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A reliable man for Elena Proklova. Women Snake-Virgo, King - about men Who is Elena Proklova's husband Andrey Trishin

While the actress decides how to divide the property, her ex-husband is renovating the barn

While the actress decides how to divide the property, her ex-husband is renovating the barn

The actress herself publicly announced last summer that Elena PROKLOVA’s marriage to businessman Andrei TRISHIN was coming apart at the seams. But we barely had time to come to terms with the sad news when in mid-November the couple announced that they were back together. Alas, the saying “Darlings scold - only amuse themselves” did not work here. Moreover, Elena Igorevna intends to share the property acquired over 30 years with her ex-husband through the court. However, Andrei Vladimirovich does not confirm this information. Having asked him to comment on the situation, I heard a desperate cry from the soul of a man outraged by the accusations that had fallen upon him.

That Elena Proklova plans to divide property with Andrey Trishin, a person close to the star family told us.

And Elena Igorevna is doing the right thing,” the source assured. - Finally, Andrei will begin to appreciate her. Lena is a breadwinner, and all he has on his mind is hunting. They are not poor people, one plot in Zhostovo is more than forty acres, and there are three houses on it. And all this thanks to Lena. Yes, Andrey is engaged in the construction business, but he has never brought in much income. In addition, it is known that he is a gambler.

The person who said this does not know Elena Igorevna,” Andrei Trishin reacted sharply to these words. - We don't share anything. If they were going to share something, Elena Igorevna would suggest: take what you want! And no one will say about me that I don’t work, but only hunt. Much of what we have in our house is made by my own hands. I have a lot of machines and tools. I do woodworking, welding, and metal cutting. It happens that I work on one thing for three years, and then I come up with a work of art. Recently I installed a door to the chicken coop so that the chickens would not freeze.

- Did you also furnish the apartment in Sochi yourself?

This is our daughter Polina’s apartment, I’ve never been there: I don’t like Sochi.

Andrey Vladimirovich, can you finally clarify what is happening? Elena Igorevna announces to the whole country that you have broken up, then denies it.

We divorced, but remained friends. We live in the same house, say “good morning” to each other, drink coffee together. With us are our daughter and her boyfriend - a gorgeous guy, I tell you. So Lena and I had a fictitious divorce. Why Lena talks about him everywhere, I don’t know. It was her idea - she submitted the documents.

Several years ago, you and your wife entered into a prenuptial agreement. They say the reason for this is a love triangle. Apparently you are a big fan of going left.

Happens to everyone. Are humans robots programmed to walk in a straight line? I will never believe this.

- That is, there was a reason. Are you a jealous person yourself?

I was jealous when I was young, and this bothered Lena. Then I realized that jealousy kills feelings, and weaned myself off it. Automotive training helped: every day I convinced myself that I was suffering in vain, because Lena did not give a reason. There is nothing to blame me for now either - I don’t even stay overnight while hunting. People who have known me for a long time will tell you this. The day before yesterday I returned at three o’clock in the morning, although all my comrades remained at the base. Do you know why I did this? Because it pulls me home.

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We could eat separately - in different kitchens, without straining each other. I allow myself foods that are not entirely healthy - in this regard, I am an unbridled person and have great respect for Lena, who is able to force herself to eat healthy. By the way, they told you nonsense about the fact that all I know is that I go hunting. But it's not just entertainment. We haven’t eaten anything store-bought for 20 years now. We eat exclusively game caught by hunting. At my friend's factory they make sausage from it. We close the stew ourselves. They have their own fish and chickens again. We are engaged in canning. In the greenhouse, Elena Igorevna grows everything she can: cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers.

And I built the greenhouse - an unemployed “loafer”. Do you think Lena, with her character, could live for so many years with a man who does nothing but hunts? I am begging you. And I will say this: I will never marry again. Because I still love Lena.

Elena Proklova is a famous Russian actress and TV presenter. This woman won the hearts of millions of viewers and more. Elena has always been a very charismatic and interesting girl, she never complained about the lack of attention from people of the opposite sex.

Elena and Andrey Trishin

At the age of 60, the actress managed to get married 3 times. Her first choice was director Vitaly Melik-Karamov. Proklova registered this marriage at the age of eighteen. And as expected, a year later a daughter, Arina, was born into the family of artists.

Soon Elena began acting in films, her career was going up. Her husband did not like all this very much. Vitaly was categorically against his wife’s acting career. After 4 years, their union broke up.

Proklova’s second husband was Alexander Deryabin. But before him, the actress had a serious relationship with actor Oleg Yankovsky. He was married, but for the sake of Elena he was ready to leave the family. But it didn’t come to that.

Elena with her daughter Polina and her third husband

And so, the actress’s second marriage was short-lived. Many consider the reason for divorce to be the inability to have children. After the divorce, Elena developed a good relationship with the artist Alexander Adamovich. He left his wife and children for the sake of the actress.

But this relationship was not eternal, after 2 years their romance came to an end. Sasha returned to his family, and some time later he died.

And finally, businessman Andrei Trishin becomes Elena’s third husband. A very harmonious relationship developed between them from the very beginning. The actress gave birth to a son from Andrei, but he died a few days after his birth. It was a difficult period for both spouses, but they managed.

A couple of years later, a daughter appeared in their family. Elena gave birth to her at 41 and named her Polina. Lena and Andrey still live together and are quite happy. By the way, Elena also has a granddaughter, Alisa, Arina’s daughter.

Elena Proklova– a bright, extraordinary personality, an actress of rare femininity and, moreover, incredibly talented. Before writing this article, I listened to probably a dozen of her interviews, read a large number of articles in which Proklova shares her life experience, women's wisdom acquired over the years, talks about her husbands, lovers, children, granddaughter, parents, roles. The biography of this actress is not even a novel, a real saga. There are many scandals associated with her name, because the life of this beauty has always been eventful, and our heroine is accustomed to taking everything from fate and not refusing any of her gifts. If she liked a man, she gave herself to him with ease, and she fell in love with almost every partner on the set. This woman's lovers claim that in bed Elena Proklova there is no equal, she is the goddess of love!

After reading articles about Elena Proklova and watching a video interview with her, I read user comments. What do they think about this woman? What is it that fascinates and what repels the inhabitants of this planet? Elena Proklova? The points.

Why people don’t like Elena Proklova

  1. There are many lovers, among whom there were married men - this does not paint our heroine in the eyes of the audience.
  2. Abortion, early marriage.
  3. Passion for plastic surgery, changing the shape of the nose, lips overly inflated with silicone (over time they acquired a decent shape).
  4. The actress shares her husband's hobby; together they hunt animals, keep several hundred stuffed animals in the house, and eat their meat. People call Elena heartless knacker.

Why do people love Elena Proklova?

  1. Great movie roles.
  2. Looks amazing at sixty-something
  3. Remained on good terms with all her ex-husbands and lovers (not excluding those who passed away)
  4. Every time he is reborn like a Phoenix bird from the ashes, he does not lose heart or despair, he knows how to rejoice in every day he lives.
  5. Despite everything, she was still able to give birth to a second daughter, defied fate and became a mother for the second time.

IN 11 years Elena Proklova starred in a movie for the first time, she was brought to the set by her own grandfather, her father’s father, who worked as an assistant director on the film "They're calling, open the door". Then there was a crazy casting for this film, they had been looking for the main character for more than one month, a huge number of screen tests were carried out, but none of the girls Alexander Mitta(the main director of the film) did not see the same one: a naive, but liberated, vulnerable, but with a strong character pioneer girl. Elena Proklova helped her grandfather, she played along with the girls who were auditioning for the main role, but one fine day Alexander Mitta I saw the light - here she is that same girl, talented and beautiful and efficient!

Based on the plot of the film, a schoolgirl Tanya Nechaeva in love with the counselor Petya (Sergey Nikonenko), a high school student, and in order to attract his attention, she decides to find one of the first pioneers. After school Tanya methodically goes through all the apartments in search of that very right person. Interesting events happen to the girl, she meets amazing people. For creating the image of a young pioneer Elena Proklova was recognized as the best actress of the year, in addition, for this role she even received a prize at the children's film festival in Venice.

Elena Proklova I woke up famous, because I really played the role of a pioneer perfectly. I saw this black and white film, it was shot in 1965 year, Elena Proklova she was unusually good in it, it is not surprising that after the release of this film, all the boys fell in love with her, but the girls were terribly jealous, so she joined her company Elena Proklova they didn’t accept, the loneliness of the young screen star was very depressing.

Parents Elena Proklova They decided that their daughter would no longer act in films; not only is it hard work for children, but the child also has to miss school. And there were a lot of proposals for filming, and that’s when Elena had a chance to play a role Gerda in a fairy tale "The Snow Queen", her parents were so delighted that they gave their go-ahead, so be it, let her daughter become an actress. The filming lasted a year and a half; the thirteen-year-old girl went on a film expedition, during which her parents visited only twice. school Elena Proklova She passed as an external student, and not because she was so smart, but because she wanted to learn the acting profession as quickly as possible, and school only interfered with this.

In this photo on the left is Elena Proklova with her first husband Vitalik Melik-Karimov, the couple on the right is Proklova’s brother and his wife.

At sixteen Elena Proklova became a student Moscow Art Theater Schools. In her second year at the institute, she had already gotten married, she was seventeen years old, and her chosen one was Vitalik Melik-Karamov, Armenian by nationality, friend of her brother Victor. The fact is that Victor married a friend Elena, but our heroine also wanted a veil, a white dress, she chose her future husband herself, first she chose, then she fell in love, he was only three years older than her. The future spouses were told that the bride was pregnant; whether this was true or not is not known for certain, but soon after marriage Elena Proklova had her first abortion, her grandmother took her by the hand to the doctor’s office. In the family Proklovykh abortions were commonplace, no one treated it as something tragic, an unborn child was not considered a living being, and there was no propaganda against abortion yet.

On this photo Elena Proklova and her first husband Vitaly Melek-Karimov.

But soon a second pregnancy occurred, this time the husband persuaded Elena Proklova give birth, the first daughter was born - Arina Melek-Karimova. And it should be noted that the husband Vitaly was very jealous, and Elena by that time there was already a countless army of fans, in addition to this, she began to play naked on stage, according to the script she kissed her partner.

This was Elena Proklova when Oleg Tabakov began to pursue her.

And before Vitalika Melek-Krimova, When Elena was sixteen years old, he was already chasing after her with might and main Oleg Tabakov, and although in some of his interviews Elena Proklova says that all this was innocent in nature, in other revelations she claims that Oleg Pavlovich persuaded her to be intimate, but she was persistent and did not give in, although she was incredibly in love. He was 33 years, he was married, his wife was 31 a year, they had already been together for ten years, well Oleg attracted to the young and fresh Elena Proklova. Many years later Proklova And Tabakov met and still entered into an intimate relationship, remembered the past, but Elena not impressed with the cat's capabilities Matroskina, by that time she was already a very experienced woman in love pleasures.

In this photo the eldest daughter Elena Proklova - Arina Melek-Karimova.

In this photo on the left is the granddaughter Elena Proklova, this beauty's name is Alice. On right Arina Melek-Karimova- eldest daughter Elena Proklova.

For many years rumor attributed Elena Proklova numerous novels, the beautiful actress laughed it off, denied it, but suddenly, being already a sixty-year-old madam, she decided to repent to the deceived wives of her lovers, and there turned out to be many of them. Andrey Mironov, Oleg Yankovsky, Mihai Volontir. About Alexandra Abdulova Elena Proklova talks a lot and with great interest, the actor managed to become her close friend, although initially passions raged between them, and since Elena did not know how to refuse the pressure of men, then most likely she could not do without a bed, she also had sex with her brother Oleg YankovskyIgor. In general, there were very, very many novels, Elena Proklova I have always separated the needs of the body from love, that is, having fun with a married man is one thing, but feelings, marriage is another. The actress did not take married men seriously, she knew that they were womanizers, that just as they cheated on their boring wives, they would easily deceive her later, and therefore she was the first to break off relations with adulterers, at the peak of raging passion. Guilty in relationships with married men Elena Proklova doesn’t consider herself, she was a free woman, they were the ones who cheated on their wives and it’s on their conscience.

In the photo, Elena Proklova’s second husband is healer Alexander Deryabin.

After Elena Proklova broke up with her first husband and hung out with married actors, she decided to get married again, her second husband was a traditional healer Alexander Deryabin. Elena At the time she met him, she was interested in yoga, spiritualism, and traditional medicine, and as luck would have it, her daughter developed an ulcer. Deryabin helped the child heal.

Soon daughter Elena Proklova,healed Arina, decided to leave her mother and live with her grandparents, because there were cabbage rolls, cutlets and pies, and at home there were medicinal herbs and dry buckwheat baked in a frying pan. Mom was strict and demanding, and grandparents allowed a lot Arine, just pampered and loved. Twelve year old Arina She left her mother harshly, inflicting a deep emotional wound on her. Elena Proklova By that time she was a very popular actress, she acted in films, played in the theater, and left her daughter with her parents. And it’s not surprising, because I myself Elena I was brought up the same way, spending the whole summer with my grandparents, since my parents had their own busy lives. Arina turned out to be a selfish child, she did not think about her mother’s feelings. Only years later were mother and daughter able to find a common language.

From Alexandra Deryabina Elena Proklova gave birth to two twins, but the babies lived for a few minutes and died, then Elena I didn’t yet know that her blood was too thick, it passed through the placenta with difficulty, the fetus did not receive enough nutrients and did not develop properly. The loss of his sons was a great shock to Proklova, this tragedy separated her from her husband; she believed that he took the loss of his children too lightly and could not find the proper words of consolation for his wife.

After some time, having walked with the next lovers, Proklova meets again an interesting man who was eight years younger than her. Andrey Trishin- a watchmaker, came to visit her brother, and there was Elena. A spark, word for word, and now they are together, love again, this time for many years. They got married, and five years later they got married. Wedding dress Elena Proklova She knitted herself, it turns out she has been doing needlework since childhood. But at the time of this fateful meeting with his last chosen one Elena has not yet filed for divorce from her second husband, but Andrey was not divorced from his first wife.

Your Trishina Elena Proklova I even waited from the army.

In this photo, Elena Proklova with her second daughter Polina.

Before you give birth Andrey Trishin daughter Polina, Elena Proklova lost two more children, one child lived eight days after birth, the second child died in late pregnancy. By the time Elena was pregnant Polina, she already knew everything about her illness, she understood how to control it. A huge number of injections in the stomach were required, about 600 throughout the entire pregnancy, in order to thin the blood so that it could fully pass through the placenta and nourish the fetus.

In this photo, Elena Proklova with her daughters, granddaughter Alisa sitting in the middle.

Eldest daughter Arina got married and was also pregnant at that time, and since the disease turned out to be hereditary, Arine I also had to give myself injections in my stomach. Grandmother and mother Elena Proklova became in 41 year, first my second daughter was born Pauline, and a few months later the first granddaughter Alice.

WITH Andrey Trishin Elena Proklova lived for about thirty years before deciding to divorce, but even after the divorce they remained living in the same house. In fact, they are still husband and wife, but without the right to make claims against each other. Elena Proklova and her husband Andrey Trishin very different people, united above all by good intimacy. He loves hunting, the collection of stuffed animals in their common home will impress anyone, it’s a whole museum. Elena doesn’t like to look at the suffering of animals, but as a truly loving wife, she has accustomed herself to this man’s hobby, goes to Africa on safari, she wants to be there at the moment when her husband is happy, shares his euphoria with him. There are so many trophies in their house: the heads of lions, bears, giraffes, hippopotamus, buffalo, even an elephant! Stuffed animal of a huge crocodile, lions, tigers, cheetahs, all kinds of birds, fish. In the house Elena And Andrey there is a huge refrigerator with meat from all these animals, but at the same time, this couple of hunters leaves a lot of animal carcasses to starving African tribes.

But my husband Elena Proklova does not share her interests at all, for example Elena loves the sea and Andrey can’t stand him and doesn’t even want to make any concessions for the sake of his wife.

Later 30 years of marriage Elena Proklova And Andrey Trishin divorced. The actress shared a deeply intimate story with the audience. When her husband fell in love with a young seventeen-year-old neighbor, Elena was 43 years old, he 35 . By that time Elena Proklova In order to raise her second child, she left the theater, stopped acting in films, and devoted herself entirely to her family. The news that her husband had fallen in love came like a bolt from the blue to her. Elena for the first time in her life she asked, begged a man not to leave her, and he changed his mind, after all, their long-awaited daughter Polina was only two years old, and Elena there were no roles, no money. After that case Andrey And Elena have drawn up a marriage contract, now Elena she was calm, if something happened, she was protected. However, after this incident Elena began to appreciate her husband even more, she realized that she was afraid of losing him. To date Andrey Trishin works in the construction business, and Elena performs anti-climatic performances and gives provocative interviews from time to time.

Young people in this photo Svetlana Kryuchkova And Elena Proklova.

Eldest daughter Arina Vitalievna.

And this outfit is handmade Elena Proklova I probably made it myself!

When Elena Proklova She was thirty years old and she had her nose fixed; now it is not snub-nosed and upturned, but straight. Many fans of the actress were unhappy that Elena Proklova lost her zest, but the actress herself had long dreamed of getting rid of her upturned nose and was very pleased with the result of the operation.

Actress Elena Proklova has been delighting fans with her talent for many years. She started acting in films as a child. She is remembered as the brave Gerda from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”. The girl was noticed at an early age, as she often visited the set with her grandfather.

But it was the grandfather who dissuaded his beloved granddaughter from becoming an actress. He told her about the difficult everyday life of an actor and that acting in films is not easy.

The girl listened to all this, but at the same time firmly decided that she would become an actress when she grew up. And so it happened. Elena graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School and became a successful actress.

As for the actress’s personal life, it has always been full. Elena was married three times. She is also credited with numerous affairs with colleagues, singers and artists. Some of her fans even wanted to leave their families to be with her.

Early marriage

Elena got married very early. This did not happen out of great love, but rather simply out of curiosity. When she was only 17 years old, her brother got married. And then the girls liked the bride’s white dress so much that Elena also wanted to try on something similar.

But to put on the wedding dress, a groom was needed. The role of Proklova’s husband was played by aspiring documentary director Vitaly Melik-Karamov. This guy often visited Elena’s parents’ house and showed signs of attention to the girl. We can say that Elena proposed marriage to her future husband.

The wedding went well. The bride wore a beautiful white dress and was surrounded by friends and family. All this was reminiscent of a good fairy tale. But the fairy tale ended very quickly and family everyday life began. Vitaly wanted a big family and insisted on having a child. Elena did not intend to become a mother at such a young age, but she made concessions. At the age of 19 she gave birth to her daughter Arina.

Every year Elena realized that she had made a mistake by getting married. A brilliant career lay ahead of her. The actress was invited to act in films and play roles in the theater. She could not devote much time to her family. Her husband, on the contrary, demanded that she be at home more often and devote all her time to him. He arranged scenes of jealousy for Elena if the script required her to kiss her partner.

One day Vitaly gave his wife an ultimatum: she had to choose what was more important to her - career or family. She chose her career without hesitation. She took her daughter and moved to another apartment. So after four years of marriage, the couple separated.

Waiting for love

Elena Proklova's second husband expected reciprocity for about 10 years. The actress and doctor Alexander Deryabin met by chance. Elena and her companion were invited to dinner. The owner of the apartment where he was passing through turned out to be Deryabin. During dinner, Elena made such a strong impression on him that he called her the next day and confessed his love. The girl was not ready for such a turn of events. She replied that she simply didn’t even remember Alexander and called him crazy.

But, as a rule, you cannot escape fate. The next meeting of Alexander and Elena took place almost 10 years later. Then the actress’s daughter had stomach problems. Elena was looking for a qualified doctor who would help her solve Arina’s health problems. Friends recommended her to a very good doctor. It turned out to be Alexander Deryabin.

A whirlwind romance broke out between the actress and the doctor, which ended in a wedding, but this marriage was short-lived. The couple did not survive the serious test.

Interesting notes:

They had twin sons. But, having lived only a few days, the boys died. The couple was very worried about this tragedy, but did it separately from each other. Thus they gave themselves up, although each of them needed support. The result was divorce.

Happy marriage

Elena Proklova met her third husband through friends. They introduced her to businessman Andrei Trishin. The short romance was ready to develop into a family relationship. But everyone close to Elena was against this. It seemed to them that Trishin was not a match for her at all. However, the actress managed to defend her right to happiness.

But even after the formalization of the relationship, the couple faced many trials. The most serious thing was related to the child. Elena became pregnant and gave birth to a boy. But the child did not live long and died a week after birth. This time the couple experienced grief together. They were able to cope with this and remain alone. After some time, Proklova found out that she was pregnant again. This time the actress managed to give birth to a healthy girl.

The actress was married to Andrei Trishin for about thirty years. It was entirely her idea to file for divorce. The couple tries not to talk about what caused this.

But, as it turned out, even three years after the divorce was filed, Andrei and Elena live together under the same roof. They were able to maintain a good relationship, and the ex-husband helps the woman in everything. Perhaps a stamp in a passport is not an indicator of love, and Elena now just needs warmth and a strong shoulder nearby.

The second husband of 61-year-old Proklova said that she and her third life partner, 53-year-old businessman Andrei Trishin, slept in different rooms, and she went to the registry office out of despair. And Savelov-Deryabin is not embarrassed by the fact that the married couple lived together for more than 30 years and raised their daughter Polina, who is now 21 years old.


For comparison, the actress lived with the professor of medicine for three years. However, Alexander is sure that Elena never loved the rival who replaced him. Savelov-Deryabin also denied rumors that infidelity led to Proklova and Trishin’s divorce.

“It’s unlikely that the reason for the divorce could lie in some kind of betrayal. Andrei put himself in such a way that she sleeps in one room - in her hall, and he sleeps in another room. This is insanity. And if a man cannot put the question bluntly, then it means that he himself molested her and spoiled her,” the actress’s second husband told Super.ru. “It seems to me that she never loved her husband.” He came and asked her to marry her, and she went out of despair. You can’t live your whole life like this, and at least someday you need to take a breath of the air of freedom. But Andrei loved her very much.”

Alexander is sure that Proklova’s marriage collapsed because she initially did not feel love for her businessman husband. Earlier, in another interview, the doctor said a lot of kind words about Trishina. “It’s not completely clear to me what happened to Lena and Andrey. Andrey is a wonderful man, a golden man with a rare soul, he won’t find Len like him. She's a stubborn girl. To withstand it, you need great patience!” Savelov-Deryabin said knowledgeably.

Proklova herself has so far refused to comment on the topic of her divorce proceedings. A few days ago, when the news of her separation from her husband exploded in the media, the actress was tight-lipped. “In order not to spread too much, I will answer you in one sentence. And please, at least in the near future, do not bother me more, since this is not such a simple question. My husband and I are trying our best to preserve our relationship.. And we came to the conclusion that divorce is one of the options,” Elena explained her action.

Meanwhile, the Internet is already pouring dirt on the star with all its might. According to some secular gossips, problems between Proklova and her husband arose a long time ago, and the first reports of separation appeared in April, but were more like rumors. As the neighbors of the actress from the village of Zhostovo near Moscow said, Elena and Andrey literally do not let them sleep - they scold the entire district because of his possible infidelities. According to another version, the actress attacked her cheating husband with a firearm because he came home late. The artist’s colleagues confirmed that Trishin is greedy for the female sex. They say that because of his infidelities, Proklova even began to drink from the bottle more often than expected, and not only during non-working hours.



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