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The beginning of the church service for Christmas. What are the main symptoms of bronchitis? Why do people pray for so long? or Where did the tradition of night services come from?

The All-Night Vigil for the Feast of the Nativity of Christ consists of Great Compline with lithium, matins And 1st hour. Before it begins, there is a blast and a ringing of the bell.

Great Compline consists of 3 parts. Each part begins with a reading Come, let's worship and ends with a special prayer.

Great Compline is performed as follows. The priest and the deacon, having put on their vestments, begin the process, as on all the Lord's feasts. The royal doors open, and the deacon, having given the priest a censer, with a candle in his hand goes out onto the solea. After the priest’s exclamation: “Blessed is our God...” the reader reads the usual beginning and other sequence of Great Compline. At this time, the priest, together with the deacon, performs the full incense of the temple, as at the beginning of the all-night vigil. At the end of the censing, the royal doors are closed.

First part of Great Compline similar to that part of Matins in which the Six Psalms are read first, then sung God Lord with troparions and kathismas with sedals and litanies. This similarity indicates that Great Compline arose on the basis of the Six Psalms and subsequently expanded to a tripartite composition.

After the usual beginning, six psalms are read: the 4th, 6th, 12th, and then the 24th, 30th and 90th psalms.

The choir sings God is with us.

The reader reads other verses (up to verse 20: Father of the next century).

The chorus choruses for each verse: Like God is with us and after the final verse he concludes by singing: God is with us.

Reader: The day has passed, I believe. Then - Most Holy Lady Theotokos, pray for us sinners, Pray all the heavenly powers of the holy Angels and Archangels etc.

Instead of troparia: Enlighten my eyes, O Christ God and the choir sings others (the royal doors are opened during the singing of the troparion).

Reader: Lord have mercy (40), The most honest and the final prayer of St. Basil the Great: Lord, Lord.

The first part is accompanied by a short The second part Compline, which in its content is repentant.

Reader: Come, let's worship, psalms: 50th, 101st and prayer to Manasseh, Trisagion according to Our Father. Instead of troparia: Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us and others are sung by the choir (the royal doors are opened during the singing of the kontakion).

Reader: Lord have mercy (40), The most honest and final prayer: Sovereign God, Father Almighty.

The third part consists of glorifications and praise to God and the holy saints of God. It is similar to that part of Matins during which the canon is sung.

Reader: Come, let's worship, Psalms 69 and 142, and the daily doxology is read. Then there is an exit to the Litiya while singing (the usual ending of Great Compline is omitted here). After the litiya - holiday. By Now you let go- (three times), blessing of the loaves and Psalm 33.


After the Six Psalms, on God Lord- (three times), then - kathismas and.

According to polyeleos - magnification: We magnify You, Life-Giving Christ, for our sake now born in the flesh from the Blessed and Most Pure Virgin Mary.

Degree -1 antiphon 4 voices.

Prokeimenon, ch. 4: And from the womb before the morning star I gave birth to Thee, the Lord swears and will not repent. Poem: R eche the Lord is my Lord: sit at my right hand; until I will make your enemies your footstool.

According to Psalm 50 instead Prayers sings: Glory: Every day of joy is fulfilled: Christ was born of the Virgin. And now- the same, but the end: Christ was born in Bethlehem. Have mercy on me, God and stichera: Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth! Today Bethlehem will receive Him who sits ever with the Father.

The Great Doxology is sung, according to the Trisagion.

At the end of Matins there is a festive holiday Who was born in the den and reclined in the manger, for our salvation, Christ, our True God, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother and all the saints, will have mercy and save us, for He is Good and Lover of Mankind.

Liturgy St. Basil the Great.

Entrance verse for the holiday: From the womb before the Lucifer gave birth to You, the Lord swears and will not repent: You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.

Instead of the Trisagion it is sung “ Elitsy was baptized into Christ»

Cathedral of Christ the Savior. January 6: Confession will begin at 8 a.m., the first all-night vigil will begin at 5 p.m., the second all-night vigil will begin at 11 p.m., at the end of the all-night vigil, the night liturgy of Basil the Great will take place. On January 7, the second liturgy will take place in the Church of the Transfiguration at 9 a.m. Temple St. Nicholas in Khamovniki. An all-night vigil will take place on January 6 at 5 p.m. On January 7 at 00.00 a solemn liturgy and confession will take place. Temple of the Tikhvin Icon Mother of God in Alekseevsky. An all-night vigil will take place on January 6 at 5 p.m. On January 7 at 00.00 o'clock there will be divine liturgy, at 7 am - early liturgy, at 10 am - late liturgy. Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Tushino. On January 6 at 17:00 there will be an all-night vigil, confession will begin at 23:00. On January 7 at 00.00 the beginning of the liturgy will take place, at 8.40 the late liturgy will take place. Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God in Yasenevo (Litovsky Boulevard, building 7a). On January 6, at 5 p.m., the all-night vigil will begin; the rule for Holy Communion will begin at 11 p.m. On January 7 at 00.00 the festive liturgy will begin, the late liturgy will begin at 8.40.

When to go to church on Christmas, what time?

The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Nativity of Christ on the night of January 6-7. Christmas is the second most important holiday after Easter, the great twelfth holiday. On this night, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' usually leads the festive Christmas service in the Cathedral Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where thousands of believers will gather. The Christmas holiday, according to the teachings of the Church, symbolizes the reconciliation of man with God. Christmas foreshadows the redemptive feat of Christ and the renewal of human nature, struck by the fall of our ancestors.

Christmas service

The Christmas service begins on Christmas Eve. On the morning of January 6, Christmas Vespers are celebrated in churches. It sounds strange: vespers in the morning, but this is a necessary deviation from the rules of the Church. Previously, Vespers began in the afternoon and continued with the Liturgy of Basil the Great, at which people received communion. After lunch, Vespers began, and communion was received at dusk. And soon after this came the solemn Christmas Matins, which began to be served on the night of January 7th.

Christmas service in the church on the night of January 7

According to the charter of the Russian Orthodox Church, the holiday is preceded by a multi-day Nativity fast, which begins on November 28 and lasts 40 days - until January 6 inclusive. On Christmas Eve, January 6, many pious believers do not eat food at all, and by 22.00 they go to the temple where they serve Compline, Matins and the Divine Liturgy. Only when the first star appears - the symbol of the Star of Bethlehem - can you taste the rich ( Lenten dish, which is most often prepared from wheat or rice with honey and fruit). Hence the name of this day - Christmas Eve.

What to cook for Christmas

Don't turn Christmas into a food holiday. This day is, first of all, spiritual joy. And it’s not healthy for your health to break fast with a hearty feast. Again, it’s all about priorities. If it is a priority for someone to sit at a rich table, then the whole day before the holiday, including when the festive vespers are already being celebrated, the person is busy preparing various meats, Olivier salads and other sumptuous dishes. If it is more important for a person to meet the born Christ, then he, first of all, goes to worship, and already in free time prepares what he has time for. In general, it is strange that on the day of the holiday it is considered obligatory to sit and consume a variety of rich dishes. This is neither medically nor spiritually beneficial. It turns out that we fasted throughout Lent, missed Christmas Vespers and the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great - and all this in order to simply sit down and eat. This can be done at any other time... I’ll tell you how the festive meal is prepared in our monastery. Usually, at the end of night services (Easter and Christmas), the brethren are offered a short break of fast. As a rule, this is cheese, cottage cheese, hot milk. That is, something that does not require much effort when preparing. And already in the afternoon a more festive meal is prepared.

Orthodox Christmas service from January 6 to 7 takes place in churches and temples around the world.

Christmas services begin on January 6th in the morning, ending at 1-3 am on the 7th, but from time to time already at dawn - with a Liturgy with the singing of carols...

On Christmas Eve, parishioners go to church evening service, confess, take communion. The ministers in the church know approximately their own parish; the duration of the service depends on the number of people.

Therefore, the starting time is determined differently - the All-night vigil occurs on the eve of huge church holidays, beginning in various Temples - from 17:00 to 23:00 hours.

Begins Great Vespers(Great Compline) with hymns, then from time to time they confess almost until midnight, and then at 00:00 the night Christmas liturgy, and from time to time, on the contrary, first the whole service, then confession and communion, there are no strict rules...

The service for the Feast of the Nativity of Christ begins late in the evening on January 6th. Usually at 11 o'clock after midnight in all Orthodox churches A special festive service is held, which lasts until approximately 3 - 4 o'clock in the morning.

On the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, on the night of the event, an all-night vigil, hours and the Divine Liturgy of John Chrysostom are served. The All-Night Vigil begins not with the usual Vespers, but with Compline. Most of the liturgical texts of this service are proofread. However, at Christmas Compline there is a main solemn festive hymn. It involves singing in chorus verses from the prophetic book of Isaiah about how God himself is now present with people, who is great and mighty. The Lord is called in this hymn the Father of the future age. This chant begins with the words “God is with us, understand the pagans and repent, for God is with us.” The holiday chant itself is briefly named after the first words of Isaiah’s prophecy - “God is with us.”

noname writes: I went to church this morning and asked what time the Christmas service would start, they told me it was at twelve. Wow! I have never been to a Christmas service, and in connection with this the question is: how long does it last? 2 hours? Or more? Who was?

As I understand it, at 12 at night, not at 12 in the afternoon. You have two options: 1) from 12 at night the Christmas all-night vigil is served, consisting of Great Compline, Matins and the 1st hour, then, as usual: 3, 6 o’clock and Liturgy, 2) or the all-night vigil is served in advance, in the evening , and at 12 the hours, confession and Liturgy begin. I'm almost sure that you have option 1, although anything can happen in our kingdom. According to the 1st option, 3-4 hours minimum, according to the second - 1.5-3...

I’m telling you, we had something to do - we finished in the morning, an hour before transport, but we had to leave the entrance to the monastery and the Great Cathedral open - many without cars, and there was no way to leave. Then they stopped doing this - apparently, they decided that it wasn’t a big deal after all when strangers were hanging around the monastery at night.

When we had a smaller parish, we always served at night and finished in the morning. And before the first transport, everyone just had time to break their fast together. But now there are a lot of people, it’s more difficult to organize a general breaking of the fast. In addition, previously those who prepared tea and sandwiches were actually unable to fully participate in the service (and these were not other people’s mercenaries, but our parishioners and church employees). Therefore, now the general holiday no longer takes place after night service, and in the afternoon of the next day, when people had already rested and slept.
But if someone does not have time to leave at night for some reason (for example, traveling far and with transfers), they calmly stay overnight in the temple, there is no one in the cold...

At night, festive services were held in all churches and temples in Russia. The center of these celebrations was the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Over 5 thousand people gathered there last night. Despite the fact that entrance to the temple was free, it could not accommodate everyone.

An icon of the Nativity was installed in the center of the temple; this was a gift from Bethlehem for the 2000th anniversary of Christianity. The Christmas service was led by Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II. He served Compline, Matins and the Divine Liturgy.

On the night of January 6th to 7th, the Nativity Fast also ends. Therefore, all believers have a festive meal in the morning. Usually they bake a goose with apples, and instead of dessert they bake a cake in the shape of a clock with hands approaching midnight.

In the villages they sing carols and exchange gifts. But, perhaps, the most important tradition of Christmas is to do good deeds on these days, so that no one on this bright holiday feels...

The solemn liturgy also took place in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Poikovsky.

Nikolai Savin is always on duty on Christmas Eve. Helps lead the service. For him, this holiday gives special joy.

When a child is born in the house - what feelings can there be? Anticipation of the birth of a new man, and here Christ himself appeared. Life itself has appeared for all of us, believers and non-believers. Savior of all who are waiting for salvation, - Nikolai Savin, head of the household of the Church of the Holy Trinity, shares his joy

Dozens of Poikovo residents came to the all-night vigil to pray for the birth of the savior of the world. But it is precisely on this world-saving holiday that there are always a lot of young people in the church. Moreover, they come to the temple of the urban settlement even from other cities.

On this bright holiday, it is customary to wear white clothes and give Christmas gifts. And also go caroling.

According to the Bible, Jesus Christ...

yesterday at 02:15

RIA "Voronezh

About 1.5 thousand people came to Christmas services in the churches of Pavlovsk

Festive services were held in the Kazan and Intercession churches of Pavlovsk, dedicated to the holiday Christmas Day on Thursday, January 7th. ...In the churches, the Christmas messages of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill, the head of the Voronezh Metropolis, Bishop Sergius, and the ruling bishop of the Rossoshan diocese, Bishop Andrei, were read out.


Christmas in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

On January 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the most important Christian holidays - the Nativity of Christ. How the service took place in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - in the Kommersant photo gallery. On January 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the most important Christian holidays - the Nativity of Christ.

Festive services were held across the planet

Festive services...

Bronchitis is characterized by inflammation of the inner lining (mucous membrane) of the bronchi. The bronchi are the air passages that carry air into the lungs. They are lined with fine tiny hairs called cilia. The cilia eliminate foreign substances such as dust so that they do not enter the lungs.

When the bronchi are inflamed, the work of the cilia goes astray, and coughing will be the main symptom of a disease such as bronchitis. A cough is the body's response to cope with irritants and infections. It also prevents the accumulation of excess mucus in the bronchi and helps expel it from the air passage.

What are the main symptoms of bronchitis?

One of the most distinctive features Bronchitis is an expectorant cough that produces excess yellowish sputum.

Other symptoms include:

A sore throat; Slight increase in temperature; Dyspnea; Headache; Cough followed by chest pain; Chills; ...

Druzhinina Elena, 2-"B" class, MBOU Secondary School No. 4, Lensk

Head: Plakhova O.N., teacher primary classes MBOU secondary school No. 4

Orthodox holidays. Nativity.

One of my favorite Orthodox holidays is the great twelfth feast of the Church, the Nativity of Christ.

At the time when Mary was destined to give birth to a baby, a census of the population of the Roman Empire was taking place by order of Emperor Augustus. Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem, because according to the same decree of the emperor, in order to facilitate the census process, each resident had to come to “their” city. Both Mary and Joseph were from the line of David, so they had to go to Bethlehem.

After Mary and Joseph were unable to stay at the inn because all the places were occupied, they were forced to spend the night in a cave intended to shelter livestock for the night. It was in this cave (later called the Cave of the Nativity) that Mary went into labor. She gave birth to a son, whom she named...

Orthodox Christians who celebrate Christmas Julian calendar, Wednesday was Christmas Eve. By tradition, the Orthodox Church celebrates it two weeks later than representatives of other Christian denominations.

Christmas Eve is the eve of the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany, respectively. On Christmas Eve, Christmastide begins - two weeks of winter holidays, continuing until Epiphany, which is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on January 19. According to tradition, on Christmas Eve it is customary to refuse food until the first star.

In Lithuania, services began on the morning of January 6, and on the night from the 6th to the 7th in Prechistensky cathedral All-night service will be held in Vilnius.

In the morning, the service of the Eve of the Nativity of Christ began in Orthodox churches. In different temples it begins at different times.

In Lithuania today there are about 130,000...

Christmas is the biggest Orthodox holiday after Easter (Resurrection of Christ). Celebrated on the evening of January 6th (this day is called “Christmas Eve”) and on the afternoon of January 7th. (These dates correspond to December 24 and 25, old style).

The Nativity of Christ is preceded by the Nativity Fast, which lasts 40 days; from November 28 to January 6 (according to the new calendar). January 6 - Christmas Eve - day strict fasting, during which one is supposed to completely abstain from food “until the first star.” The fast ends with the end of the service on January 7th.

The story of the birth of Christ. During services, readings and songs mention the Birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world (Luke 2:1-21), which was predicted by many prophets. In particular, it is mentioned how it went historical event: “The Roman Emperor Augustus ordered to do in...

On the night of January 6th to 7th, new style (December 25, old style) Orthodox Church With a solemn service it celebrates perhaps the most joyful Christian holiday - the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. This great holiday is dedicated to the memory of the coming to our earthly world of the Limitless and Beginningless Divinity - one of the Persons Holy Trinity- God the Son.

The assignment of the Feast of the Nativity of Christ to December 25 according to the old style is not due to the historical correspondence of this date to the true birthday of the Lord, which remains unknown both in antiquity and to this day.

Christ was born more than two thousand years ago from the Most Pure One, overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and Immaculate Virgin Mary, who lived in the town of Nazareth with her imaginary husband, but rather a guardian, ...

How is the liturgy for Christmas?

The Christmas celebration begins with Christmas Eve or Holy Evening. At this time, the All-Night Vigil with Great Compline begins in churches, at which prophecies about the Holy Feast are read and sung.

Closer to midnight, Matins begins, at which the Gospel of the Nativity is read, and the most beautiful canon in Orthodox worship- “Christ is born...” The canon is followed by the festive liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.

Morning and evening services are combined into the “All-Night Vigil” - this is a prayer that is read all night not only at Christmas, but also at Easter. And such a prayer is read only after Vespers on Christmas Eve, that is, on Great Compline, hence the name.

You cannot leave the service before it ends; you need to stand from beginning to end, because it is considered a sacrifice to God.

How long does the service last in churches?

At Christmas 2019, even the smallest churches will open their doors to all believers and parishioners will be able to attend church services on the evening of January 6, the main thing is to find out exactly when the Christmas service begins.

In Rus', for a long time, liturgies lasted from 8 to 10 hours; over time, the reading of the canons, Holy Scriptures and prayers began to decline, and today even the most long service can last from 3 to 5 hours, followed by a break, and then the next service begins according to all the rules.

In the main churches of large cities, for example, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, believers will be able to come on January 6 at 8.00 to confess, then attend the first all-night vigil at 17:00, at 23:00 – second all-night vigil and night liturgy of St. Basil the Great. Other churches not only in the capital, but also in other cities follow a similar schedule.

Advice! It is advisable to come to the temple some time before the start of the service to order a commemoration, light candles and venerate the icons.

Unfortunately, not all Orthodox Christians have a day off on January 6; they are simply unable to attend the night service, and it is simply indecent to go into the church for a minute. What to do in such a situation? The main thing is not to panic, because you can come to church on any day before Christmas, confess, take communion and ask the priest for his blessing to attend the night service, because the Lord gives more strength, than usual.

How to defend your service with a child

Christmas services are long, but very bright and impressive, so on this holiday many people want to visit the temple with the whole family. As a rule, there are a lot of people in churches at Christmas, it can be stuffy and sometimes it is very difficult for an adult to stand the service, let alone children.

And so that such a tradition does not cause unpleasant feelings in children, it is important to gradually accustom and prepare them for visiting the temple. The main thing is that he understands Who and for what purpose he is going to the church service. But if the baby cannot stand it and it becomes difficult for him, then it is better to go out with him, because his soul is not so sinful as to make such a sacrifice, which not all adults can do.

Christmas is special holiday and liturgies in churches are special, albeit long. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and then you will be able to feel all the joy of the Bright Holiday at the Christmas service.

Forefest of Christmas

January 2the beginning of the pre-celebration of the Nativity of Christ, which lasts until January 6.
In these
last days of fasting - with2 to 6In January, the fast is intensified: fish is prohibited on all days, food with oil is allowed only on Saturday and Sunday.

On Christmas Eve (Christmas Eve), January 6,custom requires not to eat until the appearance of the first evening star, after which it is customary to eat kolivo or sochivo - wheat grains boiled in honey or boiled rice with raisins; in some areas sochivo is called boiled dry fruits with sugar. The name of this day comes from the word “sochivo” - Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve
Christmas Carols

January 6 – Forever Nativity of Christ , or Christmas Eve, - last dayNativity Fast , eve Nativity of Christ.

On this day, Orthodox Christians especially prepare for the upcoming holiday; the whole day is filled with a special festive mood.

In the morning on Christmas Eve, at the end of the Liturgy and the following Vespers, a candle is brought into the center of the church and the priests sing a troparion before itChristmas.

On the very same day Christmas Eve fasting is no longer as strict as in the previous days of the strictest week Nativity Fast.

The service of Vespers is connected with the Liturgy and is served in the morning, which is whyWe fast until the moment when a candle is brought into the center of the church and before the candle the troparion to the Nativity of Christ is sung.

Many on this daytake communion. It would be good if those who cannot attend church services and who work honor this day with a stricter fast. We remember that, according to the Russian proverb, “A full belly is deaf to prayer.” Therefore, a more strict fast prepares us for the coming joy of the holiday.

Those who receive communion at the night Liturgy, according to church tradition, eat food for the last time no less than six hours before the time of Communion, or from about 6 pm. And here the point is not in a specific number of hours, that you need to fast for 6 or 8 hours and not a minute less, but in the fact that a certain limit is established, a measure of abstinence,helping us to keep it in moderation.

Sick people, of course, must fast to the extent that this is consistent with taking medications and with doctor’s orders. It's about It’s not about putting a weak person in a hospital, but about strengthening a person spiritually. The disease is already hard post and feat . And here a person should try to determine the measure of fasting according to his own strength.

As a rule, believers try to meet Nativity at the night holiday liturgy. But in many churches there is also an all-night vigil and Liturgy at the usual time - 5 pm and in the morning.

To attend a night service or a morning service - you need to watch it within your strength. Celebrating a holiday at night is, of course, a special joy: both spiritual and emotional. T ceremonial night services contribute to a deeper prayerful experience and perception of the Holiday.

The Apostle Paul commanded us« Always rejoice. Continuously pray. In everything give thanks to the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).If we celebrate the holiday with joy, prayer and gratitude to God, then we are fulfilling the apostolic covenant.

In the Orthodox Church, in the evening hours are celebrated, calledRoyal, because for a long time kings were present at this service, worshiping the newbornTo the King of Kings.

Royal watchbegin and take place with the open royal doors, in the middle of the temple, in front of the Gospel, placed on a lectern, as if as a sign that nowSaviorno longer lurks, as it once did in the darkness of the den, but shines for all nations. Before the Gospel, incense is burned in remembrance of the incense and myrrh brought by the Magi to the newborn Christ.

The day itself Nativity of Christ in the flesh, as the most important and solemn, in the liturgical books of the Orthodox Churchcalled Easter, a three-day holiday.

On this day, according to the voice of the Church,“All kinds of joy are filled. The angels rejoice in heaven, and men rejoice: all creation plays for the sake of the Savior of the Lord born in Bethlehem: as all flattery of idols ends and Christ reigns forever.”

Christmas Eve - evening meal on the eve of Christmas, accompanied by many traditions and rituals.

Kutya was cooked from wheat, peas, rice, and peeled barley. Seasoned with honey, poppy seed, hemp, sunflower or other vegetable oil. Grain was a symbol of resurrection life, and honey or sweet seasoning meant the sweetness of the blessings of a future blessed life.

The order of meals was regulated by strict rules: first, appetizers (herring, fish, salads) were served, then red (slightly warmed) borscht, mushroom or fish soup. Borscht and mushroom soup were served with abalone or pies with mushrooms, and the Orthodox sochni served flour tortillas fried in hemp oil.

At the end of the meal, sweet dishes were served on the table: roll with poppy seeds, gingerbread, honey cakes, cranberry jelly, dried fruit compote (uzvar), apples, nuts.

The meal was non-alcoholic. All dishes were lean, fried and seasoned with vegetable oil, without meat base, without milk and sour cream. Didn't servedishes so that the hostess is always at the table.

Traditional ritual and ceremonial dishes

KUTIA. Recipes Kutya. Preparation Kutya. TRADITIONAL RUSSIAN...

preparing a big family dinner. The whole family sets the table.

There should be straw on the table (or hay, in memory of the den and manger),

and on the straw there is a snow-white tablecloth.

It is clear that you cannot bring hay into modern apartments, and it is not so easy to get it in cities.

But in Lately beautiful Christmas tablecloths with patterns of spruce paws and bells appeared in stores.

They will also greatly decorate your table.

Kutya is placed in the center.

Then other dishes: pancakes, fish, aspic, jelly, suckling pig, pork head with horseradish, homemade sausage, roast, honey gingerbread, lomantsi with poppy seeds and honey, uzvar.

This set also included drinks, which depended purely on the taste and capabilities of the owner.

Culinary recipes for Christmas, dishes, menu. Kulinar.ru - more than 95...

At the table, kutya should be eaten first, i.e. to start their dinner, each of those present at the table must eat at least one spoon of kutya. According to legends, then this person will live in health and prosperity throughout the coming year.

Christmas Holidays

The holidays began with Christmas- holidays that lasted until Epiphany (January 19).All this time, Christmas rituals, fortune telling, entertainment, and mummers walking through the courtyards and streets took place. On Christmas early morning, before dawn, the ritual of seeding the huts was carried out. The shepherd walked with a bag of oats and, entering the house, threw a handful of grain in all directions with the sentence: “For the living, for the fertile, and for health.”

Girls didn't tell fortunes at Christmas. There was a sign: if a stranger’s woman enters the house first, the women in that family will be ill all day. To avoid any troubles, the peasants observed quite strict prohibitions. On Christmas Day it was forbidden to do household chores. It was impossible to sew, otherwise someone in the family would go blind. You can’t weave bast shoes, otherwise you’ll end up crooked. But you cannot hunt in the forest until Epiphany, because then a misfortune will happen to the hunter.

At noon the whole family went to watch the sun play. If the sun is playing - dark forces They hide from him in the cracks. And if the evil spirits do get into the house, then on this day there is a short order with them - scald the corners with boiling water and sweep them with a nettle broom.

The father took his son to the barn to the barn with grain. Before that, the heir was solemnly dressed by the whole family. A sheepskin sheepskin coat was girded with an embroidered belt, a fur hat was put on the head, and felt boots were put on the feet. The father raised his son above the sap with grain, wanting him to grow up faster and become an assistant on the farm.

Second day of Christmas, which is called the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary,dedicated to the glorification of the Mother of Christ, Holy Virgin Maria. Glorifying the Mother of God, the Church remembers the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt. It was caused by the fact that King Herod, having learned about the Birth of Christ and the worship of the Magi, became angry and ordered all the babies in Bethlehem to be beaten, hoping to destroy the Savior as well. But an angel appeared to Joseph and ordered him to hide in Egypt. After the death of Herod, Joseph and his Family returned and settled in Nazareth.

From that day on, girls' fortune-telling and mummers' rituals continued until Epiphany. Costumers in fur coats turned inside out, wearing masks or with faces stained with soot walked from house to house, singing songs and acting out various performances and scenes for an appropriate reward. Sometimes they took a horse or a bull with them.

And the girls were guessing. They guessed differently every day, and whoever knew what methods guessed that way.

Third day of Christmas called Stepan's day.According to custom, on Stepanov’s day they cut stakes, placed them in the corners of the yard, sticking them into the snow so that evil spirits scare away. Stepan is seasoned in danger, therefore he is not afraid of any evil spirits and on this day he uses stakes to fence himself off from them. Stepan is associated with the image of a peasant farmer, and therefore a boy born on this day will be a kind, caring, zealous and strict owner. Even on this day, the whole village chose a shepherd, concluded an agreement with him, and arranged a treat.



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Powerful men are always attracted to beautiful women. Therefore, it is not surprising that exceptional beauties become the spouses of presidents....

Candid photos of the main cook of the State Duma Main cook of the State Duma

Candid photos of the main cook of the State Duma Main cook of the State Duma

Russian State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein published photographs of the new “chief cook of the State Duma” on his Twitter. According to the deputy, in the Russian...

Conspiracy on the husband: to return, to the desire of the wife, so that he misses and obeys

Conspiracy on the husband: to return, to the desire of the wife, so that he misses and obeys

Conspiracy against male infidelity Husband and wife are one Satan, as people say. Family life can sometimes be monotonous and boring. This can't help but...

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