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Mitred Archpriest Andrey Tkachev. Who is Andrey Tkachev: a short biography

A believer simply needs to regularly listen to the sermons of people of faith, because without this it is difficult to lead a Christian lifestyle. But you should carefully filter the information that sounds from the screens and trust only people who have already earned a good name among Christians. One of these people is Archpriest Andrei Tkachev, the biography of the priest is set out below.

The biography of Andrei Tkachev and his actions correspond to the words that meet the basic principles of Scripture. Who is he. Wikipedia says that the archpriest comes from Ukraine, from the beautiful city of Lviv, full of temples and churches. Born December 30, 1969.

Although these were the times of Soviet power and bans on church rites, he was baptized according to Orthodox rite. Parents were not particularly religious and always dreamed of a military career for their son. The family attended church only on major holidays, since there were many beautiful churches in Lviv. According to the priest himself, he was always attracted by temples with beautiful interior decoration.

Besides personal page on the Web, assistants also maintain pages on social networks:

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Before September 1, Archpriest Vladimir Vigilyansky, confessor of the gymnasium of St. Basil the Great, introduced to the teachers a new minister, a teacher of the law and a colleague, Archpriest Andrei Tkachev. “When I took the blessing of His Holiness for the service of Father Andrei in the gymnasium, Patriarch Kirill said: “An excellent acquisition!”

These words mean a lot, - said father Vladimir and added some facts of the biography of father Andrei, - the miter archpriest, who came to us from Kiev, his family - mother and four children - refugees, will live, serve and work in the gymnasium. Father Andrew - famous writer and a well-known preacher on Orthodox radio and television, his books are sold in huge numbers ... In the summer, Father Andrei served in the Tatiana Church, and now the parishioners are crying and in pain - people are so attached to him for this a short time».

Back in time Divine Liturgy Father Andrey surprised everyone by asking the praying teachers before Communion to make a brotherly, in this case, a teacher's kiss.

“You must love each other, cover each other’s sins and infirmities, do not say anything behind each other’s backs, do not envy, but only rejoice in each other, so now I will say “Let’s love each other!”, And you kiss each other ". It seems that immediately after the kiss, the inspired teachers began to understand how amazing the priest was in front of them. This was confirmed after his sermon-address:

Dear teachers!

Think about this: the Son of God, the Creator of the Law, the Lord of the World also once learned to read. Joseph taught to read Jesus Christ, taught Him to hold tools in his hands - a chisel, a planer, a chisel, carpentry tools have not changed since then. Joseph taught the Lord to work so as not to eat bread in vain. And today's humanity wants to eat bread for nothing, and eat it with butter, caviar, drinking drinks, while not getting up from the couch - and this is a sin, because you have to work all your life until you give your soul to God.

This concerns you directly: for your students you will be Joseph, you will teach them to hold books and basketballs, swim and run, understand the electrical network and love literature - this is all the work of Joseph. You will teach a person who, perhaps, will grow into some kind of Einstein, Newton, Korolev or Gagarin! After all, you do not know whom you give birth to and whom you teach! Most likely, these are the most amazing people because potentially everyone is terribly talented! If only to reveal this talent!

Saint righteous John Kronstadtsky said that initially a person is like an egg, and he is born twice, like a chicken. First, the hen lays the egg, it hurts, she cackles, she is poor, like a woman weeps when she gives birth in pain sent as punishment for original sin. But after the egg is hatched, it needs to be warmed up! If it does not warm up, they will eat it, soft-boiled or hard-boiled. And if it warms up, a chicken will hatch from it: beautiful, fluffy, cute! Similarly, a person is born twice - as an egg and as a chicken. If we are simply endured, but not warmed, not taught, not educated, we will be Mowgli.

Everything we have, we have from someone. We were taught to read, write, speak, they gave us a profession. If someone had not done this, we would have been unfinished eggs. Here you are - you will have to hatch other people's laid eggs! Moms and dads throw eggs at school, in the army, in the church and ask: father, pray, comrade captain, educate, Mary Ivanna, teach! It is from under you, precious little cows, that the new Lomonosovs and Kulibins will hatch. And your task for today is to warm them up!

Unfortunately, most people in the world have not revealed themselves. Hidden talents, frozen souls who have lived all their lives, but never found out why they lived. Born to be an artist, but was a carpenter; born to be a lawyer, but was a pilot; born to be a priest, but was a chimney sweep; born to be a chimney sweep, but was a priest. This happens: the world lost a good chimney sweep, got a bad priest. The task is to find yourself, it’s too late for us to look for ourselves in the part of the profession, but it’s never too late to look for ourselves inside!

You, dear teachers, are entering the Divine service. As Metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov) said, before the Lord was called the Lord, he was called the Teacher. Teacher is the name of God. Other names of God - Doctor, Defender, Judge. It is a sin for that teacher who looks at children like cattle in a herd, teaches them not because the Lord commanded to love and edify, but because "it happened so." “I wanted to be a fashion designer, but I became a teacher - well, okay, I’ll live like that” - it’s impossible!

Remember your school years. What is the most interesting? First, friends, one or two - no more, and a teacher. Also one or two. It doesn't matter what subject. Let's say I love physics, but my physicist is boring, I don't like history, but I had a historian "VO!" - and I remember this historian all my life!

The most important thing in school life is an interesting teacher. Whatever he teaches: astronomy, physical education, labor - he burns, loves his subject and students. He rips out his soul, he is like a pelican feeding the pelicans with his heart and his blood. The priest, the doctor and the teacher are pelicans, they give their heart to a person, tearing it out with meat. It happens that students leave your heart torn out with blood, they do not need it - this is a terrible pain. But you have to be patient, no big deal. Your heart is big enough for everyone. Look at students as future great people, try to instill in them a love for your subject.

Of course, all of you simple people and to be a good teacher, one must be God. You have your own families, and in these families there are all sorts of worries, there are sores, friends, acquaintances and parents, debts and money - all sorts of mouse fuss. But, nevertheless, dear Christians, when you cross the threshold of the school, please forget all this. Be gods! Just think - you spiritually nourish future diplomats, teachers, engineers, military leaders and those in power. We need to warm up and educate our future well. Then, perhaps, our children will forgive our sins, and the Lord will tell us: “Well, come in, your children asked for you!”

Now worship services are held in a temporary church, arranged in the building of the gymnasium itself. If the Lord wills, already in February His Holiness Patriarch Cyril will consecrate the gymnasium church, which is currently being completed.

Archpriest Andrei Tkachev: biography, books, sermons, where to see

Learn about Father Andrei Tkachev, a famous missionary, about the tradition of mentoring and eldership, about modern elders and where you can meet them.

Famous missionary, Archpriest Andrey Tkachev

Biography of Archpriest Andrei Tkachev

It is known that the future preacher was born in the city of Lvov on December 30, 1969. As a teenager, he was sent to the cadets of the Suvorov Moscow School, after graduating from which he entered the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense. Despite the most interesting specialty, success in learning the Persian language and further prospects of being a diplomat, he felt a spiritual thirst. Having submitted a request for expulsion from the institute, in 1992 Andrei entered the Kiev Theological Seminary. Here he began to communicate with the future archimandrites Longin (Chernukha) and Cyril (Govorun), also now well-known preachers.

On May 6, 1993, on the feast day of St. George the Victorious, Father Andrei was ordained a deacon, and in November, a priest. Apparently, the Great Martyr George took him under his protection, since then for 12 years Father Andrei was a regular priest of the St. George Church in Lvov. At the same time, he conducted television programs in Kiev, working hard for the peaceful life of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Church.

In 2005, Fr. Andrei moved to Kiev with his family (wife and children, today there are four of them), becoming the rector of the church of the Reverend Doctor Agapit of the Caves, and in 2006 - the rector of the church of the doctor and St. Luke of Crimea.

In 2013, the priest became the head of the missionary department of the Kiev diocese, but in 2014 he was drawn into discussions about the "Maidan", the priest sharply spoke out against the revolution as demonic possession, and in the middle of that year, Fr. Andrei was forced to move with his family to Russia.

Where can I meet Archpriest Andrei Tkachev

As an ordinary priest, Father Andrei officiates at the Church of the Resurrection of the Word in Moscow on Uspensky Vrazhek, also being a clergyman and sometimes officiating at the home church of St. Tatiana at Moscow State University.

Every day at 21:00 Moscow time in social network"Elitsy" Father Andrei reads a prayer by agreement. People from all over the world join him. Prayer by agreement is a conciliar appeal, that is, an assembly of people, to the Lord. Although the worshipers can be separated by thousands of kilometers, this prayer is very strong, because Christ Himself said that if at least two people gather in His Name, He will be next to them. A live broadcast is turned on, and people repeat the words of the prayer after the priest: every day this is a request to the Lord for the important needs of the whole country, for example, for the strengthening of Orthodoxy, for the Patriarch and the President, for help to monks and the happiness of families, for health and help for children, for the sick.

Sermons and questions to Andrei Tkachev

Father Andrei Tkachev is the author of many books and articles, a member of the editorial board of Otrok.ua magazine, and also the host of television programs “The Garden of Divine Songs”, “For the Dream to Come”.
His sermons, videos on the Internet, articles are attracted by the fact that the priest does not delve into dogmatic and theological topics, answering pressing questions Orthodox people, For example:

  • About work - how a Christian should work, whether to strive to earn money, whether to serve people and the Church free of charge, how to find work both for prosperity and for God.

  • About church superstitions, damage, witchcraft influences.

  • O family life in Orthodoxy: the roles of men and women in the family.

You can ask Father Andrey a question both at confession in his parish, and during his radio and television broadcasts, live broadcasts on the Internet (on the Yelitsa network).

Spiritual mentors and modern elders of Optina

Eldership is a great phenomenon in Orthodoxy. Since ancient times, the saints received people who came to them for advice. People learned about the holiness of the ascetic by his gift of miracle-working and clairvoyance. It was after long ascetic deeds that ordinary monks and priests became elders. They cast out demons from possessed people, healed, prophesied and comforted people in any trouble.

Initially, eldership was present in all monasteries, and it flourishes today on Mount Athos. However, in the time after Peter the Great, the decline of spiritual life in Russia began. By decree of the emperor, the church became just a department, many monasteries were closed, the elders were forced to wander. After the reforms of Peter the Great in Russia, it was customary to confess only briefly, and with distrust of the priest - Peter the Great ordered the clergy to inform on criminals under pain of punishment. The experience of eldership as the spiritual mentoring of the laity was lost.

The revival of eldership in Russia began from Optina Hermitage and fell on the Golden Age of Russian literature. Some elders influenced the life and work of Russian writers: Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Konstantin Leontiev ( last lived in the monastery for a long time). So, Dostoevsky found solace with the elder Ambrose of Optinsky after a family tragedy - the death of his little son. many episodes greatest novel writer "The Brothers Karamazov" were the result of reflections on this trip, and in literary image the holy elder Zosima was recognized by all contemporaries as Saint Ambrose himself. In the novel "The Brothers Karamazov" you can read about the daily reception of people by St. Ambrose, his help to them and read a description of his appearance and behavior: Dostoevsky left a truly invaluable gift to all admirers of Optina.

In Russia, the most famous are the elders of two monasteries: the Holy Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage and the Holy Dormition Pskov-Caves Monastery.

In the Orthodox Church glorified as saints 14 venerable elders Optina Desert. This monastic monastery was founded in the 14th century, but its true spiritual flowering came in the 19th century. The Svyato-Vvedenskaya Optina Pustyn is located near the town of Kozelsk. Her most famous elder is Saint Ambrose Optinsky. Prayer to him for getting rid of smoking and in difficulties in choosing life path read online in Russian at any difficult moment of life:

As to a healing source, we come to you, O Ambrose, our father, you guide us faithfully on the path of salvation, with your prayers you protect us from grief and adversity, you console us in physical and spiritual sorrows, especially teach us humility, patience and love; pray to Christ, Who loves all, and to the Theotokos, the Intercessor before the Lord for us, that our souls may be saved.

To this day, an old man, Schema-Archimandrite Elijah (Nozdrin), lives in Optina Hermitage. He is often ill, being very old, but accepts people nonetheless.

Elders of the Pskov-Caves Monastery

The Pskov-Pechersky Assumption Monastery is located in the village of Pechory. It has a long history, glorified by both architectural masterpieces and saints. Not glorified as saints, but the following Pskov-Caves elders are revered and known:

  • Shiigumen Savva (Ostapenko), who worked for many years in secular institutions, and in 1945, after the war, retired from work, from a good position as an engineer, into monasticism. He is known as a spiritual writer who left a large written legacy, such as "Tear of Repentance", "Ways of Salvation" and others.

  • Archimandrite John (Krestyankin), also born at the beginning of the century, went a long way, working and serving in the church, five years in camps and prisons. He became a mentor to many people and passed away in 2006. His most famous works are “The Experience of Building a Confession”, “To the Children of God”, many letters and prayers composed by the elder himself.

  • In the 2000s, the book “Unholy Saints” by Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) appeared - he is now Bishop of Yegoryevsky, vicar of the Patriarch, manager of the Western Vicariate of Moscow. They describe cases and miracles from the life of the elders of the Pskov-Caves Monastery. Thus, spiritual instructions are described, real miraculous events from the life of the abbot of the monastery, Archimandrite Tikhon and Schema-Archimandrite Nikon of the Caves.

  • Recently, the 94-year-old elder Adrian (Kirsanov) died in the monastery, who gave gracious advice to all who visited him. The elder attached great importance to the upbringing of children, blessed to treat this with special attention. Other simple advice of the elder is the blessing to watch less TV, go to church more often and pray more - then the person becomes more attentive to himself and closer to God.

The most important gift that unites all the elders of the Pskov Caves, all Orthodox saints and all true servants of the Church of Christ is love for people. The Lord Himself said that the main commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself and to love God. In these commandments - "the whole law and prophecy."

Through the prayers of the entire Orthodox Church, may the Lord bless you!

For a long time religious activity remained under the ban of the authorities, but today no one oppresses Christians in Russia. Thanks to the authoritative preachers of the Church, most Christians advance religiously, expanding their own horizons of spiritual life. The activities of the clergyman Andrey Tkachev are especially distinguished.

Missionary activity of the archpriest

clergyman Orthodox Church Russia is a cleric (reader) of the church of St. Basil the Great. A. Tkachev bears the title of mitred archpriest, preacher and missionary, and is also a TV presenter. This person does not stop there, is not afraid to confirm what was said earlier, writes books and actively preaches.

Read about church leaders canonized as saints:

The biography of Archpriest Andrei Tkachev indicates that the clergyman was born on December 30, 1969. Ukrainian Lvov became his hometown. The child was baptized in early childhood and taught in a Russian school. When he was 15 years old, he entered a military school, and then continued his studies at the Military Institute. I did not finish the course, because I did not have a particular desire to gain specific knowledge. While serving in the army, he gets acquainted with the holy book of Hinduism - the Bhagavad Gita.

On a note! According to Archpriest A. Tkachev, an appeal to Christian faith came from the realization of nonsense and longing, which he felt in his adolescence. The formation of a priest was influenced by a certain friend from Lvov, who was fond of reading the Gospel.

  • Returning to his hometown, the young man tries the professions of a loader, sexton and security guard in Orthodox monastery. After some time, Andrei Tkachev enters the seminary, having listened to the advice of senior priests.
  • During his studies, he met the future archimandrites Longin and Kirill. For not attending lectures, he loses his place in the seminary. The archpriest admits that he could not master the full-fledged education because of his active lifestyle.
  • According to the biography, Andrei Tkachev received the rank of deacon in the spring of 1993 in the city of Lvov. And in the autumn of this year he becomes a priest. A. Tkachev was in the clergy of the Church of St. George for 12 years. During this time, he read religious treatises on Christian foundations and taught the Law of God, which in schools is called ethics.
  • In 2005, the archpriest, who signs an agreement to participate in religious programs, sold his apartment and moved to Kiev. While he did not have an official document on the transfer, he served in several monasteries.
  • In the period from 2006 to 2014, he served as rector of the church of Agapit of Pechersk. In 2013, he took up the post of manager of the missionary department. A year later, Andrei Tkachev moved to Russia and was appointed to the Moscow clergy.
  • Today the priest is the rector of the church built in honor of Basil the Great. Andrey Tkachev reads sermons, writes books, articles and participates in a number of television programs for Orthodox TV.
On a note! The archpriest leads the dynamic activity of the missionary, supporting it with his own literary works. The priest's sermons are popular beyond Lviv. Andrei Tkachev notes that missionary work chose him, and not vice versa.

Role of journalist and writer

In his books, the clergyman tries to convey to his contemporaries the idea of ​​serving the Almighty. Calling himself a journalist, Andrei Tkachev writes articles on acute social topics for the Russian people and does not forget to introduce divine guidance into his own thoughts.

The priest is trying to reveal the topicality and hopes that the works of his pen will be relevant in 100 years. The most popular essays include:

  • "Return to Paradise" - collections of the author's reflections on topics close to every Christian.
  • "Letter to God" is a collection of vivid episodes from the life of saints and ordinary people.
  • "The Air of the Heavenly City" - the stories of the archpriest about the saints of the Almighty.
  • “The Fugitive from the World” - in this book, the archpriest examines the personality of the philosopher G.S. Skovoroda and notes that the study of his works is a complex matter that requires a prayerful approach.

WITH complete list published books of the clergyman can be found on his official website. http://www.andreytkachev.com/knigi/

The author's small works absorb his worldview, eloquently and succinctly reveal to the reader the incidents that happened to Christian ascetics. The author, through his sermons, calls on the common people to turn to the commandments of the Son of God and keep them.

Read about the commandments of God:

Most of the stories are built in the form of a dialogue between the author and the priest, where the reader finds answers to intriguing questions. Andrey Tkachev touches on the subject of childbirth, emotional complexes, relations between a man and a woman. The priest does not bypass more important substances: God, life and death, old age.

The archpriest is well versed in human psychology and determines the causes of the appearance of the passions of life. In his works, lay people find answers to questions that have long been of interest to them.

In addition to writing books, priest Andrei Tkachev is involved in the development of websites on the topic of Orthodoxy, and also writes articles for religious magazines.

Preacher's thoughts

The sermons of Andrey Tkachev occupy a sufficient place in his missionary activity. The priest directs his words to all segments of the population. Old people and young people, believers of various faiths and atheists listen to him with equal attention. In the speeches of the archpriest there is no excessive pomposity and desire for persuasion. The priest speaks in simple and clear language.

Many sermons can be heard during meetings with the archpriest, or can be found on his official website on the Internet.

Advice! There is also Elitsy.ru - a project where you can listen to instructions and ask questions to the missionary.

Andrey Tkachev's sermons have modern look and are often seasoned with authoritative quotations from ancient sages. This allows you to destroy the illusory nature of the material environment and reveals the regularity and predestination of all events. The archpriest claims that a person becomes stronger within society, but spiritually improves - in the distance. Loneliness is necessary, because life among people gives rise to a certain underdevelopment. In order to preserve and increase health, avoiding bad influence, a person needs solitude.

On a note! Speaking of love, the clergyman calls for a short time away from society in order to restore his emotional strength, because today's realities have completely changed social guidelines.

The missionary also conducts a lot of explanatory work among young people in social networks.

Andrei Tkachev is famous, a biography and photos of his family can be found on the Internet. He gained his popularity because of his warm attitude to temples and churches, as well as to the people around him. Now he is a preacher of Orthodoxy, publishes books and writes them.


Andrey was born in 1969 at the end of December in Soviet Ukraine in Lvov. He was baptized at birth. His passion for religion manifested itself in adolescence. The young man was always looking for beauty, something to admire and enjoy, his hometown was his main inspiration.

Most of all he was attracted by churches and temples, he liked the way they look, the atmosphere around these buildings. The young man was fascinated by their beauty. Often in adulthood, Tkachev returned to his native places in order to again feel what he felt many years ago.

His parents saw their son as a military man, which is why the student went to study in the Russian capital Moscow at the Suvorov School. The student graduated from this school, having this education, he entered the Institute of the Ministry of Defense Soviet Union where he studied Persian.

Studying at a military institute allowed Andrei to understand that a military career was alien to him. Therefore, it was firmly decided that the career would develop as he wanted, and not his parents. The reason for this decision was his communication with one of the students, who told him about the church.

An acquaintance constantly read books about religion, could quote lines from the bible, one of his favorite activities was visiting various sacred places to look at architecture and listen to singing.

This man influenced further biography Andrey Tkachev. As a result, the student decided to withdraw documents from educational institution, and the reason for leaving was his unwillingness to continue his studies. Based on the specified reason for leaving, he had no chance to recover at the institute. Due to the fact that Andrei did not study anywhere else, he was drafted into the army. During the service, the soldier read a lot.

At one point, standing on guard, Tkachev began to communicate with one of the soldiers about religion. They became good friends with this man, as they had common topic faith that is interesting to both. A new acquaintance brought books to the future priest, which he actively studied.

In the biography of Andrei Tkachev there is no photo of the service, the soldier returned to the family immediately after the army. For a long time he had to work in the lowest positions - he was a loader in a grocery store, he worked in the temple as a security guard. He liked church life, and after some time decided to enter the seminary.

During the period of study, Tkachev made acquaintances with people who had exactly the same interests as Tkachev. During his studies, he worked as a minister in the temple, while he could get acquainted with new unknown moments about religion. Tkachev was never able to graduate from the academy, as he regularly skipped classes. Everything free time Andrew gave to the parishioners and his own family.

Andrei admitted that the 90s were not very noticeable for him and his wife, they refused to watch TV and other media.

At that time, Andrei's entire attention was directed to the church, while Tkachev could be distracted from everyday life and hard life. The priest believes that such an image is most suitable for any of the people, especially those who find themselves in a difficult situation. In his opinion, in such a rhythm a person is less susceptible to negative emotions and can pay more attention to their own development, while maintaining the harmony of the soul.

At the end of 1993 A. Tkachev became a priest. For the next two decades, the priest was in the clergy at the temple in his hometown in Ukraine. Andrei was actively involved in public affairs, read the law of God in schools.

In the zero years, the priest was waiting for significant changes. Andrei began acting in TV programs, the task of which was to attract believers. To translate the idea into reality, Andrey went to Kiev. Tkachev was a preacher invited by friends, but was not assigned to churches.

With the advent of time, Andrei became the rector in the temple, replacing another person. Andrey worked like this for 8 years until 2014. While working, he had his own works, the first book was published 10 years ago.

Since 2013, he began to lead one department of the Kiev hierarchy and he could be seen on the channel about Kievan Rus, where he served as a TV presenter.


The priest got married in the early 1990s. During this period, the biography of Andrei Tkachev is connected with the family, whose photos he does not try to put on public display. Tkachev does not hide the presence of a family, he also has four children. However, Andrei Tkachev does not distribute a photo of the family, does not talk about their names and tries to avoid such conversations.

Most likely, this is done in order to protect the family from possible rumors and discussions.

Andrei tries in his works, during television programs, to be honest and open towards his fans.

In 2014, his words about what was happening on the Maidan became the reason why he was persecuted. Tkachev, together with his relatives, moved to another country. He is still not in various social networks.

Last news

By breaking news Andrey Tkachev in 2018 continues to promote morality, while using modern television and other media resources. Andrei gives advice and informs about the spiritual life.

In January, he was invited to a program about religion on the Spas channel. He is one of the participants in the project dedicated to atheism and the righteous.

Some of his statements did not receive the approval of society, which seemed rude or wrong.

Criticism and views

Views about Russian writers Andrey Tkachev did not express the most flattering ones - in 2015, on the radio, he criticized the works of S. Yesenin, calling him primitive, and calling Mayakovsky just as strange. He spoke disapprovingly of the organization of the church in England.

He received disapproval for his words, saying that men need to show their strength in front of women, apply physical force, while insulting women who lost their virginity before marriage. His statements were often criticized. Tkachev believes that various childhood illnesses are directly related to the behavior of their parents, who exalt their children. According to him, children are often considered idols, but this should not be so.

Have you heard of Andrew before?



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