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GPS does not work, what should I do? Correctly setting up GPS on Android

The GPS navigation function is now available in every modern smartphone. Most people need this technology almost daily. For example, drivers who do not have car navigators often use their mobile gadget as a portable navigator. Since these devices are not designed to be full-fledged navigators, their operation sometimes fails.

This is often due to incorrect software settings. For many people, GPS does not work on Xiaomi devices, namely, it shows the incorrect location. There are several ways to make your device search for satellites faster.

Testing the connection

To compare the results of your manipulations with the device, we recommend using the GPS Test program. It will show you how many satellites your phone sees, which ones it is connected to and the quality of this connection.

GPS Status - Displays the GPS status, whether it is currently enabled or not. Each column is a satellite that your phone sees, their total number can be seen in the upper left corner of “In View”, in the upper right corner of “In Use” - how many of them the phone uses. The color and number of the column indicates the connection quality.

  • Gray column - satellite is not used
  • from 0 to 20 (red, orange) - poor connection
  • from 20 to 40 (yellow) - acceptable quality
  • from 40 (green) - excellent quality

In the program you will find many more useful functions, such as satellite map, compass, accuracy and more.

We give access to the desired application

  • Additionally;
  • Battery and performance;
  • Background mode;
  • Applications.

Select the required application that does not work correctly with the GPS module. We give the desired program full access and remove all restrictions.

Changing system settings

There are a number of users whose smartphone finds many satellites, but displays the wrong positioning point and works poorly and slowly. Here the firmware version does not play any role. For example, on the Xiaomi Mi5 device there were problems with GPS on most firmware, both custom and stock. The problem can be solved by making changes to the system file.

In order to make changes to the system, you must obtain the .

  1. Download any explorer. You can use ES Explorer or Root Explorer.
  2. Go to the system/etc folder. There we look for a file called gps.config.

  1. We recommend that you copy this file in advance. After making changes, navigation may stop working completely, so a backup copy may come in handy.
  2. Open the file using the built-in text editor, go to the end of the file and add the following on a new line:


  1. Save the changes and reboot the smartphone.
  2. To be completely sure, you can also reset the cache.

This method has also been successfully tested on xiaomi mi4 and several other android devices. After making changes to the system file, the smartphone found the location accurately, with an error of only 2 meters.

Possible problems with MiKey

A rather banal solution to the problem associated with a special MiKey button. Device users xiaomi redmi Note 3 pro noticed that GPS does not work when the additional MiKey button is inserted into the phone's headphone jack.

In fact, some devices take a very long time to connect to satellites along with a button.

As it turned out, MiKey interferes with the normal operation of the GPS antenna, so communication is established slowly.

Checking the contacts of the GPS antenna

If you have tried all the methods, but your GPS still does not work, then you need to check the GPS antenna contacts.

Attention, this method includes disassembly of the device, which may void the warranty. If you are not confident in your abilities, we do not recommend using this method. You do all actions at your own peril and risk.

This procedure should be done carefully so as not to damage the motherboard.

  1. Remove the back cover of the phone.
  2. Using a Phillips screwdriver, you need to unscrew the metal cover located above the battery. We remove it from the device.
  3. On the smartphone's circuit board you will see several springs that should be cleaned with a miniature file or screwdriver. These are the antenna contacts that come into contact with the metal cover. If the contact is poor, the signal level will be low, which leads to a long search for satellites.

  1. It is not known exactly which of them is responsible for receiving the GPS signal, so clear everything. Do the same on the metal lid from the inside.
  2. We put the cover in place and tighten the bolts. Close the main back cover and reboot the smartphone.

One of the American users decided to go a different route; he bent the contacts so that they were in maximum contact with the antennas on the inner cover. His photo report can be seen just below (you can scroll through the photos).

Antenna location Before fix After fix

After the operations performed, our experimental device is now looking for large quantity satellites, the signal quality has increased, and accordingly the location accuracy now has a minimum error.

When the GPS navigator does not see or does not find satellites. This situation can be created for several reasons, among which the most common are the following:

  • navigation almanac failure;
  • device firmware failure;
  • technical features of windshields of some cars;
  • mechanical damage or failure of the receiving antenna.

To accurately determine the cause of the loss of communication with satellites, it is necessary to carry out appropriate diagnostics. Let us consider in more detail each of the reasons for the incorrect operation of the navigator.

The navigator does not see satellites due to an almanac failure

The navigator operates in three location modes: cold, warm and hot start.

In cold start mode, the device does not have any information about its location. Therefore, searching for satellites in this mode takes longest time and is about 10 minutes, or even more. In this mode, the navigation device must receive an almanac and orbital parameters that allow the position of the satellite to be determined with high accuracy. Next, the device receives ephemeris - parameters that allow you to more accurately determine the position of the satellite and tie it to the exact time.

In the warm start mode, the GPS navigator has in its memory a saved almanac that was received the previous time it was turned on, as well as information about the exact time reference. The duration of the search for satellites in this case is reduced to several minutes.

The hot start mode assumes that the device has been turned off recently and the information about the almanac and ephemeris has not become outdated. In this case, the search time is reduced to 10–25 seconds.

It should be noted that the lifespan of the almanac is 2-3 months, and the ephemeris is only a couple of hours. After this period has expired, data on the ephemeris and almanac must be updated. Therefore, turning off the device for long time will cause the almanac to become outdated. Usually, after this, the navigator boots from a cold start and then operates in normal mode. But there are cases when, after a long shutdown, software failures occur that distort information and the navigator searches for a long time (several hours) and does not find its location. To bring such a device to normal operation, it is recommended to leave it for several hours in satellite search mode, ensuring good visibility of the sky. A few hours of searching should bring it back to normal operation.

The navigator does not pick up satellites due to a firmware failure

Quite often, devices stop functioning normally and lose contact with satellites due to a failure of the installed software. To restore normal operation, it is recommended to flash it. Installing newer versions on the GPS navigator will provide it with more stable operation, and will also allow you to use new functionality that was previously limited old version firmware.

Quite often, the reason that the navigator does not see or does not find satellites is the athermal windshield installed on the car. This glass has a special composition that can jam the signal. In this case, the device can be installed in such a way that it can receive the signal through the side windows or orient it towards a special transmission “window”, which many manufacturers provide for their athermal glass.

Failure of the receiving antenna

One of the most serious reasons Loss of communication with satellites is a failure of the GPS antenna. Navigators use two types of antennas - soldered to the board and external, connected to GPS navigator separately. An antenna soldered to the board is more difficult and more expensive to replace, but this type of antenna fails less often. Replacing an external antenna is much easier. In addition, many external antennas are interchangeable, which simplifies the diagnosis of the device and the search for the necessary spare parts.

The geolocation function in Android devices is one of the most used and in demand, and therefore it is doubly unpleasant when this option suddenly stops working. Therefore, in our material today we want to talk about methods of dealing with this problem.

Why GPS stops working and how to deal with it

Like many other problems with communication modules, problems with GPS can be caused by both hardware and software reasons. As practice shows, the latter are much more common. Hardware reasons include:

  • poor quality module;
  • a metal or simply thick case that shields the signal;
  • poor reception in a particular location;
  • manufacturing defects.

Software reasons for problems with geopositioning:

  • change location with GPS turned off;
  • incorrect data in the gps.conf system file;
  • outdated version of software for working with GPS.

Now let's move on to methods to fix the problem.

Method 1: Cold start GPS

One of the most common reasons for GPS failures is moving to another coverage area with data transmission turned off. For example, you went to another country, but did not turn on GPS. The navigation module did not receive data updates in time, so it will need to re-establish communication with the satellites. This is called a “cold start”. It is done very simply.

1. Leave the room to a relatively free space. If you are using a cover, we recommend removing it.

2. Enable GPS reception on your device. Go to " Settings».

On Android up to 5.1 - select the option " Geodata"(other options - " GPS», « Location" or " Geopositioning"), which is located in the network connections block.

In Android 6.0-7.1.2 - scroll down the list of settings to the block " Personal data" and tap on " Locations».

On devices with Android 8.0-8.1, go to " Security and location", go there and select the option " Location».

3. In the geodata settings block, in the upper right corner, there is an enable slider. Move it to the right.

4. GPS will be turned on on the device. All you need to do next is wait 15-20 minutes until the device adjusts to the position of the satellites in this area.

As a rule, after the specified time has passed, the satellites will be put into operation, and navigation on your device will work correctly.

Method 2: Manipulating the gps.conf file (root only)

The quality and stability of GPS signal reception in an Android device can be improved by editing the system gps.conf file. This manipulation is recommended for devices that are not officially supplied to your country (for example, Pixel, Motorola devices released before 2016, as well as Chinese or Japanese smartphones for the domestic market).

In order to edit the GPS settings file yourself, you will need two things: root rights and file manager with access to system files. The most convenient way is to use Root Explorer.

1. Launch Ruth Explorer and navigate to the root folder internal memory, aka root. If required, grant the application access to use root rights.

2. Go to the folder system, then in /etc.

3. Find the file inside the directory gps.conf.

Attention! This file is missing on some devices from Chinese manufacturers! If you encounter this problem, do not try to create it, otherwise you may disrupt the GPS!

Click and hold on it to select it. Then tap on the three dots at the top right to bring up the context menu. In it select “ Open in a text editor».

Confirm your consent to file system changes.

4. The file will be opened for editing, you will see the following options:

5. Parameter NTP_SERVER should be changed to the following values:

  • For Russian Federation - ru.pool.ntp.org ;
  • For Ukraine - ua.pool.ntp.org ;
  • For Belarus - by.pool.ntp.org .

You can also use a pan-European server europe.pool.ntp.org .

6. If in gps.conf There is a missing setting on your device INTERMEDIATE_POS, enter it with the value 0 - this will slow down the operation of the receiver somewhat, but will make its readings much more accurate.

7. Do the same with the option DEFAULT_AGPS_ENABLE, to which you need to add a value TRUE. This will allow you to use cellular network data for geopositioning, which will also have a beneficial effect on the accuracy and quality of reception.

The use of A-GPS technology is also responsible for setting DEFAULT_USER_PLANE=TRUE , which should also be added to the file.

8. After all manipulations, exit the editing mode. Don't forget to save your changes.

9. Reboot the device and check the GPS operation using special testing programs or navigator application. Geolocation should function correctly.

This method is especially suitable for devices with SoC made by MediaTek, but is also effective on processors from other manufacturers


To summarize, we note that problems with GPS are still rare, and mainly on devices in the budget segment. As practice shows, one of the two methods described above will definitely help you. If this does not happen, then you are most likely experiencing a hardware problem. Such problems cannot be resolved on your own, so the best solution would be to seek help from service center. If the warranty period for the device has not yet expired, you should have it replaced or your money refunded.

Yandex Navigator is the main navigation development of Yandex, the leading Russian-language search engine. The application is absolutely free and can be downloaded to any smartphone running various operating systems, including iPhone (iOs 8+) and Android (3.0+). Today, this is one of the most popular navigation programs among smartphone users, and, of course, many people encounter certain features and problems in using this software. Let's look at the most popular of them and try to give solutions.

So, for some reason you have Yandex navigator does not work.

Of course, the word “doesn’t work” can mean dozens of situations - from the inability to turn on the application to some difficulties in geolocation in certain regions. We will try to cover all the points in more detail, including those related to poor knowledge of the telephone structure. If you are not a beginner, you can read diagonally :)

In this article we will talk exclusively about solving problems that may arise when using Yandex Navigator. Read instructions and “life hacks” for using it in our other articles in the “Navigation” section.

Yandex Navigator does not work from the very beginning

You have the program installed, but it doesn’t open, it produces various errors, and “crashes” immediately after turning it on. It is quite possible that it was initially installed incorrectly on your smartphone.

Today, almost 100% of smartphones can work with this application, so the possibility that your phone is “weak”, has insufficient memory, etc. is practically excluded. The only exception is if the navigator freezes or works with huge delays. In this case, we can really say that the smartphone “doesn’t work.” As a rule, this happens with devices with RAM less than 512 MB (256 MB, for example). It's really not enough.

But let's return to the first case. You just need to reinstall the program on your phone. In the smartphone settings, delete the application, go again to the place where you downloaded it (for example, for Android smartphones this is Google Market), and download it, and then install it again. If the problem was due to incorrect installation, it will disappear.

You turn on the program, but it does not detect your location. Accordingly, it is impossible to either plot a route or perform any navigation-related actions. Make sure you have GPS turned on on your phone. After that, go to the window or go outside, and wait until your phone determines the satellites, and from them - your location.

Yandex Navigator is a program designed for installation on smartphones. This means that it works using the A-GPS system. This means that your location can be determined not only by satellites, but also by cell towers. Those. in city conditions, you actually don’t have to turn on the GPS module, but this will cause some inconvenience when working with the navigator interface (for example, there will be a huge green circle around your location on the map, which will interfere with reading the information), and the positioning accuracy will decrease slightly.

Why Yandex Navigator does not work without the Internet

In fact, Yandex Navigator works without the Internet, but for this you need to perform some preliminary steps. First of all, download maps directly to your phone, which the program will guide you through in the absence of the Internet. How to do it? Enter the application, select the “Menu” item, then “Download maps”, enter your city, and if there is a map for it, download it. It must be said that Yandex Navigator covers the space of Russia, Ukraine and many other countries very well, so there should not be any problems with finding your region.

When downloading maps, use Wi-Fi, as their size can be very large.

However, you still won’t be completely free from the Internet with this program, so in a sense, Yandex navigator really doesn’t work without the Internet. You'll have maps on your phone, but you'll still need a network connection to plot a route or search the area. The way out of this situation is to plan a route in advance, and then be truly free from the Internet while moving along this route. In any case, you will significantly reduce the amount of Internet traffic and increase the speed of your navigator.

Of course, in the absence of the Internet, Yandex Navigator will not be able to convey to you other information that may be useful. For example, about traffic jams. By the way, if the situation with traffic jams on the road is not shown, you need to click on the traffic light icon in the corner of the navigator (in given time yours is grey). After that, it will light up in one of the colors, depending on the severity of traffic jams in your city. The degree of traffic congestion is displayed with a number from 0 to 10.

The navigator does not lead along the route

Again, you first need to check if you have geodata transfer enabled. After that, check your Internet connection, including its speed (use the built-in browser on your phone, load a couple of sites). If both the GPS module and the Internet connection are active, but the Yandex navigator does not work well and does not lead along the route, then you need to close the program and enter it again. It didn’t help - go to the settings and forcefully terminate it by clicking “Stop” (for Android; the algorithm is similar for iOS), and then go into the program again. If it doesn't help, reboot your phone. It didn’t help - delete the navigation program and download it again (but, as a rule, it rarely gets to this point; after all, Yandex Navigator is a fairly stable, non-glitchy program). But let’s say even this action didn’t help. Then you need to make the difficult decision and stop using this application on your current phone. Well, they couldn't make friends. You have a choice of good analogues.

Voice search doesn't work

Here the problem could be either a broken microphone on your phone or a lack of internet connection. Also possible reason There may be noise in the surrounding area - for example, on a busy street or with loud music. Make sure that voice commands are given in relative silence. In addition, Yandex Navigator, like any program, can sometimes become stubborn and not work for no reason. He will get over it, so be patient and follow the steps in the last paragraph if necessary.

Other reasons why Yandex Navigator does not work well

If your location sometimes disappears or changes, then simply re-login to Yandex Navigator. This happens sometimes, this is how the current program works.

If your direction arrow disappears, or your phone spends a long time searching for satellites and periodically loses them, especially if you are on a long journey, then check the accuracy of the time on your phone, as well as the correct time zone. When determining your location, your phone constantly receives signals from satellites, including time information. Time must be synchronized.

Sometimes the Navigator displays a message that the route cannot be built because it cannot be passed. Mostly abroad. This is an imperfection of the program itself; the application is not aware of all paths. Report such cases to the developers, so together we will create a program useful for all of us. Route guidance is not available in all locations.

There are also curious reasons. For example, the navigator does not work near the Kremlin and in some other places in the center of Moscow. This is caused by security measures, or more precisely, by the work of a special transmitter that replaces the signals of real satellites.

So, we have found out the main reasons why Yandex navigator does not work on Android and other popular operating systems. Any questions and comments are welcome, we will discuss this together useful application. And, of course, follow and read our other materials in the “Navigation” section.

Many Android smartphone users often complain about problems with GPS. Some claim that it can take forever for a smartphone to determine their location, while others may claim that GPS doesn't work at all.

Most often, similar problems are encountered by users who have flashed their smartphone or who have brand new Chinese gadgets. However, some people note that they also have problems with GPS on new gadgets from trusted companies.

In today's article, we will look at the reasons why GPS on a smartphone may start to work poorly or stop functioning completely, and we will also look at several solutions for these problems.

Ok, let's talk about the reasons why the navigator and GPS may not work well on Android. There are several reasons for this:

  • deactivated GPS module;
  • disgusting custom firmware for a smartphone;
  • damaged GPS module;
  • inappropriate GPS Almanac;

GPS stopped working on Android? Try the tips below!

Solutions for problems with GPS on Android

Activating the GPS module

So let's start from the very beginning simple solution, which you’ve probably already reached yourself. Before using the navigator on your smartphone, do not forget to activate the GPS module. When starting some navigators, this module can be activated automatically, however, in some cases the user needs to do this independently. Make sure that the GPS module is activated and try using navigation again.

Firmware change

However, what if this module seems to be functioning, but geolocation still does not work? If you recently reflashed your smartphone, then the reason may lie in the firmware. Read reviews from other users about this firmware version and see if they have similar problems. Install some proven Android firmware on your smartphone, where GPS works normally.

Re-recording of the Almanac

But what to do if the GPS module works and you haven’t reflashed your device? As we mentioned in the reasons, owners of Chinese smartphones often complain about poorly working GPS. For example, on the Internet you can find many Meizu smartphone users with a similar problem. Let's assume that you have approximately the same device.

The reason for problems with GPS in Chinese smartphones is that they often contain an irrelevant Almanac for our hemisphere. An almanac is a type of data transmitted by a GPS satellite that contains the orbital parameters of all other satellites. To fix the GPS problem in this case, you will need to rewrite the Almanac. This can be done by following these steps:

  • activate A-GPS in the settings of your smartphone, and then GPS;
  • then enter the Android engineering menu by entering the code *#*#4636#*#* into the dialing menu;

    The note: If the given secret code does not work, then you will need to find out the code for your smartphone on the Internet. Owners of smartphones with an MTK processor will still need to use the MobileuncleTools utility.

  • as soon as you open the engineering menu, go to the tab called “YGPS”;
  • now take a look at "Satellites" and check if signs of a signal appear;

    The note: if they appear, then the theory with the wrong Almanac has been confirmed and you can continue to follow the steps below.

  • go to the “Information” tab and press the following row of buttons one by one: full→warm→hot→cold;
  • next you need to click on the “Start” button in the “NMEA Log” tab;

    The note: it is precisely this action that will ensure the recording of a new Almanac corresponding to your region.

  • now go back to the “Satellites” tab and wait until as many satellites as possible are detected and the signal scales turn green;
  • as soon as all satellites are detected, return to the “NMEA Log” tab and click on the “Stop” button.

The problem with the Almanac should have been resolved. We hope that you understood why navigation did not work on your Android smartphone and you corrected the operation of your GPS module. Well, if you tried to follow all the above recommendations, but the problem with navigation was not resolved, then we advise you to contact your nearest service center, since your GPS module may have failed.

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