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Turning to the President for help is more expensive for yourself! Where to go for help on human rights Allows a person to seek help

You can apply these tips in interactions with your family, at work, with friends, with strangers, or use these techniques in client-service situations. So what do you need to do to get help?

1. Show that you have tried to help yourself, but were unsuccessful.

People are more likely to come to the rescue of someone who has tried to solve a problem on their own before asking for help. (“I tried to Google...”, “I tried to restart the computer...”) Keep your request concise and concise. Imagine you are writing a list. Be specific.

It’s not very pleasant to give advice and see that the person ignores it and does everything his own way. People want to help those in whom they are confident. Otherwise, why would they waste their time and effort on you? So when you receive help from someone you plan to use again in the future, make sure they know that you acted on and appreciated their previous advice.

3. Plan your request time

Here's a personal example: My family likes to ask me to help them. That's why I introduced this policy - I only help from 7 to 8 pm every day. This way my work day is not disrupted and it is not too late to go to bed. This system works great and is suitable for everyone. If you don't know when is the right time to seek someone's help, ask the people you ask for a time frame. Instead of saying, “I would like to ask you for help,” ask, “What is the best time for you to talk to me about this?”

4. Use foot-in-the-door or door-in-the-face techniques

These tactics are considered manipulation and should be used with caution. The “foot in the door” technique - you make a small request that you know will not be refused, and then immediately ask for something more serious. The door-to-face technique works in the opposite way. When a big request is denied, you immediately ask for a smaller favor that seems more reasonable than the previous request. In addition, the person feels guilty and tries to help now with a minor favor.

Strangers are usually happy to lend a helping hand if asked

For example, you ask a friend: “Could you give me a car ride to the center?” He says: "No." Then you continue: “And to the nearest metro?” This method is based on a socio-psychological phenomenon - people tend to make a concession and agree to an unattractive offer if it is made to them immediately after they have refused another, more onerous request.

5. Don't let others guess whether you need help.

When you make a request, make sure the person knows exactly what you want from them. For example, if you need your spouse to show you what to do rather than just give you lip service, ask for exactly that. There are situations when you want someone to spontaneously offer their help. For example, when you drag a heavy suitcase down the subway steps. But you can ask for help yourself. Don't be shy, the more often you practice this, the easier it will be to do it in the future.

I have a child and we often travel together. And I've found that strangers are usually happy to lend a helping hand if asked. Sometimes strangers are embarrassed to offer help themselves or are too busy with their own thoughts to realize what you need. You've noticed that when we provide a favor or do something nice to strangers, it improves our mood. So by calling someone for help, you give them the opportunity to become a little happier.

6. Use multiple channels

If you call a customer service company, you may have to try several options at once to get what you need. For example, use not only the telephone, but also chat, messaging, personal meetings and social networks, depending on the situation. If you are unable to get through immediately or get a comprehensive answer to your question, hang up and try talking to another representative or switch to another customer service channel.

People are often lost when they need financial help and have no way to cope with difficult life circumstances. There are enough reasons why funds are required - the need for urgent treatment or rehabilitation, lack of funds for a child’s education and even food, loss of work, and so on. In such a situation, it is important to know who to turn to for financial support - paid and gratuitous.

Where to go when you need free financial assistance?

A shortage of money is often associated with job loss or insufficient funding from the state (for large families or people with disabilities). Under such circumstances, force majeure in the form of illness or other problems results in an acute shortage of funds. But what to do when financial assistance is needed free of charge? The following solutions are proposed here:

  • Contacting charities. The activities of such organizations are aimed at providing material and moral support to socially vulnerable individuals. As a rule, CFs help disabled people, families with a large number of children, and minor citizens. To get help, you need to select an organization, study its requirements, and then submit an application.
  • Special sites. When you urgently need free financial assistance, the option of a CF is not suitable. Its disadvantage is the presence of bureaucratic procedures and strict criteria regarding the recipient of funds. Ordinary people who are facing temporary financial difficulties will not be able to receive support.

An alternative is to contact wealthy citizens with a request for the required amount. To receive money, you need to go to the site and then create an ad. It may have the following content: “I need financial help, help me for treatment...” and so on. The essence and purpose of the appeal depends on the life situation. As for suitable sites, it is worth highlighting malodeneg.com.

  • Search for sponsorship. If a business idea has matured in a person’s head, he needs money to implement it. To obtain them, you should contact the state (issues grants) or private individuals. As in the previous case, it is worth finding thematic sites and creating an ad, briefly describing the essence of the idea. It is worth pointing out that a sponsor is needed for financial assistance to implement a particular project. It is important to note that such support is not provided free of charge, but under certain conditions.

What to do when you really need financial help?

If unforeseen events have occurred in your life, but there is hope for correcting a difficult situation in the future, you should use the following options:

  • MFO. The advantage of such organizations is the absence of strict requirements for clients and the issuance of money (in cash, on EPS, account or card) within 10-15 minutes after the application. Some companies work with borrowers who are currently in arrears on their loans.
  • Bank. This is a classic solution to financial difficulties, which is suitable for borrowers with a “clean” credit history. But if you urgently need financial assistance free of charge, banks (like MFOs) are no help, because you will have to pay interest for using the money.
  • Private person. If the options discussed above do not meet the conditions and requirements, the solution is cooperation with a private person. The advantages of the loan are the flexibility of lending conditions, a personal approach when drawing up a schedule and the possibility of receiving a large amount (subject to the provision of collateral). To find a lender, you should go to the “Message Board” on this site.

Regardless of the reasons that caused financial difficulties, it is easy to find a solution. It is important to determine what financial assistance is needed for, how urgent it is, and who can help. After this, you should choose the proposed options and act.

Help is assistance, support, participation of one person in the life of another. People ask for help when it is difficult or impossible to cope with life’s problems on their own.

Man is not omnipotent. Asking other people for help is natural and normal, it is a social skill. Don't be afraid to ask for help. But doing this is not always easy or simple. The need to ask for help sometimes causes a lot of stress.

When and how to ask people for help?

To ask or not to ask?

Why does one person ask for help without hesitation when he is too lazy to do something on his own, while another does not turn to people when it is absolutely necessary in difficult times?

The ability and ability to ask for help is formed (or not formed) as a social skill. This skill is acquired in childhood, when a child, having learned to speak, demands the benefits and attention of his parents that he needs. The child is taught to correctly ask for help from adults. The word “please” is the first “magic” word, the power of which a baby learns to use.

The ability to say to yourself and others “I am asking for help” depends. One individual takes the benefits provided for granted, while the other suffers need, being afraid to ask for help.

Shy, indecisive individuals are afraid to ask for help, especially from strangers. But the proud and arrogant believe that by asking for help, they will humiliate themselves and show incompetence.

People seek support when a problem becomes too difficult. The realization that outside help would be useful comes late.

Subjects who achieve personal goals at the expense of others use a request for assistance as a . In this case, a request is a means to force a person to do what the manipulator wants.

People feel awkward when they have to ask for help. There is a feeling of one’s own inferiority and the superiority of the person who helps. These feelings are due to prevailing stereotypes: a successful and independent person is on his own, and a loser begs for help.

If asking for help is perceived as a humiliating necessity, the individual should change his attitude towards support from other people.

Failure to ask for help can have irreparable consequences, especially if a person needs it urgently.

Often strong people endure physical or mental pain without turning to specialists who can help and without telling close relatives about it.

Special social institutions and services help in difficult and emergency situations, including providing emergency assistance. Every citizen should know where and what phone number or address to contact in case of a threat to life and health or if other people need help.

Algorithm for asking for help

Man is a social being. Society is built on the ability of people to interact. Help and mutual assistance are necessary and important social phenomena. An individual of any age, gender, social status has the right to turn to people for help. But it is not always possible to get help. How to ask for help correctly so that it is provided?

Algorithm of actions for someone asking for help:

  1. Awareness of need. Having become accustomed to being independent, people do not understand that they can and should ask for help, and sometimes this is the only way out of a difficult situation. Saying “I did what I could, but it wasn’t enough, so I’m asking people for help” is more difficult for yourself than for others. In emergency situations, such a decision must be made quickly.
  2. Formulation of the request. A person does not always understand how people can help him if he does not know what words to use to address them. When the subject experiences hunger, he will become aware of it and will ask a loved one to prepare food. Things are more complicated when a person feels and experiences previously unknown feelings, emotions, and needs. When a person is faced with the unknown, he first understands the situation and puts into words what is happening. We need to try to do this clearly so that people can help solve the problem.
  3. Finding someone who can help. They ask for help from a specialist whose professional responsibilities include providing assistance and support, from loved ones, relatives or strangers, depending on the situation.

Self-help is part of helping. No specialist can help a person who refuses to cooperate and assist.

You shouldn’t be embarrassed to ask for help, but you shouldn’t play the role of a “victim” in order to get the support you want.

  1. Actually a request for help. Convey a request for help in words clearly, briefly and politely, without unnecessary emotions. If the person being addressed agrees to help and asks to explain the situation in more detail, this should also be done calmly and with restraint.

A request made in a rude manner is perceived as a demand. I don’t want to fulfill such a request. There is no desire to help the person who asks dismissively or causes a feeling of guilt for not helping him earlier. People who ask too pitifully or in a panic also cause unpleasant feelings. Wanting to support another, you don’t want to “get infected” and “plunge” into negativity, since in such a state it is more difficult to provide the necessary support and assistance.

When an individual asks for help in a positive manner, containing pride and excitement, he shows strength, not weakness of character.

The fear of appearing stupid, incompetent, or inadequate leads to the fact that a person asks for help in an undesirable form and, as a result, receives a refusal.

How to accept help

After listening to the request, the helping person will assist in solving the problem in word and/or deed.

If the help was in action, then gratitude is expressed in words or in action. If support is provided in the form of hints, advice and recommendations, further actions are carried out independently by the individual who asked for help.

The help offered must be understood and accepted. It can be desirable and useful or undesirable and unacceptable.

To accept help you need:

  1. Listen to advice and recommendations. If assistance is provided by a specialist, it is better to write down the recommendations given so as not to forget anything. If this is a friendly conversation, it is better to discuss the issue of concern and find a solution together.
  2. Consider next steps. Based on the advice received, decide whether to accept help or not. Accept desired help with gratitude, and politely refuse unwanted help.
  3. Thank you for your help. You need to say words of gratitude after receiving help, regardless of how useful it was. Gratitude must be sincere.

People feel the desire to do something good in return, to help each other. If there is no such opportunity, there is no need to feel remorse. A heartfelt “Thank you!” will say much more than a gift or other gratitude.

When refusing unwanted support, it is better to politely say: “Thank you for your participation, but I do not need such help.”

Professional assistance is paid or provided free of charge. There is social and volunteer assistance. People who provide help on a voluntary basis or by vocation derive joy and pleasure from helping someone out in difficult times. They are pleased with the result of their work and positive changes in the life of another person.

When accepting help, you need to take into account the personality of the helping person, respect responsiveness and kindness.

It is wrong to expect support as a matter of course; you need to politely ask for it. An important aspect of relationships between people: they are able not only to receive, but also to provide help to each other.

When a loved one or a stranger asks for help, you should try to provide it, if possible. The humanity of each individual is a help provided to society.

You will need

  • - a copy of any document proving your identity;
  • - indicate the composition of the family at the moment (certificate);
  • - a document confirming the right to receive financial assistance;
  • - documents/certificates of income of each family member;
  • - a certificate from the employment service, since for disabled citizens it is necessary to officially have the status of unemployed;
  • - documents on living conditions (inspection/inspection report).


Contact your local Social Security office, as this is where you can get help. Material support is provided to persons who find themselves in a definitely difficult life situation. It can be provided both in cash and in the form of essential items. As a rule, you can apply for financial assistance only once a year.

In the form of allocation of funds, assistance is provided in the following situations:

Fires when housing and property were destroyed or damaged;
- spouses, children, as well as parents whose military relatives died;
- disabled citizens released from prison;
- poor and lonely people, as well as disabled citizens from low-income families;
- during a funeral. For those who did not work, are not pensioners, or at the birth of a deceased child.

In-kind material assistance (essential goods, including special-purpose vehicles):

Residents who are in difficult life situations;
- disabled people and those who care for them;

Assistance in the form of allocation of funds is provided by the “Social Protection Administration”, and in the form of in-kind assistance (essential goods) – by regional government agencies, as well as unitary enterprises.

Write a statement to a social institution, specifying in detail your family members, your and their income and property. Find out if your family or any of your close relatives have benefits, or if you receive social assistance.

Before contacting the Social Protection Department, prepare all available documents that officials may request. Usually, in any situation, documents about family composition and a certificate of residence are required. Social service employees can provide a complete list of required documents, although not in every department.

Wait for the decision on the allocation of financial assistance; it must be made no later than 10 days after the application is made and all necessary documents are submitted.

Payment of one-time financial assistance may not be provided if the citizen belongs to a preferential category, as well as if a one-time payment has already been made this year.

Please note

If the situation is extreme or force majeure, it will be necessary to provide evidence of the incident, since this is what may give a chance to receive financial assistance from the state.

Useful advice

Before you run to the Department of Social Protection of the Population, find the phone number and find out the reception hours, otherwise you may lose such precious hours on the road.

There are non-state funds to support various groups of citizens, look for them in your area - such funds can often provide more significant support.

There are situations in life when you cannot cope without outside help. For people who find themselves in a difficult financial situation, especially those who belong to socially vulnerable sections of society (young mothers with children, pensioners, disabled people), the state provides support. It should be taken into account that financial assistance, as a rule, is allocated one-time or annually (not more often) and on average amounts to one or two minimum wages established in the territory of the Russian Federation.


Contact your local Social Security office. For material you will need to provide justification. Namely: a certificate of salary for all members of your family, a certificate of family composition from the housing office, documents confirming your plight, for example, a doctor’s report and a list of necessary medications. You also need to bring to social security a copy of the pages of your passport with photo and registration and a copy of your savings book - financial assistance will be transferred to it.



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