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Is it possible to bake Easter cakes on Good Friday - signs and beliefs. Good Friday before Easter - what you can do and what you can’t: signs. Lent - Good Friday: what you can eat, bake, what conspiracies, rituals and prayers to read

There are no strict rules regarding the preparation of any Easter dishes on Good Friday. And also there are no church regulations.

Beliefs about prohibitions originated from the fact that it was customary to complete all household and culinary tasks on Maundy Thursday, when on this day they washed in the baths, cleaned the garden, the barnyard and put things in order in the house.

And you can do things in the kitchen on Saturday. Remember that the holiday itself is important, not its attributes. Household chores should not distract from going to church and praying.

  • Arguments for"
  • Arguments against"

The essence of Good Friday

On this day the temple commemorates the Suffering of Christ and His death on the cross. And we must not forget about the Passion of Christ and when he sacrificed himself. IN evening time, on Thursday read 12 Passion Gospels, where it is told about His Suffering. Once in the Garden of Gethsemane, until he sweated blood, He read them Himself. And also when he was led by guards and at the crucifixion itself. After reading each prayer, the bell is usually rung.

Also, on this day the Royal Hours are read. And at 3 o’clock the priests take out the shroud and place it in the center of the temple - this is considered a symbol of the fact that Christ was in the tomb for 3 days and for the same time it is left in the middle of the temple. Time is a reminder of when Christ's death occurred.

Arguments for and against making Easter cakes

Arguments for"

On Holy Saturday or Easter Sunday, many people may simply not have time to prepare holiday dishes.

It's too late to do any cooking on Easter. Still, I want to start celebrating it in the morning, gathering with the whole family at the table.

It is more pleasant to eat fresh baked goods; if the Easter cakes have been sitting since Maundy Thursday, they may become stale. Although, even in this case, there are many tricks that will save your baking.

Arguments against"

Everyone has a personal relationship with Christ, so often turn to your state of mind in this matter.

- Lent ends on Saturday, and on Friday the pleasant aromas of freshly baked Easter cakes may tempt you to break it.

On such a day, it is better to pay attention to heavenly things rather than earthly whims.

Thus, we can conclude that it is possible to engage in Easter paraphernalia on this day. The main thing is to understand that this is secondary. The primary thing is sincere empathy for the suffering of our Savior, prayer, visiting church. And you can always buy all the baked goods in stores.

Exact date When you can bake Easter cakes for Easter 2019 does not exist. This is because this can be done from Monday to Saturday of Holy Week, with the exception of Friday. Depending on the date of Easter, the dates of this Holy Week will differ for each year. In 2019, it falls on the period from April 15 to April 20 inclusive.

Active preparation for Easter, not only spiritually, but in everyday life, begins precisely on Holy Week. This happens against the backdrop of increased fasting and prayer, and constant visits to church. There are specific church traditions for every day of this week, but in order to be on time with the preparations, you should also start preparing the Easter table in advance.

To ensure that the cakes retain their freshness, fluffiness and aroma, it is recommended to start baking them at, and not earlier. Moreover, on Maundy Thursday there are much more important rituals and rituals to perform. In the morning you need to get up before sunrise and take a swim, then go to church service, confess and take communion. Carry out general cleaning at home, certain rituals using money. If after all this you still have strength left, then you can start baking. Easter cakes for Easter.

Interesting! The people in Rus' began to bake Easter cakes on Maundy Thursday for another reason that it was a common method of fortune telling. The first Easter cake was used to determine what the family's life would be like during the year. Everything is logical here, if the baking was good, then the year will be good. If the cake did not rise, did not brown, or something else was wrong with it, this is not a very good sign.

Blessing of Easter cakes

IN Holy Saturday You can also bake Easter cakes, but on Good Friday it’s better not to do such work. In the temple, of course, they will say that modern man must calculate time based on own schedule. If it turns out that you can’t find time for Easter cakes on Thursday or next Saturday, then you can make them on Good Friday: with a prayer on your lips. However, it is best to postpone the preparation of Easter cakes to Holy Saturday: get up early in the morning, put out the dough and bake delicious Easter cakes. Then go to the temple to bless the food, which is placed first on Easter day after fasting. festive table and try.

But here it is important to follow one rule: the Easter cakes for consecration must already be completely cooled, the glaze on them must take well and harden. Likewise, the eggs must already be completely ready for transportation.

To make the cakes

On the pages of our culinary and holiday website you can find delicious Easter cakes with or without yeast. But, of course, you can’t try all these recipes for one holiday: you’ll have to choose a few just for yourself. However, there are also general recommendations how to cook Easter cakes so that they turn out just right.

For example, it is important to take premium flour and first sift it through a fine sieve two or three times. Do everything in good mood with the joy of the approaching holiday in my soul. It is also important to take other ingredients for the dough at exactly the same temperature. Raisins, other dried fruits, nuts, lemon or orange zest will add piquancy to the taste of the dough and the cake itself.

It is also important to choose the right form for baking Easter cakes. It is recommended to buy special disposable paper molds in the store: they are themed, fit perfectly and are cheap. Just remember that yeast dough in such molds only one third of the volume is applied. Then let the dough stand, it will rise twice, then put it in the oven, where the baked goods will rise again and will already occupy the entire mold, even creeping out a little.

The article talks about what Good Friday is and what customs and rituals are associated with this important day.

From the article you will learn why the Friday before Easter was called Passion, what rituals exist, signs of this important day before Christ's Sunday day.

Easter in relation to Good Friday

One of the strictest fasts of the year ends at the end of Holy Week (Holy Week), during which believers remember the events that led Jesus Christ to death: the culmination of the Savior’s physical life was spiritual and physical torment.

On Good Friday, laity read about the Last Supper, the taking of Christ into custody, the trial of the Divine Prisoner, the scourging and execution of the death sentence, which ended with the crucifixion. The last six days of Lent are called “Great” or “Passionate”. During Holy Week there are special services, and the Orthodox adhere to a particularly strict fast.

For the laity, Holy Week is spent remembering the last days spent on earth by Jesus.

IN Maundy Monday In churches they read the Gospel parable about the roadside fig tree cursed by the Lord. The symbolism and spiritual meaning of the image of the barren fig tree is revealed in detail:

  • the roadside fig tree personifies one who is perishing in unrepentance, whose soul does not bring faith, prayer and good deeds
  • the moment when the tree withered from the words of the Lord shows the Divine power of the Savior, the censure of people who outwardly pretend to be fulfillers of God’s commandments, but from whom it is impossible to expect good fruits

On Maundy Tuesday Believers devote themselves to reading the parables that the Son of God spoke in the Temple of Jerusalem: about the resurrection, about the trial of the Savior, about the ten virgins.

Good Friday believers spend time in memories of the passions that save Christians

Great Wednesday Believers devote themselves to reading the parable of the precious ointment poured on the head of the Savior by sinners. In this way they prepared him for his rest. On this day, the greed for money and the betrayal of Judas are condemned and cursed. It also talks about the destined fate of the two different people: Judas, who betrayed the Lord and thereby destroyed his soul, and the harlot Mary Magdalene, who repented and accepted salvation.

IN Maundy Thursday several events occurred: Jesus’ establishment of the sacrament of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, the Savior’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Good Friday Believers devote them to memories of the saving passions and death of Jesus on the cross for churchgoers.

Holy Saturday the laity devote themselves to reading about the burial of the Savior and how his body remained in the tomb. The Holy Fire, which is carried out on this day from the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, is a symbol of the Resurrection of the Lord.

Holy Week Believers devote themselves to preparations for Easter: cleaning is carried out, Easter cakes are baked, Easter eggs are painted.

During Holy Week, believers prepare for the holiday of the Holy Resurrection of Christ

With Easter cakes and krashankas, believers go to the Divine Service on Holy Saturday, where the products are blessed.

Holy Week ends with the celebration of Easter - Christ's Resurrection.

Good Friday - the essence of what it is, what it means, what happens on Good Friday

Good Friday is the day the Son of God was crucified. During the Divine Service, the clergy remember that event three times, reading the Gospel:

  • at Matins there is a service of the 12 Gospels, excerpts from which recall the saving suffering and crucifixion of Jesus, which occurred on Friday
  • The Great (Royal) Hours are spent reading the narratives of the four evangelists
  • Great Vespers takes place with the reading of the composite Gospel

On Good Friday we remember the torment of Jesus Christ and his crucifixion


When is the Shroud taken out on Good Friday?

  • There is no liturgy in the church on Good Friday. However, on the day that Good Friday falls on the Annunciation, the service of St. John Chrysostom takes place.
  • On Good Friday, the canon “On the Crucifixion of the Lord” is performed in the church, and the clergy also bring out the Shroud - a symbolic funeral shroud with the body of the Savior depicted on it in full height who lies in a coffin.

There are no bells in the church on Good Friday. On this day the Shroud is taken out
  • The iconographic image of the Savior in the tomb is a mandatory attribute of the divine service of the last two days of Holy Week: Good Friday and Holy Saturday.

Priests in black robes carry out the Shroud
  • The Shroud is placed on a special elevation, symbolizing the Holy Sepulcher, in front of the Royal Doors. At the same time, the Savior’s Head is turned to the north, and his feet are turned to the south. Incense is applied to the Shroud and flowers are laid out. These actions symbolize the anointing of the Body of the executed Savior with incense by the myrrh-bearing women.
  • The service on the day of special repentance begins at two o'clock in the afternoon. The shroud is taken out an hour after the start of the service - at the moment of Jesus’ death on the cross.

What can you do on Good Friday?

On Good Friday, those who served in the service carry home 12 burning candles, which are not allowed to burn out completely. These candles bring prosperity and happiness to the house where they are kept. On this day you can sow a vegetable garden or field. Dill and peas sown in small quantities are the key to a good harvest.

All preparations for the celebration of Easter are made before Maundy Thursday

Can I bake on Good Friday?

Baking Easter cakes on Good Friday is allowed. Baked Easter cakes should be covered with sacred willow. Such willow branches are then used as a talisman against evil spirits.

Is it possible to get married on Good Friday?

Believers strict fast On Good Friday they spend time in prayer, and attendance at the mournful service (Lamentation of the Virgin Mary) is also obligatory. If you decide to get married in April, then it is better to wait another 2 weeks after Easter. Go to church, and at the end of Lent you can get married and have a fun wedding.

In Orthodoxy it is allowed to get married after Red Hill (Antipascha)

What does a wedding on Good Friday mean?

During Easter week, the biggest and most punishable holiday, you cannot walk and have fun. Therefore, it is better to postpone the wedding date. Consider whether it's worth starting family life with a great sin and how the wedding on Good Friday will then turn out for both of you, because this is the time to prepare for the resurrection of the Savior.

On Easter week on Good Friday no one gets married and no one marries newlyweds in church

What should you not do on Good Friday?

The following actions are prohibited:

  • wash
  • sticking iron objects into the ground
  • alcohol consumption
  • fun

If a person spends this day having fun, he will shed tears all year long.

On this day women are not allowed to:

  • spin
  • clean the house

On this day men are not allowed to:

  • chopping wood
  • use a cleaver, plane
  • plant trees

Women are not allowed to sew on Good Friday

What does a dream on Good Friday mean on Saturday: signs

A dream from Thursday to Friday predicts the future, but the dream takes on special significance on Good Friday. Usually such a dream is filled with accurate predictions. Having seen a prophetic dream, wait for its fulfillment until noon (lunch) of the same day.

Dream on Good Friday

What does it mean if a child is born on Good Friday?

This day will not affect the fate of a child born on Good Friday.

What does it mean if a child is born on Good Friday?

What does a birthday on Good Friday mean?

  • In the old days, it was believed that a baby born on Good Friday should be taken to his grandmother so that she would reprimand him from future troubles, and so that the child would not suffer a difficult fate.
  • But the clergy have a different opinion on this matter: all the troubles that will happen in the life of such a child will ultimately turn into great joy. That's why you shouldn't count bad sign the birth of a baby on a mournful day.

What does Birthday on Good Friday mean?

What does bread baked on Good Friday mean?

It is believed that if you bake bread on Good Friday, it will remain fresh for a long time and will not become moldy. This bread is used as a remedy to relieve illness. The sailors took the bun baked on Good Friday with them on long journeys, using it as a talisman. If you store such a bun at home, it will become a talisman against fires.

Is it possible to bake bread on Good Friday?

What does it mean to die on Good Friday?

Anyone who leaves this world on Good Friday will experience the torment of life with the Savior and will be resurrected with him.

What does it mean to die on Good Friday?

Lent - Good Friday: what can you eat?

Food is not consumed on Good Friday until the Shroud is taken out. But even after this, only bread and water are allowed.

Good Friday: what conspiracies, rituals and prayers to read?

A conspiracy against alcoholism, drunkenness and relief from extreme melancholy

  • Furnace ash is taken from the oven on Good Friday.
  • It falls at an intersection where there are no cars.

The plot is read three times:

Just as this ash will not sprout, and the sprouts will not produce petals, and the petals will not produce fruit, so the slave (name) will not take wine into his mouth: neither on Sunday, nor on Saturday, nor on Friday, nor on Thursday, nor on Wednesday, nor on Tuesday, and not on Monday. Amen. Just as this ash does not fill with a spring, does not sing like a nightingale, so the slave (name) will not drink green wine. Amen. Just as this ash will not farrow or whelp, so the slave (name) will say goodbye to wine forever. He will not drink: neither on Sunday, nor on Saturday, nor on Friday, nor on Thursday, nor on Wednesday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Monday, nor on weekdays, nor on Holy Days. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

  • Repeat the ritual two Fridays in a row.
  • Hide the remaining ash and use it at times when the temptation to drink is great.

Good Friday spell for stress and depression

  • To carry out the ceremony, you will need three Easter eggs, which must be placed in a container of water, over which the following magical text is read:

Strengthen mine true words, Lord, Strengthen, Christ, the servant of God (name). Just as people rejoice at the bright Easter, so may the servant of God (name) be glad of life. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

  • A person suffering from depression should wash his face with this water.

  • On Good Friday you need to bake a small loaf of bread.
  • One half is eaten by those who perform the ritual, and the other is kept all year behind the icons. But before you put the bread behind the icons, you need to say:

“Lord, save, preserve, defend. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayers for Good Friday:

Prayer for others

O Jesus, have mercy on your holy Church; take care of him.
O Jesus, have mercy on poor sinners and save them from hell.
Oh Jesus, bless my father, my mother, my brothers and sisters, and everything I have to pray.
O Jesus, have pity on the souls in purgatory and bring them to your heavenly rest.

Prayer to express sorrow for sins

God my Father,
I am very sorry for turning my back on your friendship.
You showed only love for me.
I sometimes show a little love in return.
Because of you, your only one, Jesus, who died and rose again for me, forgive me all my sins.
Father, not only have I offended you with my sins, but I have also offended your community here on earth.
I promise to show great love to a neighbor in order to make up for my sins.
I can't do anything unless your Holy Spirit helps me lead a life like Jesus, a life spent forgetting about myself in the service of others.
Prayer for Holiness on Good Friday
Lord, I don’t pray for tomorrow and its needs,

Unity Prayer

Heavenly Father,
you are the Father of all men.
We ask you to send the Holy Spirit,
The spirit that unites people
so all people
forget past troubles
put aside unfair opinions,
and work together for the benefit of all,
regardless of their religion,
no matter what their races are,
so in the end
this world,
did good men working together,
in the spirit of Jesus and work with you,
may be given to you by your Son,
Unite especially all Christians
so they can be together again soon,
as one flock around the table of the Lord's Supper.
We ask you to unite more closely those of our Church,
so under the guidance of the Spirit towards Thy kingdom,
we can work, pray and live happily together
in love and peace. (Amen)

Prayers for Good Friday

Prayer for Holiness on Good Friday

Lord, I don’t pray for tomorrow and its needs,
Keep me, my God, from the stain of sins,
Let me both work diligently and pray properly,
Let me be kind words and business for others,
Let me not do anything wrong or idle in words, thoughtlessly say,
Set you a lock on my lips
Let me in the season, Lord, be honest, in the season of gays,
Let me be faithful to your grace just for today,
And if today my tide of life should fade,
Oh bet, if I die today, come home today,
So, for tomorrow and its needs, I don't pray,
But hold me, guide and love me, Lord, I pray you.

Conspiracy for the whole year from all enemies

"In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
King Herod fights, fights,
Blood is shed, no one
Doesn't regret it
Doesn't let anyone down.
Against evil man There is
Great Sagittarius -
God the Father!
At our Lord's
Jesus Christ
The sun is a bow, the month is an arrow:
There is something to shoot.
The Lord will not give to anyone
To offend me.
The Lord God is ahead of me,
Our Lady is behind
With them I am not afraid of anyone,
With Them I fear no one.
And you, my villainous enemies,
You have a knitting needle in your tongues,
Red-hot pincers in fangs
And in the vile eyes of the sand.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

A conspiracy to ask forgiveness from the deceased

Read on the evening of Good Friday.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
There is no beginning without an end.
In the name of the Creator.
In the name of Jesus Christ.
I will stand up and cross myself.
I'll go out the door
I'll go to the holy church,
To the golden cross
To the Mother of God
And her son Jesus Christ.
I'll beg you with bows
And crosses
I will pay with tears of repentance.
In the dead kingdom
The dead state
Among the darkness
The darkness of dead people.
Kings, executioners,
Judges and sovereigns,
Dashing and kind people
There is one dead soul.
Before this soul
It's my fault.
For the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For His crown of thorns
I ask and beg you to forgive me (name)
And my living soul
Let go of sin.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever. Amen."

Video: Good Friday. Our Easter is Christ!

When the bright holiday of Easter is over, many people still have the desire to prolong the pleasant feeling of celebration as long as possible. This is often expressed in the fact that we continue to delight ourselves with delicious Easter dishes, fortunately that Lent is behind us. All leftovers from the holiday table are used, including eggs dyed especially for Easter and Easter cakes. Some even make new Easter baked goods when the old one ends, but the holiday in the soul does not stop. At the same time, a logical question arises: is it possible to bake Easter cakes after Easter.

This product has deeply symbolic religious roots, and therefore people are beginning to be tormented by doubts whether it is permissible to enjoy this unusual dessert on ordinary days. But they can calm their soul, because you can please yourself with Easter cakes not only on Easter, but also in the period after it. True, the number of days when this symbolic dish should be eaten is limited. But there is even a special holiday following Easter Sunday, on which it is not only acceptable to eat Easter cakes, but it is even customary to bake new ones on purpose. The same applies to painted easter eggs and a cottage cheese Easter treat.

The great holiday is shrouded big amount ancient traditions and rituals. They, in particular, relate to the preparation of symbolic dishes: Easter cakes and painted eggs. Previously, housewives clearly knew which days of the week before Easter Sunday were reserved for preparing Easter baked goods.

The rules were dictated by simple logic

Days of Holy Week


Saturday. People believed that the day before Easter should be spent in rest and thoughts of the Almighty. This means that baking Easter cakes on Saturday was not recommended. Because
Friday. Good Friday is the day when, according to Orthodox tradition, any physical labor is prohibited.
Thursday. Housewives literally had two days left to bake Easter cakes: Wednesday and Thursday. It is not surprising that Thursday is called clean, since on this day it is customary to clean your home before the holiday and wash yourself in the bathhouse.
Wednesday. The choice fell on Wednesday and Thursday because if you prepare the baked goods and paint the eggs earlier, they simply won’t last until Easter.

In ancient times, housewives began to prepare for the future sacrament of preparing Easter dishes long before Easter Sunday itself. For example, it was customary to throw one log into the attic on each day of Lent. And already on the eve of Easter, this firewood was used to heat the Russian stove and bake Easter cakes in it. On Wednesday, on the eve of the great holiday, housewives carried eggs and flour to church to consecrate them. It was believed that if you bake Easter cakes from blessed products, this will guarantee that the products will turn out great.

Nowadays, some people bake on Thursday, and some try to bake on Saturday so that they can put the freshest baked goods on the table for Easter. But previously such an approach would not have been approved. Again, if you plan to go to the all-night service, this means that your Easter cakes should be ready by Saturday evening. And considering how long the dough takes to rise and the fact that the top coated with fondant must harden well, there may not be enough time on Saturday.

Regarding the question, is it possible to eat Easter cakes and cottage cheese Easter after the holiday, then people still have the entire post-Easter week to do this.

The next seven days in the Orthodox tradition are called Happy Week. Each of these days is festive, although, of course, not as solemn as Easter itself. They also eat Easter dishes on St. Thomas Week (the name of the first post-Easter Sunday), when, according to biblical scripture, Jesus Christ visited his disciples for the second time to prove to the Apostle Thomas that he had indeed been resurrected. Thomas' distrust was caused by the fact that when Christ first appeared to his disciples, this apostle was not with everyone. And all the days following the resurrection, he expressed doubts that Jesus had really risen. And then, on the seventh day after the crucifixion, the Savior again visited his disciples, who were already in full force, to prove to the Apostle Thomas the truth of what had happened.

When can you bake Easter cakes after Easter?

If some families can preserve relatively fresh symbolic flour products until St. Thomas Week, if the housewife has prepared a lot of them, then before Radonitsa they will certainly run out. This holiday, popularly called Krasnaya Gorka, is the answer to the question of whether Easter cakes are baked after Easter. Yes, and precisely in order to, according to all traditions, celebrate this important day in the liturgical traditions of the Orthodox Church.

Radonitsa is associated with the events described in biblical legends about how Jesus Christ descended into hell after the resurrection. This holiday praises the Savior's victory over death. Lay people celebrate Radonitsa with a mandatory visit to the temple. Also, according to a long-standing tradition, they should go to the cemetery on this day to visit their deceased relatives and friends. Radonitsa is celebrated on the first Tuesday following St. Thomas week. It falls on the ninth day after Easter.

According to tradition, on Radonitsa people set a festive table, which should include some Easter dishes. Of course, on this day the table is not as luxurious as on Easter, but Easter cakes and colored eggs are present on it. mandatory. Therefore, specially for Radonitsa, it is allowed to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs.

They also take them with them to the cemetery to remember the dead there. Official Orthodox Church is categorically against large feasts being held at graves, at which alcohol flows like a river and mountains of food are laid out on the tombstones. To honor the memory of the deceased, you just need to sip a little alcohol and eat it colored blessed egg and a piece of Easter cake. They also take these products with them to the cemetery in order to distribute them as alms to the poor, who often stand at the cemetery gates. This action is fully supported by Orthodox clergy.

But you should not leave consecrated food directly on the grave. Judging from a religious point of view, it has nothing to do with Christian tradition this ritual does not. Moreover, it has its roots in pagan times. On the other hand, there are purely aesthetic considerations why you shouldn’t do this. Often lives in cemeteries a large number of dogs who will tear open a bag of Easter cakes and carry away trash near the grave. And if the mongrels don’t get to the food left behind, the ubiquitous crows will do the same.

As such, there are no strict prohibitions on baking Easter cakes and eating them long after Easter in the Orthodox Church. This is more about a person’s personal relationship to such a symbolic dish.

If you eat it literally every day throughout the year, then a person will not have an enthusiastic attitude towards it, and taste associations with Easter Sunday will simply disappear. But Easter cakes are a reward to the fasting person for having adequately passed the test of his body and spirit throughout Lent.

Easter is the main Christian holiday. Every year Easter is celebrated in different days, but definitely in the spring. To determine the date of Easter, the Orthodox Church uses the Julian calendar.

For forty days before Easter, all believers observe strict fasting. During these days, both body and soul should be cleansed. You need to go to church, pray for the salvation of your soul, take communion, and do good.

On Orthodox Easter The Holy Fire descends from heaven, it symbolizes the Light of God. If the Holy Fire does not descend, this is considered a terrible omen, and all those praying in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher will die. Convergence Holy Fire symbolizes the Savior's victory over sin and death.

There are many for Easter folk signs and believe. They originate from the beliefs of our ancestors and are completely simple to perform. Before the bright holiday of Easter, Holy Week takes place, each day of the week has specific value and is associated with rules that our ancestors strictly followed.

Monday of Holy Week

On Monday Holy Week the house and yard need to be cleaned. It was believed that if you use dishes made of noble metals or porcelain for washing, you can preserve beauty, youth and health for many years. Good weather on Monday for a good harvest and a warm year.


On Tuesday, festive clothes were being prepared for Bright Resurrection. Tuesday is another big laundry day. The linen was washed and then carefully ironed.


On Wednesday, be sure to take out all the trash from the house and finish cleaning. It was on Wednesday that eggs and decorations for them were bought. This custom is not associated with any signs, it was just accepted.

Maundy Thursday

Thursday has special meaning. Everyone knows that on this day water has special healing properties. You need to get up at dawn, take a bath or shower. House cleaning must be completed before Maundy Thursday. Dirt and debris in the house Maundy Thursday there shouldn't be. If you start all the cleaning on Thursday, you will have to remove dirt from the house all year afterwards.

An ancient custom is the preparation Thursday salt. At dawn, housewives calcined salt in a frying pan while prayers were read. In order to prepare for the holiday, you need to go to church for confession on Thursday. You can take the prepared salt with you for consecration in the temple.

Good Friday: to bake or not to bake?

But with Friday, not everything is so clear. In many Orthodox regions, they prepare for and spend this mournful day in completely different ways.

For example, many sources describe this day like this. On Friday, our ancestors colored eggs and baked holiday cakes. Before preparing the dough, the “Our Father” is read, and then the blessing of the Lord is asked so that the baking is a success. If the baked goods turn out fluffy and tasty, then life will be prosperous.

In other regions, on the contrary, Friday is considered a mournful day, you need to mourn and pray, and baking is considered a sin. Good Friday is a day of mourning. On this day you cannot have fun, listen to cheerful music, sing songs. On Friday, food is taken once, late in the evening. On this day you cannot do needlework, laundry, or cleaning. A plate accidentally broken on Good Friday is considered a good omen.


IN Holy Saturday a holiday basket is being prepared, with which we plan to go to church. It must contain eggs and a holiday cake, you can also add salt, sausage, cheese, horseradish and garlic. You need to purchase a candle in advance; it can be held in your hands, or placed in a basket. You must extinguish the candle yourself after the service. If a candle goes out during the service, it is considered bad omen. Saturday is also a day of mourning; you cannot drink alcohol or have fun.

From Saturday to Sunday you cannot go to bed. It is best to spend this night in the temple. There is a sign that those who sleep in Easter night, happiness will not enter the house.

Easter – Holy Resurrection of Christ

After holy week holiday comes on Sunday Happy Easter. In order to stock up on luck and fortune for the whole year, you should not miss the sunrise on Easter. Bringing it home blessed Easter cake you need to say: “Holy Easter to the house, all evil spirits from the house.” On this day, people greet each other with the words: “Christ is Risen,” and in response they say, “Truly He is Risen.” The male head of the family invites the entire family to break their fast.

The great holiday of Easter, subject to all rules and customs, will help improve life and well-being in the family. You need to believe in the Savior, believe and hope for your personal salvation.



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