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Low self-esteem in a child: who is to blame and what to do? How to increase self-esteem in a child so that he grows up confident
« Recommendations for parents onformation of adequate self-esteemteenager"

Completed by Matokh T.V., school psychologist at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4 in Novodvinsk.

Main thoughts: How to make self-esteem adequate? The recommendations described below will help make your self-esteem adequate.

What is family and adolescence?

Family – one of the most significant factors influencing a teenager’s self-esteem. The financial situation in the family rarely affects adolescent self-esteem if the parents themselves have adequate self-esteem and competently try to form it in their children. The family factor involves not only the relationship of parents to the teenager, it also includes family size, the presence of brothers and sisters and seniority among children. For a young person, a source of low self-esteem is also the divorce of parents or an unfavorable relationship between them.Teenage years – this is a period of special sensitivity of the psyche, which is why all of the above factors have a tremendous impact on the level of self-esteem of a young man or girl.

Many parents consider themselves experts on their children's actions and try to set standards for their behavior. Naturally, when communicating with a child in adolescence, conflicts cannot be avoided, however, the outcome of such conflicts can be more successful if the relationship between parents and adolescents is based on mutual respect and trust. You should treat children as equals, treat their problems with respect and creativity.

It must be remembered thatParents' help to their children is based on uncontested love. Parents love their children not because they behave well or do good deeds or get straight A's. Home should be for a teenager a place where he is understood, loved, where he takes care of his younger brothers or sisters, where his grandmother adores him, to whom he can tell some other meaningless story, where there are family holidays and special fun and performances. In principle, arranging all this is not so difficult. After all, very often a teenager does not require help in completing homework (although this is possible), he craves mutual understanding.

Based on the above material, we can attempt to develop a number of recommendations for parents of teenage children, aimed at making children feel trust and respect for their parents, which will contribute to the development of teenage personality and increased self-esteem.

    Try to involve your teenager in some activity. The busier a teenager is, the better his emotional state is: there is no time to be sad, to be offended by someone, you need to have time to go to a class or music school.

    Be patient. Take the mistakes and missteps of your teenage children as inevitable, but temporary difficulties.

    Be proud of your child and let him know this often. Notice his successes, tell him how smart, talented, and obedient he is. This will help to form and maintain a positive attitude towards himself in such a difficult stage of life.

    Support the strengths of his character and appearance. And focus on them.

To increase self-esteem in teenagers, parents can useways to shift negative feelings , which sometimes overwhelm their children, into socially acceptable actions:

    Give the opportunity to speak out and thereby turn the dissatisfaction in the soul into words.

    Clearly express negative feelings in words. After such close observation they usually disappear.

    Model a way out of the situation.

Teenagers' feelings inevitably lead them to action. Which ones? This largely depends on their parents. Behind unacceptable actions are negative feelings, and the act can be committed in adolescence, and the feelings that provoked it can be laid down at an early age, almost in infancy.

There are two ways to help a teenager avoid dangerous behavior and increase his self-esteem: satisfy the child’s interests that are acceptable, and also help him, explain and name his negative feelings.

Besides, Teenagers should clearly know that there are three points limiting their activities:

1. this is required by safety and there is a threat to health;

2 . it threatens their or their parents' property;

3 . it is required by the law and order of social acceptability.

Many parents usemanipulative methods such as:

    Alluring apples .

Take the trash and I’ll give you some pocket money.”

I have two tickets to the concert. Be good and we'll watch it."


I think I should go to school and find out about your progress.”


He doesn’t get as much pocket money as you do,” “Lena studies better than you,” “I like Dima, he’s so polite.”

    Insincere promises.

I will talk to someone about your summer activities,” “I wish you had a sweater like that.”


I’ll complain to my father, and he’ll sort it out with you,” “How little time you spend on homework. I’m sure that if I tell your teacher about this, he won’t be happy.”

    Disease as a means of control.

If you don’t stop doing this, I’ll have a heart attack,” “You just need to calm down - you see, I’m getting a migraine.”

    Love as a means .

You wouldn’t do this if you loved me even a little bit.”

As a result, teenagers try to escape the patterns imposed on them by adults. There can be an infinite number of examples.

Let's say Lena goes to school on a cold morning, wearing only a light jacket.“Put on your coat now, - her mother tells her. – Ehthat jacket is too light” . The answer should be:"Don't want!". “I am your mother and you will do what I say.” Need I add that Lena says with even greater determination:“I won’t!”

Let's assume another option.“We both don’t want you to catch a cold, do we?” - says the mother. –Please understand that I am sincerely worried about you. Please put yourself in my position and advise me what to do.” With this approach, the girl will most likely say:“Okay, let me wear a sweater under my jacket.”

Naturally, conflicts will arise more than once, but their resolution will be successful if it is based on an ideamutual respect . That's why mother , for the sake of your own good,should behave with her daughter as an equal, and not as a subordinate.

Let's look at another example. Sergei fights with his father over homework. He doesn't want to do it now. He wants to go out with his friends first.“Do your homework and then go” , says the father. And showing more friendliness than hostility, he adds:“Let's see if we can come to an agreement. After all, we both want you to graduate from school, and for this you need to strictly fulfill homework, Truth?". Sergei agrees with this, but he still doesn’t want to do homework right now."Let's, - he suggests , “I’ll get up early in the morning and do everything.” "Great , - the father agrees, -but if you don’t get up, then next month you will have to leave the club - you will see from your own experience that you are not able to combine the club and study.”

The father made a concession, and this is much better than a protracted conflict that turns the life of many families into a nightmare.

Parent who choseupdated behavior style , first of all, will try to direct the teenager’s activities in a constructive direction. He understands that their child's endless protests are necessary for his growth. Ultimately, so many protests from the teenager fall on the heads of the parents because he trusts them more than all the people in the world and is internally confident that they will love him despite rebellion and aggression. He behaves much calmer and more delicately with strangers.

The teenager tries to adapt to life in his own individual way. And it is unwise to squeeze him into an adult framework before he has yet become an adult. Parents should allow their teen to grow and develop at his or her own individual pace. Stick to the concept“growing from within” , rather than “forcing growth from the outside” – and you will not have serious conflicts with teenagers.

Thus, in order to maximize the positive and minimize the bad influence families to raise a child must rememberintrafamily psychological factors , having educational value in adolescence:

    Accept Active participation in family life;

    Always find time to talk with your child;

    Take an interest in the child’s problems, delve into all the difficulties that arise in his life and help develop his skills and talents;

    Do not put any pressure on the child, thereby helping him make his own decisions;

    Have an understanding of the different stages in a child's life;

    Respect the child’s right to his own opinion;

    Be able to restrain possessive instincts and treat the child as an equal partner who simply has less life experience.

I'm sure you will succeed!

Introduction 3

Chapter 1. Features of the formation of self-esteem in adolescence 5

1.1 Psychological characteristics of adolescence 5

1.2 The process of forming self-esteem in adolescents 9

Chapter 2. The role of family and parental relationships in the development of adolescent self-esteem 17

2.1 Features of relations between adolescents and parents 17

2.2 Family as a leading factor in the formation of adolescents’ self-esteem 23

Conclusion 32

List of used literature 34


Adolescence is an important and difficult stage in the life of every person, a time of elections that largely determines the entire subsequent fate. It marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. At this age, a worldview is formed, a rethinking of values, ideals, and life prospects occurs. This period is characterized by the formation of consciousness and self-awareness of the individual, and a person’s behavior is regulated by his self-esteem, which represents the central formation of the individual.

In the dictionary by social psychology self-esteem is defined as a person’s assessment of himself, his capabilities, qualities and place among other people. A person’s relationships with others, his criticality, self-demandingness, and attitude toward successes and failures depend on it.

According to the research of psychologists, in particular, I.V. Dubrovina, “A significant characteristic, especially for a teenager, at this age is a change in attitude towards himself, which colors all his actions and is therefore quite noticeable in most cases, although sometimes disguised, that however, it does not destroy its effective role."

Thus, the formation of self-esteem is one of the most striking characteristics of a teenager’s personality.

Today, studies of adolescent self-esteem, as well as the factors influencing it, are of great interest to psychology, both in theoretical and practical aspects. Shifts in the content of the level of self-esteem and its components are studied - which qualities are better understood, how the level and criteria of self-esteem changes with age, what importance is attached to appearance and what to mental and moral qualities. Of no less interest is the problem of interaction between parents and maturing children, since it is during this interaction that the adolescent’s assessment of himself is formed, and the formation or destruction of the personality of both the child and the adult occurs.

The problem of our research is related to the fact that the process of development of personality self-esteem, in comparison with other psychological phenomena, has been little studied. Besides, in sufficiently It has not been studied which factor has a greater influence on the development of adolescent self-esteem. The transitional age is strikingly different from both childhood and adulthood. That is why the interest in these studies in modern psychology is growing rapidly.

Of course, we do not pretend to solve this problem, but we will try to study the process of formation of self-esteem in adolescence and draw the appropriate conclusions, presented in a number of features of the formation of self-esteem in adolescence in the studies of various scientists.

The purpose of our study is to study the characteristics of self-esteem in adolescence, as well as the role of the family institution in its formation.

The object of the study is the teenager’s self-esteem; the subject of this study is the relationship family relations and adolescent self-esteem.

During the work we produced theoretical analysis literature, superficial analysis of Internet information, as well as generalization of the obtained material.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the work was the work on the study of self-esteem by such authors as Sh.A. Amonashvili, A.V. Zakharova, I.S. Kon, I.Yu. Kulagina, A.N. Leontyev, V.S. Mukhina, A.A. Rean, V.V. Stolina, L.D. Stolyarenko, K. Horney and many others.

Based on this goal, we formulated the following work tasks:

To study the features of personality development in adolescence;
- consider the main points of view of research on the problem of self-esteem in adolescence;

Identify the main features of the relationship between teenagers and their parents, as well as their role in the development of teenage self-esteem;

CHAPTER 1. Features of the formation of self-esteem in adolescence

1.1 Psychological characteristics of adolescence

Adolescence is often called adolescence, transition, a period of “sturm und drang”, “hormonal explosion” and puberty - in short, a difficult period associated with developmental crises. At this time, the transition from child to adult occurs in all spheres - physical (constitutional), physiological, personal (moral, mental, social).

In all directions, the formation of qualitatively new formations is taking place, elements of adulthood appear as a result of the restructuring of the body, self-awareness, relationships with adults and friends, methods of social interaction with them, interests, cognitive and educational activities, the content of moral and ethical standards that mediate behavior, activity and relationships.

The boundaries of adolescence approximately coincide with the education of children in grades 5 - 8 high school and cover ages from 10 - 11 to 14 years, but the actual entry into adolescence may not coincide with the transition to 5th grade and occur a year earlier or later.

So, let's take a closer look at some of the main psychological characteristics adolescence in order to understand how self-esteem is formed at this age stage, and what role the family plays in this process.

The psychological state of adolescence is associated with two “turning points” of this age: psychophysiological - puberty, and everything connected with it, and social - the end of childhood, entry into the world of adults.

The first of these points is associated with internal hormonal and physiological changes, entailing bodily changes, unconscious sexual desire, as well as emotional and sensitive changes.

Thanks to rapid growth and restructuring of the body, in adolescence, interest in one's appearance sharply increases. A new image of the physical “I” is formed. Because of its hypertrophied importance, the child acutely experiences all the flaws in appearance, real and imaginary. Disproportion of body parts, clumsiness of movements, irregularity of facial features, skin losing its childlike purity, excess weight or thinness - everything upsets, and sometimes leads to a feeling of inferiority, isolation, even neurosis.

Severe emotional reactions to their appearance in adolescents are softened by warm, trusting relationships with close adults, who must, of course, show both understanding and tact. Conversely, a tactless remark that confirms the worst fears, a shout or irony that tears the child away from the mirror, aggravates pessimism and further neuroticizes.

The image of the physical “I” and self-awareness in general is influenced by the pace of puberty. Children with late maturation are at the least advantageous position; acceleration creates more favorable opportunities personal development. Even girls with early physical development are usually more self-confident and calmer (although the differences between girls are not very noticeable and the situation may change over time). For boys, the timing of their maturation is especially important. A physically more developed boy is stronger, more successful in sports and other activities, and more confident in relationships with his peers. He treats himself as more mature. On the contrary, a boy with late maturation is more often treated like a child and, thereby, provokes his protest or irritation. Studies conducted by American psychologists show that such boys are less popular among their peers, they often become excitable, fussy, overly talkative, try to attract attention in any way and behave unnaturally, they often develop low self-esteem and a feeling of rejection.

The second point is identified with the emergence of a sense of adulthood in adolescents.

A teenager develops mental new formations that a younger schoolchild did not have: new elements of self-awareness, types of relationships with peers, parents and other people are formed, moral principles, new ideas about the future. All these elements of adulthood have different nature, are represented differently in character, needs and abilities. Naturally, the elements of adulthood are formed unevenly, with different dynamics and qualitative composition in educational or social-organizational activities.

Another feature and most valuable psychological acquisition of a teenager is the discovery of his inner world, during this period, problems of self-awareness and self-determination arise.

Self-awareness is understood as a person’s conscious attitude to his needs and abilities, drives and motives for actions, thoughts and experiences. Self-awareness manifests itself in a semantic assessment of one’s capabilities, which becomes a criterion for the teenager’s actions. Self-awareness includes the idea of ​​oneself. The image of one’s “I” appears under the influence of the relationships of other people, the rules and norms of socially approved and disapproved behavior. The self-image may not coincide with the actual actions that a person performs. Therefore, they talk about the correspondence of the real self to the fictional self and the possible self to the unrealized self.

Moreover, outwardly this is not always noticeable. How to recognize low self-esteem and inferiority complex? What is their danger to the child?

Low self-esteem or an inferiority complex is a constant, obsessive feeling of being worse than others, accompanied by constant self-doubt and self-doubt.

A child’s self-esteem influences how the child can communicate, how he reacts to criticism, how he behaves in conflict situation how much he strives for communication, what kind of friends he chooses.

Signs of low self-esteem in children and adolescents:

  • Appearance - may be sloppy, careless.
  • Quiet timbre of voice, slurred speech, ingratiating intonations, habit of apologizing without visible reasons for your actions.
  • Excessive criticism of yourself and your actions, self-flagellation.
  • There is often a pained expression on the face; when talking, children with an inferiority complex usually avoid looking at the interlocutor; slouch excessively (desire to be invisible); sit on the very edge of the chair, intertwining their legs (protection from others) or hiding them under the chair.
  • They are uncommunicative, driven, and constantly complain about feeling unwell and having troubles. Most often, children and adolescents who lack self-confidence are introverts (emotions and feelings are directed inward, not outward).
  • Excessive aggressiveness. Rudeness with others as a defense against outside world, lack of faith in yourself gives rise to distrust of others.
  • Painful reaction to criticism, tearfulness.
  • Excessive external self-confidence in behavior, oddly enough, indicates low self-esteem, accompanied by the desire to “stand out from the crowd” (unusual clothing or behavior with a claim to “originality”). It manifests itself especially strongly in adolescence.
  • The desire to be first always and everywhere. Teenager lives in constant stress, forced to prove to himself and others that he is better than everyone else. A person who is self-confident and loves himself has no need to prove his “exclusivity.”

These signs can be observed individually or in various combinations.

Why does a child have low self-esteem? Main reasons:

  • Hereditary factor. Peculiarities physical development(the presence of diseases, disabilities contributes to the formation of an inferiority complex), temperament (for example, sanguine people are most often sociable, prone to leadership, melancholic people are very impressionable, keenly feel other people and their feelings), mental abilities (in children with mental disabilities or retardation mental development, the inferiority complex can be especially pronounced).
  • Upbringing. Hypercare - excessive and intrusive care or hypocare - lack of warm and trust relationships between child and parents. Even loving parents, who are unsure of themselves, are unlikely to be able to raise an active and self-confident child. After all, how can you teach something that you can’t do yourself?
  • Social contacts - relationships outside the family with classmates, teachers, friends, acquaintances. Children, especially in adolescence, are characterized by a “spirit of collectivism”; it is important for them to be no worse than others (in their opinion); often bullying classmates because of the appearance, physical or mental development of the child has an extremely negative impact on the character - the teenager or withdraws into himself , or becomes aggressive.

Inconsistency in the level of self-esteem

The level of self-esteem can change: there are many ways to get rid of an inferiority complex and become a confident person. You can read more in the article How to become confident? Among famous people who have achieved success, there are many who had low self-esteem in childhood, but managed to cope with it. The level of self-esteem may become lower due to serious failures, prolonged stressful environments, problems communicating with parents, etc.

Who is more likely to suffer from an inferiority complex?

Children raised without parents, unwanted children, are susceptible to an inferiority complex - already in infancy they feel their uselessness in the world. They do not have support and support in the form of parents, they feel imperfect and do not know how to love themselves, they consider themselves as a hindrance, and not as a free person.

The danger of an inferiority complex

An inferiority complex not only interferes with personality development, but can also develop into prolonged depression and neurosis, especially if it is aggravated by an irrational (inexplicable, subconscious) feeling of guilt. In addition, if a child or teenager suffers from low self-esteem, then he may have fears, phobias, and other obsessive states, psychosomatic diseases (physiological diseases against the background of mental factors) may also occur. Specialists (psychologists, psychiatrists, psychoneurologists) will help you cope with the severe form of this complex.

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How to raise a teenager's self-esteem

During adolescence, there is a transition from the world of childhood to the world of adults. The child’s personality seems to be reborn anew. Stereotypes instilled in childhood are crumbling, values ​​are overestimated, and the teenager feels like part of a society that is not always friendly.

If the self-esteem of young children depends on how their relatives treat them, then the assessment of the personality of adolescents is influenced by the opinions of peers and friends, as well as how they are perceived in society. Boys and girls are picky about themselves, they take criticism seriously and do not believe in themselves. This is a fundamental factor in the formation of an underestimated personality.

Low self-esteem gives rise to many complexes. It causes self-doubt, lack of self-esteem, tension and shyness. All this can have Negative influence on adult life. Therefore, it is important that a teenager adequately evaluates himself and believes in his capabilities and strengths.

The self-esteem of any person, including a teenager, rises due to their own successes and achievements, as well as the recognition of others and loved ones. Helping a child move from a negative attitude towards himself to a positive one is not easy, but it is possible. Although in youth the main authorities are peers, and not parents, it is parents who can influence the increase in self-esteem in a teenager.

The influence of parents on a teenager's self-esteem should not be underestimated. A child’s self-perception depends on the understanding of those close to him of his merits. When parents are kind and attentive to a child, express approval and support, he believes in his importance and rarely suffers from low self-esteem. Adolescence can make adjustments and affect the child’s level of assessment of his personality. Then parents should make every effort and positively influence the formation of self-esteem in a teenager. For this:

  • Avoid unnecessary criticism. Sometimes it is impossible to do without criticism, but it should always be constructive and aimed not at the child’s personality, but at what can be corrected, for example, mistakes, actions or behavior. Never say that you are unhappy with a teenager; it is better to express a negative attitude towards his actions. Remember that children at this age are overly sensitive to any criticism, so try to express dissatisfaction gently. You can do this in combination with praise, “sweetening the bitter pill.”
  • Acknowledge his identity. There is no need to decide everything for the child. Give him the opportunity to express his opinion, take actions, and have his own interests. Treat him as an individual and try your best to understand him.
  • Praise often. Praise is provided big influence on a teenager’s self-esteem, so don’t forget to praise your child even for the most minor achievements. You will show that you care about him and that you are proud of him. If he does not cope well with something, do not scold the teenager, but provide him with assistance and assistance. Perhaps his talents will reveal themselves in another area.
  • Don't compare your child to others. Your child is unique - you must understand and appreciate this. There is no need to compare him with others, especially if the comparison is not in his favor. Don't forget that we are all different and some are more successful in one thing and others in another.
  • Help your child find himself. Low self-esteem in a teenager occurs due to problems in the school community, when peers do not understand, do not accept, or reject him, and when the child does not have the opportunity to realize himself. It is worth inviting him to visit any club, section, circle or other place where he can meet new people with whom he can find mutual language and who will share his interests. Surrounded by like-minded people, it is easier for a teenager to open up and gain self-confidence. But the child must choose the circle independently, based on his interests and preferences.
  • Teach your child to refuse. People with low self-esteem do not know how to refuse. They are sure that by helping everyone around them, they become significant to them. In reality, people turn out to be driven, dependent on others and do not have their own opinions, they are used and not respected. In such a situation, a teenager’s self-esteem may fall even lower. It is important to teach him to say “no”.
  • Respect the child. Do not humiliate your child and treat him as an equal. If you yourself do not respect him, much less insult him, then he is unlikely to grow up to be a confident person.

The main thing is to talk to your child, do not deprive him of attention, take an interest in his affairs. Show understanding and support. A teenager should know that he can turn to you with any worries and problems, and at the same time he will not stumble upon a hail of reproaches and condemnations. This is the only way you can earn his trust and be able to provide him with real help.

Low self-esteem in teenagers

Low self-esteem of adolescents.

Growing up, a person goes through several stages of his personal development: infancy, childhood, adolescence, adolescence. Each of these periods is unique and significant in its own way for the formation of personality.

But teachers and psychologists still single out adolescence as the main period, because it is at this age that a person is faced with tasks of personal growth, solving which he often experiences considerable difficulties. What are these tasks? If we do not touch upon the processes of biological maturation, which in themselves cause many difficulties and require special attention, then, first of all, it is an awareness of oneself in a group, in a family, an assessment of oneself as an individual. This awareness is otherwise called self-esteem. Here is the definition of self-esteem given by the “Psychological Dictionary”: “Self-esteem is a component of self-awareness, which includes, along with knowledge about oneself, a person’s assessment of his physical characteristics, abilities, moral qualities and actions."

Self-esteem is formed both in the process of a teenager’s activities and in the process of interpersonal interaction and comes in three types:

2. Overestimated, when a teenager overestimates himself;

3. Low, inadequate self-esteem, when a teenager does not evaluate himself enough.

Low self-esteem arises due to the psychological instability of a teenager to the influence of various subjects on him interpersonal communication. In other words, a teenager changes his opinion about himself depending on the communication situation and the attitude of others towards him. And most of all, family and classmates influence a teenager’s self-esteem. A teenager with low self-esteem is anxious, he experiences fear from wide social contacts, and at the same time shows signs of self-centeredness, it is difficult for him to get out of difficult situations. Often his behavior is characterized by a depressive state, but some researchers note that a depressed teenager has low self-esteem, while others note that low self-esteem entails such degrading consequences for the individual as a depressive state.

Who or what can influence a teenager's self-esteem? At eight years old this is:

Acceptance in the group

Behavior at school.

By adolescence, only two of these criteria will remain, behavior and academic performance, which will influence the teenager’s assessment in the family, while the other three criteria will form the teenager’s self-esteem in a teenage environment that is significant to him. The role of the family in the formation of adequate self-esteem can hardly be overestimated: in a family determined As a rule, there are no teenagers with low self-esteem for symmetrical relationships based on a democratic style of upbringing. In a family where the child is subject to excessive demands in studies, sports, expression creativity and at the same time communication is built in authoritarian style where there are frequent manifestations of rudeness, inventing offensive jokes and nicknames, it is not surprising that a teenager has low self-esteem. But a teenager, often, trying to get away from family pressure, goes to the so-called reference group, where his self-esteem can increase due to what is accepted in this group . This could be smoking, drinking alcohol, following a certain style of clothing and behavior (informal groups: goths, emo, etc.). It is important for a teenager to feel accepted by the group so that his self-esteem increases.

1. Try to understand that the child’s life belongs to him, do not demand perfection from him in everything, avoid perfectionism.

2. Form a realistic outlook on life: do not humiliate, but do not over-praise the child.

3. Look for keys to mutual understanding with your children, talk with them more often about what is important to them. Share your life experiences.

4. Carefully select your style of communication with your child, avoid ironic and openly mocking statements addressed to him.

5. Don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes to your children, ask for forgiveness if you were wrong, trust your children.

What to do if, after all, something is missed, and the child clearly has low self-esteem, his behavior has changed, how can I help him?

Write 5-7 sentences with your teenager in which he talks about himself in a positive way, for example: “I am good at roller skating” or “I am always on time.” Together with your child, find the best that is in him, convince him of his own uniqueness and need. Read this list more often, add new items to it, and you yourself will not notice how his self-esteem begins to increase, and with it his attitude towards life.


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Adolescence is a difficult period for both the child and his parents. The time is coming to reassess values ​​and destroy some stereotypes. At this moment, it is very important to help the child correctly assess his personality.

Parents must make a lot of effort to ensure that their child transitions from children's world I passed into adulthood without any problems. This article will tell you how to raise self-esteem for a teenager.

Is the child confident in himself - defining signs for parents

Childhood passes, the child begins his acquaintance with the adult world, where everything is not always smooth and beautiful. During this period, the child evaluates his personality. It is influenced not only by parents, but also by peers, classmates and friends of the teenager.

Low self-esteem in a teenage child is a consequence of excessive criticism. He doubts the significance of his own personality, does not believe in his own strength, is shy and is in constant tension.

The main difficulty for parents at this time is recognizing low self-esteem in a teenager. Many children carefully hide all their experiences from adults. Certainly, attentive parent will be able to find out whether everything is in order with his child’s self-esteem.

To clarify the situation, adults should familiarize themselves with several signs indicating a low assessment of a teenager’s personality:

  • the teenager has poor contact with peers due to fear of being ridiculed;
  • the child experiences panic and high anxiety;
  • the opinion of others is of great importance for a teenager;
  • a teenager does not want to learn something new because he is afraid of failure;
  • a child with low self-esteem has a role model among his peers;
  • The teenager explains any success he has by chance;
  • the child categorically does not want to take part in school activities;
  • a teenager does not want to go out with friends, it is better for him to spend free time alone;
  • The child hides his worries, experiences, successes or failures from adults and does not want to tell his parents anything.

If you observe one or two signs from all of the above in your child, then there is no reason to panic. Just watch him for a while. Help for a teenager is necessary when he has three (or more) signs of low self-esteem.

How to increase your child's self-esteem and self-confidence? Find out here.

Parents must understand that a late reaction to the first signals of a teenager’s low self-esteem can lead to serious consequences when the child will have to visit a child psychologist.

In order to properly deal with low self-esteem in a teenager, you need to know the reasons that provoked its appearance. The assessment of a child’s personality decreases under the influence of such factors:

  • improper upbringing, constant criticism from parents;
  • low authority of the child among friends and peers;
  • poor performance at school, negative attitude of teachers;
  • personal characteristics of a teenager;
  • the child’s appearance, his physiological factors (excess weight, wearing glasses, untidiness).

How to Help Your Teenager Improve Self-Concept

So, if you notice a tendency towards low self-esteem in your child, try to correct the situation yourself. Parents must understand that their influence on the assessment of the child’s personality is enormous.

If close people do not see merit in a teenager and constantly criticize and scold him, he becomes withdrawn, shy, and unsociable.

And vice versa, when parents constantly support a teenager, are attentive to him, pay attention to his successes, and approve of good deeds, the teenager feels his personal significance, his self-esteem returns to normal.

During adolescence, the assessment of a child’s personality is influenced to a certain extent by his friends and peers. Parents should take this into account and make every effort to ensure that the formation of self-esteem in a teenager takes place in a positive way.

To help a child increase his self-esteem, adults should follow these recommendations:

  • Do not criticize the child’s appearance under any circumstances, but be sure to try to help him in solving problems: if a teenager is overweight, parents should motivate him to play sports together; if a child has acne on his face, it is necessary to help him choose the right care products skin;
  • parents should respect their child, listen to his opinion, not humiliate him and talk to the teenager as equals;
  • a teenager needs to be constantly praised, but only to the point and constructively;
  • You should not compare your child with other children, or set one of your friends as an example;
  • behind appearance the teenager must be carefully monitored: the child must wear clean clothes, choose his own style of clothing, parents must teach the teenager to correctly combine elements of clothing;
  • adults need to help a teenager achieve success in some business, properly develop his hidden abilities and talents;
  • a teenager should be able to say “no”, this will help him consolidate his position in society and increase self-esteem.

In psychology there are special exercises and techniques to help increase a teenager’s self-esteem:

  1. Autotraining. A teenager must convince himself that he is worthy of the respect of other people. To do this, you can print a text of praise on a large Whatman paper and hang it on the wall in the children's room. The teenager needs to repeat these words daily, in the morning in front of the mirror and in the evening before bed.
  2. Communication for good. An insecure teenager should communicate as much as possible with positive, joyful people. He needs to meet more often with friends who love and appreciate him for who he really is. But there should not be selfish and arrogant people around a teenager.
  3. Reaction to praise. The child needs to be taught to correctly perceive praise and compliments addressed to him. It is better for him to respond to all laudatory speeches with a short “thank you,” but never deny the spoken praise.
  4. Help others. You can bring a teenager’s self-esteem back to normal by visiting various charity events. By helping other people, a child feels important to society and his self-esteem increases.
  5. Fighting fears. During adolescence, the child develops a large number of fears Basically, he is afraid of seeming ridiculous and funny in the eyes of others. Parents should help the girl or boy realize that looking funny is not so scary. And the best way to do this is to create a game model of a situation in which the child will need to face his fear. For example, you can invite a teenager to take part in a humorous performance, dressing up in an absurd and funny costume.

How to raise your teenager's self-esteem on your own

To the girl

  1. Choose your style. You shouldn’t blindly follow fashion trends and fill your wardrobe with things that don’t suit you at all. You must have your own individual clothing style. It will be unique and will definitely give you confidence.
  2. Pay attention to your interests. If a teenage girl wants to dance, then this desire must be realized. Now many schools have special dance clubs where you can master the new kind sports, dance moves, painting techniques.
  3. Take care of your personal hygiene. So that your self-esteem is high high level, you need to regularly monitor your personal hygiene and take care of your body. Brush your teeth daily, wash your hair and comb your hair regularly.
  4. Wear neat and clean clothes. The things you wear need regular care. They need to be washed as they become dirty, stains removed, and wrinkled areas smoothed out. Clothes should fit your size and not restrict your movements.
  5. Play sports. Regular sports activities help the girl shape her figure, feel energetic and healthy. Choose for yourself optimal view sports (running, jumping, squats, swimming) and do them regularly.
  6. Make your diet balanced. Proper nutrition will help you feel healthy, improve your mood, and give you more energy.
  7. Self-training will help you become more confident. Every morning, say the magic words in front of the mirror: “I am beautiful, I am attractive, I love myself, and others love me.” If you remind yourself of these real things every day, you will soon be able to believe what you say and improve your self-esteem.

How can a woman's self-esteem influence her success? Find out from the article.


  1. Achieve your goals. Teenage boys dream of being better and more successful than their peers. To do this, they don’t need to know how to fight at all. You can achieve success by doing something worthwhile and important. For example, learn to improve your body by exercising regularly. Try to study well, get high grades in your subjects. Any achievement is your reason to be proud!
  2. Develop a sense of responsibility. The ability to be responsible for your words - good trait for any guy. A sense of responsibility will help you cope with many problems and difficulties.
  3. Become a volunteer. You can increase your self-esteem by helping people in need. Get involved in volunteer activities, just help an old neighbor or homeless animals. Small noble deeds like these will help you feel important.
  4. Find yourself some good friends. It is much easier to deal with difficulties if you have loyal and reliable friends nearby. It's good if they have the same interests as you. Don't be friends with those who lower your self-esteem or think badly of you.
  5. Be assertive. To gain self-confidence and increase self-esteem, you need to learn to follow your desires and not allow others to push you around. Don't be afraid to express your opinion in the presence of classmates and peers. You shouldn't feel guilty when you refuse someone's request.
  6. Try to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep during adolescence can negatively affect your health in later years. In addition, lack of sleep will affect your self-esteem. You need to allocate at least 8 hours of sleep per day.
  7. Don't strive for perfection. Ideal is a conventional concept that doesn’t really mean anything. Trying to be perfect will only cause you to experience more disappointment, which does not help improve your self-esteem.

A teenager who knows how to correctly evaluate his personal characteristics, will achieve more success in life. Self-confidence will help him in the future to establish relationships with good people, avoid bad companies and achieve all your goals.

During adolescence, a child must receive the necessary support from adults (parents and teachers) in order to successfully transition from childhood to adulthood.

Video: How to Increase Self-Esteem

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How to increase self-esteem in a teenager?

  • character traits.

Causes and signs of low self-esteem in adolescents

License to operate educational activities No. 5251 dated August 25, 2017

Low self-esteem in a teenager

The teenage period is very difficult not only physically (due to puberty), but also psychologically, since children of this age are very vulnerable, and any failure can make them unsure of their abilities or develop complexes. This is greatly influenced by self-esteem, which can be adequate (the child perceives himself as he is) and inadequate (overestimated or underestimated). This can greatly influence his future fate, so parents should know the peculiarities of the formation of self-esteem in adolescents in order to correct it in time.

In this article we will consider: what affects self-esteem in adolescents, how to understand that it is low, and what correction is possible.

Formation of adolescent self-esteem

At this age, a more stable and conscious mind begins to form than at a younger age. school age. Factors influencing this process include:

  • relationships with parents and other family members;
  • position (authority) among peers and friends;
  • learning achievements and teacher attitudes;
  • physiological data (appearance) and success (strength, endurance, agility), as well as personal achievements in sports or dancing;
  • character traits.

Causes and signs of low self-esteem in adolescents

Most main reason The formation of low self-esteem in adolescents is family upbringing and style of communication with parents. If a child is constantly scolded or criticized, then he develops a very bad opinion of himself and his capabilities. Also the reason for an inadequate assessment of one’s abilities is the opinion of other people, which for an indecisive or suggestible child will be an impetus.

Signs of too low self-esteem include:

  • reluctance to contact peers, refusal to attend mass events and walks;
  • emergence increased anxiety, panic;
  • confidence that nothing will work out, and if it does, it’s an accident;
  • avoiding public speaking at school or family events;
  • dependence on the opinions of others;
  • imitation of your classmates or screen images;
  • isolation, reluctance to share one’s thoughts, assumptions, problems and current events (at school or on the street).

Having determined the low level of self-esteem of their teenage child, parents immediately begin to look for ways to raise it.

How to increase a teenager's self-esteem?

To help a teenager develop adequate self-esteem, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not speak negatively about your child’s appearance, rather help him: select special means to combat the problems that have arisen (acne, excess weight, unpleasant odor);
  • When making a remark, do not criticize the child himself, but speak only about his behavior or actions;
  • praise regularly, but only constructively, that is, for things that are not his duties or normal business;
  • do not compare your own child’s successes with other children;
  • respect the teenager: ask and listen to his opinion, consider him an equal, and in no case humiliate his dignity;
  • Provide financially, if possible, with everything necessary: ​​telephone, personal computer, clothing;
  • watch his appearance so that he does not wear dirty and torn clothes, and also help him choose a clothing style and teach him how to combine things correctly;
  • help you achieve something on your own, develop your abilities, but the main thing is to identify them;
  • teach him to refuse, then other people will not be able to use him for their own purposes and will respect him more, which will lead to increased self-esteem.

Knowing the basic principles of increasing self-esteem in teenagers, you can raise a confident and successful person in the future.

Teen self-esteem is a component of self-awareness, which includes an assessment of human physical characteristics, moral qualities, abilities, and actions. Self-esteem of a teenager represents the central formation of the individual, and also shows the social adaptation of the individual, acting as a regulator of his activities and behavior. However, it should be noted that self-esteem is formed in the process of activity, as well as interpersonal interaction. The formation of an individual’s self-esteem largely depends on society. Self-esteem of a teenager’s personality is marked by situationality, instability and is subject to external influences.

How to increase self-esteem for a teenager

Research on adolescent self-esteem has shown that children with low self-esteem are susceptible to... Moreover, some studies have found that low self-esteem precedes depressive reactions and also acts as their cause, while other studies note that depressive affect is detected first, after which it turns into low self-esteem.

Psychologists note that from the age of 8, children show an active ability to evaluate personal success. The most significant were: appearance, school performance, physical abilities, social acceptance, behavior. Among adolescents, school performance and behavior are important for evaluation by parents, but the other three are important for peers.

It is possible to increase self-esteem for a teenager when the child feels social support from the following significant sources: parents, classmates, teachers, friends. When asked where teenagers feel most secure, children answer that both in the family and among friends. Research has shown that family support, as well as acceptance of adolescent aspirations, to the greatest extent influence the overall level of self-esteem, and school success and factors related to teachers have an impact on self-esteem of abilities.

Psychologists note that the attentive, warm attitude of parents is a necessary condition in the formation and further reinforcement of positive self-esteem in adolescents. The negative, harsh attitude of parents leads to the opposite effect, and teenagers, as a rule, focus on their failures, they have a fear of taking risks, they avoid participating in competitions, they become characterized by rudeness and a high level of anxiety.

How to increase self-esteem for a teenager? Change your attitude towards your child: start communicating with him using a symmetrical style that is based on partnership principles. Such communication forms the child’s own criteria for self-esteem, because the child’s self-esteem is supported both by the respectful attitude of the parents and by the assessment of the effectiveness of his activities.

How to increase self-esteem is an exciting question for many people. People often underestimate their potential and themselves more often than they overestimate. The same is observed in children. Due to low self-esteem, children are capable of missing out on many opportunities.

The formation of self-esteem in adolescents begins with family education. Self-esteem is the main regulator of individual behavior. Criticality, interpersonal relationships, exactingness, and attitude towards one’s failures and successes depend on it. Teenagers, by doubting, waste personal time and also lose opportunities for personal development and growth. It would seem that awareness and understanding of this truth should only spur one to realize the inherent potential. But everything usually happens the other way around, since such behavior is more profitable for the child in the short term. Convincing himself that solving difficult problems is impossible, the child protects himself from the occurrence of negative emotions associated with possible failures. Lack of self-confidence oppresses the child both spiritually and physically. The teenager gets tired quickly and feels exhausted. As a result, the following happens: doubts about personal strength are provoked by the fact that simple tasks previously performed become overwhelming.

It is possible to increase a teenager’s self-esteem, but this will require some effort from both the parents and the child himself:

— teach your child to stop comparing himself with someone, there will always be someone better than him, whom it will be difficult to surpass;

- Explain to the teenager that cursing himself and eating will only make him feel worse;

— teach your child to respond with thanks to all praise and compliments;

- encourage your child for small successes and praise for big achievements;

— teach your child to repeat positive affirmations, which will lead to increased self-esteem and increase confidence;

— when communicating with a teenager, always be positive, optimistic, support him in any endeavors;

— to increase self-esteem, you need to study books on this topic together with your child, watch videos, attend training seminars, listen to audio recordings; any information learned will not pass by the brain, and the dominant information will influence the child and, as a result, the behavior will gain confidence; all positive attitudes will be adjusted only in a positive way, but negative ones, on the contrary. Therefore, direct your teenager’s attention to watching TV shows, as well as reading books with a positive focus;

- be sure to find a common language with your child, a heart-to-heart conversation with your child will help instill confidence in the child before a difficult undertaking, as well as solving a problem;

- always listen to your child and be able to read his state and feelings by his facial expression, sometimes children hide their problems, trying to solve everything on their own, it is very important not to miss such moments so that he does not make mistakes, so it is very important to always be a friend to your child;

- support your child in his hobbies, because it is from doing better that self-esteem grows, since it brings joy and pleasure;

- sometimes a desired gadget or fashionable clothes can help your child establish himself among his peers and thereby increase self-esteem, do not push away your child’s requests for a purchase that is meaningful to him;

— teach your child to live in such a way that you don’t have to look back at anyone, let the child make his own decisions at a crucial moment, and you will always support him, even if there are mistakes.

How to increase self-esteem for a teenager? Self-esteem will rise when it grows positive attitude, love and self-respect, and sad thoughts and procrastination will grow insecurity and lower self-esteem. Psychologists have noticed that the mechanism of self-esteem is based on the emotional experiences that accompany a teenager’s activities.

The level of self-esteem of adolescents significantly affects both the quality indicators of intellectual activity and the time it takes to complete it, especially if the situation involves emotional factors: the stress of failure, responsibility for the quality of activity.

Adequate self-esteem of a teenager

Many researchers note that an increase in the adequacy of a child’s self-esteem occurs in adolescence. This is explained by the fact that adolescents rate themselves much lower on those criteria that seem most important to them, and this decrease indicates great realism. The number of qualities that an older teenager recognizes in himself exceeds twice the qualities inherent in a younger schoolchild. High school students, assessing themselves, cover all aspects of their own personality, and their self-esteem turns into a more generalized one. In addition, judgments regarding one’s shortcomings are improved.

Teenagers are able to convey their mood, a sense of the joy of being, they reveal themselves in educational activities, in their favorite activities, interests, and hobbies. Teenagers are oriented toward ideal self-esteem, but the gap between their ideal and actual self-esteem is a traumatic factor for most of them. Psychologists have noticed that the following moral traits often prevail in the content of adolescents’ self-esteem: honesty, kindness, justice. A high level of adolescent self-criticism allows one to recognize one’s own negative qualities and realize the need to get rid of them.

During adolescence, an adult occupies a very special place in a child’s life. This is due to the specifics of adolescents’ perception of the appearance of other people. And already because of perception, as well as understanding of another person, a teenager understands himself. Psychologists argue that for adolescents, the image of a perceived person is mainly based on the elements of appearance, physical features, and then hairstyle, expressive behavior. With age, the adequacy and volume of assessed signs increases in children; the range of concepts and categories used is expanding; categorical judgments decrease, and greater versatility and flexibility arise.

During adolescence, girls' overall self-esteem is significantly lower than that of boys. This trend is directly related to self-esteem of appearance.

Self-esteem of a teenager's personality

It is known that normal self-esteem can be formed in a team, where there is equal approval and constructive criticism. It is very important to realize that the inquisitive mind of a child, based on personal relationships with others, learns the world, and also realizes its exceptional individuality. Finding yourself in a difficult situation social group, the teenager has a desire to have a certain position in the system of personal relationships. If a teenager fails to join the structure of the team, then children often take their failure hard, but unlike adults, they try to fix everything. Such difficulties are most acute in adolescents.

Parenting manners, living conditions, social background— has its own influence on the realization of the desire for communication. It follows from this that the satisfaction of the need for communication by different children is realized differently. For a number of reasons, feeling inappropriate, a teenager’s self-esteem experiences a negative transformation.

Each teenager in the team experiences his own unique situations that form a psycho-emotional image and contain an idea of ​​his personality. Developing a teenager's self-esteem can help avoid internal conflicts. A teenager takes the path of antisocial behavior during the period of searching for a place in life and society. This period is characterized by not fully formed moral positions. This period includes adolescence, when internal rebellion is noted, turning into an external challenge. If this protest is not detected in due time, and if teenage energy with raging hormones is not channeled in the necessary direction, then you can get into a lot of trouble. Great importance in definition life path provides support to loved ones, as well as self-confidence.

If a child feels useless, as well as useless to society and parents, then all moral and ethical standards and public institutions will not lure him “to the side of the world.” Thus, society gets a destructive teenager.

In this situation, a confidential conversation, as well as normal self-esteem formed in time, will help to avoid problems in the transition period.

Adolescence is a difficult period for both the child and his parents. The time is coming to reassess values ​​and destroy some stereotypes. At this moment, it is very important to help the child correctly assess his personality.

Parents must make a lot of effort to ensure that their child’s transition from the child world to the adult world goes smoothly. This article will tell you how to raise self-esteem for a teenager.

Is the child confident in himself - defining signs for parents

Childhood passes, the child begins his acquaintance with the adult world, where everything is not always smooth and beautiful. During this period, the child evaluates his personality. It is influenced not only by parents, but also by peers, classmates and friends of the teenager.

Low self-esteem in a teenage child is a consequence of excessive criticism. He doubts the significance of his own personality, does not believe in his own strength, is shy and is in constant tension.

The main difficulty for parents at this time is recognizing low self-esteem in a teenager. Many children carefully hide all their experiences from adults. Of course, an attentive parent will be able to find out whether everything is in order with his child’s self-esteem.

To clarify the situation, adults should familiarize themselves with several signs indicating a low assessment of a teenager’s personality:

  • the teenager has poor contact with peers due to fear of being ridiculed;
  • the child experiences panic and high anxiety;
  • the opinion of others is of great importance for a teenager;
  • a teenager does not want to learn something new because he is afraid of failure;
  • a child with low self-esteem has a role model among his peers;
  • The teenager explains any success he has by chance;
  • the child categorically does not want to take part in school activities;
  • the teenager does not want to go out with friends; it is better for him to spend his free time alone;
  • The child hides his worries, experiences, successes or failures from adults and does not want to tell his parents anything.

If you observe one or two signs from all of the above in your child, then there is no reason to panic. Just watch him for a while. Help for a teenager is necessary when he has three (or more) signs of low self-esteem.

Parents must understand that a late reaction to the first signals of a teenager’s low self-esteem can lead to serious consequences when the child will have to visit a child psychologist.

In order to properly deal with low self-esteem in a teenager, you need to know the reasons that provoked its appearance. The assessment of a child’s personality decreases under the influence of such factors:

  • improper upbringing, constant criticism from parents;
  • low authority of the child among friends and peers;
  • poor performance at school, negative attitude of teachers;
  • personal characteristics of a teenager;
  • the child’s appearance, his physiological factors (excess weight, wearing glasses, untidiness).

How to Help Your Teenager Improve Self-Concept

So, if you notice a tendency towards low self-esteem in your child, try to correct the situation yourself. Parents must understand that their influence on the assessment of the child’s personality is enormous.

If close people do not see merit in a teenager and constantly criticize and scold him, he becomes withdrawn, shy, and unsociable.

And vice versa, when parents constantly support a teenager, are attentive to him, pay attention to his successes, and approve of good deeds, the teenager feels his personal significance, his self-esteem returns to normal.

During adolescence, the assessment of a child’s personality is influenced to a certain extent by his friends and peers. Parents should take this into account and make every effort to ensure that the formation of self-esteem in a teenager takes place in a positive way.

To help a child increase his self-esteem, adults should follow these recommendations:

  • Do not criticize appearance under any circumstances child, but be sure to try to help him in solving problems: if a teenager is overweight, parents should motivate him to play sports together; if a child develops acne on his face, it is necessary to help him choose the right skin care products;
  • parents should respect their child, listen to his opinion, do not humiliate him and talk to the teenager as equals;
  • a teenager needs to be constantly praised, but only to the point and constructively;
  • Don't compare your child with others children, set one of his friends as an example;
  • The appearance of a teenager must be carefully monitored: the child must wear clean clothes, choose his own style of clothing, parents must teach the teenager to correctly combine elements of clothing;
  • adults need to help teenagers succeed in some matter, it is correct to develop his hidden abilities and talents;
  • a teenager should be able to say “no”, this will help him consolidate his position in society and increase self-esteem.

In psychology, there are special exercises and techniques that help increase a teenager’s self-esteem:

  1. Autotraining. A teenager must convince himself that he is worthy of the respect of other people. To do this, you can print a text of praise on a large Whatman paper and hang it on the wall in the children's room. The teenager needs to repeat these words daily, in the morning in front of the mirror and in the evening before bed.
  2. Communication for good. An insecure teenager should communicate as much as possible with positive, joyful people. He needs to meet more often with friends who love and appreciate him for who he really is. But there should not be selfish and arrogant people around a teenager.
  3. Reaction to praise. The child needs to be taught to correctly perceive praise and compliments addressed to him. It is better for him to respond to all laudatory speeches with a short “thank you,” but never deny the spoken praise.
  4. Helping others. You can bring a teenager’s self-esteem back to normal by attending various charity events with him. By helping other people, a child feels important to society and his self-esteem increases.
  5. Fighting Fears. During adolescence, a child develops a large number of fears. Basically, he is afraid of seeming ridiculous and funny in the eyes of others. Parents should help the girl or boy realize that looking funny is not so scary. And the best way to do this is to create a game model of a situation in which the child will need to face his fear. For example, you can invite a teenager to take part in a humorous performance, dressing up in an absurd and funny costume.

How to raise your teenager's self-esteem on your own

To the girl

  1. Choose your style. You shouldn’t blindly follow fashion trends and fill your wardrobe with things that don’t suit you at all. You must have your own individual clothing style. It will be unique and will definitely give you confidence.
  2. Pay attention to your interests. If a teenage girl wants to dance, then this desire must be realized. Now many schools have special dance clubs where you can learn a new sport, dance movements, and painting techniques.
  3. Take care of your personal hygiene. In order for your self-esteem to be at a high level, you need to regularly monitor your personal hygiene and take care of your body. Brush your teeth daily, wash your hair and comb your hair regularly.
  4. Wear neat and clean clothes. The things you wear need regular care. They need to be washed as they become dirty, stains removed, and wrinkled areas smoothed out. Clothes should fit your size and not restrict your movements.
  5. Play sports. Regular sports activities help a girl build a figure, feel energetic and healthy. Choose the optimal sport for yourself (running, jumping, squats, swimming) and practice it regularly.
  6. Make your diet balanced. Proper nutrition will help you feel healthy, improve your mood, and give you more energy.
  7. Self-training will help you become more confident. Every morning, say the magic words in front of the mirror: “I am beautiful, I am attractive, I love myself, and others love me.” If you remind yourself of these real things every day, you will soon be able to believe what you say and improve your self-esteem.


  1. Achieve your goals. Teenage boys dream of being better and more successful than their peers. To do this, they don’t need to know how to fight at all. You can achieve success by doing something worthwhile and important. For example, learn to improve your body by exercising regularly. Try to study well, get high grades in your subjects. Any achievement is your reason to be proud!
  2. Develop a sense of responsibility. The ability to be responsible for your words is a good trait for any guy. A sense of responsibility will help you cope with many problems and difficulties.
  3. Become a volunteer. You can increase your self-esteem by helping people in need. Get involved in volunteer activities, just help an old neighbor or homeless animals. Small noble deeds like these will help you feel important.
  4. Find yourself some good friends. It is much easier to deal with difficulties if you have loyal and reliable friends nearby. It's good if they have the same interests as you. Don't be friends with those who lower your self-esteem or think badly of you.
  5. Be assertive. To gain self-confidence and increase self-esteem, you need to learn to follow your desires and not allow others to push you around. Don't be afraid to express your opinion in the presence of classmates and peers. You shouldn't feel guilty when you refuse someone's request.
  6. Try to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep during adolescence can negatively affect your health in later years. In addition, lack of sleep will affect your self-esteem. You need to allocate at least 8 hours of sleep per day.
  7. Don't strive for perfection. Ideal is a conventional concept that doesn’t really mean anything. Trying to be perfect will only cause you to experience more disappointment, which does not help improve your self-esteem.

A teenager who knows how to correctly assess his personal characteristics will achieve greater success in life. Self-confidence will help him in the future to establish relationships with good people, avoid bad companies and achieve all his goals.

During adolescence, a child must receive the necessary support from adults (parents and teachers) in order to successfully transition from childhood to adulthood.

Video: How to Increase Self-Esteem



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