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Which dance should I take my girl to? Harem: how it was (6 photos) qualities of a good dance school

What dances are best for sending your daughter to? This question worries parents starting from 4-5 summer age their princesses. What is better for girls - folk dance or more modern styles. To understand this, you need to have an idea of ​​the most popular destinations and know their distinctive features:

  • Folk dances for girls, like pop dances, benefit not only the physical development of the baby, but also her psychological perception of reality. The acting abilities inherent in nature can awaken in a child. Combined with excellent physical data, this will make the girl a harmoniously developed personality, capable of teamwork;
  • have a positive effect on physical fitness, in addition, they develop the ability to present themselves and learn to interact with a partner. Develops concentration and the ability to maintain balance. Stage costumes are very attractive and play a significant role for a little girl;
  • dance Sport For girls who are shy and unsure of themselves, they will be a real discovery. In classes that take place to the accompaniment of cheerful, energetic music, the child will be able to relax, feel the support of his partner, and learn to express emotions in movement;
  • modern dance- there are no strict rules here; on the contrary, individuality and a non-standard approach, self-expression are valued. These include tectonics, children's go-go, modern, popping, breakdancing, and other types. It is important to understand which of them the child prefers and where he can realize himself;
  • Eastern - called the most beneficial for the female body, they form an ideal figure and have a beneficial effect on internal organs.

Dancing by age

For a child, you should select the type of dance that is optimal for his age. After all, some of them help the growing body with early years to be formed correctly, but for others, on the contrary, you need a body that has already been formed in a certain way. Some studios invite babies to attend, however, according to experts, this is inappropriate. Children at this age are not able to perceive the teacher’s instructions; they have poor coordination of movements.

A 4-year-old child is already smarter, but confuses the left and right sides and is not able to master compositions with complex movements. But all children are individual, and therefore the final decision is made based on the preferences and abilities of your child. If the baby studies in the dance studio just for fun and physical development, it is not necessary to send her to classes at a very early age.

Regardless of whether they go dance classes From a hobby to a life's work, they will benefit the girl:

  • will form a beautiful flexible figure,
  • will give endurance;
  • They will make her relaxed and able to present herself.

These qualities will definitely come in handy in the future.

For girls 4-5 years old

Children 4-5 years old will love ballroom, sports, folk dances, and classical ballet. But it is worth being aware that some of the listed species are traumatic, although beautiful.

For girls 6-7 years old

Sports, ballroom, oriental, folk dances, ballet are suitable.

For girls 8-9 years old

A girl of this age will be interested in the bright costumes of ballroom and sports dancers, she will also be interested in folk and Eastern dance, hip-hop.

For girls 10-11 years old

A child of this age continues to be interested in folk, sports and ballroom dancing. The young rebel will like modern hip-hop and tectonics.

For girls 12 years old

From the age of 12, a child is enrolled in the type of dance they like. Even if now the girl lacks the ability to convey emotions in her movements, the necessary skills will be developed over time through training.

Children begin to move to the music as soon as they can stand on their feet. And girls even more so. They develop a passion for dancing and music very early. Of course, you can teach your daughter the first steps from the cradle: dancing cannot do any harm - only benefit. Moreover, dancing involves not only the physical side of a child’s development, but also the mental one.

What type of dance should I choose for my daughter? At what age is it better to enroll in a dance school? And what exactly are the benefits of dancing for a child?

What are the benefits of dancing for a girl?

For girls, dancing is considered the best sport (second place goes to swimming). Why? What does dancing give?

At what age is it better to send a girl to dance?

Today, many different dance styles are offered for children - from folk dances to acrobatic rock and roll, etc. Children begin to dance meaningfully at about seven years of age. Before that period, experts recommend sending children to gymnastics, rhythmics and other developmental clubs. And even from the age of seven, not all types of dances can be taught to your daughter. For example, tango or rumba are not at all suitable for a little girl. They are based on sensuality, which even a twelve-year-old girl cannot demonstrate. Or Irish dance: a child cannot master such complex movements. Each age has its own requirements:

  • Some teachers take one and a half year old children to teach. But it is simply impossible to explain dance technique to such a baby. And it’s still too early for such physical activity.
  • At two or three years old, the girl remains too clumsy for dancing and unable to accurately understand the teacher. Yet again, physical exercise limited. Maximum twice a week and for no more than thirty minutes.
  • From the age of four or five they are already accepted into many dance schools. But even at this age, babies often confuse their left and right legs , and are very clumsy in their movements.
  • And here from six to seven is the time to start .

Choosing a dance school for a girl

First, make a list of all the dance schools (dance clubs) that exist in your area. Next, make your choice, taking into account all the necessary criteria for a good dance school:

  • Cost of classes. Find out how and when payment is made, what is included in the price, what to do if the baby is sick and payment has been made, etc.
  • Location of the school. It is better if the school is near your home. It will be difficult for a child to go to the other end of the city to dance after school. This will either discourage the girl from dancing or affect her health.
  • Timetable of classes. As a rule, classes are held in the evenings, because the teachers are working dancers. In this case, it would be a good idea to inquire about changes in the schedule, internal regulations, etc.
  • Teachers. Of course, the best teachers are current professional dancers (or former dancers) who have earned some awards. Make sure that the teachers are qualified (diplomas, certificates, awards). The teacher must have choreographic education, work experience, teaching skills, and know not only the technique and history, but also the psychology of dance.
  • Talk to parents of children who already attend this school. Find out about teaching methods, rewards and punishments students.
  • Find out about the risks and hazards of dancing.
  • School status. The school must have a city phone number, a website with the necessary information, awards, articles in various sources, and work experience. Best indicator, if the students of this school have become famous dancers.
  • Interior. A good school should have its own large hall (warm and ventilated), equipment, mirrors on the walls, a machine (for classical dancing), a changing room that is regularly cleaned, a toilet with a shower, and a durable floor covering.

Which dances should I choose for my daughter? Types of dances

It is better if the child himself determines which dance is closer. For this purpose, special classes are held, during which it becomes clear what the girl is more capable of and what her soul is more inclined towards. It is clear that if a daughter dreams of becoming a ballerina, then pushing her into hip-hop makes no sense. As well as vice versa. What types of dances do mothers send their princesses to today?

Music and dance contain the mysterious harmony of life, which heals the soul and makes people more balanced. A child should be accustomed to music from an early age (listen to beautiful melodies during pregnancy), and after birth, lull him to sleep with measured lullabies. But when can you start learning the simplest dances? At what age can a baby feel the beat and begin to move in the same rhythm with the music?

It turns out that it is already too late to teach a child to dance at the age of 5, even by sending him to the most professional studio in the city: training should begin from the moment the child stood on his feet and clapped his hands for the first time, smiling at the flow of music. And he needs to be accustomed to the rhythm of the dance even earlier:

  • 6 months-1.5 years: take the baby in your arms (don’t forget to read: ), turn on beautiful music and begin to dance carefully, measuredly, smoothly, shaking your head and smiling at him; soon you will notice that the child likes it: he himself will ask you to repeat it again and again;
  • 1.5-3 years: the baby is already standing on his own legs, so you can take him by the hand and do simple dance steps with him;
  • 3-5 years old: even if you have already sent your baby to a dance school, organize unique dance “parties” for him at home, where he will be relaxed, will not be constrained by the rules and will create more natural, his own movements in a free dance.

Let your child from the very early age learn to feel the music and develop the harmony of his movements: the more successful he will be in dancing in the future.

Teaching children to dance: what music to?

What music should you choose for your first dance lessons at home?

  • Firstly, the music should be cheerful and fiery, and for this, children's songs from cartoons, which can be bought on disk or downloaded from the Internet, or Russian folk dances are ideal.
  • Secondly, it wouldn’t hurt to accustom your baby to the classics, which will calm him down before bed, which is especially important for parents who don’t know how, and will instill in him a sense of beauty.
  • Thirdly, you should not play modern heavy melodies for dancing: he will not learn any harmony from it, but will only be overexcited.
  • Fourthly, make sure that the music is not too loud: it should not damage the baby’s hearing.

The last thing you need to learn for home dance lessons is a set of simple movements that you will learn with your little dancer.

Dance training: first movements

The movements that you will teach your baby should be elementary, because the main task is to teach the child to feel the music, and not to perform the most complex steps. Teach him:

  • bob your head to the beat of the music;
  • clap your hands without disturbing the sounding rhythm;
  • jumping up and down - this will be his first “little sparrow” dance;
  • remember the simplest sequence of movements: 2 steps forward, 2 steps back, 2 steps to the side;
  • gradually complicate the movements: combine steps, claps, shoulder movements;
  • move in a round dance;
  • dance in pairs with you, your favorite toy or another child (brother, sister).

Make sure that the child does not get too dizzy while dancing: he may become dizzy and disoriented in space, which can lead to impaired coordination of movements.

By following these simple recommendations, you will soon see for yourself how the child’s movements become more and more harmonious, smooth, beautiful, and most importantly - in time with the music. You will give your child great pleasure and very soon you will be able to send him to dance training in one of the professional children's studios.

A video recording of a lesson that appeared online in one of the Russian schools, where five-year-old girls are taught to pole dance, has caused an uproar among opponents of the controversial sport, - the British Daily Mail shares with its readers.

In one of the schools in the Russian city of Naberezhnye Chelny, during physical education lessons, girls from the age of five are taught pole dancing.

In the video, a little girl can be seen learning to climb up and spin around a shiny metal pole.

The learning process is monitored by a teacher wearing a T-shirt with the inscription “Winner” (“winner”), who tells the girl how to maintain balance and perform complex movements.

“Children and a pole, or whatever you call it, are completely incompatible things. It’s vulgar and vulgar,” says one of the parents.

However, not everyone shares her indignation. Alexandra Pronina, the mother of student Kira Pronina, is proud of her daughter’s talent. Pole dancing teacher Victoria also highly appreciates the effectiveness of these classes.

"No Gym won't give you the same workout as pole dancing. All the muscles of the body are involved here,” Victoria is convinced.

Despite the rejection of such lessons, pole dancing has become very popular in Russia. For example, in Kazan, pole dancing competitions among children have been held for several years.

The published video is not the first of its kind. A couple of years ago, similar videos also sparked fury among netizens who claimed the sport could "incite sexual abuse" against children.

Here's how Daily Mail readers reacted to the news:

- Where are the safety mats? One wrong move and the girl could be injured with brain damage.

- They also say that schools don’t teach skills that could be useful in life. real life...

Some Guy:
- The sexualization of children must be stopped!

- Well, how else can they then attract a rich foreigner to buy them as his wife? Wretched country!

- Striptease school! Wow!

- It’s a completely normal sport, many people do it. Involves all major muscle groups, develops strength and endurance. And it was shown in circus programs long before it appeared in strip clubs.

- It’s just that some people think that Russia can spend as much money on children’s sports as other countries. But the truth is that Russia's GDP is about the same level as Mexico, and the climate in Russia is much colder...

- Well, at least Russia will have another product to export.

Name Pending:

I don't see anything wrong with this. Pole sport is one of the most difficult. And the skin on the legs and in the middle of the body must be open to provide the necessary grip on the pole when performing many elements.

- Soon it will be Olympic view sport, and then Russia will win all the gold medals in it!

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Working with young children (3-6 years old) has a lot of difficulties, especially for beginning choreographers. These include absent-minded attention, fatigue, and behavioral problems. All this is natural for this age. Therefore, you should not be upset and think that you are a bad teacher, unable to cope with children.

After college, my first group were five-year-olds. And during my first lesson, one girl peed herself (sorry for the details!) and, standing in this puddle, calmly continued to study. I didn’t even immediately understand where this puddle came from. The other children told the story of her appearance in unison. What to do? It's autumn outside, but it's not hot in the classroom. Fortunately, this girl’s mother was nearby and was waiting for the child downstairs. So I was able to pick her up from class. Otherwise I don’t know what I would do with her. This was my first lesson.

I must say that at the school they teach us performance techniques and other choreographic wisdom, but they don’t teach us at all how to work with young children. Therefore, you have to figure everything out on your own. I think that my now 15 years of experience working with children allows me to give some advice to young choreographers.

1. Prepare children for a choreography lesson

It may seem that the first point has nothing to do with choreography at all, but this is at first glance. I myself have stepped on this rake more than once. At this age, children still have a herd mentality, so it’s worth asking to leave alone during class. Everyone will start asking in turn, regardless of whether they really need it or not. It is impossible not to let a child go at this age; the result may be the same as in the story I told at the very beginning. And if you start letting everyone go, the lesson will turn into an endless wandering, the children will be constantly distracted and the lesson will go down the drain.

Therefore, before class, I either take everyone to the toilet in an orderly manner, or ask my parents to do so. Then, during the lesson, I already know that if someone asks, he may well be patient. Sometimes children ask to go out simply because they are tired or lazy. So you shouldn’t always take their requests at face value.

2. Accompany movements with words

Well, now directly to the choreography. At this age, children have very developed imaginative thinking, so it is not enough to show something several times; you must accompany your movement with words. It is very good if each movement is accompanied by images or symbolically called something. And if you come up with a small entertaining story about movement, then the children will generally be delighted. This is child psychology.

Firstly, this way children understand movement better, and secondly, they remember faster. Well, for example, when my children and I are going to do ground gymnastics on mats. We travel with them on carpeted airplanes through a fairyland. We sit on the mats, close our eyes, count “One, two, three! Let's fly!" Of course, it’s great when there is appropriate musical accompaniment. We also have our own names for each movement on the floor. And it even happens that if I missed something, the children remind me that we haven’t been there yet today.

3. Change your occupation more often

A common mistake novice teachers make when working with young children is that they spend a lot of time on one activity. Those. learn movements, do ground gymnastics. Children at this age get tired quickly. And when they get tired, they lose interest, and accordingly their attention becomes scattered. Therefore, change your activity more often during classes. Approximately every 5-7 minutes.

Plan more actions so that at any moment, as soon as you feel that attention is being lost, you can change one action to another. For example, if you are studying with children in a circle and you see that they are tired, play with them. My children and I play birds, I ask who is which bird, they name it, and then the birds fly in a circle, as soon as the music stops the birds sit down and hide in the houses. You can come up with a lot of options. The children relax and then you can continue with the lesson.

4. Play with children

Play is the main activity of children at this age, so you need to play with them. Moreover, it is desirable to bring play into work, so that when performing some pedagogical task, children think that it is just a game. On my blog I want to devote a separate section to various music and dance games. Since this is a very important element in working with children.

5. Be part of what's happening

Remember that young children often copy the people with whom their parents and educators communicate. You are no exception. They repeat your lines, your movements. Therefore, when you show movement, you must show it exactly as it should look. And if you ask children to imagine that they are in dark forest, then you must be in this forest with them. Children fly on carpeted airplanes fairyland, You are also flying with them. Show with movements and emotions how they should behave in a given situation. If you want them to perform with 100% dedication in the future, then give them 150% of your energy and attention now.

Here are some basic tips for working with children: preschool age. I want to say that working with children requires much, much greater mental and physical strength. At least, after classes with preschoolers, I feel like a squeezed lemon and am much more tired than after classes with older children. And finally, one more piece of advice: be patient, because everything that you put into these children now will come back to you later, when they grow up, and they will delight you with their successes!



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