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Mobile phone, telephone, Loff's dream book. Why do you dream about a call from a dream book?

Nowadays, almost no person can live without a phone. Communication has firmly taken its place in people's lives. It is convenient, mobile and functional. With the advent of mobile communications, it has become easy not to miss an important call and always remain available. But why do you dream about a call? How to interpret this dream? You will find answers to these and other questions in our most complete collection of dream books.

Autumn dream book

  • A call in a dream predicts success in business.
  • The dream “phone call” predicts changes for the worse.
  • The doorbell rings in a dream - expect guests. (cm. )
  • A phone call in a dream means success and fame.
  • Hearing a bell in a dream means illness.
  • The dream “a call from a deceased person” does not bode well.
  • The dream “a friend calls” speaks of your kindness to people.
  • A call from an ex in a dream means money.
  • The “missed call” dream brings tears to your eyes.
  • A call from a dead person in a dream means death.
  • The dream “a call from a guy” is a dream about a wedding.

Modern dream book

Summer dream book

Psychological dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a call from a deceased person means a serious illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: a call from an ex-boyfriend means big losses.
  • Dream Interpretation: last call- to fun.
  • Dream Interpretation: not answering the call means blows of fate.
  • Dream Interpretation: a phone call and the man’s name - expect changes for the better.
  • Dream Interpretation: missed phone call - you are on the way to victory.
  • Sonny: to a missed call from an ex - to numerous chores around the house.
  • A bell rings in a dream, a dream book - you are expecting a child.
  • Dream Interpretation: a phone call from a loved one - for a wedding.
  • Dream Interpretation: a call from the other world - luck has turned away from you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a phone call from a guy is light flirting.
  • Dream Interpretation: a missed phone call means good news.
  • Dream Interpretation: a phone call from an ex means a scandal.

Dream Interpretation by D. Loff

Dream Interpretation of G. Ivanov

  • If you dreamed of a missed phone call, expect trouble.
  • If you dreamed about missed calls from your ex-boyfriend, he will come back to you.
  • Why do you dream of a call - for love.
  • Why do you dream about a phone call? It means betrayal.
  • Why do you dream about a call from your ex - to a new love.
  • Why dream about a call from a guy - you will find new friends.
  • Why do you dream of calling on the phone - to a new car?
  • Why do you dream of a doorbell ringing - fortunately.
  • Why do you dream about a call from an ex-boyfriend - expect bad news.
  • If you dream of a missed call, your boyfriend will leave you.
  • Why dream of a call from a loved one - to joy.
  • Why do you dream of a phone call from a guy - to new hobbies.
  • Why do you dream about calling a cell phone - to a promotion in the service.

Family dream book

Spring dream book

  • Why do you dream about a call from your ex-husband - problems at work.
  • Why do you dream about the last bell at school? It means adventure.
  • What does it mean to dream about a call from a guy you know - to betrayal.
  • Why do you dream of a phone call from a loved one - to deception.
  • If you dream of a friend calling, expect sad news.
  • Seeing a bell in a dream means fun.


The interpretation of a dream about a call can be interpreted in different ways - the details play decisive role. For example, a call from your ex-husband means trouble at work. A call from a loved one promises good profit. If a friend calls, you will defeat your enemies. Just remember good dreams that will definitely come true!

A telephone call is a dream that means that real life someone wants to tell you important information or trying to get your attention.

Dream interpretation of a phone call to an ex, from an ex-boyfriend, to a mobile phone, a guy you like

Dream in which you make a phone call ex-boyfriend or he calls you (conversation with an ex, girlfriend, friend), indicates that in real life you would not want to completely break off your relationship. It is quite possible that you will forget the grievances and start dating again.

If you had a dream that someone was calling you on mobile phone– in reality, you are about to receive an important message. Why do you dream of a phone call and a conversation with your loved one, with the guy you like, with your mother, with a man? In this case, it is said that it is worth paying attention to a loved one, and not answering a phone call means a break in relationships or misunderstanding.

A dream in which a guy you like called you means that you have a connection with him on a telepathic level in real life.

Dream Interpretation: a phone call from a beloved man, from a deceased person, from a rival, from a deceased person, from an ex-girlfriend, ex-husband, from a friend, from the other world

If you had a dream in which your beloved man calls you, it means that he has something to tell you in reality. In some dream books, this same dream means a desire to break off a relationship.

To dream of a call “from the other world” from a person who has passed away means that you have not let him go. This is bad for both you and the deceased. IN in this dream It is very important to remember what the caller wanted to say and carry out his will.

A dreamed call from a rival indicates that she is experiencing pangs of conscience.

Call from ex-girlfriend or ex-husband - a dream signifying their desire to reconcile.

Phone call Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, a phone call is a dream, which means that in real life someone wants to manipulate your thoughts and actions.

For women, a dream in which she is talking on the phone means that in real life, acquaintances are not averse to gossiping behind her back.

Phone call dream book of Juno

In Juno's dream book, a dream about a phone call foreshadows the appearance of strangers who will try to lead you down the wrong path and confuse your plans.

Why do you dream about a phone call and silence on the phone, a call from a bank, from a stranger?

If you dream of a phone call and silence “on the other end of the line,” then this is eloquent evidence that in real life you have become an object of gossip.
Sometimes the same dream symbolizes separation or loss of a loved one.

A call from the bank is a dream that predicts a failed deal or loss of money.

Phone call from unknown man– lack of communication in reality.

Perhaps in real life you will meet a new fan.

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Telephone, talking on the phone is an important detail of our dreams. First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that when talking on the phone we do not see the interlocutor, so it is often much easier for us to convey some information to him. Moreover, during a telephone call, our interlocutor does not see our face, so a dream in which we happen to speak on the telephone must be interpreted taking into account these features.

IN modern world In dreams, a person more often has to talk on a cell phone. On the one hand, this is just a sign of the times and nothing more, but on the other hand, it indicates freedom of communication and movement during the events that the dream is interpreting.

In this regard, if you dream of a telephone call to a home or work landline, the plot may indicate two features. First of all, it means that the sleeper will be limited in freedom of choice or something else, and secondly, that the events are associated with a certain place. For example, a telephone call to a home telephone should be interpreted in a dream regarding family affairs, and if in a dream you happened to call a telephone installed in an office or at work, the events of the dream will be related to this area of ​​the dreamer’s life.

It is important to take into account this point: someone called you in a dream or you yourself are calling someone. This will indicate the person from whom the initiative comes in terms of predicted events.

And, of course, the most important thing is who is on the other end of the line and what the conversation is about.

If a mobile communication device appears in a dream, then the actions that happen to it are also important. In dreams, we can find a mobile phone, lose it, have it stolen, we may dream of a phone being stolen from us, and also see a broken phone, a broken screen, etc. All these dream plots should be considered separately.

Finding a phone in a dream may indicate a lack of communication and friends.

If you dreamed that your phone was stolen - perhaps you are very afraid of losing a connection with someone, a relationship, but in this case not a very close one.

Losing a phone in a dream has a similar interpretation, with the difference that when a phone is stolen, the action of third parties is implied, and in the latter case, you yourself are or will be the culprit of what happened.

A call from a loved one is dreamed of as a reflection of concern about him; in a general sense, it does not carry important information.

But if, for example, you had to talk on the phone with your loved one in a dream in front of unwanted witnesses, you should pay attention to this face. Perhaps he has some role to play in your relationship.

If you dream of a phone that was stolen in real life, you may need to contact someone whose contact was lost along with it.

A very interesting dream is one in which there is an overheard telephone conversation. This is important information for the dreamer and should not be neglected.

Silence on the phone in a dream provides rich food for thought. Was this call unexpected or were you expecting it? Can you guess or guess from other signs who it could be? Has this dream been repeated? In most cases, the plot talks about something unsaid, about some information that they want to convey to you, but for some reason they cannot.

Dreams often feature a phone call from a deceased person. Such dreams frighten us, however, they do not always carry negativity. If you dreamed that your deceased father or deceased mother was calling, you should treat their words as a hint that was given to you from above. A loved one in this dream is only a guide whom you trust.

If the deceased father (mother) called and gave a certain date, it should not be taken literally. Digital values ​​in dreams are usually encrypted and are usually very difficult to unravel. They can indicate a period of time, lottery ticket numbers, airplane flights, car numbers and much more. However, these numbers certainly make sense.

I dreamed of a phone call from the deceased, but he was silent - such a dream should be considered a warning. We can talk about both an incorrect lifestyle and an impending danger and the need to be on guard.

If you broke your phone in a dream, analyze how it happened. The phone fell accidentally or did you dream that you broke the phone in a fit of anger or resentment? Second important point is the result - the device has completely failed or you broke the screen of the phone, but it remained in working order? Analyze these details, then you will understand both the cause of future conflicts and what their result will be. Obviously, a broken phone screen will represent a cracked, but preserved relationship for the time being, and a broken, non-working phone will indicate a final breakup in a dream. Was the broken phone repairable?

It should be understood that in real life a device with a broken screen is used for only a short time; its owner soon tries to buy new phone, if he has such an opportunity. The meaning of the dream in this case becomes transparent.

If you dreamed of a telephone according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

A new phone in a dream symbolizes a new relationship.

Broken or broken - quarrel and rupture.

Finding someone else's cell phone in a dream is an attempt to interfere in someone else's life, to ruin someone else's relationships.

Finding a telephone in your own home in a dream is a sign that someone close to you has a relationship or connection that is kept secret from the sleeping person.

It’s especially bad if you find two phones in your own apartment - they are cheating on you.

Losing a cell phone - such a dream can speak of both the loss of some personal connections and the material damage that will have to be endured. To correctly interpret the meaning, think about what you were more sorry for in the dream - lost contacts or the loss of the phone, the device itself.

If your mobile phone was stolen in a dream, the meaning of the dream is similar with the difference that someone else will be the culprit of what happens.

Talking on a mobile phone, talking to someone - such a dream says that you are hiding something from this person, or he is hiding something from you.

If you dream that you can’t get through to someone, in reality this person will avoid meeting you.

If a man talked to a person in a dream ex-wife over the phone - deep down he would really like to return to this family, but he is afraid of refusal.

An ex-husband who calls a woman in a dream is also not forgotten by her and the option of renewing the relationship is not excluded.

At the same time, the more the former spouses had a chance to swear on the phone in a dream, the stronger the connection between them in reality.

Talking on the phone with a dead person is a dream warning about something. It's important to remember what he said.

If in your dream a dead person gives the telephone receiver to someone who is still alive, this person is in mortal danger.

A telephone call about death (in which they tell you its date) does not give reason for despondency. Perhaps this is the start date new milestone in your life.

A phone in water dreams of oblivion.

If the sleeping person himself happened to drown the phone, he will try to forget someone. If someone else dropped your phone into the water in your dream, they will try to forget about you. In the latter case, the more you felt sorry for someone else’s device, the more painful someone’s indifference will be.

Why do you dream about a telephone - esoteric dream book

In a dream, a telephone represents connections with people, including loved ones, as well as the desire to have additional communication capabilities.

If your phone was stolen in a dream, this indicates that you are afraid of losing your sense of security and connection with loved ones.

Losing a cell phone, looking for it - this dream says that you yourself will be the culprit of cooling or even breaking some relationships.

In addition, if you dream that you are looking for a cell phone and cannot find it, then this may be a hint that you should talk to someone close to you not just frankly, but also looking into each other’s eyes.

Dreaming of a phone call from an unfamiliar person means an invasion of your privacy.

Breaking a phone or smashing it in a dream means difficulties in communication.

For a woman, talking to a man on the phone, whose voice she can’t remember, dreams of a new secret admirer.

For young man talking on the phone with a girl in a dream means that she likes him.

If a girl calls in her night dreams from a guy she really likes, her hopes for him are in vain.

If you called one of your relatives, you will receive an invitation from them.

If you can’t reach someone on the phone in a dream, they won’t want to listen to you in reality.

Talking on the phone with your ex-spouse - such a dream reveals your desire to continue the relationship. And if you had to talk on the phone with your ex-partner in a raised voice, you will take some steps towards the former in reality.

A call from an ex in a dream has a similar interpretation.

If you dream that you are calling your friend - in reality you have not fulfilled some obligation to him.

Buying a phone in a dream means a long-term contract.

If a man in a dream receives a very small phone as a gift, this is a hint that his partner considers his worries about the size of his manhood to be unfounded.

A call from a dead person dreams of a change in weather.

Why do we dream about phones, Longo’s dream book

Dreaming about a new mobile phone means making new acquaintances.

Seeing a white phone in a dream means envy.

Blue - to mystery.

A red telephone dreams of a new romantic relationship, in which you, however, will not be very close to each other spiritually.

If you really like the new phone in your dream, it is possible that the relationship that has arisen will last a long time.

Finding a mobile phone means getting into other people's relationships in reality.

If you dream of a found phone being broken, broken, then in reality you will take your partner away from your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Give the phone you found to its owner - show nobility in life.

Finding many telephones in a dream means promiscuous connections.

Losing your phone means a quarrel.

If a girl dreamed that she lost her phone, which contained a young man’s number, in reality it would be better for her to leave first so as not to have to worry about being offended.

Calling a guy in a dream is a warning that she is becoming obsessive. It’s even worse if you dream about calling a guy at night, and this conversation on the phone with the guy took place in a raised voice.

For a woman to call a man on work matters is a sign of an office romance.

If you dream of talking on your cell phone with your parents, your secrecy may cause danger.

If in a dream they cannot reach you by phone, urgently call or visit them in reality.

A missed call from a loved one is dreamed of as a hint of your alienation or unfair treatment of him, especially if they called you in a dream and you did not pick up the phone.

I dreamed of a call from relatives - you will hear from them in reality.

You dream of a mobile phone in water as a sign that they want to break off relations with you.

Hearing a phone call from a deceased person in a dream, talking to him on the phone - means sadness and melancholy.

Seeing a broken mobile phone means communication difficulties.

If you gave a phone in a dream, new opportunities for communication will appear and your circle of acquaintances will expand.

If you dreamed that you had a different phone, but you didn’t know where it came from - such a dream speaks of an unexpectedly new look at someone who remained unnoticed next to you for a long time.

Why do you dream about phones - a modern dream book

Buying a new phone in a dream symbolizes the desire to change something in your environment.

If you dreamed that you found a phone, this means a new interesting and very romantic acquaintance, however, the object of your attention will not be free.

If a married woman finds a phone in a dream, she will experience a great temptation in love.

Steal a phone - you will disappoint someone.

If a sleeping person stole a phone from a friend in a dream, his reputation could be very damaged.

If you dreamed that you found a phone that was lost in reality, restore your old connections.

We spoke on the phone with relatives - expect them to visit.

If you dream of a telephone conversation with your parents, you are in danger, you are hiding something from them.

A call from a friend, talking on the phone with a friend - dreams of news about him.

If a girl calls the guy she loves, they will break up very soon, especially if you can’t get through to him in the dream.

A call from a former partner means a quarrel with your current partner.

Calling a person who is two steps away from you on the phone in a dream means a very difficult conversation with him.

Hearing the phone ring but not answering - such a dream suggests that in reality you will not dare to dot the i’s in a relationship. If the phone rings for a very long time and persistently, in real life this understatement will soon become unbearable.

A call to a phone whose subscriber you do not know symbolizes a dangerous acquaintance.

If you dream that your loved one calls and says that you should break up, this means that in reality you are tormenting him with unnecessary suspicions.

Dreaming of a deceased person holding a phone or calling dead person- you should pray for them and think about what they could tell you now if they were alive in reality.

A phone falls in a dream, it breaks - to alienation in a relationship.

The same meaning is conveyed by a dream in which the phone is broken. The more urgently you needed to call someone at that moment, the harder you will experience this period in reality.

Buying a new phone dreams of making new friends.

Buy a phone on Friday night - the dream promises a long and lasting relationship.

The girl was given a phone - she may receive a friendship proposal from a young man.

If the phone received as a gift was expensive and prestigious, we can also talk about marriage.

A dream in which a girl is asked to call by a guy indicates that she is too passive in real life.

If a guy dreams that he did not call his girlfriend, although she asked him to do so, then in reality they will quarrel strongly because of jealousy.

A phone case is a dream about the danger of unprotected sex.

In dreams, a person can dream of anything. Dreams are similar to both a movie and reality, because not only do things happen in them various events– familiar or unusual, but they also evoke a lot of emotions, just like in real life.

This is what makes them unusual, because you never know what you will experience and survive in a dream! And besides, every dream, without exception, has its own meaning, and it’s worth knowing!

Let's say you dreamed of a call. At the door or on the telephone, joyful or anxious, long-awaited or frightening, a call from your beloved guy, ex-man or a mysterious stranger, or maybe even a dead person... What did you feel in your dream - or joy? Remember all the details of the dream, they are very important for deciphering.

Dream books offer many options for such dreams, choose yours:

  • Phone call in the middle of the night.
  • A long-awaited phone call, for example, from a loved one.
  • My beloved guy is calling.
  • In a dream, my ex-boyfriend called.
  • Calling ex-husband in dreams.
  • I dreamed of a call from a deceased person.
  • Hear the doorbell ring.
  • Be afraid of the trill.
  • They ring the doorbell persistently and for a long time.
  • Rejoice at the call.
  • The doorbell rang in a dream, but no one was there.
  • The postman was outside the door.

These dreams can frighten or, on the contrary, cause incomprehensible joy, regardless of the details of the content. Remember that emotional coloring should also be taken into account in the interpretation of dreams, and do not forget the details, they are especially important. So, what does the dream promise?

My phone rang...

So, you had a dream like this and you want to know the meaning. It's simple, the dream book is ready to help! The main thing is to remember who exactly called you, and other details of the dream.

1. I wonder why you dream about a bell that rang at night. This symbolizes surprise - someone new will literally “burst” into your life, bring about changes, bring a new rhythm and new colors into your everyday life.

Perhaps you will be pleasantly surprised, or maybe your life will completely change in better side beyond recognition. Expect the best and don’t be afraid of change - it will lead to happiness!

3. But why do you dream about a call from a loved one, boyfriend or husband? This is a good symbol, your beloved boyfriend or spouse loves you, remembers you before going to bed and thinks only about you. Joy awaits you and a good relationship with your other half, and if you are in a quarrel, it will soon pass, and you will be happy together!

4. News from your ex in your dreams is a serious sign. If your or a man called you, then higher power give advice: take a step into new life, let go of your past, which is holding you back, preventing you from living to the fullest and enjoying life. Remember only the best moments of the past, but do not hold on to what is already gone. Open up to a new life, new acquaintances, and you will be happy!

5. If you dreamed of a conversation with your ex-spouse, it means that you still miss him. You miss his support, and that's not a bad thing. Maybe it’s worth talking, making yourself known - in a friendly, warm and open way? This can be good for your state of mind and for him too.

6. As the dream book says, a phone call from is a hint that you should not forget about your loved ones. Are you devoting too much time to business and work? Remember your family, your loved ones, they need you!

The doorbell rang...

Let's look at what you dream about when someone calls you, what it portends and what it promises. This is a completely different symbol that has a special meaning. The main thing is to remember who was behind the door, what you felt, and other details that took place in your dreams.

1. Hearing a doorbell in a dream means news. The dream book does not bother to clarify whether the news will be good or alarming, but it all depends on your attitude to life. One way or another, you will learn something, receive news from a distant friend, or be surprised by unusual events around you. Expect the best, believe that only joy awaits you, and it will be just like that!

2. If you are scared, then in reality expect a surprise from friends or loved ones. They are preparing something amazing for you! It could be a gift, an unexpected event, or something else. Don’t try to find out what your friends are preparing for you, because then there will be no surprise!

3. If the doorbell rang for a long time and persistently, this is a hint that in reality it would be time for you to start solving your old affairs. Perhaps you have been putting off “until tomorrow” for too long, and now there are so many things to do that it is simply impossible to live in peace.

Get rid of old “junk”: solve things that have been lying around for a long time and are waiting, make the necessary calls, finish projects. You will be surprised how pleasant and easy it will become for you, and how many new things will open up before you!

4. Were you happy when the doorbell rang in your dream? Rest assured, even greater joy awaits you in reality, and there will be a good reason for it!

Yours will come true cherished dream, will entail amazing changes, life will be fabulous and happy. The dream book does not exaggerate, and remember - the scale of your happiness and joy directly depends on how strongly and sincerely you believe in it!

5. If there is no one behind the door, in reality you should be realistic; this advice is given to you by higher powers. Give up ghostly illusions, be here and now, do not endow people with qualities that they certainly don’t have.

This does not mean that you should not trust anyone and not believe in miracles, not at all! Just look at things soberly, it will make you stronger. But the postman, who finds himself on the threshold, foreshadows unexpected news. You will be surprised!

Your actions?

Perhaps you called yourself? Such “active” dreams have special interpretations, which we will consider in detail.

Before making any decision, think carefully about the information you received from the dream book. Believe in the best and know that it will definitely come true! Author: Vasilina Serova

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We suggest you read selected interpretations dreams about the Ring in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about a bell in a dream?

Summer Dream Interpreter

Hearing a bell in a dream is a sign of alarm.

Calling - If you dreamed that you were dialing a number for a very long time and finally got through, this means communicating with the people you need.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Hearing a doorbell ring very clearly in a dream (by the way, everyone dreams of this dream very often) means an anxious state.

Get through by phone - If in a dream you cannot get through to your friend, this means the collapse of friendly relations with the people you need.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Hearing a bell in a dream means unpleasant news.

Calling - calling on the phone in a dream - means humiliation. You will ask for something, but you will not be heard, because the heart of the one you beg is closed to kindness, for more details, if you dream of a Ring, see below.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about the bell, interpretation of the dream:

The alarm ringing is a warning. May protest against an ordered life.

Adaskin's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a bell:

Hearing a doorbell in a dream means unexpected pleasant changes in current affairs. You may soon receive good news from someone who has been sick or in difficulty for a long time. I dreamed that the doorbell meant the illness or death of a loved one.

A dream about a telephone or a phone ringing is a sign of the special importance of the meeting you are about to meet. Calling on the phone is asking someone to fulfill a request, but most likely they will not help you.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about the Ring, what does it mean:

To false rumors, but you will need a quick reaction.

Universal dream book

Why do you dream about a call from a dream book:

Phone ringing - Brief interpretation: communication; connect at a distance; invasion.

Popular expression: by a thread; to break through to someone; sounds plausible; respond to something.

Nothing shortens the distance like a telephone. You can communicate with a person even if you are at a great distance from each other! The dream speaks of your desire to become closer to someone. What do you do with your phone in your sleep? Are you trying to call someone? Many people have dreamed that they are trying to call someone, but cannot dial the number or dial it incorrectly. If you dreamed similar dream, determine what you want to communicate. Who do you want to reach?

If you dreamed that the phone was ringing, do you answer the call? If you don’t answer the call, it means that you don’t want to communicate with people at this time in your life. Dreaming about you talking on the phone is a sign that you would like to communicate with some person or discover another aspect of your personality. Sometimes there's nothing like a phone call to symbolize intrusion, especially if it rings in the middle of a meeting or while you're in the shower. Seeing a phone is also a sign that you have a choice. After all, you can not answer the call and continue doing what you were doing.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

If you dream of a Ring, what is it for:

If you dreamed of a doorbell or a phone call, then news awaits you that will require a very quick reaction from you.

See also: why do you dream of a door, why do you dream of a telephone, why do you dream of a melody.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasiliev

If you dream and what does the Bell symbolize:

If you dreamed of a call, then gossip awaits you and you will have to quickly respond to this.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dream of a Ring, what is it for?

If you dreamed that the doorbell was ringing, then soon news will reach you that will force you to quickly respond to it.

If you dreamed that in a dream you yourself rang someone’s doorbell, then you will ask your old friends for help and they will definitely help you.

If you dreamed that the postman rang the doorbell, then unexpected guests would come to you.

If in a dream you heard the phone ringing, then unexpected problems await you.

If you dreamed that you heard an alarm clock ringing, it means that soon one of your relatives will get sick and you will take care of him.



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