the spring equinox, the Orthodox fasts - Petrov and Great - are also calculated in accordance with the lunar calendar. Buddhist Ekadadasa fasts are counted strictly from new and full moons.

“The full moon certainly affects physical and mental health,” confirmed Konchok Chinla. “It’s not for nothing that in all the faiths of the world all important events took place on the full moon. The resurrection of Jesus Christ, the birth, enlightenment and passage into nirvana of Buddha, the birth and death of the prophet Muhammad. Everything you do on a full moon is multiplied many times over: the orgasm will be the most voluptuous, and smoking and alcohol will cause much more harm than on other days.”

Representatives of traditional medicine are usually quite unanimous and agree that:

  • on the eve of the full moon it is good to start a course of treatment: the result will appear faster and stronger, but remember that the side effects of the drugs will be more pronounced;
  • on the waning moon it is better to do preventive vaccinations: their effect will be delayed in time, but the body will be easier to cope with the by-products of the vaccine;
  • tests taken during the full moon will be as reliable as possible;
  • but it is better to postpone the operations to another day: the surgeon is also a person, in the light of the full moon it is more difficult for him to show composure and concentration;
  • The most important health procedures on a full moon are sea bathing or at least salt baths: they relieve lunar nervousness and nourish the skin with minerals more intensely than on any other day. Logically, mud wraps should have the same beneficial effect.

Anastasia Vorozhtsova

Since ancient times, people have noticed that the Moon, changing its phase, can influence people's lives. Using modern technology, scientists have found that these theories are justified.

Scientists' research on the impact of the Moon on humans

Scientists came to these results through observations using special instruments and analysis of the data obtained. This means that popular beliefs about the Moon were not formed out of nowhere.

Folk signs about the Full Moon

It is believed that if a person sees the Moon through a window at night on a Full Moon and sleeps in its light, he may become seriously ill. Therefore, folk wisdom recommends closing windows with curtains as tightly as possible. The full moon is associated with illness in another sign: if you already feel unwell, then you should not look at the full moon. It is believed that otherwise the disease will last a very long time.

On the Full Moon, it is recommended to especially diligently avoid quarrels, so as not to completely separate from the person and not break off the relationship. Astrologers explain this by the maximum concentration of energy on such a day, which can force one to act impulsively.

There are both love and family signs about the Full Moon. For example, if a girl washes the floor three times on the Full Moon, this ritual will help her get married soon. Another Full Moon love ritual is to tie a male and female sock together. Then they need to be placed under the pillow. Soon you will definitely meet your love.

The happiest, according to people's observations, are those marriages that take place during the first three days after the Full Moon. You can also attract general happiness by watching shooting stars together on the Full Moon. And if a child is born on the Full Moon, then he will be strong and healthy.

If you set up your energy correctly, you can not only attract love, but also, using the power of the Full Moon, get rich.

Astrologers' opinion

Astrologers believe that the Full Moon is not the best day of the month. First of all, they recommend being more attentive to your body and handling objects more carefully, especially sharp ones. Having a strong influence on all living things, on this day its effect is such that wounds heal worse than usual, and all chronic diseases tend to worsen on the Full Moon. The same thing applies to mental illness. And the beliefs about the Sabbath and witches are also not accidental: it is on this day that medicinal (and not only) herbs are filled with especially strong energy.

So, there are a lot of signs and opinions about the Full Moon, but their essence is one: energy can be used extremely effectively, even to attract wealth, which anyone can do. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.05.2016 06:19

The full moon is the most powerful time in the entire lunar cycle. On this day you can achieve what you want...



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