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Charms for good trading. DIY money bag. Talisman stones for successful trading

For a person whose profession is directly related to the sale of goods, that is, with trade, it is useful to have a talisman for trade. Yes, in magical practice there is such a thing. Even in matters of doing business, it is convenient to rely not only on yourself, but also to receive the support of higher powers.

What kind of talisman is there for trading?

To begin with, it is worth saying that magic talisman Any item that brings you extra profit can be any item, it can be a simple everyday item.

It is only desirable that the person work on this item with his own hands, because during such work the human energy enters the talisman and, in fact, this is what makes it magical.

And during such labor and manual modification of the talisman, it is better to think about the future and such desired profit, thus, you charge the talisman to attract monetary energy.

Is it possible to buy a ready-made talisman?

You can also buy a ready-made amulet for sale in a store. But choose a trusted place for this, consult a master of magic who will tell you where to buy such a talisman.

But even if you purchased a ready-made amulet, it is important to clear it of unnecessary information and then activate it specifically for your future profit.

How to properly clean and activate the talisman?

It is important to carry out the ritual for cleaning the amulet on the night of the full moon, best time for this it is twelve o'clock at night. It is believed that this time of day is effective for asking the Universe for money in one way or another.

After this, it will be useful to charge the talisman from the planets. To do this, you need to place it so that it is in the moonlight; it must lie there for one moonlit night. After a night with the moon, the amulet for trade must also be betrayed sunlight. Let him stay in the sun for one day.

Talisman money bag for trade

Here is an option for creating a very simple amulet with your own hands for growing profits, it is called a money bag. It is suitable for all people who would like to improve their financial affairs by increasing product sales. In order to make it you will need:

  • A small piece of cotton fabric, preferably red.
  • Red needle and thread.
  • Aromatic food spices. Alternatively: allspice, Bay leaf glasses, mint, a little fennel, a little rosemary, cloves, this list can be supplemented with any of your favorite spices.

First you need to sew a small red bag. This must be done on the new moon, after the sun has set. Hide the finished red bag in a secluded place, let it lie there until the next evening.

Of course, it is very important to create such a bag in a good mood with thoughts about big and so desired money, because you are sewing a talisman for yourself. money luck! And the mood you are in during creation will be reflected in the action of the talisman.

A conspiracy for trade: so that the goods are sold out.


Very strong conspiracy for trade.

Conspiracy on good trade in the shop

During the next evening, take the bag out of the hiding place and fill it with fragrant spices, there should be equal amounts of each seasoning. When you add each of the spices to the bag, say the following words: “I am leaving this wonderful herb here, but by God’s decree, may good luck and luck be with me.”

After this procedure, when the bag is full of spices, tie it and read one of the Orthodox prayers over it. But at this stage the amulet is not yet fully prepared; now it must lie for three nights in the open moonlight on the windowsill.

After this, your talisman comes into effect. It is advisable to take it with you to work at all times. It is also very useful to leave a talisman among it while you are near the product so that it recharges the product for sale. But don’t forget it there, take it back with you.

Coin for better trading

And here is another simple, but very effective talisman for growing profits, which you can create with your own hands. For six days you need to put away the coins that will remain with you after the working day. This first day should coincide with the first days of the new moon. When the morning of the seventh day comes, you need to take all the coins that you managed to collect and buy yourself something that you like, it should be something small. It could be a keychain, a notebook or some jewelry.

The money that is left over from purchasing the item must be thrown away at the first intersection on the way from the store. In this case, they need to be thrown over the left shoulder. When you throw change over your left shoulder, say the following phrase: “I pay until the end. Let it be so". After this, you can no longer talk to anyone on the way home. As you already guessed, the thing you bought for this little change will become your amulet in trading matters. This item should be stored at your place of work, close to the product, but so that the item is not very noticeable to customers.

Stones as a talisman for profit

One of the stones could well be a talisman for trade. However, not every pebble is suitable for this important role. Let's look at those stones that will cope with this task:

  • Agate. This stone is not only beautiful, it is also unique for business people in that it can protect them from dishonesty in business relationships.
  • Almandine. You should choose this stone as a trading amulet if you want good, grateful customers to appear in your life more often.
  • Ruby. This is a precious stone, there is a clear association with wealth, and it is so, because this stone will contribute to the accumulation of capital.
  • Tourmaline. This black stone will also help attract more good, grateful customers to your business; tourmaline works especially well; if you turn to it for support just before starting some important business in trading, it will definitely help you.
  • Aquamarine. This pebble, like a talisman, will work to increase the seller’s self-confidence, which will result in growing profits.
  • Chalcedony. Conflicts in trade are typical and very unpleasant. So, this pebble will allow you to solve business issues as gently as possible, without turning them into difficult ones. stressful situations. It will also help attract completely new buyers to the business.

These are the amulets for better trading, which you can easily create with your own hands. Stones can be included in some decoration. These stones can act as talismans for trading either completely independently or as an addition to some other amulets that you have created with your own hands.

Trade has always been considered one of the most widespread areas, and each of us is somehow involved in this area. Even if a person does not work directly behind the counter, the sale of personal belongings, a car, an apartment or some other property is common. Despite the various “hypostases” of traders, they are always united by one single desire - to sell. And I want to do this with maximum benefit for myself. In trade, as in many other areas, along with business qualities, experience and professionalism, there are luck and luck. A strong conspiracy to trade, as well as other rituals for good luck in this matter, are designed to increase trade turnover, increase profits and speed up all these processes as much as possible.

Prayers and conspiracies for trading, like other types of magic, have their own distinctive features and features.

In particular, this concerns the organization of the process of performing the ritual itself.

It is very important to consider the timing of the trading ritual.
It is best to make the most powerful trading spell during the daytime: at dawn, at noon or before sunset.
Spells and prayers for success and luck in the trading field should be performed during the waning month.
Like many others, strong rituals for getting rid of something (in this case we are getting rid of goods) must be performed in given time.
The spell for good trading should be read on Wednesday or Saturday if you are performing any specific ritual.
If this concerns a simple spell or reading a prayer, then it is advisable to do it immediately after a successful transaction.
There must be faith in the effectiveness of the ritual.
Whatever ritual you do, be it prayers for successful trading, rituals for money or rituals for a mirror, the success of the entire event directly depends on your belief in the effectiveness of magic.

As you can see, making successful trading spells is not so difficult. The rules and recommendations are quite simple, and following them will make the rituals not only effective, but also effective.

All that remains is to choose the right spell and conquer new customers.

Ritual for successful trading

A conspiracy for successful trading will help improve the workflow, increasing profits from sales and attracting new customers. It is very important to perform this ritual during the waning month: at other times the ritual may not work. To do this you will need an old rag.

During the daytime, dust off your work area with a cloth and say:

“Dashingly beggarly, dashingly unsaleable, don’t touch me, don’t touch my goods!
Away from me, away from here along the water, through the forest, through the swamp,
Don’t invite me with you, take the dead crayfish and lie under a snag.
So that I don’t experience poverty, so that my goods don’t stay stale,
I send away poverty and misery, I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag!
Strength, water, language.

This ritual attracts good luck in trade transactions, and begins to take effect immediately after completion.

Ritual for money

This spell for good luck in trading should be performed directly in the hall where the goods are located.

To do this, you will need a medium denomination coin, which should first be dipped in eucalyptus oil.

In the center of the hall, read the conspiracy to trade:

“I give tribute to trade roads.
As soon as you accept my money, you will send me good luck!
So that trade goes uphill, customers come in droves,
Yes, they bought everything, they didn’t spare money, they didn’t leave without shopping.

Just try to ensure that if someone picks up the coin, that person is a client. Do not remove it yourself.

Ritual of baptism of goods

If business is not going well and the product is not selling, spells for successful trading will help correct the situation. This ritual is very powerful and must be performed at dawn before the store opens. To do the ritual, you will need a small mirror. A handbag option is also perfect.

Holding the mirror in your right hand, cross each counter three times, repeating the words of the spell:

“I baptize the goods, I baptize them for sale!
So that you can see the reflection of your product like in a mirror,
It looked so good and the client liked it!
So that the first one who comes buys, the second one buys,
I bought the last one too!
And no one left me without buying something!”

As a rule, this is enough to attract good luck and sell the product.

Conspiracy to trade in salt

It is advisable to do a conspiracy for good trading using salt in the first months after the start of trading activities.

At this time, you build the energy field of your business, attracting good luck and wealth.

You need to perform this ritual for seven working days in a row.

When going to work, take a pinch of salt with you and, before reaching a few meters from the entrance, throw it over your left shoulder with the words:

“I read a spell for trade, I spell salt!
Where the salt falls, clients will come to me!
No one will leave without purchasing, everyone will leave happy!

When throw away the salt and say magic words, go to work without looking back. This conspiracy for trading begins to take effect almost immediately, and the first results will be noticeable within the next few days.

However, to consolidate, you need to repeat the ritual for six more working days in a row.

Rite of surrender

Sometimes it happens that the buyer leaves you the change. Naturally this is not large sums, but a trifle. But if you read this little thing correctly and effective conspiracy for good trade, then this money will attract new buyers, and, accordingly, new money.

If someone left change, do not use it at work, but take it home in the evening. At home, by candlelight, read the words of the spell for change:

"The month is full, average month and young!
Give me a treasure out of a penny.
When my mother gave birth to me, she swaddled me in the first diaper,
So you, too, give me a great treasure!

You need to repeat the words of the prayer three times, after which the money should be put in your wallet and kept there as a talisman. This trading spell will help improve your financial situation, attract new buyers and good luck in business.

Conspiracies for successful trading considered effective and effective method to bring good luck in this matter. It is best to perform such rituals and read prayers during the waning month. The choice of rituals for good trading is very wide: this includes the magic of a Siberian healer, spells on a mirror, and strong rituals for money.

It is very important to believe in the successful resolution of all problems and high efficiency magical influence. Otherwise, magic may not only not work, but also cause harm in your affairs.

If you are engaged in selling goods by virtue of your profession or are business person, then you should first of all be concerned with the question of how you can improve trading and achieve greater profitability.

Doing this using traditional methods is not as easy as it seems at first glance, since luck is very important in this matter. It is in such situations that money amulets will come to the rescue, capable of improving your trade and increasing sales. Many of them are quite easy to create with your own hands.

Types of talismans

Almost any thing can become a magical item that brings you good luck in financial matters: natural material in the form of wood or a natural mineral, or a man-made amulet of various composition and type.

It should be understood that it is best to create such an amulet with your own hands, since only in this case the item will initially not only have part of your energy, but also the right attitude towards solving your problem, in this case - to increase the level of sales and receive the corresponding profit .

If you decide to purchase such a talisman, we advise you to choose a trusted store or craftsman who can create a truly effective one. money talisman for you personally. In addition, do not forget that such an item must be subjected to a cleaning and activation procedure, otherwise the amulet simply will not have enough magical powers to achieve your plans.

All procedures and rituals associated with the creation and consecration of money amulets should be carried out on the night of the full moon, preferably at exactly twelve o'clock at night. In this case, the night celestial body will be able to give your talisman for successful trading the greatest power.

In addition, it is very good if you decide to charge the item you are creating with the power of the celestial planets: to do this, just leave the talisman in the moonlight for one night, and the next day do a similar manipulation, but in the warmth of the sun.

Money bag

This trading talisman is quite easy to make with your own hands for any person who needs help in solving financial problems and increasing product sales. To make it you will need the following items:

  • Some new natural cotton fabric in red.
  • Needle and thread.
  • Sets of aromatic spices: for example, cloves, allspice and bay leaves, as well as fennel, mint or rosemary.

The ritual of creating a talisman for trade should begin by making a fabric bag. To do this, you need to wait for the new moon and sew such a bag on its first day. The procedure should be performed after sunset, and the finished bag should be allowed to lie until the next evening in a quiet, empty hiding place.

The next evening, you should fill this red bag with all the prepared spices in equal proportions. For each pinch taken, the following words should be said:

“I put the miraculous herb according to God’s decree, commanding myself for luck and good fortune. So be it. Amen".

When finished, tie the neck of the bag and read over it Orthodox prayer. Such an amulet for trading should be charged moonlight for three days, leaving it on the windowsill where it will be illuminated by the light of the planet. It is best to carry out such a procedure precisely during the period when the month takes on the appearance of a full circle, then it will be able to fill the talisman with its power most fully.

Only after the full range of magical actions is completed is this talisman for successful trading considered ready for use. You can either carry it with you all the time or leave it periodically among the goods that need to be sold.

Coin for good trade

Another effective talisman for increasing sales and profits will be a charmed coin, or rather the item that you buy with it.

To do this, you should set aside small coins that are left over from your daily trading activities for six days, and such collection should begin on the first day of the new moon. On the seventh day, you should take all the small change you have collected and buy something for yourself that you like: it can be a small keychain or a beautiful Notebook.

The remaining money should be thrown away on the way from the store where you made the purchase at the nearest intersection. You should definitely throw them over your left shoulder, while saying the following phrase:

“Paid in full, paid for everything. So be it".

Next, you should immediately go home, without looking back and without speaking to anyone along the way. The item that you purchased with enchanted coins will become your talisman for successful trading: keep it at your workplace or on the sales floor out of reach of buyers.

Amulets stones

In addition to the man-made talismans described above, natural talismans also have a very positive effect on the process of selling goods, but you should approach their selection very carefully. Not all minerals are able to cope with the role assigned to them as a talisman for trade.

If you decide to acquire just such an amulet, we recommend that you pay attention to the following natural precious and semi-precious stones and minerals:

  • Agate. This beautiful stone has a very important function for business and trading people: it can reliably protect you from intruders and dishonest business partners.
  • Almandine. Bring your trading some much needed luck. In addition, this stone will easily attract the best buyers and business partners to you. This unusual mineral is best worn as part of a ring or pendant so that it is always with you.
  • Ruby. This stone can strengthen your protection from the machinations of enemies, and will also contribute to a rapid increase in capital.
  • Tourmaline. This black stone will help you increase the turnover of your business and successfully attract many new customers. This stone manifests itself especially strongly if there is any specific task that requires a successful outcome: take such an amulet with you to business meeting to conclude a contract on favorable terms for you.
  • Aquamarine. This beautiful stone can increase your self-confidence and, accordingly, attract more paying clients. If you get a pendant with this mineral, you will always make a good impression on people.
  • Chalcedony. This amulet stone will protect you from possible misunderstandings and strife. In addition, it can help you not only attract new customers, but also make them regular or wholesale, which has a very beneficial effect on the business as a whole. If you decide to engrave such a mineral, then give preference to the image of a horseman with a spear: then the properties of this stone will also add to attracting good luck to your side.

All these stones can be used as an independent amulet, or as an addition to those you already use. Often such stones are included in jewelry.

Why are large aquariums with goldfish or fountains often installed in large shopping centers? For beauty? May be. But first of all, they attract customers and help successful trading. A talisman for trade can be seen in every small shop or outlet. These are coins on a red thread, figurines of pot-bellied Chinese deities or frogs.

Any item can serve as an amulet for successful trading if you set it up correctly. You can make such a guard yourself from scrap materials. Homemade magical accessories have special strength and power.

What does a trading talisman do?

Talismans and amulets for trade have been used by people since ancient times. They are made with their own hands or using ready-made symbolic objects.

How does a talisman work for good trading:

  1. Attracts buyers.
  2. Increases profits.
  3. Protects owners from scammers and thieves.
  4. Promotes successful competition.

To make talismans, natural materials are used - stone, wood, metals. Red, brown, green and gold colors help to attract money luck. They symbolize leadership and material well-being.

Talismans are objects with positive energy. They do not contribute to dishonest transactions or deception of buyers.

Popular amulets for good luck in trading

The influx of visitors and good profits are ensured with the help of mascots. You can buy them in any esoteric shop or make them yourself. The following amulets are very popular among retail outlet owners:

  1. Feng Shui items - coins on a red string, coin tree, frogs, figurines of deities, incense, hieroglyphs.
  2. Runes, runic staves. To attract financial luck, the symbols Yera, Fehu, Dagaz and their combinations are used. Signs are applied to wood, metal or paper.
  3. Precious and semi-precious stones. Stones have special natural powers and often serve as amulets for successful trade deals and attracting wealth.

Any item can become a talisman for good trading if you give it such powers and believe in its power. Do-it-yourself amulets are saturated with the energy of the owner, therefore they have much greater strength than store-bought ones.

Any amulet must be activated and charged before use. To do this, you can use universal conspiracies, slander and prayers.

How to properly make and charge an amulet

In order for trade amulets to work at full potential, they must be made correctly. The work of amulets is aimed at accumulation, therefore practicing magicians recommend making them during the lunar growth phase.

The following rules will help you make amulets for trading with your own hands:

  1. Select and prepare materials for the talisman in advance so as not to interrupt work.
  2. Make an amulet for trading alone.
  3. On the eve of the ceremony, fast for three days and do not drink alcohol.
  4. Make an amulet in beautiful clothes with good mood and clean, positive thoughts.
  5. Charge the amulet after making it.

When making a talisman, you need to say to yourself or in a whisper what it should do (attract clients, good luck in trading, protect owners from deception, etc.). Handle the future magic item need to be respectful.

You can charge the amulet for good trade in a simple way. After making it, leave it at night near the window so that the object is illuminated by moonlight. In the morning, place the talisman in direct sunlight.

Collecting luck in a bag

Charms in the form of bags are very popular. A thick bag is a symbol of wealth. You can make a good trading amulet with your own hands within a few days.

They begin work on the first day of the new moon. Charge the amulet for work during the full moon.

What is needed to make an amulet

To make a small amulet-bag for successful trading, you need to prepare the following materials:

  1. A piece of red fabric.
  2. Red threads.
  3. Green or gold ribbon.
  4. Herbs and spices: cloves, bay leaves, allspice, fennel, mint and rosemary.
  5. Conspiracy words.
  6. The Lord's Prayer.

The spell and prayer must be learned by heart. To assemble the amulet you don’t need a lot of herbs and spices, just a few pinches or leaves.

The red color of the bag attracts good luck and money, protects against dishonest people. A green or gold ribbon complements the talisman with the energy of fertility and wealth.

How to make a talisman

It takes time to make a good amulet for successful trading and big profits. The procedure is as follows:

  1. First day new moon sew a bag from red fabric.
  2. On the second day, pour herbs and spices into the bag, saying the spell:

“By God’s decree, I put the miraculous herbs in a bag. They will bring me luck and good fortune. Amen".

  1. Tie the bag tightly with ribbon.
  2. Read the Lord's Prayer.
  3. When the full moon comes, place the bag on a saucer at night for three days in a row and leave it until dawn.

The light of the Moon and the power of its growth will give the talisman amazing power. His work will be noticeable immediately. Buyers will flock to the store in droves.

You can always carry the bag with you in your pocket near your heart or, if necessary, place it in the sales area near the product. So the money will go to the charmed money, that is, to your store.

Luck for small money

An ordinary ballpoint pen, a small doll, a keychain or a ring can serve as amulets for successful trading, the main thing is to buy it correctly.

A simple ritual that is performed during the waxing moon will help make a simple object magical. The period of the moon in growth has always meant addition and growth.

Amulets for trade

Protective amulet for trade

Talisman for trade

What is needed for the ceremony

To make a talisman for good trade out of an ordinary item, you need to magically prepare accessories:

  • small money (hard coin);
  • words of conspiracy.

The words of the conspiracy must be learned by heart. You can sight read but without any hitches or glitches.

How to perform the ritual

To obtain powerful talisman To successfully trade, you need to do the following:

  1. From the first day of the new moon, for six days, collect all the change that is given as change from purchases.
  2. On the seventh day, go to a busy shopping center with many shoppers.
  3. Use the collected coins to purchase any item you like (subject to the amount, you cannot add money).
  4. Throw the remaining change over your left shoulder at a crossroads.
  5. When throwing out coins, say the spell: “Luck was bought, paid in full. Amen".
  6. Follow home; you cannot turn around or talk to anyone along the way.

A souvenir, pen or notebook will become magical talisman, which will help you run a successful business, ensure a constant influx of customers and make a good profit.

You must keep the amulet with you at all times and not tell anyone about its power. If everyone knows where your luck comes from, it can jinx your profits.

Stones - amulets for trade

Each precious or semi-precious stone has its own special energy and power. Some stones can be used as amulets, enchanted for successful trading and attracting buyers.

The following stones can be used for trade amulets:

  1. Agate. Stone of honest people. It is very often used as a talisman. In trade, agate will protect against thieves, scammers and unscrupulous business partners.
  2. Almandine. A very beautiful and noble red or cherry stone. How a trade talisman will help in attracting regular, and most importantly, wealthy clients.
  3. Ruby. The gemstone is a symbol of wealth and leadership. Ruby helps to make good profits and accumulate money.
  4. Tourmaline. Red pebbles that play different shades in the sun attract wealthy clients and help in important financial transactions.
  5. Aquamarine. A talisman that gives confidence to the seller when working with the buyer, the store owner during negotiations with suppliers, etc. Helps to run any business successfully.
  6. Chalcedony. Red or brown chalcedony will become good amulet, which will protect against conflict situations in business. With its help, you can enter into money transactions with minimal risk and maximum benefit for yourself.

Stones-amulets can be used in their original form and included in jewelry. They can work independently or together with others money amulet, complementing his strength.

Before using the stone as a talisman, it also needs to be set up and charged. Before an important day or deal, you can hold a pebble in your hands, bring it to your lips and ask for help.

Water to activate stones

A simple ritual will help you charge the stone so that it becomes an amulet for successful trade and business. You can do it yourself, without outside help.

In this way, you can charge any talisman for trade, whether you make it yourself or buy it in a store. The main condition is that it is solid and water cannot do any harm.

What is needed for the activation ritual

To make the talisman active you need to prepare the following magical attributes:

  • pure water;
  • transparent container.

It is best to use spring water. She has special natural strength.

Sacred water or melted water is also suitable, but it needs to be spoken for cleansing. We pronounce the slander clearly and with faith in its power.

How to activate the amulet

The ceremony is performed on the first night of the new moon. It is important that it is bright Moonlight came through the window.

Charging the amulet for trading is very simple:

  1. Pour clean water into a transparent container.
  2. Place a container under the window so that the month is reflected in the center of the water surface
  3. Place the talisman in a container.
  4. Form a triangle from the index and thumbs of your right and left hands.
  5. Hold the folded fingers over the container with the item for five minutes.
  6. Always ask the Moon in your thoughts to endow the amulet with its power.

You can ask the moon using any words that come from the heart. The main thing is to do this respectfully and seriously.

A charged amulet for trade will begin to work very quickly. Already on the second day of the ritual, the influx of visitors with money will increase.

Rules for handling talismans

In order for amulets to work reliably and without failures, so that trade can be carried out continuously, they must be handled correctly. Practicing magicians give the following recommendations:

  1. Keep your talisman close to you at all times.
  2. Do not give amulets into the wrong hands, even temporarily.
  3. It is forbidden for competitors or ill-wishers to touch the item.
  4. You cannot tell anyone about making the talisman.
  5. Sincerely believe in the power of a magical object.

Trading amulets need to be charged periodically to help them function properly. You can use any activation method. Rituals are performed on the new moon and during the waxing phase of the moon.

A trading talisman will help attract new customers and conclude profitable contracts and deals. Any object can become a talisman, the main thing is to activate it correctly and believe in its magical properties.

From time immemorial, people selling various goods have been helped by conspiracies and signs for trading. Not only professional sellers resort to magic, but also ordinary people who want to sell some things. After all, as it says folk wisdom- Each product has its own merchant. And any merchant dreams of a buyer for his products appearing as soon as possible.

Sometimes, when selling a quality product at an affordable price, people pass by, but other sellers simply have no end to buyers. Talent, experience and sales skills play a big role in successful trading. But if you urgently need to implement something according to favorable price, then they will help folk signs. Trading subject to compliance simple rules will improve and the financial situation will become stable.

What are the signs of good trading?

The first thing you need to do when you come to the market or store in the morning and start laying out the goods on the counter is to say:

“The product is my face and I myself am great.”

To attract buyers, bring some salt from home and say:

“Walkers, travelers, come here, here is a place for you, food and water. Money for me, goods for you. Amen".

Throw the salt right hand over the left shoulder.

After selling any product, in its place place the thing that you have been wanting to sell for a long time. And in general, try to hang things that are on sale for a long time in front so that they are clearly visible to buyers. This will greatly increase the chances of selling them faster.

It’s good if the first buyer is a man. This promises successful trading for the whole day. If a woman makes the first purchase, then it is better to give change with her money rather than keep it for yourself. Otherwise, trading will be bad.

Often sellers, with the money received from the first buyer, spend on the remaining goods, thus attracting new sales. You can do this too.

It is believed that you need to give in to the first buyer, in which case you will sell more. Argue with your first client - bad sign, promising shortages.

If the first bill traded is large, then the day will be successful. But you shouldn’t pick up loose change that has fallen on the floor or ground, because it will cause losses.

Those who sell goods by weight can put a coin under the scales, which will attract money.

Do not let other sellers iron your goods with your hands. It is believed that they will take all the luck, then you certainly won’t have to wait for good trading.

The popular saying “You are greeted by your clothes” is familiar to us from childhood. This rule also applies to trade. To attract as many buyers as possible, you must choose the right wardrobe. Clothes should be clean, tidy and not flashy, but bright and provocative things are best worn for another occasion. Each seller also has lucky clothes, which they wore on those days when trade was especially brisk. People try to wear these wardrobe items to the market as often as possible, in the belief that they will attract more buyers.

If you finished trading at the end of the day, then it is better to leave the recalculation of profits until the morning, because counting money in the evening is Bad sign. At this time, the day is waning, and any financial transactions may cause losses. That is why after sunset you cannot lend, give away or count money.

Signs for successful trading say: when returning home from the market and meeting a beggar on the way, be sure to give him alms, saying to yourself: “May the hand of the giver not fail.” Remember that the good you do will definitely return.

If you want to always have money, then three days before the full moon, put the most money under the carpet. large bill, which one you have in the house. Let it lie there until the moon begins to wane. Then you need to get the money and take it to the others.

Conspiracies for good trading

Not only trading signs for the seller, but also special conspiracies will help you increase sales. There are many rituals to improve trading, but you should not resort to their help too often. Reading conspiracies while drunk or bad mood it is forbidden.

On Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday you can read the spell for grain. On this day, at least one of the items in your wardrobe should be yellow color. Take a handful of any grain in your hands, slowly pour it into a prepared saucer, while saying:

Pour the grain three times, reading the plot each time. Don't throw away the cereal, but give it to the birds.

A scarf spell is also considered effective. In the morning, when washing your face before going to the market, wipe your face with a handkerchief and recite the spell by heart:

You need to take the scarf with you to where you trade.

There are also trading conspiracies that need to be read every day. For example, every morning, upon arriving at workplace, first of all say:

“I’m starting to trade, convening money merchants.

Cash buyers will come and take all my goods.

I will not know shortages and losses,

I will always have plenty of money.

My wallet will be filled with money,

And luck and fortune are knocking on my house. Amen".

In order for conspiracies and prayers for good trading to produce results, remember that you need to live according to your conscience. Don’t envy other people, look at all events that happen positively, let anger and hatred never settle in your heart.

Video: signs for successful trading



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