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Prayer for panic and fear. Text of the Prayer to the Honorable Cross of the Lord. What prayers are read to help children?

The most main prayer from fear and anxiety - this is the 90th Psalm from the book of Psalms.

Anxiety is a very debilitating condition. The trouble is that while you spend mental energy on fear and fighting it, there is little energy left for action. And our actions, with a high degree of probability, turn out to be ineffective. And this exacerbates the feeling of helplessness. The knot is tightened. It is especially difficult if the source of anxiety cannot be eliminated. This is, for example, fear of the future. How to solve such a problem?

One of possible options cope with anxiety: instead of fear, experience a state of trust in the protection of something wiser and stronger than yourself. The 90th Psalm from the book “Psalter” is known from the first words “Alive in Help” (Church Glorious). It was used by believers in situations of danger. Wikipedia writes: “The psalm is constructed in the form of an address by a mentor, who, in his speech directed to a student or son, expresses confidence in the complete safety of a person who trusts in God and is in communion with Him. IN last three The verses introduce the words of God Himself, confirming what was said above. Ribbons and belts with the text of Psalm 90 written on them are often used as a talisman.”

There are many amazing stories associated with this prayer. Here is one of them:

“At the age of 16, the nails on my big toes began to grow in, I went under a scalpel once every six months. I was already exhausted and didn’t know what to do. I sat with my mother and talked about it, and my finger was festering again. And I say that I don’t want to go to the surgeon again, that I’m already tired of enduring pain and suffering. And then she, already in despair, says that she probably needs to go to her grandmother to talk about this misfortune. And as soon as she said this, the phone rang. I picked up the phone, and there was silence in response. I hold the phone, but they don’t hang up there either. I say “Hello” and in response there is silence. All you can hear is a crackling and hissing sound in the receiver, as if they were calling from an old phone. And then, at the other end of the line, music began to play, quiet as if from a dungeon and old, as if they were playing on a gramophone. And through this music they say to me “ninety, ninety, ninety.” They said it quickly, like a tongue twister, I didn’t even understand it right away. She asked again, “Repeat, I can’t hear.” Who is this?" But the interlocutor has already disconnected, only short beeps remain. At first I thought it was a joke or they had the wrong number. But my mother, a believer, said that these were higher powers and you need to read Psalm 90, and not hang around with grandmothers and healers. Now I’m writing, and I’m getting goosebumps...”

text of Psalm 90 in Russian

1 He who dwells under the shelter of the Most High rests in the shadow of the Almighty,
2 He says to the Lord: “My refuge and my defense, my God in whom I trust!”
3 He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, from the destructive plague,
4 He will overshadow you with His feathers, and under His wings you will be safe; shield and fence are His truth.
5 You will not fear the terrors of the night, nor the arrows that fly by day,
6 The plague that walks in darkness, the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but will not come close to you:
8 Only you will look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked.
9 For you have said, “The Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge;
10 No evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling;
11 For He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways:
12 They will carry you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone;
13 You will tread on the asp and basilisk; You will trample on the lion and the dragon.
14 “Because he loved Me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he has known My name.
15 He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him,
16 I will satisfy him with long days, and show him My salvation.”

This is a very powerful text. And, of course, it is capable of immersing a person in the healing state that we wrote about above. This means that anxiety will decrease, and the released energy will be directed to solving urgent problems. The main thing is to feel a state of security and peace next to the almighty and all-good force, under whose protection you are entrusting yourself.

Real stories

Every person has an instinct of self-preservation, and fear is a completely natural reaction of the body to negative manifestations environment. However, there are situations when phobias develop into real panic and begin to interfere with an adequate perception of the current situation. At such moments a person can be helped out by the Orthodox Church.- it will not only calm and normalize his state of mind, but will also provide reliable protection from higher powers.

The benefits of prayer in relieving anxiety and fear

It is a rare person who can boast of a life devoid of emotional distress, anxiety, and fear. Fear and anxiety are familiar to anyone who has come into this world. Fear makes you afraid of some phenomena of the surrounding reality; anxiety poisons human soul expectation of something unpleasant, a bad feeling.

According to Orthodox Church, each representative human race was sent by the Lord to this world to rejoice in life, enjoy God’s gifts, His mercy, and lead his existence calmly and moderately. However, all kinds of phobias and anxieties hinder a full life, because they belong to negative types of internal state.

Fear and anxiety cause a person to remain in constant stress, undermine his health and negatively affect his overall life expectancy. If people want to truly enjoy their existence and stay in this world until they are very old, they should, first of all, learn to live without fear, without experiences that torment and weaken the soul.

Faith in God, on the contrary, takes care of the soul of a layman and strengthens it, bringing it closer to the life that the Creator bequeathed for his sons and daughters. That's why orthodox prayer from fear and anxiety is the best remedy to get rid of negative experiences. Sacred and words of wisdom prayer texts instill confidence in a person, give him peace and tranquility, and contribute to a sober assessment of the situation that caused a feeling of horror and anxiety. Under the influence of prayer, one begins to treat difficult situations more calmly. life situations, finds the right solution faster.

Prayer for fear and anxiety: the most powerful Orthodox texts

There are several Christian prayers that help eliminate obsessive feelings of anxiety and fear. Many of them are widely known. Prayer for fear and anxiety can be long or short, and can be used in certain situations that deprive a person of calm and serenity.

The most famous and widespread Orthodox prayer texts that relieve anxiety and feelings of horror are:

  1. From the short category : “Song of the Mother of God”, "Prayer To the Honest Cross, , “Prayer to the Almighty for fear and anxiety”.
  2. Prayers with longer text : “ “ , “ ” , “ ” , “ ” , “Kondak Holy Mother of God from anxiety and fear", “ ” .

Song to the Mother of God

This is a prayer that helps eliminate obsessive thoughts and fear that arise for no apparent reason. The text should be read at least three times:

Prayer to the Honest Cross

A short prayer that can relieve anxiety and fear. It can be used in any situation:

Prayer for fear and anxiety to the Lord God

This prayer is suitable for reading at any moment, filling the soul with restlessness and making the heart pound in horror. The text is as follows:

Lord's Prayer

“Our Father” is one of the strongest christian prayers, on the pronunciation of which there are no restrictions. If you are overcome by anxiety and fear, read Lord's prayer as often as possible. If feelings of horror and anxiety visit you mainly at night, it is recommended to say “Our Father” at least 40 times before going to bed. Text:

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

A prayer directed to your personal heavenly protector - the Guardian Angel - eliminates many phobias and protects you from all kinds of troubles and misfortunes. It should be recited in moments of anxiety and fear, as well as every evening or night, before leaving for the kingdom of dreams. Text:

Psalm 90

“Alive in the help of the Most High” is an Orthodox prayer that has powerful protective properties. In moments of anxiety and foreboding, it can help no worse than the most powerful sedative, put thoughts in order, give peace of mind. Text:

“May God rise again...”

The prayer “May God rise again” in times of fear and danger can act as a powerful protective shield. Text:

Listen also to prayers for fear and anxiety in this video:

Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos from worries and fears

Regular recitation of the Kontakion helps to get rid of fears and anxieties. Holy Virgin Maria. Text:

Morning prayer of the Optina elders

The prayer of the Optina elders at the beginning of the day has proven itself well in the fight against worries and worries. You need to read it every day, in the morning (can be part of the morning prayer rule). Text:

When and how to say a prayer for fear and anxiety

A person's daily life is full of surprises, and not always pleasant ones. It often involves difficult situations, and stress can strike at any moment. It is not surprising that all kinds of fears and anxieties have long become an integral part of human existence. The worst thing is if they develop into panic. At such moments a person ceases to control himself, his mental and physical strength, he becomes defenseless and weak. All this could end quite badly. Therefore, prayer for fear and anxiety should take its rightful place in the life of every believer. She can help out in the most different situations, namely:

  • when a person experiences fear;
  • when the ability to concentrate is lost due to horror;
  • when panic overcomes;
  • when inexplicable and causeless anxiety attacks;
  • when fear becomes paralyzing.

It is better to know prayer texts by heart - this will help you concentrate better in dangerous and critical circumstances, quickly pull yourself together, confront your phobias and worries in time and get rid of them faster. If it is quite difficult to learn voluminous texts, then at least one short prayer for fear and anxiety from those presented above should always be stored in your memory arsenal. You need to pronounce protective words clearly, without haste, with comprehension and understanding, and, preferably, out loud - there will be no benefit from indistinct muttering.

It is useful to include visualization: imagine an image of your fear in your imagination and gradually mentally destroy it in any convenient way (tear it to shreds, dissolve, etc.). It is not forbidden to pray by candlelight - their flame will help you calm down and concentrate.

The most basic thing that is required when saying a prayer for fear and anxiety is: sincere faith in God and heavenly powers. A prayer text pronounced with pure and unshakable faith in the soul will certainly be heard by the Creator and His helpers.

All people periodically experience states of severe anxiety and excitement. One of the proven and reliable remedies for an unpleasant state of mind is prayer for fear and anxiety. With its help you can get rid of phobias and achieve an enlightened state. Prayer has amazing power.

The influence of prayers

Balanced nervous system, a calm psyche prolongs life and makes it happier. Without worrying and getting upset unnecessarily, you can avoid illness. You can find harmony with yourself if you communicate with God through prayer.

Helps against fear and anxiety sacred texts from the Psalter, authored by King David.

  • Our Father;
  • Psalm 90;
  • To the Honest Cross;
  • Optina elders;
  • about forgiveness of sins;
  • from scandals and quarrels;
  • from troubles at work and in business.

Holy words are pronounced with faith, without haste. It is advisable to turn to God and holy helpers in the morning after waking up and always before going to bed. You can pray at home in a sacred corner in front of an icon or in Orthodox church. It is advisable to know the words of short prayers by heart.

In case of phobia or danger, it is important to concentrate on the words of the life-giving text. You can light a candle to help you concentrate better. You should pray with faith that the Lord hears you. There are many confirming stories of getting rid of anxiety and receiving help from heaven.

All people experience anxiety and obsessive thoughts from time to time. Even in ancient times, believers found help in turning to God. In difficult situations, it can sometimes be difficult to find the right words. Then ready-made texts come to the rescue. In case of fears, apprehensions, and anxiety, prayers are addressed to the Heavenly Intercessors:

  • Mother of God;
  • Mary of Egypt;
  • Troparion to the martyr Boniface;
  • Xenia of Petersburg;
  • Archangel Michael;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The Mother of God helps in situations when dark thoughts, fear of inevitability, panic, and forebodings attack.

If a believer lives with a constant fear of death and is in a depressed state, an effective remedy is prayer for fear and anxiety. It is read in the following situations:

  • in case of uncertainty;
  • fear of letting children go or leaving them alone;
  • phobias of leaving relatives without support;
  • unwillingness to be left without life's pleasures.

Children and the elderly are especially susceptible to night terrors. The coming darkness revives the imagination and creates imaginary fears. Kids are afraid of monsters and ghosts. Best Prayers to read with kids:

  • “Alive in the help of Vyshnyago”;
  • "May God rise again."

Holy words drive away evil spirits, get rid of unwanted thoughts, help you calm down and hope for God's help.

When nervous, excited, or anxious, read short, effective sacred words. The following prayers calm your feelings:

  • “Holy One, pray to God for me”;
  • “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy”;
  • “Most Holy Theotokos, save.”

The Savior and divine helpers are eager to help a person, to bestow blessings, and to provide assistance in overcoming difficult life situations.

By demonstrating a testimony of faith, one can obtain reliable relief from phobias and mental anxieties.

Video “Prayers for Fear”

From this video you will learn which prayers for fear and anxiety, for obsessive thoughts, recommended by the holy fathers, should be read.

Feeling fear is natural for every living organism on Earth; this feeling contributes to self-preservation. Fear accompanies a person almost his entire life. This is normal and completely natural. Fears come in many types, and in psychology they are carefully classified. But when fear becomes an unreasonable obsessive feeling that not only worsens the quality of life, but takes away the strength to act and poisons your entire existence, you need to take action.

If the phobia has not reached clinical proportions, but is simply this moment occupies most of your attention, one of the effective means To combat this condition is prayer.

Prayer for fear and anxiety, appeal to To higher powers is a kind of meditation that balances the mental and psychological condition praying, gives him peace and relief. In Orthodoxy there are several prayers for different types anxiety caused by fear.

Fear of society and people

Let's start with fear of people, society. Traditionally, David's psalms are believed to help with this type of anxiety. According to legend, King David, who ruled Israel in pre-Christian times, was fleeing from his own son Absalom, who wanted to take his throne. One day, pursued by enemies, King David prayed to the Lord asking for intercession. Surprisingly, the enemies were defeated without a fight, and the text of David’s prayer has survived to this day. Translated into Slavic, it is called Psalm 3 “Lord, why do my enemies multiply?”

Psalm 3

Lord, why have you multiplied the cold? Many people rise up against me, many people say to my soul: there is no salvation for him in his God. But You, Lord, are my Protector, my glory, and lift up my head. With my voice I cried to the Lord, and He heard me from His holy mountain. I fell asleep and fell asleep, and arose, as if the Lord would intercede for me. I will not be afraid of the people around me who attack me. Arise, Lord, save me, my God, for you have struck down all those who are at enmity with me in vain: you have crushed the teeth of sinners. Salvation is the Lord's, and Your blessing is upon Your people.

Anxious anticipation

There are situations in life when a person is forced to be in a situation of anxious anticipation, worry and fear for himself, family and friends. For example, you are waiting for an important decision regarding work, health, or a call significant person and so on. In such cases, the believer is helped by a prayerful appeal to the Mother of God, whose help is especially effective in situations of anxious anticipation, when there are bad thoughts in the head and an uneasy soul. The prayer addressed to the Mother of God was composed by the Greek monk Theostirictus, who lived in the eighth century and was overcome by unfounded fears. Prayer canon to the Holy Mother of God, consisting of nine songs, can be found in every prayer book. There is also a shorter prayer to the Mother of God - singing “Offering to my Queen.”

Singing “My Queen, Offering”

My Most Blessed Queen, My Hope, Mother of God, Friend of the Orphan and Strange, the Representative of the Grieving, the Joy of the Offended, the Patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow; help me, for I am weak, feed me, for I am strange! Weigh my offense - resolve it, like volishes! For I have no other help but You, no other Representative, no good Comforter, except You, O Mother of God! May you preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Fear of death

The fear of death is completely natural for humans. But there are times when it is especially intrusive, painful and prevents you from living a full life. This often happens after the loss of loved ones or after severe shocks related to one’s own health. In this case, it is good to read the troparion of the Venerable Mary of Egypt, a saint who, being a hermit, suffered from the fear of death for many years.

Troparion of Venerable Mary of Egypt

In you, mother, it is known that you were saved in the image, having accepted the cross, you followed Christ, and in action you taught to despise the flesh, which passes away; In the same way, O Reverend Mary, Thy spirit also rejoices with the Angels.

Troparion to the Martyr Boniface

The troparion to the martyr Boniface also helps to calm the soul with the fear of death. The story of this saint is amazing: having been a hedonist all his life, he accepted death without hesitation in the name of faith in Christ.

Thy martyr, Lord, Boniface, in his suffering received an imperishable crown from You, our God, for having Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save our souls through your prayers.

Prayer for fear of death

Lord, have mercy on me from the fear of inevitable death. I'm not afraid of death, but of torment. I fear not the end, but languor. Deliver me from mortal fear and help me cope with corrosive grief. Let it be so. Amen

Night terrors

The time from dusk to dawn in many cultures is associated with fears and belief in the special power of evil spirits. At this time, the psyche of a person, tired from daytime wakefulness, becomes especially vulnerable. Children are most susceptible to night insurance because of their vivid imagination and immature brain. Effective Prayer from the child’s excitement, the psalms of David “Let God rise again” (psalm 67) and “Alive in the help of the Most High” (psalm 90) become popular. By the way, the last psalm is considered one of the most strong prayers from fear and helps in case of phobias of different etymologies - from sudden panic attacks to obsessive thoughts, fear of closed spaces, spiders, etc.

Psalm 67

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His face. As smoke disappears, let them disappear, as wax melts from the face of fire, so let sinners perish from the face of God, and let the righteous rejoice, let them rejoice before God, let them enjoy themselves in joy.

Psalm 90

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words, His splash will overshadow you, and under His wing you hope: His truth will surround you with weapons. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the day, from the thing that passes in the darkness, from the cloak, and from the demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, otherwise you will look at your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body, as His Angel commanded you to keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot on a stone, step on an asp and a basilisk, and cross a lion and a serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will overcome him, and I will glorify him, I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.

Prayers for fear and anxiety

All believers should know by heart short prayers to Christ, the Mother of God and the saints, which can be read in any situation and in any place. In moments of fear in the soul, they help to calm down and return to a stable state.

A short prayer to Jesus Christ for anxiety

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Most Holy Theotokos, save me.

Saint (name), pray to God for me.

Prayer Our Father

The prayer “Our Father” has tremendous power in all alarming situations.

Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name,

Yes kingdom come Your,

Thy will be done

as in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts,

just as we also leave our debtors;

and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.


Prayer of the Optina Elders

It is impossible not to mention the prayer of the Optina elders, which should be read every morning.

Lord give me s peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day will bring me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will, at every hour, instruct and support me in everything, and reveal Your will to me.

Everyone is familiar with the feeling of fear. For some, it gets out of control and prevents them from adequately perceiving surrounding events. In most cases, a person does not know a way out of the current situation and stops living normally. Then special conspiracies and prayers can help, which will relieve obsessive thoughts, unreasonable fears and anxiety.

A feeling of fear will help calm the conspiracy

What are the fears?

Very often, fears are rooted deep in a person’s childhood, sometimes they appear already at a conscious age. The most common phobias involve the fear of:

  • darkness;
  • of death;
  • wars;
  • illness;
  • dogs.

Regardless of the reason, prayers and spells can help with any phobia and bring peace and tranquility to life. We need to fight not the consequences of fear, but the cause of it.

Rules for reading prayers and conspiracies against fear

Conspiracies and prayers have long been used to get rid of various phobias. It is an effective and proven way to combat intrusive thoughts, anxiety and worry. They also help cure fear in children and relieve fear from a loved one.

When performing the ritual, you must believe in yourself and be in a good mood

In order for prayer texts and conspiracies to help, you must follow several rules:

  1. Before performing the ritual, it is necessary to fast, giving up alcohol, tobacco, and meat.
  2. Attitude and belief in your actions are very important.
  3. If prayers and conspiracies do not help, then we're talking about about damage or the evil eye.
  4. Prayers are read with faith that God will hear them.
  5. When reading, you should not allow extraneous thoughts, be distracted, or rush.
  6. You shouldn’t wait for trouble, you need to turn to God constantly.
  7. If the text is short, it is better to learn it by heart.
  8. When reading texts, you must strictly observe all the conditions of the ritual.
  9. It is better to carry out the conspiracy on the waning moon.

What prayers to read

Prayer to the Guardian Angel is very effective

A prayer from fear to your guardian angel is powerful. It will help you get rid of many phobias and protect you from troubles. You need to read it when you are overcome by fear and every night before going to bed. The text of the prayer is as follows:

“To the Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me all who have sinned this day, and deliver me from every wickedness of the enemy who opposes me, so that I may not anger my God in any sin; but pray for me, a sinful and unworthy servant, that you may show me worthy of the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen".

“Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us;

Lord, cleanse our sins;

Master, forgive our iniquities;

Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name’s sake.”

In a dangerous situation, you must read the prayer to the Holy Cross

If it happens dangerous situation - disaster, armed attack, you need to cross yourself and read the prayer to the Holy Cross. Brief summary:

“Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross, and save me from all evil.”

Unreasonable fear and obsessive thoughts will help remove the “Song of the Virgin Mary”. It is read at least three times:

“Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.”

If dogs attack, pray to the Mother of God and the Holy Cross.

Psalm 90 will help you get rid of obsessive anxiety

An effective prayer that relieves obsessive anxiety is Psalm 90: “Living help.” You need to read it three times. Fear and bad thoughts begin to recede immediately after reading the prayer text. And its constant use will help provide protection for the future.

If a prayer out of fear is said in your own words, but comes from the depths of your soul with great faith, it will also be heard by the Lord, like other Orthodox prayers.

Prayer texts can turn a person’s thoughts in the right direction, fill the soul with light, and disperse obsessive experiences. Therefore, you should not be afraid to turn to God and the saints. When anxiety or worry overcomes you, you need to repeat:

“Lord, everything is Your will.”

Simple conspiracies against fear and fright

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the beast comes into open door, he walks and stammers, slave (name) is not afraid. He goes to bed and is not afraid of enemies. No darkness, no light, no winter, no summer, no spiders, no worms, no fire, no water, no smoke, no earth, no shadow, no sand, no whisper, no voice, no scream, no roar - everything will be strong and sticky. My word is tenacious. Just as the Lord is not afraid of anything, so (name) will not be afraid from now on, on my orders. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You need to do this for three months in a row on your birthday.

The following prayer will help with nightmares:

“I lie down on the cross, dress myself in the cross. IN right hand- a cross, in the left hand - a cross, in the legs - a cross, in the heads - a cress. Cress upon cress, Christ is risen. He's been around forever. Amen".

The pillow is baptized three times. Your sleep will become stronger and more peaceful.

The following conspiracy will help stabilize the state of mind and get rid of obsessive thoughts:

“There is no fear or horror in the dark night, in the deserted desert. Neither fire, nor deep water, nor military affairs, nor a fist fight, nor the face of a dead man are afraid. There will be no fear in the soul of God’s Servant (s) (name). In the name of Christ, my Lord, who was not afraid of death on the cross. Amen".

It needs to be repeated many times until fears subside.

The ritual is carried out only after full sunset

The next plot is read after the sun has set. You need to do this 4 times on each side of the world. After reading, you must bow three times in all directions. You need to say the following words:

“From the farthest shores to my home a ray of light stretches, it gives me light, the light will show me the way. Light is not dark, in the light fear is not visible, there is no fear. Whatever someone else's servant of God (name) frightens, then let it be a stranger's. I am pure, I am calm, I am holy. The shield is installed on all four sides from me, the light comes from me on all four sides. That light will dispel my fears, just as the dawn dispels the darkness of the night. My cowardice, like a quick wind, will go away along all four paths and will never find me again.”

Fear spells for children

If a child has been jinxed, he constantly screams at night and is afraid of the dark, you need to read the following words into the water three times:

Prayer has a powerful effect if a child is afraid of the dark

“Water of Solomonite according to Father Leksandrovna. I scooped you up, I wanted to help the servant of God (name). And you walked from above, from afar, with all the gifts, with all the shouts, you washed the roots, bad and good, Wash away the fears and fears from the servant of God (name). Amen. Take from the servant of God (name) melancholy and grief, and ghosts, and lessons, and fears, and commotion. Daytime, midday. Night, midnight."

Then you need to pour this water over the child after bathing.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Yegoriy, you are brave and fearless at heart!

You are not afraid of demons, fire, or water.

Brave Heavenly Warrior,

You are not afraid of enemies and adversaries.

So would my child (name) be okay

And he was not afraid of anyone.

Among the brave ones

Always the first.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is recommended to place thistle branches under the child's pillow. They will help you cope with fear. Soon, parents will see positive changes in the baby’s behavior.

If a child is afraid of the dark, you can talk to his favorite toy

Many children are afraid to sleep or be in the dark. To get rid of this, you need to read a spell on your favorite thing. This could be a child's soft toy in the form of an animal. In the evening you need to open the door to the apartment and say the words:

“Like a beast asks the servant of God - name (servant of God - name) to stand in the open door to defend him. He is not afraid of anyone, but everyone is afraid of him, fear and nightmare dissolve in the darkness. He is not afraid of water, smoke, winter, summer, darkness, light, shadow, salt, misfortune, or pain. Under his protection everything is smooth, feelings and thoughts are in in perfect order. Just as the Lord himself is not afraid of dashing, so the servant of God - name (servant of God - name) is not afraid of anything. Amen".

They look the stuffed animal in the eyes. Then the door is closed and the toy is stored next to the baby.

Powerful conspiracy

To cope with unreasonable fear and obsessive thoughts, you need to perform a special ritual. To do this, you need to put on an illuminated cross, purchase icons of Matrona, the Mother of God and Jesus Christ, and also collect holy water.

Holy water is required for the ritual.

At 12 at night you need to close yourself in the room and light the candles, placing them so that they form a circle. Icons and holy water should be placed inside it. The magical text should be read until the candles burn out completely. Then they drink holy water or give it to the person who is being relieved of the phobia to drink. Conspiracy text:

“Like the stub of an extinguished candle smoldering,

So weak fear disappears into the night.

I'll drink like God's water,

So I won’t be afraid of the demon.

How the Lord kills evil,

This is how fear is driven out of the soul.

Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Spell for a loved one

If a relative, friend or close person prone to obsessive thoughts or causeless fear, a special ritual can help him.

For the conspiracy you will need a church candle

To do this, you need to light a church candle with a match and write on the piece of paper the name of the person to whom the influence is directed. The piece of paper is folded and the words are said three times over it:

“As this leaf burns, as the fire smokes, so the fear of God’s servant (name) disappears with it, it does not hide either in the house or in the soul, it leaves the earth and heaven. I conjure in the name of the Lord. Amen".

During the second reading, you need to set fire to the piece of paper and continue speaking until it burns. The words are repeated a third time over the ashes. Then the ashes are mixed with water and poured into the ground. If the performer wants to rid himself of bad thoughts, he must write his name on the paper.

Another way will help remove fear and fear from another person. The one to whom the conspiracy is directed must spit into the bag. Then you need to bury this package in the forest under an aspen tree and say:

“Fears are lessons, night, day, midday, midnight, dawn, go away, fly away, go beyond the mosses, beyond the swamps, where the cuckoo does not crow, the hare does not laugh, the bush does not shake. I, the servant of God (name), fear nothing but God alone. You, Satan, marry me, your fear is upon you. Go away, fears, go away, fears; he who walks under God has nothing to fear. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

When a person thinks that something bad will happen, he suffers greatly from it. How more people worries and is afraid of something, the more likely it is that this misfortune will happen.

Every believer must remember that God created him and gave him this world for joy.

Therefore, you should never despair and become despondent; you must believe in Jesus Christ and your strength. Then there will be no place for anxiety and obsessive experiences in a person’s heart.



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