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Draw a church with a picture of Jesus Christ. Draw the Virgin Mary (step by step). Wooden doors of the Church of Santa Sabina

In this lesson we will look at what to draw for Christmas, and also look at step by step drawing, how to draw Christmas, the birth of Christ with a pencil step by step.

So, what to draw for Christmas. In Western countries, this holiday is celebrated on a grand scale, just like we do. We are Christians, not all, of course, there are many other religions in our country, but the majority, only countries former USSR Orthodox, and in the West Catholics. On Catholic Christmas they like to display figures like this, maybe they’ve even seen them in films, the movie “Home Alone” comes to mind, but I don’t remember which part.

In connection with this, you can draw the Birth of Jesus, a cradle with a baby and Mary and Joseph nearby. The pictures are enlarged.

Just a Christmas scene.

The Magi go to bow and bring gifts to the newborn prophet, a star is shining that shows the way to him, if I don’t confuse anything. This is depicted in silhouettes, for me, very beautifully.

Below is an illustrated picture, well, this is for the pros.

These were the options associated with the birth of Jesus. Now let's see how you can draw Christmas differently. Saint Nicholas (Santa) looks at the star, and you can also simply distribute it in .

Here is your loved one, or rather two, holding a piece of paper with the inscription “Merry Christmas!”

Here are more options for Christmas related to nature: , twig, church.

Winter landscape and bluebells.

This old postcard, you see there is also a hard sign (ъ) after the letters “s” and “m”.

You can simply use caramel sticks, leaves, and ribbons.

Now let's see, our Christmas drawing lesson, this is what we should end up with, I decided to mix the New Year theme with the birth of Jesus.

I took part of the drawing from this picture.

Look again where the circle should be and draw it with an animal feeder inside.

Then draw the hay that sticks out from the top and from the cracks.

Sheep, star and shine.

Bells (you should already know how to draw them, there is a lesson) and spruce branches. Branches are drawn simply, draw a curve from which small curves extend, which are at a close distance to each other.

And the final touch is to show the ringing of the bell and decorate the inscription “Merry Christmas” on the sides with these decorative lines.

Good afternoon, Today we will draw the Virgin Mary (step by step). Virgin Mary, one of the most revered personalities and the greatest of Christian saints. Virgin Mary earthly mother of Jesus Christ. We are often asked to teach how to Draw the Virgin Mary. Let's get started:

Step 1
First, let's draw a circle - this will be Mary's head. Then we will draw lines as shown in the figure.

Drawing the basis of our drawing

Step 2
Using the resulting shape, we draw Maria’s profile, framing it with curly hair along the right side of her face.

Drawing a face

Step 3
Using the lines that we drew in the first step, draw the outlines of the eyes, eyebrows, simple form nose and move on.

Drawing the outlines of the eyes

Step 4
We finish drawing the nose, and then draw the lips and eyelid lines.

Drawing a face

Step 5
Now that we have drawn Maria's face, we can begin to paint her hood. Make simple lines as shown in the picture , not forgetting about the hairstyle, the Virgin Mary's hair is visible from under the hood, it is evenly styled and has a dark color.

Step 6
We draw the line of the neck, the collar and complete the shroud. We make folds on the hood. Erase unnecessary lines.

Step 7
This is what our Virgin Mary looks like. You can add shadows to make the drawing look realistic, but it will take more time. And you can color the drawing, you can do this as in our lesson, or you can come up with new colors yourself. Create, create, act. Good luck!

Erase extra lines

Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God and the Son of Man. He combines human and divine nature. This is the central person in the religion of Christianity. Jesus Christ was born from the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit. He lived a short but very bright life. The Bible tells about his life and his teaching. And we will try to draw Jesus Christ.

Stage 1. First we build a cross. We select a point on the sheet in its upper third and draw one straight line from it down to the very end. And two straight lines to the top and to the sides at a certain angle to the bottom straight line. Along the lower straight line we build the lower part of the cross, we do it under the ruler. Between the two upper straight lines we build a transverse line of the cross. Let's slightly round the ends at the top and sides.

Stage 2. Under the middle of the cross we draw the head of Jesus Christ. His face, framed by hair, is lowered slightly downwards. Above his head we draw crosswise the ropes with which he was tied to the cross.

Stage 3. Here we show the body of Jesus. It is drawn along the bottom straight line. Along the lateral straight lines we draw his hands. We draw the shoulders, arm muscles, limply hanging hands. Below from the neck we draw his chest, stomach, hips and legs: one in front of the other. On the hips we will draw a bandage made of fabric.

Stage 4. Then show the hair lines on the head, the rope rim on the forehead. We draw eyes, nose, cheekbones, lips. The hair falls straight onto the cheeks. And below the face is framed by a beard, and there is also a mustache.

Stage 5. Now let's add blood streaks on the hands. And on top of the hands we will draw the ropes with which he was tied to the Cross.

Stage 6. Draw muscle lines on the body. Let's show the points of the nipples and navel. On the bandage around the hips we will also add a few lines, giving the texture of the fabric. On the legs we will add a few strokes to imitate streaks of blood.

Stage 7. It remains to shade the cross, showing the material from which it consists: wood. We draw many lines imitating the surface of wood.

Stage 8. This is the black and white version of this drawing.

An unusual master class will open to everyone who wants to master this type of art the subtle world of icon painting with its own orders and rules. Understanding this skill is not so difficult if you approach the matter with patience and love.

For creativity we will need materials:
- board (in this case 15*20 cm);
- skin;
- acrylic paint white(as a primer);
- gouache (it is better to purchase separate jars of gouache, including gold color);
- PVA glue;
- brushes of different sizes (preferably squirrel or column);
- varnish for woodwork (matte or semi-matte);
- icon or photograph, picture or orthodox calendar where will we make a list of icons?

1. Before starting work, it is better to read a prayer or simply say: “Lord, bless.” This way things will go faster and better. Now we need to sand the board. To do this, take thicker sandpaper and grind the surface in a circular motion. Using sandpaper we bring the board to a smooth state.

2. Acrylic paint applied to the surface of the board in two or three layers. If necessary, it can be diluted with water 1:1. Next you need to sand the board to perfect condition.

3. The third stage is very important. We need to make a pencil drawing of Jesus. All proportions must be observed here. If difficulties arise, use tracing paper - transfer the drawing onto it, and then attach it to the board and trace it, it will be imprinted.

4. At the fourth stage, you need to dilute ocher paint with water and PVA glue and paint the board in one or two layers. This is done so that the tones of the future icon are not too bright and open. The pencil drawing should be transparent, so we apply the paint in transparent layers. Now brown paint We trace the drawing along the contour. To do this, take the thinnest brush.

5. At the fifth stage, you can relax a little and remember your childhood. Now we will do approximately what children do in coloring books. Fill the icon with color. We will fill each fragment with the most dark color, (be sure to add a little PVA glue to the paint) which is on the icon. For example, the face, it has darker and lighter tones. This means we need to take the darkest tone and fill the face with color. In this case it is dark - Brown color. This is done in order to highlight the fragments at the next stage.
We do the same with other parts of the picture - clothes, hair, etc. Apply paint in two or three layers. On at this stage the main thing is accuracy. We remember that the colors in the icon should not be bright, so you can mute them with ocher. Paint the background with gold paint.

6.The sixth step is the most labor-intensive and responsible. We need to add volume to the drawing by highlighting the fragments. Let's start with the face. We take ocher paint, mix it with white and gradually lighten the areas of the cheekbones, forehead, and nose. Achieving a smooth transition will not happen in one go. We will highlight until the face takes on a three-dimensional shape. We also add volume to folds on clothes and other fragments. Don't forget to add glue to the paint so that the previous layers don't wash away.

8.Now you need to apply varnish to the icon. Choose a matte or semi-matte wood varnish. This way the icon will not glare. Apply varnish in two or three layers and dry. Be sure to consecrate the icon in the temple. God help you!

Images of Jesus Christ on icons obey certain canons and are almost always easily recognizable - Christ as an infant in the arms of the Virgin Mary, Pantocrator (“Almighty”) and Christ the Passion-Bearer, suffering Christ. However, in early period images of Christ were much more varied.

1. Christ the Good Shepherd

Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
In early Christianity, Christ was often depicted as a simple village shepherd. In the mosaic kept in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna, the young Jesus does not look at all like a village shepherd, although he also tends sheep. Dressed in expensive clothes, he, sitting in a majestic pose on a hillock symbolizing the throne, holds in one hand a cross, associated with the imperial staff. Apparently this was an attempt to combine the political power of the emperor and the divine power of Jesus

2. Wooden doors of the Church of Santa Sabina

Church of Santa Sabina, Rome
The oldest church in Rome, Santa Sabina, built in 432, has perfectly preserved not only its original architectural appearance, but even its wooden doors with panels. A relief was carved on them by an unknown artist, illustrating various scenes from the Bible. Among others, there is one of the earliest images of the martyred Christ, in which he is depicted as a long-haired and bearded man hanging from a cross.

3. Christ trampling the beasts

Archbishop's Chapel, Ravenna
In the Archbishop's Chapel in Ravenna there is a mosaic depicting Christ standing on the necks of a lion and a snake. These images go back to the Holy Scriptures. The composition is based on holy scripture. Psalm 91.13 says: if you love God: “You will tread on the lion and the cobra, you will trample the great lion and the serpent.” The young, beardless Christ in this mosaic is depicted in the garb of a warrior... right hand he holds a cross, in the left - a book on which the inscription “Ego sum via, veritaset, vita” is visible. The chapel was built in the 5th century, during a period of struggle between various Christian sects, perhaps the image of Christ the Warrior is connected with this.

4. Healing a Bleeding Woman

Catacombs of Marcellinus and Peter
The famous Roman catacombs were used by Christians as burial places. On the walls of the catacombs of Saints Marcellinus and Peter, built in the second or third century, among thousands of burials is one of the earliest images illustrating the Gospel story of Christ's salvation of a woman who bled for 12 years, and who was saved only by her faith in Christ.

5. Healing a paralyzed person

One of the most famous stories from the New Testament - Jesus healing a paralyzed man. The friends are so desperate to get to Jesus that they tear off the roof of the house where Jesus is and throw the sick man inside with his bed. Seeing this, Jesus said to him: “Get up, take up your bed and go home.” After these words, the man actually got up and left. A fresco illustrating this story was discovered on the wall of a church in Syria. It is dated to approximately 230.

6. Madonna and Child

Catacombs of Priscilla, Rome
The Catacombs of Priscilla are the oldest in Rome. However, they are known not only for this. Thanks to archaeological excavations, an ancient fresco was found there, depicting the Mother of God with a baby in her arms. Next to her stands one of the prophets, holding a book in one hand and pointing to a star with the other. The fresco is on the ceiling above the tomb of Saint Priscilla and dates from around 225 AD.

7. Good Shepherd

St. Callisto, Rome
In Christian catacombs, Christ was often depicted as the Good Shepherd. And the Catacombs of Callista, the largest underground burial place of Christians in Rome, is no exception - there is one there too. It depicts Christ as a young man, a simple shepherd, with a bucket of milk to feed the sheep. On the young man’s shoulders is a lamb. This is one of the most famous early images of this type.

8. Mosaic in the Church of St. Maria

The floor mosaic at St Mary's Church, Hinton is unusual in that it mixes Christian and pagan imagery. It was created at the beginning of the 4th century, when Christianity was officially adopted in the Roman Empire. On this mosaic the Greek mythological hero, depicted sitting on a winged Pegasus, is adjacent to a chest-length image of a beardless man. Behind this man’s head are two Greek letters “ki” and “rho.” When crossed, they form a monogram of the name of Christ. In those distant times, such a monogram was a symbol of Christianity. It is believed that on this mosaic for the first time Christ is depicted in the form of a man; before that, Christians used exclusively symbols for this purpose.

9. Crucifix on an ivory plate

British museum
IN British Museum there is an ivory plate made in Rome in the 5th century, on which a panel depicting the crucifixion is carved. It is believed that for the first time it depicts the figure of the crucified Christ, and not a symbolic cross. The figure of the hanged Judas is also carved on the panel, and under him is a bag with scattered pieces of silver that he received for his betrayal.

10. Graffito of Alexamenos

A graffiti drawing found on one of the walls in Rome is now kept in the Antiquarian Museum of the Palatine and is called Graffito of Alexamenos. It represents one of the very first images of the crucifixion of Christ, although in a caricature form, which is why its second name is Blasphemous Graffito. The drawing shows a man worshiping a figure crucified on a cross with a donkey's head. The drawing is accompanied by the inscription “Alexamenos worships his God.” The author of this drawing was clearly not a Christian.

Christmas is a great time to remember.



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