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Methodological development on the topic: Scenario for Teacher's Day. Skits and scripts for Teacher's Day

Skits for Teacher's Day, the plot of which tells about unusual incidents in the life of school groups, will help to decorate the festive concert and dilute it with cheerful notes. These are usually small miniature sketches that reflect one short episode of school life. These mini-skits are akin to “Jumble”: funny, cheerful, capacious and harmless.

The main characters of the festive performances are, of course, schoolchildren and teachers. It is not at all necessary to invite your favorite teacher to play the role of Maria Ivanovna. Funny scenes on Teacher's Day, where all the roles are played by students, look much more interesting. You shouldn’t point specifically at someone on a holiday. If in the proposed scenario humorous skit On Teacher's Day, the name of a teacher will be randomly entered, coinciding with the name of someone who works at your school; be sure to replace it so that there is no hint of someone else's shortcomings or oversights.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day, in which characters transform into famous artists and from the stage give their congratulations to education workers, are becoming increasingly popular among children and teachers. It turns out to be a rather original number that will also make you smile, something like a performance by new Russian grandmothers or a congratulation from a pop star.

Sketch for Teacher's Day “Fun School”

The plot of the scene is quite simple, but at the same time lively and interesting. A journalist appears at the school and, on the eve of the holiday, interviews the children, the principal, and the young teacher. All this is played out according to the script that is in the application.

Funny skit for Teacher's Day “Lifelong Incident”

Main actors In this sketch are the school principal and the boy Vova, who will be played by several students. First, Vova, a first-grader, appears before the children, then the director talks with Vova, who is already in the 5th grade. We'll have to get acquainted with his tricks in 9th and 11th grade. Surprisingly, the final scene introduces Vova as the director of this school, in front of whom stands the girl Katya. This funny scene written in verse, so it will look especially interesting.

A humorous skit for Teacher's Day based on the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”

This scene for Teacher’s Day and Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” have something in common. Main character small performance Ivan. Whether he is a fool or the Tsarevich is difficult to figure out. He meets the Little Humpbacked Horse, with whom he discusses school problems.

A funny sketch of congratulations for Teacher’s Day “Nikitichna and Petrovna”

Who doesn’t remember the cheerful funny presenters Nikitichna and Petrovna, who gave the world hundreds interesting stories that make you laugh until you cry. We invite you to laugh with them, because they will perform an original congratulation sketch on Teacher's Day on the school stage. It can be performed by two students, but it is imperative that they have some small talent for theatrical impersonation and can believably play two merry old ladies who came to congratulate the teachers.

Sketch-performance for Teacher's Day “Ring Show”

A small theatrical performance for the school stage, in which the main characters will not be schoolchildren and their eternal opponents, teachers, but also parents and teachers who have entered into an unequal dispute. What is the dispute about, you ask? Yes, it’s all about the same thing, about children. Cool scene on Teacher's Day will allow teachers, parents, and the students themselves to smile, about whom we're talking about in the ring.

Scenario for the holiday "Teacher's Day"
1 Presenter : I have long loved school bells...
And yet, it cannot be otherwise,
It starts with them live connection lines,
And the first thoughts on the task.
2 Presenter : They always date the pledge –
With the unknown, mysterious and new,
With expanses of open roads
And with a magical, semi-precious word.
1 Presenter : Any route goes away from them
And in them joyful discoveries begin,
This is probably how rockets take off
And the ships leave the pier.
2 Presenter : Good afternoon, dear teachers!
1 Presenter : Hello!
2 Presenter : We have gathered in this hall to congratulate our respected and beloved teachers on their professional holiday - Teacher's Day. And we congratulate you!
2 Presenter : Teacher! - An ageless word! It will always be fresh and forever new! While the earth is spinning in the Universe. The teaching profession is imperishable!
1 Presenter : Everyone remembers their favorite teachers all their lives, which means that no one today will remain indifferent to this holiday! How many kind faces come to life in people’s memories today, how many dear voices will sound!
2 Presenter : And let the city not be colorful today,
Let the fanfares and fireworks not thunder, -
Marked with special joy in my soul,
He is dear to everyone, undoubtedly, absolutely -
Together: Teacher's Day!
1 Presenter : Our dear teachers, please accept our most sincere congratulations on the holiday from us...
2 Presenter : And from all past, present and future students.
1 Presenter : Please accept heartfelt congratulations from redheads and blondes,
2 Presenter : Brunettes and Compositae,
1 Presenter : Curly and combed,
2 Presenter : Obedient and, to put it mildly, not very...
1 Presenter : Excellent students and, to put it mildly, not very good ones...
Together: But they love you very, very much!
2 Presenter : Health, happiness, our dear teachers!
1 Presenter : Talented students to you!
2 Presenter : The floor is given to the school director M.V. Nezhinskaya.
1 Presenter : Teacher! Faithful companion of childhood,
He is like a mother to us, like an older brother!
And the kindness of a big heart
He warms all the guys!
We love you when pointer
You lead us across the seas,
When you read fairy tales to us.
Your care, your affection
We need it all our lives.
Thank you for being inquisitive in your work,
That they are always patient with us, restless people...
Because you couldn't live without us
Thank you, dear ones! Thank you very much!
(Song “Miracle School”)
4th grader: I dedicate these lines to the first teacher.
She told me there's nothing better
My country on the blue planet.
She opened the primer for me,
And the letters suddenly lined up in rows.
I used to be afraid of them like fire,
But now I don’t part with my friends.
4th grader I mastered mental arithmetic well,
I passed the multiplication table...
Who doesn't let you be lazy in class?
Who taught me and everyone to learn,
I'll tell you, it's no secret:
My first teacher!
(1st grade students run out and
sing to the tune of “You’re on TV »
Little children understood this a long time ago:
In first grade during a lesson
More interesting than in the movies.
I go home cheerful, there is a cheerful score in the diary.
This means you got into our school, and I got into it.
You study, don’t be lazy,
Our teacher is great.
Cool, you got into first grade,
You study, don’t be lazy,
The lessons are taught here by an ace!
And on school curriculum
We have enough three years,
Hurry up, mom, you send us to university.
For some reason I fell in love with studying in the first grade,
Rodaki said: “Cool. You got it very cool!”
You study, don’t be lazy,
Our teacher is great.
Cool, you got into first grade,
You study, don’t be lazy,
The lessons are taught here by an ace! (The janitor comes out, sweeps the floor and sings)
Oh! Ducks and two geese are flying, I love him I'm afraid!
(MOM 1 appears and leads her son by the hand)
Mom 1 Tell me, please, do they enroll in school here?
Janitor Here, here!
Mom 1. Who is the eldest here? I need to enroll my boy in school.
Janitor I'm the oldest. Only Pushkin is older than me here. Have you prepared your child for school?
Mom 1 Of course we have! The boy knows three languages, higher mathematics, the theory of relativity...
Janitor Well, can you play truant, lie, snap at teachers and spit chewing gum at the ceiling?
Mom1 Oh! No, we haven't gone through this yet! But he is capable!
Janitor So, let's start teaching!
A breathless mother 2 runs in and leads her daughter.
Mom 2 Oh! Where can I enroll a girl in school?
Janitor Tuta! Tuta! Capable?
Mom 2 Oh! I'll tell you a secret, I have a very gifted girl. At the age of three, she wrote the opera “The Diaper of My Dreams.” And all this year she worked on a monumental canvas... Here! (Unfolds a poster with some kind of daub Signature: Mom!)
Janitor Yeah! Hippopotamus with carrots! How alive!
Mom 2 What kind of hippopotamus is this? It’s clearly written right there: Mom! (Proudly) It's me! In general, the child needs individual approach. Creative! But the girl herself doesn’t know yet what to do?
Janitor So, let’s start teaching what to do!
(Dad runs in, dragging his son, hung with weapons, by the hand.)
Dad Hurry! Hurry up and enroll this juvenile delinquent in first grade! The boy is ideally suited for learning! There is a complete vacuum in the brain, absolute emptiness, one might even say real virgin soil. So sow - reasonable, good, eternal...
(The son points a machine gun at the janitor. She raises her hands and sings.
Janitor Boo-boom-boom to sow. Oh! Ducks and two geese are flying!
The participants in the scene leave.
Leading: And now we bring to your attention a history lesson in the royal way, or you can say it differently - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”
On stage is a table littered with history textbooks. There are three girls at the table in sundresses and kokoshniks.
Presenter Three girls under the window very late in the evening
All history was taught with coffee and sugar.
Damsel 1 . If only I were a craftswoman
Presenter One girl says
Damsel 1 . I would write down the dates, numbers, names in full.
On a tiny piece of paper, I would put it in my sleeve.
I would put it far away so that no one would see.
Damsel 2 . Well, cheat sheet, what a wonder! If only I were smart
I would have come up with the wrong thing... But I don’t know what...
I would try so hard so that the teacher doesn’t find out,
That I don’t know anything from the school course.
Presenter The third girl said: sisters need to study!
Don’t write cheat sheets for you and don’t just chat!
You would come to your senses without any unnecessary thoughts
Let's start studying and start reading books
Damsel 1 . Tell me, why do we need to know who went to war and with whom?...
Borders were drawn there, laws were bypassed here.
Well, why do girls need this? I would like a cruise around the world!..
Girl 2. I would like to visit America...

Talk to Schwarzenegger...
Here you sit under a palm tree and look at your dear one.
White tuxedo, black eye, and a diamond on your finger!
Damsel 3 . To go on a cruise, you first need a visa,
But visas are given to those who have graduated from college.
Well, only those people are accepted into the university. Who was successful at school?
Well, you, idle talkers, sat there lazily for ten years!
You better keep quiet and teach history!
Damsel 1 . But there are tons of these stories!
Damsel 2 . Let's not go crazy!
Maiden 3. If I were Socrates, he would be happy with history.
He just sat and talked and taught his students.
Damsel 2 . I'd rather have Bonopart! He was always excited!
He conquered half of Europe, but he stomped too menacingly.
Damsel 3 . Oh! If Peter is not here now, he would only look at you...
I would roll up my sleeves and talk some sense into you in an instant!
Presenter I just managed to do it when the door creaked quietly,
And the king, the sovereign of that side, enters the room.
During the entire conversation he stood behind the fence.
The latter's speech seemed to appeal to him.
Tsar Hello, red maiden, -
Presenter He says -
Tsar Be a queen. You, my dear sisters,
Let's start studying. To make more sense.
Don't dream about Schwarzenegger, but pass on history!
1 Presenter: Silence. Classes are going on. We walk along the corridor, from the slightly open doors of the offices we can hear snatches of phrases... (Students come out with signs)
Mathematic teacher : Write down the condition of the problem. Two comrades went to pick mushrooms in the forest, which is located...
Life safety teacher: ... in a zone of chemical contamination with a radius of 20 km. Wearing special suits and gas masks...
A history teacher : the mammoths rushed to the steep bank of the river, where those armed with stone axes were waiting for them...
English teacher language: ...mother? father? brother and...
Chemistry teacher : Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev with his famous table, as well as...
Music teacher : Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who loved to repeat: in order to become a real musician, you must...
Labor teacher : ...Take the block into left hand, and the hacksaw to the right, then you will never...
Literature teacher : ... you will not forget these heartfelt words, so familiar to each of us from childhood...
Physical education teacher :... sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up and-and... (leave)
young man : (SINGING to the tune of “Vision Girl”)
It was a quiet, dreary morning...
I came to school in a bad mood,
I just suddenly see: he’s coming to meet me
The head teacher of the school is like a dream.
Unfortunately, waiting for me on the porch
I was late for classes.
I won't hear a greeting
For this behavior of mine.
Chorus: She passed like a caravel,
following me on my heels,
It brought me into sacred awe again!
I looked back to see if she had looked back,
To see if I'll take a walk. (leaves)
Young woman : (comes out and sings)
It was an ordinary day in an ordinary week.
I got up early in the morning, as always,
I looked to see if all the books were in the briefcase.
And are there enough cheat sheets in your pockets?
I came to class as usual,
And there was a test, unfortunately.
It became habitual to take out a cheat sheet,
But doubt crept into my soul.
Chorus: She walked like a caravel between the rows of desks
A cool shower after a hot day,
I looked back to see if she had looked back,
To see if I copied it.
2 Presenter : Lessons at our school go on as usual
And now from another office you can hear...
A boy and a girl come out SINGING to a tune from the film. "ORDINARY MIRACLE"
Young man: Ah, madam, tell me why
Are there two points for me here again?
Girl: I’ll tell you without hiding: I give two marks for a reason.
And of course this is not my fault.
Young man: Ah, madam, you really hurried
Give me a couple for the test!
Girl: Are you joking? But I must object to you -
I need to learn formulas, my dear!
Young man: Ah, madam, but this task
It is beyond the power of an academic to decide.
Girl : It's just a disgrace and shame! How will you live?
No, you failed to convince me!
1 Ved: And now we invite you all to a break.
Listen to the ditties!
DITTS . end (Everyone goes on stage)
1 Presenter : Who answered the famous children's question: “Why?”
- teaches us to look for the answer on our own?
All: Teacher!
2 Presenter : Who, using the full range of their vocal cords,
Trying to put something into us for change,
What hasn't been done for years?
All: Teacher!
1 Presenter: Who comes up with 7-8 hour homework assignments for us?
protecting from the harmful influence of the street and TV?
All: Teacher!
2 Presenter: Who can’t live even a day without our dear parents,
reporting our various achievements? 8
All: Teacher!
1 Presenter: Who has to speak in one working day?
As a teacher, public figure, psychologist,
Artist, astronaut (if we are talking about overloads)
All: Teacher!
Song to the melody "Smile"
1 Presenter: In aviation, they strictly count how many hours a pilot has flown,
Few people know about the teacher, how long he stood at the blackboard!
How many notebooks did I check at night?
How many plans have I written in my life?
How many times have I believed a person and punished myself for him?
1st: For kindness and sensitivity...
2nd: For endless patience...
3rd: For wisdom and knowledge...
4th: For charm and beauty...
5th: For amazing optimism...
6th: For adherence to principles and exactingness...
7th: For honor and dignity...
8th: For love of life and faith...
All: Thank you, thank you, thank you! (leave)
A smile made the lesson better,
A smile makes school work better,
Smile, because you are a teacher,
Smile when you feel like screaming.

Never forget, my friend,
So that a smile decorates someone's childhood,
Use it more often in education,
This is the main technical tool.
Chorus: And then surely raise a student
You can do it without making a mistake,
The river begins with a blue stream,
Education starts with a smile.
Miracle school
How we live together and have fun,
We learn notes and sing songs.
Our school is ours home,
And we cannot live without school.
Chorus: Our school is a miracle,
It's so fun for all the people,
Let it be so?
Our school is a miracle
It's so fun for all the people,
It's so great for all the people,
Let it be so?
Every student knows for sure
That without school the world becomes dim in an instant.
Our kids love school.
School, school is the best time.
We composed ditties
We tried really hard.
We only ask that you
They didn't take offense at us.
Congratulations on Teacher's Day
We have come to you today.
wish great success,
So that they teach better than us.
Please, please explain,
Where is the north, where is the south,
Otherwise we’ll go to Africa -
We'll all be happy there.
How can we not confuse
Where is the Volga, where is the Nile.
You'll mix it up a little
A crocodile might eat it.
Teach to distinguish
Suffixes with prefixes,
Mom will give me
yoghurts with additives.
Train our muscles
Temper them like steel
Relatives are surprised:
I became stronger and taller.
And the director of our school
She issued the following decree:
Who will get one hundred fives;
She will give out prizes.
We sang ditties for you -
Is it good or bad?
And now we ask you,
So that you clap for us.

No sooner have the children returned to school after the summer than they need to prepare for the holiday, for which it is simply impossible not to prepare. Yes, literally a month after knowledge day new holiday- teacher's Day. On this day, all students give gifts and also prepare a performance for their favorite teachers. New scenario On Teacher's Day for high school students, it is both a gift and a performance. Funny and with competitions, the script will appeal to the guests, and they will have a lot of fun and see a different side of you.


Hello dear guests and beloved teachers! Today is a wonderful day and holiday - today is Teacher's Day! We gladly congratulate you and at the beginning of our evening we would like to present all of you with bouquets of flowers!

Students come out and present teachers with a bouquet of flowers.


Great, the gifts have been given. Now let's begin our holiday! But first I would like to understand which of you, of the teachers, is the happiest. No, of course, all teachers are happy, because they work at school, and this in itself is happiness. But let's define this right now.

To play the game you need to prepare candies. Wrap one of the candies in a candy wrapper with the inscription - lucky! That is, all the candies are wrapped, and in one candy under the wrapper there is another piece of paper. The student comes out with a box of chocolates and invites the teachers to take one piece of candy each. Teachers take them and unwrap them. Whoever has a note under the wrapper is the happiest and luckiest.


Great! We have identified the luckiest and happy person At school. We ask you to come up to the stage.

And so, you became the happiest teacher, what are your feelings about this incredible success?!

The teacher says something.


But you know, happiness is like that – sometimes it exists, sometimes it doesn’t. You're lucky - you ate a delicious candy, and now you have to pass the exam! Scary?! Don't be afraid, students go through this every year.

Teacher exam.

A table is brought out and exam papers with questions are laid out on the table. The teacher takes turns selecting three tickets (more is possible) and answers questions.
Questions should be funny and unexpected, for example:
- How many steps are there on the school stairs from the first floor to the second?
- from the physics classroom to the teacher's room forty steps. And from the physics room to the dining room there are one hundred and twenty steps. The bell rings for recess: who will reach the destination first: the teacher to the staff room or the students to the cafeteria?
- how many pages are there in textbooks on your subject?


Great! You have passed the exam and can return to your seat.

You know, teachers often tell us not to make noise in class. Do you think it’s convenient for us to make noise when everyone else is making noise? Do you think it’s so easy to talk to a person when someone else is talking nearby? No - it is not easy, and now you will see for yourself. For the competition we need five teachers.

There was a lot of noise about the competition.

Five teachers or any other number, but not less than three, come out. Each teacher is given a sheet with the words of a famous song. The presenter asks the teachers if they are familiar with this song and if they know its motive. When everyone is ready, at the command of the leading teacher, everyone begins to sing their own song.


Yes, nothing is clear. You see how inconvenient and difficult it is when everyone says something at the same time. So don’t scold us when we talk, remember - it’s not easy and you could see this for yourself.

And now he comes on stage musical group. She will perform a song for teachers.


Thanks for the wonderful song. And now we have an important event– we will present certificates and diplomas to teachers. You know, not all students receive certificates and diplomas upon graduation, but we will not offend anyone and will present memorable awards to everyone.

First, all teachers in turn are solemnly awarded the following diplomas:

Download this template.

And then one teacher is awarded a certificate for his dedication to his students. For this purpose, a survey is conducted among schoolchildren before the holiday. And whichever teacher scores the most points is awarded a certificate.


And now the main award of the evening. We conducted a survey and voting among all students at the school and found out which teacher was most worthy of this award. And so, a certificate for dedication to the school and students is awarded to... (last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher)

The certificate is like this:


It's time to play again. And we invite the physics teacher to the stage!
The task is simple - to name the laws of physics correctly. Can you handle it?! Of course. After all, you are the best physicist in school!

Game with physics teacher.

The game is simple - first we take any law of physics and use Google Translator to translate it into Arabic. And then we copy what came out in Arabic and translate it again into Russian. And we get the law of physics, but in slightly different words. The teacher must guess what this law is.

For example:
- The action force is equal to the reaction force
As a result of two translations we get the following:
- Labor force is equal to interaction force

- the law of statics of liquids and gases, according to which a body immersed in a liquid (or gas) is acted upon by a buoyant force equal to the weight of the liquid in the volume of the body.
Now we translate from Russian into Hebrew, and then again into Russian and we get:
is an Accounting for Liquids and Gases, according to which buoyancy is applied to a body immersed in a liquid (or gas) equal to the weight of the liquid in the mass of the body


Great, you completed the task. And now we have tasks for the literature teacher. Although all teachers can participate in this game.

Game with teachers.

Teachers need to take turns choosing a rhyme for the words: daisy and snowflake.
Whoever finds the most rhyming words is awarded a prize.


All the teachers say: no need to cheat! Do you know what a difficult building this is! First, you need to make out the other person’s handwriting, and then quickly copy it all into your notebook. Don't believe how difficult it is?! Then get your phones ready.

Game - copy from someone else.

For the game you prepare sheets of paper, and on each sheet the same verse is written in four lines. Handwritten by one person who has the most illegible handwriting. All sheets are distributed to teachers and, on command, they must copy the congratulations into their phones and send it via SMS to the school principal. Whoever receives an SMS from the director first wins the competition.


Shall we play some more? Then I ask the teachers to come up to the stage. A team of students will play against you!

Students versus teachers.

We play in associations. That is, the presenter gives the first word to one team, and the participants must come up with associations with this word. First, the first one says the association to the second one, then the second one to the third one, and so on. Objective: reach last participant teams.

Example for the game:
Presenter: “Cup”
1 player: Football
Player 2: Ball
3rd player: Kolobok
Player 4: Hare
Player 5: Ears
6th player: Cheburashka

Everything is clear here. If you want your students to win, then prepare a question and answers for yourself in advance. Let the teachers suffer.


It is on this wonderful note that we end the holiday. Next we have a disco, and tomorrow is a day off at school!

On Teacher's Day, high school students congratulate all teachers and come up with festive performances. We also came up with our own script for Teacher’s Day for high school students and offer it to you for review. The script for high school students for Teacher's Day is an interesting approach to the holiday. After all, we propose that you create a completely new television called television for teachers.


First, you need to work a little and make an impromptu studio. Two presenters are sitting in the studio. Make the studio slightly away from the center of the stage so that it does not interfere with the actors' performance.

Presenter 1:
Good afternoon Good holiday, our dear teachers! Today we begin broadcasting the first television for teachers!

Presenter 2:
Hello, our beloved teachers and educators! We are happy to congratulate you all on Teacher's Day! Today we have two holidays at once - Teacher's Day and the opening of our TV channel. So let's start our holiday news release!

Presenter 1:
We'll start it with a weather news release. We already have a chief weather forecaster in our studio, and we are giving the floor to him.

Happy holiday, dear teachers! Weather forecast on television for teachers, with you (name of the person reading the weather forecast).
And so, today, October 5th, applause is expected everywhere in honor of our teachers. And in some places the applause will develop into a standing ovation with decibel gusts of up to three hundred! There may also be tears of happiness in the eyes of teachers, and everywhere there will be light from their dazzling smiles! Such a favorable and healthy atmospheric front will last until the end of the day. And if the students try hard, this front will linger for a few more days or even weeks!
All the best to you, I introduced you to the weather forecast (name of presenter)

Presenter 2:
And they tell me that our own correspondent is contacting us from the streets of our city. So, Marina, can you hear me?

Marina (correspondent):
Yes, I can hear you. There are a lot of schoolchildren here, they are all in a hurry to get somewhere. And now I will try to find out from them where they are running like that.

A student passes by.

Good afternoon Tell me, where are you in such a hurry with such a gorgeous bouquet of flowers?

I rush to school to congratulate my teachers on their professional holiday!

Maybe you want to tell them something?

I hasten to congratulate the teachers,
Wish them love and happiness.
Give them a bouquet of gorgeous flowers,
And give them a joyful smile!

Great words, thank you! And we see another student. Let's go to him too.
Hello! Where are you in a hurry?

Student 2:
Today is Teacher's Day! And I hasten to congratulate my teachers on their professional holiday!

You don’t have to rush, you can congratulate teachers through our live broadcast!

Student 2:
My dear teachers! I am glad that I study at your school and that you are my teachers! I really enjoy the classes you teach. I enjoy being your student. You explain everything clearly and simply, and each of your lessons is a holiday!

Great words! And I give the floor to the studio.

Presenter 1:
Thank you, Marina. We see how all the students are rushing to school, what a festive mood they are in.

Presenter 2:
Let's relax a little and watch the music group perform.

A musical group performs a song or ditties.


We run to school, we hurry,
We don't want to be late.
We run straight to the bell,
We run into school with the bell ringing!

The lesson rang long ago,
But there is still no teacher.
The teacher is the same person.
Maybe he's having lunch?

The teacher explains the topic
We don't listen to him.
It's half past one on the clock,
We eat quietly!

Here's the bell, that's it, change!
We run out of class.
What long lessons!
Almost pissed my pants!

All the lessons have been completed,
And we got ready to go home.
We have lessons again at home
Do it, at least don’t leave school!

Presenter 1:
And we see that our economic observer has appeared in the studio. And now words to him.

Economic Observer:
Good afternoon Something strange is happening on our stock exchanges today. Right from the morning, all quotes are “creeping” up. And this is not surprising, because today is Teacher’s Day and all the quotes are growing just as the smiles on the faces of teachers are growing. Therefore, take advantage of the moment and catch the smiles of teachers, because this may not happen again.

Presenter 2:
Thanks to our economic columnist. And now it's time for us to say goodbye. But before we leave, we will show you a clip for all teachers.


It could be a dance with letters. That is, each dancer has letters in their hands, and they dance with them. And when the dance ends, the dancers line up in a row, and the inscription appears - Happy Teacher's Day!
Key tags.

2 time travelers, 2 modern schoolchildren, Presenter, Presenter.

The action takes place at the last pre-holiday rehearsal of a school concert. It is important that the event begins with this scene. The guys adjust the decorations, the presenters repeat the words.

We congratulate you on the arrival of October,
Dear and dear teachers,
We wish them from the bottom of our hearts,
Warm, kind and wonderful days!

We wish you tolerance and happiness,
And so that you don’t know troubles,
So that bad weather does not frighten you,
And may your dreams come true!

It seems to me that you lack solemnity! We should perform tomorrow, congratulate our favorite teachers, but you’re kind of sluggish and uninteresting.

Am I sluggish? You're the one who's sluggish! Look, you don’t know the text completely!

Who doesn't know this? Is it I who don't know? I taught them for a week, missed training and didn’t go out with friends!

Schoolboy 1:
Enough for you! We have a day before the concert, and all rehearsals you are quarreling!

Schoolboy 2:
I'm tired of your screams!

(A loud knock is heard and the Travelers appear on stage)

And where did we end up this time?

Traveler 2:
Wait, let me catch my breath.

Traveler 1:
Well, at least there are no dinosaurs here, which is good news!

Traveler 2:
Come on, it wasn’t that scary, but even educational!

Sorry, can we help you?

Traveler 1:
Oh, you are real!

Traveler 2:
Don't listen to him, he was surprised! My name is Vanya, and this is Sanya, we flew from the past, it happened by chance.

Traveler 1:
Accidentally? It was you who suggested studying history visually, but by the way, I just wanted to read the book!

From past? Are you time travelers or something? By the way, I (says his name and introduces the Presenter).

Traveler 2:
Tell me, what country and what city have we been taken to?

(The presenter answers the question)

Traveler 1:
Well, at least we didn’t go wrong with the city! What school are we in?

(The presenter answers the question)

Traveler 2:
Well, we missed the mark a little here, but no big deal! Let's take a walk around hometown, let's take a look at your favorite places!

Traveler 1:
Let's go to our favorite kiosk, buy myself a whole box of Yuppies, and get drunk!

Schoolboy 1:
Yuppie? And what is it?

Traveler 1:
This is the most delicious drink in the world! Wait, what year is it now?

Schoolboy 2:

Traveler 2:
This is where we made a mistake; we needed it in 1995. And I wonder why everyone is dressed so strangely, and also with some strange things in their hands (points to smartphone).

This mobile phone. Don't you have any?

Traveler 1:
Mobile phone? I don't remember such a device. What is he doing?

Well, you can use it to take photos, record videos, send and receive mail, make calls, play, read, and use it as a calculator and diary.

Traveler 2:
I want such a device too!

Traveler 1:
Will! Everything has its time! Tell me, what are you cooking here?

Concert for Teacher's Day! We have a whole program planned, here is the last rehearsal left!

Traveler 2:
Interesting! Can I have a look? I wonder how in the future, teachers are congratulated!


Traveler 1:
Tell me, has mathematics been canceled in 2018 yet?

Schoolboy 1:
Of course not! How can you study without it then?

Traveler 2:
I don't like math! Klara Nikolaevna is leading her here, she’s so furious!

Traveler 1:
And very nasty!

I don’t know about you, but here he teaches mathematics the most wonderful person(says first and patronymic). This teacher understands, helps and supports. The lessons are always comfortable and joyful!

Yes, we all have good teachers! For example, (name and country), he always talks interestingly new material, so fascinating and understandable that I don’t even need Google to understand it!

The melody of the song “We honestly want to tell you” sounds and everyone except the Travelers begins to sing:
We honestly want to tell you
We don't want other teachers
They always help us
And they never scold us.

We can't live without them,
Our best teachers
They find an approach to us,
They are worthy of kind words!

How can I live without them, well, tell me, tell me,
Knowledge is important to us
Our best teachers
We will always respect them!

Traveler 1:
Tell me, do they let you go earlier?

Students in chorus:
Let go!

Traveler 2:
Do they give a lot of lessons?

Students in chorus:

Traveler 1:
Do they take you on excursions?

Students in chorus:
They're driving!

Traveler 2:
Are you preparing for exams?

Students in chorus:
They're getting ready!

Traveler 1:
Do teachers punish you?

Your school resembles a concentration camp.

Nobody shouts at our school
No one is in a hurry,
Everything is always explained clearly,
And everyone always understands children!

Schoolboy 1:
Our school is cozy, warm,
It's always easy for us here, it's good,
We always laugh from the heart
We make our dreams come true!

Schoolboy 2:
We gain knowledge
In class we always answer,
And also, we go to clubs,
We have fun all our days!

Traveler 1:
What about the food in the dining room? I love to eat!

We always have the most delicious and fresh baked goods, hearty and flavorful dishes!

Traveler 2:
If only we had such a school!

Understand that it is not the walls that make the school special, but the teachers and the people who work here. We get delicious food thanks to our canteen workers (lists), healthy body And healthy mind, thanks to our physical education teachers (names names and patronymics), but we owe knowledge to the entire teaching staff (names all teachers).

We grow, develop, try and rejoice, learn and have fun. At this school we have become one big and friendly family, for which we tirelessly thank our teachers who try and work for us. And we, in turn, love and appreciate them.

Schoolboy 1:
At our school, every student tries to contribute, which is why our school is so special, friendly and bright.

Schoolboy 2:
Everything is in your hands, because only you can change your school, fill it with goodness and joy.

Traveler 1:
Yes, if you think about it, our school is not very bad, and the teachers are also trying, but we don’t understand them and constantly make them nervous.

Traveler 2:
It is no coincidence that we came to your school, you taught us a lot!

Traveler 1:
Now, just set the correct year, and you can fly!

You wanted to watch the rehearsal.

Traveler 2:
Another time somewhere in the future somehow another time sometime later. After your words, we wanted to do something nice and special for our teachers. If we hurry, we will have time to prepare our concert, the main thing is to come back a week before the holiday!

Well, then, we wish you good luck!

Wait! Here's our last year's script, it might come in handy! There are competitions and skits here.

Traveler 1:
Thank you very much! Next year we will come again, so to speak, to share our experience!

(Everyone says goodbye, the curtains go down. After this, the presenters appear on stage and the festive concert begins)



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